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Weird Story Exorcism Reuted

Weird Story Exorcism Reuted


Tha Magiatar Hat the latarnational Nawa Sarvica (Wira and Mail), the N. C. W, C. Nawa Service (Includinc Radioa and Cablaa), Ita Own Special Service, All the Smaller Catholic Servicea, International lUuatrated Newa, and N. C. W, C. Picture Service. Listeningln CHURCH SURE BOOKLET TELLS Local Local WilKam E. Kerrish, noted New England convert, writ­ TO TRIUMPH IN Edition Edition OF FIGHT WITH ing in The Boston Transcript, THE quotes the following recent utterance of Pius X I : GERMAN FIGHT EVIL SPIRITS '*As Vicar of Jesus Christ, we pray for peace; we wish Pastoral Deplores Attempt of Nazis that together with the pres­ Possessing in Woman’s Body for 26 ervation of peace, the hopes, To Restrict Activities of REGISTER(Name Registered in the'U. $. Patent Office) Years Are Forced Out After Battle demands, and needs of a To Sacristy great and good people, m y VOL. XII No. 4 DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, JAN. 26, 1936 T W O CENTS Of Twenty-three Days people, may be recognized Amsterdam.— “ Catholics are certain of victory in the (By Matthew Smith) and satisfied, but always end,” says the Most Rev. 'Conrad Groeber, of Will Work in Solomon Islands “Begone Satan,” a pam- with justice and peace . . . was taking place. W e can Freiburg, Germany, in a pastoral that was read from all phlet giving the account of Without justice there is sin, understand this reticence in the pulpits of his diocese. an exorcism performed at and sin brings misery to peo­ view of the story told in the The Archbishop pointedly refers to the many abuses Earling, la.(in the Diocese of ples. Peace is the necessary pamphlet. It was necessary the Church is submitted to under the Nazi regime. There Des Moines), is the weirdest to battle the evil spirits for condition of all prosperity. was hope, he says, at the beginning of this last year, that and one of the most interest­ 23 days. The exorcism, The foundation of all good in the various disturbances would be only temporary, and ing documents we have ever this world comes from peace (Turn to Page 2 — Colum n 1) that eventually State and Church would co-operate peace­ read. It was written in Ger­ and ordeV.” fully for their common ends. “ But,” says the Archbishop, IQICyF IS DFAD man by the Rev. Carl Voegel Appointed Aide “ these expectations were not fulfilled throughout.” and translated into English Tuskegee institute reports He then insists that the Catholics should not be pre­ by the Rev. Celestine Kaps- that there were 20 lynchings vented from applying their own Santa Fe, N. Mex.— (Special) — ner, O.S.B. Published by in the United States in 1935. principles to the affairs of the ■world, thereby referring to the in­ Word was received by Archbishop the translator at, St. John's International Labor Defense numerable interferences with the R. A. Gerken of the death of the abbey, Collegeville, Minn., it Rev. Marcellus Troester, O.F.M., lists 24, the difference Jbeing Catholic press in Germany and bears the imprimatur of even with the teaching of Catholic Navajo Indian missionary with accounted for by a difference headquarters at St. Michaels, Ariz. Bishop Joseph F. Busch of of opinion in the classifica­ doctrine from the pulpits. He also protests that the Church should Father Marcellus’ death comes as St. Cloud, a nihil obstat of tion of the murder of four not be restricted to the sacristy in PLEl FOB EBDine a shock to the Archbishop and to the Rt. Rey. John P. Dur­ the Franciscan Fathers, because it share-croppers. The Labor its activities and denounces the ham, and the printed permis­ attempts to do away with all in­ was not known that he had been and Socialist. Press service unwell. sion of the Rt. Rev. Alcuin reports that 33 workers lost dependent Catholic organizations in Germany. He attendefl the convention of Deutsch, O.S.B., of St. OF PEBSEGOIION the Catholic Indifin Missionaries their lives in labor disputes 'National’ Church . John's. in the last year. Particular apprehension, the of the Southwest in Santa Fe last October, at which time he was Archbishop adds, is caused by the Mexico City.— A sweeping refu­ delegated to compile a catechism The pamphlet tells the efforts of those who are trying tation of the contentions brought Lynchings are simply mur­ to establish a national German and language book in the Navajo forth by President Lazaro Car­ tongrue. Father Marcellus was one story of the expulsion of pos­ der. As for deaths in strikes, Church that would be separated denas, when he denied their pre­ sessing demons from the from the Mother Church in Rome. of the few who mastered a most of them, we fear, fall vious appeal for a cessation of the knowledge of the Navajo langruage, body of an unnamed woman, into the same classification, They are mistaken, he says, who persecution of religion in Mexico “recognize religion only as the a result of his long years of labor who was taken to Earling, a and amendment of existing anti- (fO among them. although there is a right to devotion of man to his own people religious laws, is presented in a Father Marcellus Troester, 0. F. rural community, in 1928, to use violence when necessary and nation.” Catholics, he points The Rev. Henry Hebert, S.M., of Biddeford, Me., and the Most new petition the Mexican Bishops M., was bom in Cincinnati Sept. be relieved by the Rev. The- out, are only too willing to make Rev. Thomas J. Wade, S.M., Vicar Apostolic of the North Solomon for the protection of valu­ have delivered to the chief execu­ 19, 1878, and was ordained to the every sacrifice for their country, islands. Departure ceremonies were held in the Marist college, Wash­ ophilus Riesinger, a Capu­ able property against UN­ tive. priesthood in Cincinnati June 17, but “ they refuse to’ deify those In it, the Bishops assert posi­ ington, D. C., for Father Hebert, who is en route to the Solomon islands chin Father, who in recent JUST attacks. It cannot be values.” missions, in Oceania. He was among eight young men of the Society 1906. He was immediately sent tively that, despite all denials, reli­ to the Navajo missions, where he years has handled 19 cases The Archbishop injects a note of Mary, ordained last June in Washington at Bishop Wade’s first gainsaid, nevertheless, that gion, and particularly the Catholic remained until his death. He was of diabolical possession. No of optimism in this pastoral when ordination ceremonies. employers frequently go be­ religion, is being persecuted in so intent upon his work among the exorcism of a possessed per­ he says that contrary to predic­ their country, and that the su­ yond their just vights. Any­ Navajos that he allowed himself son is permitted without the tions “ Roman-Catholic Christian­ preme authorities have refused to only one trip back to his native body inclined to dispute this ity, particularly the Catholic Cardinal Presides at Rites render justice to the Catholic peo­ city in all the years, which was on permission of the Bishop; clergy, has not suffered in influ­ will have his eyes opened ple, who constitute 97 per cent of the occasion of his silver jubilee hence there is virtually no through reading “I Break ence, but has gained a new vital the population of Mexico, nor will in the priesthood in 1931. Few power and an even greater willing­ opportunity for hysteria or Mitt Jane M. Hoey, noted tocial Strikes: The Technique of the authorities give any reason DISHOP O’HARA INSTALLED have ever acquired better knowl­ worker of New York city, who hat ness to profess the faith. why the anti-religious laws should mistake in these strange in­ Pearl L. Bergoff,” by Ed­ edge of the Navajo people and their been appointed director of the “ It is not we who attack,” the not be amended. stances. language than Father Marcellus. Public Attittance bureau of the ward Levinson, a book ^pub­ Archbishop concludes, obviously The document first replies cate- He lived and sacrificed his life Federal Social Security board. lished by McBride in 1935. having in mind the recent allega­ goricaljy to 11 contentions set up AS SAVANNAH ORDINARY for them. • Mitt Hoey, who it a graduate of tions to the conti’ary of Gen. Her­ by President Cardenas in his reply The Iowa case attracted Trinity college, Wathington, it a mann Goering, Prussian Nazi Pre­ to the original petition, and shows attention both in the Cath­ An enormous group of or­ mier, “ rather we were attacked all of these contentions to be based Savannah, Ga.— ^The Most Rev. dies but also non-Catholics were member of the New York State olic and in the secular press Crime committion and the State ganizations, shows this book, and still are being attacked, but upon false premises. This is fol- Gerald P. O’Hara, for the last six charmed by his unpretentious and Law Is we demand justice.” ygfirs of Phila- simple ..manner. at the time it occurred, but Correction committion. She it a spends many thousands of l«med by three conclusicn*- attiLUlft: (Shortly before, His EmTiTeii'ce document ends with a petition for ■delpliua7wffs'installed as theiiinth '^You^TIrnaVe fibtic'ea^e'lai'ge it was prolwbly impossible former vice pretident of the Na­ tional Conference of Social Work, (Turn to Page 4 — Column 1) (T vm io Page 2 — Cohimn 7) relief and justice that lists eight Bishop of Savannah at the Cathe­ number of his fellow priests and then to get much information , Upheld in Suit and a former tecretary of the steps regarded by the Bishops as dral of St. John the Baptist here. of the Philadelphia laity who have about it. All that was cer­ Dennis Cardinal Dougherty, Arch­ accompanied him to your beautiful American Attociation of Social necessary to the restoration of Montreal. — »Canon law was Czechoslovak President Catholic bishop of Philadelphia, presided at and historic city of Savannah. This tain was that an exorcism Worker^. religious liberty in Mexico. again upheld, in a marriage an­ the ceretnony, which was attended tribute is -a slight mark ■ of the Cardenas Silent nulment suit heard in the Quebec . . „ . ^ , The document is dated Nov. 23, by 17 and Bishops, esteem in which they hold him. four , 15 Monsignori, and Superior court here. Justice For- UlStorians PraiSC LathollC Work GREAT VOTE IS CAST and, although it was delivered to We assure you there is nothing est, annulling a marriage perform­ about 200 priests, one of the larg­ the President the following day, that we would not gladly do for ed by an American justice of the he has maintained absolute silence est gatherings of prelates and him.” priests in the history of the Church peace, reaffirmed the principle that j regarding it and has not authorized The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph D. Catholics must be married in a c-' MISSIONS OF GEORGIA in the South Atlantic states. FOR DR. EDWARD DENES publication of the text in the press. Mitchell of Savannah, Vicar Gen­ cordance with Canon law. After waiting more than a month Bishop O’Hara was the celebrant eral of the diocese under Bishop of the Solemn Pontifical Mass. His The suit was taken by Mrs. M. and a half, in deference to the Keyes and the late Bishop Keiley, V. Formender, who testified that Prague.— An analysis of the blank ballots were castd)y German President of the republic, the Eminence, at the beginning of the delivered the address of welcome ARE SUBJECT OF BOOK Ma.ss and after the reading of the her former husband, Joseph Kar- election returns, which tell the nationalists. Bishops have only now made the to Bishop O’Hara, assuring him pati, persuaded her to go to Eliza­ Papal Bulls by the Rev. Harold J. Dr. Benes has achieved much in letter public. that Georgia has already taken him beth Town, N. Y., to be married story of the selection by the people Barr, Savannah, reviewed the dis­ New Y ork.— (Special)— The iest attention has been paid by his­ Ilf Czechoslovakia of Dr. Edward the field of international politics, to its heart and that he would find by a justice of the peace, and that such activities culminating in his tinguished career of the new Or­ in the state a most kindly feeling following review of “ The Spanish torians to Spain’s endeavor to push Benes, former foreign and Knights’ Organization dinary, who, he said, now takes Karpati promised that this would election as chairman of the as­ due among other things to the mag­ be followed by a ceremony per­ Missions of Georgia,” by John her outposts-northward from Flori­ a Catholic, as President of the re­ up the burdens laid down by the Tate fanning (Chapel Hill: The sembly of the League of Nations. Ai(Js 11th Orphan Boy nificent example of Bishops and formed by a Catholic . Jus­ da, but Mr. Lanning shows that public, reveals that not only was zealous, beloved Bishop Michael J. University of North Carolina the attempt, by means of missions, Dr. Benes’ victory decisive, but it Catholics, however, have had spe­ priests, to the work of the Cath­ tice Forest noted that the Ameri­ cial reasons for supporting him. K anos City, Mo. — The Keyes, whose resignation as a re­ press, $3) appeared in the book was determined and long-con­ surpassed even the record' of his olic Laymen’s association of can justice of the peace was un­ He was responsible for the modus Knights of Columbus Orphan sult of ill health followed 13 years review section of the New York tinued and, for as long as it lasted, immediate predecessor, Thomas G. Georgia, and to the loving, gentle, aware of the _ identity of the vivendi agreement with the Vati­ Sponsors, founded less than of devoted, fruitful service. Times. It is of particular interest of real consequence. Masaryk. (Turn to Page 2 — Column 6) persons he married. can, which pact has become a vir­ a year ago, are giving » IS- His Career Praised because it shows the trend of his­ Mr. Lanning has carried on his This is significant in view of the tual concordat. It is pointed out year-old Negro orphan boy an “ It would be an understatement torians in giving due, and much investigations in the archives' of fact that Mr. Masaryk has been here that its practical application opportunity to develop his de­ of fact to say that Bishop O’Hara Indecent Literature Banned fuller, credit to Catholics in the America, Spain, and Great Britain an exceedingly popular and promi­ has turned out to be much better, sire to enter the priesthood. gave full satisfaction during the settling and development of Amer­ and in the region along the coast nent figure in modern Czechoslo­ thanks to Dr. Benes and his asso­ Through the assistance of the nearly seven years of his Episco­ ica. of Georgia, where the missions vakian affairs and was affection­ ciates, than, for instance, the organization, the youth is re­ pate in Philadelphia,” His Emi­ Conviction Upheld Fifty years ago, historians re­ were established, and his account ately known as “ Daddy Masaryk.” functioning of the concordat with ceiving six months’ training nence said. “ He labored zealously, vealed the long story of the mis­ of them is a scholarly piece of In spite of this, however, he was Germany. from Msgr. J. A. Shorter of untiringly, and fruitfully. He en­ sions of the Pacific coast and the work, thoroughly documented with never able to muster a majority Dr. Benes is famous for the con­ Leavenworth. He is the llth joyed the admiration and affection By New York Court Southwest and the romantic part almost 50 pages of notes and pro­ such as that which has elevated clusion of several international orphan to be aided by the of his superior, of his fellow clergy, the padres who established them vided with nine pages of bibliog­ Dr. Benes to the presidency. For­ treaties with European nations. group. and of the laity. Not only Cath- had played in the beginnings of raphy, much of it from primary mer President Masaryk resigned New York.