i""^": 1- • ^GLE LAKE HEAOiLK^T, EAGLE LAKE, TEXAS, FBIDAT, SEPTEMBER 13, nU ETHIOPIA I» LAND OF < m- lAOLB LAKE BKAlNJOHt, EACd£ LAKE. TEXAS, FKIDAT, "BEUtVE IT OR NOT' grades have new miOrUaoks. • New York.—Ethiopia U the land The students should appreciate of "Believe It or Not,'" a country having all of these new books, and that in many wajb seems lifted out Fill Out This Coupon: keep them looking as pood as pos­ Synnott Auto Supply sible for the next student to use. ol Biblical B^ges, A major factor in an international Chess game that /, Austin MutusI'Life Ins. Qo. ., ,.-„-^,...,.. -•• ,•.- (A Lack's Allied Auto Store) may affeet the ciurse of nations, lb :_i>Tlp« To Students lias not yet thro-iii off'the sorcery 324-330 Littlsfielii BIdg. V ^ l..-,-^^-^ •-4ieit You Have Forgotten— of ancient Egypt ol the blacl. magic Austin^ Texas. Or Neven knew of-the jungle nn ilicin^.mah. •'' Raise your hand, to get permission E VECrDAy /PECIAL/ to leave your seat in the study hall.' -M night',through the streets o» Gentleman: ^ '*,; •-T^r ^--7^ - £ ^: •:-^aaa^aailtaL,,..^, ;t7/ the capital — Ailuis Ababa —, roam Without obligation, I wwid like to have Information aboiit the AH magazines and reference books, are to be used h> the library only. I hyenas, and outiide the city, lioHSi fc Austin Mutual's dependable, low-cost llvd-premiuih policy issuefd' $ :v,-v-^. .- • • .;•:•:•:• •;-.x.-.-'.''^--. j—immune from diath by royal edict from ages 15 to 60 Inclusive. I.'understand that" no membership Remember that the waste paper LONG tIFE BATTERIES, as low as . t 3.39 —seek hapless mules and camels in fee nor semi-annual du'is are required, and that premiums pay i belongs, in the basket and not in lUnprotected corrals. With th« dawn be made monthly, quartely,.semi-annually 6t annuaUy. My age '. the aisles. '^ ,| come the vulture?, flapping awkward Be in your classroom by the time the second bel^ rings. up wlng§, sharp-eyi-ii, scanning thf is , ...„• •.::.'-, , •.•.,• Cold Patch, can , .7 Tire Boots, ^' , h^ mud-hutted towti for carrion. Do not get up to leave class uivtH It is in Addis Ababa that King a(0r' the second b^U. Katoe — In Sets c Haile Selassie resides. A man of You ate not allowed to leave ydilr i^iamsmt:w desk until the roll has been checked shrouded hiihseU in a cloak.(rf^great Address at nine and one o'clock, dignity; his royal estate is a collect ^ Mwana tUT' llli M' -i4t^ I )(»hai|i»!Wn'».etctetly iftiW(!i;M»4^. ONLY HEALTHY WHITE PEBSONS ADMITTED tlon of perhaps loO mud, huts sur­ —especially in Mrs. Parker's classes. BRUNSWICK TIRtS. 4.40x21 . rounded by a wall;'his castle is a Remember these and you'll be O. '4.85 K. ' . Get Our Prices On Sets I frame building and a mud house. The huts of hi,s retainers differ Society not- at all Xrbm tliuse of. the rest of Over fifty girls were present at a HeavyOuty the city's 50,000 residents. Architec­ pep squad meeting In the English Eirab Lining Sets Sy Red Inner ture is primitive; mud-plastered on room Tuesday morning after school. Tubes 89^ "P a wattle frame, a thatched roof, ane* The girls decided upon orange cor- an Ethiopian ha;; a town house. •' SEVERAL HUNDRED li duroy jackets with black braid, cut •The hou^ is liirn.ished with thi military style, and white pants. m Timers. "T19" Auto Lamps; . 5^ ^P same' siniplicitjf. Earthern floon (fail There,Trill be a drum and bugle earthen fireplace and earthern, jars. corps under the direction of Mr, Finest 5| foot. Wide--,:. ,••,.., Per Yard Beds are rawhide spread taut over FALL ''>U/W<«/"rABRICS Lund'gren. Mrs. Parfcei- will be the .ii,.'iji*.--j wooden frames. SiiurningchairSj^ the 4 pep-squad sptonser again this year. ebony burghers squat on mats and TOP C0yERIN6 MMI..^/:* - eat off mats. \ ''•„,•;:*••'• BjWrts "• •-'••^"•'" Everything 'is spread on the, iTie Eagle's football team has ground or, as in ihe cas-e of me'at, Made 7S Full been gaadually Increasing each day hung on" hooks. Biater in great yel­ since the beginning of practice on low mounds when purchased -is Sept, .2, Twenty-five-boys are com­ scooped out by" hands. Suits are ing, out ifow to make the Eagle's Synnott A uto made without measurements,- The fcaai.aiti<i«Ku:i:tAi.t,<ataiiiii&o:oia^^ " SUIT team, purchaser bargai"-' at the stalls for -5w ""The Eagrc""ii'rn IiHWB'good'Start- Ekgle Lake, Texus cloth and" thtti, presents it to the trCsi^t wr Topccjt 1... tng- line' but few"gt5tHt •substitutes. | _^ -Jaitei, ff, a .btjyer insists on meas- tt Letter men fj"om last year that are urertien'ts'the taildis answer in all back now,are Captain Hodde, Tiny likelihood