. I-V ■ ' . I':. ■ /.■ -V ■■ ■ '■ r- ■"

TUESDAY, MARCH 27, liJM ATcngt Daily Net Press Ron The Weather Far tlM Waak Esdad Foieesst of V. g. W ither Rsissa p a g e s ix t e e n iianclfpBtpr lEv^ning ilfralb March M. ItM Ught snow prohatuy beghutag year to aoma outstanding Con- before mldalght, little acemnla- 1 1 , 9 5 5 tion expected. Low X8-as. Tlisri* Several members of the Man­ Ennagifcd naeUeut eiUaen and anyone may. THE OFFICE OF chester Watea will appear on the Bid Name Bald^^ to ^ v a it. . MMAar olitical enemy of Shlvera. Frank Horton, pediatrician; Dr. Center St.; and Samuel Walker New Hhven, M»rch 28 (JP) clw . The subject of the Commun­ William Stroud, general practi-' Nursing, where she was a member knife has told State Police Raybuen hiijnaelf declined any ion gtodltatlon will be "Motives 'Will be allowed to crect a dwelling of Kappa Kappa Gamma and Sig- i that he committed the assault —The jury in th« Smith Act tioner. Dr. William Conlon, radi­ four feet closer to the north side ma Theta Tau. She is currently af- j immediate comment on Shlvera' tri«l.of eight Communists, de- from Calvary." ologist; Dr. Merrill Rublnow. sur­ because "I didn't like her." assertion, made in a public l|rie than permUtecT at 101 Clinton filiated with the Park Weai Hospl- i WHIIl CHAIR Police made - the stabbing speech. He Indicated, however, libOrhting since Ssturday, geon; Dr. Andrew Tfhomas, ortho­ St. . tal in New York City. which took place Monday af­ The Manchester Pipe Band wilt pedic surgeon: and Dr. Joaeph C. Walker is rebuilding a home al­ Her fiance is an alumnus of that he might have something to posed posiihiy significant appear tonight on Channel 18 at Barry, general practitioner. ternoon public today after say later. questions to Judge Robert P. most destroyed by fire Jan. 24, and Loyola University in Chicago, ■\ Paul E. Oote, 16. of Cooper 10 o'clock. Mroaek said because of the in­ Center Church is building an addi­ Loyola University School of L^w m n vtrttd from Denlew L'atng Name In Speech Anderson when court opened lane, had been charged with creased life expectancy of the. na­ and New York univeiaity School. fcar-wkatl to "I've never used Gov. Shlvera A daughter was born March 2.7 tion which has long been planned. ffoni-whtal aggravated assault and placed today. . tion's popu.ation, there seems to Bcaupre Realty Co, was given of Law, where he received his i to the custody of hta father name in a speech or a public atata- Court observers said a verdict in Hartford Hospital to Mr. and be a need for convalescent hospi­ L, L. M. He served two years with i BropeUiog. M ment. but I may hava to now,” Mrs. Thomas Shannon of East favorable' action on a request MEETING to all S-incIi 'Ending court action April 9 Buy be cloee. tals throughout the country. the Army, At present, he is »■ Rayburn told newamen. Hartford, formerly of Manchester. heard Feb. 20 asking extension of caitcrt. in the - Stafford B o r o u g h The five women and seven men Since the land Is near public permission to display 46 cars on legislative attorney in the office of | a RiMting of the Proparty Own> Johnson told a news confer­ asked the Judge what kind of- ver­ The couple have axspn. John, age transportatam, and becauap, In his' chief counsel. Internal; Revenue; Th*rt will Court. ence: 3 >4. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edmunds the lot at 388 R. Center St. I of Connocticut tonight at $72.00 The investigating officers, dicts they can render, and wheth­ opinion, the riew building would be ZBA permission vyas granted for Service, in Washington' D, C. •r> Orgoni ■'r Policewomsin Margaret Ja­ "Aa I have told you aevaral are the maternal grandparents esthetically pleasing, Mrosek felt The wedding will take place in 'times, I would be glad to go to the er they should automatically re­ Ra»«tt, teM gerafers, and Mr. and'Mrs. Terrence Shan­ 60 days on condition a 3-8 foot 8 •'deek at lurr School. 40 Wothorsfwid cobson and Trooper Richard turn a verdict of innocent, to tha this use would be the best which tilgh fence be erected along the June. Stlltwn 4|>vw T.ibt iece of engineering (the Wilbur the complete absence^ traffic lights and free access cutoffs and-the broad accused, he aaid. It must ao report Zmingr Board during hearing of Fred- Hutt will be permitted to white Sulphur Springe, W. Va.', cratic Advisory Council in-Texas), te him. Than, he okid, the court thi^ MpU^^ atlon by forme/ boat’d have an attachetF garage closer to MiuTh 28 UP)—^President Elsen­ the PAC and the NAACP, the CIO Cross Highway—Rt. 15) is one of the superhighway's greatest" menaces-:— Ulanages theoret^Tty eliminate headon colUsiona—but that ia not exactly will deal with the issue after It kyt'!' .membeir James McVeigh: Henty hower saw Mexldo’a President and hypnotic sleepL long straight-Sways built into the“ coftifort highway,**’ (HeraW lioto)^ haa aaaured Itself that alt poe- WemmED. Kwitor,.2rt FiBtdP H . .r*',. ' - aibUities of kkOching a veddlct hava Willard. Jr., .47 Stephen St.; David Quish was granted extension of home with warm farewells today •“Nor have I aver Itoen 1h«. TRY IT BEFORi^ R/DingWi.11, 387 E. Middle Tpke.; perniisslDn to:,gse;> .garage at 46 and then left for Washington hlm- errand boy ' of reactionary, big ™bert W. Morrlsdii.' 207' Parker Foster St. for a p’luihbing busi­ aeJf, Convinced 'that his expert- business or the flepublican party.” -V EvkAlaat n ii* th e r e was apec- At.; and 'Norman Bents, 403 E. ness; and George Stevens will be GIRLS’ mant here in armchair diplomacy Shivers bolted the Democratic leei ulatkm lhat verdict was cloee whan Y O U B U Y - Middle Tpke. allowed to divide properly at 9 had been a great success. pre'aidential ticket io 1852 and the jury worked a half hour be­ Atty. Richard Law. represented Trotter St. to set up an underslr-ed The ease and informality of the aupported‘ Dwight D. 'Biaenhowor yond its usual reUrlng time of ASK^S FOR A Ir\'ing Bayer, 14 Stephen St.; and and below minimum frontage lot EASTER Srat North American aiimmit con­ for Prealdent. '' Drive Aired T o T e ll of 9:80 o'clocSi. - Louis Bayer, 210 Parker St. Law there, ference, free of the ceremonies of Lhft night in a speech at Hous­ The defendants and tlitir law- On State’s Comfort Highway yem. oensing a verdict today, ra- ^REE SAMPLE said it had not been shown' that ' Lebero Fracchla, doing business | \ Washington, apparently have set a ton he sharply chaUenged Rayburn an attempt had been made to lo­ as Lifce's Esso Station, 110 Center I \ preferred pattern for Slaenhower’a to a flnlsh light ;/or centrol of the malned In the courthmiM through­ cate the hospital in a Residence B Sti; and Bernard Yanelll and Wai­ SUITS futitra international conferences. Texaa delegatidn to the Chicago B y Pravda Red Trade out tho morning taatoad of a r«- WE HAVE TME SWEETEST/ Bv BOBEBT W. SHAW wHth 8 number of long4 plke hnd squseMd thraugb the Urliig to a nowby hotel or law lone, where It would be permitted. ter Spakoski. doing business as B He may bring Indian Prime Mto- National Convention. htlla./Driving, normally n choc*, usual congestldn of Utt bridge. JUCIEST, TASTIEST Mrosek answered .this by saying and B F>so Service Center, 484 E. later Rehru here for talks in July, In North Dakota meanwhUc, the (Fliat af Twa Ailtsles) officoe, as they have been doing. By RICHAKD K. OTNAUJCT Sleep—in Itaelf—rarelY kills. ’becomes a pikature — .or monb- Rt. 18 presents a sudden conr Wgflhingtbn, March 28 (4^ . However, when the Jury went . he doubted there vvak land enough Middle Tpke., were granted per­ Oh, the.at.vle of it . . . offieiala believe, though no place Nonpartisan League (NPL) ap­ tw y, Far)tiIanA,an4...J)ine-covered Iraet, fiee of the commerciel well —Top government ) officials available- in the rignt location — mission to .do limited repairing had been-picked. He thinks , ah- peared. ready, to withdraw at Its, Moscow, March 28 (/P)r— But a car traveling at SiS m.p.h. to lunch a t 1 p.m. w lth ^ t having Girls’ Easter Suits in can kilV'the people inside this cage hills roll by a|NmpM perception of restaurants, motels, neon st- agreed today to give investi­ ■ought any more advto* tram tha it- such a project In \i Residence rayon and iinen-like The Communist party organ todea. '\ / tractions, and cWtss-hatched Inter­ B zbne anywhere In Manchester"ani OMIT WEDNESDAY SERVICE \ (OaBttBued on Page Tweaty-aeveB) ,(Oanttoned on Page Twenty ■jmeen) of -glasa and metal and the lano^ gating Sonatore details of court, thooo who had been look­ ra.von . . . fitted and Ihravda today published a cent vicUma in tta path. There are no red llghto, few sections. w - ing for a.verdtet bkforo tho doy The Zoning Board denied two The \iimai midweek service sudden intereecUona. ytalblUty, in broadened free world trade 1M TOWN! applications, with one of, these a Wednesday evening at the Church bolero jackets . . . and /'I broad-scale denunciation of Add tha two togethar- Buddenly, there Is nothing but ■nda began to bo doubtful, a apeeding car—;iuh1 you Ihoet apote, is for hundreds of countryside and open road. And .with Rtassia they have refused holdover from an earliOr ^liearing!, „ of the. Nazarene, will be omitted .so invitin$rly low prio Stalin as a man whose drive yards. \ , ’ WottM OvorttM John Barnlnt.' reprcsente( at last ! tomorrow because'of the special for glory took monstrous i.otal, violent desith. 'You that seems to be the trouble. . to reveal in public. M-/.' Tho ontidpatlon of a vonUct i.Om tight's bearing by Atty. Wesley ' service oii Maundy Thursday at ed . .. checks and solid tragic aymbol which If tpere is such a thiitg as .too Tw elve PatoRB** ITie testimony will come tomor­ ktartod last night when tho Jury Check These Features/ colors . . . Sizes 7 io 14. forms'and hamed the Com­ served to spell out the ti much driving comfort, tma road Of the 12 fatalities which have Gryk, had his application fol: per­ 7:30 p.m. at the Church, 466 Main Tax Official Denies has it. Rt. 13 has become kn AO- row from Secretory of Commerce worked oyortlmo. 1— TNISI HAMS HAVi NO HOCK mission to erect a serylte stolon St. A candlelight Communion munist caused history of 33 miles of occurred on this Stretch alnce Weeka, Herbert Hoover Jr., under­ But at 10 p.m. word cam# from 2— TNiSE HAMS ARE READY TO EAT at the southeast corner of Center aervlce will be held instead of the In a 7.000-word articla apread Cross Highway. aassain through this same ‘comlrfFt, January 1955, all are attributable tho locked Jury room that tho and Church Sts. turned down. Wednesday night prayer meeting. ovtr 18 oolumns, the newtpapar Begina to Mapeheater The etretch hae whipped up a ebn- (eoms wholly and aoms partly) to secretary of state, and John B. Jurors wahtsd to call It a night THIS! HAMS ARE SUGAR CURW brought home to the gonaral Rua- The atretch In uyeation begins coction whose chikf ingredients. comfort's result — sleep or Inat­ Hollister, toreign aid director, nt Red Raids special Bleep and speed, gre as lethal ka SInca 4:43 p.m. Saturday, the 4— TH IY A R i SKINNED RACKED / . tian pUMIc for the first timg the in Manchester aiM ends at the tention. n closed meeting of|the Senate In- Jury luul boon in actual dwbera- new Soviet leadership's campaign Massachusetts 4tate line. It is the other murdeferoua combina­ IronlCBlIy, these II people died veatigations eubcommlttec., Uon over 26 hours. 5— THEY HAVE OLD FASHIONED RAVOR Shop HALE’S Fdr to chop dowrn Stalin's hlatorieal lirobabiy one cir the beat-planned, tion of the highway — gas and on a highway from which moat Citea Salee b. Formok* The .iury interruptod 1th dottbor- $8.98 alcohol. Washington, March 28 (/Pj—-i-rey was out of town, vacationing 4— THEY ARE EXTRA LEAN stature. teat-conatructed, ahd moat com­ Opened to 1084 ' of the obJecUonal hazards were Announcing the hearing Chair­ sUmw isst night at 0 o’clock and. Contmlaaloner of Internal Revenue • ^*-*/}* Mtate. The Soviet government an­ fortable stretches ol .road in the removed. \ man McClellan reorganization of the Rev- traverses the State, a vital link Chineee Nationaliata are selllhg newspaper "is being handled pre- gnug Service three years ago had Georgria and neighboring Armenia, between New York City and' Bos­ And each finding hsd something where rioting haa been reported ton. . like this to say: "qultq a- hum b^of millions of dol­ ciaely as any other jaimilar taxpay-1 j, *de .top i^lonal officials almost as a result of the current Kremlin R i p e n s LFrpp “Moat likely fatigued and over lars worth of goqtto every year'' to 1 ^ - HAMS #r matter would be hMdled. • ,| completely autonomous. 'When the atretch waa opened the Chinese Commiiniat conquerorp Ib ^ - denunciation of, the late Soviet, with an official dedication, a rib­ taken by eleep," "fatigued and Harrington mads *-"*,*^*„Moysey had full authority to dictator, ' probably fell asleep," “must have of. their home land, ) REG. 59c after conferring here, with Donald take any epforceroent action he :^iom Bah Plea bon waa cut, aymboliting what waa BiiUel Ttie announcement oftherbwed- hailed ea a future bonanac 'for auddanly dosad off;” ‘Yatigued or Sen. Mundt (R-8D),' anoUikr 12llS.ow dUP-^0 CENTER SUCES OUT R. Moysey, th? tifv: York region­ deemad necessary in his re^on, sleepy,'' "Inattentive to driving.'' subcommittee membkr, told a re>- al tax chief who, according to in­ and-to spread his A'ction aa widely ish leader'a tour was'taken aa an traffic escapees. — ------AP~ indication that^ah ia quiet in the The onrush came; Last year 'Oomfort KMItogs’ porter he thought Hoover’c refer- formed officials, organized and as he felt necessary throughout the At Arms Talks Findings___ Irom___ __ tha offlcks_____ of ence .was to trade between the. csirtded” out the padlocking of a nation in cooperation with other two southeni, Republlcir and that State Police fecordera Hi Union Tolland/guilty Coroner Bernard British Crown colony of ^Hong number of party headquarters and regional officials. the Spvirt government feels it .has .tion'don, March 28 OF) — The tabulate' Bii average dally count HOLD ex m O N FWGBB /th e New York plant of the news­ However, it waa indicated here jiotlflng to hide there. ; of 14,964 vehicici luring a slack Wsehtogtoe^ Merck M (TV—» CANNED ^ Blrlander't trip wraa announced Soviet Union bee proposed a new '(Oosttmied oa Page Fifteen) • / (Oontimied oo Page Ten) paper Daily Worker without 'pre- that the legal ramifications likaty' >lan for world disarmament oinlt- month. That'm any vehlclea—14,- Heenite Hotiek oonierees today vioua coordination with Washing­ to arise out of the acUourmade leaa t.Han 12 hours after the Com­ -ing tho 'usual Communist demand 964—paaaed one point on Rt. 18 In kaoeked odt a Scaate^aprirvcdl tb ton. The properties were seized 'Treasury. officials, and others in munist party organ Pravda pub- for renunciation of atomic'weap­ one 24-hour period. provleioa •( the farae MU which , • to satisfy federal tax claims. the governmcnt-sriucious to learh **•*•*•1 the first-broad-scale Soviet ons. Eaatbound Rt. 18 traffic, cruia- )$■ eon leaded kr e a I d HA MS Gets Details Tudily the full t ■ l^r^und of Moysey’s - new-spkper denuneflaiion of Stalin, Emphasising cuts in conventional Inrr, down the Berlin Tpk4. and eettoa 'pvtovs aad .iwp-, READY TO EAT— IO LIS, owd OVER, REG. 89c ^ Harrington said in hla brife offi- rase agatnat theLl>e DDgijy aily Worker and ^ D ••>d hls drlv# for glory took arms, the Soviet proposal was re­ across the 'Charter Oak Bridge, Top U.S. PFiority Given pprtk from |g to gio a bale er Van lyialte fabric glove.s ' clal atatement, which he refused to the'''Oommunist party. "monatrous forms" which harmed ported to-have urged o'nly ui:ban empties: into the 14ancbeater-Ver- ire. ■ in n.vlon or double woven elaborate,, that Moysey yesmj: Lengthy legal maneuvering wa s the Communist cauxe. or strict control, on atomic tests. non-Totiand-W' 1111 n g t o n-tinion Easter Polish ' cotton.- Also- cape.skin down from New York thlsjmofh- foreseeable if the Communist party Erlander is scheduled to- arrive Demands for outlawing of nuclear ■Irtlch., •' ' \ IFRENON FCSli AiTACK \ Ing to fill me in on djvdbtails .of and the Daily Worker_choose to.i..*" **°*g?” good- weapons.— immedlateJIy or event­ And that atretch la .si .welcbind Long-Rftilge H -Missiles Algiers, March M (Ah—Breach leather gloves jn sliji-on the Mizures of Copnitunjat proper­ contbst the government's claints.; tha^oviet Union.. ually — hsd been high on the Rus­ relief to drivere who have/ZUn the mUltaij|r^authorltlee re parted to^ stj'le.s in wanted .spring ties in sevet^t'-wles, which too.k Those claims apparently are based ' leave tor Georgia next sian proposal list during previous traffic-light gauntlet on the TUrn- Washington, March 2$ OP)—The day the heavy endaer shades. ' .plsce yesterday.” * ' on assertions by Moysey that the; Wednesday, spend the night in the disarmament negotiations. Pentagon haa orJered top priority Georges Leygues had Moaclied KtELBASA tb ' added: Communist party has^jwver filed Siikhuailj^^ the next the flrst amphlMoiis epersttoa . To some observers? the for .developing of a miiaile power­ REG. 79c^ "I can assure you that this case an Income tax return biit should ' Tlflis and Frida A In Yere- change irt Soviet position seemed ful and accurate enough- to deliver the IS-mokth-old Algerhui is being handled precisely as any have done so whether or n ot. it li** ■•'"uunce- to indicate that the Russians be­ a shattering hydrogen charge, at retelltoB. The enilaer eeat H o w OFTEN HAVE YOU ^AID: . T.-. other similar .taxpayer matter owed any taxes, ahd that the Daily said. lieve they have reached nuclear News Tidbijs supersonic speeds, to targets thou.- Marine CMhhuuidoe askore - t o would be handled by the service Worker had underpaid its taxes. Erlander will be ' accompanied parity with the West -- and cah sands of miles away: > attack a rebel fertreeSrea the undeV its obligation to‘>nforce the For hours after the raids yes- depend on their atomic arsenal -Culled from AP Wires Secretary of Defense Wilson i teolaled eeaet near Gelo, in tbn i revenue laws." (Continued ea Page Eleven) rather -«than enormous standing took this action yMterday in ap-^ PhUIppexIlM rrgiM, after behi- *'Oh!Fo^A Moyse.v declined to diacuss the (Cantiaiwd on Page Thirteen) ‘ armies for protection and to carry pointing Eger V. Murphree'tb te a bnrdlng the area with Its O-laeh case with reporters as he hurried . U.N. Security Council meets to ^80 mm gana. Good Potato?** from one. office to another in the out-their po,llcles. new maatatant with broad authority J The now Soviet plan was sub­ consider U.S. bogged-down plan to direct the Job of striving for top-isthelon of the Revenue Serv­ mitted to the five-power U.N. Dis­ for "urgent and early action” on • TRAIN WRECK ]g victory in the miaatle race with Stockhetan, Sweden, March gg- ice following his i^ter^•lew with armament aubcommlttee, (yherc Paleotinr. . . . Economic advisor Rusala. Murphree, 57,-ii president , ' AN EASTER GIFT ' Harrington. the already haa pro to President Dr. Neil 8. Jac.pby of the Esso Research end Engi­ OF—^Ttilrtoen pereena were UJled Our potatoea get Surprise to Superiors posed conventional arms cuts-.to says U;S. should loan Sl'blllien to today in n train Ivreck In aortk- a rlean MU of $ 1 .6 9 to neering Co. He will serve without em Sweden, pollee reportod. A Moysey’s d.escent-on'’ Commu- reduce U.8. arid .Soviet armed India without strings and on long pay while on leave from Esso re- health. A GAL WOULD LOVE Wst party headquarters across the forces to'3!f miili.on men each, term basis. fre l^ t train collided head oa ■earOi. with! a railway Dteeel ear be­ nation and on the Daily Worker Gromyko Explains Plan '* Army Specikliat 8.C. Frank Main Stress on Bslistlc. Miwiito $ 3 . 