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1934 The olC lege News, 1934-02-28, Vol. 20, No. 15 Students of Bryn Mawr College

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Custom Citation Students of Bryn Mawr College, The College News, 1934-02-28, Vol. 20, No. 15 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1934).

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• Vienna Choir Gives C"'LENDAR Freshman Show Glorifies Bustle Era, Wins NU'J Try-Ouls The ew Wilhclt to ThUrs., March 1. Denn l\1an­ r Collelle N , a ra r a Delightful Conce t announce the opening of the ning will, speak in Chn�1. Enthusi stic P ise of Unc itic l Audience - competition for positions on the Goodhart at 8.40 A. M. - • 'Passiol1l�ss Clarity, Sweetness, Editorial Board for n ext year. Fri.. March 2. CIUK swim­ of M:Joctoas",,- M::lodrama-�. -- Emphasize Local Color •• 4.00 ?I'oduccrs Precision and Flexibility There will be a mccthlg tor ming meet Gym at M. Costuming and Scenzry True t'J Period-Plot Is 3. P. Sat., Mar. Varsity bas­ Are • Mark Singing those wi!5hing to try out, in the Background o Song and Danc.e J First f office. Thursday evening ketball va. Mt. oseph's. New, nnd second teams. Gym lit 10.00 o'c ock. DIRECTOR IS ARTIST at six J SOFHOMORES FAll TO DISCOVER CLAS ANIMAL ______� __ A_ M_ . # IL Sun., March 4. The Rev. John • (E,�t!wllJl Contribllttd bJl Lalit Saturday c"cning the 1937 it of stage mccha hlm th t nlA e Mr War r $uter.. Jr., will speak in Chapci. b '! n a k Mr. Alwrne) . bu g Shows Music Room at 7.30 P. M. i"reshnHtn Show burst upon Ull nil the Freshman Show n delight to be- On Thursday last a very delightrul Mon., March 5. in Public Debt to Artist Mr. Reginald its rlpry or bustle! and peg-topped hold-Com'ention Dnd the school of concert was given by the famous Wie­ Pole will speak on TIu: Theatre trou'l'e�8, and even the most cynical. the druma mean nothing to 1he c1a�H been of the Futllre and th� Sig'I'�'1J '.J.. 'If'r Scmgerknllbl'fL who have it Art Education Should Teach 9phomore would be forted to adm of 1937, and ht ey L..,...,_ ttcr th an most � Deanery at 5.00 M. 1\ ��tended our of the making very t Todlly. P. Mil Door dra t t whd::dpn i is the law of Cooperation of Collectors (IfM on., March 5. :Mr. ma is s to t. United States. This was the last Con­ Horace that. .Van Darf.:fl' o4uujll With Artists Alwynne, F.R.M.e.M., will give had much to recommend it. It hal'l the prophets. cert of a tour which has inclu ded fifty- piano recital. C o h n o d art ut alwa),!! been our contention that. the The mmlie mainly the work of taken them from coast .8.20 P. M. WDS fi\'e cities and PUBLIC IS I�SlNCERE Frcshm�n Show is a thing avort in Ruth Woodward. ond it. ('Ombin('d • e March 6. SUIIVllt to coast. The Choir, which consists of Tu s., 'r .. --=.:....- the theutre-unlque in that it should wilh the ehorusell. train('ti by After cop;n. with clubwomen anq School mooting. Deanery at 8. 18 boye at from 10 to 13 years" o( age, s (go P. M. be prai ed for itll nleritll rather than bel1e Seltzer, to len d a cli ti nction to collectors of lt.alian primlt(vcs wh� I ll must surely have aToused much envy March 8. t 7.ed IIhortcomings. the p t rTn still are ever ready wth question Thurs., Clayton cr ici (or er o ance �uil l its wh ch hUll 1Jl'C1I in the brealts o"l countless small boys i n H n i Iy i about the purpose and meaning at amil to w ll speak on'Tltc 1'f'/- i The one and only object of, thc lacking in many the pust. when it is remembered that their 1\1, M. e 4.30 e- shows of modern an, M·r. Edward War- D ane at f "shmen is to amus not to afrord liss Woodward "hawed a ven18tilily 10lU JlIt!f.:cf, ry r travels have taken them, not only burg returned to Bryn Mawr Sun- M. the audience a glimpse into-the trical P. a in composition which bctruyed an acros.s the American Continent, but speak U nOr day aCt.ernoon to about "Thc topia and no one who was present advanced knowledge of her medium Scandinavia, France, '- - also t.hrough in World l e dis ------,------' 1 Goodhnrt on could deny and produced in Low-III lAd Artist the Today." i Faculty Formulates in atuNin)' y 0 waltz Germany, Czecho-Slovakia, Austria, a cussed the artist's work (rom the that the frellhmen were dmirably in the best tradition, nnd then turned Italy and Greece. vnl'ying points-of-view the scholar, ComprehetiSiVes Plan succcs!\ful in achieving their object- to the modem sehool for her im�pira The bo)'1l, (ar from being ratigued 01 the critic, the dealer, and the public. --- ive. The succcss which rewarded tion for Thf' DUII(f' of with the ir travels (and all their jour­ o tll{l Cat,. ' and, in this connection, pointed. ut their efforttl i" even more remark bl(, The l tter was, in the Ob ect o E a a our opinion. neys in this country have been made e j f xams Will be to T cst thl.' e the necessity for a system of art du· in light of th facte that they hac! high j,oint of the perrOrmlll1('e. whe," in' a huge motor coach) .. expressed Students' Ability to Ap- A cation whereby the better artist might ne show lready in reheat1!al when the five cats appeared on the mil or \ themselves as being only regretful c a. ea, o be appreciated by his ontempor ri ply Knowledge the powers-that-be decided otherwise the orchestra pit, and led l\�i"s that theyluld-not had thtl opportunity --- rt by and not relegated to an attic to starve. on the lIubjl'f"t. an that two memlwr!' Relt7.cr. pt'Cl!ented u� with an impres to still of America. They bel!t t llee The artists are the most mis- IS PASSING GRADE of lh� ca" wel'e rorc('Ii at the III!!t �'ioni�tic picture or cal!! pillying in may m1t-e look like 80me of Raphaels cre­ 60 ___ erably treated because they are not minute to wHhdraw. the moonlight. It is a long ime s ince ations when they arc on the stag , de­ l e enticed. by the public to look down. The Faculty at a special mN.!tin�·, Written b\' R!)se and Leti iu !tuch nn ftmbitiolh bit of dancinll has murely attired in their cassocks and Edith l artist be original, 'he creates a c o m " If an M rch will probably be discu"l'ing n Brown, thl. "mf'lodious m l ra a u(I('n unrll'rtnken by freshmcn, and the lIurplices, but they are real boys just tc o something that is non-exis nt anti plnn for a final examination in the concerned thl' adventures of tittle "ucce"" with which it wa!i e ec utl'd the same, a� an)'one would have dis­ publ c to which : x consequently difficult for the i major lIubject. of followillg' Nell at Brr" M awr. whither she went is !!uHicient Ilroof thc !lbility of C!overed who happened to see them til\' (I( gra'l without clfort. His followerI'. S e e p is a brief· outline. a1 the beh '!!t or True Blue Hnrold, ?I1i:ls eltz r IU u duncer an d director After the Conc rt indulging in a snow dil'CCl l muy. on the other hand, get I-Nalm'f' of who lovl'd h'l" with u l)Ure white 11i('r four fellow cats had 11 better fight with lIonle or the Freshnlen re­ e. EXf,lI//JICltirm backing from th public, because they the h n The final examination in the majol' t at litt le edu· undcr,.tallding of rhythm then w e tUrning from a rehearsal ror Fresh­ flame, bllt ..till elt their master's idea l !m It f k w mid!iL make more I ahtt- bject is not to be est c l clltian would d her nO hllrm, To col- nc cxi!ltcd in our We wcre c iv t of gen rn man show, or playing every once ­ able. This la k apprecitltion, and wellt. ow l.'fi l r y c of illformution in the student's major legQ. she ith the con�ellt o( no d l it l able kind or a k pr n while donning interest, upon t.he part of the g1lneral s IItll'old. O imJlre,.�C(1. S x field. Its purpose will be to te t the one nce withill the The e tet te in cos umes tor the Wltll their wigs and t Opera l)ubUe has forced sevel'al other lines ('xecpt fell Florar Oora student',. intelligence in thc dillcussio 1 ivied wa11!! $hc uroul cont 8etrat.ed a d fin te 1,lcallure t o gaze u n. The t d he same decade which saw the dis­ by ol r e g t ll . : museums, headed sch a s. d sign- quire rlefinite Ilnd concrete knowledge dnrk deed� to et a IIpo nf thllf('n h men in grey trousers. tail coat!! and covery of America, and wal attached to cri- p ed to-present-works 8 on certain points the efforf will bt if Hltrold hnd net bt-cn on the !'pot earl grey op al! fl'UJein8l�1 pe . l pel"S we� to the Imperial Cha l adjacent to of nn ve f. c F n s ous students; and private collectors. made to ensure thBt the prepAration to rescue Little Nell from the vil)('r. by th� ry n y lor Dora Girl the Royal Residence in Vienna. Since All of these agencies encounter dir- should not consist in the memorizing and marry her without furthcr /ldo. nil uur (nth('rs were reputed to hU\'e the war t.he boys have been housed ficulties, however. Most dealers are of too mnny specific detail�. The ex- It all ca e out beautifully in the Jxo.rll in their dny. The bar room in the Imperial Palace itllell. The m not sitUated financially so that they anlination would not be a l ork end, with Little returnin g to her t'horus. which was done in the bc�t tradition be­ on the w Choir has a wonderful Clift'he l Nell t the patrons of art: if they are to covered by any department but w(luM home an d fireside vo'i h daSl ani- Bowery tradition. wall thoroughly "-hind it, having had as memben both be atr n ed by a swank public, they c ...1 p o i% be limited to certain fields within the mal A8 a p rcs nt from Harold ( who (('Ollllnu on r"utl :orfl\"1!111 Haydn and Schubert and, in modern must carry the overhead needed to subject which have been cle rly indi· never for,rot anything), When !lhc on a (ConlinueO rlllte fjwallk p l.' with . t Three) maintain a la e a gal caled to the student. It might 1I1!1O entered he !lcene with th(' /lnimal WilJ Bryn Mawr Be \7hcn Icry for public exhibition and they include que4ions on work done in nl- careful wrapped in sw:uidlin� Offi�ially Snowed-In? Miss Park Gives Plans . w • mUllt pay for a stream of publicity lied I!u�ject&. There would be ide clot.hes,\X. the audience thou,rtht fOI' (In(' ••__ n For New Residence Hall The dealcr's opinion is necc&sarily ev y terr l moment that flhe and I-In choice of q.lestion.s on er papcr ill ib e raId A curious ph('oonl !'non hn" - he must make snles to com· had ot n , nUlui order to ennble each stUllent .to di!l- g te