Is H Lb Dg !Fourseeking Oj T", I C 00 Oar Ets Ischoolposts; WEEK Through Totally Toelecttwo AI Compiled Bu Th

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Is H Lb Dg !Fourseeking Oj T • '".; • , Q .#.'F' AJf g,. .},.Ito;t.?;'; fi84.'( 4# ~.::;~ ;, 'y. ze .. f q 4:' P ... Zj,;""IC1U1U1M¥1.11.;:II¥II}I;@."o,l!IijlltJllltQI., 1,IlIINI, ~I, j""1I..1JIj411l!'!,~...1A'.'•."7"1i!.'r;; 'llI"l!.1",',"'i#;;~_t+' il ., . ~' ,I'" .~ ':.,1, AI! tne News of All the Point" Every Thursu.y Mol'ftin9 rosse Pointe ews Cov~rage . Complete News of All the Pointes Vol, 32-No. 23 Entered u ~ Clul Mat.. a, THURSDA:r,-jiTNE $6.00 Per Year the Po$t Oftiae at Detroit, Il1l111l,Ul GROSSE-POINTE,_____________________MICHIGAN, • .. _IO~1971--- I~ Per Copy ------)O.--P----Tages- wo--5--'\:IC-t'-lons----S'-t'ec Ion 0 ne --._------- ----------- ---- -_._--- .._--- -_._ .. _--- -------""""'---------- HEADLINES is h lB dG !FourSeeking oJ t", I C 00 oar ets iSchoolPosts; WEEK Through Totally ToElectTwo AI Compiled bU th. Incumbents Arnold Fuchs GrOll' Pohu. N11M Peaceful Meeting and Calvin Sllndberg Opposed by Huette- Thanday, June 3 Ed '" man and Warner 'DETROlf MAY HAVE a ucators Hear Reports on Legislation and Bids for I dly.wide garbage strike on New Roadway and Sidewalk at North High Two members will be July 1. Union Jeaders and School Without Argument elecled trustees on the elty officials agrfil that a ------ . Grosse Pointe Board of breakthrough in negotiations By P~pper Whitelaw,. Education next Monday, is unlikely. An important issue The Grosse POinte Board of Education met on June 14. The trustteships lJ\ the negotiations is alleged Mon~ay, June 7, in Parcells Middle School. Tl1e are for four year terms radal job discrimination by meetmg was set ahead one week due to the election which run from July 1, the city government. The gar. I ~age workers, the vast major. on Monday, June 14. '; 1971 to June 30, 1975. ily of whom are black, point Dr. George Eddington, assis- Club Refused Four candidates are vyin~ out that policemen, the ma. tant to the superintendent, was for the two seats. They arc jority of whom are white, got asked by superintendent Dr. Arnold P. Fuchs (incumbent), ". bigger pay raise last year Theos. I. Anderson to outline Request for Calvin J. Sandberg (incum- ~an the garbagemen and ap- activities by local people re- bent), William F. Huetteman l)ear beaded for even a big. gardtng state school legisla- H. h F and Robert D. Warner. (llr one next year. lion. Dr. Eddingt?n s~ke of tg er ence Mr. Fuchs is 54 years old .. • • • local eU.orts and. lDqu~les on and lives on Roslyn road with Frielay, lillie 4 current iSSU~Sbeing discussed Residents Opposed to his wife, Georgia. His son, • ;. THE CITY OF DETROIT by the legislature and how Arnold Paul Fuchs, Jr., was "Del its garbage collector.' th~y would aHect Grosse lochmoor's Proposal, graduated from North High . POI~te. Woods Council Sup- School in June of 1970. and is reached a tentative agree. BI~s then .were received for . rt C't' I Ob currently attending the Uni- ment Thursday in an overtime the Installation ?f a concrete 1 po S I Izens • versi'lY of Michigan. Mr. "ark dispute that was leaving pavement and SIdewalk to ,be I jeetions to Plans Fuchs is an engineer mounting tons of garbage pU. located southerly of Vernier . ed in city streets and alleys. road and westerly of Morning- By Greg Boyd Mr. ~an~berg. IS 45 years The city's direclor of labor p. M'ddl Sch h side drive of North High A proposed increase in old anu lives .In ~horeham relations, Allin Davis, se!d lerCe 1 e 001 it the jackpot in winning NITSCH, inslt-uctor BUZZ VAN ALMEN; and other School. This new roadluy will th h. ht f h f road. He and hiS Wife. Mary t the city agreed to fill 32 va- awards in the recent Michigan Industrial Education first place winners BILL SPENCER (kneeling left facilitate traffic at I"e school s e el~. 0 t h e encler Jean have seven children: cancies and union leaders of Regional Fair held at Hilbert Junior High School in' to right) MIKE FABER and HUMPHREY ABRIG: :-. urroun mg ego William. a student at Brownell to the garbage workers agreed Detroit. Some 20 Pierce boys took awards. Pictured NAN!. Christoph went on to capture first prize in E' htwt~d Study Bids . d I course at the Lochmoor Middle School' Robert Steph- 10 recommend their men go (standing left to rigbt) are instructor RUSSELL the Michigan Industrial Education State Convention Benl~enn.ld~re~~~eo/:%~r~s: CIUb 1 8b SutnhninGgctale, ~n, Cathleen ~nd Jam'es, stu. 19 d bact to working overtime. The HACHEY; first place grand prize winner CHRI$~ as did Mike. Humphrey captured a third place and trativeservices, explained to wa~ d eme y .e rosse ents at Barnl:s Elementary 1;400 sanitation workers are TOPH MEINGASTj with first place winner STEVE Steve an honorable mention. board members that after the Pomte Woods CIty Coun- School, L~nn and Mary, beth h~~~n~~~~---------------------------------------------_~s~e~~~~.illatt~re~lum~~g~~H~ s~~.