9 8 - pr- plant in New York with claims of Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Louis Thibodeau Jr... of Niantic tween Arvldskw and MoekeeeL drowns In Allnnlk* Ocean near Wilson aaid in a formal directive about 709 ■diee north ef Stosh- tax irregularities was a complete Gromyko presented the Russian that Murphree would "devote ma: They're hewith.v and sound In every • Burprise' to hts bosses in Washing­ plan and discussed it for an hour Bt-itish West'Indlea camp .. Mayor holm. A SHRUG A ton, a number of informed officials William Tt Sheasby of Anaohia Jbr emphaaia to mlatlle of the long- respect, and what's niore: They rook *’ ■ . * ■ , range type, pertlculariy baliiatic up fliiffy-whlte and meal.v. Next time CHILDREN’S here said today. The premises (OonUniifid on Place r.kroej urges House Appropriations sub­ SEV8UUB STORM IN MTOWKilT In cotton knit or orlon in white and an array of committee to provide ample money mlitlles.'' / Chicago, YMareh 9S , (AT—A you’re looking for a really GOOD po­ were, padlocked and. equipment The Defense-Secretary designat­ tato—remember we HAVE it. , GLOVES ' colors. S, M, L sizes. Also large size shrugs. seized. tor . flood control in Naugatuck ■everf March etonp aeat ehek- Moysey has been district direc­ River Valley. ed Murphree .to -epcaK for him in iag dust cleuda Mllowrtag over tor of Internal Revenue in New U.S. to Hold H-Tesl Special eervice In Stamford It all matters pertaining to new mla- ■lx western prairie etotea and ..York City.. Only for the past six planned at Faith Tabernacle Bap­ ■ilee within the defense eatablleh- ■pread a ccIppUag eheath of eaow WEDNEtoAY SSECIAL $ 1 . 2 5 artJ tist Church In which five other ment end before the National .Se­ EGER V. MURPHREE -weeks. He organized the nation­ In Spile of Protest curity Council and the President. and lee over parte of the Mid­ wide action through cooperation lorel Protestant congregations have to coordinate and supervise . the west. The UJS. Weather B anan and teen invited to Join in Deliverance Wilebn said Murphree will start la Cldcage udd a a-vere glaie ah U R G E JUICY TANOERINES of other regional tax officials* and United Nations, March 28 OF) — Day in sympathy wMh Negro' btM' work next week and stay; on. the missile program. ' $ 1 . 5 0 pr- put the plan into effect yesterday, The United States ia going- ahead job ^or at least a year. Within . Murphee will have more author­ lee up to a half iacli thleh bad accoriiing to the best information boycott •. Cypriot rebels. firing caused eztcaslve damage to CHOICK PLANTS AT ’ srORTHWEAR—2nd FLOOR with ita April H-bomb testa at'the automatic weapons ambush British Uila period, the kecretary agid, he ity than any other previous offi­ here, without a word to Commis- Eniwetok Atoli despite protests of patrol and kUi two Rrlllali military thinks *'a great contrlbutio'n” can cial who has had the job of organ­ uMUMcs la the MnekegosL Mich., Te m f i/ o r a n r e s Doi. ' aioner of Internal Revenue Har- the'natlvc Marshall Islanders. policemen. be made toward achieving en-effec- ising and directing misafle re- area with more than 8M polea rlngton. the Treasury or other in^^ A U.S. atatement to the U.N, tlve rocket-powered ballistic mls-^ tearch and development opera­ dow n. A number of elMidta were $ 1 . 4 9 - $ 1 . 9 8 - f 2 4 9 - $ 2 * 9 8 terested government agencies Police and blopdhounda rapture nil EASTER ACCESSORIES Trusteeship Council's spMial edm-' berserk man In Virginia after he •lie. . » tions. , * , knocked out. THESE ARE 1 DAY SPECIALS ONLY! qjJ.Vir Gr««n Stainpa Given With Ctwh Sales 'buch as the F*dcral Bureau of In- mittee on petitions said President had held them off with gunfire for Some Demoertaa in Congress In spelling this out, Wilson veatigation (FBIi. -BARS BIAS (DHABOE . BASEMENT ALL WHITE or PRINT HANDKERCHIEFS .Eisenhower- hiniaelf had made the lo hours and then Sacaped in dark- have been.'.critlcel of Eisenhower Clothed his new special assistant i 50ic to $1.00 Moysey hustled to, Washington decision. Eniwetok and the other neaa .. Jet plane esplodea 'and administration efforts in the mie- with powera to utilize and cut WaidUngtoa, Blafch S8 (^ -« ‘ NO DELIVERY by overnight train at the -request Marahall Islands kre a U:N, trust training plane crashes into if . at it ■ile fleid, contending this coun­ acroas existing lines of responaibil- FeUow members et tba Sobver- FREE of his superiors in Washington who territory ' administered by the tairna at Porry^, N, Y., with pilot try haa been legging behind Rms- ity in the areas of research, de­ ■Ive AeUrttleB Oeatrel Board DAINTY NECKWEAR ...... $1.00 and $1.98 had fou'nd themselves learning of United States. of Jet kUled. sis. velopment, engineering and pro­ (SACB) today rejectod a eharga PARKING the nationwide sweep from news­ Russia’s Vas.ily F.. Orubyakov Faiiioua woman - golfer Babe Sen. Jscksdn (D-Wsah), one of duction. of blae aad prejudiee filed SILK SCARFS ...... - 59c to $2.98 papers. ■'"* demanded that the U.N: ban'atom­ Zaharies leaves Tampa for Texas these critics, said of' Murphree’e ' However, Murphree — a veterafl agaiaat Ckalrmaa Themae. A. The aj.^ . n W G COM •Moysey snd Harrirgton hurried, ic testa -in U.N. triist territories. where she will nndergo checkup tor appointment: "^tter late than of more than 30 years In research Herbart by the Valted BlecMeal ihJWHAICcoM COAT and SUIT FLOWER ...... 59c and $1.00 MiiNCHisiw Conn* barly today to the office of Fred Rikht.Jiapal of India, chalirman of Fcreal grand- Jury complains ht iiever....! hope he will take q engineering — will not te con­ Werfcere (UK). The beard with- 974 C. Scribner Jr'-, general counsel of Max Gordon, city odltor of. gqysmmeht-Misad Communist- the UvN. Trustkeahip Councll'a Federal grand Jury complains Its strong administrative control of cerned with missiles the mllltsry heM aetlea ea a variety ed ether MANCHRSmi Conn- LEATHER or STRAW BELTS $ 1.00 and,$ 1.98 ea, CORNER OF MAIN AND OAK STREETS thb .Tzeaaury who looks aftai} In- newspaper Daily Worker, peers Uireugh hole to infermetion wtn- fpeeiat oommittse on -petitions, is atymied in ita Inveetlgatlon of the miseiloe work.” ■ervlcea already have, nor with metiehs filed hy «w aatea. ap* M A IN ST. tenial Ravanu# affairs on bahalf ^ selaure waiiitog to paeted In New York March 37. . /■...... MICtax MMJie<*ndato^ to Truman admin* Jeekeon hsd urged s slnglk Atty. Oea. aamnsB eC c o r n e r OF MAIN AND OAK STREETR y t et Sacratary Humphray. Hum^- (AP Wlrephotoj. ^ ' ,(ONitened on Eago twaaiy), ietraUon. dvigsn ottlcUl -in the*FaaUf«ii .(Ctol« i M raga Mav^; ■ ■ ■■■ ' - < .4 • . •* ■ S' ■ .' » i,,' ' '- f • ‘ >■ '■(■ ■i'.'l'. t

•. :• V', MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, .MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1956 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28. 1966 'A PAGE THREE p a g e TWO transporting . stolen veblclo inter­ Andover guest was tUchard Harwood, Tor­ mands for abandonment of nublear an atoLite ban. It said tha U.S. dis­ state. . ' Coventry rlngton, aUte secratecy. who haa Russians Drop weapons without a foolproof sys­ armament plan "In particular does Pair to Face Superior Court This charga carrlea a maximum 'baen nominated as a cAndldata for tem of Inspection and control. not refer at all to the problem aentettce of flv. yMra in jail, Ood- Jaycees Name national director. , Proposals submitted to the ­ of a ban of nuclear waapons.” Marendax 1 Evin aald. To EndVpin PUC Hearing Teachkrs Will Bring Salary Atom Ban Plea rent conference by the United Criticizing tha Russian proposal, On Counts Originating Were Louis Chorches Of the car aalea State Candidate MARcheater EveRlRg Herald States—In addlUon to a conven­ Julaa Mdcb, haad of the Fr#."'h TRAVEL ASENCy firm aald today that -ha found Oobont * JOMMroak, JM , ARdaver rorrea pen dent, Mra..Faal tional 'arms, cut—include estab- delegation, told raportebs the Ab­ 18 Asylum St., Hartford gfH.14 missing after checking 1 p .a. prieaa ' liiaateni Cbnnecticilrs'OMBintt-^ Tha dteiaioii to hire eouxsel and PtBRatlehl, telepbaRa Pltgrim liahment of teat dlsarmamaht con­ sence of "any decisive measure In Two locAl men were bound ovArw Smith discovered th.,.brc.)c . t IlHiRk prepare for a PUC haarliig. Wat­ ^ Problem to State Educators ' Andover, March 28 (Special) 2-6186. At Arms Talks trol and Inspection areas In tha Tel.CHapcl7-5j8S7 AYER. _ Chorcbes early yesUrday morning Ms record, yesterday. PoHco found fee on Public Convenience and the atomic field . . . la clearly A to, Superior Court today by Judge a total of $240 on ths pair. Police Bid Aaktet Nccaaslty appeara to have aban­ kins aald, la all but aat. TTi* only Stewart Holsington, Andover Unitad States and Russia, an ex­ ratreat from former Russian pro­ Authorized Agents For AO John D. LaBcIU on charges of while ”^on pglrol. A cash ragtsUr development that oould maka tha (OoBthincd from Fag* Oae) change. of tnfdbmatlon on plan­ Uken from the garage waa later have no information as to what First NaUonal Banh doned hope that the dispute with Coventry, March 28 (Special)—'*$3,391 to $6,448 haa already^been Center, was oIBcially nominated posals.” ‘ RrII, Air RndKtcsqiship breaking and entering and theft to the balance of the of Manchaatar . . . . . n u the New Hi.ven Railroad can ba coromlttaa change'ita mind la tha. tyThe EducKtion Asan. at Coventry accepted by about 60 other, towns f((ir the vice presidency of the Con­ ned troop movements outatda na­ Moch farmed the Soviet proposal DRY DEODORANT b a motor vehicle, under $2,000 found, rifled, behind the Robertann Hartford National settled without a- State Public successful outcoma of a meeting in tha state. Data Swap by TV at yaaterday'a session. tional terrltorlea And an exchAnga Lines School. Waterman and Arm­ 111 meet aoon with Robbins Bar- necticut Junior Chamber of Com­ Details of tha Russian proposala of technical dtaarmament mia- ''considerably more limited than bonds. Both are being held. One irding to police, the car the Bank and Trust Co. 80 is Utilltlaa' Oommiaalon hearing. between a 3-man eommlttea ap­ In January the teKchcra' group th) Brltiah-Fronch plan which em- n*ay face a Federal charga of vio­ strong admitted committing the Conn. Bank and pointed by the governor and • Jr., repreaentative of the merce by the Nathan Mala Chapter Done in Maryland were not made public. But in­ aiona among tha subcommittee HAROLD EELLS break and car theft during the took Mlongod to Rene Jour- ’The committee, which waa or- proposed a series of change;. In thq formants said they Included “aub- members. bracea all aspects of disarma­ MRodicster Agent lation of probation. 10 HlUlard St. It had been Trust Co...... *4>^ STH ganiaed to oppose tho- railroad’a George Alpert, p ru d en t of the npeUcut BMueatton Assn., to salary schedule to meet the level at a dinner miuting last night In ment." STICK or CREAM Alexander Armstrong, 22, of 4 night, police aald. Manchester’TYust 6& — New Haven. dlacuaii differences over salary ’Towsun, Md. ((f)—A plan for ex­ stantlal" auggestlons regarding Russia's new propoeal reported­ Tel. MI 9-7442 Armstrong, under Federal prov parked behind the achool by Henry plan to abandon passenger service of the other proposed average Coventry. the limitation of conventional Moch said hla. views'Were "pre- I f MlnU Court, arrested last night at Bla^, 37 N. School.St., who had Fire InanmEieo Compaalea on Its Hartford-Boston line via Governor Rlblcoff named tha achedti^ with the Coventry Board schedules, acco^ing to Edward changing Information by television ly made no mention of the U.S. f Rtgularly $ 1.00 50c his home; and Charles Waterman, batten for two years beginning Aetna Firt ...... 72 75 eommlttea aftar a public mcetlflg Holsington is" secretary of the arms. suggestions or of - a ccinblned llfninAry’’ and that the Russian of EdVhKtlon, it was learned,today. Jan. 9, IDSD, jnay face aa muci borrowed It from Joumeal.' Mancheater, Willimantic and Put­ Voile, president of the Teachers’ local organization, whibh aarvea betw'een the Baltimore County pisn would be "studied with all 21, of 25 Mill St., apprehended Hartford F ir e ...... 466 176 nam, la baaing Its plana for future In Hartford March IS of Eaatarn A remeat for an Impaaae pro- Assn. Moat delegattona termed the Britiah-Franch plan for atap-by- earlier yesterday by North, Haven five years in prison when Headed tor New York , National Fire ...... / . D5 105 Connecticut repreaanUtlves Md ^ eedUre m aented to the . Board, both Coventry and 'Andover. He Courthouse' and the county office Soviet-’plan a aerioua contribution step/dlaarmament-ending In the the attention It deservas." But h r authorities have finished Witerman and Armstroi^ action on the premlac that .thera Voile aald the Board of Educa­ has been active in atate Jaycee af­ declared the new Russian mova in­ Police, were charged with taking Phoenix ...... 8U4 *6H will ba such a ahowdown. officiaU of the 'railroad. That rejectM laat week becaifte in building acroi* the street has been to the current talks. But French banning of nuclear weapona. a parked car from the rear of the him on the local cbEu-gea. / planned to drive to New York with Ufe and Indemnity Ins. Cos. maetlng, which has been called by the Board’^opinlon, "An iiApaaae tion rejected the proposals, stat­ fairs. He was named an honorary acrapp^. rop'rosentatives saw it as a “back­ Tha Communist party newspa­ dicated "a profound changa ot M&M WELDON DRUG STORE the money obtained from Chorchea, ’nic earvlce waa ' interrupted ing "Town cdsis-’ limltationa" as tar heel by the North. Carolina orientation." •,/ Robertson School and breaking In­ Richard Godwin, chief Probation Aetna L ife ___./.------203 218 A ug\ 10 when flood waterd de- the governor, failed either to doea not exikt aince no contracta The original idea wai to allow ward step," contending It would per Pravda said today, however, to Chorchea Motor Sales at SO officer of the U.S. Dlstelet Court, police quoted them as saying, and Aetna Caaualtir . . , ,120 . 180 produce a solution to the proUsm its problem. TMdng Uies^problems Jaycees laat summer at the nation­ citizens to transact all their biui- "allow tha atomic armi raca to the U. S. proposals "do not rep­ /■ OIL SERVICE 1 901 Main St. 487 Main St. 344 Main St. they turned off Rt. 15 at Barlln to stroyM a Putnam bridge. The rail­ i.ito considepation. Voile aays, the al convention, where he was DELAYED RESTITtmi Oakland St. . said Armstrong , tried in Conn. General/tnew) E87 267 road saya It cannot afford to re­ of restoring the bridge or to con­ According t ^ a Working Rela- heas with a visit to a single office.' continue." resent a suitable basis for solution Both pleAded Innocent to the Hartford' Federal Onurt Jan. D Uke Rt. 1. Hartford S tem Boil. DS 101 vince Alpert that he ahokould changa ytlona Oommltte^of Boards of Ed­ teAchers’ group preiented a 2-ysar credited with swinging that chap­ Any records to which reference Harold Staasen, special aasiat- of the disarmament problem." Oklahoma City {/TT ~ HUbrf D. 1 / They said there were too many store the serticc, particularly agrcemAii that \/ouid coat the ter’s vote to support of Edward Marsh, operator of ’ a -drlve-ln KorasoM and Fool charges and waived examination on a charge of m m aportlhg' a Travelers ...... 81t4 -66% since the line has been a money his mlnde ucation and. TsKhers Organiza­ was needed would'be flashed on ant to President Elsenhower on A, Moscow radio broadcast on finding probable cause for the stolen vehicle intm tate. policemen on the more heavily MbUe UtUHlea . Formed Committee tions, the condltiom of an impasse town oniy $1.83 per week for each May, Hartford, State candidate the closed-circuit television screen disarmament and head'of tha U.S. quoted the party organ as saying sandwich atand here, received In bind over. Waterman was repre» Armstrong tc^ a truck from traveled route and It was for this Conn. Light Power .. 18 20 loser In the past. It puts the cost of the''38 teachers, or $3,600 a year for the national presidency. from the filing department. delegation, had no comment. He the "U.S. plan does not go beyond the mail a package cMtalnlng five SHELL OIL reason they took the alternate of bridge reconstruction and road­ However, Xiperk offered to are defined as "W hen's board of Hoisington’a name was original­ rented by Atty. John Mroaek,. i>trolt to Bolten and abandoned Conn., power ...... 43 45 meet with a'.amall committee If - education and a iMal teachers’ n.or4 than the schediile offered by But following experiments, coun­ .referred the Russian auggeationa the problem of control, which In forks, two cups Slur a knife all while Atty. Ronald Jacobs, who it, aA:ording yi Federal Court offi­ route, police aald. Hartford Elec. Lt. . . . 58 60 bed repair at over $500,000 the Board. ly suggested for the atate office ty officials said the posalbllity of to Washington. \ fact means the gathering of in­ Bta'mped with his/name. 24 bonr burner aervtoR The railroad baa applied to the one were formed to continue group are unable to^gree on a by the Torrlngton chapter. He haa and oil deUyerjr. defended Armstrong recently In cials. / Asked to show-his license by H a rt^ d Gas Co...... 86 30 searching for a aolutlon, and Rlbt— satisfactory aolutlon oiYv^y major ' This proposal was also rejected error in reading the records was -The United States, which de­ telligence data on the territory of After some a ^ y , he decided It Federal court, appeared te explain Imposition of Bsntance on the North Haven Police, Armstrong So. New Englandji PUC for permiaaton to abandon been associated with the Avery other atates,” was the type A t silverware and the line, and the EAstem Oonncctl- coff promptly organlaed one. lU matter of mutual concefcp.’’ / and the Board returned Its ached- General Store fob tke past 10 years too groat. They added that too pends on its atomic Superiority to results of that trial to LaBelle. charge waa suspended and Arm­ sped off and the car stopped after t / i...... 30% 41% membera are Ralph Cfoasthwatt^ The Coventry salary \achedple ule showing no increase in mial'. often^ace-to-face communication counter the much bigfter standing In an apparent'contrast to the. china he hs(l^aed about 20 years ^.9/* GREEN STAMPS Jacobs Is not now representing strong given two years probation, it a sign and wound up on a ' Manufacturing Cempnnltn ci.t committee has filed a counter and ll a nativa of Andover. Armies of the Ckimmuttisl world, new Russian proposal, the Pravda ago. There ASS no Indication who jjetUlon, requesting the agency to first selectman of Windham' and differences follow: \ mum and maximum, and nd change State oflicert will be. elected by la needM to straichten out errors Ml 9.7540 Armstrong. Godwin said. lawn, according to police. Am. Hardware ...... ID 20 chairman of tha Eastern Connectl-, The Board of Educatli T H e W n k reunion of the class of 1980, Hart­ ’The committee has, for tome haye to solicit donations. Watkins ford Public High Sthool, will meet time, been gathering evidence said his group would probably ap­ ".-Jl A Wonderful Fabric That Washes at tha home of Mrs. Veronica Hospital Notes from towns along the. line In an ef­ peal to those persons or companies ------ITHlSKfES-— — Clapp Irvine, 72 Baldwin Bd„ April fort to establish its claim that tha most affected by the service Inter­ Colorado Likes 16 at 8 p.m. Committee member, ruption. And Irons Like A Handkerchief are Arllne Pilchardson Bottomley, ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Vt- ■etwlce Is needed. Her Weatherman Authtntie Early An^ican Daslgn, Ruggtd Solid Rock Mapla In Mallow Hand Rubbod Finish, Miriam Neal Croasman, Howard laiid F. Spalding, 54 School St.; Fintr QuolHy Con^ruction . . All Tha raaturai You Look ror In Battar Mapla Avaiiabla In ^ BRIARO.IFF Croasman, B. WlllUm Elliaom Jo- Howard Hampton, 276 Bidwell St.; lu m o n WMiSKiY sth a q q aeph J. SoWral’and Anne HopklM Joseph Pasek, 86 Durant St.; Denver t/Pl—This Colorado Capi­ Opan Stock At ‘ Sobirai. Any Information regard' Ronald Cyr, 44 Centar St.; Mrs. tal’s fanciest weslher-snd-tlme 86 PRCX)F- 4 or MORE YEARS OLD t O l Leone Chartler,. WlHlmantlc; Wes- Savemor Stoi 39" Wesco "Belfast'^ Ing class mambera may be ex ' tower has gone Into operation atop changed with the class aecretary, Icy Shorts, 05' Lockwood St.; th e, NaUonal’a Farmera>-U n i o n 1099 m a in 'ST. — MANCHESTER U n, Soblnal, 60 Brtghgvood LAne, Miohael Capello, 183 HUIiard St.; TELEVISION new 14-atory building on Capitol OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL—Ml 9-8216 ' THE NEAREST FABRIC Allen Belcher, Bolton; Carol Ann Wait Hapord. Hill. TtiES. .Thru SAT. k.