slightly nhcad th( Ill' itMe t I1 B1'yn M wr the biased; f l t a in lust Th s ay morning, penflnte for thC!le. expcnRCfI. He IIH1l1t a�pects of K b {,{ 8 l 8 v g o ft'llted In ,Chapel on ur d cuss those the u ! OIl e v(· . nnd Ihe un eilin inn(ll'· weck. It>r the cnrly /lour}! morn s j l nf\. Qf the Miss Park discussed plans for n new sell at lea t one Inrp:e and c pen Kh'e which she hAS concentrated, au!!, Ilrccn turtle took 110( great lond x inK ar(' no longer rcnci('r't'tl hidcou!!, by d (or 150 e a t per th t e s ormitory 8tudcnts nnd for th work of r year, and ufter the ofT veryonr' mind. rn ... n II-Scht',{lIlill ami Grodjuu of the 1.'llt('rwauling of al !lock addition of 100 students to the stu­ his main consideration is getting a EXlI1l1inatiOJtO All iJl (luitE' obviou,.. the plot of n l n Thlre is an excellcnt rcnllon for thi� "rtist to ror him dent body. This increase in the num­ work regulnrly with The examination will be held in N(','(',· Dflt'/,c'n M y D OQr Agrril/ clepl1rtUl'e r lll WOIl ro thc w(' no ber of students accnts the only possi­ or on a commission ba"is or for a fi ntircl unimp rtant. nd erved flim- ncculltom('fi; the rst week of the finnl exnnlinn- r r o n !' lonrcr need alarm clock!', TIHrt, i'l ble way to add to the college income set salary. �hrl'C ply as a f me fO ' he tion periOfI and will con!!ist of ra work I t IlOn� nOll not a girl in the collelle who. with $60,000 i the needed to ake the faculty The private collcetor ill l kely either three-hour papers, probably sd for chorUIICl'I. The high e true pion(!('r s pirit. dO('� not l p m exercise <"' dialoguey e had if:.! I !=alnries and the ranee of subjec s 0(­ to his personal judgmcnt or, Tue�ay, Thursday, and Saturdny. IIll')mentll, I)eciall wh n the vill in tl lw fron t a her WIII'm bed as the gri'y ai n np they m re in preservntion W lr fered more in keeping with what with an interest o hen departments prefer di erent work, and it wanderClI p u M. d a' was lit r r ache in o e tn I�r curiou�ly should be in a college that than in possession, to asscmble a x wi ('ellll to intr. the blue occlUlionally faU!I r r the t.ype type of e amination th' ac AWIIY fro m the window lind dl.'terminr ror of eR Bryn Mawr is. The advantage of a �roup of collector'll to make a collee,-. and formulae, the schedule mny when, for !'Orne r ')on which is !l:till books herself the burnillg question of the small llege l s a ly lost by tion for the community. In the for� obl'C re to u we co wou d c rce be arranged to meet these n('('tis 1)1"0- u s. were introduced to ages : i� the flnow at la .. deep enough be S the addition of twenty·five more stu­ mer case, the collection is frequently vided that the examination is ()f ap- a broken Dr(!'I'(i(>n heper " who fell t ed for Bryn Marwr declar oni a The rr es ar- ile(l to be dents to each c eshmnn an expr sion of his desire fOT an proximately the same di culty tht' nff a table to the horror of nl! nnd ciall )' !mowed in! i !IS. ffi II� year is the. point at which this addi­ the laTgcr unit o g ep rt e . th n heard r no ti!ltic element in r one ven by the d a m nts e WAS o mor('. At. Jlre!lt'nt we lie unofticial1y bur marked. 8f1d u - s tion would be most The pref>­ the home, as s ch it reflecta his Thei passing mark of the e amina Aguin at the eod of the fir t act it ben('ath a blanket x ied or 'Mome four ent Iretlhman class and the present likes and dilllikes to further pur- be 60. By i in e authors th t no tion will fa g to pass evid('ntiy occurr d to thc n (eet 'Of IInow; the bhlllket. howeve . ar be pose O rw l t junior class v ed in num r by as . the ise these small private the e amination a student will forfei tl few more people were ncc('gsary on r sn r i ill not all: there .still emain the ow many as twenty-five students en collections become merely small mus· x yea , re- th(' !!tage the on ­ her degree for the r but may Il for rendition of the fil1rll drifts considl'f'('(I, nnd the snow trance to college. It would be poMi­ eum galleries of art collected sent herselr for re-examination. choru". 110 into the dl"awing room to be works 01 drifts are really Momething to con ble and beneficial to divide the addi· their quality and exhibited in rUl'lllc unidentified .s al y. d An m bo a siller. Their inn()C(!nt whit ene t eir (or III-PreparotiO'lt. for th(! l h tional twenty-five students among the such way that there the student may E:rllntiJIIJtio1t cook, lind /I nur!le complete with babl:' n ed s. a u rcveal depth!!. tel! Ult nothing of twenty departments, and would serve find a laboratory in w ich Itudy provide time n le- the ho u h to In order to (or c in armll. 1"laving sunlf c r ,. their conh'nUl, And we shudder to to make the small advanced classes art. 3ration ror the fInnl eXllmi- hl!'lily th eurtain(1'cll th(>m and Quale prep e on think of the mi8sing cla8sm.tn those more interesting. The museum is, of course, the mOlt following changes ill the thc�' e e t eir nation the w r allewed to remove h deJlths are probably concealing. There il no more t'9Om or atudenu_ ambitious ornnization for the exhl- preftt nt plan of work ha\'e been ma ke -up and join the audience. Agnin e we j sug- Every morning f wer and re r either "in Dalton or TaYlor hall, bitlOn-and studY-of art: there were- too -many characters on pe(lJl s ll In it alms to le truiot' le f!lI:qaustedly to the so any inereaae in the number of stu- be unbiased that it may eecur& the rested:The work of the' last two years ror the age in the s ond act to suit t e 10 M ec h brcak(ast-tabl�: every evening vacant. denta would have to preceded by public's appreciation and ita becking, the A.B. degree is be separated ans the a hon t ey introduc- room be ItS pl o( ut , so h darke ned s speak lIillnificantly of to r the erection of the new Science build- so that it may exhibit the fineat art far credits are conce.rned f om a m ouse and drove all but the nce� Jl i I as h the a pall ng toll the now is taking the new Aame time, elp the artist two years. The tre-e f1I'I'aryed two ladie! in lII d ­ ing and of Library and at the h work of the first from the "cene groups o ( weeping gir . ustered to When these are wings.- economic roubles. the first two years will t rro , s a e completed, the mathe out of his t The quirement for e r and the t g was cleared for gether ror warmth, whisper dire tales move from Taylor main difficulty museum diredon and be a minimum of 7a,i units. action. It is the employment of such maticl! claues will ot a hapleu IIlste.r disappearing with encounter lie. in the tru.. The course requirement for the Jallt into the new Science building and the workers - horrible gurglf1l into the t' tt'het n lu of and archaeology clueea proneness to conllide.r mainly the two yean (except for ho ors art from tees' the snow as lIhe staltJt('� bra\'ely !ltu-ar- Taylor and their present. Library of people who have been In- dental be "7 units; the normal "!lumber Wl11 The S.,mmtrraC!ulty. Sclrool the graduate ! home from Taylor. whil," her friends quamn Into the new Library win,.. side the museum doors, nd to di .. rangement for the work of the last a school, and the undcrgnduate stood helplessly cal1lnr meu8geJ n e view from Meri n Green the that very few of the two ea unit in the junior year. � Si c o count fact n y r.....-4 & the body are cordially invited to the Of cheer and lis ed anxloully for too beautiful to spai ed and the have come to work or to study. unitt and preparation for the final � is be \ . 8 Summer School meetin« in the the e ·I!1"-f inter plies. At lut. an ollowa l wet for Of coune, theTe is a aman croup examination in the aenior year. land In the h is too Deanery, Tuesday, at ominous Illenfi! brooded O\'er the inno-- bulldinc construction, apace oPPO-- mieht well have pre- The reqUireme n� fo t.he m r a the of scholars, who 8 P. M. March 6, t':ent.seemiq enowdrift and . � pl as the ... the exhibition themselves had amed su�ects WIll �'f'G S um� �� '-,I.e .. - RockefeUerlOonUalMd .... RoIJ.-Imown red lContlnued on ...... ,.,.) rConllnu� Jot nt. •• �h;) 011 ..... on I".mr) ''------' " -,t 1 'pnUnu�d on

• • • wo THE COLLEGE NEWS f·a. 'J • mune with her from Athos, Already I anticipate the ecstatic moment of r u c t comm ni a ion. THE CO__ LLEGK NEWS psychicAnd, £ear .Batter, let ber be faitb:- I --_____Letters ..- '- ______' � � � ____ J_ ��.� _(f_ �__ �__1 1 1 - � rul to me, Mad at r ' and I to \"x --� NEWS 1'CltpOtt.ible lor _kl, Collq:. Yhlr ' (utepan' MORTAL SHIVER her, Yes! 0 ll te l- (Th.. U 1'l0t Pubii..h«ia1M'! E.uler HolidIyI,tlldentli thllt' they be alJowed Who could save her from the favor i'l Malicious Montague, BI BI book to ninely p('r cent, ot thl' un� 10 smoke whel'(� thcy likc, Slid it hns lIIanil'c:-.tl'd f/lith in the I'l'liability or ome a\vay rd n n cu up dergraduate body" is erroneous, For of the studcnt body ill A'cneral hy tJiis lIew Hud libel' ga a d t lll rulill,g. -AtlLisa/ooll, e to the e student body is required to ___ worms, the entire 'I'he llc ti 1 of smoking in the ltlills Ilfl� been rllised IIllilly times s l We'U sli up lobsters and catch tnke first year philosophy, and tho!!e (J 9 1 r.ENQ'EN RESOLUTIONS, WRERE� ce in eOlHll't!tioll with Bryn �hlWI', bilL it hn� ue\'l'r receivcd much atten ­ bl rms who you say derive satisfactiOn rl'ol]1 BY THE COLLEGE MAY AIS ! e R E , s ; , " i e the stupid and bou-r· tion oocan,..;c of thc ine\'itllblc "('ply thnt tu lIlIO\\� thc ...tudCI1IN smokc We.' skin em and scrape em and being unl k MONEY FOR THE SUPPORT OF � to,d to 11 serve 'em up raw, �eois" or "unlike the religiou!J elelRt'nt in their rooms would be to ill\'iie the illllllcciinte destruCj.ioli of thc BATES HOUSE I A ong Wi h the bits that come out of on campus" in sCMccly knowing what I'ollcge lil'c, lIowc\,el'l Vn sur to' f(,el thlll.. llte student Let Mi�s Park give up lIVCI'Ug{' I. her break· l the inside of the Bible looks like, mO!lot by ReclUS • 1 thcl r maw, is 8ullieiell1lr II'U:-;tWOI'IIt." 10 �ralltctl c1{'sil'lIhlf' privilegc 011 tit{' 'lists, except on Chapel morn� � . u , We'll hook little dogt1�h that swinl in nssurcdly become aware of itM Jtr('at­ lJe (IIIgs. eonditioll titllt she IISSIlIllC II eCI'tuill rcsl)ollsihilil \' for Itcr 1I('1 ion:., . f.. 1 the aler, and its ' lllnce in the eultul'e of , , .....,- w I1('S8 2 t MM'rs, anmn ve up F � 1'hl'I'l' i!'