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VeryMerry Xmas1o Afr THE MILK RIVER REVIEW Serving Milk River and District Milk River, Alberta VOL. !. NO. 7 THURSDAY, DEC.23 1948 The To The High School Students Are We Plundering Our Lions Den On reading last week's issue of loans. 1the River Review,1 was very The village can only borrow 20 THEf LIONS DEN I' Milk " On Dec. 14 tlie I.ions held tlieir 'much impressed by the letters per cent\>f its tax assessed value, Planet ? monthly banquet in the Masonic written by our high school stud-'' according to the Village Act. Un- Hall with the Milk River Junior «ents. der the single tax system used There has been a bountiful bar- iibotil a man named Robert Mal- ■ as .special guests. It is gratifying to realize these here, where only the land value is vest iu our province, iu other parts tilms, who was a keen student of llascball Team A very lovely supper was again sup- .'young citizens of our village take taxed, We have had difficulty in fjf the Dominion aud in America ipopulation and food supply. Mr. plied hy Ladies the Eastern such an interest in their town aud raising the required money. This is year. most of us, living developed thc of ' this To in !Maldius the idc.i that 'wish to sec it progress. due to.the fact that 20 per cent ot favored hinds, the thought of tthe population of the world tends Star. these Since you have shown such an the land value assessment falls far scarcity Ito ability Although the turn-out was seems rather remote at increase faster than the ititerest in the water and sewage $110,000.00 required. picsciit. bulging ■nl' to it. publish- smaller than expected the after- short of the Granaries are still the earth feed lie system proposed for Milk River, years ago dinner discussions did not lack in The former and the present with grain: bank savings have in- ied this idea ahout 150 in give you an outline I Principal Pap- and wore highly aug* I would like to are still creased, aud farm debts have* been Itis essay on the of enthusiasm procur- councils have worked and average inented by the antics of our popular of the details involved in working to promote these loans, paid to the extent that the iulation. necessary such tail-twister, Madge, a tew ing the funds for under our present system of tax- farmer feels confident -of the im- Mr. Malthtts stressed two facts: Paul and project. live wires in the club. The a large ation. mediate future. i(1) "Komi is essential to the exist- oAher of such a pro- man"; $15,000 Drag Line was won by The actual cost The council the help As the farmer prospers, so do all ience of (-) "The passion hc- ject, providing price of materials present with necessary basement-digging Harold Anderson of Mr. L. C. Halmrast, MLA. are ethers prosper, because the fann- weeti tbe sexes is and docs not rise, is $110.0<>0.«0. The ' for only one thin dime. An en- hoping to have something further er, being one of the primary pro- will remain nearly in its present water system costing $56,000.00 joyable time was brought to a suc- o,i this subject, early iu ducers of real wealth and one of jhe slate." the sewage system costing $40,- to report by the showing and new year. biggest consumers of all goods, re- had forgotten cessful conclusion village not the We almost about of interesting films hy Paul Madße -000.00. The have suffi- flects his prosperity in some mea- Mr. Malthtts until we read an edi- cient funds to undertake this pro- The credit for the ground work who also sells motor cars. "%., sure to till others. torial in "Life Magazine" a few ject. Hence necessary to bor- on this proposal goes to Mr. J. bright mentioning Our next meeting, in which wc rmr, hy Nelson, your former mayor, and /The future looks to those months ai£> Mr. Mal- attendance, and this is done debenture hemisphere, 'thtts, although many strive for 100 per cent his council. We hope we will be of us who live on this jmd that have 25,' 'disagreed will Ite Jan. 1949. able to successfully complete their and for the present we are content' with his contention in Happy SweetgrassNews past, there are prominent men Merry Christmas and New- ideas. to reap our full share of our laud's the in of bingo.' who'believe that Mr. -Mal- Year to You All. The first a series You young people, by showing productivity. today " games Held winter true prophet. How To Kill Club to be during the your in village, "It might li'c well, however, togive thus was a interest this will 1. Don't come to meetings. months by Border Post No. 73 of keep some thought to conditions els- Let ns analyze conditions as they Legion, the council and the ratepay- 2. If you do come, come late. the American with th- co- ers; ,Rivcr prob- are today judge for of ililk on .their. ( wlicrc in the worldand to the and ourselves i.