-to 6—THUMS. and FRI. 8 to 9 OLD HARVEY Emond, 54 Hillside B t;. Sharon The tower contatna a 2,000-Walt UmiMD WHISKIY STH A * ^ TO REAL IRISH LINEN Tha Woman’s Christian Tern MacKeen, Vernon Trailer Court; beacon light with red or green 66 proof- 4 or A^RE YEARS QI.D BOT perEutce Union will hold a stale Frederick Foster, Rockville Hos­ PROORAMS plastic sleeves' which slide over the Institute on Thursday, April pital; Steven Boris, 271 Henry St.; light. If the light shines green, the THE SELF SERWCE INFANTS' and Mrs. Stella Phllbclck, 85 W. Main weather -Will be fair. Red signals from 10:80 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. St.. Rockville; Mrs. Helpn Wilson, CHILDREN'S STORE OF "H IG H yd. 9 8 " tha First Methodist Church, corner 31 Eldridge slt.; Viola Armstrong, Video Everyday — bad weather coming. > of Farmington Ave. and Whitney All Rights Reserved — ' Four time clocks a f the tbwer'a QUALITY and l o w PRICES" 32 Spruce S t; ChrUtopher Rtch- b ^ e Work from an electronically - 86;PROOF - STH ------f,-it;gjsE5saiKiaf‘^ ' *’^rrocVe*a trffi»'ifaanbe. Four temr , ' perature. clock! flaeh the nciercury / Program.’* St.; Mrs. Grace Yores, BloomOeld; ¥■ George Runde, GUstonbury; Mrs. '■ . rs«()iR'gs.' ifS.'vSV- Bf \ ^ BUtonian Lutherans from Man­ Margaret Watson, RFD 1, Rock­ There are banks of white heon aiRL^ eI sTEI ORBSES chester and vicinity will observe tubes, each five feet long, running HANDSOME 8TE^ CHEST $7456 OLD LOG CABIN ville; Gem-ge Brault Jr.. Marl­ up the tower. If the temperature' FAMOUS IRANDS FOR LESS! t Beautiful Warhsutta Good Pridav with a service at 2 borough; htes. Florence ’Thurston, TEAIOMT8 0 UI8 0 N-8 6 PROOF STH m O’clock at Zion Lutheran Church. 14 Depot Sq.. Porfcinf Is rising, the upper portion of the ■ ^^ 6 YEARS OLD 8 0 T The Estonian pastor, Alexander ADMITTED ’TODAY: Raymond ProMomt tower 1.S lighted. If the tempera­ PRINCESS PAT— GORT Abel of this town, will be In Streeter, l l Essex St.; Rfchard J. ture is dropping, the lower banks Printed Cotton Satin charge.. Gustafson. 17 Division St.; Mrs. light. SCHOOL TIMER ~ GOLDEN KIDDIE Marlon Whitcher. 105 Main St; ELECTRONICS I a m ES STEWART Officials at tha Hartford Police Mrs. Mary McCarthy, 66 Vernon rr l?.8.A. TAG MISSING - FANCY COTTONS and NYLONS Court said today sentancing of S t LABORATORIES Albuquerque, N. M. —The ■OfIDB BOIWBON / Mrs. Lillis C. Hollister. 30, of 61 1 «« 3 . 9 9 >nly 7 9 * BIRTHS ’TODAY;: A daughter only'’ thing clei^r about tbe worn- ; TOO PROOF BOT Drive A; and Harold L. Dewey, 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph .A. Out, an's letter was that she wanted a ' Sizes 1 Values 1 ' of Drive E, would be carried out RFD 1. Colchester; a son to Mr. 277 BROAD divorce. 1-3 To 1 .9 7 Fully creasd-resistant April 25. Both were found guilty and Mrs. Walter Adkins, South Written from Vitglhla, It said: .3-6x • 1 3.95 • (P - 0 ( L ’ -IM PO IITEII SCOTCH - Raquiras prattically no ironing on charges of lascivious carriage Windsor; a son to Mr. and Mrs. RADIO I ( I ( V I S I 0 N “Gentlonien, wqlild you please March 1 in Hartford, accordlhg to James. Scott, S3 Brooklyn St., send me all the Information and 1 Spot and soil rasistant the clerk’s office of the Police papers to get a divorce by mail Rockville. Cluuiael a Mew aavea.'Ceaa. (Ul HOUB FILM Sizes Values !’ GLENfkiNAN Maximum shrinicaga 2 % Court. DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: niiiiiacl IS HaiiUeidL Ceu. (U) BIO IDEA from your city. I ' can send you' 1 To 1 . 4 9 Mrs. Dorothy Vlertel. 24 Munro "haaael tt Bnlaattr^i, H su. I ;U (IM S) NEWS CARAVAN cash American dollars or a certi­ 7-14 Tbe Young Democratic Club of St.; Ronald Plrkey, 57 BrookOeld niaaarl M New BrlUlk. Ceaa. (IS) SrOBTS REVIEW fied check to cover same. Thank­ 6.95 You will love the smart patterns and colorings for Ckaaael S3 Waterbary. Geaa, list (IS-U) ARTHUR GODFREY 6 1 86 P R O ^ ^ ______80T 4 . 0 3 dresses, blouses and skirts. Manchester, will hold lU regular St.; Jeffrey Msrvonek. East Hart­ Ckaaarl SS Helyeke’ M ail. FRIENDS ___ ing you for your kindness, I re­ Choose just tha pieces you need for your own rooms . . maka up tha groupino you'vei^^lw m ays monthly meeting tonight at 7; 30 ford; David Walker. 76 Phelps Rd.; (It) HOLLYWOOD PBE8ENTR main...... ’’ two, at Murphy's Reataurant. Miss Vir­ Judith ’Tuttle, 82 Drive A; Wil­ f.M ( S> MIUKRV MOCRB CLUB (M) DIRECTOR’S PLAVHOU8B Dlst. Judg.e John B. McManus SHOP WHERE PARKING IS EASY wanted from these cofroletad pieces in corractEarly American raproductiens. salact ana, ginia HalUssey, secMtary of the liam Remmey, 384 Lake St.; Mrs (IS) FLIPPY TBE CLOWN —"Il'a Ala-ay. Ssaday" said' he plans to answer the letter Rock Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales m > I'NCLK RD D eaai. O'Keefe or more pieces they're easy fo buy on Ktith's/aasily arranged budget terms! Of Solid DUl^WOODIE Young Democratic Club# of Uon-'.M»y Warner, 89 Broad St.; Mat- (SS) BAB M CLUBHOUSE OANG l:n ( t) 8TAK FARAOR In Spanish. ./SM ART DESK CHEST $79.95 Mapli with oak interiors, canter drawer giiidts, dgstproaf construction. nectlcut, will be the guest■ speaker. thlaa Labrlts, New Britain; Mrs. (tS) FILM TBEATBB —"Caplala Caarasaasi’’ ■> \ All members are Urged to attend. Lillian Mahoney. 25 Hollister St.; (U) OUT WEST (Ja msvese) (PaH III) 5:M (K-M) HOWDY D O O m (Ceter) (M) FATHER RNOW8 BEST \. S6 PROOF s a 4 . 0 3 Mrs. Letltla Rady, 21 Alpine St.; (U) U T TL E BABCALS (U) DRAMA Miss Jean Campbell, executive Mrs. Alma Saltta, Colchester; S:M ( S) MiMDUERADR PARTY FIva Drawer Cheat ...... g M.06 Henvy Poater Oaf, PitRel Foot .... f 88Jw TkJMtHALCeoEi director of the Manchester. Girl Mrs. Barbara Cox, 11 Nye St.; (11) MILLIONAIRE —"The . Story of Bodelia Five Drawer Step,X^eat ...... g 74.50 Poater Beg with Bluket'K kIIs ... $^6456 A^lANCMiSTOH C o n n * Scouts, will be Interviewed on the Donald Pegago, Wethltsfleld. MAJOR Barkley” n U / / * \ PENROSE "Party Line" progrsm?<2iannel 18, DISCHARGED TODAY: Mrs. (tt-SS) TV tHKATER Five Drawer Dealt C h e a t...... g 78.85 ' Twin Bookcase Itaadbaikrd Beg ; .. 8 *44.88\ CORNER OF MAIN .^I^p OAK STREETS TV, tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. Suzanne Krach and son, 13 Wads­ —"A .NlfM Y« Remember'’ 56" 8 Drawer •OnubU* Dreaaer Night Tshle wilfe brawere ...... 8 18.88 worth St.: Lyman Taylor. 12 By­ APPLIANCES (U) BADOE No. TM / t(SS) HALF HOUR THF.ATF.R with Huge Mirror ,...... 8IS4.M .2 Drawer CsM aet'NIgkt Table . . . X .28188 8 4 PROOF / BOT 4 . 0 3 ’Tha laat session of the Brownie ron Rd.: Mrs/Lucy'^Bertram and • :M ( S-MI BREAK THE BANK 8 fS-OO daughter, 4^8 Adafn.a St.; Mrs. • k Five Drawer Dreaaer Itoae ,... basic leadership course, dealing (ILU) I’VE GOT A SECRET— 8 19.93 Bunk Beg, Laililer, SMe Rail ..... 9 7855 especially with the patrol system Velma SecSlIa and 'daughter, 90 —Garry Moora Matching Mirror Main St.: Mrs. Pearl Fltzalmmons. tSita ( S-It-Sl) BOXING ’tw in br Full I-ow Pnat^ .1 84.50 Flat Top 8 Drawer Deck ...... 8 #859 CHAMPAGNE- and program planning, w-lll be DISCOUNTS (ISOUI T.V. HOUB held *nexf, Tuesday morning 6-11 Kelly Rd., Talcottville; Charles —"Tbe Tblrly-year Maa" Maaaive 8|hmiI Poster 8 4850 Orep U g ColOBlal Oeek ...... 9 9950 o’clock at the Girl Scout office. Gubbels, 78 School St. Pal O’Briea' , - (M) THIS IS YOUR U PE (Color) ^ COAST TO COAST Brownie leadera.who attended the IS;M (SS) NAN CALLED X flyup training aeaalon are cordially 1S:U ( S) 8PORTB DFAE MIRKOK Invited to attend. NORMAN’S Ct) FAMOUS FIOHTS fl9.65 (U) fiONURESSMAN DODD ;./ /J NEW YORK STATE BOT"" 2.85 N O T l 445 Hartfbord Road ll;ta ( t) NEWS REPORTER -St. Gertrude'! Mothers Circle I > jn iK IN O r YF.S! Tel. Ml 9-4597 (II-W) NEWS f p R T H E 1 Easily Arranged Will meet tonight at 8 o’clock with Bobert Tsylnr « Mtrwarl Oraasrr («) FINAL EDITION e Mrs. John Barnowski, 126 Glen- (IS) NlOBTiCAP EOinOM > lORLAY , wrood St. "THE LAST HUNT" STAGE 8 I m ClnemsScttse S:IS —"S'anav Moaev * .irhese Lttin Plaa Psal Daailaa la ADVENTUBE TtlEATEB Budget Terms Mr. and Mrs. J; Herb^rt^ Finlay, ’■JOF, ,HACBETH'7 t:Sa-S;U Bey Hazeri 6LASS IMPORTED FROM FRANCE BOT™ 3.69 86 Phelps Rd., wrill leave tomor­ <2t) WEATHER DROP LID DESK $66 ( 90 ) EARLY SHOW row for St. Petersburg, FU, Mrs. Hat. 1 y.m. Tar^aa la "K iller Ape’* —'‘Two Loat Warl4a" * Auto Softty GImi '*4 Bessie Mead, aunt of Mrs. Finlay, (&S) cownov COBBAI. * Mirren ■ ■: :. WtNES -— Yards Wm will return with' them for a visit 8aa„ "Farever Darllaz" ru) TW tUGHT THF.ATER i:B5 (32) HOPAI.ONO CASSIDY here before leaving for 'her home N:t0 Oi> SPORTS ^ * Glass for Furniture In Cleveland, Ohio. • «:9A SPORTS d ig e s t Open A Keith COAST TO COAST «:«• ( R) WEATHER FOBF.CAST Tops \ SiU I R) WORLD NEWS TODAY High or CAUFORNIA SWSn WINES, PORT, SHERRY, ACTIVE CLUB <22) NEWS 42114- y MUSCATEL, WHITE PORT J A. WHITE CO. tni low Im6(9 FLAT TOP DESK $66 Account! Leltsrsburg, Md. ((D—In March, Tiiylor EASTER SPECIAL SI BlSSELL ST.—Ml 1-7323 Stiuhtd. 1955 the Rurltan Club was or­ S lfujirt CONNECTICUT REPORT Good Friday in shape. Financed nine additional HUNT" • I Reg. f 12.00 A amall deposit dellvera >.. LEFRANC SWERT MoelCTH $9 95 11:11 ( I) LKS PAUL A NARY FORD street lights. Organized a Boy (III BIO SHOW your bedi'oom plecea. Plan W I V E S ' : ? MARCH 30 Scoot troop. Given the toiVn Its ,• ClB«mA8e«p9 ' —“ Kill Him F or lifo’’ to (ipen a Keith Budget first community Christmas tre^ aiiA C«lor ARRB^BriffiR Stuiio ( tti THE AUTI MNAIRF.8 Account tomorrow. BOTTLED IN ll:tS ( ll NITKCAP THEATER— Started on plans to organize a fire 476 MAIN ST. " S U r . Look D ona" BUBY PORT, TAWNY PORT, MUSCATO, CRiAM SHiRRY, department. TRL. MI S-52SS (IS) LIFE WITH ELIZABETH NIGHT TABLE $19.98 Next on the list: A community ftUK.t Dftrllnf*’ ■ ■ (tt-Ml TONIGHT—Slera Allea Not just black patent — but black patent lavished aUB DRY SHiRRY And Open For Business park, a w'ar memorial. I'.M ( I) NEWS t:t» ( I) STUDIO It _ _ „ —'.‘A Tomboloae For Tsro" (III NEWS ■ with row upon row of stitching, a detail that A SCHOONMAKER SELECTION To tIIS

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN„ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1956 P A G E f i v e MANCHESTER EVENING .HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY. MARCH .28. 1956 PAGE FOUR Sl41M • Manchaatar icceptance or rejection of the Jr. said the Committees February VImIs taxpayers must v.ota...'^o.’’ I f they for tha .current fiscal year.” master Augustine A. Lawlor sum­ Ask far tha VKt MANagar choice of a aite waa made wish to vote against the aite they purchase of new voting machines. Board of Finance achool budget. Flaherty pointed out it li not To see if the Board will fix a med' op the oppoaitlon w|th the OPIN THUWbAV IVININGI UNTIl I Feeling ran high at the meet­ months ago. Two weeks Mrs, Gertrude RJyner. nursing must vote "Yes." the remainder of the achool budget, statement, ‘I t would bo |,rnul- iMm iMh t» mMem •* sH wnwwflsi WV SBC assumed It had a ...... Tha reason for this Is that the date for an Informal meeting with ing. and although no vote could supervisor of the Manchester Pub- but the remainder of the town bud­ the Board of Education and the .aanee."' he taken on the laauea, about 700 said. Next Week the town may be vole Is not . on the approval or get. He also said li n-ai the same \ left without a site, he continued, Hic Health Nursing A»"n., told the peraona were preaent at the meet- Bolu'd members at their March rejection of the site, b'lit on figure that has been recommitted hig In the Sykea Auditorium. "I consider the moat serious lose meeVijig yesterday of the work rescinding the action of the March to the Board of Finance three times ‘Draatio Meaeure' to the -town is the time wasted," (lone ^by her staff during the 13 Town Meeting approving it. already. One taxpayer, Gordon Gibaon, Talcott told the townspeople. month. ^The heavy snowstorms, The Item, will appear on the A vote of "No'' will recommit eaid, "It aeema to have been a He then estimated, the coat of which kept mos' people marooned voting ipachines as follows; the bud;;et to the Board o f Finance vary draatic meaaure taken by a another aeries bt,.town meetinga In their munes. didn't atop the "Til rescind the following res­ again, while a. "Yes’’ vote will ac­ group in the minority at the laat and referendums at "several thou­ nurses from H.heir round of visits. olutions passed at the Town Meet­ cept the budget that -laa been re­ personality pumps ing held on March 13. 1956. Town MeeUng" In trying to over­ sand dollars." Every ,^11 wks made In spite of jected by the townspeople pre- rule the declaion. “ We are placing Mrs. .E. Fenton Burke compared " B e It resolved that the Town vloualy, Flaherty said. (he elements. \ of Vernon purchase as a site for In jeopardy the whole value of the preaent school building A total of 882 (\.ses were cared dilemma to the problem of build­ the construction of a new high . our ■ beloved Town Meeting and for in February. Of these, 4.30 were school for said Town the premlaea each and every one, if he valura ing the two new elementary nursing cases and 43^upervisory. schools in town. known as the ’Simpkins Site,’ the 33Rtfolorly to $50.00 the Town MeeUng, ahoiild aurely Eleven clinics were held for tuber­ ‘The laat time Vernon dug In its "losiery Special; et out, that day (o f the referen- culosis, materni’ y servl^, tumor, heels and refused to fare facts in Sum) and ahow It doea mean aome- tonsil and adenoids, and per­ tlUng.” regard to schools It prot'ed to be a FOR EASTER very expensive delay,” She said. sona attended them. \ Another, Milton Wood, oppoaing The niwsea attend'd the '^aff R. E. WANOELL the School Betiding Ciommittee'a In 1M9. she aaid. the towns­ educational meeting at the hosnl- ' aite, aaid, "For two year, the build­ people refused to approve the con­ tal, February 15, when Dra. Elnikr Building / ing committee haa been trying to struction of two schools, because Diskan. lOdmond Zat lo and Har\ get Vernon a achool. I f it had been they felt two/'schools were not old Liehmna apokr on advanced Contractor \ the peoplb'B choice we would have needed. The Vernon Elementary findiriga In arthritis and th» medi­ Take your choice from Foot All from 6iir had a aite two yeara ago. School waa completed In 1951. In cal, orthopedic and rehabilitative IlMiltentid'CmnmRreial Flairs’ V IP i (Very important •T think If the aite is turned 1953, when the need was realised aspects of arthrltua and rheuma­ Pumps) . . . every one daa- for another school, the Northeast tined to play a starring role in down we should have a new School tism. Aillfratioiis>R«med«nii9 Regular Stock Bunding Committee.’’ School was authorised and finished your fashion plana this aeaaon. , MIMeUr Backs 8BO In 1954. , - i|u8inc88 Built On / It was argued that the aitea Vote Ceat Given JCust^er Sstisfaction" / chosen by the SBC had been pick­ With the coat of eight town 3 TimM Fosttr Wh#n ed because they were located In meetings, one machine refer­ Smart Spring (^ats Vernon. Franklin G. Wells. SBC endum, coupled with rising build­ member, said, "W e did not choose ing: costs and interest ratea. It cost Gss Crowds Heart the aitea on the bails of whether the town some |70,000 to "cut the CartlSed laboratery teats prove Betl-sni or not they were in the city or the 's tall off a little at a time," tablets nculrtllia a llmts as much Take a nose dive tewrf.. There waa no choice of a Mrs. Burke said. stomach acidity in one minute si many rtsdini dlititive tablets. Get Bell-eai SPE ^L HARMONY ■Ita in Rockville.- We have tried SBC members offered eatimatea today ier (he festoet kaewn relief. aSe. MYLONS Dark seam, 51 gauge, 15 denier. Reig. 98c " STALES 4- 77c Pr.— 3^air$ $2,25. A. . " • Sliri) _ . J ^ D Y WlbtDSOA . A. DERBY • F l a r t d ___ Spnttg V ' Beauties S4-R-E-T-C.H NYLONS, Black patent leather, . Reg. $1.29\ ‘ with faille and patent at the FABRICS X- 99c Pr. throat of the bow. Gently cur\’ed vamp- 11.95 • Tw««d \ • Flannel f— $ 1 .2 9 P r . \ B. ITALIA • Hep$acl(in4 Juniors’ NEW Silk arii^Cotton EXTRA SPECIAL. \ \ The new elongated, slender look, LADY WINDSOR beautifully fashioned in all col­ fh« sim irt ors and combinations -- 1 0 .9 5 ( NYLONS h ' r I . Dark aeam 60 gauge, 15 denier. You gue$$ad if . . . wa have too many all wool DRESSES Reg. $1.65 B. / - 97c Pr.— 3 pair$ $2.85 C. TOREADOR Spring coats, which must be sold now at this Frankly flirtatious with s silver LOW, LOW PRICE. yow ii9 m an buckle to make everv occasion Luxurious and utterly feminine for sprii LADY WINDSOR SEAMLESS \ All spring colors including: Black patent, navy festive time -1 2 . 9 5 mar wear.. Each torso^ silhouatteij. ME$H NYLONS blue, wedgewood blue, pongee. French bread, flax 51 gauge, 15 denier Size.s to 10 their own crinoline. Striped in ta k a s tha $1.15 pr.— 3 paif$ $3.25 calf and red. A A A A to B Widths B U Y YOURS NOW ! white, pink and white, black and LADY WINDSOR 7 to'15. SHEER LACE NYLONS $I*.I5 Pr.— 3 pairs $3.25 Run-proof—run-proof toe guard. JUST SAY: 1/ seorf Textile Store H - w ^CHARGE IF 'ony way you wear it... V/ A. L. SLOCOMB, Prop. Newer land MoreExcl *913 M AIN STREET m . Next To Savings Bank STUNNING!. in dothas 825 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER ■I ■ Beautiful Spfing Tweed \and Eo star nirlaii ''pull-thru Spring Flannel beir $100

with ihiraclo m«tal loop! Straight Lined Black Patent JUNIOR BOYS’ wakes the L(5vely fluffs of sheer nylon rifciboised difference Styled by ^‘Couriley^^ Bow Ties ^ in gold, printed m Spring-flowers, in luscious pole-lone postels, with color* S.UITS In youth sizoa, 13 to 2Q st $ 2 6 .5 0 kiMl up. \ haedkexd moled metal loops to help yoi^ wear it Student sizes, 17 to 22 at $$ 1.50 and up. and Also husky sizes, 12 to 20. so many w oyjj Felt Hats YOUTHS’ 4 For junior boys.' Bow Ties $ 2 ' 5 0 Black Patent Pink, While [« Your favorite straight-lined suit, in .0 0 gets Ike gttflc! ~ y Youth nittn, The one-size glove that 2 new versions. And look what's go­ Fancy neckwear in panels ing on behind your back - - impor* ...... sd to $ 2 - 9 5 or stripes 5 0 d S I . 0 0 . fits every hand, perfectly tantly placed detail designee make many a head .turn in admiff* Colors are: Tan, brown, Yes, mother and little girls do love to be stylish. Given the tion! In quality wool - - all with fwo- gray, charcoal choice, they pick Vara-Vogue Shoes-:—the oply little girls • .NYLON _ pdeketed slim skirts. Sizest 8 to 18. 'White Dress shoes that cater to the high fashion trend in Junior M.fs footwear. Bring them in now for their new Easter shoes. S-T-R-E-T-C-H I.ook At Our Large I ■ Priced according to size 5.95 to 7. 95. For every boy to top off hie Selection Of Wool Flanne^. Yoke and flap trim ; band­ Shirts enaemble. GLOVE Many, manv styles from which to choose. 'J ed-effect bottom with button detailed Boveral collar atyln. Regu­ back. Pink, blue, beige, gray. lar ar Preach ruffa. Black Patent Sport Coats Sizes 5' ,j to 3, A to D widths. Each pair of thea« in* ^ to White Calf corriparable atrcti^ies - ii' 1 7 5 in ita own tranaparent. ►.95 and Slacks covered box. B 41 .( I ■ ' j iiiilP'iUf Wool Tweed. Smart tab and button de­ !i Hl'l <1 li L . u u Lovely lacy atltcb Maaa • te T4 aad 18^ to A style and fit for every tailed'xhouldcr; button tab hip detail • In white, navy, beige, chamois, pink, 14^. Also colored. Oottoas aad ayioa atretek. boy. light blue., and red ‘ going around to back. Pink, amber, aqua. a Cuatom made flt JUST SAY: a Helanca yam classie

(g^OUSESSON ^Xs-taO P “CHARGE IT’ Chary v I t oan Qro$. tIH Bud Cj o t it — Y c s • I • •25 IvlAlN ST.'p MANCHESTER l-'V I- . 1 r.J-- 11

t 'X MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY. MARCH 28. 1956 ton Hin. graiiv.may participate by bringing

