Works Sole-Authored by Maria Graham 1812 Journal of a Residence in India. Edinburgh: Archibald Constable and Company Second edition, 1813

French translation: Journal d'un séjour fait aux Indes orientales, pendant les années 1809, 1810 et 1811. Traduit de l'anglois de Madame Maria Graham. Genève: J.-J. Paschoud. 1818

Further editions: Journal of a residence in India (facsimile). New Delhi: Asian Educational Services, 2000 Journal of a residence in India (facsimile). Bay Foreign Language Books, 2000

1814 Letters on India; with Etchings and a Map : Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown

1820 Memoirs of the Life of Nicholas Poussin London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown; Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co.

French Translation: Memoires sur la vie de Nicolas Poussin. Paris: Pierre Dufort, 1821

1820 Three Months Passed in the Mountains East of Rome, during the Year 1819 London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown; Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co. Second edition, 1821.

French translation: Séjour de trois mois dans les montagnes près de Rome pendant l'année 1819. Paris: Béchet;& Genève: Paschoud, 1822

1824 Journal of a Residence in , during the Year 1822; and a Voyage from Chile to , in 1823 London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown; and John Murray Second edition, 1825

Spanish translations: Diario de residencia en Chile durante el año 1822 i de viaje de Chile al Brasil en 1823, translated by Jose Valenzuela D. Santiago de Chile: Cervantes, 1902 (2nd edition, 1909)

Diario de su residencia en Chile en 1822 i de su viaje al Brasil en 1823. Volume 10, Biblioteca Ayacucho. Madrid, Editorial-América, 1916

Diario de mi residencia en Chile en 1822, translated by José Valenzuela D, revised and corrected by Graciela Espinosa de Calm. Santiago de Chile: Editorial del Pacifico, 1953 (2nd edition, 1956)

Diario de mi Residencia en Chile en 1822, translated by Jose Valenzuela Dooner. Buenos Aires; Editorial Francisco de Aguirre, 1971 (new impressions, 1972 and 1988)

Diario de mi residencia en Chile en el año 1822, translated and edited by María Ester Martínez Sanz y Javiera Palma Dabed. Santiago: Norma, 2005.

Further editions: Journal of a residence in Chile, during the year 1822; and a voyage from Chile to Brazil in 1823. New York: Praeger, 1969 (new impression, 1970)

Journal of a Residence in Chile during the Year 1822; And, A Voyage from Chile to Brazil in 1823, edited by Jennifer Hayward. Charlottesville, Virginia: University of Virginia Press, 2003.

1824 Journal of a Voyage to Brazil, and Residence there, during Part of the Years 1821, 1822, 1823 London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown; and John Murray

Portuguese translation: Diario de uma Viagem ao Brasil, e de uma Estada Nesse Pais Durante Parte dos anos de 1821, 1822 e 1823, translated and edited by Jacobina Lacombe. Sao Paulo: Companhia Editora Nacional, 1956

Further editions: Journal of a voyage to Brazil and residence there during part of the years 1821, 1822, 1823. New York: Praeger, 1969;

Journal of a Voyage to Brazil. Charleston, South Carolina: Bibliobazaar, 2007

1828 A Short History of Spain London: John Murray New editions, 1835 and 1840.

1834 A Letter to the President and Members of the Geological Society, in Answer to Certain Observations Contained in Mr. Greenough's Anniversary Address of 1834 London: Printed by T. Brettell

The text of this pamphlet was reprinted in The American Journal of Science and Arts, 28 (July, 1835), pp. 236-247, under the title ‘On the Reality of the Rise of the Coast of Chile, in 1822, as stated by MRS. GRAHAM.’

It was subsequently published as an appendix to the proceedings of the Geological Society of London, November 1833 to June 1838, Vo. II (1838), following page 706. +to+the+President+and+Members+of+the+Geological+Society+answer+certai n+observations

1835 Description of the Chapel of the Annunziata Dell' Arena; Or Giotto's Chapel, in Padua. [with engravings from drawings by Sir A. W. Callcott.] London: Printed for the author by T. Brettell

1835 Little Arthur's History of . London: John Murray First edition.

Spanish translation: A história da Inglaterra do pequeño Artur, translated by Bugyja Britto. Rio de Janeiro, 1989.

1836 Essays Towards the History of Painting London: Edward Moxon

1836 Histoire de France du Petit Louis Londres: Edward Moxon

1838 Continuation of Essays Towards the History of Painting London: Edward Moxon

1840 Palm Sunday; Or, Little Mary's Saturday's Walk Kensington

1841 The Little Bracken-Burners. A Tale: And Little Mary's Four Saturdays London: John W. Parker Second edition, 1847; third edition, 1849; fourth edition, 1854; fifth edition, 1861

1842 A Scripture Herbal London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans