!”•I WEIRD STORY EXORCISM REUTED Tha Magiatar Hat the latarnational Nawa Sarvica (Wira and Mail), the N. C. W, C. Nawa Service (Includinc Radioa and Cablaa), Ita Own Special Service, All the Smaller Catholic Servicea, International lUuatrated Newa, and N. C. W, C. Picture Service. Listeningln CHURCH SURE BOOKLET TELLS Local Local WilKam E. Kerrish, noted New England convert, writ­ TO TRIUMPH IN Edition Edition OF FIGHT WITH ing in The Boston Transcript, THE quotes the following recent utterance of Pius X I : GERMAN FIGHT EVIL SPIRITS '*As Vicar of Jesus Christ, we pray for peace; we wish Pastoral Deplores Attempt of Official Nazis that together with the pres­ Possessing Demons in Woman’s Body for 26 ervation of peace, the hopes, To Restrict Activities of Clergy REGISTER(Name Registered in the'U. $. Patent Office) Years Are Forced Out After Battle demands, and needs of a To Sacristy great and good people, m y VOL. XII No. 4 DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, JAN. 26, 1936 T W O CENTS Of Twenty-three Days people, may be recognized Amsterdam.— “ Catholics are certain of victory in the (By Monsignor Matthew Smith) and satisfied, but always end,” says the Most Rev. 'Conrad Groeber, Archbishop of Will Work in Solomon Islands “Begone Satan,” a pam- with justice and peace . was taking place. W e can Freiburg, Germany, in a pastoral that was read from all phlet giving the account of Without justice there is sin, understand this reticence in the pulpits of his diocese. an exorcism performed at and sin brings misery to peo­ view of the story told in the The Archbishop pointedly refers to the many abuses Earling, la.(in the Diocese of ples. Peace is the necessary pamphlet. It was necessary the Church is submitted to under the Nazi regime. There Des Moines), is the weirdest to battle the evil spirits for condition of all prosperity. was hope, he says, at the beginning of this last year, that and one of the most interest­ 23 days. The exorcism, The foundation of all good in the various disturbances would be only temporary, and ing documents we have ever this world comes from peace (Turn to Page 2 — Colum n 1) that eventually State and Church would co-operate peace­ read. It was written in Ger­ and ordeV.” fully for their common ends. “ But,” says the Archbishop, IQICyF IS DFAD man by the Rev. Carl Voegel Appointed Aide “ these expectations were not fulfilled throughout.” and translated into English Tuskegee institute reports He then insists that the Catholics should not be pre­ by the Rev. Celestine Kaps- that there were 20 lynchings vented from applying their own Santa Fe, N. Mex.— (Special) — ner, O.S.B. Published by in the United States in 1935. principles to the affairs of the ■world, thereby referring to the in­ Word was received by Archbishop the translator at, St. John's International Labor Defense numerable interferences with the R. A. Gerken of the death of the abbey, Collegeville, Minn., it Rev. Marcellus Troester, O.F.M., lists 24, the difference Jbeing Catholic press in Germany and bears the imprimatur of even with the teaching of Catholic Navajo Indian missionary with accounted for by a difference headquarters at St. Michaels, Ariz. Bishop Joseph F. Busch of of opinion in the classifica­ doctrine from the pulpits. He also protests that the Church should Father Marcellus’ death comes as St. Cloud, a nihil obstat of tion of the murder of four not be restricted to the sacristy in PLEl FOB EBDine a shock to the Archbishop and to the Rt. Rey. John P. Dur­ the Franciscan Fathers, because it share-croppers. The Labor its activities and denounces the ham, and the printed permis­ attempts to do away with all in­ was not known that he had been and Socialist. Press service unwell. sion of the Rt. Rev. Alcuin reports that 33 workers lost dependent Catholic organizations in Germany. He attendefl the convention of Deutsch, O.S.B., Abbot of St. OF PEBSEGOIION the Catholic Indifin Missionaries their lives in labor disputes 'National’ Church . John's. in the last year. Particular apprehension, the of the Southwest in Santa Fe last October, at which time he was Archbishop adds, is caused by the Mexico City.