wUl preach on, ‘Why Not Now?" atteraty aald Oosrsr sw » ta« Om Quality Emi Concordia Chorch The Sunday School Easter pro­ Make News settlcmsm on eonditioii tha elty K o e k tilh 21, at the J. W. Hale etwe. gram will be. held at 4 p.m.. with adopt its itaw policy of publish- The next meeting win be. held ing tha namas of dogs plcktd up Chick McClure. • • In CoiApetitiife Garment-Making Business Plans Communion the Easter story presented in song, In Denver Papers by catchars. « 'M^chester Man at South School and will b e , a Srripture.- ■ ■ and with flannelgraph Y om C«n Yow program of dancing put bn by the acenea Denver The Denver city *1710 Itgal notice Includes tha de­ By WHITNEY 8AOOBS children. , ^ Four Holy Week services, two scription of tha doge, tag numbers Ntw '54 PONTIAC Andover, March 25 (RpcclM)—- - T ^etire Fciilay government Is publishing In dally What color will ^ ladiea like Refreshments were served hy Easter services and an Easter Sun­ and othtr infomatioa nacessary m m Ellsworth CpveU..of Hebron Rd„ Mrs. Frances Gutbrod and her newspapers legal notices of dogs m d H SERVlCf H » at the Marlborough' Elementary day School" prograni are schediiled Town Populalioh picked up by dog catchera. The to reclaim the dogs. Oower'a span­ la the fall? Or what atyle? WlU ^ waa elected chairman of the Re­ naVed to the Commlttea at tha re­ ll•^kvtUe^*U^ch 38 (|!p*ci»l)— committee.' iel was executed afUr it waa un- with if «f cant caucus, has informed the School at 5 p.m. \ at Concordia Lutheran Church. new procedure Is intanded to avoid tweeds be fashionable or will suede. publican Town CbmmlttM at a Caorf L. O’Arien, 44 Blberta Rd., j Estimated at 38,700 repetition of the execution at the clalmad at tha pound. he the thlAg? Long or abort, tight! meeUng at the Andover Town Hall Committee that he will be unable Superintendent ChrlX Helsler, Mancheater, manager of the On Holy Thtirsdayi a Com­ City pound of a champion springer iMt night. Coveil, who hae pre­ to serve. with, the assistance of the- pilncl' Si. James’ Lisls munion service will b% held at 7:,30 , . , , . , MsOLORE PONTiaO or looae—what will milady like In! ■the Town Committee, which is palj!i of the elementary scHbols of White, Corbin and 0b. division of pm. The Communion meditation ManchesteFa populatiph Juiy 1, . . fillca rounds of carrot and cut 818 MAIN ST. M ANCmSTEE viously been scprelary and treas­ axvay the centere. T-ruat small her coaU anduulu? urer, waa also • elected to continue empowered to fill spy vacancies, the three towts. has completimhe the United BUt*»i\ Envelope Co Holv Week Riles will be. ‘ It Is Finished." The Rev. 19.58, will be 38,700, f o r d i n g to Frank H. Gower Jr., owner of MI 8-4545 If you know the answers to; nomlneted Mra. Ronald Bockus, of mapping of pupil distribution here for the pagl y'^rs will Erich Brandi will preach and will | the latest estimate of the Stale the spaniel named "Duke of Rob sprigs of water cress through tha theaa queittona, its poaslbie Man-; aa treasurer. Tob," sued the city for 82.250 but carrot rings and serve aa an ap- Mrs. Ray Bldwell, of Long Hill Andover Lake, who has been ac­ retirt Friday. according _tr> an an­ be assisted in the service by his : Depkrtment of Health, ' cheater Modes can use your know-1 tive In Republican Party affalra. . Mancheater Ewnlng Herald An­ a E. WIUIS A SON, ha nouncement today bj^Vlctor K. St. James’- Church today an­ father.'the Rev. Yost Brandt. This figure is Only 100 above the accepted a 1200 settlement. Hia pellsar or use aa a gamlah. Rd.. waa alerted vice chairman, Swanson, adminlstraUveXaasistant" nounced its schedule of Holy Week ledge. But don't come up wlthl dover correspondent, Mrs. PnnI 8 MAIN tr. — TEI-. sn 8:6185 On Good Friday, three services estlhiate by the department for the only educated guesses, because Pfanstlehl, telephone, Pilgrim to the superintendent. services. are listed. Germa;i Communion town, as of July 1, 1955. that la already tha system in use tary. ' ' ' the "Chain of Hearts and Hands" 2-4W58. O Brlen has been with On Holv Thursday, Maases will service will be held si 9 a.m. with Other area towns and their esti­ by the firm. pany tor 42 years. He he held at 8 a.m., 6 p.m. and 7:30 mated population at the beginning The campaign chairman Selected to Andover at Its regular Orange the Rev. Yost Brandt of Rochester.. Joaeph Bell, factory auperinten- for this national alactlon year is meeting at the Toum H4II on Mofi- Work in 1914 with the p.m. 'The procession of the Blessed N, Y., preaching the aermon and of July are Coventry, 5,400; An­ Oent for tha clothing company, Division* H artford, as a salesm'an. Sacrannenl w’ill follow the secono conducting the service. dover, 1,400; Bolton, 1,800; and Mrs. Howard fiprenhl*. of Bufiktr day evening. He remained...... with ibe* ------companyiy HI aays probably - 400-600 stylea of Hill Rd., forintr Commlttea chair- M«i. Walter T. Montle Rr.. evening Maas. Concordia Is taking part In the Columbia. 1.600. ooats, iSits and other outer gar­ that capacity tmtu 1941 '"■h*"’J* ^ An ,sll night vigil of the Blesstd The State Health Department Inan. Orange lecturer, has announced was namad nianajair of the weal 3-hmir service with St. Msry's ments are prepared during each Publicity will be handled by , that those members who wish to Rarrament will he maintained un­ Episcopal .Church and Emanuel. makes yearly estimates of popula year by Modea. Deciding which Something New For Manchester tit the Communion. Service st 3 lion. Exact figure* are compiled at Mrs. Paul D. Pfanstlehl. of Ben­ contribute to tqe atstewlde pro- ***^iingDuring the 15 years he hastas ownbeen Friday Lutheran Church, which will begin All Or*€Ssed Up Foi* Easter may be the most popular keeps a fi,: '-MARI ■» at noon at St. Mary'a Church. In the beginninggin of each decade number of people occupied. and For You SSSSixed'w 5fd plant and hwl Oiv Good Friday, in addition to the evening, an English service the Federal Government. Some Idea of the odds on any S ^^ar^lv res^natble for Im- j the 3 p,m. Communion Service, Sta- will he held at 7:3t) p.m. The con­ The Slate'* e*Umal*« ai-e ba»ed on the exce** of birth* over death*, one atyle becoming a favorite can All ^vlnj^w king Mndillons in the tlona ot the Cross win be held at cluding chapter of “The Passion be understood when you know, as DOMT MISS THIS / '/ 7:30 p.ntv, and Oonfessibns will be History" will be read and the and on an obsen’stion of school divialon. _, populations, considered a good Bell does, that only about ISO xMXc'. 1 • Sw*ianson said he knew of no im­ heard from 8 to 9 p.m. meditation will be on the theme "make the grade” In a year. NEW OPFORTUNITY TO MEET On Holy Satiirdsy, Confesalofia "Into Thy Hands." barometer to determine the excess mediate plans the retiring mana­ of people coming Into the State Of these, only a handful may ger has for the future. wilt be heaVd three tim es—from Esster services will be held art account for tha bulk of the year’s IN 10:30 s.m. to 12 noon, from 3:30 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., with Com­ over those leaving it. is Rated FIRST • William J. Culllnane, Spring- Connec llcuf* population July T business. To finish the garments Mrs. Ann Barclay p.m. to 5:30. and from 7:30 to 9. munion St the second service. The field. Mass., will succeed OBrlen. will be 2.313,000, according to the the company turns out takes per K l Cullinane started w'ork for the The cersmonl«*s'and Mass of the Rev. Yost Brandt will assist at the haps a million buttons a year and for Performance! USE at its Kellogg Division, Easter Vigil wlU Start at 8:30 p.m. aervices. The Rev. Erich Brandt department's estimate. Smart-form stylist '600,000 yards of cloth. A wrong a te MAW NKBr liBOENlTH NOBEL8 AT ' Springfield, in 1933. He went in­ bet on shades or styles of these W H O WILL 8E IN OUR STORE to the armed services in 1941 and components may sometimes be ss was discharged as a captain In Wa e a n ^ a Mlaetlon of beautiful costly aa roiajudgment of the cut THURS.. FRI., SAT.. M A R CH 29-S9-31 the Army. He returned to the patent leather eandala economical­ of a garment. Potterton'i kellogg division In 1946 and In ly priced $ ^ 5 0 . to S S .9 5 . The garment buainesa it com­ 158 OENTEB ST. MANCf^lSTEE 1947 waa tranaferred to the conv IVIthniit .ohllgallon, film. Barclay will he happy to glvo you m pany’a general offices aa aasiatant eotdlng to petitive, fast moving, and every­ For Your Easter Needs body wants the latest thing "yes­ TREE Flflt.tRE ANALYSIS and alto wlU talk over with you any Silt accounUnt. In 1954 he vvaa naraelry problem yno might hove. Aa Smart Form’a maaofaetur- tmnaferred ti^/the general salM terday.” Bell taya buyers will wait until the laat minute in an effort to Ing repreoentaHve from Florida, Mra. Barclay haa traveled all over department, where he was located BLACK the country ond helped thousands of women acquire smart new gt the time of his appointment. PATENT apot a trend and then order/in PINK gobs. This puts a considerable figures with Smart Form! Ctome In for your peraonal dlacussion You’ll Find LEATHER amount ot preaaure on the garment this week! Arithmetic Topic Buppller. Spring Jpeket Jamboree Maikhester Modes, whose prod­ StnsatioiMl J M t PATENnD GirUM Of PTA Meeting ucts were on display at the Man­ LARGE SiUCTION chester 'iVtist Co. last week, has a FLATTENS5NS YOlVniMlJMMY a SUMS YOUR HIPS felt some of. the pinch Which has a SLENDKM ^;S YOUR riOURE T h e art of teaching arlthmeUc KEITH'S long been noticed in other parts yet It pot only eupporta but alenderlaea. today cpmhlnea both old and new of New England by those engaged Almost BONELESS ’ I " : niethedS. •thla subject waa discussed by a In the textile Inrttistry. You’ll Bo Amazed HOW WONDERFUL YOU FEEL panel of Keeney Street School $4.95 Problems pilfer WHEN YOU TRY IT ONI teachers and parents at the PTA Sixea Sti to 8. But the problems nf-a garment supplier are different from those SOLIDS V - TWO-TONES S ' - A / meeUng Uat night. Nathan Joy. VARIEH BLACK Max Weiner, cutter, of 50 Crosby Rd., shears through a aUck of of cloth manufacturerZ.. With a principal, as moderator of the pan­ PATENT \ • ••••aonaeeoooeaO'OOaOOi fabric layers while fashioning pieces of otiter garments for’ women R Iv h siB L E S ConnultstifinR and P*raonal FittiniiR by MRS. GLAZIER el, Introduoetl the subject of ON DEPOT SQUARE firm like Manchester Modes, every at Manchester Modes on Pine St. Weiner pushes a tool similar to a arithmetic with a talk on lU de­ rail foreman must know a good deal vertical saw rapidly along lines similar to those that caii be seen velopment' through the centuries suiraisi about tailoring. This latter,trade in the foreground while cutting. This is one of few operations which DIAMOND'S "up to Us present place in our lives. A Convenient Place To Shop is slowly becoming a lost art, Bell PACKAOI says. have been highly mechanized in the garment industry. Herald Photo, In the past, the "rote" method, Since the local company places LENORB'S was used, while today, "under' Alt ftf mu jmi tmiu A* great emphasis on qualit>', fine tlorts in New England industry, it quality merchandise after a period eUndlng" Is the main objective . fm Minim’ . —„talloriiyc..~-is. a.,.iiuizt__Oflca..the. aMma.,Jl.p.,.b9^IllB,,, regJpn’F when it seerped not to matter., ARMT. »< NAVY TEL. M l 3-4344 followed by much practica. 'KfqdM'stands ready to supply terpHih! ~ hahg'bra^gz'mreirt w Iv Members of the pajtel weret Mrs, by slight imperfeettons during the Thefe are some signs buyers are some of the cotmtry's best cloth- $4.95 a. a. a.*..*, a. «.'«.e .0 e «.e -• • « a-e.*-« • Kenneth MlUer, third grade teach- manufacturing process. To apot once ■ more”-insisting'“on - , er; Mrs. Byron Boyd, second grSde A l«r«« stkefioN «if fh» Rntsf plonH of roo$onabl4 prleoi. Sizes 8‘s to 8 the trouble takes a trained eye, teacher; Mrs. Clifton Pocket and it is because of this that fore­ 1^--' first grade teacher; and Mrs. Jol The happy facet here mean happy feet ’cause men with tailoring background be­ I? Sposito and Mrs. .William M|n- come nece.ssary. • nlck, parents. CANDY - BASKETS - STUFFED BUNNIES they’f* wearing new Poll-Parrots. . Lott of fafhion, Another complication la th at Each teacher gave her progrei garment manufacture is still large- . slve steps in teaching the child the y tt that Mmc pre-tested quality that gives ly a matter of skilled hand work basis of arithmetic, and U waa NYiON STOCKINGS-ASSDRTED GIFTS all along the line. Machinery has pointed out that "unders^ding” PILOT you extra wear and better fit. Come in today anij^ la emphasised in the lowW grades, not been Invented to take the. get your children tktir Easter paradin’ shoes. gxiess work out of the process aa . wiiUe speed and accwacy aip $ quickly as In some other lines of stressed as the child advandbs to Industry. the higher gradea. According to Size Tills may be because many gar- Mrs. Miller demonatrated the KEITH’S VARIETY / menf makers are stlU rclattvely use of a film atrip in teaching .Telephone MI 9-8191—Open Every Night Except Sunday Until 9 P. M. small firms and machinery makers tractions. 7 FITTING 4. have neglected the market. In At the bualncsir meeting, Mrs. Telephone Bills May Be Paid Here—No Parking Meters In The North End any rase, the clothing at Manchc.s- Edward Kurts, cw rm an of ways 881 Ma in s t IS OUR ter Modes la made, for the most and means, annwnced that there part; on batteries of sewing ma­ MANCHESTER lUSINESS chines—late models to be sure-- basicallv Utile different from earlier types. Aside from thes.e headaches, there la the problem of "shade offs,” This term Is applied to /■ bolts of cloth with different shades 'Of the same color. All -part* of due garment must come frpm the same bolt of cloth. as the parts of a garment are cut from aeveral thicknesses of cloth, from one boll, each of the \ parts IsNasslgned a code number designed h) keep it available to be assembled Y'ith others from the FOR THE SEASON bolt Thus, m ass\production in Us usual aense Is oifflcult. Ordinarily, & mass production assumes complete interchangeability qelween similar parts. If someone could InWnt a dyeing method which would qssure iinl formlty of color from bolt to bolt t./ of clot.h, his fortune woukJ be as^ sured. Bell thlnk.'- \ But — "All God's cbilluh.Gnt Troubles," as the. song goes -Xsnd these' problems are .proh^ty\of W. T. \ ' , little concern to the wom ^ tryl 815 M AIN STREET MANCHESTER to choose her w srdrobe^r Easier^ N ext Sunday, an iintoUl number of Manchester Modes CMts amt suits AND ■* will lend color to tXe scene acro.ss the land l‘'oiinded W Jacob Ellis The company, founded about .50 years ago h y .facob G. Ellia, has been w orki^ at lop speed recently to catqli /ip with Easter season orders, /ilie firm's 275 , employe.* WEST CENTER STREET AT McKEE STREET Will get a breathing spell after the holidefv, and then t|ic pace qii.ick- F. W. ens again in the .summer'months MANCHESTER I 814 M AIN STREET to gel ready for fall buying. Bell says' Modes uses some Im­ ported fabrics hut most of the WILL "zIp-out” coats, suits, storm coats, DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. and other women's outer garment.*, are made from domestic fabrics. Pressed for a prediction, he thinks tweeds will be popular for fall. • However, he said, he cant be sure. It Is such xincertainty which Featuring: means the company's pioancUon has to be so fle.xible U can be switched from one model to an­ other at a moment's fiotlce. Anywhere along the line of the Fresh Fruits an^ Vegetables manu'facturlng process—from the time garment components are, cut from stacks of cloth until the FARM FRESH EGGS and OTHER FOOD NEEDS OPEN TILL 9 r'- 'clothing is pressed for shipment— cHnn^es cart otfeur hs the result of information from the field. Mo

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 28. 1966 PAGENINB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN"., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1956 PAGE e ig h t maaaa unusual. TIm chaacee BTe IsUratlon'a prognun of lowsr flax- tunar which slidas In and out ef tha Ibta price supports. *<« and Diane Racamarcayk. Honor meeting laat night, Bailey mads bo Winners Named that It la perfectly normal and not Only On* Dny RcBtains Music Pours Out coll to aelact the station. •gslnet compelling a witness to. Ike^s Farm BiU Sen. AlksA (B-Vt), also a mem­ Walkar attaehea tha pen wirea guldea wlU be Ignacy Wle'rkblcki mention of the Dodd vieit. a trua pheMa. It would aaam likely To Renew Refistrations ^ AT LOW PBICBS ^trlfpBtpr ttsJfy against himself. D r o o d l^ s Democrats ^ t Beildee setting the State con­ that whan thla youngatar does get ber of the Conference Obmmlttee Of Fountain Pen to a Ulephone fingar dial "it and Matthew Rubacha. In Hat Parade and chief Senate spokesman for Despite the feet that tha law By ROOEB PRIOB St. Jobn'i Senior Choir whoaa. vention Dates,' the committee alto playmates with whom he la happy Seen Doomed makes an excellent antenna” &ruttt0 l|praUk chairman is Mra Ida Orsyb, will oet other ,conventione and primary that hla fear or unwllllngneae to go some 7,085 local motoriaU tha admtnUtration on (arm policy, San Jose, Calif. (*5—Music instead )uta bn the earpHbne and he'a In in question was passed by Con- State Conclave • By Wales Here placaa wwfadq away. •aid in a separata Intervlaw that jualness. L«cal radio atatlona coma t Arthur Drut Sitrts POBLIBHBP BY sing the -Raster Mass, under the datoi;' . * havd renewed their motor vehi­ of Ink pour out of the favorite MgBAl.n PRINTINO INC. iiress, and is now upheld by ths ^ngresalonal nominating con­ The writer of this Inquiry goea cle regietraUone as of 1 p.Vn. to­ the "situation ia not completely In "loud and clear.” L HODBB R A JI. to 11 P.BL U BWMil 8tJ2«t direction of Walter Crsyb, organ­ -}Tlia Eooter Hkt F aiod. of Maa- In ^56 Session hopeleae." fountain pens of Ernie Walker, 84- Supreme Coui't, there is little ques­ ist. ventions — July 14. on to aak for f • ' dlacusslon of day, just a day and a half be­ _____ / tion that we have-whittled the For July 6 - 7 ^eatar UVataa loot availing' in phobia*. ' fore the renewal deadllns at "When we conferees get through, year-old San Joae aaseaement clerk. TOO h c b Aie o p i e t f High Mass IhLster Sunday will Stata Senate conventlona In By BDWIN B. HAAK1NSON Commerce, Ohio, (g)—Grocer V. Fifth Amendment down, and be-St 10:30 a.m. dietricta comprising more than ona 'diker Hall brought out tT record . There are many klnda of trua 4:30 p.m. tomorrow. . both the House and Senata still Walker haa convereted fountain Hartford, March 38 (/P) — The Washington, March 28 ( ^ —Sen. W. Minton hurried to church. TELEVISION roua^^tViw? 1. im town — July 20. nkmbar of the mambara and eraat- phobiaa. In cblldran om of the , The latest total. Which In­ muat paaa on theaq provlalone,” he pent to radios by using the prin­ changed It, by law and Interpreta­ Democratic Stata Central Com­ most common la fear of darkneaa cludes 850 renewals lenied be­ Holland (D-Fla). ona ef 10 Oon- said. "It la plMatbla to aend thla Hardly had ha arrivad when lABGEST bUPLAT Df >ublltli«d Evary Evenlni .Exeapt' tion, rather then by new amend­ Primary date for delegates to oo no' and of merriment, tha hate ciple of the old crystal sit. He uses Police Cfftlcf Aubert Stdwell enter­ MANCHESTER Entered >t the mittee haa aet July 6 and 7 as the those conventions — June 38. which io* known technically aa tween 8:80 a.m. and 1 p.m. to­ grees members drafting compre- back and demand wa aoften it a crystal diode, or. fixed cryatal, a er. Conn., aa ment to the Constitution. It ,1s LILIES AZALIAS or haadpiaeaa were all ao clever. nyctophobia. Thla U almost uni­ day, la more than a 1,000 short somewhat." ed x«d called him aside. $179.n Up dttes for the party’s Stats . con­ Date for cell of primaries—May versal among children and a mlae farm legislation, said today condenser about a quarter Inch In In hla haate to lock up, he had I(M than It was. A Thought for Today t u lip s h y a c in t h s /Although only 88 participated, of the 8,141 that were issued Sen. Ellender (D-La), chairman diameter, a tuning coll. ' , Pilyabla tn Advance vention. tjte three judgee, Mlaa Marion Ar- good many grownups do net here laat year. 