! no nced to go iuto 1111111,\' IId\,lIl1ll1�l'S whieh smoking il.l , r gi r(!(l Th t coId . bl d- I gawp WI·th a mon� civilization, Moreover, the Bible is die's beer, n 00 t:U· Y lIt1chU!lM ' Ihe Ill/III." I nil milch as nny encyclopedia for OIlC :' rlK)1II hux for tlte 8111llellts, Thcl'{' who ('Annol "'ll cJ ' oded hauteur, - . � I m'c , lA:t '( . Ch a(I WIC k C0 II" In s give as History o( Art; H or � , 1>1'$, A n d lhen w h en we' ve cu t 'em up fron t COUrliCS ilit y in Ihl' "lIIokiu� 1'001111>, du(> 10 Ihe lIoi!'(', 111111 who ooclisiollllll,r recl Ih(' 3 up lhe P·rmee lon GI CI u,b o( ec anolll�ihilily whidl II,UI.Ullllltil!lllly wClul,l\ the.il'S, r Your idea dOt's not acenl feasible we. mailing:lis T : ul'Come Wid rnr l k n r suitable to the feel thllt tite tlilnger from tire would !Jc IUlIt,h ... IIlIlhol'itic:, ac of time, o ., IhHII-tltl' 9, Let the studenta, give up lettuce. Und ein Gang , 1(' ' non·MClarinn llland which Bryn Ml1wr at. prescnt sll lPose. Wh{'l'( IheT(' i]l slIIokillg undcr nlly conclitions Let printed Kam,-Er schlumpht l 10. I has alway!! taken, But you these retloJutions be Und war off.bumpt! if in�ist· there i� Ihe nCl'Ollllulllyin� dun;.rcr of til't", /llId ir thl' sludcnt 1:0; on a bro:\(l!lide and hawked pub� I 1011(' upon promulgating it and if you 8UC� to I" 1 Iicly ror flve cents near the l:i� more liHule ignite the l' oll('J,(e IIUIII �he wh(, ill fl �I'fIllP, Ihl' j c.eed in nvinc ng the administration 1 brary, the Sign of the Lady co smoking rooiUS would hll\'c filll1lNI :-.kywtl d during eX1I1li pCl'iod� III lit. that it is a goodi idea, may we 8UJC� with the Duck, by the Silly Sen. carll' morning IOIlg' Ihis, BRIGHT SAYING ge8t that the proposed required courlle Ihc hOllrs of the ll{'fol'l� ior who wrote them, i "Mama, mama, in Bible become a required cour!!e in \Ve realize also thllt 'on.'liderlltiull ill frllming' SIIHikill� rilles It --- d m World Religion, in ich What is ra a wh Buddhism, lIIust of nccessity the insurnllcc 011 the b\lil{U !>i lind lIlt' premiUlII!'! 1" be IRONY (And mama said:) Conluscianism, the Koran and the on that That is hM � '- ! insurauee, a subjcct which too mall�' I'Ilmificlition� It's really a shame itA little bit ghostly, Bible are aU considered, An ai>pr�­ djSCliSSioll to call the And phantom·lile mostly, the ld humanities might to allow (or " III.. this point. Wc wish merely That the ahow was I!O tame dation of all o VII�r With costumes and jokes of I Psychology ghastly, be the means of better understanding attclltioll of the autlloritics to the fnet that liHS <'videlltl.r found the I And aplrit.worlds lastly- our present humsnity and help to� some sutisfsctory menn,Ii of dealing with the prn l(,lIl, 'nml to' Sll�gcst h It managedpu�t: to mock ' I All ever inutile, ward world peace. y to that il ...... ould not be impossible for r n :\Inwr investiJ!llte the Much more to ou ' B than ahock And characters futile, Sincerely y rs, conditions of that. in c of our POllgh· solution IIlId follow th footMe.'I}S The gate-crashing caricaturist, All slightly immoral ESTHER , .rANE PARSON8, keepsie fellow institution, -Curae,. With lines scarcely floral. Merion Hall,

___ And when, dearie me." Dear Mad Hattcr- I When cultured you be, IN PHILADELPHIA , 'I You will have a deep pa!h Onll dlloy one of my ffll'nds smug· We of UrYIl l\Ja.wr Itre elldowt'(l with all the cultul'e I hlll II libCl'ul ' For lh e sym sath t cI as h" , Theatres g a JournaI l!!tlC' · 8h eet 11110 our !le' hoi before 1'lIillUo\\' 1..,\1 , I' (Said the child, aged 2:) education call give us: us we have Ihe prospect of 1-.·O , Erlanger: Rollo Peters and Mabel leet and cl istered group, In It I " ,,eillK the bcst green- are sward and float liIylike upon the lit. The idea recommends itself that we that Ii e item completely, rt:'1Ioelic,'t, verting, Absolutely no blood and thun· ill order to cHny out our plans, IllUlit live wilh the luxuries aud the ever we nre to Hceomplish lluythiug we mmlt estHblish SOUle der, but a great deal of cha H rm, opportuuitieA for eulture to which we have acclistomed ourselves), conflict betweell ourselves Bud those. whom we lihould be able to direct Erlanger : The farce about "one a rs e The future hol for a froldell age of art lind literature : we arc fore­ intclligently, "I arc, indeed, impartial in our viewSt but our academic ot thO!!Je d nce " and h r .three US iIIe­ ds ritimate childre n, who are very ' dif� armed with the precepts of such inent critics Aristotle, Pater; tol('ra llcc becomes all intolcrance wheu through indifference or 18ziue&l em flS {erent and very lunny. It is entitled Ruskin. and T. "� liot, That alone is good e r a n for our fostering we tlo !lot trouble oun;clves supplcmcnt theory with fa t The re n T so c . llS() ree and has Jacqueline S, 10 r ror our lac.k lies parfly in h e orgauization of lt I'I'L Oru Lo-- a euai�nc.e of all once romantic, elassic, and yet new and t e inevitnbly inad uate gan, the film star, and numerous that i8 at q different in a modern vein, COllnK'S for formal studYI but we ca'nnot rcst bl8IUele� so long we othe of the same 88 ra ilk, Would be i ProfJpect-won't the folks surprised ? Yet bring little intelligent interest aud observation to our l!OCial studjes with a.rood cut, but aa it is-? It a charm ng old is be 80 cood Music day Olle s who e that we canuot contribute 88 much fresh Platerial to u ion the lOIDe of tbose tup d people read th tabloidif going to Acackmy of i is disc ss 88 Phil phia Orchestra. Fri. after� a Il.rai«btforward question about our viewH, To what politi l neducate man of the street. We must Jearn Hve with the of UI ca u d rest lIarehadel at 2,80 M" and SaL uk to nooD, we • and we learn to spea t en language, eyen at th r...-: _1- do belong' We are dildainful and impartiuD. 'Wbat kind the world must h· e eYe ' n&' an;u2, ,at p, P. ose party k m •• J wax of p n unacademic, not to u _10. I B,IO II. of IOYernmtDt would "e We impractiwly Utopian, What ri g uneultur , (OoIIlln on liket a pea �y .... p.... J:lPt) • � • • •


is Vi enna Choir Gives - choral arrangunent by LCichthal of !Jame thing leue of the arrangt..'­ English and explo.ive decallitation of _Class Sw g Meet Lh--.well-kno "Heilig ..Nacht.,." len the , word .'Dixie" l'eIlr-rife - Delightful Concert f the immin which some very Befttttiftd B/�h-1t1ta - into atJdienee-­ Is. Hody Contested contained inlerCtiling wh"ich wall iven 8S an encore, l gales of laughter. Pa On. and unusual chordal progressions, though here fhe excellent effect of the Continued (rom ... having a flavor of the old tenth and slight anticipation oC the accond tical OIe.aninGs Mottl, famous conductor pOrcestyJe Record Is Broken; timell, Felix eleventh century Organum in modern of the measure, connhon to al the re The McGill Daily. student l)ublica- Bayreuth tame, and Clemens as ton l . I!'nncse Time (or Backstroke Tied; of guise a i V waitt interpretation, and the McGill Univcr.aity to ty Lion ot in Mon- Sophomo�es Win Kraus, conductorl fqrmerly in Frank­ The sccond part of the Progrnm wonderful rhythmic swing, mnintnin- IrclIl, comments that 1,500,000 gra�l­ p "i na, who wall al80 was by the entire Choil' t'll throughout, gave the i�e the eI- ullleK we� turned fort and now in a performance j by American ( ' t of al o tra laymg n OUL guest conductor with the Philadelphiu in costunle of an amusing lillie comic LC Te rches l p . A - colleges Dild' unlveraities in 1933, only DANIELS PLACES FIRST io s Orchestra a few seasonll ago. Ope by Lorlzing, other delic u arrangement of nn old 16 per cent. of which have so far suc­ m Oil! O/lCMKJJrobe, 1 Vi The first .part of last Thursday's .the nineteenth century Gcrmnn com_ cnnese- tune, "Meine Mutter w!itr reeded if) fintling joi)!r, nnd g0C5 11n to On Friday afternoon, the SophO:: program was devoted to contrapuntal poser of the better known o lera, Thtl cine Wienerin," by Grube, given show how Cana.da puti5 college m6res swept into the lead with 30 l 880 MUllie of the 16 the ( hiCh I "11 encore, WIIS e h most Ollt to In Church th Century, in­ W on of t e de- Kraduates in the ratio of one in one points their.,&tedlt the tint inLer­ Elft/lf!rOr find CarJJC1I','r e cluding Motets by representativjl com· Kounds rather "Alice"-y, but isn'U). Iightful successes of the vening while its neighbor to the ch�!Js swimming meet of the season. l marked charncil'. ri,,- thOUlltHld 1034 second place with 23 point8 posers of the Italian, Netherland and Thc music of this work is charming, it Olle of the most south gradUates, twenty. The Cnnad­ t"lOk German School& f these the Motet, undistinguished, and was delightfully ties of the entire performancc u� ill! ian editor is 8lightly skcptical con­ nnd 1'1>';5 third with 12. w t 'by Palestrina (for some sung; but the outstanding fcatUl'C of I, f'xcctlent precillion and flexibility of cerning extrcme liberality of Km eri­ The 40-yard back stroke, the mOllt o Ru glol'iuc, obscure «ason Latini:r.ed into IiPrae­ �he pcrfortns.nce was the extraomi- the singing, which enabled the Dircc- call education, and luggellts lhat the t e events, was r n ! ('xciting of h u off per­ HRnl Ur k con- conscrvath'C view on nestinus" on the Program) was nary aplomb Rnd easeftllne:.s of the tor, Herr von bane , to more education in two heab. In the first, Mitchell s best sung. The q ty youthful acton which had a quite Ilro- trol every on hill side of the line ill perlh'I)!! he 1e41 at h p the ual of effect of dynamics or tempo Porcher the turn, but laded a p a i the u n A.) t the So r no having fcssional touch without. su l con- with the slijlhtett mO\'cment of n fin- !lufer (,ourse.