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CHAPTER 4 Plant Pathology

CHAPTER 4 Plant Pathology


Plant In History ...... 1

Disease Defined ...... 1

Conditions Necessary for ...... 2

Symptoms, Signs, Syndromes...... 2

Disease Development ...... 3

Control of Diseases ...... 3

Summary ...... 4 CHAPTER 4 Plant Pathology

Edited and revised by Dr. Cheryl Smith, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension

The organisms which cause plant disease can destroy from the time the is put into the ground until the is harvested and during storage. Some diseases are capable of totally destroying a crop, while others may cause only cosmetic damage. However, cosmetic damage may be equivalent to total de- struction in the case of ornamental , certain and vegetables.

While many biological organisms can cause plant diseases, the vast majority are caused by fungi. Disease control with chemicals is tricky because it involves killing the , without killing the host, and proper timing of applications is essential.

A basic understanding of diseases and how they develop will give an apprecia- tion for the complexity of the problem and demonstrate the importance of cul- tural practices in management of plant diseases.

Plant Diseases In History Disease Defined Certain diseases have had tremendous impacts on Plant disease is the rule rather than the exception. our society. Perhaps foremost among these is potato Every plant has disease problems of one sort or late blight which caused the potato famine in another. Fortunately, plants either tolerate these Ireland (1845); as a result, approximately 2 million maladies, or they are not very serious in most years. people either starved to death or emigrated to the Plant pathologists consider almost any abnormal . growth pattern by a plant to be a ‘disease’.

Downy mildew ruined the French wine industry Plant diseases are caused by a large array of biotic until was accidentally discovered (living) agents such as fungi, , , as a control against the fungus. and . Plant diseases are also caused by a large array of abiotic (nonliving) factors such as Two forest diseases which caused great eco- nutrient deficiencies and water or temperature nomic losses in America are Dutch disease and stress; or sometimes by a combination of factors. . Both were introduced accidentally Both groups of agents are capable of causing abnor- to the United States. Chestnut blight completely mal and harmful physiological processes in the host destroyed the most valuable in the Appala- plant. chians, while continues its destruction today. One must distinguish between infectious diseases, caused by biotic agents, and noninfectious disorders These examples are prominent because they caused (abiotic agents). so much damage. However, plant diseases cause variable amounts of damage from year to year, often depending upon weather patterns.

Chapter 4 Plant Pathology 1 Infectious organisms can be defined as follows: The third condition is an environment suitable for the to infect the plant. Temperature and Fungus: an organism with no , moisture are important factors. that reproduces by means of structures called , and usually has filamentous growth; e.g., molds, yeasts, mushrooms. Symptoms, Signs, Syndromes A symptom is the physical expression of disease by Bacterium: a single-celled, microscopic organ- the plant. Examples of symptoms are: ism with cell walls and no chloro- phyll; reproduces by fission. blights: sudden, often widespread death of twigs, foliage, : a microscopic, bacteria-like organ- ism that lacks a , and cankers: dead places on bark and cortex of therefore appears filamentous. stems; often discolored and raised or sunken : a submicroscopic, subcellular particle consisting of nucleic acid galls: abnormal, localized swellings on and that requires a host , stem, or cell in which to multiply. (It is not rots: general decomposition and destruc- known if a virus is a living or tion of tissue nonliving agent). necrosis: death of tissue : a virus-like particle that lacks the outer protein coat of a virus spots: circular or irregular lesions on particle. above-

Nematode: a microscopic roundworm, usually A sign is the visible presence of the pathogen, such living in , which feeds on plant as a fungal fruiting body or bacterial discharge cells. associated with the disease: Parasitic conks: fungal fruiting structures formed on Seed Plant: a higher plant with chlorophyll rotting woody plants (shelf or that lives parasitically on other bracket fungi) plants, e.g., , dodder mycelia: masses of fungal threads (hyphae) Fungi and bacteria cause plant diseases such as leaf which compose the vegetative body spot and , stem, or . Plant viruses, of the fungus , and often cause growth ooze (flux): viscid mass of juices composed of distortion, stunting, and abnormal coloration. host and parasite substances found Nematodes can cause stunting and root distortion. exuding from some diseased plants Parasitic seed plants cause a general weakening of the host plant. pycnidia: minute, fungal, asexual fruiting structures, usually globose and black, formed on plant surfaces Conditions Necessary for rhizomorphs: string-like strands of fungal mycelia Disease sometimes found under the bark of trees In order for disease to occur, three conditions must be met. First, it is necessary to have a susceptible A disease syndrome is the group of signs and host plant. Each species of plant is capable of being symptoms which collectively characterize a disease. infected by only certain organisms (). The Familiarity with a disease’s signs or symptoms is plant must be in a stage of development susceptible often not enough to diagnose a disease; it is neces- to infection by the disease agent. sary to know the syndrome and case history. Seeing a spot on a leaf does not tell much, but finding The second requirement is the presence of an active pycnidia in that spot and knowing the plant species pathogen in a stage of development conducive to and recent weather conditions might be sufficient infecting the host plant. If there is no pathogen information to diagnose the disease. Often, labora- present, there can be no disease. tory work is necessary for diagnosis.