„ yo«r.;.d jte»',|t»r. _ v opt^ation.'of. fhe.al4idicsr»'Aitx!lwryi toes^ Hold ha^k ( trying give you town lems that <«'"" Unpeople in other- how near right Mr. Malthtts was- Jlrtn't place Saturday evening to ..a...home pay them at all. j took at the you can proud of. parts of the glolnf; because what in his deductions. Wc are told that good crowd be 4. Never ask a friend you think. legion Hall. A sized are always tho happens a thousand horizons away the population of the world has in- was You welcome at might join the club. , from both sides of the border meetings of council we may some day affect us here. creased by 200 million since Hitler say tlie and 5. Don't have anything to on hand to compete for the valu- to hear any ideas you controversy going ou charged .into Poland. India's popu- ' prizes would like There is a - when you are called upon. able which were awarded might have tor improvement at present, conditions may lation alone has grown by 35 mil of the that 6. If to0 wet or too dry, too hot ,the winners. Most the prizes, your greatly hen regardless of famine and riots. of town. vary in the future that will or too cold, don't think of coming many of which could be used as very truly, regardless Century Lodge Yours affect us of where we No. 11. A. V. & to thc .meeting. Christmas gifts, had been purchas- JIM CLARK, Mayor. live. *« M., held their annual Christmas 7. If you do attend a meeting, ed from local merchants, and they Ever since his expulsion from party on Friday evening, Decem- find fault with the proceedings and included among others, various ta- F.dcn, man has lived by a ruthless ber 17th at the Masonic Hall in the work done by other members. ble and bed lamps, electric percol- automobile radiators, a much need- pattern oflaud use; cut, burn, plant, Milk River. 8. Kick if you are not appointed ators, dolls, doll chairs, clothes ed commodity these days, was giv- prize. destroy, move on. Over lis parents and children to n committee, and if you arc ap- ! hampers, sets of towels, electric en away as a door turkey planet no longer big frmn Warner, Coutts and Mill; Ri- pointed, never attend any cctu- clocks, etc. A gallon can ot a na- A and several chickens The is being enough kind plunder, ver were ill attendance. meetings. tionally advertised anti-freeze for were raffled, Kdward Olson for this of Imittee turkey. says Fairfield Osborne, President A musical program, with children the lucky winner of thc 'of the New York Zoological Society. from the tlnjee towns taking part, "Art" Matson, the Post's "chef Matson, Mr. Osborne points out that with was presented, after which Santa cuisiner", and Mrs. secre- the world population of more than Clans gave each of the children :i tary of the Ladies Auxiliary, were Kitchen, two billion people, we have barely ban of candy. in the Post preparing fixin's, enough forests, water sources, and The Order of the Eastern Star, hamburgers with all the to arable soil for subsistence aud no who were in charge of the pro- which' were served the patrons, soda, at new lush lands to conquer. He is- gram, served a delicious lunch to along with hot coffee or bingo tables, gante going concerned about conditions wlien all present. the the the population reaches three bil- on uninterruptedly. lion and more. -. The members of llorder Post No. W'e are told that there are only Milk River News 73, who helped to make this bingo about lour billion acres of arable game such a big success, were as laud in the world at present, or Mrs. Amy Hunt entertained the follows: The Entertainment Com- person. know mittee, Richard W. Ahern. "cTiair- two acres Per We Ten Pins at their Xmas Party on are where peo- man, Henry A. Dttbc, Peter Lcrum that there countries Tuesday. (lifts were ex- ple live,or try to live, on much less Dec. 14. and Kenwell Dovery;. Merlin W. delight per person. changed with a ful Yuletide Crockford, Post Commander ; Ha- A few years ago the writer lead lunch was served hy candlelight. rold L.