— The conviction of fight to sustain the views that we civilization in that region. Writers, sources in manuscript— colonial from his high office. two stationery store proprietors in hold in common concerning the in­ readers, and students of the his­ records, historical collections, old The election of Dr. Benes was Army Chaplain Tells of Conditions this city on a charge of selling decency of this and similar maga­ tory of the United States have not Spanish or French narratives— further .significant because the copies of an indecent magazine has zines and their unquestionable even yet become fully accustomed while the analytical index is nota­ margin of his victory was made been upheld m the New York state harmful effect upon the youth of to thinking of that colorful and bly full and satisfactory. po.ssible by an unprecedented unity court of appeals. our generation. vital chapter, so alien to the rest Confining his .study to the Jesuit and co-operation among Catholics RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION The case was originally tried in “ I heartily congratulate your of our story, as an integral part and Franciscan activities and throughout the republic. Dr. August, 1934, in the court of spe­ committee upon the interest and of our beginnings. And now achievements in Georgia during Benes’ candidacy, which was en­ cial sessions in Bronx county. The energy it has displayed in the comes this book to show how im­ the period from 1566 until the dis­ dorsed by former President Mas­ conviction was unanimously up­ public good, and I sincerely trust portant was the development on appearance of the last mission in aryk, was supported by all mem­ N E E D OF PHILIPPINES held by the Appellate division in that, armed with this decision, I our Southeastern Atlantic coast of 1689, with some following account bers of the coalition, and all the December, 1934. The defendants shall be able to make progress in a similar attempt by Spain to civ­ of the coming of the English, Mr. deputies and senators representing 'Toledo, O. — (Special) — The Karl J. Alter, Bishop of Toledo, ligious education for school chil­ carried the case to the court of upholding the ideals we discussed ilize and Christianize the Indian Lanning gives a full and authori- appeals. in 1934.” , natives. Hitherto, only the sketch­ Slovakia, including Hungarians great need for further religious in­ received from the Rev. John E. dren through a corps of catechists (TumtoPag§2 — Colum n i } and Catholic Germans. ■ The op- The storekeepers were charged struction facilities 'in the Philip­ Duffy, arrny chaplain at Fort Stot- he has organized around Fort pos'ing candidate — Dr. Bohumil pine islands, the capital o f which, senbufg in Pampanga, P. I. with violation of section 1141 of Nemic, professor at Prague univer­ Manila, will be the scene of the 23rd Stotsenburg. At the present time, the penal code in the course of a American *s Sainthood Cause Examined While 82 per cent of the 14,- campaign instituted in 1934 by sity and noted botanist— withdrew International Eucharistic Congress 000,000 Filipinos are Catholic,, he is giving the Holy Eucharist for on the eve of the election. The 44 in February next year, and many the New York chapter of the many of them, Father Duffy says, the first time to a large class of Knights of Columbus, in which votes pledged to him were from ex­ customs of the native Filipinos are can hardly be called practical children almost every week. A treme Czech nationalists, while 76 outlined in a letter the Most Rev. District Attorney Samuel J. Foley CONGREGATION STUDYING* members of the Church because group of German from co-operated. they have lacked the opportunity Angeles, Pampagna, assists the In a letter to Joseph F. Lamb, Penology Fails as Crime Curb of obtaining proper instruction in priest in his catechetical work. then chairman of the chapter’s matters of faith. In discussing Lenten customs in Catholic Interest committee, noti­ MOTHER SETON’S WRITINGS “ These people all know of the the Philippines, Father Duffy fying him of the court of appeals necessity for Baptism,” writes Fa­ writes that the observance there is action, Mr. Foley writes, in part: The Congregation of Sacred I of St. Ambrose’s college, Daven- Elizabeth Ann Bayley was born Reorganization of ther Duffy. “ They realize the nfeed “ I know that you will be happy not so vigorous as in the United Rites in Rome has begun an ex­ port, la. in Ner\N' York city Aug. 28, 1784, of a priest for marriage and in the States, since the penitential season to hear of the success which has amination of the writings of the daughter of Dr. Richard Bay- hour of death, but further than (Turn to Page 2 — Colum n 7) crowned our long and arduous ley and Catherine Charlton. Dr. Youth Work Planned that they are very hazy. Of the Mother Seton, foundress and first Bayley gained wide repute for his 97 couples I married so far this superior of the Sisters of Charity work as a professor in the medical year [1935], only 15 persons have New York.— Reorganization of the Division of Social Action, in the United States, in the cause school of King’s college, now Co­ made their First Communion. I Catholic Charities of New York. for her . The move­ lumbia university. Although her an important part of the recrea­ always insist upon an instruction Israel Conversion In a statement directing atten­ ment for the beatification of father was a follower of the free- tional work for youth in the Arch­ before marriage and succeed in diocese of New York was an­ tion to the decrease in the age level Mother Seton, inaugurated by the thinking school of Voltaire and among criminals, and declaring getting them to make their first late Cardinal Gibbons, has gained Rousseau, Elizabeth Bayley was nounced by Patrick Cardinal Confession and Communion. Group Founds Paper that penology has not thus far ap­ a tremendous following in the strictly reared as a member of the Hayes, Archbishop of New York. “ Many priests and nuns are A new body, to be incorporated preciably reduced crime. Cardinal United States, and her cause at Episcopalian Church. Catholics needed. It’s the only Christian na­ Kansas City, Mo.— (Special) — Sion.. Only one other miraculous Rome has made steady progress under the title “ Catholic Youth as­ Hayes declares that education were not allowed religious freedom tion in the Orient, and the Orient The Archconfraterjiity of Prayer conversion, that of St. Paul, Has under the direction of the Very in New York at that time. . sociation,” will absorb the activities alone cannot combat the subver­ is almost utterly pagan. sive influences attacking youth un­ for the Conversion of Israel It the honor of being mentioned in the Rev. Giuseppe Scognamillo, C.M., At an early age, Elizabeth Bay- and -personnel of the Catholic “ It is my belief that if we could Notre Dame de Sion institute, 3823 Breviary. Ratisbonne became a Boys’ clubs of the archdiocese, der social and economic conditions procurator general of the Vincen- ley became the wife of William provide these people with a thor- Locust street, here, has established priest, well known as “ Pere Marie." ttens. If Mother Seton is raised Seton, son of a wealthy New York . under the leadership of Daniel P. that have greatly increased lei­ o u ^ instruction in their faith and sure while decreasing “ the propor­ a little paper, Notre Dame de Sion, The new paper lists 18 Bap­ to the altars of the Church, she merchant and himself a prosperous Higgins, president, and other of­ weld the nation into a practical, to promote its work. Members tisms, of Jews recently reported to will be the first native-born citi­ ficers and directors of the older tionate number of active partici­ ship owner. Five children were living Catholicism, we would have pray for the conversion of the the sisters from different parts of zen' of the United States to be bom to the couple. American organization, which has a mem­ pants in joyful and healthy recrea­ more to hope for from missionaries tional pursuits.” Jews. Jan. 20 was the feast of the the United States. canonized. Her cause received shipping was injured by British bership of more than 1,500 boys coming from this Oriental nation apparition in 1842 of the Blessed Priests who join the archcon­ great impetus five years ago,* when and girls and extensive recrea­ “ One of the great problems fac­ tyrannies in the period after the in the conversion of the pagan East Virgin in S t Andrea delle Fratte fraternity promise to say one Mass 100,000 Americans signed a pe­ Evolutionary war and William tional facilities. Expansion of the ing the world today is the care and than from all the Occidentals that church, Rome, to the Jew, Alphonse a year for the conversion of Israel. tition asking favorable considera­ membership to a figure above 200,- careful guidance of the young,” Seton’s fortunes were ruined. At we may send there.” Ratisbonne, leading to his conver­ A plenary indulgence is attached tion of her virtue. The petition the same time, his health failed, 000 is sought. The new organiza­ His Eminence says. “ The world, Father Duffy is now achieving sion. This is the festal day of the to their celebration of Mass for was presented at Rome in July, tion will be under the auspices of (Ttfn; to Page 2 — Colum n i ) and he was forced to go to Italy remarkable success in providing re­ Congregation of Notre Dame de this purpose. 1931, by the Rev. Joseph B. Code Mother Seton (Turn to Page 2 — Colum n S) PAGE TWO THE REGISTER Sunday, January 26, 1936 WEIRD EXORCISM CASE Plan Catholic College Library CHURCH CERTAIH TO WIH RELATED IN PAMPHLET IS STOmillG liSTilLLED III ITS FIGHT IH GERMAHY name o f their supreme , (Continued From Page One) force to dislodge her from the (Continued From Page One) Joseph Cardinal Schulte^ Arch­ “Adolf Hitler.” Three battalions which was accompanied during wall. How she could cling there that period by almost incredible bishop of Cologne, found it neces­ gathered on the large square of the is a mystery explainable only by 'S S SE[ sary in an appeal to his priests to military barracks, all dressed in manifestations, took place in Sep> the fact of possession. * tember, 1928. warn the faithful against the “ dis­ full military regalia for the occa­ play of paganism that surrounds sion, while machine guns and other Suddenly, a loud shrill rent the (Continued From Page One) (Continued From Page One) you blatantly and full of hate, but war implements were displayed The possessed woman was af> in a vain attempt to save his life. air. To those in the room, it Christ-like zeal of Bishop Keyes. which ought not to disturb your around a log fire in the center o f flicted from her 14th until her seemed afar off; but, despite closed With him went his wife and daugh­ Christmas joy and should not de­ the court. At about the same time 40th year. According to the tes­ Bishop O’Hara expressed his windows, the noises rang through ter, Anna Maria, in 1803. He died ter you in your faith in Christ.” a regular army regiment staged a timony giren by the spirits them- profound gratitude to His Em­ the village and groups camp in shortly after arriving there. While parody of Christmas by dressing selres, her condition came as a inence for his great kindness in Pagan Winter Feast terror to the outside of the con­ his wife and daughter stayed in Space for 150,000 volumes and provisions for additional stack result of her being cursed by her coming to Savannah for the instal­ How far this paganism in Ger­ up “ Christmas angels” with steel vent. Some were unable to en­ Italy, they came under the influ­ space are provided for in the architect’s plans for the proposed Villa- helmets and having them appear own father, because she refused ence of the Catholic family of the lation ceremony. He paid a touch­ many is now being tolerated was dure the awful noises. Even the nova College Memorial library at Villanova, Pa. The edifice, which ing tribute to Bishop Keyes, who on motorcycles with a considerable to commit incest with him. She Filicchis, friends and benefactors alarmingly shown in a “ Winter nuns and the had to leave will cost about $300,000, will contain reading rooms, seminar rooms, he said “ has governed this diocese display of gun fire around a was taken to Earling for the exor­ of Mr. Seton. Solstice feast” replacing Christ­ the room occasionally to recuper­ faculty study rooms, special lecture rooms, and offices and work rooms with honor and fruitfulness.” Christmas tree. No steps were cism because it was desired to In Italy, Elizabeth, who had al­ mas, arranged by the storm troop­ ate, although the Capuchin went for the librai^ staff, according to a recent announcement by the college ers in Berlin carrying the very taken by any of the authorities to hare a quiet place. Permission on undisturbed. But several times ways been an intensely religious Prelate* Attending president, the Rev. E. V . Stanford, O.S.A. Members of the Hierarchy at the prevent these blasphemies. was secured from the pastor of St. he was twisted around like a whirl­ person, was drawn toward the ceremony in addition to His Em- All official Christmas manifesta­ Joseph’s church and from the wind. Church. After her return to New mother superior of the large com­ York, she studied further into the ince. Bishop O’Hara, and Bish­ Philippines Need tions in Germany were completely munity of Frsuiciscan Sisters who claims of the Church of Rome, and, op Keyes, included the Most Rev. devoid of the Christian spirit. By special permission. Father on Ash Wednesday, 1805, was bap­ John T. McNicholas, O.P., Arch­ Speeches were delivered by many teach in the school. The rites oc­ Tbeophilus wore a pyx containing I.ATE U . S. NEW S FLASHES curred in the conrent. This site tized by the Rev. Matthew O’Brien, bishop of Cincinnati; the Most More Instruction a Nazi chieftain, among them Dr. the Blessed Sacrament. Horrible pastor of St. Peter’s church in New Rev. Archbishop Edward Mooney, Goebbels and Rudolf Hess, but was selected because the demons excrements, obviously preternat­ hare the power to make manifest York. After her reception into Bishop of Rochester; the Most Rev. none of them referred to the Chris­ ural in their volume and filth, Beatification Centenary Planned President Alvaro Obregon, has as­ the sins of bystanders unless these the Church, facing poverty and Patrick Barry, Bishop of SL Au­ (Coi\tinued From Page One) tian traditions of this high feast. were ejected by the possessed New York.