— A sweeping refu­ delegated to compile a catechism The pamphlet tells the efforts of those who are trying tation of the contentions brought Lynchings are simply mur­ to establish a national German and language book in the Navajo forth by President Lazaro Car­ tongrue. Father Marcellus was one story of the expulsion of pos­ der. As for deaths in strikes, Church that would be separated denas, when he denied their pre­ sessing demons from the from the Mother Church in Rome. of the few priests who mastered a most of them, we fear, fall vious appeal for a cessation of the knowledge of the Navajo langruage, body of an unnamed woman, into the same classification, They are mistaken, he says, who persecution of religion in Mexico “recognize religion only as the a result of his long years of labor who was taken to Earling, a and amendment of existing anti- (fO among them. although there is a right to devotion of man to his own people religious laws, is presented in a Father Marcellus Troester, 0. F. rural community, in 1928, to use violence when necessary and nation.” Catholics, he points The Rev. Henry Hebert, S.M., of Biddeford, Me., and the Most new petition the Mexican Bishops M., was bom in Cincinnati Sept. be relieved by the Rev. The- out, are only too willing to make Rev. Thomas J. Wade, S.M., Vicar Apostolic of the North Solomon for the protection of valu­ have delivered to the chief execu­ 19, 1878, and was ordained to the every sacrifice for their country, islands. Departure ceremonies were held in the Marist college, Wash­ ophilus Riesinger, a Capu­ able property against UN­ tive. priesthood in Cincinnati June 17, but “ they refuse to’ deify those In it, the Bishops assert posi­ ington, D. C., for Father Hebert, who is en route to the Solomon islands chin Father, who in recent JUST attacks. It cannot be values.” missions, in Oceania. He was among eight young men of the Society 1906. He was immediately sent tively that, despite all denials, reli­ to the Navajo missions, where he years has handled 19 cases The Archbishop injects a note of Mary, ordained last June in Washington at Bishop Wade’s first gainsaid, nevertheless, that gion, and particularly the Catholic remained until his death. He was of diabolical possession. No of optimism in this pastoral when ordination ceremonies. employers frequently go be­ religion, is being persecuted in so intent upon his work among the exorcism of a possessed per­ he says that contrary to predic­ their country, and that the su­ yond their just vights. Any­ Navajos that he allowed himself son is permitted without the tions “ Roman-Catholic Christian­ preme authorities have refused to only one trip back to his native body inclined to dispute this ity, particularly the Catholic Cardinal Presides at Rites render justice to the Catholic peo­ city in all the years, which was on permission of the Bishop; clergy, has not suffered in influ­ will have his eyes opened ple, who constitute 97 per cent of the occasion of his silver jubilee hence there is virtually no through reading “I Break ence, but has gained a new vital the population of Mexico, nor will in the priesthood in 1931. Few power and an even greater willing­ opportunity for hysteria or Mitt Jane M. Hoey, noted tocial Strikes: The Technique of the authorities give any reason DISHOP O’HARA INSTALLED have ever acquired better knowl­ worker of New York city, who hat ness to profess the faith. why the anti-religious laws should mistake in these strange in­ Pearl L. Bergoff,” by Ed­ edge of the Navajo people and their been appointed director of the “ It is not we who attack,” the not be amended. stances. language than Father Marcellus. Public Attittance bureau of the ward Levinson, a book ^pub­ Archbishop concludes, obviously The document first replies cate- He lived and sacrificed his life Federal Social Security board. lished by McBride in 1935. having in mind the recent allega­ goricaljy to 11 contentions set up AS SAVANNAH ORDINARY for them. • Mitt Hoey, who it a graduate of tions to the conti’ary of Gen. Her­ by President Cardenas in his reply The Iowa case attracted Trinity college, Wathington, it a mann Goering, Prussian Nazi Pre­ to the original petition, and shows attention both in the Cath­ An enormous group of or­ mier, “ rather we were attacked all of these contentions to be based Savannah, Ga.— ^The Most Rev. dies but also non-Catholics were member of the New York State olic and in the secular press Crime committion and the State ganizations, shows this book, and still are being attacked, but upon false premises. This is fol- Gerald P. O’Hara, for the last six charmed by his unpretentious and Canon Law Is we demand justice.” ygfirs Auxiliary Bishop of Phila- simple ..manner. at the time it occurred, but Correction committion. She it a spends many thousands of l«med by three conclusicn*- attiLUlft: (Shortly before, His EmTiTeii'ce document ends with a petition for ■delpliua7wffs'installed as theiiinth '^You^TIrnaVe fibtic'ea^e'lai'ge it was prolwbly impossible former vice pretident of the Na­ tional Conference of Social Work, (Turn to Page 4 — Column 1) (T vm io Page 2 — Cohimn 7) relief and justice that lists eight Bishop of Savannah at the Cathe­ number of his fellow priests and then to get much information , Upheld in Suit and a former tecretary of the steps regarded by the Bishops as dral of St.
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