'we may have sounded the death of the Penats oonferces, who favors forgotten a group of cuatomara PottortoB't And, of course, we are continu- Date for filing of party-endoreed HYDRANGEAS CINERARIAS seem to be aMe to get over It To the old pen he attaches three were in the store and couldn’t get ISO tlENMJt CT. tlt.M A Hyma for Today ' The convention will nominate a delegatee — May 29, ' m ld of the Connecticut Dairy (uid RcgUtratlon renewals are is­ knell (or any farm bill this ses­ tha actions taken yesterday, lald: earphone Jacks, and Inserts a slug Ally changlne our Constitution In candidate for U.B. Senator End AFRICAN VIOLETS M od OouncU; Mra. Mary Squatri- either. sued here at .State Armory, out. The hymn for today Is one that Date for filing of oppotiUon sion.’' Thtaka Iko Will Sign Just such ways. The South claims UiS. RepresentatIve-at-Iarge, and slates — June 12. (40 VARIETIES) ' 1* A Wate; and Mra. Mary Ona of the more common of where the State Motor Vehicle 1 think tha President will sign no hymnal In America today covild name 40 delegates, with 20. votes, *nylor. Herald opciety editor, the phobias la acrophobia, or a Department has been operating Holland indlcatod ha thinks that the entl-segreget'on decision afford to leave out. It Is "Above President Elsenhower may vato this bill. He's getting about every­ Copy of the Bppreme Court represents to the Democratic National Con­ (Bund It difficult to decide which morbid fear height. Many people a aub-braheh office since laat thing he aaked for. Including the the Hills of Time the Cross Is vention. ■ Top Ex-Bike Rider Diet ' Corsages,.. Planters : waa the prettieet; the funnieat and have this and do hot like to look Wednesday. ' the Mil If the final varalon con­ Just sueh 'another. Indirect re­ Gleaming." It waa written by the tains two proviitons adoptsrd big thing, the soil bank. Of course, THE A8BOC?V?ED*pnEffl ‘(’emrnt Mixer fer Dodd Front Runner t||e moat original. Mra. Squatrlto down f rhm, a high mountain .or tall Meanwhile, tome leet-minute BLAIR'S Rev. Thomas Tldplady to be sung building. yesterday by the Senate-House there are a epuple of littia gadgets - Tha Ataoctaied Pyeja la exclOilrely writing 0 1 the Constitution. Man Who BuUda ('aallni Milford, March 28 (Eb—William rabitituted for Mlaa Marjorie car-tax payers are causing ha doesn't want.” anfUled to the uie of republicatinn of to an Irish traditional m elody Rep. Thomas J. Dodd of West A, (Billy) Rut*. 77. a top bicycle Paul Cerrinl, collector of reve­ conference committee tiying to All B«va dlfMtciirii Credited to U« nr The quarrel, then, Is more with . In the Air' Hartford Is reported to be the Bfurr, dietitian a t Mancheiter Mi- Other common phobiaa *4re compromise different measures Building castles In the air is a known and loved the world over as racer In the early IBOOe and a vet- FELTHAirS GREENHOUSES niorial Hoepltal who waa unable to fear . of lightning (aatraphobia) nue, considerable trouble. Car The soil bank, tha administra­ not o^nrifo credltM In thli M|>er the direction of the change than Londonderry- Air. • front runner for the Senate nomi­ peaeed by tha two branches. tion's major 1968 farm recommen­ LITTLE SHOP andiBd A^ao.theaiiao th« lucal n^ws^un^ws^uhilsM------here. , , fine pastime but with conditions nation, but there haa been little era'n In the autoinoblle salei field 951 West Middle T u rn p ik e— Manchester be preaent. ■ of thunder (ceraim c^obia) and of owners cannot renew their reg­ All rlrht* ot perubllcaVod of ap^ial the method of It. What baa hap­ being what they are today a per­ in New Haven, died yesterday at !Mrs. Eleie Minicucct'e hat wax fire (pyrophobia). A good many istrations until they pay their Would ItohM Prep Level dation. contemplates payments ilspstches herein aro aja<» raaervad. pened la that we have taken a Above the hllla of time the croM Is talk about the Republlcan-at-large St the Wilbur Cross Highway s •ggragating up to $1,300,000,000 East Center S t at Lenox son would be better off building a gleaming. nomination, M.lford Hoepltal where he was a Mjudged. to be the prettieet and children (and adults also) are. a)>- automobile taxes. Both provielona would have the Ptill aervlce client of N. 1^. A. Bare- piece of the Bill of Rights sway castle under the ground. Nothing medical patient. He made Jila m n first prize. The-foundation normally, afraid of snakes (ophidio­ Ths delinquent tax payers effect of raising; tha level ef gov­ to farmers who retirs Isgd from Fair as the suh when night has Joseph Lyford, a former aide to production of cash crops. Manchester Shopping Plata ^^iHMuibert Bepreaentattv^:\ The from the cltlsen and handed It to elaborate, Just a nice concrete turned to dsy; home for many yeara in the Morn- Op«B f A.M'. fo » P.M. Thurs.. Frl., Sot. A e ueed waa a coUapAble veget- phobia), cats (), or causing Cervlnl the difficulty ernment farm, pric* supports. The - - — . - . —ncy —> New and iteel-relnforced hideaway Gov. Cheater Bowles, got the nom- Ingeide aecUon of this town. Sur­ doga (cynophobia). Not uncommon­ ♦he government. And from it'love’s purs light ^ AU DAY SUNDAY le fiolander, trimmed with deep are those who show up at his Agriculture Department estimated Stcretary of Agriculture Ben­ ./ with a alx-month supply of food, Instlon for Republican-at-Iarge in viving are two sisters. Private 1 aatln ribbon, wide cream lace ly people have's fear of being shut office In the Municipal Build­ they would coit the government, son told newsmen yesterday he, - mMmbbr avoit bdread or Why have we done it ? The richly streaming, * 1B54, but was defeated In the _ - V CUtCOLATlONS. ■;______. sir conditioning, A hi-fi phono­ To cleanse the heart and banish funeral services will be held Thurs­ *and rosea in the aarae red shade.up In a closed space (claustropho- ing without their bllli. assuming an average crop year, at does not think Bhsenhower wlU ap­ Communlata themielves Spurred graph and a pin-ball machine. election by Rep. Antoni Sadlak day. bia). This causes a delay and hold* least 81 billion more in 1958 than prove a return to rigid price sup­ The Herald PrlnUnt Company, Hw.. sin away. the incumbent Republican. Mrs. Kay Kalber, who waa wear- Htro You'll Fin'd Hundreds O f iNumea no financial reaponelbflfiy lor us toward It, by their abusive use With a layout like that you could lag a amart hat trimmed with pink It often seems aa though small up the line of taxpayers, which would the present program. ports for even one year—which la trweraDiu^ errora appcsrlnf In ad- of the Fifth Amendment. To get seal yourself off from what was To this dear cross the tytu of Some obaervers say former Wil­ floweri, waa second in the prettleat children commoidy have aqua- Is growing. Cervlnl Is consid­ Holland, unlike most Democrats what the comprdmis* now pro- SMSSmSIta and other roSatOBmaf--* Irtt of thf world (if trouble ever men are turning liam Benton and Bowles'have In­ phobia (fear of water) .'but not ering having two lines formed In Oongresa, supports the admin vWee. fn T ^ Maaefaonter Ewainit Heralld; the Communists, to keep them Claes. EASTER BLOUSES,/. starts) and not have tb worry Today as in the ages lost to sight; dicated an Interest in running for Mra. Irene Bennett's creation, mysophobia (fear of dirt). While —one of thoee who have their D ta^y adyertiMng cloahiB houra: from hiding behind „the Amend­ about getting disintegrated or And so for Thee, O Christ, men’s tha Senate. upturned in back and caiuht with on the subject I might . say that bills and the othef' contetnlng or Handay—1 p.m. l™ay- radio-active on your' way to the bathophobia does not mean what p.m. ment, we undertook to rewrite It hearts are yearning The Hartford Courant says to­ «/ nlarge pink satin bow antlallaorta those who don't. \ SKIRTS, COTTON ' ___ . p. m. TOeaday. In order to deal with the specWc neighborhood drug store. Then As ahip-wrecked seamen yearn for day that Dodd officially Informed pf objects hanging from the wide it aeema to: It meana fear of great w Ilairaday-1 p. m. We^eaday. when everything cleared up you morning light. ) l^ov. Ribicoff and State Chairman depUu. br rrtdaJt-1 9. m. Thuraday. problem they present to us. And brim, was declared the funnieat. \ tldaj^l Pt m. ' could step outside, pick up a nice Xhn M. Bailey yesterday that he ‘Iliere ia little doubt that a real - m . Friday. , • The cross, O Christ. Thy won- , ITie original clakS waa the moat phobia or obsession la torment for DRESSES, CLOVES, ssTCdrj? 10 :S0 „ Am. each- - even the Supreme Court followi club and atart fill over again. If-a candidate for the ^enate nomi­ ;■ X .difflcuU. All sorts of objects were Bandits Brows^x i.'t ' don except Jfatufday — the ideological returns of th^ mo drous love revealing. nation. , a child aa well aa for an adult. H. ~ r Awakes our hearts as with the paed; baskets in straw, plastic and. Sdmetlmes the fear completely To Tune ol ment. '/ light of morn, N ^ h er'' Ribicoff nor Bailey ether materials were inverted and dominates the life of the person HOSIERY, ACCESSORIES W^ntMay. March 28 The key question, w ^h time Si. Johiis Plans And pardon o’er our sinful spirits would\pmment 'on the report. Irlmmed with buttons, flowers and who is eo unfortunate aa to have it. ROASTING CHICKENS may anawsr, and whlch/may nevsr stealing At tnk State Central Committee /- feathers, some towerfng high A phobia often seeme slightly Albuquerque, N. M,‘ (JP) — Two Shop tho friondly "LiHio Shop" above the heads of the wearers. i..en entered a Hardware store and, i \ be answered, Is thls:/whlch does Resurrection Mass Tells us that we, in Thee, have a'musing to the outsider who U- The Power Of ThtGood been reborn. ’■ Finally, one of several euggesting free of it but It i* A misery to the while -one asked to be shown steel Please order ahead for Easter. If .you want de- m America most hamy'the abuse of Eaater waa chosen. Worn by Mrs. each lii tha rear of the atore, the Wa' have, w* confeaa, a little The darkest hour in human his­ victim. \Iivery Friday morning your order must be in by the amendment b ^ the Commu- tory was when they nailed the Like echoes to sweet temple bells WrouqliMroR Roilinqs Agnes McDowell, It waa a rec­ It ia all very well to talk about other went hrowaing. proprietary pride lit the proRreee nlsta, or this ^nkering with a replying. tangular cage or coop with little After he had browsed away Ttfursday evening. We have beautiful roasters and of President B^eenhovrtr'a proposal Christ to a cross. But the bright­ phobias but what can ba done for •bout $70 worth of merchandise, right solemnly r/snted all Ameri­ est was when He arose from the Our hearts, O Lord, make answer Porch C^BiRS thicks peering between the white- them? (or an international atomic enersy to 'Illy love; Brown lace with painted uprights. To make It more • Sometimes a person with a :the two men ran from the store cafi^na four to seven pounds. cans In order t^ prevent Its abuse dead, making, the celebration of and Jumped Into « get-away car SPARKLE PLBNTY—You’ll twin- (or peaceful purposea. The pride Easter the lime of the resurrec­ And we will love Thee with a love VALLEY W E ^ N G CO. French bread kid trim. reaUstlc, Mrs. McDowell kept phobia can reason himself out of- b> a few?' Vfm would acoro It all undying. squeezing a bulb'to Indicate the 1): Which threa other meii we^e kle night and day in JUDY BOND’S theae columns 'take la this: that tion—aa the outstaadlng trium­ For Free EsUr^ CaU Also in navy and black the abnormal fear' though this Is glamorous 1ace*swoo8hed dacron i . ' aomethlng^ of a triumph for phant event of ail time. Till we are gathered to Thy home Olastonbury M ^-81I8 Chirping of the chicks. She refused hard to do with children.* An­ waiting. Bhen, ovsr two yeara afo, the CommunlaiU. It has, after all, In­ above. with patent trim. to accept a prize, however, assert­ other thing is to' avoid exposure The car wouldn’t start. crepe blouse ..,. a-glitter with bril­ And so the members of St. ing that the idea was that of the The atore owner got th« license President made his proposal, these spired us to chip away Et one of John’s National Catholic Church Sponsored by The Manchester to the fear. A person with acro­ liant mock-diamond buttons. A gem oolumils held, from the start, that Council of Churches. honorary male member, Harvey phobia can usually atay away number aa four men Jumped out to care lor, too; simply dip in eudg the basic' and sacred guarantees Will relive this triumphant mo­ Ward, who has directed several of from high places. A psychiatrist and slowly pushed the car down lUiaata would have to accept that ment, In the life of the. Christian at night. . . slip on next morning. in our wsy of Ilfs. For tho fun story o r to e Wates’ aucceasful shows. may be able to help If these two the atrett. dramatic propoial of December, world, with the Reaurrectlon Maas Vice President Mrs. Em ily measures fail. Police arrested the browser,' No pressing necessary I White. In / ■ at 6 a.m. Easter Sunday morn­ 18S8. The policy with tho Fracchla conducted tHe business sizes 32 to 40. Boost For France ing. tneeting In the absence of the to.- \ ' Our reason was elemental: we Opening, these ancient tradition­ Deaths Last Night / ' •aid the proposal waa so good president, Mra. Barbara Thompson imething rather heartening for al rites will be the Procession of Who la touring Florida with her / Russia waa powerless to reject It. Fi4ncs, and. for Amsiican aupport the Holy Elucharlst. The qymbola By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS husband and small daughter Sara. Our rcaaonlnf waa sound. Time of the ^surrection will be borne $5.98 c4 French policy in 'forth Africa, by Joseph Wrobel, Joseph Jawor- Jensen Beach, Fla.—Cbl. Edwin Mr*. Fracchla read a letter from and time a ^ n , the world’s head­ Mrs. Thompson stating, how much has now happened In Tunisia. akt Sr. and Stanley Majewski Sr. Malcolm Dixon, USAF (ret.), SB, ,\ lines proclaimed that (he RuealaftS^ There, the first real generi. elec- Ushers wllf he Stanley F. Opalach', a pioneer in aviation. they were enjoying It, and thank­ Easter HoWers I- Alphonse Rubacha,.Edward Wi^z. Rome : Glovjuint NIcqlinI, 84, * A * ing everybody for their coopera- \ the. (yjuntty’s .hlato.ry h w 1<2<3 Uon diuring 1955 and Mrs. Thomp-- II: and time afain, the Russians acted resulted In a triniendoiia 'Victory ISclrt-and-,Stan kfyvP^'IJrxybK- im step .cruclfer will he'Rudolphz.WflJflaro- X^UGih)lAkfibhJ:^araea Hoeck, ■Lio wasi reelected fbf; tUc’i'pmBent: TULIPS, LILIES, HYACINTHS ' ■!. It ttey would give anything to for the priodeyaCe natfonallsta, wEo 'wear. ‘ Mrtf.' Aftne 'Jee'kl' of East W.lcz, and .V the fneensor, Henry 52, former newspaperman, at one I Iw - .. » ( (itfAiMuJ seat /mm Iml to toe.. \ Open Until 9 P* M* Rnd E practical way to rejem it. are satltn^'with the brand of Im Grzyh Jr,' ' . time on the P arit edition of' the flartford, another prize-winner for But they never did, and, graijually, The Adoration Sodality will, be New York Herald, and later with Reducing, returned Saturejay from ^ CINERARIAS, EteX r V dependenilji combined with Inter- a trip to Florida, and waa present V THURSDAY,ond FRIDAY 1 ; they begwt accepUnf it Isd by Mrs. Genevieve Wojnard- the Cincinnati Post and the dependphei France has offered, wlcz, and the children sprlnkttnf^ Scripps-Howard chain. Bom In last evening. ■ V,' ■ " \ \ • ///■ '•C ■ ' ' "i What aaems to be the piece IH)SI I •nd who consider no more revolt flowers will be led by Lynn Custer Scotland. Died Monday. Following the meeting, dietetic z' «t acceptance on their ^art has necipmry. Wafers and coffee were served. And a third euth- Jiist come lib the secret/u-natipn hie means that the people of y An .axtra cushion Anothar fosm eush- A Tournaud’s Greenhouse ROGER OLCOn ion beneath the 4. conference at Waahinmn, which Tunis appreciate and recpect the for colhfprt ha- . ^ 'd " 8lv«» •‘^ded met to do the final dw ting on the, /..a n d than— for your naaththacantar support st ths metatareal arch 131 LAKE ST. M l 3^i7M2 403 West Center Street Mitchell 3-785S new llberallaatldn of French poli­ lengltudinel arch. altaviataa atraln. statute which would create the In­ cy; that It goea ffer enough to eult PINE . •f tha heel. policy with tho P.S.— Th& ternational agency. them; that they iee*nothing they REXALL P h a r m a c y X dlttoWl'i mAm IiTthls final ‘ dekfUng, IRtsela don't already have which Is worth s o o Doctor Says and all the other nations achieved revolt and bloodshed. agreement which now l^ves the It Is an augury that Tunisia and Biologicslt next step that ojt aubmiftion of the France can live togethea In a fu­ Vout Child Fear the Dark? Sick Room Supplies ROBERT J. It's an Example of Phobia statute tp„ the/members of the ture arrangement not ifnllki that Cosmetics V.N. for th ^ of/clal ratltica- of (he Britiah Commonwealth of Psieof Medicines 'B y EDWIN' P. JORDAN, M. D. iion. SUNDAYS - S A.M. TO 8 P.M. SMITH , - Written for NEA Service /• Nations, that unique orgarli,atlpn This protect stands as the first of freedoms linked t-igethek by the INCORPORATED MANCHilTia Real Estate Insurance (!7illdren, perhaps even more . great blow at^'the cold war, the. free will of Its members, h Is an Mitchell GEHOUSESSON than grownups, hot Infrequently (Irst greu «^«ck in the iron cur­ Indlcatlun that the new French 9-9814 B63 MAIN ST., MI 8-8241 SBSSSSS^^^SSSSSSS I Bof^SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS develop strange and unjustified tain. Fqy' that blow, President policies for North Africa, begun o tr w & ^ :WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS. fears. Sometimes it is extremely Elsenhqs^ deserves unique cred' “In\ u RAN8.MITH8 difficult to trace the origin of such whtn Mendea-France was prsniler, SINCE 1B14" fears or phobias. Sometimes it is It. are not neceasarily losing policies, 444 CtNTia ST, MANCNISTia hard to know whether they are /the fact that the Impossible or too late, or fated to encounter based on some unpleasant exper- ppenlng, the nature of the an Inevitable violence. It la to be Imce or arc entirely imaginary. •One mother recently wrote Itaelf haa been responsl- hoped-that what haa happened In that her 6-ycar-old son is afraid I t was so good, so right, it Tunlela will have eome Influence \ Your present TV decides the pricel to go anj-^vherc. About four /proved Irresiatlble. There Is no In Algeria, and, perhaps, prodlice months ago he wa.s in a drug­ evidence that our flourishing of a peace there French arms may store .with his father and aud- i^klenly' said. h« waa alck and Etoms for war haa ever had any never produce. wanted to .go home. effect on Russia of any kind, ex- ’"We think,” the mother said, . •/ This Easter, from the Ironwear Kittens- / Mpt to spur Russia in manufac m W ^ I I I N C SKCIAI’’TIIIUIE-IN deal "he was probably not feeling A Foul Month * well - because ,he had eaten too fure of bombs of her own. But A the many Cookies.' Our doctor gave this flouHshing'of atoms for peace Any reaemMance between Mm an examinatiou and found haa produced what amounts to departure of March and the tradi­ o n n o w R C A V i c t o r T V ! nothing yfrong. The boy seems a WITH VouR J ew easter bonnet- Russian surrander. . Thera Is an tional Iamb would .seem to be Uttle nervous but is bright. At old niosEI lesson Involved, If we strictly limited. / FOR TODAY'S first h'e would walk a little way frorti our-house only but now he would only learn It well enoiigh to We hays the white nufflnesa, .CASUAL LIVING Will go-through town but we practice it. more. It is that the with dally ^rniaa of mora of the can't get him to go inside a store CHOOSE A NEW PAIR OF SHEER most effective, the only truly ef. same, and that is all. or car or to go anj'where. “He As for tha gentle, innocent frisk- doesn’t have playmates." - (ective way to fight evil Is to'fight . ;JThis kind of problem is by no It with good. iness of new life bounding over green pastures in a benevolent sun Less Thun It Was —that belongs to soms other M ai^ , not this on^. ^ . Add to the casualties of the cold There is only one''thing to' say PcrHoival Notices w ar the fact that: we and the Com ..bout this March. It haa been the V /■ ' munists have now combined to most insolent. Insulting, disagree­ - Card of Thanks dilute and alter one of the sacred '|C ^ "■ *'■ able, perverse, exasperating March wish to thank, •!! of oCfr nolch- pledges in the Bill of Rights In the in our memory. -It has also been frloh^s And relatlyfi, for iho' lAny acta of kindn^ajs and aymi>athy JNSURBP NYLONS United States Constitution. / ridiculous. Sown ua ill our raci»nt bereavement, ■ -/ This pledge, contained In the [to loss of oQr .hu.sband and father Imagine the ei\d of .March, and htoodore Toniasaitis. Wa espfci«IIv Fifth Amendment, was to Uie ef tank a.U those who sent the beautiful Ice still on the ponds, Imagine prnl tributes and. l|»Aned (he use of INSURED AGAINST RUNS FOR ANY CAUSE feet that no person "shall be toiu Die end of March, and no peepers pelled In any criminal case to be ■yet. . Imagine the end of March, .Wife And lAmlly. a witness against hlm.self." and no spring fever. *4 In Memoriam That has now been .changed, by Foul month, begone, and good n.. lovinit monior.v of -*iur molher SKt of Coiigress, now upheld by the riddance. nnito [.Kimherdo, who passtod away 'Supreme Ooi^rt. Now a person i rrh 27. 