Chapter 4 Plant Pathology 2 Disease Development Control of Diseases It is important to understand how plant diseases The importance of understanding the disease develop in order to control them. By the time it development process becomes obvious when becomes obvious that a plant has a disease, it is considering control options. By the time symptoms generally too late to do anything about it in that are expressed, the pathogen (with few exceptions) is growing season. Plants cannot be cured in the way already inside the host plant. Therefore, control people expect their own ills to be cured. The process efforts, in most cases, must occur before penetration by which diseases develop can be broken into four has taken place. The overall principle in effective distinct phases: disease control is to keep the inoculum density of the pathogen at very low levels. Inoculation: This is the introduction of the patho- gen to the host plant tissue. , or Success in controlling plant disease will occur when rain, or running water can move a combination of the following methods of control pathogens and introduce them to a are used: host plant, as can birds, , people, or equipment. Some patho- Avoidance: A grower can avoid certain diseases gens move themselves short dis- by choice of geographic area or tances, but most rely on other choice of planting site. Disease can means. Inoculum is any part of the also be avoided by planting at a time pathogen that comes in contact with that does not favor disease develop- the host plant. ment. Using disease-free planting stock or modifying cultural practices Penetration: This is the process of getting inside also helps to avoid disease. the plant. It may be an active or passive process. Some pathogens Exclusion: A grower can inspect stock for signs produce enzymes to dissolve the of disease and reject or treat any cuticle and directly attack and which is suspect. Plant quarantines penetrate plant cells. Some patho- are designed to exclude certain pests gens can swim through water on a from areas that are free of that . plant’s surface and enter the plant Elimination of carrier insects can through natural openings (such as help exclude disease-causing organ- stomata, lenticels, or hydathodes) or isms. through wounds. Some pathogens Eradication: Once a disease is established in an are introduced into the plant by area, eradication is unlikely. How- insects, tools, or driving ever, significant reduction in disease rain. inoculum can be attained by de- Infection: When the pathogen invades the stroying diseased plants or alternate plant tissue and establishes a para- hosts, by rotating crops, or by certain sitic relationship between itself and soil treatments. the host, infection has occurred. Protection: Spraying or dusting plants with Disease: When the host plant responds to or bactericides can the presence of the pathogen, a protect them from disease. Some- “disease” exists. The host’s response times modifying cultural practices or usually results in the development of the environment may protect the symptoms of the disease, such as crop. Control of carrier insects will blight, spots or necrosis. also protect plants. Resistance: Breeding and selection are used to develop resistant crops. Resistance can be enhanced through proper culture of a crop. Resistance is not immunity; improper culture of a resistant variety may negate the resistance.

Chapter 4 Plant Pathology 3 Therapy: There are a few diseases which can Summary be treated with chemicals or heat to gain a degree of control. Plant diseases are to be expected. Fortunately, there are few truly devastating diseases in most years. Familiarity with crops and the diseases and insects For disease to occur, there must be a susceptible that affect them is useful in planning management host, a suitable environment, and a living pathogen. programs. Some diseases occur every season; others When all three conditions are met, disease occurs. occur sporadically. Some can be managed easily by Severity of the disease depends on the degree to using proper cultural and/or chemical methods; which the conditions are met. others must be tolerated. Knowing which problem falls into which category comes with experience. Disease development follows a precise course of Knowing the proper method to use at the proper events. Inoculation occurs first, usually followed by time is a part of integrated pest management (IPM). penetration of the host . Infection occurs when the pathogen invades the host tissue. Only when the host responds has disease occurred. By this time, it is usually too late to control the disease.

Disease management involves more than the use of chemicals for protection. Avoidance, eradication, exclusion, resistance, and therapy all have a role in disease management. A combination of these will give best results.

Chapter 4 Plant Pathology 4