will be: • COME IN AND IlMJCgYpUR SELECTION ^OW Estlinbaum. J, C. Snlith and pari tinues alnd untH his liberty is re- "Yon are not deformed. You have Bradeh, ' stored in full'splendor and grandeur, arms and legs—so,*' There's lots of room in tie Cbach Hinton is featuring a new —THE- the supreme central governing jun­ Donkeys plod through the ragged play for playing this year which ta of the Kingdom of Spain and Uie aisles-of the market, Caraek stand will be entirely different from .the in somnolent Itlleiress as their own­ ROYHLCLEllNERS Jndies ejercise sovereignty in his plays of Coach Coffey, Coaches ARCHIVES OF BEXAR royal name throughout the- domin­ ers haggle. Housewives in great Hinton and Cheatham are out on ions which compose the kingdoms voluminous skirts shrilly bargain the, field each afternoon at four When Business oif the Texas Government^ From of lijs Majesty. Consequently, even and loiter from booth to booth, large Phone 45 L o'clock drilling the t)oys and the STANDARD TOMATOES, 3 No. 2 cans bunches of keys rattling as th'.'vl boys will appreciate some of the though the above mentioned rumor fORDV"8 EAOLE LAKE, TEXAS MORTON'S PLAIN OR IODIZED SALT, 2 pk««, iSc 1727 To 1835, Was Centered In San Antonio. is hot sufficiently authentic to de­ walk. -.._•,*• fans coming out to watch the prac­ serve our unqualified credence, nev­ Cuoragis, .the farmers -' of the tice. ^ r- - . POST T0ASTIES.,J;::^bz. package»i^:Zi^ : .^Xlk country, wag frizzled mopi;!sh heads ertheless, since the oppressor of our EVERY ONE who steps into the Ford car selling at a higher price does not A physical examination was given Colorado as they argue over heaps of corn, (Note: .The following is one of a . into Texas. He was, hkewise. alert beloved King and our country is as to each boy Tuesday evening — a JELLO, all flavors, 3 packag^f Galois, the nomadtt herdsmen are V-8 for the firet time is surpristed at its give you an much inteirior room as the series of weekly articles- taken from j to the danger from the Americans skillful in planning the most un­ thmg which has never, been done CABBAGE . 31/20 heard of and unjust projects as he loud in commercial debate ovec the before. I the Bexar Archives at The Univei- who -were anxious to push their roominess. There's exceptional seat Ray Munn Fitzgerald of Houston merits of a cow or a sheep. • Ford V.8. ., ._:,,:^1.:,...,-,..:,^^,, .,<,.;, The first game will be played at slty of Texas. This collection, con- frontiers still further westwatd. is ruthless in .the selection of means Is spending the week here with his DAWN TOILET In the shadows' of- neighboring room, leg room and head room in all Bellvliie Friday night, Septe"mber Colorado ' sidered the greatest single historical During 1809, owing to rumors of foP carrying his plans into execu­ 'Rear seats are wide and reetfol... grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, W. J. houses the old mei\ sitmn',)ng bla:k 20, but it will not be a conference I treasiir.e on itie North American continued activity on the part of tion, the supreme central junta has body Ijpes .-^T-Ji^he whole car pve8 yog POTATOES and whit«-^ston««>-~i «an ride cemfortably t Wright. " 'Eaglet' game-. "Fhe- -first conference- game4 thofight trpropa^rtjrgivf^is trr^ continent, ha^ been cataloguea ana tne United States-InUucea the coru- VV<^M^V«A^«^M^A(^^AA^^^^ they play a native version of chess, a feeling of substantial size.-'" - -^f-'-r^ is now beint; translated by The Uni­ i mandanf general to carry his policy formation tn you'and to all officials Jack Putney returned Saturday VOLUME VI will be played here October VI with the country's onlv game. the front seat of the Fordor Sedan, NUMBER 1 versity of Ttxas. It consists of 400,- of excluding foreigners from Texas of both Americas. This is done in from Huntsville, where he has been El Campo. Most of the games will There is monotony to the iriar- 000 pages of original Spanish hand- to its extreme^ and* thus £111 plans order that you may avoid any pos­ The Ford gives you extra body room Fordpc Touring Sedan, Convertible doing engineering work on a city Eagle Uke, Sept 13, 1935. be played at night this year. bu> Tissue, Sf oils 17^ ket's food display, Ethiopian.^ care w'ri'tted docuiTients comprising the for development suddenly came to sible sui-prise and in order that, if paving project. , they will be out-of-town games. little for variety. Corn is th?!r prin­ because of the compact design of the Sedan and Phaeton, a^d in the Coupes Editor-in-chief.
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