Student Vote Next Week to Cover Seven Questions •Eniors Set up Loan Plan
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Student vote next week 0«X£l INSTITUn to cover seven questions OF TECHNOlOGY The student referendum on the PHILADEIPHIA, pa. limited cut policy at Drexel for proposed constitution will be held students beyond their freshman Monday through Friday in the year. Great Court and the DAC from YES--------- NO---------------- 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. A winter FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1967 term IBM matric card will be 3. I am in favor of a pass/fall -------- ---- , , ------------- ------------ — __________ _ NUMBER 16 J6QUired to demonstrate ellgi- option in a limited number of non-major electives. In addition to the constitution YES-------- NO_____ f. Calloway spealre^tSSiS^E^Oi^ question, other concerns on stu dent affairs have been listed on 4. I believe that Men's Fresh the ballot. These questions co man Camp is beneficial to in ver matters that have been dis coming male freshmen. (Males iscusses man’s problems In space cussed on the Senate floor or only.) I,Mon•Man and His Environment,”Environment.” problems mncf _________ on overcome, sor of journaUsm at Temple matters ttiat are expected to be YES-------- NO--------- theme of Home Economics possibly through diet and exerl of future concern to the Senate. by, May 22, was carried out University for the DHEA sem i- else programs. “These are all The ballot reads as follows: 5. I am in favor of a volun the convocation, seml- adaptive processes to the change and “ The Future of Food ^ r v ic e ” was the topic of tary meal ticket policy for resi rs^d displays. in environment, but (the astro- 1. I am in favor of the adop dent students. naut; must come back to a high Morence Senn, executive dieti tion of the new student govern I At the convocation in the main tian of Hospital Food Manage YES-------- NO--------- G-force,” said Dr. Calloway. ment constitution as outlined in Iditorium, Dr. Doris Howes ment Inc. and Automatic Re- the Drexel Trianele of Mav 5 6. I am in favor of the aboli alloway, professor of nutrl- w ilers of America and R.D. and amended to include that University of California at Dr. Calloway showed slides Roush, general manager of the tion of any class ranking system. on the project as it has progres the executive committee shall YES-------- NO--------- erkeley, was presented with Philadelphia’s Marriott Motor be elected by the student body. Home Economics College cl- sed at Berkeley and spoke on Hotels for the Drexel Dietetic YES-------- NO_____ 7. I am in favor of the quin- ition for outstanding achieve- toe mechanics of packaging foods and Nutrition AssociaUon and for preservation as well as get tile class ranking system, in nutrition and foods. Dr. Innkeepers seminar. 2. I am in favor of an un alloway spoke on “ Inner Man ting them to the mouth in the YES-------- NO--------- Outer Space,” the problems weightless state of space. As far countered in manned space as formula foods go. Dr. Cal bht. “ It is in our nature to loway stated, “ With the best of H ead of Economics Dept, fplore things,” said Dr, Cal- our ability, that type of diet is vay, and space is our latest inadequate. We have not been As a consultant to able to form a single component VSA, Dr. Calloway is chiefly food diet for man. Therefore, we dies in DAC guest room bncerned with the nutritional m ust offer a variety of foods, Dr. Walter Buckingham, 43, toblems of the astronauts. The packaged properly and able to be guest room. from an automobile accident Iree-man crew of Apollo w ill be stored In a very small space.” head of the Economics Depart Dr. Buckingham, who came to ment, died suddenly Wednesday about seven years ago. In the ktricted as to space and w e l^ t. A special exhibit dealing with Drexel two years ago, had a his spring of last year he underwent May 24, in the Activities Center will be like three people try- the problem of space exploration tory of back ailments resulting an unsuccessful operation to al g to get along for two weeks was set up in the Great Court. leviate the pain associated with space in a telephone booth,” MOOSE (Manned Orbital Opera his back injury. ^id Dr. Calloway. The space tions Safety Equipment), was 6r food supply w ill also be r e - loaned as an exhibit by the Mis Last fall he submitted to an operation to fuse the affected ricted greatly, but the supply sile and Space Division of Gen area of the spine. As a result lust be nutritionally adequate eral Electric. of this latest operation. Dr. Buck I support these three men during The buffet luncheon at noon ingham suffered from blood clots lie whole trip to the