- (N. S. out to lose by a few inches to her �oieca good, r�. was n p re t --- that pure passionless clarity and eomitant of objectionable precocity gt'r or look. and life very n ila n IIteadicr opponent. In the second sweetness which alwaYII reminds one which one might have been IC!d to ex- e!lgerllesll nnd enthu!liasm of a a each boy lowu S tatc. Col1�c is offerina- hent. Wooqward came in first by from p peet layers of lIuch a tender to gi\'e of his utmos all u arl- Wh�ls" l hdw immeasurbly superior boys' t youna- "Summer School on for four ength to wip third place in the event. · w s for this type age. The Lortzing dperR was 8ubllti- is . The fille mU,llic ll p I next voices are to omen' ian hi of the Porcher's lime, 2. seconds', t Di- wl'('ks July. CN'dit will be giv­ 8 1 equalled m s c A voices were t the ast Orr in u i , but the llo dla­ tuted a l moment for r('Ctor both his conducting and in e n Cor the course which "embodies a tbe college record. or �inct1y not'so pleasing, having on of Haydn, o:"ing to thl! hi" aceomllanimenbl �howed him to be villit to typicnl exnmp'lell of every 80- ar frCitStyle, Daniell! oc· AJJotliek" r, In the y d c io r t 11 co lli u a t ment aj d cr p as n D a r harsh effect and par­ lIudden development of severe n artist of the highCflt t ain s m or kin o ping unci IiVNttock lUlll the lend all thQ way to brenk the he by y n er .rut for' the en nnd un m n Qr ticularly when, as seemed to be rather 'he ou gst l ding , the re itti g patience and de- �Y!l tcm 'in the United States." Mnn- cllllcge record of 60 seconds by clock­ ft n they \,lIt ol to too o e the calle, were appar­ role, i l detail, necCllsary to bring a _ of Ih'l!l! toc.k thc.. ...ruu"'''eL_ at QJ:l ing fl . Vau Vechtcn took second bein&: in t 'tht. Jast... parL oLthe-- pl·ogrllllt con o uc oin n:,t'll\cntGI'C l l1luins 59 ently farced he forte pass­ -- f,!'l'tlup t "K h a p t orpe r hc a area will be given . nd Waldemeyer third place in clo e pleasing choral rce o of-boys a s ages. 'I'here was also occa!Jiontln� a tained three very i n, cannot too highlY. praised.� ICllccial IIttcntion. Other hiKhlights l be �tr\lggle ror the lead t�e tUrn. of clcarne!!!1 ca i g of song... erm n comlK)i'ler�, . Oil lack in the w v n by modern G a I The conccrt began with the StaT- the our will be the visits to the e lIide stroke for form. Bill the mi dle may Std,', 11I1!! • or t In th parts in d voice!J which by l\nd� endcd with rice lind Mugar p llltationll eas stroke v to Rosenberger; Wiry,'tI- J>fUlg!t'j, /lon.ncr h or the took firllt plnce with an y howe er have been partly due the by Burkhart, concession to s/}-called Jlopu- South and the opportunit), to study :lnd 22.5 p i t favor. ac ust propertics of Hall, I 'ied, gY1U.cn, andand NIIIl will tlt',· J)ixit (n o n s in her The o ic the 1\8 L611!� 11lI. a delightful· Inr taste, which is perhaps somcwhnl tropical vegetalion In Mexi('(l. am that not 80 event was very close and the form told this was apparent arrangenlent of n Waltz from Johann to deplored ) in which the qun.illt -(N. S. A.) be shown by those who placed varied to listeners when the choir sang over Strauss' comic.o pera, Die Jo�. a or In these, ow the f�et!dt>"'II (lnly slightly. Hemphill took second the radio day two later. ing to more harmonic1",I" I -;=:::::::;= As an a e n a music, the =:::;;::=:::;;::==:;;:=' ::;;::= hr>nors with 22.6 points, and Porcher an encore arr ng me t for IItyle nd lack of cillrity , = =;;::::=;;:::=::;;:==::,� tied with Billhop for third place with solo voice and accompanying choru!! noticeable in the first part of the pro­ 21 points. Mitchell led the field in the of Mozart's exquillite. little 8010-80ng, gram was entirely absent and they ('rawl for form, with Whiting and Bill "SchlaIe meiD Prinzchen," was Kiven were sung with great Cre!!hnC!!1I and BES T S ARD MORE laking tleeond and third places, re­ with irresistible charm. and finish. The charm, although a tendenc).' lowardli spedi\>ely. solo voice was of beautiful quality explOtlive accentuation was at timell last. year's and a high C was with a little disconcerting and detracted Stokes nosed out Wylie, reached apo. of 40-yard freestyle, wit.h parenUy e ortless purity of nd from the smoothness of legato, par­ winner the ir toDe a me 27 seco in a steadiness. A Curther encore was ticularly in the Straulls Waltz. The BEST'S CLASSIC TOPCOAT fa ti of nd! fast finish a with hcr rival close on her heels. diving, l The aiwayll awaited with IN GENUINE HAND-WOVEN_ .- J!'1'cat impatiencc, did not prove to l e s ect u r b quite so p ac la i\!I usual be­ cause of a poor board. Daniels, us HAND-SPUN HARRIS TWEED total of 4.0.6 points, led with a . . u<:��I, StokbfJ, who hus been improving but n\l year, gave her a clolle run with 38.2 po nts, beating her on the run­ i ning front. and was only one point be­ hind Daniels' half gaynor with her one­ Bnd-a-halt on the difficulty dive. Most p ctic has been of the diving ra e Oil the Baldwin School board in prepa­ ration for the Swarthmore meet, ••• where we hope see Bryn Mawr { NOW GET SET to make an excellent showing. The relay, always the climax of To Telepl.olle HOllie! the meet, went to '1936, with H)34 and 1937 taking second and third pIsces. ' dragged your furniture around ••• OU VE Daniels led the meet. for individual 'i" points with 46.6 points, with Stokes and your room io fixed ...and you're aU a close second with 43.2 points. otoaight on your schedule and One Next Friday, the second intercla88 text·books. meet. takes place when class and in­ nlore detail and you'll be set for college dividual honors will be awarded and the the Varllity will be chosen for the year. Swarthmore t I meet a Swarthmore on telephone. Here are some Simple Mar�h 16. It's the The events were as follows: attend for your own and the - 40-Yard Back Stroke - Porcher, matters to to --- 1st: Mitchell, 2nd; Woodward, Srd. Family's advantage: SO-yard Freestyle - Daniels, lst; VAn VechLen, 2nd; Waldemeyer, Srd. Locale the. nearcst lephone 40-Yard Freestyle - Stokes, bt; te The Family will want to know. iemured al Wylie, 2nd ; Meneely, 8rd. .... its mbe cJlII you if neces­ Crawl for Form-Mitchell, Whit­ nu r to • sa y ing, Bill. r . Form-Bill, 35.00' Side Stroke for Hemp­ Look in the Directory or in o r n Bil op Hsk checks and hill, P rche a d h . the Ollera, tor for the 51111ion 10 Diving - Daniels, Stokes, Walde­ healher mixtures StaLion 1"iight Rute Lo your TO meyer. ho e r SIZES 14s 20 Relay - 1936 (Wylie, liridgman, rn 10wn. M.ake "date" with-the.. folk. Whiting, Cohen ), 1934 (Daniels, Me­ a leif'llhollc neely, Mitchell, Landreth), 1937 .... to hOllle each week. the i'IJme time, 'sk' hem (Duncan, Gimbel, Jackllon, Wood­ (At t wa if IIIlty revcrt!e the cltargCII.) rd). "em Totals-1934, 30: 1986, 23; 1936, styles have the clean cut look, ake lillt of the toe lephollc 12: 1987, 2. Mnumher"it of your theEW trim smartness of Best's unbell'ed Tho6etaking part In the meet were : hOllie-town fricl1lls. .. "Information" for 1934-Bishop, Brown, A .d F Daniels, those YOli kllOw. topcoat, with raglan shoulders and vent H.: dOIl't 'Otl Mitchell, Meneely, lA.ndreth. never know when you Ulay 1936--Waldemeyer, Faeth, Bucher, back. Few fabrics have the distinction, want to call them. mp ll, Bill, Lord, He hi Munroe, Mc­ wearmg Cunly. all-occasion adaptability, the the reot io easy. Just give the Ol,erator 1936-A. Van Vecht.en, Porcher, qualities of the genume hand-spun Wylie, Stokes, Btidg­C0- And hen, Whiting, the name of the town and the number you man, hand-woven tweeds fro m the Isle of 1937-Evanll, Duncan, Woodward, want. you telephone after you Jackson, Jacoby, Selb:.er, Kimberly, IT 8:30 P. ]\f. Lewis and Harris. Best's has combined Fulton, Gimbel. can take advantage the low ight Rateo on �' oj all these fe atures, this silk lined, Station to Station calls. These mean a savlIlg 10 Voting in student electionll has be. hand-finished classic topcoat .. c me compulsory at Temple Univer­ of about per cen ! o sity. The new i au r 40 t .y.rt.em was n gu at­ ed at the beginning of the second sem­ ester and a vote from each student aa. • sured by preventin.. him from com­ and pleting regis�n until he had cast MontgomerylltJSt Anderson&- cto. Avenues h!. bollot.-(N. S. F. A.) • Aaowou. 'A. Ardmono 4840 � Brya MaWl' br.. .., . . ,

• "age Four . COLLEGE NEWS THE I ' Ja,t. Facul Formulate. New Requiremcnts-Fixe Summer School Students Are - Committee Regular cou� work is. in the dl--� --� I Curriculum analysia more important than ex- � Pia For Schol p. Stu ent of , , -Com-l..tnst""�1 iw..-...... hi d Cro.ss=Section Indwtry Meets with Facu aminstiona and cannot. be sacrificed � . ___... .1·_ (E.�eiaU1l C01ttributed b¥ EN-her ty to them. Colltlnued Palla from One I Speaking in Chapel lut; Wednesday Smith, Chairma" til. Stlmm� Faculty Answers Objections Q. Would It be possible allow to l� the final examinati on. The require- on requirements tor scholarships, School Ct»nmittu)of Plan for Comprehensive acc� to notes a�d books f�r �hose 3 Dean Manning emphasized the point ment4 for the major subject will be takmg comprehenllvet in the 8elencC Examinations to unib pluA the final examination, that no one who needed financial help ¥OIt of the undergraduates know department! l . . ' leaving a possible 3 unib for allied to remain In college shouldo be deter- there is 8uch a thing as the Summer A. The Idea has been diSCUSsed K work. One Advanced course would red from Btlking for it because the col· School. It t, however so different CRITICISMS ARE WEA and the scienct department may give _ still be a part of the major require. lege funds set atlide for that purpo'le from any educational movement we two of +he three exam!J.atlontl on thls I A.tl ' are limited. The believes, have . . l � d the minimum requirement college experienced that It can be !laid The attempt W ll always Alth�ugh the proposed comprehell. baSil. · i " M- o)�on.r- Year work would there. however, t.hat. many people are in a safely that very few of us have a con- to giv� a sen8ible, r�Bllonable, and in- slightly better financial conditioJl this c�te sive system haa been under cOrulidera- . fore be reduced to one unit. idea of what• really roes on at •. e ob- ' . " . the under ...... aduates for three terelltlng Xammatlon, with the " '0<1 year th'an last year and is accord . Summer School tion of . ' . The mJd year exanuna Ion perl Ject of summing up the work, ot ingly, making re- months, Informed opinion about the � I will be reaerved as a reading period an Innovation in its We know that thirteen years ago ot b fl'llng the student �y surprtfJe I quirementa of applicanll. plan has been .omewhat lacking. At � for senion. For the first President-Emeritus Ifhomas, while . I • quest ions. Perhaps an onglnal pro»... .. • I time, financial references the joint meetin.. of the Faculty and are asketl