~. ~ent Sunday. gineering firm of Pate, Hirn of Monday, June 7. San?~e~g I~ a produce~. of . '. South High All Pointe Parks Off..:Jorm.g North H".gh ,and Bogue would review them The extra fencing, denied audiO-Visual sales and tralDlnl j JAMES HOFFA lite p p ed '-' and make their recommenda- by a vote of four to two programs. ~oWll from the presidency of T GadS Cl f All T G tions to Mr. Zenn, who would would hav'~ included a thre~ .Mr. Huetteman. 38, live!! t. the International Brotherhood 0 r uate tlmmer asses or .0 J.udaate then present the recommenda- foot vertical addition plus With w!fe Laurie and their tf:amsters -Thursday after . lion to the board for. approval. threll strands of plain wire four chIldren, Tom, a studer.t i,~.~:_ 'J,.~~':a~r~4:=: 500 J~ne 15°' .Age Groups; To St.~rt S..oon670 ..Jij.u.'.. ,(}1.4,~;i~h~: :~t~,il1g~d.:i4.j~ft,~ri.Ce.l~~;~,P!~: ~ar;a~~e~lsJi~,id~~~de~~OO~t ~_.;tIM; .t.tiecutive bQ,I'ri[~~":"' .... ~~ <~.';'o)'1:: '.. ' -,~ _ _ - ".... '. '.' , :.;.,.,~.:, .._}21~1~;colwell CQntraet~ng,The totll:l"Mlg,?-tof.the fence Barnes' Elementarr Sc:h?Ol, , ~ Vlce-pretklent .YraDk ~-W68"tti-.s 'oubfe Ses~: .So'me-Making Both Swim~'~G" • W'\1B S .Defrolti •••.$36,976; Champine, would have ~n ralsed to be- and Ma;tha three, In f)unn1D~' ..... 1=. Fitzsimmons to be elected Be H Id 0 II • d T . L A'I bl ' ymnaslum I e cene Weber, Inc., $21,218.50; Alva tween eight and nine feel. dale dFlve, Mr. Huetteman IS " Hoffa's successor when the ing e at 7 'e ock mln9 an •• ennis essons ~alll e, of Commencement Exer- L. Greer, Roseville, $27,125.50; The request to raise the an attorney. union holds its annual cooven. at Football Field: Pro- MuniCipal Teams Forming cises at 8 O'clod' La Strad Construction, De. height of the fence was made Mr. Warner is 36 years ot t10n at Miami Beach next "ram, R.ev.ealed E h f th P' t ' .. J.t.. St d t t 5 I~ (Continued on Page 6) because of the vandalism the agt!. He and his wife Jayne, month. ''J ~c ...0. e om e mumc1pa lies IS :preparmg to u en s 0 pea/( -'-. -. -- club has suffered within the have two children,' Cindy, • • • offer ItS • eSldents several seSSIons of swunming and -. -- NT. CI h past several months Club di- nine and Robert seven both South High School will tennis Jessons, most of .them be~nning in late June. North High Sch~oI. Com. ew ennIS U rector, Clarence E:' Bessert, stud~nts at Rich'ard Eiemen. Satarday, Jue I hold its Commencement The programs, mostly dIrected With the young people mencement ExerCises are To 0 e • 0 t told the council that so far tary School. They live on :Me, :A TRAILER TRUCK carry. Exercises on T u e s day, in mind, a~e bound to keep participants busy and slated for ¥ondaYl June P n III C. ~his year,. the cost of vandal- Kinley avenue. He is a de. idg ~ cases of dynamite col- June 15, at 7 o'clock, at healthy durmg the summer months; . 14, at. 8 0 clock m the Ism has rISen to $1,800. partment manager of the Ford U(ted with an automobile on a the football field. Some <!l------------ gymnaSIUm So m e 670 The Grosse Pointe area will Fruitles Effort Motor Credit Company (Fi J)\ISY highway near Waco, Ga., GROSSE POINTE WOODS ' . enjoy a new, year.around in- s , . Friday night and blew up, 500 seniors will receive In Grosse P.ointe Woods, Iolder for a $5 fee. Classes will seni,ors wi~,l enter to t~e door tennis club 0 enin Octo- He said that several yearsnance Subsidiary of the Ford ldlling at least five persons their diplomas. swimming and tennis lessons be held on M on d ay and stra~ns of Pomp and elr' ber 1 A grou/ of gGrosse ago the club had employed a Motor Company). 0 and caving in the roof of a The seniors will enter to will be held at the lake frOTlt Wednesday at 9 and 10 a.m. cumstance," pIa ye d by I pointe~s headed by Edward watch:;"an on. the golf co~rse The 1I 1ls.will be open from school gymnasium where 200 "Pomp and Circumstance," park and tennis at Ghesquiere during July only.
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