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Dec25-1913.Pdf (8.929Mb) Ithe .T ^E5T9 ^ 1900 Vol. XIII, IStbYear, No. 52. DUNCAN, B. C.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25. 191.^ Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year Court of Revision Cadet Concert Navy League Concert Children’s Aid Xmas Treat of Cases were Movement Benefits Good Attendance-Splendid .\ddress by ProjKisal to form St. .\ii(lreAvs riiurcli Appealed SnbstantiaUy Mr. Phillipjis-'Wolley Society here Suiulav School The Cowichan Branch of the The Court of Revision for the One of the most successful con­ had never asked for this aid. She On Monday aitcrmwn a meet­ In the lodge r<x)m of the K. assessment roll. of the govern ­ certs held this season was that Navy League held a most suc­ was still ready and able to take ing was held in the City Police of P. building on Tuesday even­ cessful concert in the K. of P. ment district of Cownchan sat at arranged for the benefit of the care of herself. iffice for the purpose of further ing. a gathering i»f the chihlren hall on Friday evening, the 19th the provincial court house on Cowichan Valley Cadet Corps. Further, the League asked ten­ discus.sing the advisability of rcc- of St. .Andrews Presbyterian Monday this week. Judge Fut- Incidentally the hall was packed instant. Col. Eardlcy-W'ilmot, tatively that in as much as our immending the formation of a Church Sunday School was hcM. cher presided and Mr. S. McB. with people, showing evidently chairman of the local branch, was coasts in this province arc expos ­ bramh of the Children’s Aid So­ and the evening spent in recita­ in the chair and among the speak­ Smith, government assessor, was that the cadet movement is very ed to an unusual degree to the ciety for the electoral district of tion. song and story. The Christ­ also present. popular in Cowichan. Too much ers were Mr. Clive Phillipps- danger of attack from Japan and Cowichan. mas tree, with its boughs laden In all, there were some twenty- credit cannot be given to the in­ Wollcy and Mr. Blakemore, Ed­ other Oriental nations, we should There were present the Rev. S. wilii presents of many kinds, oc­ itor of the "Week.” seven cases to be dealt with. Few structors of the cadets for the like to sec a strong fleet unit Ryall of Chemainus, the Re cupied a prominent place and The musical portion <jf the pro­ of them "held any great interest splendid manner in which »hcy stationed permanently on this Father Schcclan, Tzotihalem. the seemed to be the magnet for gramme was much appreciated for the general public. The most have mastered their various drills coast. Rev. ,\. Munro and Mr. Seymour many eyes. The lathers and interesting case was that in which and exercises. An especial word by the large audience. Mr. Bar- The League realizcil that the Greene. mothers of the .-icholars were rington-Foote. as usual, proving Mr. E. II. Forrest, of Hillbank, of praise is due the signalling first choice of the Admiralty in •Mr. Ryall reported tliat he had present in g»n*dly nnmliers and the great attraction of this part appealed against his a.sse.^sment t'lass, which it is said, ha.< been matters of Colonial tlefcncc had interviewed a mimlicr of people before the concert began the room of the entertainment. He was re­ of $15,300 for his 153.5 acres of trained entirely by Lieut. Thorpe. been for a solid Imperial navy, in his district in order to find wa>* filled to it> utino>t capacity. peatedly encored, and gcnnl land near Hillbank station. Mr. The sketch "The Di.spatch Thief" but they alMi realized that owing out the feeling on the matter and .\iter the opening hymn hail turedly responded many times. J. I. Mutter appeared before the did not seem to go with quite as to political conditions and to lo­ he found that many people seem­ been sung by the children and Mr. Willct, with his violin solos, court on behalf of Mr. Forrest, much swing as the rest of the cal feeling, fleet units were es­ ed ti» think there was ample scope prayer was made by the Rev. S. and Mrs. .Allan Mutter's congs who was also present. programme — but then soldiers sential in certain parts of the for such an organization. Mr. Lundy, the supcrintemicm, Mr. cannot be expected to be actors also proved very popular and Mr. Mutter said that the assess­ Empire. (ireene also spoke in the same Campbell in a few words ex­ as well. Capt. Greene’s address, were loudly encored. ment on this property had been Mr. Wollcy reiterated that the vein. plained the work of the Sunday The outstanding feature of the raised by $2300 