riding on camel I I • E a nat not u t in the Sahara des. lem X 0ns'00- wil- be ached led C " might be set, not only in. the aci·l Dll l . fo, and each apollean't mu.t pr� U nd errra duate Curr cu urno mml " -" • be ,. er!, had a vl.ion of the campus ,n 'A dvanced . ., bul may be ar I ' open tees, ence departmen·... but in olhers. which I ged .I �. pared to give ,' n'onna,,'on of an exa.t opportunity waa o.trered to the ran for • j un 0-. tak m g 'heee l in the summer with industrial work- each student could work aa ' 11 undergraduates to present their obJ·cc. out ahe ... kind concerning her tamily'a yearly era enjoying ita beauty. We also co�rses.. SeDlors. also be excuaed l - thought best. The comprehen.lve.I I . . . budge� tiona and olrer suggeatlons for im· from examlDat Ions In t and 5ec· know that there ,' . a Bryn Mawr gra d- Khould be examinations w h'IC h C D d provement of the plan. � obvious W1 too ? lond Year and Elective courses unlesa No appeal has been made ' to the aate, named Hilda W. Smith, at the be f8f:ed 'thou t great an iety, � conclusion to be drawn from the joint X their work during the semester has Alumnae during the past two years head of Summer School-but here in IS' do tru I on the p rt of faculty or student nd I ry, • s discussion is that the undergra4uate a. ; e been uns (a w h'en IDII c 0(11 for anything but scholarships but the majority of case our concrete which would • afterwards give a feeJ- � ' argumenll against the plan · are not . . tmay requIre them to take the regular now the Alumnae are undertaking the ideas stop. Some undergyaduates • th ' •. . U tng of security· concerning the work .. . . ' 0. ' n aerlou. and . aI constr uc ve aug- I coune examinatIOns. PrOVISIons for ,as k f 0 t eree Ing the new �Ience have tn deed bee to 5ummer 5 chool don e nd the knowledge gatned tn the geations.-for alteration are wanting. : testing the kilowledge and progress Building, and since the college does meeting! and heard Miaa Smith and maj0 urse. Those who have been doubtful :: . lof seniors in these courses i8 made a8 not wi�h to make a large general ·ap. former Summer School students talk, Q . ow could the mathematics d': , s follows: peal, students are asked to budget but they are, unfortunately, in tlie about certain point of the plan or . . partment., for mstance,• act an examl.j- ' I 'helr money all can:.l..1 u II y as POSIII'bl e, m"I norl" y, .who have fOl'mcd unllound 'd I eas al to I � . Il the course is intbemajor or ai- I I = na lon. wh 'IC h wou d Int egra Ie te h dl·t P" . Ita gentT&l ntent ",,,y be 'In (erell I e-d . , manCla ref erenCet5 are be'mg asked E very .ummer onc underg�aduate fe nt urses lied lubjects questions on it may ' be glve for because Bryn Mawr to read the fOllowing questions asked ' :: �� "d . � included 'in �he final exami'nation"tn is th'e only t8 chosen to go to Summer School to - • is � un derg" uat" un de.relll t college that has by their Curriculum Committee rep- ., I the major subject past ll not done so in the help by doing odd jobs; and' it a ma te O the tngenul Y 0f ,he facu l '11 ta,' ty; yet ! and it ha been found d'ffi1 cu . re8Cn Ives a nd anllwered by Ihe Iae· ' It most" ascma , mg an d t h rl mg experi- the mathematics department seems to I A long puper in each semester may . : for uny 8t u den t t� 8t at e hOw her ence ulty : ;: 0 campus.to watch what goes on on the be conscious of need for further intc- be lIubstituted for the course examinn- nee.,d compnre WI t ose r other All day long on the open- Q. Would not the plan result in gration or courses and contemplales tlon. In scheduling these papers, in- . students and (hfficult for the collegp ing segrega of claSlles, with only date the stude!lts arrive (I'om tion nllsigning\V' reading to that end structors should take into necount. that . II I In to compare the v�rylng d needs .from every point of the compass. They en· freshmen and IIDphomores In first Q I th. e rncu ty, bl' de b en- I the student's time during the mid", � thb ,answer!! of students · a'nd theil' ter looking ",cared and IIhy-mnny' year CQuraes1 year examination period i� left fl'C(' I . tI1U!lIasm,·· 0 pi le on an �or bItant 'famtlies I I' ' I d'fferen t na lon8r,' I los-no two po Ill· A. There I. no buill for the scgre- nmoun t r wark" , for general reading in the th'llill in I' " ca ' Th'IS new po icy, however, docs lIot I'vIews �'d en leaI �xtent of pre\'l- gation theory ; it Is hoped that. upper- A. Any undue enthulliasm in the which she is preparing for the ftnal mean that the college wishes to wiLh- ous education varymg great.lr -. as classmen may continue to take first faculty will be restrained by the eom- examination in the major subject, and hold help from people who need it. hc�erogenous � ma.58 as could be Im- year courSe!l under the comprehensive rrehensive system, itself, which will thaLthc end of the second rcmCl'ltcr iiol . . In a college as, IImal agln � et. wlth .. m�18r des lre�. The to � as B n Mawr, s system. The final examination for noL. allow them time overwor� their nlll<) devoted to this examination. � � ' � II ,. '11 n .' th e worst po!slble' disaster IS to lose one Ig cSlre th at bInd them all to. scniors in cl(!(!tive and allied courscs u n . There be 'TW tr l . thO C( go . will t df' .... WI no separate 3 ex msy be �t ror good !lUlZZes stu(Ients or stU(Ients who are geth er s th Irst for k n I I . be avoided by setting an extra body of tutOM! because a Reniors in the First nnd Set',ncl Ycar rna ' . . / WI\ . : III it ha been Dea ng h h k· tn� contrlbutlonll, academic or I s suc a mix . ('row� quia or a long pa r and basing the thought better to have the more ex- courses, onc during th2 la'lt wet'k of Scholarships ,I . St.'S pe stu· otherwIse to the {"ollege. academIC �l s would � Impos!llblC mark on such 8ubstitution8, The l perienced lectures in the first semester, and onc r ' . teachers on the j be faculty pre- II COlisequ n a \ery d f rent nl�f g � e usua y given to the brilliant stu- ; t ' 0 \� dent will, on the other hand, not pare their major eroup for the conI- in the s econd week of the IIprin ex- t . all sholl, b mor• ' ee 0'VO , form f '(, U c Atlnlt IS �nt&· ut they are also distributed , {' able, now, to drop her major course prehensive: instructors wi ll relie\'(' aminntion period, The"c quiueK - . , , . qUIZZC'I, With regard to finanCial need ond not uscd, IIh a (IISCUlIslon. The las�es I'kI e ·t he 8C he( I uI' cd numerical arc a • Ili te h sen I or year; and the gencra I th e. professors of read ing reporfA Rnd pnper:! ; they !!hall be one· k' nCCC!lSl'lrlly on the basis of probl base d on Lh "'o� · " own tcndency will be to push required quizze!<, hour test the !'Itu- II thus giving the latter time ems, an(I , , u ' ( . • • C( mark ooth scholarships and gr3nts personal hey con rI b e rrom work Into th (! u' rsL two �ears, rea\'I ng t.o devote to major studenb. qcntiol'k now I Ige or th c ground cov- . lallt u z gI ' their ex Pel'ienccs.(ft En('h ( of . q i nrc '�en on t.h e eVI dence of depart-o ' the two free for maJor And nlhcd Q. When will the plan go into eretl bet.wee.n the scheduled lind r I C es hat students arc v p g th SIX und e rgra(I ua t ve r 1l1 the end of the semester. � de clo in ? cour8'!lI. It has been suggested that ('freet? If �Iellta the rcgpl·t'll\,(' . the. is ImprovlIIg along certain lines or are ! o r colleges) belong to an exception be mllde to the general A. COntlJrehensiv The reading or other preparAtionI ' . . a WIlY 815 . I' _e system th Inn units , the clas!!ell culled ench . COli, rl ub ,I .g In ny l II.�re , Y recommem led (or e fi cxnnunn- I to the col- p an or requlr':cd s In' th e calle 0 ( PI h'l - approved b Lhe faculty and the . of which cleals with difl'erent 1)1'ob- ege .. • tion will b:! outlined in printed lists OSOI)hy, which might be lett until jun- "rst full faculty meeting to discuss it Ilem (such as Trade Unionll $rovern. or syllabi, which ought to be avail- If ?ny tud n I n doubt a ut ior year. That exception would leave will be held in ,the first week or March II � t !I � bo t ment) . It is certainly first 'hand in. able for student!! alter the beginning applymg for al(l, she 18 asked to . , only three required counes for the -it wilt go into effect for the present 'h con- 0, . . WI'11 , . fornla I' Ion In 'h e rue sense. • II e JUnior year an d Wh' IC h be sui the Dean, an (I I'r I" 18 POSSI'bl '!FfIt two years and thus t e h seh edule Ophomore clus. Yet even if it is <:, Besides these classes there are two that she ay be aWe to of thes two ye n would not be cram- p�ssed in its present form, provision given to all studt>JItA in the spring ',ll k pay for her- � � 8JII III as ed to workshops-the social science and the of junior conferenca held self, sh Ia no app med Wlth reqUlredS some people be made for change in detail as the year e. , t- ly l or a711C i ilL ence workahOIJ. Tn the formerhelp the by the departments. Conferen�1I for �holarshlP but to tell the De n that seem to think. There hu never been such change bee�mel necessary. The l! students make charta which \'i8- seniors wilt be scheduled by all depart- 8 e may n eed nloney. There is a any intention of making rigid rulcs system will not be rigid and the de- to ualize whatever problem they al'e menta, to be held during the first two summer emergency fund planned concerning the required or first. ycar partment8 will be allowed to vary it I working on. In the science workshop weeks of the college year. take care of students who find they courses. to a certain extent for their own par- SinlPlc exhibits and chemical eXI>eri- ( Individual or group copferencea nero to apply after the regular schol- I Q. Will not the IIhitt from 'I1ft� to ticular needs. . mcnls are set up, showing at a glllnc(> be alllO be nrshlps and granb In concluding wit.h seniors will scheduled by have been awarded. fifteen and a half ullits ref\ulred " I the diseusJlion.' 1 Misll __why water, for instance, is H.O! P . II I ' 1 ! I '" " departmcnts at reg Ular intervals dur·I . h ard shIp• for the penon who has fail- ark sal( . dIVId ua Ism WI en-be . be m Athletics is another favorite activ- ng the ear, but stre s should d Cut S s em E,,:pJai d , ed or had to drop courses beeaulle 01 ('Dunged by the new plan, but al !