— In preparation for sumed his duties here as vice con­ sins hare been told in Confession social exile, she was forced to open gustine ; the Most Rev. Christopher comes in the hottest time of the Chancellor Hitler himself took woman, as the devils endeavored a small school. Anti-Catholic riots the first centenary of the beatifica­ sul. He also is a nephew of Gen­ E. Byrne, Bishop of Galveston; the year. part in a gathering of old Nazi ( ^ e n the derils seem no longer to hit the Blessed Sacrament (al­ tion of Blessed Martin de Porres, eral Francisco R. Serrano, who was to know of them). There is much were taking place in New York, Most Rev, Edmond J. Fitzmaurice, There is no fast in the Philip- party members in Munich. They though they always missed It). Negrro Dominican lay , in a presidential candidate in Mexico Bishop o f Wilmington; the Most were all given presents, but no lest chance of a tragedy, there­ and Elizabeth Seton’s venture was p iiines in Leht except on Ash The priest kept the Blessed Sac­ a failure. 1937, the members of 40 religious in 1929. Rev. John M. Gannon, Bishop of Wednesday and Good Friday, and reference whatever was made to fore, if an exorcism is held in a rament on himself for personal communities will hold a series of Chicago to Be Conference Host conrent. « Baltimore, a city largely Cath­ Erie; the Most Rev. Richard 0. the only abstinence days are the Christ None of the Nazi chiefs protection. This vomiting, etc., olic, had no Catholic school. On progressive novenas throughout Chicago.— The sixth national Gerow, Bishop of Natchez; the Fridays of Lent. was seen at Church services. kept up 10 to 20 times a day this year. All sections of the coun­ conference of the. Laymen’s Re­ Most Rev. Peter Ireton, Coadjutor The possessed woman was not invitation of Father Dubourg, su­ The people, however, do cele­ The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Georg Ban- during the 23odays of exorcism, al­ perior of St. Mary’s seminary, and try will take part. treat movement will be held June Bishop of Richmond; the Most Rev. nasch of the Berlin Cathedral at all abnom al outside the fact of 27 and 28 at the invitation of-Car­ brate Holy Week in an edifying though the woman took little with the approval of Bishop Car- Catholic Big Sisters Active Moses Kiley, Bishop of 'Trenton; chapter is still under arrest, but obsession. Sho was not a neu­ dinal Mundelein, Archbishop of way. From Wednesday evening nourishment— "a t highest only a roll and other great pioneer priests New York.— The adjustment of the Most Rev, William J. Hafey, until the Mass on Holjr Saturday the Vicars General of Passau and rotic, but had been pronounced teaspoonful of water or milk in family difSculties without court Chicago. Bishop of Raleigh* the Most Rev. fully normal at to nerves. Nei­ of early American times, Eliza­ morning, the Passion is chanted Wuerzburg, who also had been an artificial w ay." Sometimes she beth Seton opened a school for action in 362 instances, through Renewal of Badge Patent Asked John B. Morris, Bishop of Little ther was there any physical ill­ Washington.— Renewal and ex­ continuously in the native dialects. arrested and accused of “ high trea­ vomited 20 to 30 times a day. girls in Baltimore in 1808. She the intervention of the CathoRc Rock; the Most Rev. John F. Noll, The Flagelantes, who are at son” — ^their only “ crime” consist­ ness. Doctors had often examined Big Sisters of the Bronx, is dis­ tension for 14 years of the desira Bishop of Fort Wayne; the Most her, hut could do nothing in the gathered around her a small group present more prevalent in Pam- ing ingathering information con­ Father Theophilus addressed closed in the 22nd annual report patent on the badge of the Holy Rev. Emmet M. Walsh, Bishop of case. ' Although the was a good of pious and capable women who panga than in the rest of the cerning the innumerable injustices the demons in English, German, of the organization. Name society are a^ed in a resolu- Charleston; the Most Rev. John M. woman and had been inclined to were to become the first members islands, are interesting. The prac­ perpetrated by Nazi and Latin, getting answers in the of her religious community. School Plans New Division tion that Mrs. Mary T. Norton, McNamara, Auxiliary Bishop of piety, the found herself held from representative from New Jersey, tice is condemned by the Church against the Catholic Church and language he used. The voices dif­ Among her first followers were Washington. — An undergradu­ Baltimore, and the Rt. Rev. Vin­ because some believe that if they people— have been released. 'The prayer. Church services, and Holy introduced in congress. fered as different spirits spoke. two of her daughters and two of ate division of business and public cent Taylor, O.S.B., Abbot-Ordi­ of Regensburg, Ba­ Communion by strange inner Nun, Fire Survivor, I» 87 go through this ceremony they will The sounds came from the mouth her sisters-in-law. administration will be inaugurated nary 6f Belmont. Present also varia, however, is still in jail. The powers. For years the Church Chicago.— Sister Mary Isabel have their sins forgiven and do not of the woman, often with her The venture in Baltimore proved next September as an adjunct of were the R t Rev. Frederic Dunne, Most Rev. Conrad Count von Prey­ officials held a skeptical attitude O’Brien, believed to be the oldest have to go to Confession. mouth altogether closed, and never an immediate success, and, in June, the Georgetown university school Abbot of the Trappist Monastery sing, Bishop of Berlin, in the com­ towards her ease, but then it be­ member of the Sisters of Mercy Most of the natives do this in with movement of the tongue or 1809, Mother Seton moved, with of foreign service. The new of Gethsemani in Kentucky; the pany of the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Paul came evident that she understood and the sole survivor of the nuns good faith, endeavoring only to lips such as would be necessary for her little group, to Emmitsburg, course is intended to meet the Rt. Rev. Alcuin Deutsch, O.S.B., Steinmann, Vicar General of Ber­ languages the had never read or who weathered the Chicago fire of participate in some way in the ordinary speech. If the priest- 50 miles away. Shortly before the growing need for co-ordinated and Abbot of St. John’s abbey, Gol- lin, visited Monsignor Bannasch in heard, and, when she was blessed 1871, celebrated her 87th birthday Passion of Christ. The ceremony exorcist, through fatigue, made a removal to Emmitsburg, Mother interrelated training for business legeville, Minn., and the Rt. Rev. jail. in the Latin tongue, she immedi­ and public administration. at Mercy hospital. Martin Veth. O.S.B., Abbot of St. is described as follows by Father mistake in any of the languages, Seton had propounced her vows as Duffy: 1 Youth Headquarters Closed ately understood what the priest a Sister of Charity in the presence Vice Consul Takes Office College Acquires Seismometers Benedict’s aobey, Atchison, Kans. declared and at the same time she he was immediately derided with Westoi\, Mass.— Three new seis­ “ Some bind up their bodies with . The headquarters of the Cath­ such terms as "Dum bbell." The of Bishop Carroll and a few San Antonio, Tex.— Lamberto Several religious orders were rep­ foamed and became enraged. So it mometers, which magnify the cords and walk from the outskirts olic Youth organizations of Ger­ woman, during interims, was not priests. In 1810, Bishop-elect H. Obregon, nephew of former resented by their provincials. was obvious that she was pos­ earth’s vibrations 150,000 to 250,- of the town or barrio to the church, many in Duesseldorf still remain Flaget of Bardstown, Ky., brought Moniignor Mitchell presided at able to remember what occurred scourging their naked backs with under the close supervision of the sessed. Particularly was this evi­ from France a copy of the consti­ 000 times, have been recently the dinner for the visiting prelates in the periods of exorcism, which scourges that have about 20 small, secret political police. Every cor­ dent when the priest continued to tution of the Daughters of Charity added to the equipment at the and clergy at the De Soto hotel, at ran all day and all evening. T^e Georgia Missions Jesuit seismological station at hard sticks on the end, ner of the large building is being speak in classical Latin, not pray­ of St. Vincent de Paul. Under this which the speakers were His Em­ devil was compelled to answer Weston college. “ Every 50 feet or so, they throw searched for evidence that might ing, and the woman lost her rage. rule, the members of the little inence, whose subject was “ The questions that were pertinent to themselves in the dust. Before make it possible to suppress these She was able to know, without community lived. At the first elec­ Priest Made Division Chairman Holy Father;” Bishop Barry, “ The the case at hand. But whenever Subject of Book they arrive at the church, where organizations. The Rt. Rev. Msgi-. being told, whether an object had tion, in 1812, the foundress was Cincinnati.— The Rev. William Province of Baltimore;” the Rt. been blessed or not. the priest put a query that did not P. O’Connor, pastor of the Church three prostrations occur, their Ludwig Wolker, head of these or- demand necessary data, the named superior. She kept that Rev. Msgr, Joseph M. Corrigan, backs are generally a mass of granizations and one of the most post until her death in 1821. By (Continued From Page One) of the Assumption and war-time “ The Archdiocese of Philadel­ came forth with such yells as; tative' account of the establishment chaplain of the 136th field artil­ blood, which flows quite freely distinguished prelates of Germany, When she arrived at Earling, "Shut up! That is none of your the time of her death, Mother phia;” the Rev. Joseph E. Moylan, was deprived of his passport so after a turbulent train journey, and work of the missions, the lery, has been appointed general down over their trousers. business,” or the crisp Latin Seton’s daughters had opened Atlanta, “ The Diocese o f Savan­ he might not leave. the country. priests, at first Jesuit and after­ chairman of the 37th division re­ “ There are others who elect to she was filled with rage against phrase: “ Non ad reraT’ (which houses in Philadelphia and in New nah,” and the response by Bishop His deputy, Monsignor Clements, those who met her, although she ^ York. Today, they conduct hun­ ward P ran ci^ n , who endeavored union to be held here Sept. 5 to 7. O’Hara. carry a bamboo cross. Their bodies may be translated: "Not to the to Christianize the Indians and Requests Mexican Investigation are tied with ropes, and generally is still under arrest. wanted to undergo the exorcism. point!” ) dreds of institutions throughout induce them to cultivate the soil; Washington. — Recently re­ Among those who witnessed the their arms are tied outstretched to The Catholic women’s groups of Her will, it must be remembered, the United States. ceremony of installation were their troubles with pirates and turned from Mexico, Representa­ the cross, which weighs about 60 Germany are now also threatened. had never been submitted to the Bishop O’Hara’s parents. Dr. and A strange feature of the Ear­ the three or four Indian tribes with tive Martin J. Kennedy of New pounds and is carried about three They number about 200,000 mem­ evil influences. But the devils ,Mrs. P. J. O’Hara o f Philadelphia. had great power over her body. ling case is that three of the pos­ whom they toiled and at whose York introduced in the house of miles. bers, including the youth branches. A well-meaning nun had sprinkl^ sessing spirits identified them­ Posthumous Book hands they often suffered martyr­ representatives a resolution call­ “ It constitutes quite a vivid In his pastoral, Archbishop holy water on the food that was selves as damned human beings. dom. ing on the government to investi­ Movies Classified dramatization of the Passion and, Groeber also called attention to served to her shortly after her ar­ One of them said he was Judas One of the early chapters de­ gate the facilities for Divine wor­ from an Oriental point of view, is the serious danger faced by the ship now available to American younger generation of Germany, rival, but the woman perceived the Iscariot, the traitor Apostle; one scribes the customs and character an effective way o f bringing home was Jacob, the deceased father of Of Convert Is Out citizens residing or visiting in which is exposed in a constantly blessing at once and it was im­ of these primitive races. When the The tollowing motion pietura releaaai the meaning of Our Lord’s suffer­ the possessed woman, the man who Mexico. have been reviewed, claasifled, and ap­ ing. I believe this was the reason growing degree to a systematic and possible to make her eat the food. missions were at their highest proved for the national list of the Legion When it was exchanged for un- had cursed her for not sinning Milwaukee, Wise;— The last re­ point in number and strength, Appeal Made to Red Cross of Decency line* the publication of the for its introduction by the Span­ unscrupulous pagan propaganda on Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.— The blessed food, she ate that. with him, and who was now trying ligious and literary legracy of the there were, he says, 34 missions complete list of Nov. 28 and the lupple- ish.” behalf of the Hitler Youth. to get revenge on her for the fact late Rev. Selden Peabody Delany, and a large number of substations, Rev. Theodore Bateski, pastor of mentary liste: that he had been damned because famous convert from Episcopalian- with 52 to attend them. In the Church of the Sacred Heart Family Audiences The exorcism began, as usual, Acea WUd. of this sin; and the third was Mina, ism, has just been published by the the first chapter, descriptive of the and village president in the town Adventure! of Frank Herriwell. with the celebration of Mass (in who had been Jacob’s concubine Bruce Publishing company. It is existing ruins of these missions, of Detour, has appealed to the Red Burning Gold. the parish church). Then the vic­ for years. These three were un­ entitled, “ Rome from Within.” Mr. Banning says that almost a Cross for food, mothing, and medi­ Blood, THE REGISTER tim was taken to a room in the cal assistance for the villagers. Ceiling Zero. der command of a spirit who This posthumous volume, which score of mission-type ruins have Cutter's Last Stand. Published Every Week by The Catholic Publishing Society, Inc. convent, for the actual rite of ex­ Destitution, he said, resulting from termed himself Beelxebub, “ not was written as a continuation of been located between Port Royal Dance Band. 934-938 Bannock Street, Denver, Colo. Post Office Box 1497 orcism, which consists in certain the prince, the chieftain, but one Father Delany’s description of his and St. Marys, but that, thus far, unemployment of heads of fami­ Dangeroui Intrigue. prayers for Divine aid and formal of the leaders . . . Don’t 1 have views and experiences in connec­ no more than half a dozen of them lies, has seized upon the village at I Conquer the Sea. President-.