moon and was followed by four seminars, and swelling of the lower limbs. kck. which were run simultaneously by various student organizations. The environment of space, body According to James Parrish, Edward Dann, director of design, dean of the College of Business psition and w e i^ tle ssn e ss must and Richard S. Altman, architect dealt with in addition to space Administration, “Dr. Bucking planner for the Rouse Company ham was very anxious to con hd nutrition restrictions. In in Baltimore were the guest Imulated conditions using par duct a three-day intensive semi^ speakers at the design seminar, nar session in the MBA program ents restricted to complete bed- “ Directions in Design and City next week.” ^st, the problems of muscle Planning,” which was sponsored In order to test whether or not rophy, the shift In distribution by the student chapter of Ameri he could put up with the strain fluid in the body, loss of bone can Institute of Interior Design of the long session by staying here ubstance and diminishing of ers. The Drexel student fashion on campus. Dr. Buckingham at lood volume were observed group invited Mike Ward, mer tempted to remain here Tuesday be similar to the prob- chandising manager of “The Li and Wednesday. Ims which must be over- on's Den,” to speak on “ Selling Dean Parrish talked to the bme for the su ccess of the Fashions to Men.” “ Education economics professor at about polio project. Since these three Through Mass Communication” 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday. Medical |en will be greatly confined as •was the topic of a talk delivered officials estimate that he passed ^ movement and exercise, these by Dr. Bruce Underwood, profes away about midnight. His death was discovered Wednesday morning at 9:30. •eniors set up loan plan Dr. Buckingham is survived Dr. Walter Budcingham by his wife and three children. It small class meeting Honors Day cites DIT students About 10 percent of the Senior to the fund. F«ss. turned out for a class Neting last Wednesday, May 17. Earlier in the meeting, the group voted 41-36 to maintain the seniors agreed, without for work in studies^ activities pposition, to follow the recom - practice of marching onto the Drexel’s Honors Day Program the program with an invocation, pendations of a committee set up stage in Convention Hall to re for leadership in extracurricular ceive their diplomas. Dr, Wal was held May 23 in the DAC in which was followed by an address activities, creative writing and ^ Committee lace D. Heaton, chairman of recognition of students who have by President William Hagerty. proficiency in various fields of IX. DlLaura recom excelled in scholarship, leader Awards for various achievements study. The service organizations mended a loan fund to be set up DrexePs Public Observances Committee, said that his group ship, citizenship and service to were then presented by Dr. and honorary societies gave donations from class m em bers would be guided by the views of the college community. Hagerty and Dean Herbert awards to deserving students. ►oulri L Loans the meeting. The Rev. Paul Fenske opened Raynes, assistant vice-president Lastly, mention was made of upperclassmen for academic affairs. students who have been newly need of financial aid; they would Awards were made to the stu inducted into honorary socie dents having the highest cumu ties, who have won graduate study to I On the news scene lative averages in each curricu •awards and who have made the e’ll be able to help m ore TRUNGLE NEWS QUIZ: What are restless because there is no lum. Also presented were awards Dean’s List. |Ple this way.*' compulsory representation for The S: is Disque Hall? How about Strat- j r •ninimum contribution hq1i9 if vnn Hnn't know, don’t them in the new government. rould be $100 in 10 tr S I n ^ Norm Smith’s ‘Round DIT column '$10 each. installments | be upset; just read the story on has the details on that situation :j?the dedication of the science At press on page 2, col. 3. Then, if you .in®’ over 100 of complex. It’s on page 2, col. 1. % have the strength, check out the * editorial on page 4. ^ers hart H program; IN LIKE SHEEP and out like * * * * ent dPnn only their stu- nothing at all. That seems to THE SENATE MADE another be the way that 90 percent of resolution last week: to with l>« class " “ ‘“ I to set hall the Senior Class will be remem- draw Student Activities Com “’e 200 It ^ had to mittee support from athletics. • It looks as If we*re I bered. About 10 percent of the Ding to •§ class turned out for the meeting Maybe the administration will __ loan fund, last week, which decided on a even read the resolution this the ^ gift S gift from the entire class to the ' time.