.. exhaust- I cnly Peter to wander about the earn· -the plot in spite precon- ais we 'lhould a more accurate 800n as the wool lupply was , are er of-ttny let of ed. We wonde.r what it muat have :.PUI these days he would undoubtedly Mar t Ay ce lVed plan the writer may have had. jUflgment of what modern worn g Barnes I-m� .... tin a a o l l have �n one of tho sweat- I meet many relatives. At classes in J3arnes o"OInt-- ,;1aywri g n.- h u d ac.ho u. Recall Career ' lalL .,Xhe JelL lO and, above aU. at dinner :--11_+___ s Writing very valuable as diaclplin9f bec!auae like the artist.atlCl4riU must be idealistic : he en which was apparently ordered to the village, � In mUlll look not merely for workman- go through lile minus one sleeve or he could not tail to rec:ogntse his lit- the form of a play i. eo stylized. Is no sh'ip, but for that spark of genius a back. With the end of knitting, tie sister, telling her even from afar Development of Technique 10 playa, .s in ahort stories, there War work was not over. off by her fuuy wi&" and CJrlorious Short Stories and Novels elbow room in which the writer can which will make a work _tand apart however, the make many mistakes, but the author from contemporary pieces, adequate for eomtort.--kitl were given out to emancipation from the conventional IS Discussed. muat mainly exercise his wera of but dull, and last for future genera- be filled. hook and eye. emphasis and suppression cut out tions, as genius haa lasted and been It was appaN:!ntly in February of "Whethev. by temperament or by TRANSITION IMPORTANT j irnlevancies. The cor t use of handed down to us from previous year that the start- physique, she is an athlete par excel- _ all this same generations. New. emphasis and suppression, along with ed ita now traditional policy of com- lence, and lovee to dre&1 ht character. Mrs. Margaret Ayer Barnes, speak- the ability to make traneitione are the Thus alone can the echolar foeter ing out on Wednesday instead of on re.fueinp abandon even at dinner ing in the Deanery, Monday, Febru- to fint things for the beginner to Icarn. art. By no meane whatever can he Thursday. All the previoul readers the cOltume of her kind. Elpeclal1y ary directed a sort of symposium affect the emotional opinion of the of this t!)\umn will be delighted to doe. ehe cling to the kindly gym ahoe, for the26, members of the college inter- Sho , public. Fortunes are spent on "works learn that the Junk Committee, men- delighting in the soft scuffling sound ested in writing. She told how ehe Edward ·Warburg ws of art," but little of the moncy helpe tioned before, made by selling it makes In Taylor and along the vil- started to write and Indicated the va- PubJic Debt to Artist $3.08 _ the artiet to bring into existence pounds of newapaper, rubber and lage asphalt. Of al1-articl� of dress, rloua stages in her development of the good 670 trom really art. This state of atrai", setap-paper, which huge sum is however, a battle·ecarred middy- technique of the short etory, the play, Continued Pare One a must begood brought to the attention of part of their yearly contribution of blouse is the favorite, thoulh now ser- and the novel. they not been occupied with other the cl a811 that haa money, but ",ten to the Chinese Scholarship at St. l iously rivalled by the T-shirt for eVL'- writing thing&-but Mr. Warburg estimates 10 Mn, Barnes did nol start lack culture. The pupoae of art ed- $20 ...... Hilda'e School in Wuchang. China. ning w.... until seven yean ago, when s ..... bro'ke that lh ere are no more th an 'thi ''':¥ ucanon, then, must be to establish a (No " 'he " e�s In. 'h' paragrnph are l such men In New York City. And I IS . "It may be that Slovenly Peter dur- her back and W88 confined for'r a year class that is not dependent upon per- not In the ahghteat degree connected ing his recent yeara In the army has caat. was then .that there is a clau of buaineu mcn who in a plaster IOnal opinion alone, but can abo ree· . IL with each other ) Signaler Thom8ll been forced to depart aomewhat from she wrote lome ahort stories and wae are open to suggestion and influence, ognlze the opinion of the echolar, and Skeyhill at tea given in his honor who may really do something to fur- . Ii the ways of his youth. If 110 he will encouraged to publish them by acquire a vi sion of real art-ari of o! b h t e H ISto ry CI u b teea II th e ver- probably be grateful to his little sis- friends. She took the manuICripts ther art education - provided, � good workmanship combined with the d et pronounc d on Bryned Mawr by eo e, that the plans are easy to i e ter for keeping up the family tradi: to Helen Walker, of the . genius that makes it gre'lt. Pictorial Re- Colon Roosevelt. Skeyhill had en- ',·on,." They were accepted, muc to r�a,� lze. ,Th e th tru· -· group 0f museum � 'e1in a ion collect! lIUW. of ------gaged di.scllSS the her aurprl&e, and that of her family. vllutOrs compoeed of collecto", 01 �-�------IS �sition must 1 for women with Roosevelt on a train, who were IJO astounded that they wealth and social Who ...FIFTEEN YEARS_AGO and Upon asking him whichone nc mtlde her have the check photograph- be neither discouraged nor antagon- ized: they are the patrons of art, coneidered the greatest, R�velt re- ed before she cashed it. For some Everyone may now heuve. great :. . a plie , "Why, Bryn Mawr, of coul"8e." time she tried sending her a8 they are also the patrons of let- l Disti"ctiyc Sportswear therealter �i of relief unon hcarit"l.; thrlt in ( St('tSOI1 Hats for WOllltn fl · tcr� rind medicine. The foll ...wiug r plo y hc war." We wi l soun h"lIr IhI )' U. the Louvre leaked out, find "the grellt l ••1. .. $t.OJ. I, play. Rnd then peddled it around the ''' mOlet of ]dutting, ror tht· ern".. E. METCALF. .. . . O l. '"" � ... \. ot h('1' ell t 0fA merl('a ' III uC'n('{'( , 11 ·.l·ry. forties and fifties of New York until "I n " r..<:>.1 .' " �l · . d', ,· , .,', "'a"ax,,· I I i!lJOued orde"s to "stuck nil ,., LJI." !.Ia I manl' to ('orne aee it. and mor£' to ' Katherine Cornell took it over. IIll'.II ·," NF.XT MOVIE� . .. DQOJ{ ,'0 TI:E She started writing Q/ (;1'(1('1', clAmor that it should go on the ' ,� }'C(IrI� road. her first novel, in Stutlcr hotel bed. People wnnt to corne to 61't gallcriCl'l. !! They come in a certHin mood-301l1(>­ rooms ehe occupied while her play jEANNETT'S COU.E:JE INN limf'� sincere. too orten in�inCt're. Art CRYN M" ...../R were on tour. The novel. Mrs. Bnrne!! IlRYN MAWR FlO\� ER oul ndiwd so ttltlt th£' decln�d, is not autobiographical, ex. !'I d be proprlj;tu SHOP,!:.. T. Inc.Gr,;I'm '�'r • • TEA ROOM h lic ecinte help thn N. Llinche� 11 -IO( . ccpt in 110 far as !:he character" in it pub mny llpPI' fmel 1,1!"i,:123 Lmu-QJlcr A. cmJ&' :50c nc Dinner SSe � 1.15 M('als l1 c;'I r:" nrc the kind shc knew in her I I\RY'! �i "'Wlt IlA, carll' arti!

- . .


. - •


• • Pose ,COLLEGE NEWS Six THE - " , Work 0/ Art, .. ing as of reading JI!&ny ible. since it is difficult W'II B M B to ,imagine 1 W Cil I ryo awr e Varst"ty Wms" I , 'V1h • M r. WI.I book s, IS'h t e fee mg, eam • 0r I.e' I Just what mandohn player would Offi ' IIy Snowe d? .In. T REVIEW I' If> � BOOK "What', t e UHe of Jiving anywayT" have to offer that I_he, hasn't. Per- . j � I ----- Drexel, 49-15 Lewis pecuha r ec mque .•Im-, epa t e answer 18 tou c� _ . "ToUnilin the I . OV£r 1------?ilr. 0 - Cootillued rJ�m ....It. (JII. by partang to t e ' Wor' 0/ A" Si ndair Lewit b nader the feehng. of thmes which she has that the mando-II . (rh� book 'loll(U obt«iKM from the Pass Work Needs Improvement; I restlessness and boredom, which h11 lin player lacks, but lhat. is for you (rlends perforce abandoned her to h?r Bookthop) I late and returned, bereaved, to their Faeth and Boyd Score characters are enduring .by describing 1 to decide. Mr. Rex O'Malley as the 28 cheerless halls. Firat Half . Mr. Sindair Lewis' latest novel, countleu Bmall and sordid details, is ex·husband of the ex·mistress is. ex. _ Work of Art, In is a tragedy embodying ogain the predominant characteristic cellent in the role of one who finds Still the college goes heartlc!'!lly on; SECOND TEAM ERRATIC the 8 tural fO(JJIula of an authen· uf .hill lI�yle, but he occasion�IIY makes hingelf In danger of b eing co rriprO- playa and Bryn Mawr must go on for- . � I (. Greek tragedy, but satirically lIurprlslllgly clever gen rahtl�8 about ml.!lcd by ail the women present 3.t the ' eve.r, t�rough ftree, and heat, and ex- � . . amlnat ons, tzards, It would ' g' transposed into the mediocrity of mod· people as il whole, which arc often same moment. His light banter and l and bh and On Saturday mornin Bryn Mawr I I . 49. The hero, irrelevant but very pleasant as a re- humorous ptniflage seem that the hculty, the brave und ed toams ern life and ambitions. out.-Sout. mp- defeat Drexel basketball ha hnrdy ' :Myron Weagle, is a small·town New licl to the suffocating petti nen, of toned Southampton from to fin· faculty, will be the last to no- ' and 62.7. Ktart . 15 I.e the monotonous atmospheres he loves ish, and but for 1 ttce our absenee whVl we are ail dead Englander dominated by an ambition the fact that he I . 0 ' thera ft t r etb 0rexe I . D ' unnK' quar to . . . "nd gone In t thC snow. r O rdt' i ' to such an extent that It fills and ereate.- T S COUld not remember what went on r a fo n o portun t to t ' I l Therefore, lor t.he benefit of our � l:.' ecntrois his entire life; just at the during the evening he spent with � � : a t e r kill a � I g a t e r: o ' buried sislel'!l, who arc undoubtedly 0 Misll Weston, was ' . '? ·r glorious moment when this ambition No More Ladies he ncve.r f und ' . kep ..... �h e ba llllecns 00 ....� _n .." yll In ml d . ' . . III I ; wanting In any sense. Tng u pi cub wh le they sOJourn be IS uII y reaII % ed , ate ntervenes and In Mr. A. O. Thomas's new comedy, I in forward court. Faeth and I 1 , 1 .he uno clal blanket ot the the e, I No M(W� Ladic., n�ath t � � .c completely ruins the rta1iution. The Mi Lucille on ore o( "28 now playing at the u w.al! played the Boyd hOW"ey r ran up a �hnard, we Wish to lIug�st that � ftn x mediocrity of modern life Is rendered Booth Theat.re, we are treated to an grandmother TowlIsend, who shrank in in t hal! against Dre . po ' ' . . classes should henceforth be held un- the ob VIOUS' WI'lh M r. bIH"ere sI intima" te ghnlpse what happens ...-,_ om Rei' th· er strong drink, strong I el'. but were slowed down consideJ'o I.e" oJ Iler the snow. If our cIH!L�matcs ca�- 6' ,.ntire, by the fact that-WlthilS dominat- V language nor the facts o( lile with . . • in the "smart se ' when a� desire to ably in the second halt when the 0 . .' not come to therr claASes. let I I . I l their ing a mbitio n of Myron's s be ', tn take ple8!ure where It can be found energy and th e determ natlOn to star- guards got on to tbeir IIYlltem of paD- . j c aases go to h t ern. e WI tak c our hotel- k--""..- r lI1\adcs the mascuhne. heart "nd car- c everyone, mc u d' mg erseh f. I Sh..: I . \V " I i � ...... ' ' . I courage III our han,," !!!, studI en s and ng 0 . . '" O n . " ° de Ivercd a I ong on the . M y n w," bor t h te lb '·rles the actlon outside the confinmg ' r . pooch' ·Vlt'- fac .....- The centers bad the strongest P r: t1 . 