The College News, 1934-02-28, Vol. 20, No. 15 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1934)
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Bryn Mawr College Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr College Publications, Special Bryn Mawr College News Collections, Digitized Books 1934 The olC lege News, 1934-02-28, Vol. 20, No. 15 Students of Bryn Mawr College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: Custom Citation Students of Bryn Mawr College, The College News, 1934-02-28, Vol. 20, No. 15 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1934). This paper is posted at Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. " Th e, College = VOL. XX, No.1' • BRYN MAWR AND WAYNE, PA., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1934 PRICE 10 CEN-I 28, r, • Vienna Choir Gives C"'LENDAR Freshman Show Glorifies Bustle Era, Wins NU'J Try-Ouls The ew Wilhclt to ThUrs., March 1. Denn l\1an r Collelle N , a ra r a Delightful Conce t announce the opening of the ning will, speak in Chn�1. Enthusi stic P ise of Unc itic l Audience - competition for positions on the Goodhart at 8.40 A. M. - • 'Passiol1l�ss Clarity, Sweetness, Editorial Board for next year. Fri.. March 2. CIUK swim of M:Joctoas",,- M::lodrama-�. -- Emphasize Local Color •• 4.00 ?I'oduccrs Precision and Flexibility There will be a mccthlg tor ming meet Gym at M. Costuming and Scenzry True t'J Period-Plot Is 3. P. Sat., Mar. Varsity bas Are • Mark Singing those wi!5hing to try out, in the Background o Song and Danc.e J First f office. Thursday evening ketball va. Mt. oseph's. New, nnd second teams. Gym lit 10.00 o'c ock. DIRECTOR IS ARTIST at six J SOFHOMORES FAll TO DISCOVER CLAS ANIMAL ____________� __ A_ M_ . # IL Sun., March 4. The Rev. John • (E,�t!wllJl Contribllttd bJl Lalit Saturday c"cning the 1937 it of stage mccha hlm th t nlA e Mr War r $uter.. Jr., will speak in Chapci. b '! n a k Mr. Alwrne) . bu g Shows Music Room at 7.30 P. M. i"reshnHtn Show burst upon Ull nil the Freshman Show n delight to be- On Thursday last a very delightrul Mon., March 5. in Public Debt to Artist Mr. Reginald its rlpry or bustle! and peg-topped hold-Com'ention Dnd the school of concert was given by the famous Wie Pole will speak on TIu: Theatre trou'l'e�8, and even the most cynical. the druma mean nothing to 1he c1a�H been of the Futllre and th� Sig'I'�'1J '.J.. 'If'r Scmgerknllbl'fL who have it Art Education Should Teach 9phomore would be forted to adm of 1937, and th ey L..,...,_ ttcr th an most � Deanery at 5.00 M. 1\ ��tended our of the making very t Todlly. P. Mil Door dra t t whd::dpn i is the law of Cooperation of Collectors (IfM on., March 5. :Mr. ma is s to t. United States. This was the last Con Horace that. .Van Darf.:fl' o4uujll With Artists Alwynne, F.R.M.e.M., will give had much to recommend it. It hal'l the prophets. cert of a tour which has inclu ded fifty- piano recital. C o h n o d art ut alwa),!! been our contention that. the The mmlie mainly the work of taken them from coast .8.20 P. M. WDS fi\'e cities and PUBLIC IS I�SlNCERE Frcshm�n Show is a thing avort in Ruth Woodward. ond it. ('Ombin('d • e March 6. SUIIVllt to coast. The Choir, which consists of Tu s., 'r .. --=.:....- the theutre-unlque in that it should wilh the ehorusell. train('ti by After cop;n. with clubwomen anq School mooting. Deanery at 8. 18 boye at from 10 to 13 years" o( age, s (go P. M. be prai ed for itll nleritll rather than bel1e Seltzer, to len d a cli ti nction to collectors of lt.alian primlt(vcs wh� I ll must surely have aToused much envy March 8. t 7.ed IIhortcomings. the p t rTn still are ever ready wth question Thurs., Clayton cr ici (or er o ance �uil l its wh ch hUll 1Jl'C1I in the brealts o"l countless small boys i n H n i Iy i about the purpose and meaning at amil to w ll speak on'Tltc 1'f'/- i The one and only object of, thc lacking in many the pust. when it is remembered that their 1\1, M. e 4.30 e- shows of modern an, M·r. Edward