1»40. <* con'be compelled to be a witne.ss ain the'monlh of March is here, us the saddf'sl of the >Var. against himself. Congrq^s set out esto words are written with regret to make this possible by passing a f r her we love and cannot forji^t. law empowering the grvernment Olir htoarts acfi« with sadness, to offer to a ^^’itness imt lunity Our toypR »hed manv a ttoar. new! (iod knows how we miss you; mother from legal prosecution for the ^ dnw/is another ^ear. crime he might be conte.-ising. The 'Mu were lak>n witJuait warninr Supreme Court has held this law YGiir.rNt8s.iiic filled our heart.s with pain ^oIvnAortV) j Created for people who enjoy tiioiiifh you've, ^pe from iis ' conaUtutional, by reasoning which o n A TRIMINDOUS TRADI-IN AUOWANCI ON YOUR RRI5INT TV TOWARD our heart.s you mTU remain. modern, informal living, Budgetrend A sh im m trin g frmmm aaya that the only purpose *' of our mother, Colors; Kitten Beigi, . Vietpr’s famous "All-Clear” today—take advantage of hma rilfford mho passed ■ away b^f SickeL Wkite. ttafoamf ' NEW , mants for confession of a efii^ H 2 « M ilr 71' j-inch Sol'a.s with built-in end tables, #rrh W. 1955.’ madt/i pink, naturoL • ISI4 MeecfcesHf Naiiefy Milk ( Kitten Tin ' ' -J . i right of left hand tables, each .,139.50 59.50 picture'with a full 261iquare these fanUstic t^Spring Spe­ Ligflciitstef, N. H. . penalti'es and punishments otherl . Ill nylon IRdoesn't take a'^sV’fial day, Silts; 8W to 11.^ inch^ of viewable area . . . cial” trade-in deals! • t ■ ' • ' SPRING SUITS than legal conviction of the crime . (ull-iNtid Open-arm 1^'iinge Chairs ...... X 69.50 42.95 ' UR brini: you to our mind!*.. . lull-fuhiofttd 39'^;inch Cocktail Table w ith black-For- FULL VHF.UHF TUNING .Fy a rtay wlthomt a thfiiElit of you., •eeitsiHdhY^ . • ALL-STRETCH SHEER $1.59 In court. The dissent says that MMiiM bs y<*r>- hard to lliul. Sizes: 12-18. for the brief sized figure, •octal ostracism, and inability to *noovir|)d|inMd«d tnica-cqvcred revolving Lazy s ' Mao ami Albort Gardnop. Mdreuge IrenwMf — . . 2 tnhion thidn Sii.san ...... 79.50 KA»r CHMDIT TKItMS—COMe IN TODAY! Price:' 117.98. costly alterations. Sizes 10 to 20. •btaln employment are auch pun-. 1 ’ Colors; KittM Beige, Kitten Ten lohmenW which ho tender of legal 32 X 32-inch t'orner T ab le...... 55.00, In Memoriam In rtavy, black and many pastel • lit liip r Mid thef kMV III wiR thih i shades. Ipumulty by the government can 48 X 23-inch Kneehole Desk;, six drawers . IfMlovins memory of Emma L. Qifford, SiiiS: Short (8Vi-9), Aversge (9t419) gukrd against % including file d ra w e r...... , ’. . .135.00 passed away March 29, 1955. % Tall MtdiiuA (lO^ l I Metf) Aad tha dlaaeht holdl that the' ’43 X.201 .v-inch Glass Top Cocktail Potterton^s LaATnfvlnf msmories m sm ories heys^ d|e.die. LIFE TSI Long (10^-11-11% tofiD S49.98 AG time foes on and days-pass by. Rlfth Amendment aa it .istands, Table ...... 69.60 M onehostor's LorgosT ApplioRCO, Rodie, TV oRd Rocord Dodor. !•* our hearts precious /nemorles are ' *. kept. * • «• not dtotuaa Immunity, but RraacripeliNi FkanBOcy .80 X 19-inch Step-Table; glass ehelf 42.96 . 130 CfNTER STREET / / Of'a mother we loved, and .shall never fOt Mala Rtnat ' ^ CORNER Oi; CHURCH . t | M ra ig u k a a • flat prohlblUoo • ' i- ■ - ' - V ;-; ' ' ' ^forpet. Sb ' ' Her' ehiMren. i * ■' V‘ w ■V, , ^ 11." :/?- 11>.. • -I ri.« ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, MAR 19M PAGE ELEVEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, ; PAGIETEN A * ■ ‘------— - — — — — —^—^ achieve pinpoint accuracy. Thte terms of - a ballistic mlaaila to weather, the aarviee wlH be held ■ " » 'i ■^"■ " and abroad. Tha program to da- life, her curiosity, her eompasaton, back *'Wa giVa them tha oppor-. atroy the myth of Stalhi'a InfalH-' U.S. Givc$ Priority would mean an explosion -wlt|iin 10' travel more than 8,100 milaa an Devotions in church. GENERAL Hal Boyle Cotumbia and her Interest in avarything go­ tuntty to say what they '^ u ld Ilk* BoltoiF 0>uple Face Forgery Anti-Stalin btlity had becoma ganarally knewii milaa of the center of the target. hour—or tiom 12 to 1$ times the The regular Elaetcr featival ser­ ing on aboiA her had mada bar Ike’s Aides to say in executive sesaion.", - oulalda. Ru*aia. Public attacks oh To New H-Missile A bySroBcn'axploaion that radius speed o f sound. The jet-powefed At Zion Church vice will be held at 10 o'clock- in T V SERVICE Stolen Car Crash right at home Iti Room 207. .Sim. Jackabh (D-W ash), n aub- tha **eult'of tha Indlviilual" ataiy ould tIevaaUU. the target, mlaelle would travel a t from l.OM the'Church, preceded by prepara­ She knew, all about all the pa­ committea member, told reportara C h a rg e s ' have baen fraquanu la the loag-rahfa flekl, the Air to 2,000 miles an hour. j Holy^Week at Zion Bvangtlieal tory, Communion service at ,9:40. .Daya f f A S AChB „ Non-Smoking Benefits (CaatiaiMd .from Paga One) M lU t^ edenUaU believe they Nlghta rtnParti Turns Power Off tients on - the floor. Indeed, aha T o T ell of he peraonally will quit Hoover, Drive Aired But Pravda's broadl^ waa the Force ta working along two dif­ 'Lutheran Church will again in­ The aaater celebration at Zion will was so absorbed in tbalr stories about his atatement Monday con­ first public axprtaalon at homa-of ferent llnce. One 1* the Intercon­ can accurately guide aft close with a tervice beginning at TEL. Ml 0-8194 Bolton, March 28 (Special)—AfWindaor were tor $10. and tha queation of which aervieeswUl breathing long range mleaUk clude 20-mlnute noon-day devo­ 7 p.m. for the Sunday School and she hadn't a minute to apend talk­ cerning the existence of Conunu- tha campaign against StaHn par* usa any apdcUlc mlaatle. tinental balUeUc mltalle. The other Columbia. March 28 (Special) — ing about her own operation. nist Natlonatiat-Red Chinese Bolton couple hna been turned over $20, and police said the o t h a r tonally. Tha jnewapapar had'this to ie the “air breathing" type, pow­ building into It mechanlsma tions Maundy Thursday and Good the conigregatton. A Sunday School Greatly Overrated Lights went out in Columbia last to Windsor Police on forgery checke were paaaed in M d^etowm By Pravda O f late. ‘Pentagon officials hava correct navigation arrora imth procasaional WUI usher in thla She had been up to the nursery Red Trade trade. ■ay of the Communist htardrehy’s mentioned five years as the tinic ered by jet engtnea'. . * Friday. The time, 12i20-12:40, hae night gfter a ato'len car, being charge*. State Police have re- and towna between Middletown The Air Force hae tw»*long- eightinga from the etare. service, which wilt include ewarda driven by a .Willlmantic youth, floor and knew ail about the new " I am going to ask that the de­ daefsion on the lat* dictator: It may taha to develop and pro­ been so fixed that thos)^ working ported. i and-Hartford. , "Giving Stalin all tha cradlt dua wcapona under development—"At- The bellistic mlaatle w i^ d be may be able to return in good and a sound film, ‘The Miracle of • By RELMAX MORIN . your lift marvrloujly. Once, t rashed Into a utility pole on Rt. 6. habits. She was well acquainted (OontlBoed from Pago One) % tails be made ppublic," Jackaon (Centtaasd traas'Pafs Ons) duce a mlBsUd capable of accurate THE OFFICE OF with the two little prematures said. Trooper Clifford Bombard of the! Manchester |k>lice are checking him, aobarly avaluating the Mg laa” by the Convalr diviaion of the ■hot to a great altitudw where ,tlme. There will be a preparatory Love.” On account of this lervlce, (ro r H«l ^ y * « ) , u . * I wakened on a train in the early Power was off In town for about firtag at targets 6,000 miles dia- the regular Sunday School In the auttching and squirming In Incu­ Kong and Rad CSilna. He said he "If this has beeit« going on,” Oolcheiter barracke aaid he picked. into a report that the couple cash- on hia tour by Rolf Solmgn, role he played in the revolution General Dynamice Ootp. and aUhiUty would be hard /o main­ Commtfhion service on Good Fri­ New York (^>v—AWut wia Hu*i- j,oura after midnight found myaelf two hours, after Lyle 'E. Wylie, 17, tant. tain, and would have W b e aimed morning at 9 o'clock will be omlt> DR. COURTNEY H. bators. She insisted on m y-going presumed other Senators had the Jadkaon said, "tha ''administration up Eugene D. Klernan, 21, and hia | ed one of the checks in a' locdl Swedsn's arobaaaador to Moscow, and the establiahment of social­ The Air- Force haa been given "Titan" by the Glenn L. Martin day at 7:1(1 p.m., the regular ■aaa of not amoklng. . Nearly a) cigarette*, ind couldn't crashed the .car into the pole at ife, Kathleen, 19, on a warrant grocery itore. According to State before launching, 'n iu a /t would be ted. Zion Sunday School bus will up to look at them before I left same impression and that is why should have made It known -long 'pther .asmbars of the embassy ism, the ComlnuniBt party at the chief reaponaiblUty for developing Oo. \ service beginning at 7:30 p.m. Thla SIMPSON j-aar haa elapaed alnce I my j muie the porter. Sheer panic! That about 10:30, according to State ■urt by Windsor airthoritles. '■ Police, the total value of checke subject to gYeater ipaccutacy at leave tha Silver Lane station at cigarette. It atdlaeem* like a happen again, the hospital. *' the subject was not pursued Mon­ ago." staff and a group o f Swedish' re­ same time decided to Uquldata the loog-ranft mlaallea. Both the Air The Air Force also has two dlf-' will close the Lenten obeervence. Ja*t Troopers from the Colchester bar­ the point of axpli 0:40. Sunday echool members are miracle, difficult to belie\e after. , racks. The''nurses on her floor were ao day, but he believed the point Anawers McCarthy The warrant, according to Wind- cashed waa about $120. porters. cult of tha Individual ao as ta ra- Force and the Anny, now taaimad ferent "lilr breathing^* Intereontl- Tha Confirmation claaaee will 806 MAIN STREET 't , , I— . meet at 10 a.m. on Good Friday ‘roquebted to be present a' quarter 25,year* of hea\'y puffing. 1 don I ^ thousand different VVylle was arrested by TTooper busy she let them do only the should be clarified now, Hoover's testimony came in an aor Police, charges Mr*. Kiernan; The couple made the t^kecka out Rc|ibrta of diaordera in Georgia cstabUAi Lanin’s prlnclptaa and with the Navy, art working on nental missile projects, Northrop norma of lift M government worh Aircraft Ine.'a "Snarh" and North IN T E R U R E A ^ ER A ENDS Inatead of Satui^ay and remain of an hour earlier. latend to start again. methods. * 1 Clifford Bombard and. charged really neceaaary things fbr her. "The subcommittee will want to exchange, with Sen. McCarthy (R- with three coiinta of forgery an;) - by writing flctllloiia names. Wlnd- have bhiefly Involved TUUa Uni­ tnfermediate mlsailes with -a range . WILL BE CLOSED Kieman with three counts of b e -' aor police said Mrs. Klernan did and to eatsMlah the beat condi­ American Aviation Inc.'s "Nava­ Vraterloo. loyu I8^ - A n era for the noon-day devotions. A ll' Interested and especially However, the giibject of thi* ea-, Some people have had • success ' with speeding, operating an unre- Little luxuries she turned down know what kind of trade it Is," Wia), who is demanding an ex­ versity. The Tiflla newspaper of about 1,600 miles. say la not ‘‘how 1 stopped amok- with a gay. "Oo on and taka care planation of why this country ing an accessory to forgery. ' the actual cashing, while her htu- Dawn of tha East said In ita March tions for the construction of com- In Utkin,; about InUrconttnantal jo.” , ended here rauntty when Iowa's Weather and pou nd condlttona those who have no church., home THIS WEEK wlth the "stret. h-oui" s.v*tem. In i gistered motor vehicle operating McCHellan said, adding that this last Iftterurban paesenger tra\n Without a lirense, and laklnjf a of some of these people who are should con tin u eforeign aid to TOe charges stem from three band waited for her outside tha 24 edition the univeraity'a Com­ muniam." ■Haailaa, dtlanaa officials have Speed Big AdvaaUge parmittlng, another Batter eon- are Invited to attend aervlcee at . ... nf this, you postpone your first clga- includes the question of whether Zion. RE-OPENING It is. rather, that the benefit* of minute* each day; after motor vehicle without the owner'* allied nations which sell to Rus­ forged checks from a checkbook I groceries and drug, stores. munist party secratary had been And the party organ m adr it made it plain they , mean weapons The big advenUgr of the tiallis- completed run. Electric Itnea rise service, at 8 a.m. will be held really sick.” ifiaterlals especially neceaaary for had a flotunhlng passenger busi­ not smoking may be greatly over- ^ you will have delayed the permission, police said. Another Visit Is Real Contrast sia goods he contended are strate­ the couple found In Hartford which Windsor patrolnten R o b a r t fired for failure to Indoctrinate the clear that the campaign to cut capable of carrying hydrogen war- tlc mlaslle is its speed, whiohi on "Zion Heights,” the wooded MONDAY, APRIL 2 w'ar are involved. Chriatenaen and Carroll Wake­ down Stalin had just begun. would make It difficult to Inter­ ness In th ^ 9 2 0 't but it Hka Upered ■ection in the background Of the Americana saved more than 18 y*t*d. j 11 «r.h day'* smoking by two and one- The tar wnS taken from the Her room Was filled with potted gic war materials. were passed In Windsor drugstores, students with communism. It said, heeds A* I understand it, each of u» ^ f,. ^ ^ premises of Abousa Motors, Wllll- Asked about the trade^tuation, on or- about Maryh 17, police said field reported the couple were students had been cutting classes "To eliminate the vestiges and Their greateat problem la to cept. The Pentagon haa talked In off since jUifH parish houee. In cats of Inclement billion dollare in 1900. . plants and she had already figured CoUnielor Joseph Ku o f the .Chi­ "There are many interesting traced after a suspicious pharma­ survlvala of the cult of the in­ 1. a special little chemical work*;., ,nd\aimllar. plan i* maiUic. according to Willlmantic nut where she was .going to plant facets to the shipment of goods to The man and wife were released wholesale for more thaii a year dlrterent in •ome .detail from authorities. Wylie la being held at nese Nationalist embany here told on 500 bond ekeh, and face court cist reported the license number of and aome' hava been guilty of dividual from our life,” Pravda ___.sc_____ im >sarmfiil #n ' *-UC rew«r«i idey. You don't each one when she got home. a report hla government on For­ the Communist countriei." Hoover a car they-were driving. said, "it ia neceaaary to develop a sverV other. W'hat is harmful to tell vourself you ard^ going to atop the Colchealcr barracks pending The books she had read she wds replieti "Not the least-of the most appearance.in Windsor April 3. ‘'hoollganlsn)" (anti-social ac­ Sne person may have little or no Oil hold off as long i the-posting of $200 bond. mosa forbids trade with the Red The pharmacist latef accom­ tivity). large - acala explanatory cam- ready to pas* along with enough jiiainland. He said the Nationalist interesting is the fact, for instance, Police said investigation showed p a i^ ." effect on S'lblltd ! ‘ reward" your-1 Court appearames is acheduled enthusiasm to make the next per­ that the Chinese -Nationalists are that Klernan and his wife found a panied State Police to the Klernan . Reports aaid a atudant parade by no means n agteement nbotit for 7:30 p.nt". April 2, at Columbia government "is atritUy enforcing home and identified Mrs. Kiernan March 9 featured banners and plc- Hie newspaper said Marx and Theh- hold off | son anxious to read ^em . the ban." shipping to -the Communist quite checkbook for the Riverdale Trutt Lenin had "nipped in the bud at­ the effect* of tobacco. I.pam justice Court. She had stored up a number of a number of millions of dollars Co. account of Dorothy Korpatkin, as .the person who cashed a bad tucpa of Stalin and Lenin. The di­ these IsXthall Also to appear April 2 is .Sher- He said aome goods are sold to check in his store, according to rector of the univeraity said in a tempts at their pcraoaal malta- i Trouble with all amusing incidents. Though it hurt Hong Kong and. they may be re­ worth of goods every year, and if- of Hertford, while they were Uon, no matter who made theae worth, has been this— Ivoiir thoiights on\lo- ;wood K. Wright,, ,M, of Coventry, her to laugh, she could still make we were to arbitrarily cut off all shopping in the north ^ d of Hart­ Trooper Bombard. telephona ioterviaw, however, that 1 don't find t h a t j work better t n * > ^whereas " * the kev is to fdy,-j "'■bo was arrested by Trooper sold. clasies wart continuing normally attempU.” a guest laugh at her lighthearted But he.added; _ , aid' to, our allies who were in any ford. \ BOW , have more energy nor sleep gel It• entirely. I believe it wa^Bom hard after an accident at ."1^30 The pressure between needle st tha school. -> In contraat, Pravda said of Sta­ way of seeing hospital'life. "We do not have' control in way shipping materials to the ,/ They allegedly passed five or six lin: more soundly. My di.aposltion j Mark Twain W ho said something [ H*t night at M oll and Old Co- and phonograph record groove ia Dawn, of tha Bast Indicated stu­ Leaving her room I couldn't help-! Hong Kong. It Is the British who Communists. I think It would be a- checks, all for $15 or $20\lenomi- "Without modaaty ha not only hasn't improved. And writing a to the effect that smoking l.s n ot; hihibia Rd. , very disadvantageous move oh natlons byXforging Mrs. Korpat- about 25,000 pounds per square dents in Georgia already were aimple declarative English sen­ but compare my pleasant visit and are in control there." I showing renewed signs qf- their did not cut abort tha words of the kind of a habit vou cah/lead' \Vrlght is'chai ged with failure Tomorrow's session may mark out part." kin's name.xTtte chccka cashed in Inch. tence is still likely to be an ob- downstairs, one step at a t>fne. I to gO»ni the right of way st an her pleasant atay wilh^anolher pa­ Intense pride in their separate na­ praise , . . but on all occasions tient 1 had visited just a week be­ a windup of the subcommittee's ef­ supported and even encouraged o t k stacla bigger than Mt. Evereat. Uon.' He reportedly drove tionality long before the current T 'You have to throw it ^ u l the intersecl fore. * forts to pinpoint publicly the ex­ them. In other words. 