0 ' S 00 ulty toget hcl', nnd leap blithely into n , r h mol her an d la ther �I'I I. w " s th h and mto the marts Iu�s l I Ibe rtmes, w hIe h was I com· the fint I CII.S ,IJ,I. IS . , u. of e ome the snowdrifts, �arillg the torch of ponentl, especially during � . "c r t . l f phcatcd for us to understand, but we t ' 0 the Amerl(:an Hotel at Black Thread o love for snlc. The comedy con- 1mow led ge 0 .. ' half, when the in was used ' as ' ' h08e wh went b rave y tOIS j �. . D t 'h I' d lh h d 'hi n r, Connc ell ut. IS ather W · brig, h t young th g of the go � e ea t s e approve hlg Y it Is almo!t impossible to work out a ...... t� c. II' I 8 cCl'n� n m u forth into the snow in quest of it nnd a ne er-do-w I, and Myron becum re 'nt ..', who I of them. When she found her grand- -" I s ll '' '- ! "J ,' I! -t . wand e ...:v rom 'hcp at.h on IrOOl�m, bu t "\Ie fln ; '. defen e lor thi ty ,.. of play. Southampton vinlng � th man- ().,.. th e fami 14n. h'1a mal I I tcr pu �er In lhnt- o a d /tugh te In th c nrms t-th th- L 1n o-e cc.ond .,II half,T IllthougJ! "Jones" e '1 � I h'aT1d . � � a c ou I unwjlling, feet. We will our dC!tld hlnn�1 _ yhood. He learned .the bU8U1cIJoI clmrmmg ruke In order to mdulg. • II alll))lon rerror, she confined her com- I f llsilltently bo i � . e I way ror m dr',I".. IoU· drl ' t ,wJ' h'l I e our pro got the tip-of fairly cO , . I Irom he groun d up, nn d eve I ope d varl t on on their usu menI s o '''I y od Th e s h"Ip s on med's opP nent got the ball sev. ( It .8 1 al actiVities t...... ' I fcssbrs strive to' break the p"ysi"Cal La Q I " G 011 d\ a �oetlc� dream of the pertect hotcl, by L�le employment of the novel con- and we dlsco�ered fr�m t.he but· J ve 80 �al times the top thr lgh her nrc, I ath as they ha long striven to h h grew and grew as he heord I vellt.lOn or marriage. They have no , ler . that her la8t instructions., before ! �)e d and clever footwork. W l . \ break the mental one, and we will st � I retiring to orlcs of ramoul'l �otel8 and IlerfccL hopes ror the permanency of such all bed at thrcc after a party hold our classes wherever we find two On the whole, passing was better ( . I servu:e rom tr:aveltng 8al smen and arranq-emcnt, but they .are at least r at the country club had been to wake gathered too slow. I . � � . three together perishing than usual, but ' still muc.h h " (lth!'r Itmerant guellts HIS younger. 1I prepared to try anything once. He or up early as she was to be Queen loror lack or knowledg c, O n Sa t u ay comes th 0 M ount Sl. ' rd brother, ra, a Iso h d a an ambltlo..; promises call her da ltng only o th e M ay. leseem d'to u at Im 0 � to .. � . " I . t � � � I If the taeulty should by any strange Joseph team with ill fast paucs and . Il I he wanted to be � poet.; but Ora hen under extreme an(� sincere e g. that MISS Watson was gettmg slight- ).clever handling of the baU, and'Bryn . � � Ichance find this plnn unfeasible, cith. II ! Iy ahead of her elf as she would ethods of a nlng . h,,' e d con- I tiona I stI'CS!J and etraln, and With s un- Ier of courses is open to them: probably be on the defense . � �� � two Mawr will doubtcdly have gone to an earlY etl i!!lsted of convincing fus faml�y that thut assurallce they begin life as one. if they wish, they may rig up a u5ual, unl s height or . , more than grave h d she consumed s much al- s 1 he was their Int�lIectual superlOf and i In le"'� lime than it takes to lell � 8 breeches buoy between Taylor and some other fRelor enten in. Thi is 1 t'ould do no dlsagr�able wOrk, ao hey become two again, or .even thr�, cohol, cigarette . smo�e, and uttered every hall Ilnd pull in their students one of our better and more exciting . � I and ! dub 8ndoh as m�ny slyly h tlou!J r marks all that ha? amp�e lime to he I you count the nig�t � �� � as best they can, or else they may at games, so we hope everyone will tome he � 10 dream of hIS com'ng glory. . play�, who constitute" dlrcctoJ:8 , her hfe as she did the time t;lf the last declare the anxiously-awaited out to �e it. , . is meet ings for the wandenng consort. play. I verdict that Bryn Mawr officially 0 The main portion ot the novel I " i. The " me-up wal'l as II ows:. Drud IB'1In Mawr devoted to the story of Myron's prog- Unlortunately for the peace of IInowed in and thus save wbat lew League Plans Camp .•.....•.. after he grew up, from job to mind of the wife, who is played with young lives will survive tbis sorry Koch ...... r. f Boyd . �C8S . n. M. to Replace Bates House . day. . . . l�ob . one holel �fter another, each great charm by Miss Ruth Weston, I Brookll, H ...... 1. t . . . Faeth 10 - re ns n last in on Lbe aummer ...... Job more g� l�le th � the love has fluttered , S.ylor ...... c ...... Jones I I (EItPecillllll contributed by Miss Park Gives Plans . . and each teachln him a different side \ breezes, and she findl'l her henri Young ...... s ' c ...... Larned � I of iUfJf'Ofl- I , of the hotel busmess. When he oc'- . thumping loudly at the thoughb or For New Residence Hall Bowker ...... r. g...... Kent ,-t't ft/(lI'IJ/I, Ch.airllUln Ole /IJJ' the Brylt /t1a11f1' _ cnme the N w York Manager of ne ! nyone enjoying the of her tcc � . . � � n CQII1'11lit-1 Hagy ...... l. g...... Bridgman . charms 1 C(�",p.) .. _ of reate t hotel chainS, JRwCul playmate (Mr. Melvyn Doug· The Bryn Mawr Caml) IS to cnlerl ConUuued from Pan One Substitution Drexel: A nglada , � 8 P. Ame�len K l from lack l hre d lu!t-but recently saved from the dnn· upon its first season in June E a boo ! (or Saylor, Brooks tor K och. Bryn tJ; �u' . � ' ' � . niiif ly Meadow -ha8 n chosen in pre ­ Ct!nter, but neither hUI \vlf nor thelr gers o hollywood). BClng a woman July of this year. It. replaces u old I hc murrled � � � I .() r erence to the lot opposite Pembroke Mawr: McCormick for Pacth, Paeth . : I lion ever distracted Myron s primary of actIOn she Immediately composes arrangement, kfaown as Bates HOUiill., ll for McCormick. I E st as the beet location for the new nttention from his work. Ora had a most extraordinary �ou8c party, and i8 to be different in many re- hall ree Scores-Drexel: P. Brooks, 2 H . hall. The is to be built in th 3 1d : ' j come to �e York and was ak- ?on� posed of �e mandohn player, an sped.. . It IS to become a place where ita Brooks, . Bryn Mawr : Boy , 3 �11� :-v � . ! sectiona, each section containing 2 ; a 1 mg a ijha�� hVlng �s a ghost writer, tndl�t English lord, n�w married Bryn Mawr undergradu t.es can gl't awn small dining room. There is to Faeth, 2 McCormick, 2. 4; _ un requiring conSldcrable financial to one Mr. Douglas' ex-mis reS8e8, cO 8tructive trainingJn working with Referees Mise Smith all41 Miss � of � � . lbe a single kitchen. Many more pub- !Stance- from Myron. the ex-hu5band of that ex-mlstresa, children and learn how to keep Perkin!. 1 them lie rooms ate provided than tn the Through the yean Myron'! ideal and herself - to mention her" amused, what to do with intractable I \ nbt other halls which were constructed at leC of his Perfect Hotel had grown larg�r grandmother, who is a most remark- o�es. and so �n. As formerly, there a lime when rooma for general use The l ond team game was, as the . 10 l � ll, and more perfect, until at last, able example of the older generation Will be a tramed head-worker, ""h" were not considered necessary. The ore indicate almost a complete to 1926, he found himself in a position who has kept pace with the ti mes- wiU have fint responsibility and the "'Ul walk-away for Bryn Mawr. The first dent.a' rooms, in response a gen­ fl to realize iL He built the Ideal Week- being at times alightly in advance of worke.rs will get their training unde. half was a uccession of baskets tried eral demand, are to be almost entire­ with sound·proof say, Mr. Douglas The house we arl! wi t and made with monotonoul regularity, ' e.nd Resort Hotel, them. Needless to her direction. Iy single. There l be innumerable :r.t _ radiO lounges, Bun parlors, winter and whole busi- )Ianning to use for the camp is , a oo Baker scoring 26 points and cCor is a bit confused at the it. b thr ms. it comes J. It is directly on the mick, while Kuch the only \ summer s�rts, and a trained corps of nesa and very annoyed when Avalon, N. Wyndham Is to be converted into a 12. acorcd Cor Lady Moulton beach, with recreation center girls bi{Mtet for the opponents. . expertly-d.rllled servants ; all the de- out that the present a President'll house so the airleen tails were calculatedly pertect. The addressed him as Petty Wetly when the children at our very door, a 1 now housed there will move into the In t.he second half however the 1927 0"11- I team seemed to lose i�teretlt and the hotel opened in with every room their passion was at a white heat ill tion ideal Cor the "teachers," as well new hall. rn addition five or six girls play was decidedly mC&8 and ex. filled. The New England Brass In- the dim past. To complete his an· as for the children. will move from each the other balls y of be tremely erraCk Even the gunrds re- dustries Convention, the press, and noyance Mise Weston stays out hap" We are being forced, natutully so that the maida can better ac· laxed and permitted their forwaros many prominent guests were asaem· pily beyond the time when all faith- enough, to cut in hall the number (If commodated In the halls than they to make a basket. EvidenUy encour. bled to start it off with a flourish, and ful wives should be in bed pnd picks children we are able to take. This are at prCllcnt. the opening dinner dance was most the ex· di­ aged, they nlanaged to score thr� as her companion in crime mcans twenty will come in each bi- The new building will beplaced more points before the game ended. auspicious. At three o'clock that husband of the ex-mistress. This weekly group, and the8e we have Ill:· agonally on the lot. It is hoped that In the aecond half, the TaggaJt..Bak- morning, a notorious murder occur· manifestation of independcnce and cided to choose only from PhihUlel- ' about fifty more feet from the gar­ in one or the bedrooms, and every upsets Mr. Douglaa phia now thac. the camp is a purely den in the rear of the Ely field can er combination was tried out, but ri ln red women'lI rights so \ tubloid in the country featured. the that he regains his senses, feels once Bryn Mawr inlltilution. Even though be purchased so that the bui1dlng--1!an not seem to � as luc.cessful as .he old u j be surrounded by a small rraM-plot. partnership. hotel the Murder Tavern. more the lure of the home, and ex- we are laking only twenty in tach The line-op was as follows: Instead of bowing to fate in tbe periences a wild desire to call Min group, we still have a financial gall Since the college own. the property Dl'fftl approved manner of a hero, Weston "darling," which he docs with fiU. Cotbed5, blankets, towels anu f�om �ockefel1er to Dalton, app1i�a- B'1In ilfn.W7' I . Gn:ek Will be made RIR'n ...... r. f...... Baker Myron made the modern mIStake of a success that graphically illustrates "nlilar� supplies must be bought and tlon to Lower MerIon . recoup h ortunes. ot all the committee would greatly apprc- Township to convert nto a Walsh ...... f ... . . McCormick trying to il ( He the inherent weakmindcdnes8 I the road i . 1. • ••••....•• r one, an en- Analada ...... t' Melrs failed. to save the hotel, was given women. date information h to the poSllibility p Ivate where impresaive ...... 11. r to Jackson c.. ...Rothennel poorer and poorer jobs throughout the "The play is more or less a celebra· o( borrowing or purchasing any or t ance gate is be buill nd ended trying to of . I Feher ...... r. g...... Bis bop c:ountry, a by tltart lion of the retu.rn of the era joy these supplies second·hand As lhl! we have in our Sf'ven Ohio State stu- Pearce ...... 1. g...... Jarrett the Ideal Tourist Camp in partner· and good feeling inaugurated under situation now stands, University .._ sblp with his son. The modern and admir- first of June dentll were suspended rec.mtly for Substitutions Drexel : Pearee Mr. Roosevelt, and as such it coffers $1,551. By the more. Not ore refuAing to take military training. 'tor Riggs, Kuch for Walsh, Tiffany mediocre aspeet of :Myron Is that his ably fulfills its destiny. There is we will need $550 m . by They will be automatically reinstat· for Pearce Bryn Mawr: Baker for Ideal changed III hla luck broke, be- nothing either sincere or significant than $160 can be raised the sale 0' nform to t e McOormlck, Tartart for Baker, ecmin&, lower and lower until the about it. but it is amusing and aJ>.. sandwlchell, and, in addition, a!l cd when they agree to co h according to W8IIhburn for Bi.bop. reader is left with the uncomfortable sorbing in the manner of nl\ plays, indefinite sum on the puppet "how military training rule. , ,usplcion that Myron, sometime man- which mean little or lIolhing to any· we arc givillll' in the Deanery garden the University authorities. Which Te· Scoret--Drexel: Riggs 1; Kuch, Mawr: 14; liJer of the country'. greatest ho· one, not even the actors. Having �hi!t spring. The Bryn Mawr Camp caUs t�e r�ent incident at the Uni· G. Bryn McCormick, 8. tela, the poet- r of The Perfect been treated in the theatre for the to the undergraduat.etl, and. versity of Minnesota where one stu­ Baker, SO; Tacgart. belong'S Hotel, was quit content with plan- past few yeaTS to moving protc8t1 although the alumnae help as they dent, objecting on conscientious of grounds, wall excused from military A .,.. lem of referring all propoaed ning his pertee Mid-Western touriat against the injustices and crueltica feel able, it is really outside their � .