in 1911, by $1500 "''‘'h "c are told was his maiden first object of the Navy League Much discu.ssi«m folhoved and ,<cho< »I. speech, was well spoken and loud­ evening was Mr. Clive Phillipp.s- the meeting Ctamc to the conclu­ in 1912 and this year by $3500. was to make public opinion of The concert was then set going ly applauded. Wolley ’s address. sion that there was need for fur­ In his opinion there had been no the naval question so strong on and through .all its items, siimc On rising, he was loudly ap­ ther information on the subject increase in the value of property Needless to say Mr. Barring- the necessity of adequate defence twenty inltl in number, interest plauded and although his address bcfiirc coming to a definite deci­ W'ithin the year and he con­ lon-Foote was encored repeated­ that their policy would carry. never flagged. was not long, the audience listen­ sion. The question of the prol> sidered that an injustice had ly, while the other singers and in- Our assistance might seem to Harry Smith’s recitation "The ed with the utmost attention and able cxpen>e is one of the ni.xi therefore been done. .<trumcntalists were also well re­ be only a "drop in the bucket,' Tw«« Stockings" wa> well receiv­ was obviously in agreement with important, and fuller infornmiion I The judge said that this year ’s ceived. Those who helped to but his hearers would have been ed. while Wilfred Greene’s hu­ make the concert such a success the .sentiments he expressed. sur|)ri.scd at the enormous wave on this |K>int is nccdc«I. .Applica­ asessment did not necessarily mourous rcmlcring of "When Mr. W'olley ’s address consisted tion must he made to the provin­ mean that the property had in­ were Messrs. Barrington-Foote. of fecHng that swept over Eng ­ I’aiher Carves the Duck" was aj»- chiefly of an explan.ition of the McBean, W. Femeyhough, Poole land when the announcement of cial secretary for incorporation preciaietl by all. .Alfred Whan’s creased in value by ^500 this objects of the League. He said and Miss Woodworth. the proposed gift of three <lread- before any definite steps were year. Possibly the previous as­ recitation condemning the use «»f that the first object of it was to no.tghts was first m.idc. taken and before going this far, sessments were incorrect. In "Box and Cox" was as amusing slang was picturesque in its form and educate public opinion .'dr. W. Bhikcmore said that he further discussions will be held. answer to the judge. Mr. McB. a.s ever. The actor.s. Messrs. plirases ami causcil much amuse­ on the naval question. The rea­ w; s surprised that there were not It is found that there are. in Smith said that he considered the Lcgge Willis, Poolcy and Capt. ment. The little girls who gave sons (»n which their arguments nrfvrc nicmhcis of the League in the •lis»ri‘'t. a mimluT of cases present assessment still far top Sharp, acquitted themselves ad­ “The Doll Show, ' performed llieir were based were: wliich should he dealt with. The mirably. a district such as Cowichan. parts admir.ably, ami the jmlge. low for this property. (1) That the might of Britain where there were so many old only trouble lies in the fact that Earl Squire, in his address caused Mr. Mutter said that although Mr. Elkington, one of the com­ has l>een an enormously power­ the Children’s .Aid Society Act mittee who have charge of the country people. He referred to much amusement by delaying his the act did not specify that the ful factor for the good of man­ docs n>it give as much power in the great value c*f .Mr. WoUcy ’s deci.-iou to a later <l;itc. The dia­ use to w’hich the land was put arrangements for the cadets, made kind. writings on the navy question and dealing with the parents as the logue entitled 'United Wtirkmen* should be taken into considera­ a short s]>eech, in which he out­ (2> That the power of the Brit­ said that pamphlets written by Juvenile Delinquents’ Act. It i lined the steps taker towards was a pleasing feature, and the tion, yet some consideration must ish Empire rests solely on her felt that there arc often ca^es in him had been circulated over the , Ih.v- taking part in iliis performed be given to farmers or they would making ilic corns an efficient one. sea |K)wer. Dominion in tens of llious.imls. "Iiich tliere i. .lelilwralc nesli their dntio with zcM a> well as all soon be driven out. He thanked all those present for (3) That Canada lias a great He hoped that many people from' gcnce on the part of the i>arcnts their kind .«iupport of the move­ zeal.
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