1 feel pretty window, bodily," he declared. in fm nt^ S'car being operated by Kremlin campaign against Stalin The other patient had com­ tent of a 1954 International agree­ Y d ALWAYS €IT MOK N )l YOU M0NfY>T MOITOirS Brought Serious-Harm much now as I did when I was / ------Arthur Pe^ln, 49. of Columbia. rule. NICE THEY'LL LCXDK FOR EASTER amoking. State Police said iieilher opera­ plained constantly. She was bitter ment in which this country con­ f ', Today!s 7,000-word article In In time, this cult of the in- Then why stop? ProfcHsor Invonls tor was Injurl about how she felt, how flat the curred. This removed embargoes on Pravada waa sprepd over 12 dtyidual developed into an Increas­ , W all.. Oiere was an illness. . . food tasted, how disinterested the free nation tales of some goods to columns and brought home to the ingly ugly form and brought se'ri- 'T een s doctor's advice. nurses were, and on and on and Russia, and relaxed curbs on other general Russian public for the first oua harm. . , However, - ha is among those Flower ^inbaliiier on. Items. time the hew Soviet leaderahip's Under this cult there developed OUTFITTED BY TOTS 'N TEENS! physicians who believe that, u.sed It was a real' contraat In the way Hoover, Weeks and Hollister, in drive to chop down Stalin's histori­ huch ugly phenomena aa tha white­ I ^ In moderation, tobacco eases ten­ Boulder, Colo. i/Pi - A University Ruth Millett |. people meet life's setbacks and the face of an injunction from Mc- cal stature. washing of shortcomings, the var­ don, and promotes relaxation. He of Colorado chemistry professor, pain.' Some make friends with Lellan that "I order and direct" an Tribotc to first Years nishing of reality, and the pulling answer, have declined to give in And how niet H 1$ for partnli, too, fhdt it dot$n*t eoit a fortuna at Teti-N>Taan$ to hava both tha thinks the beneficial effects of this John R. Clinpton, has patented a whatever situation they are in. Pravada paid tribute to Stalln'a o f wool over people's eyes. FREE PARKING public a detailed picture of terms may outweigh any physical diaad- new flower preservative he says When HI l.aick Strikes Others fight each new situation. work in the Srst years after Dogmatism ta a direct result boy$ and girls all draisisd up for Eattar. \ of the agreement. They argued LOT NEXT TO vantages. will kee,|i Cut carnations alive and. She stakes It a Friend We can choose which way we -Lenin’# death. of the cgit of the Individual that to do so would breach an This, of course, w'ouUl be the in good condition for 28 days. She was recovering from a seri­ meet life. Isn't It strange we don't "But then certain fcaturea and "The. development of theory and POPULAR MARKH Ideal way to amoke. Clopton said roses last In the ous operation when I went to" visit all choose to make ourselves at agreement with the other nations qualities began gradually to ap­ the expression of anything original It aeema to me that tobacco Is solution for 10 or 12 days and her in the hospital. Yet she home with each new experience in­ who Signed it, and that it also pear in Stalin’s practice of leader­ or new could be made by only one one o f the good things of life, one other flowers live two or three couldn't have been more st hpme stead of acting like rcluctanL would endanger national security, ship which later developed into the man—Stalin. o f the rave pleasures, and should t.mes longer than In water alone. entertaining me In her own living guests. They offered, however, to give cult of the Individual,” Pravada "All others Were required to be treated as such. A fine cigar, Hik formi|la tncludea a ' augar room. I All rights reserved, NEA Serv­ details behind closed doors and charged. popularise the Idea* he expressed m cool pipe or a few cigarettes are solution and added Ingredlenta to In two short weeks her love of ice, Inc.), McLellan said that In calling them "The gigantic successes in build and to formalise them. Pre-Easler SALE Pre-Easter \SALE the hallmarks of a civilixed man. slow down the rate at which the Ing a new -society, achieved by the "All this retarded the develop­ The trick is not to overdo. plant consumes its food reserves. Soviet people under the leadership ment of Marxisl-Lenlnlat uteory." I cpuldn’t learn that trick. My The ingredients also prevent bac­ of the Communist party, on the Pravda charged that Soviet his­ A SPECIAL GROUP OF daily average was two packs of terial and fungal spoilaga In the basis of laws of history discovered torical and military films "are Croup O l Sample cigarettas. and under pressure at filant and In the solution, HARMACS by Marxism-Leninism, were fliled primarily with exaggera the typewriter, it would go Up to I » strongly attributed to one man — tton.s of Stalin’s role.” three. Out of p> re nervous reflex, EXPANED OIFT Stalin —. and were explained by "W ar movies and art and liter­ EASTER DRESSES X often lit one cigarette, and put Oney, Okla. id*! —i Mrs. Dora his special merits ss a leader. ature even to this day do liot show VIRGIN VOOL it down beside another already Popejoy, was overjoyed to receive N E I 8 / S H 0 S "He, lacking personal modesty, the proper role of the Gommunist burning. Over-iiiOiilgence was my a batch of yeati dough from a did not cut short the glorificatioifs party and the Soviet government,” Orig. 4.98 to 7.98 ':'k- middle name. friend. She put it Into her handbag and praises addressed to him but the newspaper said. EASTER flo there Was no alternative but and started home. supported and ancourage- them in Pravda ^ said that worahip of to stop.entirely. Before.she arrived Ihev satcl\fl every way Stalin opened the way for "auch It had a nninber o f interestini; vi’as fliled and the dou|fh was oox- "Aa- time went on, this cult Of inveterate ag*nU of. Imperialism msults. For instance, it decoippH-.I ing out. the individual assumed' even inor^ as Beria an^-m a acGOlhpliceBacGOihplicea to G R O W C O A T S U,.. x'LMbrV-. harm to the cause. tionp or The party and govern­ ment. Orig. 16.98 to 19.98 \ (The Pravda article appeared Siza$ 3 to 6x, in' nylenic cottoni, taffetas. only the opening giiii In a news­ L. ^ Beria, head p f Ruaalg'a paper campaign again Stalin. - It secrey police, waa denounced a$ a Many ana of a kind '$izat 7 to 12 . . '4.99 made no mention of the most sen and executed after Stalin'* CLIPPERmCRAFT satlonal charges which report* death. Prlivda said Bsria’s e.xecu- reaching the West hav<. said the on madp it possible "to/festore 13.90 new Soviet high command ha* lev-/ the standards and principles of \ eled against their' former chief— socialist law.” SPECIAL PURCHASE! \ | FOR EVERYONE IN THE FAMILY that, he maintained a continuous' The newspaper cautioned that O rig. 19.98 to 24.98 ,16.90 \ rel'gn of , terrdr, murdered thou- the Soviet Union /' still needs O ri* . 2AB,to 3.98 GIRLS\ eanda of hie party associates and le a d ^ . ' / S r HOLLAND ^EW BPRING STYLES AND PATTER.NS FASHIONS for WOjdEN 2.99 to 4.99 the floWcr of the Red Army officer / corps and placed the nation In dan­ SHAKY PR^ECnON Smartl^ailored grow coats in Every new fa*-arite In pnatele and black patent leather, ger of Hitjer conquest). Oklahoma City^, «»)—A 46-year- EASTER HATS CANDY KITCHEN Pravda assured the Russian pen- old man jailed drunkenness ex­ / virgin w ^ gabardines, flannaU, Xple that the Soviet Union now is plained to Police Chaplain R. T. Over 25 bouclas,' m p worsted checks, NEW lOLTON RD.. ROUTE 44A Red, pink, white on the right track. Williams he mt the bottle because AND hark, black pat­ It aaid the Communist paVty is "I’m my brmher'a keeper.” Styles to sizes 3 to 6x,T to 14. All are sam- ent. tl.e leader and organizer of the He expiated he and his brother Select from 1.99 f|la coats. Not ovary size or color Come and see our complete 100% WOOL WORHTEDS, GABARD1NE.S Soviet .people "and the coliectlve bought IK pint* of corn liquor SHARKSKINS. SILK AND WOOI. leader of the party,-guarding'and ahd they he consumed more than in avory stylo. • line of EXCLUSIVE EASTER interpreting its prin'eiplea, la the a pint becausF •'! didn’t want my Central committee." brothe)) drinking the atuff;” Special Group 4.99 SUrted by Nikita NOVELTIES made in our own /' Black - patent, red. The campaign to destroy the kitchen from high quali.ty white bark, taffy tone Ftalin myth was touched off by REG. S50 or brow-n. Communist party boss Nikita ^ wFoolitFERT^’ C /ia t^ P /a 0 3 9 7 5 Khrushchev last month in a se­ J chocolate. cret- address to the party's 20tb 138.8M«zaiis8»» tmmta | congress. / I i PIANO TUNINO REG. S55 to $65 TTie gist of his remarks was ci|^ ,p AN OUTSTANDING COLLECTION OF pUR SMALL COLLECJTION OF CHOCOLATE INITIALS rulated In a lette.- by tlie Central I KEMP'S, In^ j r- ?-?'l'^J N E W t FOR ALL OCCASIONS / Bright new Ktvirs In carefull.v-made, top quality leather. committee and by word of mpiith | . to Communist groups in Rjitssla | SHOES FOR BOYS la f BIRLS LADX l ik e S U B -T E ^ z. W HITE DRESSES I SPORT COATS 'V EASTER DRESSES The ALL BOYS ACTION - V '■ ■ :/■ U CLIPPER-CRAFT O3J0 Sizes 8>] to 8:hi lilack ■ \ - I 2 S 8 patent or white...... Special Group For Communion or. Confirmation r*4 I Aiwe ^ REG. S3^.50 ...... $ 2 6 * 9 5 5.98^ 12.98 Sizes 5, 6l 6x, 7 to 12 in angalic Broun leather boys’ shoe. Riiark patent, pink, light styles in nylons, organdios and REG. $35.00 ...... Size* 9>2 to 8. blue nr ivhite leather. Sizes many other new fabrics. Many / Sizaa 8 to 14 iub<'taan in fin# cot­ 9 2 7 - n 8>2 to 3. with nylon net underslips and fay- tons, chromaspun, faffatasi crys- 2.99 2;99 ARE BEST FOR YO U ! on taffeta slips. Come early while tajiattes and nylon, many with /V REG. S37.50 9 • e e e • • $ 2 9 * 9 5 -4 ' ■ selections are great. ^ can-can half slips all by famous makers, sleeveless, jacket * to 8H Now you can hdi’e juat the colors you want for every MEN’S SHOES 8.95 - WOOL SPORT COATS 8.98 to 19.98 interior, to bring ouj the full beauty of your interior decor. Theae stunning new Du Pont Custom Colors $3.95 And r p $ 2 .9 8 A nd li p WOOL or NYLO-CAB SUITS 10.98 to 24.98 oome in three sheeips of matched colors — Gloss, * . .V ' CM her style* from E.\< ELLENT .\S.'40RT.m' e NT New Spring Shades and Pattern* Semi-Gloss and Flat They're simple to apply with 6.99 and up BOYS' DRESS LONGEES 3.98 to 10.98 brush or roller.. ..extra long-lasting , , , ■-ifOsI) ' »oV* BOYSV SHIRTS 1.69 to 3.98 , odorless during application. // 6.99 PREP" DEPARTMENT T o t w BHOE DEPT. Swpez-Wmhobl* A Many colon olio Compare our men’s shoes with any at dollar*-more and you’ll MAIN FLOOR BOYS' TIES 59c 5 to 1.00 available In Rubber-8a*e PRF.P HI/.ES NOW IN ST(»C'K— NEW ASSORTMENT OK SPORT t ’OAT.S, he convinced that there la no better value In town. Many new Re a k ’ Ylr Oukk drying kroRT SHIRTS. SLACKM, .acCESNORIES-^IZEB 18 and up 1.00 Woll Faint styles In'black, bipu n, or smoke tones In all sizes from 6 to IS, BOYS' BELTS • 'A High-hiding - I ' • ■ • . 'T een i r BOYS' CAPS or HATS 1.69 to 2.98 L A. JOHHSOH PAINT CO. Charge .qix'nnnt* I ^ ■ ..-k «f9 MAIN ST. M A N tH ESTER ' Inrited h a h m a c 4 ■■ famous Names In Merits Wear - » FREE PARKING ' t mim MAIN STREET TEL MI 9-418$ , NEXT TO AWIHUR DRUG IN LOT ^EXT TO POPULAR MARKET 775 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER FREE PARKING V • * ■' . ■' -J ' v 1 •I - .... i/ ' J;'.- >■ '1 •' ‘4_ ) . i '^1 there will also be special music sun by'all four choirs. Mrs. Carl Bolton Goallne Will be soloist. Qonnan said, St. Colomba's Services Approval has been received from tan«is4 Xwayaphieal •eceaalbll- Special Holy Week t. Parishioners of St. Columba’s the State Banking Oommlsalonar Ity to North Mimehastat. buMness SunrisB Service Will Be HeW Services Are Listed Church wishing to attend Holy of ConnecUcut for 6ha Manchastar men as wall as adJaoMt towns. Week services may do so at St. lYust Ot. to Ineraaae lU capital Our Bhvlnga dapartment alona h u 4 ■ ____L Joseph's Church In Wllllmantic. tiKrauod 8380,000 Jtwt atn^ tha loeturas and tha Iflu as Aind-rals- fund* 8135,000 W a total dlpltal # In Lake Area by Methodists Columbia, March 88 (Special) —- Holy Thursday Mass will be at ng devices. tot Of this yttt.’* ' Maundy Thursday hrwices will be 7:30 p.m. with a procession follow­ tarday Haitington wps unabM to ^ o u g h Its sdltoriOl offices wars account ot $788,000, tkcluslva of l^ 'nib^aacliaatw-'lYutt Oo. ranks ing the Mass. * - v capital reaarvaa pnd undividqd S8th In ataa of tha 88 Oomaur- t '^Bolton, M»rch » held In the Columbia Congrega­ •xplain ttum. Bvantually, it waa locked, the Worker able to uStklM ethedlst Church wlU ob-,1 Good Friday there will be Ven­ roll an eatimated 14,000 coplaa off profits. eial Banka In OonnacUcut. tional Church at 8 p.ih. Dr. Harvey SALE daUrminad that Moyaay concalvad Following recofnmendatlon and Ih e new stock, plan to ba rtcom-1 m m lU trmiUtlonal wrly^momtnK Weddings K. MacArthur of the Hartfor^ eration of the cross and d.stribu- the preasee today becauae tha pa­ ■trvlc* on E u U r at a apot ovcr- tion of Holy Communion at 3 p.m. thsldaa hlieiaalf. per's typaaatting and praaa work action takan yasterday by tha mended to the atockholdera at a Seminary Foundation will be the Board ot Directors, the plan of leoklnc Boltoa Lake- The aunrite On Holy Saturday there will be Fwmerly an auditor In tha aarv- are-tuindled by a pri apeclal meeting on April. IS wlUl aerrlcc at the lake haa been cel­ guest speaker. W office seUad^hare wa capital atock liMreaae la to ba aub- call for tha Itauance of 8,500 new! Porter-Whitchouse the blessing of the hew fire, Ica'a Wellington offlea , Moyaay mltted to a apeclal nabetlng ot the ebrated by the cnurch for many On Good Friday Rev. Henry paschal and triple candle, baptis­ art,” read the Mper'g headline.. ■hares at a aubacripUon pries of] yeara. It wiU be held thla on waa naiii^ diractor hen.'last' MeanWIdU. the Daily Workar'a Btockholdan of t ^ Trust Co. $80 par share. T h m will then be| G. Wyman, of the local church, mal and Easter water and'Holy 4 p.m. April IS. ~ the lawn ^ the Jamea T. ® * * * •" I Mass at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 7. attorney, Harry Sacher, aald I»' 18,800 ebaree ouUtfndlng with par houae at-a t r u l y ‘early bird" houri will preach on the "Seven Last In sudden ralda yeaterday. In­ temal Revalue officials aasursd Ruaaeli B. I^thaway, president. valua of 888 each, repraaehtlng For those wishing to go to con­ 'at d a.n. t | Words” at St. Paul's Episcopal ternal Revenue agenta anapped him that no effort would be rfiada In hie letter to the etockho4dere In capital of 8318,800 and surplus of The Rev. J. Richard Yeager haa Church In Wllllmantic at Lenten fession the following Is a sched­ padlockr on the nawapqpier and to Interfere With actual publica­ today’s mall, atatea "Due to the 1418,800. Dlvldenda lincludtng yaar ule of times allotted: Tomorrow steady and conalderirble Increaaa u ^ n ^ e d that If it ahould rain aervicea to be held from noon until <3ommunist party offtcaa In flve tion of the paper. end extra) paid in 1905 totalad 831 Xaster morning, the aer\ice wtllj evening, before and after Lenten Shop With Grants Handy Coupons cities. The government eald the The ^vemmentxcradkdown also in depoalta, both checking and sav­ per share. be held In the aanctuary of U,e 3 p.m. devotions which will be held at party owad 1389,363 In income hit t^W o rk er's regional offlea In ings, during th< past two years, church. In any event, It w-lll be| In the evening there will be a 7:30 .p.m.; Thursday afternoon taxes for 1981 and the Dally C htc^, and^party headquartara the'directors have deemed it,^ SPECIALTY CHICKENS WOT followed hy a fellowahlp hreakfaat union service at the local church from 4 to 5:30 p.m.; Friday, fol­ Worker 846,049 for 1981, 83 and hare and In Phllw^hla. Ban vleable that the capital stock Champaign, lU. If) —Commarcial | a tjh e chuiv:b at 6;*5 am. aponsored by the Wllllmantic Area lowing afternoon services and Francisco and Loa .'Ant increased to provide a ratio < broiler plants produce young poul­ ' i f w S3. Chief cookh for the .event will be MinisteVa' Assn, at 7:43 p.m. from 7 t o 8:30 p.m. and Saturday The party took the'position that Communtat centers In Newark, nienaurate with tha growing da-.' t s so efflclently that fryer produc Uturler F. Dehsara and Kenneth Rev, Dr, William Terrell, hekd of from 11:30 a.m. to 13 noon and 4 It waa tax ' exempt. The Dally N. J.; and Detroit were also tab- poBita." ion no longer ia proHtabla for the I Fairweather. They ;wlll have on the State Baptists' Convention to 5 'p.m. Also at St. Columba's ' Worker claimed the government brkl for seizure if their asaeth.had Walter P. Gorman, chairman of average farmer, aaya D, J, Bray, | their Btaff Mra. Fairweather and will speak. confessions will be heard previous move, was ail .effort to force the any resale value. They were 'qot the Board of Directors, stated to­ Uinyeraity oC niinou poultry ape- ,\ Xra. Laalie Burgeaa. Membera of Saturday evening there will ^ to both .Easter Sunday. Masses Mper to discloao names of its raided. day, "Since moving into our new ciaHat. the Intermediate Methodlat Youth no services but Sunday School stu­ which will be held at the usual kiancial backers. quarters on Main St, Just two ThA commarcial broUar producer I ■% FeUowahip will wait on table. dents taught by the Rev. Mr. Wy­ times of 8:30 and 10 a.m. In Washington, an Intarnal Rev­ DELAYED HONEYMOON years ago today, the '.>ank hea un­ has aviarie volume of uniform | Tboae Intereated In attending man and E. G. Mscpougall will go enue service spokeaman' aald in­ Oklahoma City (8^—Robert Lee dergone an eapeclally healthy up­ birds available which command a.) the event are urged to make reaer- to the YMCA in Wllllmantic. for Manchester Evening Herald Co­ come of political patties which Boyette, 86-year-old brldagroom, swing reflecting the consistent highar prig*. On the other haixl. vaUona with lira. Clifford Steph­ recreation. lumbia correspondent, Mrs. Frank coea for party expenses and not may have a long wait before go­ growth ln*Hhe economy of the market pMcea for farm fryara aira ana by Friday evening. * 1 On Easter morning high school Marrhisa, telephone AC 8-9060. mdividual benefits is tax exempt. ing on a honeyir.oon. He was mar­ town of Manchester. Showing a low becaiMmthara isn't a wel) aa- X braakfaat event will also fol­ students will attend Sunrise Serv­ But he said Income from profit- ried while in the Oklahoma Coun y 16 pef ^ent Increase in assets over tabUahed market tot tham. BOyarq I low the aunriae aenice at the Con­ ices In Andover at 8 a.m. After the making aoUvltlaa -ia subject to Jail, and then waa handed a 18-year a year'ago and a 40 per cent in­ diacrimlnata w ainft tham bbcausal gregational Church and will be service the group will have break­ taxation. The Opmmuniata long prison sentence for burglary, aec- crease in two yeara, management they come InwmaU numbera and) aerved from 7:30 to '8:30 a.m. fast with a group from the Ando­ kava conducted partlaq, dances. ond bf'enee. , .» / • felt It would better serve our com- very In alM ■nA.quallty,^ Daniel Buccino la cook for thla Mrs. David W. Ferler ver Congregational C3iurch. event which wUl feature pancakea t COSMETICS i\ New, Smart and aauaagea. Reservatlona are be- Miss Leslie Janet Whltehouse, The regular htinday morning worship service will be held at 11 k We Carry AU the Top LIm « ^ tng taken by David BJorllng and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard a.m. but will be preceded by spe­ Jullua Strong. Sunriae aervlce will T. Whltehouse. 47 SUrkweather Slimline Styling be held at 7 a.m. at the church. cial organ and piano music by ► Arthur Drug Stortij 'Mamdy Thursday S t. was married Saturday evening Mrs. Allan Robinson and Mrs. \ All local chuwhea have ached- In St. Mary's Episcopal Church to Chauncey Squier.. At the service Men's uled apeclal obaervancea of David William Porter, son of Mr. X Maundy Thursday tomorrow. A and Mrs. Maxwell Porter of Wa­ Smisrt Spring Colord High Maaa of the Lord’a Supper tertown. The Rev. Alfred L. Wil­ will be celebrated at 6 p.m., at St. liams oSIciated. Sydney MacAlpine . -\ Maurice Church with adoration at was organlat. 37* EA4T CENTES ST. (COSHER OF PASKES tT.) . fHONE Ml^5847' the Repoaltory until midnight. Given in marriage by her fa­ EASTER HATS CaudleUght Communion will be ther, the bride wore a white EGG’M CTLf ^ight for held at United Methodlat Church froated organdy over taffeta gown * \ FIT FOR A SiMB 35 to 50. Regaltt. at 7:30 p.m.. with the eiemenU to with a shoulder length veil and L im e GIRLS* L im e ROYS* WISHING YOU ALL A **' remain on the aacramental table carried an old fashioned bouquet PRINCESS bmgB, ohortB, atont and until 10 p.m. of white roses. COAT , short atont. The 7:W p.m. Communion aerv Mrs. Rosanna Jepson of Wal •vr.Khoelgfrfs* coat COAT and HATxSET * to * “ ice at the Congregational Church llngford, aunt of the bride, was the GIRLS' COAT Sizes 8-8. % 9 7 ★ THESE .SPECIALS GOOD THURSDAY thru SATURDAY ★ 5^5 10 .