-{N. S. F. Jegial.tion to a tommitlee before It eam'p. Ora, ho ever::. bad ._truck: Iud· it is a great relief to laugh heart- province. The Camp must, in lhe training A.)-- life., - can •• den auCCft. with a play and having overbred mem- undergrad- be put to a vote h been in.U· ily at the anticl'l of the final analyllis, depend on . for yean tried e"ery .cheme The Catalogue, tuted by the Student-Faculty Con to avoid berl of MCiety who atrugle laborious- uate support. Catherine Bill and [ publiabed by the t Buclmell. working ltIward. his ambition, morals, an anyone who may Oklahoma A M. lists; a creu . The Teason riven wal ly to lack all mannen, will be glatt to give .• CoUece, end famous, wealthy, and ng more information about coune, "Nut Cultu"," this ex- for action i. thal "the memben left in the me rit. Mr. Doull'las as the Y be Interested with the walnuts, of the Concnu 'Were wont to apring hi,hly .ucc.eaaful. man who values hil reputation as a the work we hope to do. planation, "study of pecans, motions, after a brief dlaeuMion, The bitter irony of this book leaves wrecker of commandments and a dan. eu., not maniaca." and, - a.k lor a yot.e on the queation," and the reader feeling very uncomfortable. ge.rous character more than he does Students in an Englil'lh claslI"at u.at�(ten wen either Mr. seems to deelarina his liCe, is luave, abandoned, sulky, Oklahoma M. Coueie aTe .fined An announcement on a bulletin ta.e motion. Uwi. be that A. & : they misspell a board at Drake reads u.woith, 0( CoacTeu ioul con.lden- even If modern people are suftkientJ,. foiled, and pAllionate in the correct one cent every time Unlftf"llty Uon or .0 poorly that confu.· vistonary and aen.itive to �aYe an of'dtor and with ecrrect enthulli- word. The fund derived from thia "Come up some time--any tim�to worded the ee ioD on Ideal and to work towareb It, the, 81m. [t Is not diftk:ult to the lOur« is used to pay for an annual the Christian Endeavor Society m t- the 800r rMUIted."8. F. hnashM A.) hue DOt the counce and nobility of eompany, .. banquet af the cJ.... . -(N. S. F. A.) in,." -(N. the I... d'ecta hi. be affeeta and admit defeat. carduU, an ehancteriltiCi of • to recc:wniIe the .tan ltupkll, blindl, on whirlwind the A recent nport lubmitt.ed in A survey In an eastern univenity ...... , ...... tead...... u., and 10 aiak and loYer, nan toward �ro- wile. W .tates powed that per cent. of the atu­ uneoudouly to cnndmother of hia &..t bJ lKoulD Teachen that 60 of Ad W...... _ . an paid a hlabu dentl aleep throuah .t lealt ...... Ioww Io'tter' III. the wife .. . .". State CharwoIMD (N, S. three ... .. Io ' A.) .eb -. 'fto 'MI _ of -. ... . _ ...... �...... tMIl ______7. boan of cw.. 'WML THE \COLLEGE NEWS • Page SeVeD . - man S cheery than it doe! today. They !!let screamirtl' at "tftJt the u pass- In dirty white ducks and grimy eweat were made were intelligently made. res ow Wins ti m". Enthusiastic Comments a standard of behavior whieh make. ed off fortunately. Ihim, we ean only lay that ther-did Than that we know of nothing more the conduct their modern p The dear Bryn Mawr girls their work well, and'the wj JL re- roto.. were II of to.-uy Contlnu." from Pan One lOQk definitelY ahabby" 'eharminC'-there Isn't any other worn war them the future the world Lucille F wcett·, besides being a n ""'WeKnow or one member tyJ)t!aThe Icene in the Greekl was by that will expren our feelings on the does not at inthe moment. ifEdith drunken lady in the Greeka, provided -_-- bawd , • Rose � scene in the play, probablyfar subject of the penonalit.iea which 6it- dlreeted the play a unit, and .he the properti� crucial the audience who definitely enjoy- the beat 88 and at the mo- of because there were more people on ted about in high ,hoes through our gave it a certain spirit and atmoaphere nteDt her efficiency stood the ed him.Jelf" tett. the stage, and it waa kept alive by hallowed halls in the diJn. dark days. which contributed materially to ill When the time came True 1Jlue Hat· to tbe CUt-It was on the whole Ae movementa of the men at Helen Taft (M. Powell) appear- suecets. Helen Fisher shouldered the old had his revolver with the casual which to excellent, and understood' the SPirit the Betty Sta.lnton availed her- ed belore our startledLee eyes and sang a thanklels job of stage manager, and shoot Malicious Montarue, and the of the play and stayed in it through- self bar.of the setting to deliver from the toucbing ditty to the effect that .he the .peed with which the Hta were Herald TribuM In Little NeU'" l was Winilrtd Safford a perfeet ber heart mourDlul torch wanted to Freddy and he want- changed was evidence of her effteiency. houlle when the time came tor her out.. bottom of a marT)" heroine from the timewi. tbe cu rtain lOng to the elfeet that TMrfJ ', Ai.,.. ed to marry her, and did it with spirit, Not once did the curtain rise on a father to read of the death of that l. roee to surprise her engaged in aing- Good, Mm, and by the time she to say the least.. Her rendition of _tage hand in a compromising poel- same Montague. ing hymns In quite the ftatteat voice Nofinillhed wein were fairly well persuaded ballad dellerves t pra)ae...as lion and that Is a tribute to � Mlu Light_ were done by Letitia Brown, gna heard .ince Lantern Night, to the:! to her point of view. shethe was called into th� plat at the Fisher and her uaistan�. and we� bandied. She did not final moment when IIhe up into Mill Stainton also deserves t lut moment and had never rehearsed Olga Muller was head of the cqm- give way towttt- the imprtflsionislic frenlY a gree the handsome' countenancegazed True deal of credit for the lyrics to the with the cast belor, the big moment. m1 ttee on construction, and ,-he built which has driven some freshman Blue Harold (Helen Harvey)of J,nd songs which she eom�, and Into Elizabeth Lyle created a Marion an excellent aet for the teene in the light chairman to Itare the entire to make pia for the future.be- which she managed to inject: a otr- Park, who had as good a dispoeition Greeks, and utilized the brown cyc show in complete dannen, and lUI we g&nHarold corabined for us all the Iter- tain amount aense. Modem Iyric- then as sbe bas now, although IIhe to create a very effective interior for were duly thankful. Each of theee ling qualities of the man who not only ista might.. copyof her to their profit. hardly commanded the instant atten- the home of the heroine. The scen. chairmen had their committees, which eats Wheatiea every morning for The casual inhabitant of the Greeks tlon or-the students In meetings which cry had a certain vitality aoollt it, worked well and honestly, .and we can breakfast. a,!d uses Life Buoy Soap who appealed to us most the very is hen today. One feature of the which helped to make up for onl1 say that the time come, was the faet religiously, but who sees bis dentillt innocous alcoholic created by Ellza- scene In Taylor Han which attracted that Vanity Dramal'lI best paint buck- when the world is communistic.will that but three times a year, beth Davill, fUel Miu Seltzer's ttance-done in et held the glue which they glad not twice, but the other bar UII was l'ellponsi. will they had the experl­ Min Barvey recalled Tom Mix and were ver'y much at home with their hlgh.buttonedwas shooa, above the tops ble for a connection here and there. · enc�. be our childhood days when she burst may Bay of which gleamed the bare legs ot·the Mary Harwood to Sophie Hemphill and Margaret feet on the bran rail. We I seems us to have into the Greeks and snatched Little that the ease with which the most modem intellectuals. done the most difficult work of all Jackson, as head. of publ lty and of Nell from the brink of destruction as upstanding members of the class of rn general, then, the cast perform- with the grealt>8t degree of SUCCesll. bUllinesll, managed to collectk a though it were all in a day's work. 1937 were converted into gent�emen e'd� itll duties well and moved about She was in charge of colltumea, and Iy audience for the performance,good_ and LetitIa nr:own her black.1r:ock of low alarmed a bit. competenUy within the -they mbsr have heaveer' luII1' till t we W('rr t the gentlemen known as the "sncaks her !lchool would h"\'e UII think thl'm. forma nee. ilt. hO!li been"'n I)O!lt come and but if the FJ"('lIJh­ I l III' therc may_ go, from Creek." she made that ('('It'- The mother wn:t lIuch hel A!I r r th"fle memJxorl'l the ela"" The eo�lume"'. which werf' y�'nrs,Wt·r, man Show i!l nny indication. th(' elMS the a perrect p o · or renll'll. brated cst.abllllhml'nt look rar morc mate thAt. we were on the vcrge - ! who SIWnt the week before the !lhow illtl'lIigt'ntly cllo!!en, lind tho.. " which or 1937 will llO on rorevcr.-S. or . J. ______----� ��__ ------I • � �I • • • --

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. -the cigarette that's MILDER , -the cigarette that TA STES DEnER Eight THE COLLEGE NEWS p� 1 8.30 P. M. m�sdaf evening at admire the legs of their chorus girll. with departed spirits by tapping the Wed. and Thu"., Frederlt March, IN PHlIAOELP'HIA Movies but why they t.hink so i. beyond us. wires. Not very rood Miriam Hopkins and Gary Cooper in ine: "aUuring," "world· Karlton:' May Robson In You Ca.x.', Boyd: TM CaJ and. tIL. Fiddle, Deeilln For Lillin", tConLnuecl h'om Pac_ .Two) Ald The "aophiaueated, etc., Anna n mennlng Wappi. "WIth�am·on Navuro and [email protected] Seville.: . (turbi will conduct. Program: �E1J#::r1Jth - Wed., MUlik bursta)y," into our midllt in the mucb pu� ness. She haa Stone to help Macdonald. The musical story of the Clark Gable and in MOIArt.... Eine Kleine Natht Lewis Iieited Nona.. It is the story, of a her in this sentimental animal that love and enmity of two muaicians. Dancing Lady. Thurs. and FrL, Lone Schumann, d t r uces one tears wh le having a Was CowbOJ/, la y o the streets who . had pretty � � better as Jerome Kern'e operetta with Jackie Cooper and Lila Symphony No. (Rhenieh), E Flat fairly good time watching . S much her own way with the male cJe- t� the hfe that was well done on Broadway. Sat., Sleeper. EaM, with Pres- Debuuy ...... Mer atory of a kindly lady. Lee. k ment after a hard life to begin with. Europa: We continue to be sub- ton Foster and Wynne Gibson. Mon. Gn.nadoe .lntermeuofrom uGoyeacas!' od od Zot Stanley : A ery amueing tale about White IVo,(um, A peri pr uction of the a novel. � j�ted to a very horrllying war film- and Tues., with Carol De Fana, Keith's : James Dunn and Claire a runaway hClre.5s and a tough news- ,. orgottert Me1L The film8 of the coun- Lombud and Charles Laughton. Wed. Danceft, "Three Cornered Hat" Hold Th«t Girl. paper man on a transcontinental bus, tries that participated Goodbf/e Love, S Trevor in It'. the in the conflict. and Thurs... 1 with It Hapl)ened N#Jht. • March and 8.BaUet Ruese will give type of movie that has mnde Mr. Dunn Clark Gable Charlie Ruggles and Y,era Teasdale. 7 One two public performances only. On an Claudette Colbert play their ol Local Movies loved by so man) and loathed by U8. d r es A1'dmore : Wed. and Thur8., Wayne: Wed. and Thura., Wednesday March 7, and . well enough to make this ve y Candlelight, 811 lVome1l Very harmless. 1' good with Elissa Landi and i". Hi, Life , with Otto Kruger. Fri. afternoon,Marcll 8. Thunday evenilll", There will Earle. Wheele and Bob entertainment indeed. Paul Lukas. .F ri. FlrinlT The HOI e 56tlt. Street, Ben. and S.at., and Sat., •• Of!. not. be a perfonnance on Wednesday Woolsey in their new madhouse� mov- Stanton : Joan Blondell in 1'9)6 Down To with Dolores del Rio, with Kay Francil and Ricardo Cor­ evening. ie-Hip',' Hip., Hoora1/. pc Got Number, Rio, , Some o- the story about Fred Astaire and Gene Raymond. Mon.,. Tues.,. and Wed., Lionel YOltl' tcz. March John Charles Thoma!. pie evidently think these two are a the girl - with - the - voice - Iike-a- Mon. and Tues., Conv6'Htion City, with Barrymore and Janet Gaynor in Caro- ..... 7. • baritone, will give a concert, sc.ream as they crack aged puns, and smile. Glenda Farrell communicates Joan - Blondel1 and Adolphe Menjou. 'Una. �������- -- �-�����

• �; ONLY 'rHE




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