______Meet Rev. Bishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D., Denver commands to the devils to depart. Last of the Clintons. to render obedience to Satan?" tion’ with 4118 entrance into the have been fully authenticated. the mouth of the St. M^^’y’s river. Last of the Pagans. Preiidcnt-Emeritns-.._..Most Rev. Bishop J. Henry Tihen, D.D., Wichita, Kanaaa The woman was placed on a bed, Church a little over five years ago, Grotto Replica Is Completed Magnificent Obsession. Editor-in-Chief...... Rt. Rev. Msgr. Matthew Smith. Ph.D.. LL.D.. Jour.D. the strongest nuns being delegated Man From Guntown. Managing Editor...... Hubert A. Smith, Jour. D. Mina admitted that she had mur­ is a statement o f the former Epis- San Francisco.— A replica of the Aeaociate Editors— ^Rev. Arthur Froehle, A.B.; Millard F. Everett, Jour, M .; to kelp handle her. Her arms and YOUTH GROUPS HAVE Hy Marriage. dered four "little ones,” thought coplian minister’s impressions of Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes has Professional Soldier. C. J. McNeill, A.B., B.J.; Rev. Walter Cana van, M.A.: Ruth Vincent dress were bound. Soon after the to be her own children. She and the Church within its fold. reorganization p l a n been completed at the Jesuit No­ Riddle Ranch. prayers began, the woman became Judas were particularly hateful vitiate of the Sacred Heart in Los Rose of the Rancho. DIOCESAN EDITIONS Rough Riding Ranger. unconscious. No force could open towards the Blessed Sacrament. ralaxing as if the demon were (Continued From Page One) Gatos. Most of the manual work CENTRAL CALIFORNIA REGISTER (Fresno) her eyes. Suddenly, “ with light­ Sagebrush Troubadour. Most Rev, Bishop Philip G. Scher, D.D., President. Rt. Rev. Michael Sullivan. Editor She spit and vomited in an unmen­ struck on the head with a club. Of faced with social, political, and was dqne by students. Skull and Crown. ning speed, the possessed dislodged Priest, Noted Herbalist, Dies SUPERIOR CALIFORNIA REGISTER (Sacramento) tionable fashion. The conversa­ holy water, he cried: "That bums, economic disorder and even w th Story of Louie Pasteur. Most Rev. Bishop Robert J. Armstrong, D.D., President herself from her bed and the hands an abandonment of the recognition Elizabeth, N. J.— The Rev. Je­ Suicide Squad. Rev. Patrick A. McHugh, S.T.B.. Editor and Business Manager tion came only in snatches. There that scorches!” A relic of the Lit­ This le the Life. of protectors, and her body, car­ were hours of howling and yell tle Flower carried in secretly by of the existence and rights o f God rome Reichwein of St. Cecelia’s NEBRASKA REGISTER (Grand Island) Three Live Ghosts, Mott Rev. Bishop 8. V. Bona. D.D., President: Rev. Patrick McDaid (No. Platte), ried through the air, landed high ing that could be brought into one of the priests also brought is witness to the attempt to direct church, Englewood, died at the Two in the Dark. above the door of *he room and Wildcat Saunders. Editor; Buiintas Director. Rev. Paul Wiese, Grand Island submission only by prolonged violent protests. A t the very men­ the training of youth for subver­ Alexian Brothers’ hospital here. EASTERN MONTANA REGISTER (Great Falla) clung to the wall with catlike You May Be Next. prayer and persistent repetition tion of the name of St. Michael sive ends. He was noted for his study of the Mature Audiences Most Rev. Bishop Edwin V. O’Hara. D.D.. LL.D., President grips." It was necessary to use of the exorcism. During these the Archangel, who led the hosts “ The objective of those who medicinal value of herbs. Alias John Law. Rev. Eugene Gergen, Editor and Basineas Manager School Press Meet Planned Another Face. WESTERN MONTANA REGISTER (Helena) disturbances, the face of the wom­ that drove the rebellious angels to would distract youth from a course Rt. Rev. Msgr. Victor Day, Administrator, President , Chicago. — Loyola university Between Hen. Calls Convention an became so distorted she was un­ hell, there was recoiling. The sign of order and discipline has been Exclusive Story. Rev. Patrick Casey, M.A., Editor and Buainess Manager recognisable. “ Her whole body of the cross, or a , brought greatly aided by the unrest of will entertain the second annual Fighting Coward. NEVADA REGISTER (Reno) Host Rev. Bishop ’Thomas K. Gorman, D.D.. J.C.L., D.Sc.Hlat., Pres, and Editor was so disfigured that the dread. On one occasion when a youth itself. Restless youth de­ regional conference of the Cath­ First a Girl. Forced Landing. SOUTHERN NEBRASKA REGISTER (Lincoln) appearance of her human shape papier-mache cross was used, the sires an opportunity to work, to olic School Press association for Most Rev. Bishop Louis B. Kueera, D.D., Preside:^ the Great Chicago area on Satur­ Frisco Waterfront. vanished. Her pale, deathlike, and devil sneered and asked: "D id He make its own place in the world Invisible Ray. Rev. Maurice Helmann, M.A., Jour. D., Editor and BosinesT Manager day, Feb. 29. WEST VIRGINU REGISTER (Wheeling) emaciated head often extended to die on a paper cross?” and has neither patience, experi­ King of Burlesque. ence, nor wisdom to find an answer Honor for Columbus Asked Lone Wolf Returns. Most Rev. Bishop John J. Swint, D.D., Presldant the size of an inverted water On one occasion, when the de­ Midnight Phantom. Rev. Frederick J. Sehwertz, M.A.. Editor and Business Manager pitcher, became fiery red and to its present predicament. It is Washington. — Celebration of PEORIA REGISTER (Peoria, Dlinois) mon was talkative, he declared Columbus day, Oct. 12, as a legal R iffraff. again- like glowing embers. Her that the Antichrist has already not surprising tnen that, under the Sylvia Scarlet. Most Rev. Bishop J. H. Schlarman, D.D.. Ph.D., J.C.D- President holiday is asked in a joint resolu­ Rev. H, H. Ross, Editor and Business Manager eyes would protrude, her lips been born, in Palestine (although trying circumstances of these days, We’re Only Human. tion introduced in congress by Widow From Monte Carlo. SANTA FE REGISTER (Santa Fe, New Mexico) would swell up actually to the size cunning propagandists of danger­ Most Rev. Archbishop Rudolph A. Gerken, D.D., President at another time ha mentioned Representative Arthur D. Healey Disapproved Pictures of hands, and her thin, emaciated America). He gave the years ous social and philosophic theories The following motion pictures are con­ Rt. Rev. Msgr. A. Estvelt, P.A., V.G., Editor find a fertile field in the minds of of Massachusetts. At the same Rev. Daniel Krahe, O.M.Cap., Assistant Editor body would bloat up to such enor­ 1952-55 as the time when this time. Senator William H. King of sidered indecent and immoral and unfit ALTOONA REGISTER (Altoona, Pa.) mous size that the pastor and some predicted monster of evil will youth for the dissemination of for public entertainment: Most Rev. Bishop J. J. MeCort, D.D., Preeldent seeds which when full grown are Utah introduced a similar raeolu- Anna Karenina. Rev. Thomas E. Hadden, Ph.D., S.T.L., Editor and Business Manager of the sisters drew back out of reign. This date agrees with tion in the senate, on request. Back to Eden. fright, thinking that she would Catherine Emjnarich’s: " I heard hostile to the best interests of Barbary Coast. ^ The Denver Catholic Register is also a part of this newspaper system. youth itself and dangerous of Federation to Meet in Boston Catherine the Great. be tom to pieces and burst open. that Lucifer,, if 1 am not mistaken, Price of The Register (dated every Sunday), $1 a year. Canada and Sonth Church and State,. Chicago.— On receipt of an in­ Devil Is a Womaii. At times her abdominal regions would again be let free for a time Firebird. America, S1.6D. Foreign, fl.75. In bundle lots, one cent a copy if bought vitation from Cardinal O’Connell, regularly for eale or distribution. and extremities became hard like about SO or 60 years before the “ The decrease in the average Archbishop of Boston, the execu­ The Informer. age level of criminals is a harrow­ Morals for Women. iron and stone, being pressed into year 2000 in the year of Our tive committee of the National Entered as Second Class Matter at Post Office, Denver, Colorado. the iron bedstead, so that the iron ing condition and a severe chal- Narcotic. Lord.” Catholic Interracial federation, No More Ladies. beams bent to the floor.” The pas­ On this point, the pamphlet lienge to society. Thus far crime meeting here, decided to hold its The Scoundrel. Th* Register hai the largest circulation of any paper In the English la n g n w tor wanted to give her the Last says: “ Father Theophilus, who has has not been receiving reduced convention in that city Aug. 31 Smarty. devoted to religions nevri. Rites on one occasion, she seemed had 19 cases of possession under by advanced methods of penology. Straight From the Heart. and Sept. 1 and 2. Tronble In Paradise. "'V , * so near death; but the experienced his care within recent years, seems It must be even more vigorously Catholic U. Has High Standing Unknown Blonde. Father Theophilus knew she convinced that present times indi­ attacked at its sources. Youth Washington.-:-The Catholic Uni­ would not die. cate we are at the beginning of should be given a fair opportunity versity o f America was made a Workmen’s Act Would the great battle between Christ to grow into a dependable citi­ member of the Association of Deans The devils desired to give up the and Antichrist. He also seems to zenry. The Boy Jesus advancing and Directors of Summer Sessions Allow Nun Compensation fight long before they did, but have learned that Judas will ap­ ‘in wisdom and age, and grace with at a meeting of the organization St. Paul, Minn.— A nun as­ Why Not Invest for they expressed fear of Satan. They pear as Antichrist and in such a God and men’ (Luke ii, 52), is held in this city. The association signed to* a parochial school as a begged net to be tent back to hell, manner that a human person, soon youth’s Divine Exemplar. We all limits its membership to 40 insti­ teaohet is an employe of the parish but to be allowed to enter tome after being bom of a woman, will could profitably take to heart St, tutions and will admit only those maintaining the school, within the Lifetime and Eternity? other creature. In addition to the be controlled and completely mied Paul’s advice to Timothy ‘. .. . doing “ a serious amount of grad­ m in in g o f the Minnesota Work­ four chief pottetting tpiritt, there by him. The false prophet who entreat . . . young men as breth­ uate work.” men’s Compensation act, it has Through the were hordes of other devils who will be next to Antichrist and will ren’ (I Tim. V, 1). Religious Booklets Translated ^ e n held by the state supreme seemed, to come and go, and who perform wonderful things, as false “Many factors are contributing New York.—^“My Changeless court, supporting a decision of the did their best to stir up trouble miracles, will be Lucifer himself. toward accentuating the difficul­ Friend,” by the Rev. Franas P. State Industrial commission. The S. V. D. ANNUITY PLAN among the partthionert (according He vrill not be born of a woman ties of today’s young people. The fact that the religious community (MD LeBuffe, S.J., of which there are to the demons’ own admittiont) . . . Lucifer will construct his body intensive development of modem now 20 little booklets, has been of which the sister is 8 member I f You Do and who caused the wrecking of a himself from earthly matter la or­ machine^ has created leisure far translated into Czech (one book), collects part of her salary as a The Very Rev. Thomas F. Con- new automobile of the pastor, al­ der to plot as a human being more quickly than our educational Polish (one book), and Italian (six teacher does not exclude the sister You will receive a high rate of interest (5%, 6%, Ion, O.P., national director of the though he escaped unhurt. The among humans. But the faithful system has been able to provide books). For years, Der Sendbote from receiving compensation. un­ Holy Name societies, who has Rev. Joseph Steiger is pastor of need not be afraid, for all the and educate for leisure. Unem­ (Cincinnati) has been carrying a der the law, it was held. 7%) as long as you live. issued a call for a national convan the parish. powers of heaven, with countless ployment has within its unholy en­ monthly translation in German. You will know what your money is doing, now and tion, to be held Sept. 17 to 20, in angels, will be fighting on their tourage forced leisure. The in­ Translations into Hindi and Tamil St. Paul Lays Claim to New York, upon the invitation of A blessing with the Holy Sacra­ side.” The pamphlet says that creased use of the automobile, the are under way. after your death. His Eminence, Patrick Cardinal ment pained the devils the most. the devils boasted about what they more general attendance at motion Foreign Students at Catholic U. Smallest Church in U. S. You will share in the noblest work on earth, the Hayes. This will be the society’s They also raved and twisted when are now doing in Mexico, pictures have together with other Washington. — T h e graduate St, Paul, Mina.—-Complete- saving of immortal souls through our An* third national convention and the the woman was blessed with a conditions conduced toward a de­ school of the Catholic university ly equipped with altar, lec­ nuity Plan. first in 12 years. Representatives relic of the True Cross. Even The end of the Earling exorcism crease in the proportionate num­ has among its members students tern, and bell, what it claimed of 2,500,000 members of the so­ when the pastor approached with came when, for the first time dur­ ber of active participants in joyful from six foreign countries. Can­ to be America’s cmalleit Write for Particulars, Stating Age, to ciety from all parts of the United this relic hidden under his cas­ ing the long rites, the woman and healthy recreational pursuits. ada leads with four students, while church ie located in the yard States and Canada are expected to sock, howls came: "1 cannot bear opened her eyes and mouth and Unless a youth finds a constructive China is second with two. Turkey, of Gabriel Pixxuti. Six years attend. The Holy Name society that! Oh, it is tormenting! It is smiled. "M y Jesus, mercy! outlet for his boundless energy and Italy, El Salvador, and Nicaragua ago, Pixirati’e small daughtar Rev. Father Ralph, Society of the is an organisation of Catholic lay­ unbearable I” The intercession of Praised be Jesus Christ T’ she de­ ebullient spirit, there is the dan­ each have one. 'The majority of made a dying rsqueet that an Divine Word, Box 6, Techny, 111. men formed to combat blasphemy, "M ary the Immaculate Concep­ clared— the first time in 12 years ger that his restless feet will tread these students are attending the altar be built in her home. perjury, and all manner of obscene tion” caused a bloating of the she had been able to pronounce paths leading to sin, immorality, university on Knights of Co­ Instead, har father built the and indecent speech. woman’s body, and then a sudden the Holy Name.. and crime.” lumbus scholarships. church in her memory. Sunday, January 26, 1936 T H E REGISTER PAGE THREE

