'V 1 T ’I •> -> The News Argus, December, 1979, Page 7 Seasons Greetings to the faculty, staff and Merry Christmas to Virginia. Mary Jane, Mar 'Merry Xmas to Jon A. McCants for A.B. Love & happinesa to my family this Christnus Day. students, from the WSSU Alumni Association. Elftiae tod KhaliUb. Dadee. garet, Merdis, Carmen, Sandria. Becky. “ Come- ; lius Kimber” . Chazz Bailey. Jackie. Anita Powell. Harvey, wishing you a Merry Christmas. Much Wishing the entire WSSU fsmily a MERRY * Evelyn & Dana, from Brenda & Richie. love. Angela. To the sisters of GAMMA ETA Chapter DELTA CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR. From all OMICION MUSIC FKATEKNITY FOB WOMEN, of us in the Chancellor’s ofBce, Brenda, Doug, To Mr. Griffin: Merry Christmas. “Home-Pea” from your Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Fannie, Felecia. & Jackie. ^ “Home*Pea’'lII Lioda Thompson, Presideot. We enjoy your company, your conversation is an , invite. To our day Mr. G. you bring a gleaming To all WSSU students, have a safe and happy light. Have a Merry Christmas and a very Merty Christmas, Mr. Kimber, from your “ assis To Keith Byrd, Merry Christmas, you’re a very holiday from. Dr. Haywood Wilson. tant” across the haUllI special persoo. prosperous New Year. Love always. Carmen. Bonita, and Marchelle. Happy holidays to the DYNAMIC meml^rs of Merry Christmas to Dr. Simms & family, from Merry Christmas to the WSSU family, from the OST, irom Soror Brenda Kearney. B renda. sisters of DELTA OMICBON MUSIC FKATEK- Season's Greetings from Debra Foriest to all English Majors. NTTY FOB WOMEN.
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