War- D ane at f "shmen is to amus not to afrord liss Woodward "hawed a ven18tilily 10lU JlIt!f.:cf, ry r travels have taken them, not only burg returned to Bryn Mawr Sun- M. the audience a glimpse into-the trical P. a in composition which bctruyed an acros.s the American Continent, but speak U nOr day aCt.ernoon to about "Thc topia and no one who was present advanced knowledge of her medium Scandinavia, France, '- - also t.hrough in World l e dis - --- ----,---------' 1 Goodhnrt on could deny and produced in Low-III lAd Artist the Today." i Faculty Formulates in atuNin)' y 0 waltz Germany, Czecho-Slovakia, Austria, a cussed the artist's work (rom the that the frellhmen were dmirably in the best tradition, nnd then turned Italy and Greece. vnl'ying points-of-view the scholar, ComprehetiSiVes Plan succcs!\ful in achieving their object- to the modem sehool for her im�pira The bo)'1l, (ar from being ratigued 01 the critic, the dealer, and the public. --- ive. The succcss which rewarded tion for Thf' DUII(f' of with the ir travels (and all their jour o tll{l Cat,. ' and, in this connection, pointed. ut their efforttl i" even more remark bl(, The l tter was, in the Ob ect o E a a our opinion. neys in this country have been made e j f xams Will be to T cst thl.' e the necessity for a system of art du· in light of th facte that they hac! high j,oint of the perrOrmlll1('e. whe," in' a huge motor coach) .. expressed Students' Ability to Ap- A cation whereby the better artist might ne show lready in reheat1!al when the five cats appeared on the mil or \ themselves as being only regretful c a. ea, o be appreciated by his ontempor ri ply Knowledge the powers-that-be decided otherwise the orchestra pit, and led l\�i"s that theyluld-not had thtl opportunity --- rt by and not relegated to an attic to starve. on the lIubjl'f"t. an that two memlwr!' pt'Cl!ented u� with an impres to still of America. They bel!t t llee The artists are the most mis- IS PASSING GRADE of lh� ca" wel'e rorc('Ii at the III!!t �'ioni�tic picture or cal!! pillying in may m1t-e look like 80me of Raphaels cre 60 ___ erably treated because they are not minute to wHhdraw. the moonlight. It is a long ime since ations when they arc on the stag , de l e enticed. by the public to look down. The Faculty at a special mN.!tin�·, Written b\' R!)se and Leti iu !tuch nn ftmbitiolh bit of dancinll has murely attired in their cassocks and Edith l artist be original, 'he creates a c o m " If an M rch will probably be discu"l'ing n Brown, thl. "mf'lodious m l ra a u(I('n unrll'rtnken by freshmcn, and the lIurplices, but they are real boys just tc o something that is non-exis nt anti plnn for a final examination in the concerned thl' adventures of tittle "ucce"" with which it wa!i e ec utl'd the same, a� an)'one would have dis publ c to which : x consequently difficult for the i major lIubject. of followillg' Nell at Brr" M awr. whither she went is !!uHicient Ilroof thc !lbility of C!overed who happened to see them til\' (I( gra'l without clfort. His followerI'. S e e p is a brief· outline. a1 the beh '!!t or True Blue Hnrold, ?I1i:ls eltz r IU u duncer an d director After the Conc rt indulging in a snow dil'CCl l muy. on the other hand, get I-Nalm'f' of who lovl'd h'l" with u l)Ure white 11i('r four fellow cats had 11 better fight with lIonle or the Freshnlen re e. EXf,lI//JICltirm backing from th public, because they the h n The final examination in the majol' t at litt le edu· undcr,.tallding of rhythm then w e tUrning from a rehearsal ror Fresh flame, bllt ..till elt their master's idea l !m It f k w mid!iL make more I ahtt- bject is not to be est c l clltian would d her nO hllrm, To col- nc cxi!ltcd in our We wcre c iv t of gen rn man show, or playing every once able. This la k apprecitltion, and wellt. ow l.'fi l r y c of illformution in the student's major legQ. she ith the con�ellt o( no d l it l able kind or a k pr n while donning interest, upon t.he part of the g1lneral s IItll'old.