•^STRANGE BUT TRUE** By M. J. Murray p i ir w w w w w w Y m w | THE BOOK ASK AND LEARN J^nn4 in. Creece kas Uen. descriUd Catholic Press Ad4r«Mi P. O. Box 1497, Donvor, Colorado jL ^ A M O N A h i C REGISTER On S e roektf p&utvsulek/ Does not the Bible say; “Sin riage” is not technically an “ at­ Patron Honored ehall not have dominion over you” ? tempted marriage.” When there ik e t arc 2/ sc^sifportk Why then do holy people like Cath­ exists an invalidating impediment a n d ntdependjM lr . NEGRO POLITICIANS. By olics go to Confession every week? of which the contracting parties in Harold F. Gotnell. Social Science good faith are ignorant, the mar­ nymnshrics^ah Writings of St. Francis de Sales Give Insight Catholics go to Confession be­ < i m ^ O r tk o d fix Studio*. 1935. Chicago. Univer­ cause they interpret the Bible ac­ riage is called technically a “ puta­ tive” marriage. It is really an in­ i i i i e s * 4 ^ sity of Chicago Press. Pp. 404. Into Apostolic Zeal Characteristic cording to the laws of common $3.50. sense, that is, they do not sn'atch valid marriage, but the parties are unaware of its invalidity. Chil­ Interest in our country’s inter­ Of His Work passages from their context and racial prohlems can be best fur­ understand them as if they were dren born of such a union are thered by books that give u* facts St. John, who made him Bishop o f isolated statements. deemed legitimate. 'TO'OM CS/M S.OOO (Tb« Liturgy— Week of Jao. 28 AfOUKS, HS/iMtrs, ANP about the Negro in an orderly and to Feb. 1) Smyrna. With 12 other Chris­ Let us look at the context of the pk)/>t£ objective manner. This quality of The implications of Christian tians, St. Polycarp Was martyred above-cited passage, Romans vi, Is it not much better to be in­ The AHCisMr Houset, Mr. Gosnell’s book on NEGRO behavior are taught in the Epistle under the Emperor Marcus Aurel­ 14. In this passage St. Paul has validly married th&n to live to­ MANM Ofi WHICH POLITICIANS is one highly to of the Mass on the third Sunday ius in the year 166 A. D. used such forcible language and gether without being married at recommend it, not only to “ inter­ A l U e m / O O P after the Epiphany, Jan. 26. SL described such a lofty ideal that all? racial groups” but to the single Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr, is h Noted his readers might easily have been Yes, if the parties are in good V e M S O L D . or student of American so­ commemorated. St. John Chrysos­ For Eloquence led to believe that their conversion faith. No, if they are not in good ciety. The author is interested tom, Bishop, , and Doc­ Because of his powerful and per­ to Christ would remove them to a faith. In reality and objectively only in showing the political life of tor, is venerated Monday, Jan. 27. suasive eloquence, St. John was sphere where, b y ' the mere fact there is no difference between be­ the Negro at he finds it, and en­ The second Feast (octave) of St. called^ Chrysostom, or Golden- 01 their union with Christ by faith ing invalidly married and not be­ tirely abstains from putting forth Agnes, Virgin and Martyr, falls on Tongued. The writings of this and Baptism, they would be placed ing married at all, for those who any theory of race or of political Jan. 28, Tuesday. St. Francis de saint proclaim his genius and beyond the possibility of sinning. are invalidly married are not mar­ reform. Sales, Bishop, Confessor, and prove his right to be numbered That such is not the case St. Paul ried at all. There is a difference Mr. Gotnell limits his book to a Doctor, is recalled Wednesday, among the Doctors of the Church. clearly indicates when he exhorts as far as appearances go. Those discussion of the Negro group in Jan. 29. Thursday, Jan. 80, is St. John renounced the certainty Chicago. Since the beginning of his readers: “Let not sin there­ who are invalidly married have given to St. Martina, Virgin and o f a distinguished public career to the century, tent of thousands of fore reign in your mortal body, gone through a ceremony required Martyr. Friday, Jan. 31, is dedi­ become a priest. After he was Colored citizens have migrated so as to obey the lusts thereof. by either civil or ecclesiastic^ law, cated to St. Peter Nolasco, Con­ raised to the sea o f Constanti­ Neither jneld ye your members as and thus preserve a semblance of from the South, where their privi­ fessor. The feast day of St. Igna­ nople, Chrysostom succeeded in instruments of ii^iquity unto sin; respectability in the eyes of men. leges were merely nominal, to the tius, Bishop and Martyr, takes reforming the degenerate life of but present yourselves unto God, They are regarded as married by city of Chicago, where they are place Saturday, Feb. 1. the capital. Ha alio succeeded in as those' that are alive from the men ignorant of thq invalidating able to cast their ballots as freely In using the argument from arousing the engrer of the Empreia dead, and your members as instru­ circumstance, but in the sight of as White men. Certain subdivi­ dition for the proof o f the Divin­ Eudoxia, who was responsible for ments of justice unto God. For God they are no more married than sions of the city became predomi­ TfiOMAS A KEAiPtSdSqi/! ity of her doctrine, the Church sending him into exile, where he sin shall not have dominion over if there had been no ceremony at nantly, almost exclusively, Negro constantly refers to the unbroken died at Pontus in 407 A. D. you” (Romans vi, 12-14). Now all. _ SkorHu after itsuinq an edition. in population. Realizing the possi­ line of great men that reaches back this last statement could not have ^ ot tu IMiTATtOMOf cttmsr. bilities of the situation, they began to the time of the Apostles. Among Convert-Maker la been intended by St. Paul to ex­ Can a Catholic man, divorced MarcU , a, londo$v fhhVsker^ the struggle to advance their this group is St. Polyca^. This Patron of Preaa press absolute certainty; For, if £lteat Stock:, rvceh/asi a tetter from. a. _ VUS fhiOEi’.. status by political means. Many saint was the beloved disciple of from his still living wife, by a spe­ S r o t I k e ( Sixty thousand eoula bronght such were his meaning, he would cial dispensation be married by a UceL press-cutb'H/f aoenc^ aMOrtnestA obstacles stood in their path: Lack UtUverte if, / of money for political purposes, back to the fold of Christ from not have exhorted the faithful to priest to a Catholic woman, if he ''rttOMAS A KeMPIS,ES(('‘ tw.W AOPRfSS. tOudtreity o f latu/km . Order of the Visitation of the cated what was *to be done and the Catholic faith. Its exercise is race solidarity. Their voting fol­ would be a great thing if that necessary for salvation, which lowed racial lines, much to the em­ great little Catholic paper found Blessed Virgin for young girls and what avoided; it was merely a set widOTVs, who, feeling themselves of coihmands and prohibitions. But must always be the uppermost and barrassment of any White candi­ its way into EVERY Catholic primary consideration, for “ what date in a close primary or elec­ home.” called to the religious life, have in the new dispensation, grace, that not sufficient strength for the cor­ is; the inner strengthening o f the doth it profit a man, if he gain the tion who had antagonized this par­ Father C. M. McDonnell, fa­ whole world, and suffer the loss of ticular group. White leaders be­ mous Jesuit mission-pver, ■writes poral austerities of the great will and the enlightenment of the orders, is attributed to his efforts mind, is conferred, and, in virtue his own soul? Or what exchange Muvow -nuepte m e CAve a t n o u n t POMs u A., tn ------—, gan to court the Negro vote and from Loyola university, Chicago; shall a man give for his soul?” to appoint Colored lieutenants. “ In the mission field I see the and those of St. Jane Frances de of this grace, sin will no longer OO-S* Chantal. While acting as the in­ have dominion over men, if they In this case the second marriage With this overture began the de­ Register and hear it discussed. would not be valid because the velopment of an efficient political Everywhere there are words of termediary of the Duke of Savoy co-operate fully with this Divine to bring about a better under­ aid. The law merely said: “ Thou man is validly married to a still machine among the Negroes de­ praise 8)^ only praise. May God living wife. A valid marriage is pending upon race consciousness continue-TO bless you and prosper standing among the sovereigns of shalt,” or “ Thou shalt not,” but the region, St. Francis died peace­ never nullified by a change of for its motive power. you in your fine work so fearlessly went no further. Grace says; fully at Lyons in the year 1612. faith. Negroes in politics have been done. May 1936 see more of your “ Thou shalt and thou canst,” the Fate of Achab and Jezabel Shows The CathoUc press has been placed while it imparts the necessary practical rather than idealistic; fine ambitions realized.” Colored leaders have been poli­ The Register itself does not under the patronage of this great strength to overcome evil and to Does the Church approve the saint. do good. 'marriage of the son and daughter ticians rather than statesmen. Ex­ claim to be the best Catholic news­ paper. But it has its public, and Reals in Church Good Catholics, however, while of two sisters? Sin Punished in Present Life cepting the principle of race equal­ ity, the Negroes do not insist upon that public is a large and enthu­ Once Pagan Temple admitting the ideal and hoping The son and daughter of two political abstractions. They have siastic one. For all the kindnesses sisters are first cousins. They are Martina, a Roman maiden, was some day to arrive at its realiza­ (Little Bible Talks) ment Near a palace at Jezrahel woman and bury her: because she I taken over the technique of the constantly shown us, and the won­ tion, are aware at the same time of accordingly within the forbidden After the kingdom of the ancient owned by Achab was a vineyard is a king’s daughter. And when derful support we have received, arrestfed, put to the torture, and White bosses, good and bad, as the beheaded. Although her death the weakness of human nature, the degrees of blood relationship with­ possessed by a man named Naboth. they went to bury her, they found rules of the game. For party serv­ we are grateful to God and to our force of human passions, and the in which valid marriage may not Jews had been divided as the re­ occurred at Ostia, Martina’s re­ The King wished to buy the vine­ nothing but the skull, and the feet, ices, they expect cash remunera­ many thousands of friends. be contracted. The Church, there­ sult of the revolt of ten tribes mains were enshrined in the allurements of the world. Good yard, promising either a better one and the extremities of her hands. tion and good jobs. Once allied fore, does not approve, but dis­ against the tyranny of Roboam, former temple of Mars at Rome, Catholics know, loo, that in spite or the worth in money. Inasmuch And coming back they told him. with a party or leader, however, of their best efforts they some­ approves of such marriages. If, the son of Solomon, among the as the law of Moses restricted the And Jehu said; It is the word of Discrimination Loses where she is the object of a great however, a very serious reason kings who reigned in Israel, the se­ they are loyal in the extreme.. popular veneration. ' times fall short of the ideal, and, sale of property that a son had the Lord, which He spoke by His There are excellent chapters on WPA Official His Job to be cleansed and purified from exists for such a marriage, a dis­ ceding monarchy, was the notori­ inherited from his forefathers, servant Elias the Thesbite, say­ pensation may be obtained. Con­ ous Achab. He and his wicked the Negro in civil service post Peter Nolasco Is the sins that they have thus com­ Naboth answered that he could not ing: In the field of Jezrahel the tions, as police officers, at teach­ Brooklyn, N. Y.— Because, it is mitted, they make use of the means sult your pastor, and also inquire Queen, Jezabel, furnish one of the give up the vineyard. dogs shall eat the flesh of Jeza­ alleged, he practiced discrimina­ Founder of Order into the laws of the state in which most horrible examples in the Old ers, in the post office. The chapter appointed by Christ for their for­ Achab was so disturbed by this bel, and the flesh of Jezabel shall on “ Negroes and Communism” it tion when he barred graduates of Inspired by the influence of St. giveness. Good Catholics, further, you reside. Many states forbid , Testament of revolt against God that he could neither eat nor sleep. be as dung upon the face of the five colleges, including Manhattan Raymond Penafort, Peter Nolasco the marriage of first cousins. and of fearful personal punish- very satisfactory and highly inter' never lose sight of other state­ Jezabel, the Queen, a murderess earth in the field of Jezrahel, so esting. Tables, a select bibliog' college, St John’s college, and founded the Order of Our Lady ments of the Scriptures: “ If we and fornicator, wanted to know that they who pass shall say: Is raphy, and a thorough index en­ Fordham university, from chem­ of Ransom, the object o f which say that we have no sin, we de­ why he was so sad and fretful. this that same Jezabel?” hance the value of this factual and ists’ jobs under the WPA, Dr. Illo was the liberation of Christian ceive ourselves, and the truth is When he told her, the Queen Jehu, who had been raised to satisfying book.— Paul L. Gregg, Hein, project supervisor, was dis­ captives held in slavery by the not in us. If we confess our sins. Salyation Possible mocked him, making fun of his royalty at the command of God S.J. missed by WPA Administrator Moors. Three thousand Chris­ He is faithful and just, to forgive lack of authority and assuring him when the Lord willed the end of Victor P. Bidder. tian slaves whose faith was ex­ us our sins, and to cleanse us from that she would get the coveted the house of Achab, completely de­ SUNSHINE AND .- By posed to grreat danger were re­ all. iniquity. If we say that we Only by God's Grace vineyard for him. stroyed the vast progeny of the Daisy Haywood Moseley. New Japanese Prince Honors \ leased through the efforts of St. have not sinned, we make Him a She wrote letters in the name of wicked king. Achab had 70 sons York. P. J. Kenedy & Sons. Octavo. Peter. Before he took up his work liar, and His word is not in us” the King to the principal men of in Samaria and Jehu ordered that Pp. 181. Illustrated by Da Otimo. Nuns at Big Reception of charity, Peter fought against (1 John i, 8-10). (One of a New Series on the least good work conducive to sal­ the city, whom she knew to be as one of them be made King in order the Albigenses in France. His Catechism) vation . . . according to the word, $1.50. Tokyo.—Prince Tokugawa, a wicked as herself, and asked them to battle him for the throne. But To produce good biographies of direct descendant of the Shoguns entire fortune was spent in this It would be futile to discourse of St. Paul: “ For it is God who to find somebody who would wrong­ the people were afraid to combat latter work of delivering captives. Our Lord said to the woman on the obligation of every creature the saints for children is a task net who formerly persecuted the Cath­ taken in adultery: “ Go and sin no worketh in you, both to will and to- fully accuse Naboth. False wit­ Jehu and, instead, sent the heads St, Peter is typical of the militant to obey the will of God, as inti­ accomplish” (Philip, ii, 13). without its difficulties. In SUN­ olics in Japan, presided at a re­ more.” Why do not Catholics fol­ nesses—“ sons of the devil,” the of the 70 sons to him, in obedience SHINE AND SAINTS, Mitt Mote- ception in honor of two Maryknoll saints of the Middle Ages, and at mated through the dictates of con­ The reason why grace is so in­ Bible calls them—were easily dis­ low this advice? to his command. ley hat met many of those diffi­ Sisters, Sister ,M. Martina, provin­ his death in Barcelona in 1256 he science, the Ten Commandments, dispensable for every act con­ covered, and they declared the was buried in his armor. There are good Catholics, and and the precepts of the Divinely- ducive to salvation is that eternal “ See therefore now,” says the culties by her manner of telling the cial of the order on the American owner of the vineyard had blas­ Fourth Book of Kings, “ that there stories. She writes of traveling West coast, and Sister Susanna, a there are also, unfortunately, bad constituted Church of Christ, un­ salvation is a good of a supernat­ phemed God and the King. As a Invaluable Works Catholics. The good Catholics try less such observance were morally, ural order, and, consequently, can hath not fallen to the ground any through Europe accompanied by a Japanese. The nuns were sent to result, the innocent Naboth was of the words of the Lord, which the girl and a boy. The stories of Tokyo as guests of a Los Angeles Left by Ignatius to avoid all sin; such is the ideal as well as physically, possible. This be obtained only by a supernat­ condemned, led out of the city, and Lord spoke concerning the house Francis of Assisi, Catherine of newspaper in recognition of their As the third successor o f St, for which they are constantly striv­ leads one to inquire: “ Can any ural means— that is, by Divine stoned to death, the method of cap­ of Achab, and the Lord hath done Siena, Philip Neri, Joan of Arc, work among the Japanese in the Peter in the see of Antioch, St. ing, but such is the weakness of creature, by his own natural grace. Moreover, by ^ace alone ital punishment used by the Jews. fallen nature, such the force of strength alone, keep the ' Com­ we are united with Christ and par­ that which He spoke in the hand Teresa of Avila, Francis de Sales, latter city. Ignatius ruled his diocese for 40 Jezabel now told her husband, of His servant Elias.” Vincent de Paul, Isaac Jogues, temptation, that at times through mandments and be saved?” If we take of His merits, which are the Achab, that he might take the vine­ years and comforted his people In ■ sheer human infirmity they fail. consider the effects of the fall of source of the supernatural value yard. This he proceeded to do. The horrible end of Achab and Bernadette, and Therete of Lisieux St. Mary’s University the persecutions of Domitian and Bad Catholics do not keep this our first pjarents, the transmission that endows our acts and renders But God commanded the prophet, Jezabel shows that God sometimes are introduced naturally and ef' Trajan. S t Ignatius received the fectively against the background Station Is Authorized crown of martyrdom In the sec­ ideal before themselves; they make to all their posterity of a nature them worthy of a supernatural re­ Elias, to go to Achab to reproach visits punishment for gerious sin of their own liative city or country' San Antonio, Tex.— Permission ond century when he was car­ little or no effort to restrain pas- prone to sin, it seems quite evident ward. “ Not that we are sufBcient him with his crime, to tell him even in this life. But we must not f .sion and control their emotions; that, left to himself, man could to think'anything of ourselves, as that his royal house would be expect that this will always hap­ tide. has been granted St. Mary’s uni­ ried to Rome in chains and there The author^ quite satisfyingly, versity by the federal radio com­ condemned to be thrown to the they sin frequently and grievously.. never hope to overcome the innu­ of ourselves” — that is, anything blotted out, and that dogs would pen. There .are many instances to does not strive to edify by direct mission to engage in amateur radio The reasons: weak faith, luke­ merable temptations emanating conducive to salvation— “ but our lick up his own blood at the very prove that men and women some­ wild beasts in the amphitheater. A assaults of application upon the communication. The call letters warmness, indifference, neglect of from worldly pleasures, from the sufficiency is from God” (II Cor. spot where______Naboth was killed;_____, times lead wicked lives and yet heritage of invaluable 'writings has prayer, failure to meditate upon concupiscence of the flesh, and iii, 5 ). And again: " I cast not afso, that the Queen would be de- seem to prosper in the present reader, but relates the life of the for the campus station 'will be been left us by St. Igrnatius. His the truths of faith, too great at­ from’ Satan, the avowed enemy of away the n.,.ono grace of God, for i if f jus,•... youred by dogs in the same field. world. Their punishment, alas, taint simply. He or the becomes an W5FMG. relics now repose in Rome. tachment to the world and its man’s salvation. tice be by the law, then Christ After three years, Achab was will be the more bitter in the next “actual,” living person; and saints, pleasures. God sympathizes with our nat­ died in vain” (Gal. ii, 21). That mortally wounded in a battle with life. How explain, their success in as we all know, if portrayed at the ural weakness and inclination to is to say, if the observance of the the Syrians, and, when the chariot this life? The poet was right when actual persons that they were, are strong enough and interesting May good Catholics who are fre­ evil, and is, therefore, ever ready* law alone, without union with which he was riding when he he said: “ There is so much bad in and anxious to grant us the grace Christ by grace, were sufficient to received the fatal wound was be­ the best of us, and so much good enough to preach their own ser­ Hidden in quent communicants attend Unity mon of life. meetings and take part in the rites? and strength necessary to over­ justify us, or to lead us to eternal ing washed, dogs came and licked in the worst of us, that it hardly come temptation. As our Savior salvation, it would not have been behooves any of us to talk about Children over 9 or 10 will like Since “ Unity” is a religious or­ up the blood. Some time after this, History EigOTiMsIISW Himself said: “ Without Me you necessary for Christ to die in order when Jehu had been named as King the rest of us.” Hardly anybody this book. Hero worshippers that ganization, Catholics are strictly they are, they will be fascinated Drawinc by Med Moor* can do nothing” (John xv, 5 )— to merit salvation for us. over Israel, he visited the city of is entirely wicked, and God, who is (Copyright, WM.U.) BRSTIO USE BATHTUB IN forbidden to take part in its re­ that is, without the,assistance of This does not mean that man is absolutely just, does not allow any in reading of these men and worn ligious rites. If it were merely Jezrahel. When the Dowager WHITE HOUSE His all-powerful grace, we cannot incapable of performing any ac­ Queen, Jezabel, heard of his com­ virtue to go without its reward. en whose great deeds were done a social or literary or some similar perform an act meritorious of tion that is morally good without Hence, there are many persons for God in the exciting atmosphere organization with no raligious as­ ing, she painted her face, adorned eternal happiness. So, too, we read Divine assistance, but only that, her head, and stood at the window who are pretty well taken care of of a holy life.— Edward J. Drum­ pect, then Catholics TOuld attend in the prophecy of Ezechiel: “ I will by such morally good actions as of her palace, hoping to catch the in this life, but who will have noth­ mond, S.J. ' the meetings and take an active put My Spirit in the midst of you, proceed from his naturally good favorable attention of the King. ing but the results of their wicked­ part in them. There is only one true and I will cause you to walk in will, he can neither merit, nor in “ Jehu,” says the Fourth Book ness awaiting them in the next Children’s Collection form of religious worship approved My commandments” (Ezech.xxxvi, any way obtain, grace or salvation. of Kings, “ lifted up his face to life. We are not sure whether the by God, namely, the Catholic; all $200 in 4 Months’ Time 27). The Holy Ghost— here re­ Such actions can only prepare him the window and said: Who is this? wicked Achab and Jezabel had others are false, and, accordingly, ferred to— is never present in a for grace, in so far as they may And two or three eunuchs bowed some redeeming traits to their it is wrong to take part in them. soul without dispensing gifts and offset his bad actions, which are down to him. And he said to character. It may be that they Battle Creek, Mich.— The pennies graces that enable one to resist the sole obstacles to the reception them; Throw her down headlong: were so wretchedly •wicked as to and nickels dropped into the col­ What is the difference between sin. of grace. “ No man can come to and they threw her down, and the deserve frightful punishment both lection basket, each Sunday by an attempted marriage and an in­ By “ the grace of God” is sig­ Me,” says Our Lord, “ unless it be wall was sprinkled with her blood, here and in eternity. It is well students of St. Philip’s school valid marrig.ge? nified an internal supernatural given him by My Father” (John and the hoofs of the horses trod for virtuous people to remember, from the opening of the term in ' The -term “ attempted marriage’ help or gift, which God communi­ vi, 66). upon her. And when he was come however, that even the good usually September to the end of the year is used of that marriage which is cates to us through the merits of It is reassuring to know that in, to eat, and to dfink, he said: have enough sins marked against approximated $200, a real factor invalidly entered into, the invalid His Divine Son, for our eternal sal­ God does give all men sufficient Go and see after that cursed them that they deserve a great in parish and school support. ity arising out of an invalidating vation. It is a two-fold gift: The grace to enable them to keep the deal of punishment. If their lives circumstance that was known to grace of assistance, also knoivn as Commandments, and to work out 200-Year-Old Paintings are not too serene, it may be that Norbertine Priests to the contracting parties and de­ “ actual (or transient) grace,” and their salvation. As St. Paul says, they are undergoing a necessary liberately concealed. For example, the “ grace of sanctification or jus­ “ God is faithful, who will not Presented to University purgation through punishment in Receive Large Bequest if a man has a living wife, and tification,” called also “ sanctifying suffer you to be tempted above this life. MUCHTOltS The saints, although worthy of Madison, Wise. — An $85,000 successfully conceals that fact (or habitual) grace.” The former that which you are able, but will San Antonio, Tex.—A painting oFHSFciacsfflto'nE from the officiating clergyman acts transiently on the soul, where­ make also with temptation issue, canonization, often underwent se­ apartment and store building will PREJUDICE OFIKWXRIRI of the Sorrowful Mother and an­ vere trials in their earthly life. be left to the Norbertine Fathers and goes through a marriage cere­ as the latter remains habitually in that you may be able to bear it” other of St. Anthony of the Desert, DORY MADISON WSRUfl) mony with another woman, that the soul, beautifjring it, and mak­ (I Cor. X , 13). All that is re­ In their case, they were not only by Margaret E. Mahoney after her 1HE FIRST 8«nmJB IN both probably more than 200 years given the opportunity to be purged death. Miss Mahoney has made would be an “ attempted marriage.” ing it holy and just in the eyes quired on our part is that we do old, were presented to St. Mary’s ■mt WHITE-HOUSE, rr An invalid marriage is that which of God. not resist, but faithfully co-operate of whatever faults they had com­ numerous other gifts to the WAS LINED WITH university by Mrs. William Cassin mitted (some of them, we must Norbertines, including the present is null and void, really and truly Actual grace (to which we will with, the graces God is pleased to and will be hung in the school 2INC,MAOE(5F confine ourselves in this article) remember, were converted sin­ site of the order’s novitiate. WOOD AND WAS no marriage at all, by reason of send us. God does not force our parlor. the existence of a nullifying im­ consists in this: That God enlijfht- will. He kindly offers us the neces­ ners), but they were often given SEVEN FEETIDN& pediment or by reason of some de­ ens our understanding and inclines sary assistance to avoid evil and a mystical participation in the Pas­ Became Organist at AND TOUR FEET WIDE. 15,026 Free Meals Are sion of Jesus Christ, whereby they fect of rite or consent. There is our will to avoid evil, and both to to do good, but, at the same time. 10; Is Still on Job no real difference between an at­ will and to do what is good. Where­ He leaves us free to accept or re­ Served Men by Priest were able to suffer for others and tempted marriage and an invalid fore, the Psalmist prays: “ Give me ject His grace . . . free to accept to win conversion and higher sanc­ Colwich, Kans.—Margaret Hei- marriage; there is a difference of understanding, and I will search or reject the sufficient and indis­ tity for them. The law of suffer­ mermann started playing the organ terminology only. In the term “ at­ Thy law, and I will keep it with pensable means to eternal salva­ St. Louis, Mo.—A total of 15,026 ing, although one of the most dif­ in Sacred Heart church on her Do you ever stop to thank God ancestors. W e are, in a sente. Hi* tempted marriage,” the futile at­ my whole heart. . . . Incline my tion. “ We exhort you, that you meals was served to hungry men in ficult to explain, is realized by all tenth birthday. Recently, she cele­ for living amidst the comforts of spoiled children. Do you ever one week at “ Father Tim” Demp­ true Catholics as an integral part thank God for making you a Cath­ tempt of the contracting parties to heart unto Thy testimonies, and receive not the grace of God in brated her 36th anniversary as our present age? God did not be married is stressed, and in the not to. covetousness” (Ps. cxviii, vain” (II Cor. vi, 1). “ God will sey’s free lunchroom in this city. In of the economy of salvation given church organist. In addition, she olic? The fact that He hat done term “ invalid marriage” the as 34-36). Without this grace or Di­ have all men to be saved, and to the week, 450 families were fed by to mankind. By patience in suf­ is housekeeper for the pastor, the have to permit the discovery of to makes salvation easier for you pect of the nullity of the contract vine assistance we can neither be­ come to the knowledge of the the priest’s distributions through fering, we can assure ourselves Rt. Rev. Msgr. Godfrey Birren- these things in our timet any more and will probably win you a higher is stressed. Every “invalid mar­ gin, continue, nor accomplish the troth” (I. Tim. ii, 4 ), the Daughters of Charity. of a higher place in heaven. bach. than He did in the days o f our place in heaven. PAGE FOUR T H E REGISTER Sunday, January 26, 1936 ‘Queen of the Texas Missions’ ' ▼ ^ sr ^ w-w w w w w w Bishop Hugh L. Lamb LISTENING IN Ambassador $ Son Margaret Sanger I Named Vicar General \ Seen in The Philadelphia. — Succeeding the (Continued From Pace One) Most Rev. Gerald P. O’Hara, who has just been installed as Bishop of dollars for the hiring of plug-ug­ “Brais Tack*,” and jar* cryital- Headlines Savannah, the Most Rev. Hugh L. lies to break strikes by violence. lized notion* about thing* that are Gives His Views Is Unpopular in -—1^. F. Everett. Lamb, new Auxiliary Bishop of Pearl L. Bergoff, although he has “ *ound’| and “ fundamental" a* Philadelphia, has been named Vicai a woman's name, has the very well a* you would be jarred if you General of the archdiocese and pas­ masculine occupation of heading took a ride on a roIIer-coa*ter with tor of the Church o f the Nativity a business that manages the strike, a flat wheel. One of the thing* EINSTEIN, great mathemati­ Of Papal Audience Her India Tonr cian and originator of the theory of the Blessed Virgin. Bishop breaking. He began adult life as Coyle up*et* i* the ' argument Lamb has been serving as Chancel­ a private detective and as a body­ again*t our *eemingly wild orgy of relativity, took out his first papers in a step toward American lor of the archdiocese. guard to the late Stanford White, of national *pending. Milwaukee. — (Special) — The Calcutta, India.— Mrs. Margaret citizenship. The Nazis drove him who figured in the noisome Thaw “ Every year *ince 1929 we have small son of the present Peruvian Sanger, American leader in the from Germany. of the time, a survey shows. We Scandal of a generation ago. On lo*t more than $40,000,000,000 by ambassador to Washington, Don advocacy o'f birth control, who has HEAT of a house on fire made a still think it seems about ten times one occasion, the book asserts, he *taying in thi* depre**ion. If the Manuel de Freyre y Santander, that much. beep in India for a tour of lectures, pussy' willow tree four feet a'way collected $700,000 in three weeks government could get u* out by was in Rome with his parents, and faced a discouraging reception burst into full bloom. RUSSIA, while talking peace,* from a metropolitan trolley com­ *pending $10,000,000,00, or $20,- he recorded his impressions in a here. has amassed an army of 1,300,000 pany. Levinson also says he got 000,000,000, or anything le** than letter to a Milwaukee aunt, Mrs. Speaking in Albert hall to a TURKS fired on “ Satan” at a men, the largest standing force in more than a million from a large $40,000,000,000, that would net u* Fred Page Tibbits: large audience, Mrs. Sanger was recent eclipse of the moon to keep the world. railroad. a profit on the deal. If the govern­ “ Daddy and mummy went to met with hostility displayed by a the devil, in the shape of a dragon, from devouring the satellite. Tf^INS in North Carolina were ment could keep u* out by *pend- see the yesterday. They considerable section of her listen­ born in different years and two The business does not pay so ing anything up to $40,000,000,- brought back many blessings, byt ers. Actually Ijer appearance and GIRL bom after her mother weeks apart. One came Dec. 29, well nowadays as it did in the 000 a year every day till Doom*- I have not seen any yet.. We have assertions caused a disturbance died is the unusual record at a New the other Jan. 11. York state hospital. It was a past. Mr, Bergoff is still in the day, that would be cheaper than been to many broken houses, also and order was restored only with CHILDREN are his hobby, a Caesarian operation, made after market to furnish “ finks" (ordi­ what we are doing now. What to an old circus where the wild great difficplty. Detroit Negro says. He has had nary strikebreakers) and “ nobles" i* $40,000,000,000? Only $320 beasts of the Roman zoo were The speaker was subjected to a the woman succumbed of heart failure. 37, borne by three wives, and is (guards). Mr. Levinson says that apiece. A billion dollar* i* the given martyrs to eat. In London, barrage of questions, some of planning to marry again. CAB DRIVER got out of his the business consists of fomenting, pennie* you pay the ne.w*boy. Thi* tigers and lions are fed on dead which forced her to admit that BLIND since birth, a girl in fighting, smashing, and collecting i* a big country.” horses— daddy says it is nasty. I there are many evils in birth con­ car and helped a blind man walk England, after ten delicate opera­ for strikes. have many more things to say trol. to safety. On his way back, he tions, is now able to see. She is If they use such methods, em­ A* a Catholic paper, we are not but cannot remember them., was struck by an auto and killed. 25. ployers will have a time explaining intereited in whether the Demo­ “ Daddy has told me a story 12-Year-Old Girl Plays NEW DEAL may be sued by to the Recording Angel that they crats or the Republicans rule the about St. Peter and why he died Hubbardston, Mass., for an “ in­ have any argument at all on their United States. But we know that upside down. I like the story. Beethoven at Concert sult.” The town was declared sore­ DISTINCTIVE FLORIST side. if the vast spending for relief were “ When in Venice, I gave corn Milwaukee, Wise. — Germaine ly in need of rehabilitation but no to be cut off, thi* country would to the piigeons— one burst. It is Schneider, 12, the youngest pupil funds were given to it. Jt got along Howard Vincent O’Brien, writ­ be in the hand* of revolutionist* in not true, it is only a joke. Daddy in Milwaukee ever to be given the fine 'Without help and is pretty mad ing in The Chicago Daily News, less than a year. says I must only tell the truth, but opportunity to appear as soloist at the government for the indignity Flowers, Inc. tells about a book written by David can have a joke. I like jokes. with an orchestra, played the heaped upon it. The writer often walk* through Cushman Coyle and issued by “FRANK DE FREYRE.” Beethoven C Major (5oncerto at SLAP on a man’s back caused 731 SEVENTEENTH ST. Sherman F. Mittel! of the Na- the business and amusement sec­ the Wisconsin college of music or­ him to go to a hospital. He was tional Home Library foundation, tion* of hi* city where the “ better chestra concert. She is an eighth- holding three open safety pins in C. W. Ted Dillingham, Jr. Washington, D. C., who for the classes" rarely go. He like* to St. Mary’s Grid Stars grade student at Immaculate Con­ his mouth and they lodged in his past two years has made a practice study the poorer people. He is Are Taking to Air’i ception pchool. Bay View. throat. Albany Hotel Bldf. TA.OOlO of buying up books he deems valu­ appalled at the thinness and the BABIES CRY only 2.5 per cent able for the general public and re­ shabby clothes he often see*. Un­ Oakland, Calif.— When Stanley, issuing them, well printed in clear der present conditions, the poor Kasper, St. Mary’s college full­ Pope Sends Insignia to type, on good paper, and cloth- are at least keeping alive and even back of 1926-28, became a na^'y Lord Mayor of Dublin RAZOR BLADES bound, some at 15 cents, others at seem to have a few pennies to at­ .aviator he started something. Toby tend the less luxurious movie Hunt, captain of the ’32 Gael var­ Dublin.—Pope Pius has sent new A Blue Blade for Gillette Type Razor*...... 11.00 par 100 25. Coyle’s book is entitled Gem Blades...... 41-50 per 100 houses. But there are millions of sity, followed him and is now at insignin of the Order of St. Syl­ Auto Strop...... ------41.80 per 100 Process Discoverer, the needy in this country. They Pensacola, as is Heine Driscoll, vester to Alfred Byrne, Lord Enders Blades...... — ...... $3.00 per lOO are getting a raw deal and they quarterback in Kasper’s time. Now Mayor of Dublin, to replace that Durham Duplex...... _...... »3.00.per 100 Catholic, Succumbs need onlv leadership to demand an unprecedented number of St. stolen from him while on a tour of SATISFACTION GUARANTEED more. Thi* leadership will arise Mary’s students have signed at America last year. The honor was If not satisiield after usinz 5 blades, return unused blades bestowed on Mr. Byrne in Rome and money will be refunded. Titusville, Pa.— Funeral services almost instantaneously if these the once-a-week “ ground school” Cash, Stamps or Money Order ’ were held in St. Titus’ church for huge masses are allowed to go in Alameda. in 1934. Anthony M. Fasenmeyer, dis­ hungry. If you live in a town coverer of the process for removing above 50,000, you will find plenty J.& W. SALES P. O. BOX 74 CAPITOL HILL STA., DENVER gasoline from natural gas. His of the unfortunates in your ov;n Gaston Laudation Is Put Importation of Birth compression apparatus is used community. If you live in a large In Congressional Record Control Devices Upheld throughout the world today. city, you will find teeming crowds New York.— Federal Judge G.‘ of them. If you have a con­ Washington.— An eloquent lau­ dation of William Gaston, first stu­ M. Moscowitz, acting in a test case 46 Missionaries Are science, you will do all in your brought by the Birth Control The Register Shipping Guide power to work for a betterment of dent of Georgetown university, clinic, ruled that contraceptive de­ MR. AND MRS. SHOPPER— The Rezlater rocoeamsads this alphabstkally- Ordained in Ireland the economic situation, in order distinguished Catholic and noted figure in the history of North Car­ vices could be imported into the indaxsd Uat of huinosa and profeasioaal paofla far year noeda. Ae laadare that they may have their right*. United States if they were not H I thair varieua lints, tboy ara vail aqulppsa te gtrm yon exeu n t aarvke. Dublin.— Twenty-six missioners olina and the United States, which GWt tham a trial and show your a^praciatlWu far they are ce-e»eratliic with Senator Josiah W. Bailey of North put to illegal use. The Tariff act ua in (irinc you a finer pubUeetian. >■ 1,; for Clhina were ordained by Bishop John S. Leahy, a Boston lawyer, of 1930 prohibits the importation Galvin, Vicar Apostolic of Hang- writing about a successful manu-i Carolina made in a speech at Ral­ eigh, N. C., was put into the of “ any article whatever for the yang, China, at Galway. Bishop facturer with a good old Irish prevention of conception,” and DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL GROCERY Mulhern of Dromore ordained 20 name, says it would be well for Congressional Record on the re­ quest of Senator David I. Walsh the court’s interpretation of the priests for missionary work in him, inasmuch as he has great tal­ act is “ not to prohibit transporta­ DR. W. F. LOCKE .\frica at the Newry Cathedral. ent, to “ have his name standing of Massachusetts. Westerkamp Bros. tion unless intended for illeg:al KE. 8613 KE. M13 KE. 9043 5106 Wafh. for something other than razors.” use.” 1216 Speer Blvd. Mexican Children Must Then he comoares him with Colonel Double Rites Are Held Talk— Don’t W a lk - VETERINARIAN Patrick H. Callahan of Louisville, For Two Louisiana Nuns Telephone Yonr Order Observe Reds’ Holiday Ky. Mr..CaIIhan, he says, is recog­ (Upper photo) The ruins of the Mission San Jose de Aguayo, Last Baronet of Line, Small Animal Specialists Everything a Good Grocery nized as the leading American Baton Rouge, La.— Double fu­ built at San Antonio de Bexar in 1730, one of the group of famous Martyrs’ Kin, Succumbs Should Have Mexico City.— In the school cal­ neral services were held in St. .los- missions founded by Father Antonio Margil. The famous rose windo-w Cat and Dog Hospital Best Feed* et Leweat Priew dealer in varnish and paint, but “ I CLIPPING— SURGERY— DISEASE endar for 1936. prepared by the doubt, except among persons en­ eph’s* church for Sister M. Xavier (lower photo) in the west wall of this mission is the subject of many London.— With the death of Sir We Delirer ministry of public education, Nov. gaged in similar business, if that and Sister M. Ursula, members of legends. The Texas missions required more than 50 year* to com­ Henry Jerningham, 11th baronet 7 is designated as the feast of the fact is ever mentioned in connec­ the Sisters of St. Joseph. Sister plete. They will be the subject of great interest in the Texas Centennial of Cossey, a Catholic, who was vsAvyvwwwwwwvwwvw REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE anniversary of the Russion revo­ tion with him. Colonel Callahan M. Xavier had been a nun for 51 celebrations to be held thi* year. descended from three English mar­ years, 46 of which were spent at tyrs, Blessed Philip Howard, Earl lution. Why should Mexican will b e . remembered for his at­ The firms listed here de­ HORACE W. BENNETT A school children celebMte the tri­ tempts to improve society by elim­ St. Joseph’s academy. Sister M .. of Arundel; Blessed William How­ COMPANY Ursula had been in religion for 41 [ serve to be remembered umph of a European political par­ inating rancors and hatreds inci­ ard, Viscount Stafford, and Blessed T.'ber 1271 TAber 1271 ty? is the question on the minds dent to ignorance, and for hi* years. Margaret Pole, Countess of Salis­ when you are distributing 210 TaJbnr BtiUding' bury, the historic baronetcy be­ of Mexican parents. Of what im­ endeavor to improve the condition your patronage in the dif­ REAL ESTATE LATE WORLD NEWS came extinct. He was vice presi­ portance is the Bolshevist revolu­ of all persons in his employ by 2 Holy Land Shrines LOANS AND INVESTMENTS dent of the Catholic Union of ferent lines of business. tion to Mexican childhood? As a giving them a living wage.” Col­ Are Periled by Decay Choice A’partments for Rent further evidence of his Communis­ onel Callahan, it will be remem­ Great Britain. INSURANCE OP ALL KINDS London. — The Church of the Consecration To Be Feb. 19 made public here. The headquar­ tic leanings. Minister of Education bered, had Monsignor John A. Toronto, OnL—The Rt. Rev. ters, it was declared, recently were Vazquez Vela has ordered that the Natmty in Bethlehem and the Ryan, the great Catholic econo­ Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Msgr. F. P. Carroll, recently ap­ removed from Montevideo when Wisconsin Priest Has buildings in which official schools mist, assist him, year* ago, in map­ Jeru.salem, both intimately con­ pointed Bishop of Calgary, will be Uruguay severed diplomatic rela­ ‘Litany’ Stamp Exhibit are located shall fly the Red flag ping out a system' that would put consecrated Feb. 19 at St. Mi­ tions with Soviet Russiai instead of the national banner. nected with the life of Jesus, are La Crosse, Wise.— The Rev. the Catholic ideals of social justice both lamentably in need of repair chael’s Cathedral here. The Most Missioner to Pilot Own Plane into play in his paint and varnish Rev. J. C. McGuigan, Archbishop Ferdinand Cech’s stamp exhibit, Preferred Parish Trading List if they are to be preserved, reports Toronto.—After traveling 50,- "The Philatelic Litany of the Catholic Peace Group business. The plan worked, just William Katvfey, famous architect of Toronto, will be the' consecrat­ 000 miles by air as co-pilot or pas­ as every feature of the New Deal ing prelate and he will be assisted Saints,” created and copyrighted Will Publish Volume entrusted by the British govern- senger, carrying the faitn to the by the priest, was displayed re­ that was based on the Quadra by the Most Rev. J. T. Kidd, Bishop Indians, teaching them, bearing Wa.shington.— The Catholic As­ inent to examine their condition. cently before an Evansville, Ind., gesimo Anno worked. of London, and the Most Rev. J. A. food to the hungry, and, rushing St. Francis sociation for International Peace Structural weakness and the rav­ stamp club. St. Dommic’:s O’Sullivan, Bishop of Charlotte­ the sick or injured from the bush ha.s just received from the Carne­ ages of stortris, quakes, and W e have often wished that more weather have made these shrines town. to civilization, the Rev. J. M. gie Endowment for International of our Catholic business and pro­ veritable deathtraps for pilgrims. Dowager Duchess Is Convert Couture, S.J., famous missionary Wins Contest for De Sales’ Peace the American rights to the fessional men would interest them­ of the James bay region, was grant­ publication of a work on “ The Berlin.— The Dowager Duchess selves in movements outside of ed a pilot’s license after an hour Swiss National Anthem ('atholic Tradition of the Law of Maria of Anhalt, widow of Duke those that bring them a living. Chicago Priests Given Frederic II of the German Prin­ and ten minutes’ flying. He will Berne, Switzerland.— First prize T H E BROADWAY COAL Nations," by John Eppstein of After all, no great supernatural re­ Decorations by Poland cipality of Anhalt, has become a soon have his own plane. in a competition for the best tune DEPARTMENT London. The association has re­ ward may be expected from merely to serve as the national anthem ceived from the endowment a sum convert to Catholicism. Her hus­ Fr. Damien Tomb Being Erected Pinon Fuel & Supply Co. conducting a profitable business. Chicago.— As a recognition of band died in 1916. Anhalt is pre­ of Switzerland was awarded to a STORE COMPANY of money for the publication and their •work in education, religion, Louvain, Belgium. — Workmejr A man might supernaturalize such eminently a Protestant territory. Romansch monk of Graubunden J, M. CONES, Pres. F. A. Mnmford, Mgr. will have charge of the distribu­ charity, and social welfare, the are now engaged in constructing a canton from among 1,829 entries. work through high motives, but Dickens’ Crandson Promoted tomb-chapel in the church of the W. 25th and Decatur . GA. 6125 tion of the volume in this country. even the supernatural needs some­ Rev. Ca.simir Gronkowski, pastor Romansch is a language closely 21 to 51 South Broadway The work sets forth a complete of St. Adalbert’s church, and the London.— A grandson of the Fathers of the Sacred Heart here descended from the Latin, and is ...... ^.»■ ...... ' "■ := thing to stand on, for it presup­ novelist, , Rear to receive the remains of Father view of the Church’s teaching, poses nature and builds above it. Rev. Casimir Sztuczko, C.S.C., spoken only by a few thousand from its founding up to the pres­ pastor of Holy Trinity church, Gerald Charles Dickens, Pamien, apostle to the lepers on people. Doctors, dentists, and some law­ has been promoted to be vice ad­ the Island of Molokai. The body L. C. B. A. ent moment, on the great problems yers do an immense service have been awarded special decora­ Annunciation of international morality, peace tions and insignia of honor and miral. He is appointed in charge will leave Honolulu on the U. S. St. Mary’s Branch No. 298 for their soul* by freely giving of of the reserve fleet. Admiral Dick­ Republic Feb. 3, .be transferred to and W'ar, so momentous to the in­ their learnirfg for the sake of the merit by the republic of Poland. I Ueetinzs held erery eeeond snd fourth I dividual and to society today. ens is a Catholic. the Belgian Mercator at the Canal j rhursday of the month at 2 o’clock, f poor. But many men in other linens Zone Feb. 25, after stopping in LONDON MARKET AND ‘Direct Action’ Charged HOLY GHOST CHURCH HALL of life seem content with keeping Priest Appointed to San Francisco about Feb. 15, and Parochial Gagers GROCERY Rio de Janeiro.— Charges that 19TH AND CALIFORNIA STS. Organization of Adult their religion a purely private af­ will then be taken to Beigpum. OSCAR TUNNELL, Prop. fair. They never push out into South American Post Communists have opened head­ Vicar Apostolic Liberated Study Clubs to Begin useful sidelines suggested by the DePere, Wise.— The Rev. Ralph quarters in Mexico City for “ direct Quality Meats and Groceries D. Goggins, O.P., who received his action” in subversive work on the Peiping.— The Most Rev. Celes- Roche.ster, N. Y.— An extensive Church. 3800 Walnut Street organization of adult study clubs elementary education at St. Augus­ American continent have been tine Ibanez, O.F.M., Vicar Apos­ In Three-Way Tie tine’s school, here, has been ap­ tolic of Yennanfu, and 12 of his Phones: MA. 5239— TA. 3845 throughout the Diocese of Ro­ When they do, they accomplish chester will be undertaken here pointed commissarius of the Do' Archdiocese Has 1,425 priests have been finally liberated St. Anne’s Shrine amazing things. We used to know minican provinces of Peru, Chile, from Yenan, which has been sur­ Cathedral and Reps registered next month, the Rev. John M. a hat merchant who was the life­ U IV U O p Price* Every Dai Duffy, dioce.san director of the and Argentina in South America, Converts in One Year rounded by Commiinist forces for their second wins Friday night in blood of St. Vincent de Paul work many months. Lumen service says Confraternity of Christian Doc­ with headquarters in Santiago, Cincinnati.— Converts received the Parochial Basketball league TW O ^ m e J U L STORES in his city. His son, also in the they have arrived safely at Tung Arvada trine, announced. Chile. into the Church in all the parishes race to go into a three-way tie mercantile business, has followed chow Shensi. with St. Joseph’s for the league SAME PRICES Mait on Sunday at 8 :3 0 A . M. his late father’s example and has of the archdiocese in 1935 num­ Priests Captives, Rumor lead. The Sacred Heart team Sunday Devotions at 7:4S P. M. also been prominent in the St. Vin­ bered 1,425. The number of care­ Pope Shows Personal less Catholics and those who had Peiping.— A curious report from scored its initial 'victory by over­ NOVENA IN HONOR OF ST. cent de Paul society. W e know Rural Life Essay whelming St. Francis’, 30 to 12. Interest in Press gdven up entirely the practice of Pingliang, Kansu, says that sev­ 3401 F m klla SU atot ANNE ON THURSDAY AT 7:45 an entertainer who made his name eral Reds, captured by soldiers, The highly-rated Blu^ay outfit Vatican City.— The real and revered by all who knew him be­ their religion, who returned to the Church, was 1,655. Inquiry classes persist in alleging that two mis­ was forced to the limit to win from personal interest'that Pope Pius cause of hi* charity work in hos­ Contest Opens has in the well-being and develop­ in all parishes have been directed sionaries, apparently Catholic the Holy Family quintet, 20 to 10. pitals. We knew a credit manager priests, are captives of the Com­ The Tigers held the Cathedralites DE SELLEM ment of the Catholic press was who for many years led a move­ by Archbishop McNicholas as a again manifest when he re­ Clark, Md.—Landward, official means of increasing these numbers munist forces on the northeastern scoreless in the third period and FUEL AND FEED CO. The firms listed here de­ ment to see that orphans received organ of the Catholic Rural Life displayed an excellent defensive in ceived in audience Count Giuseppe in the current year. border of Kensu north Of King- CHARLES A. DeSELLEU serve to be remembered an annual Christmas treat. We conference, in its current issue yang. checking their opponents’ high- Dalla Torre, director of Osserva- have known several laymen who W e Ship by Rail when you are distributing iore Romano and president of the announces the conference’s third scoring forwards, Schmitz and have done prodigious work in annual essay contest for Catholic Student Tribute to Tarbell. PHONE TA. S205 your patronage in the dif­ International Union of the Cath­ Ghurch BeU Donated 35TH AND WALNUT spreading Catholic literature boys and girls in elementary and 'The Annunciation team fell ferent lines of business. olic Press, who had just returned among the sick'and have brought St. Thomas Proppsed RES. PHONE MA. 8544 from Paris, where a meeting was high schools. The purpose of the By Disabled Veteran from the undefeated rank by drop­ about numerous conversions. .We contest is to bring out the best New York.— Carrying out the ping a 16-to-26 encounter to the held to prepare for the Interna­ knew one layman who, on street designs of Leo XIII and tional Congress of Catholic Jour­ that is in the farm and village chil­ Hartford, Conn. — Daniel F. Regis five. Porter and Merkle led cars and in other places, frankly Pius XI for the promotion of- de­ nalists to be held in Rome May 18 dren regardless of their school af­ Shea, a Catholic, helpless and blind the victors’ attack, scoring 12 and asked people what their religion votion to St. Thomas Aquinas as to May 21. filiations. veteran of the World war and most ten points, respectively. was, told them how happy he was the patron of all Catholic schools The competition is divided into famous patient at Newington Vet Non-League Games Played to be a Catholic, took their name* two groups: Class 1, pupils in the and scholars, the Angelic Warfare, erans’ hospital if not in the United and addresses, put literature into fifth to eighth grades of grammar a confraternity that has for its In non-league games in the past Former Provincial States, donated funds for a bell week, Regis and St. Joseph’s were their hands, and had the happiness schools, inclusive; class II, pupils specific object the protection of that was installed at impressive O f Salesians Dies of seeing many of .them come into in high schools and boys and girls the innocence of youth, proposes defeated, the latter losing to St. DRUGGISTS TOWEL & LINEN SUPPLY ceremonies in the tower of St. Mary’s high school of Colorado the Church. W e know one man who who stopped school after finishing a national Catholic student tribute Mary’p church in Newington, in honor of that saint March 7, Springs, 36 to 32, and the former YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS MOUNTAIN TOWEL SUPPLY CO. San Francisco.— The Very Rev. runs a huge corporation but finds the grammar grades and who are across the fields from Shea’s hos­ will he filled correctly at Oreste Trinchieri, S.C., provincial time to give hours upon hours over 13 and under 19, as of Jan. 1, Feast of the Angelic Doctor. dropping s 25-to-46 tilt to North Service Furnished for Ofilee*, Barhers, pital room. WASHINGTON PARK PHARMACY Restauranta, Stores, and Banquets of the ‘ Salesian Fathers on the towards making underprivileged 1936. » high of the city league. Ph. SP. 9765 1096 South Gaylord St. Pacific coast from 1926 to 1934, children happy in a summer resort The length of the essays will English Woman Heard 1st White Child Born St. Philomena’s Takes Lead 3104 Oewninc MAin 7960 died suddenly of a heart attack as he conducts just for them. W e be not less than 400 words and not St. Philomena’s went into undis­ Patronize Our Advertisers S. P. DUNN. Uanaeer he was attending a banquet in met a women teacher in Rome last more than 600. By Two New Saints In South Dakota Dies puted possession of first place in honor of Mayor Angelo Rossi. As winter who works extremely bard The essays must be in the hands London. — In thanksgiving for Pierre, S. Dak.— Mary Houston the Holy Name Basketball league he was stricken, he was given ab- all week teaching in a language of the diocesan rural directors by the solution of difficulties she faced Atkinson, first White person born Thursday night by defeating St. Francis J. Fisher, Inc. The firms listed here de­ .solution by the Very Rev. Harold school, but takes several hours March 15. Essays that have won in the past year through the inter­ in the territory now comprising the Catherine’s, 33 to 14, while St. serve to be remembered Ring, S.J., and Extreme Unction every Sunday to conduct catechism diocesan honors must be in the cession of Sts. John Fisher and state of South Dakota, died at Sa­ Vincent’s was defeated for the first TAbor 6204 was administered by the Rev. classes in the outlying sections of hands of the chairman of the na­ Thomas More, Miss E. M. LeMotte, cred Heart convent in Chicago at time—a 36-to-25 setback by the St. when you are distributing James McHugh. Father Trinchieri, the Eternal City. She, by the way, tional board o f judges by noon, a Catholic, has provided funds for the age of 79. She was born at Francis five. The Annunciation Cement, Plaster, Mortar your patronage in the dif­ a native of Italy, was ordained in is also rearing a fine family of Wednesday, April 1. The chair­ the erection of i church at Eltham, Port Pierre, Nebraska territory. cagers took an early lead and 1910 and was stationed on the Pac­ bambini. What is going to be man is Dr. James A. Fitzgerald of Kent, in honor of the two new Her grandfather was Gen. Henry coasted to a 33-to-21 victorj- over Metal Lath, Stucco ferent lines of business. ific coast since 1914. YOUR hobby? Loyola university, Chicago. English saints. Atkinson. St. Joseph’s. 2363 BLAKE ST. DENVER