■ti- will be followed by the annual maid of honor hnd wore a froated and SAG SET Reg. 8.98. r social hour for all membera. It ^gandy over blue taffeta gown ■ / Reg. 12.75. 10^^ ' • /* FANCY NATIVB to will honor those membera who and carried a pink and blue, old i u .,.. 7” iOYS'^Fc. SUITS MORREU’S HAMS CHOICE BRISKEY' OUR BEST QUALITY have Joined the church during the fashioned bouquet. Fa>hiunr(i in all wool Shet­ paM year. Jon T. Porter of Watertown, Giris' Dresses OffiU' COATS WHOLE or SHANK HALF ^ A F O N S MEN'S ' Drive la Pregreea brother of the groom, was best land. Cot!.ir adds white Sizes 4-8z. 1 A 9 7 Sizes 3 ^ ' , 5 ^ ® CORNED BEEF BACON The Easter Seal drive of the man. T h if i ^untpw0^^tlcks . . - with lurex thread trim. Sizes 7-14. Reg. 13.75. ■ V .7 5 Connecticut Society for Crippled Following the ceremony, there dre$$-up enough for ^ n d sy Navy only. Sires 7 to 14. Reg. 3.98. 3 ” 4»» Lb. 6 9 c . TOPCOATS Children, and Adulta U atlll in Wps a reception' In the- bride's GIRLS'COATS strutting, wopdcffully Sizes 3-8s. T 4 7 ORDER EARLYl Lb. 5 9 c ' ■ ■, ,,_ Lb. 4 ? C ' . J^to 8 Iba. ea. Order aeriyl > j**.;ci3l»wrT:f -progreaa aad-wlll continue through home for the Immediate fsmilies. lays' Eton H«t 1.19 1 '*• ' : • • • :r (vff«iSUMpa-sfarr:*! April 10. Local residenU are u^ed ' After a wedding trip, the couple comfortable to wear all day 1 Reg. 8.88. ^ 8lxeB25t98(h-h 'tIatM y 800,'' • to buy and use the seals to further WUI reside at 349 Washington St., " ' i l B f e ■ ...... e • A, *' """' ‘ B ii r " • . SkiDNEA the work of t ^ J 0^ty,Jn giye;- HartfoACr: iltt, kmiKBiid'BliottB, a ^ e . / Kappmoimer and ^ IiiiblfttaUOh bf hatfdicam d V ' solegndheel... etRtrioOfnm TstiPT EVEFORATED M IU \d(«n and adults. Mrs. Everett T MAYONNAISE iCcKinney la local chairman of the change In the achedute for Junior loft-gs-an-Easter-chick SiMs 7 .1 4 ^ tg . 1.98 LITTLE ROYS* • LAND O'LAKES' • MA)(WELL HOUSE i choir which usually rehearses on ; leathers. J l 4 9 c Pint Jar . 41c ****^*MeeUaga Toalght Fridays. ’ SHIRT SCT Lb. 6 9 c ^ u . 9 8 c 4 >>:.uniaalon on Membership WHh how tio. tuff links Guort Jar .. 49e I W 5 : ly and Evangellam of the Methodist Maaebaster Evening H e r a ld GIRLS’EASTER BLOUSES •/CHASE A SANRORN Bolton oorrespondent, Mrs. Joseph • IOWA STATE' ^ lEECHNUT Church WiU meet tonight at 8 SIxBi 7«14—^ o g . 1.98 -I • ’dock. D'ltaUa, telephone MI 8-8348. FOTATO s r Senior choir of the OOngrega Lb. 6 9 c / ' " l k 9 8 c BABY \ | tional Church Will rehearse at 7 Estimates are that 80 per cent Reg. 1.19 OCR OWN FAMOCS p.m. today dnd the Junior choir of U.8. rural nenirrigation water MACARONI SALAD • t 8 pjn. tomorrow. Thl* ia * cornea from wells. GIRLS’NYLON TOPPER • HIUDALE • CIRCLE COPFEf StrafitA 4 Jim 39s Silts 7414 ’ Special purchasr. Imported \ ■ Lb: 6 7 c Lb. 8 8 c , JuRiors / 2 j» 29s PtVjar 2 7 c quality broadcloth, San \ ' ■ / forized to keep fit. Double cHd/eoiaiel PREMIER FANCY FLOUDA — MEN'S iV' i '■] French cufft. White. 4-8. CANADA DRY SHOP GRANTS • SAVE MORI t^traySpecial! ^ SVHITE MEAT • JUICE ORANGES All White SUMUNE S' A Gift For Easter Can t o . ICLClREAM SALE GINGERALE 3 9 c \ G • ' • • O • • G • T U N A F IS H INDIAN RIVSB LARGE SIZE oats Be Practical, Too, And 2 piti8 6 6 c pr CLUB SOBA , • GRAPEFRUIT r’ 3 , „ 2 9 e Now ^ light /and ^nediam B R A ^ ^ B U R N PREMIER SUCBD Warmly. Received 2 B o t8 i4 5 C Contents ' • ONIONS tonei. 8ixea/85 to 50. Rogn- One Strap ^ Gal. 7 9 c PINEAPPLE P L ca 3 Lha. 1 5 c hr, lonf4 ahorts and .V ., '3 . 'S'‘y a Extra c FULL LINE OF FRUITS portlya. ' 2 Pints 4 l$ C 2 Lg. Cans 6 9 c ' 1 Bot. 9 C Contenta aiM VEGETABLE^ DAILYI ______)„,}.,/■ g||ltlfg!g»HHilUWHIifHHHIBWf^MM 1.00 I Aim Mara I ym CotnbinationSale! ./ . Patent Pump FISH STICKS / nrW ^ in g BOYS' L im i OlltLS' /] /lim i AND ■ , S-STAR DRISS fHIRVt b u s y m a v u SUSY BIAVIRS

REG. 2.98 67/ 0 6 7 - FRENCH FRIES •'.A- . / SLACKS Reg. 3.99. 410- pair There Are Expertly tailored to bur tpec- _ _ 3 Red or Brown T ' Household ifications in Sanforized broad- Popular itylei id qualjty Pashion-imart tt)’le*; rain- /^ .Deep tonea, medium and ' hew color*. Leather Patent One Strap cloth. White or pastel*, choice ] ■ leatheri. Sturou a dependable choice RIRDS EYE RIRDS EYE . N*w snime ' A U KAUTIFUkLY GIFT Brown Reg. 16.98. IW of deliciou^ chocolate* in rabbit, FRENCH STYLE Pkga. WRAPPED TO ADD GLAMOUR egg and other shape*. Select now* EASTER .' SPklNG SOCKS 55 ' > *| o“ ,5 , TO THE OCCASION Loafer TWOSOME ROYS' DRESS SLACKS I ! MIXED Nylon, rayoB aad cotton argyla, fancy and plain eolora. All SABY SINKS, nOPSY, cwlotl bunnios___ . 29c GREEN NECKWEAR alzeo. « SUITS FOR JRS. Sizes 6-10. • W Reg. 2.98. A TWIN BOOK SOX, M ^ ty A Timid Tlmmy_S9« Bright rolnr eomblnatlon, Sport toot i slaiks FRUIT four-in-hantL cUp^n aad to Holeproof HOL-FLEX $|-00 BEANS ,Pkg. Oe bowa. koo ROYS'DRESS SLACKS . 8-Pc'. NOVELTY BOX, grand oMOrtmont_29c asratchable nylon. One alza, ata ovary foot. Sizes 6-18. ^ • BOXED iOOS, d e o -lith ^ , mmmm___ 2Sc-9Sc All Models Shown Reg, 6.98 P Reg. 3.98. . 4# Up To Size 4. FILL YOUR FREEZfiR NOW WITH BIRDS EYE VEGETABLES s|.oo Aad Mora .1- •. Verutile outfit in dioice of 10X10 ItASBITS, big, imoll, logood .39c«9B< new Spring pattern*. Ex- ROYS' DRESS SLACKS < - . ’ ' ' • pertly Tailored like Did’*. Comphto Lino of Mon'a Sizes 15-L8. J i A l STANLEY EASTER CARDS ------10t . 98« 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL VEGETABLES! CEHOUSESSON Grey, Srown, blue. 6-10. Reg. 4.98. •§ ' COPPER GOOD ON VEGETAILES ONLY) Jowtlrjr Bad WalloU G*E&NTfAMFl W . T . tBBjJKHBT C O . T 815 MAIN J E M M fS d U A M T I L M I f v i 274 V. W,C G IV E Atsf GEEEN STAMPS • X i ti-l , A' 'fi . r ’Y” . .. ,

'i./ i .. . '• V - =__t‘ - -5- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER,. CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28. 195< Section Two WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1958 lEtincIrTBtTr Ettitting f^iraUi

Names Chairmen Okinawa Battle teana, aad war* raturalng Iran • gam* at' lAwrence, Mam. RockYille'fi New Fire Truck Reedy for Serriee Board to Consider Purchase Skywaich Schedule Related in Book Sleep Plus Speed Equal Death The.m oat aIgnUlcant obaarva- For Cancer Drive 4lo« in the fliviUnf on Brotber The ntonograpl^ Okinawa, wras Daniel’a death, filed by Haitford Of 10 New Voting Machines ■ IMS - Frank R. Simon, chalrtnan of Tlmrsday, March presented to Principal Ed son M. On Statens ^Comfort Highvoay^ County Coroner bouia w. Sdiael- Mancheater'a Ckncar Campaign Midnight-»2.a.m...... Rudolph 'rtaomas Bailey at Manchester High School er. la: "There war*, no brake for 1956, haa appointed the follow* 2. a.m.—-4 a.m. .,...... Veiuatoere Needed auto rebounded - and^ sheared U\e biarka on the highway." The possible purchase of 10 nawAsewtr Ing committee chairmen to aasiat ...... Veluateera Needed 3’esterday. '’Tha presentation waa (OeeUaewl from Om.) voting machlnee for Manchester j bedhXslgned. 4 a.m.-!-d a.m. ... made by.TJgt. MlUheU J. Benbe- front wheels off a nearby trailer The next RW' 15 fetaUty. now conhactad him In the forthcoming . drive, 6 a.m.—8 a.m. .,...... , Jean Marcel. Ronald Gambolatl o l f s ’ A B O U T I T ! J. Ackeman and Hartford Coun-1li truck, termed a "common diaaater’’ by will be discussed Tuesday by the In another question o # 104 which opena officially on April 1. . . f ...... Clifford Fisher. Philip MtOehan nek, w a l Marina Corps recraiter. Boar* of Dtrectoqg when the Board with the reconstruction of (jant 8 a.m.—10 a.m. ... Another in tha aeries of dpera- ty Coroner Liouta W. Schaefer and; BlMdag, Berle light Ackerma’h, wfca another rear-end Richard 8. Carpenter, organlra- 10 a.m.—12 Noon ...... Bvalyn McCauley, Gloria • ear and trailer truck craah which meets at 6 p.iii.' In the hearing St., the birectora will be asked If tlona fhalrmah: Adam Rhodei, ■ McCauley tlonal rio n o g ra ^ prepared by Mltca reporta from the SUte Po- tj,i, accident happened at 8:40 room of the Municipal Building. they wilt a()cept 816,000 for a par*^ ' the Historical B rii^, Headquar­ / Hee barracka at Stafford Springs a.m. Other truckers and Slate claimed turn Uvee. special gifts chairman; Charles Noon—2 p.m. . 1.’...... Paul O'Bright , ' Donald I. Loewy, 23. of New Election officials have recom­ cel of town-mraed land at Cantei' Hogan. Industrial chairman; Her­ ter*. United States Marine Corpa, offer other concluaions from the, Troopers at the scene put up 360 St. and W. Middle Tpke. / . 2 p.m.—4 p.m...... M ra, Harold Lord, Olive Chartler ••eomfort kllUnga ” #,^*8 to warn approaching traffic. Tork City, and Lawrence A. mended that 10 new machines. 8 man Heck, retail business chair­ 4 p.m.—6 p.m...... James Horgan the book was compilad to giva the RlUhle, 26, of Brooklyn. Ni T , of them, to replace, olQ0 aa the 10 p.m.—Midnight Marines participated durin^Workl attampU to "brake.” Troopers.' or, Walter Uaky Jr., 19, of Wor- 1:30 p.m. Dec. 12. GASOLINl Herbert Bwanson. publicity chair­ Skwatch Post located on top of Manchester Police SUtlon. Vol­ The truck had been pulled "well 1613 and iJi4 and It li becoming 1 State’s final offer. / man. unteers may register at Civil Defense Headquarters, MunicIpSI War II. • plcklng their way around , tangled i ce.ter. and Edward T, Dupre*; 28. difficult to get replacement parts I Public hearirtsa wnl be held The Okinawa campfUgn wiraia in | wrecke. found no telltale rubber ' „f Providence, died of ’’mulUple off the traveled portion of .the Tuesday on thi*e additional ap­ Connecticut’s quota for this Building. Manchester on Monday. Wednesday or,Friday from 1-5 p.m. bums on the road. highway" and wks stopped when for them. Newer machine* have 50: year's Cancer Campaign la 6508.- or Tviesday evening frOm 7:30-9:30 p.m. - ipaay ways the apost: difficultlultNpf II severe' injuries” after the car In. voting place*. propriations to the 'budget.. the Pacific War. ; Opncelvi;elve^l| And when a v eh icla-crash es which they were riding buried a passenger car hit IL imbedding B AN TLY OIL 040. Of the funds received during / freely into another, the word “vio­ iUelf In the trailer all tha way up The Board Tuesday will consider One la 68,00<) for snow removal. this campaign, sixty per cent re­ launched and aupportad at long'ij Itself up to .the windshield under setting a date for a hearing on Bn The money ^ 1 be tranaferr^ I i\ir \ \^, i\c waa retained by the Propbrty Own- range It required meticulous detail lent,’’ In relation to a manner of the rear of a’ trailer truck. to the dashboard. main In Connecticut but actually Landlords Map era Aaan. of Cor.nacticut. told dying, can /be taken literally. "There were no akld marks or additional appropriation to buy frn(D the m ^tenanca account ln^ much more than this sum come,s newamcn he will aeek three Injunc- In planning and execution. Bad “Laaky expired in the arms of a any Indication to evidence the fact tha machlnea. ' the Hlghw*fy Department budget. back to Connecticut for research weather, defenses which employed \ Even a kroner's finding, often a 0 IF I win lu II 9 -1S9S UoiTa In Bupe’rlor court within a dry, legal aijcount, can> reflect the State ^ lic e officer,” said Coroner that Loewy. the operator, attempt­ Town,Clerk Samuel J. Turklng:. Martin said today that the n) ney work alone, at Yale, at the Univer­ Court Plea on the rugged terrain with great skill, Ackenhan’s flndiiig 'on the -degth. ed to atop before the creih. Both for highway workers’ wages la put sity of Connecticut, at Wesleyan weak to halt enactment of the ordl- and cunning, and a well, trained, Bight that greets a tt’ooper’s- eye ton Jr. said to(lay it might be TfL ROCKVIllf S-2! 77 ,nance. Brier two cars have meshed He added, ‘There were no brake men were fatigued and probably feasible to aell the old machines partly /in the snow rer oval ac­ and at Connecticut College. Rent Controls resolute defense force conr.blne<0o marks on the road evidencing ah count'and partly In the main­ He had told a meeting of land- give the enemy an advantage/that meteorically: fell asleep." to smaller towne now that hew lorda earlier the aanociatlon will , “Unfortunaftly because of the attempt by the operator of -the In Willington. 18 days laUr, a State law requires the use Of mo.e tenance account. When the time Hartford, March 28 (d>)—A Hart, was. In the word* of Gen. ^m u^l Laaky vehicle to slow down or atop 58-,vear-old No^v Haijipehlre wom­ spvht on snow removal la high, tha go to court "becauae the ordinance C. Shepherd Jr., past commandant shocking and gruesome clrcum- machine!. He said the trade-in ford landlord's group plans court la Illegal.” BtanceSf^. , , no positive identmea- before the crash." .... an died'after-another rear end car which would be allowed on the tHiie on maintenance Is lower, ha of the Marln^ Corps, "dvercome EVERY sturdy L IT T L E YANKEE atylo to and trailer truck collision. This /dald. _ action designed to wipe out a city The Houaa of Representative* of I only by courage. Ing^ujty, and tlon can be mad# o f said person ' Another rear-end passenger .car machines la Icaa than the cost of AnoUier hearing will ba on rent ordinance adopted by the the General Aaaembly killed a behind-the wheel-.” and trailer truck crash claimed the one occurred at 6:20 a.m. shipping them. He also said thejy I endurance of the higliMt order.’' . doaifnod and toatod by Ydnkto’a rmarch sta* to Mra. Mallet and her son, Kmeat, 68,000 to be transferred from tha City Council Monday night. measure last year which would Officer* and mew'who pdrtlcl- An Interesting observation^,i.s live* of Paul GauUney, .SS,- of might profitably be used In schools 'The ordinance wo'.ld limit to 15 have continued State rgnt con­ \makt aurt it'a' proporly shaped for frowing feat. that eight of the nine fatal acei-- Bridgeport, and IS-year-old Clyde 18, a Marine, had driven almost for Instruction. ./ special services Account tb .the In­ ONE HOUR I pated In the Okinawa campaign linn-stop from Florida to the death vestigation and patrol account In trol* for another two years. dents (four In Union, three In Wlt- Saitbom, of Waterville, Maine, To Discuss tiohool Probifi per. cent the increase a lan':!ord CO itributed to th^ preparation of scene.' "By hlx own admiasion. he the Police Department. can ask from a tenant when state Feingold said one of the court the monograph 4ind dfficlal'Marine lington, and two in Manchester) on July 27, about a ihile east of . ^ HersM Photo A meeting between the /6lrecj actions would be an Injunction Involved trailer tmeka. Thia, un­ i^Here Laaky and Dupree died. if Ernest-—who was driving when The third la on 10,600 to replace rent controls go off Saturdsy. The Corpa photomphs and maps are EV^RY little foot that comes to us for LITTLE the crash occurred) had only RockvlH*. March 23 (Special) —Fire Chief John Ashe, left, Inspects the city’s nsw pumper. Shown tors, the Board of BduCa^n and fIre-damaRed Park Department ordinance also calls for a city rent against the city of Ha.rtford and used throughout, this vital chapter fortunately. can bring apecious J t was 4:80 a.m. 'The truck with him la Ruaiell Bartholemew. of the Maxim Motor Co., Mlddleboro, Maaa., who negotiate the sale. the School Bulldiiig Committee aiy Treasurer John J.’ McMahon YANKEES to measured and fitted with care in the blame on the transportation com- amasbed into the GauUney car, and about four and one-half houra’ equipment. Most of that money commissioner. of Marlne,^orp* history. sleep on the entire trip.’,’ The new trubk will pump 750 gallons per minute and la equipped with a wet water pyroblender to will probably be scbeduled by the will be replaced by funds to ba Atty., Richard M. Feingold, who ordering them "to stop the city panlM. the man and boy died in a re- make wet vratSr for a booster line or for a one and a half Inch hose. ''The truck w,’lll carry 1,200 feet Directors Tuesday for itn informal MARTINIZING ri^ht aiaa and width for comfort and “grow-room”. Problem 'SubJ^llve* suiting'flre. Ackerman said "It la Ackerman said "I can come to provid'ed by the- town's Insuranca from paying any salary to any difficult to understand why (tha no other conclusion... than that of twd and a hilf Inch hose and 400 feet of one and a half Inch hose. It la equipped with a portable discussion of th* uJwn's school coverage. 20 f. CMfwr St. — Oppesit* fiM Post O «eo rent commleaioner and .from pay­ }- But Lt. Harry Taylor, offlcer-ln- pump and emergancy light generator, ag well as a ,300 gallon water tank. population and aynool housing ing any administrative expenses of charge at the Stafford Springs driver). If he was exercising due th e.. .colliaion was caused by said As Water Oommtosfonm’e. tb* care at the time, did not see the Eineat Mallett doxlng off.’’ problems. Board will fix a date, prbbaUy a rent commission." DIES. HAVE YOU A EVERY tot to aub-taener and hie mothar wiU like State Police barracks, denies such 'The town has/been conducting There Is Still Tinte- The second suit. Feingold said, ' casual relationship bj' contending: GauUney vehicle. . In this accident, as In most of and the-'expenaa of putting tha May 1, for a hearing on a sewer r^Lili^MERASlI 1 MAILORING.PROILEM7 \ the bright, a ^ h LITTLE YANKEE atylaa tool .’’Drivers hit trailer trnck* sim­ "Hla hea^ighta wer* lighted so. the othbr*,. the trucker knew of Comonato had "had about three i crew* on the job will cost 670.000. an overall aurvsiy of existing and extension in Oak. St, Ext. In the \ FLASH BULBS. CASES, ' A would test the "housing emergen­ State Launches proposed facilities, For Your Easier cy clause" In the city rent contr^ ply becauae they are there. If the that he should have been able to the cre’kh. only after feeling "a hours' sleep." I He said also that he expect* It Maguire tract. MOVIES, P ^ T S . ^ e Dresaea Kedeeigncd Bring your youhgatcre in aoon! see 200 feet in front of him. There very hard blow against the rear of That completes the roster of | will coat about 675,000 to relocate General Manager Richard Mar­ The Dlrectora had hoped to aet ordinance. He did not elaborate dn trucks weren’t there, they’d hit tin a*id today the meeting would that'one. « e Dree* Alaklng other cars. The companies send waa ample room to pass.” his trailer. “ConcurrenUv, he saw "comfort killings.” Coronet Ackert speed signs and put up new ones, that hearing for April 17, but tha Dry Cleaning • Evening Gowns Repaired ' their trucks out at night when the The conclusion: Inattention ' to a paksenger car, badly damaged, man an* Lt. Harry Taylor have Roads Traffic^ conoCrn chtefly a proposed addi­ third snowstorm will cauat A de­ He would not diaclose What the a Zippers Sewed On tion to the Washington School and ^Arthur Drag Storas j suit would lavolve. / , road is relath%ly traffic-free. The ■'driving. ; ■ pass by hla vehicle, - spinning ec- ideas on what caused them and lay, Martin said today. SlylM ter. hahtM M wA tssesw, (renovation of the Franklin Build­ The sewer cannot be planned un­ p, I W IT H O U R THEN COME TO problem Isn’t the kind of vehicle* Ride Sollrlted c: »trically sideways.” ' how to prevent more of them. Speed Recheck prltad aessmiMfl M sit*. on the road.” On Jan. 25, of thia year, 83-year- (Genchided Tommorrotv) c Man Wanted Here ing for future use. as a junior high til a survey to determine the ex­ "- / Circumstances were reverted M A R L O W 'S Lt. Taylor agrees with Coroner about a week later when Maurice pld/Eklith Loi'd died In a horrifical­ school. Other expansion problems act location of streets In the tract HOUR SERVICE Ackerman In that the “problem is Noel, 19, an airman from Nashua, ly Ironic manner after a car driven Hartford^ March 28 (A5—'The Held in Maryland are a new junior high school and la completed, *nd the survey can­ TAILORING DEf'T. Seffred subjective, not objective." The N.H.. died. The car In which be by her huaband, plunging down a State Highway Department has an addition to the incomplete not proceed when the ground to A (5m s. SALAR • problem, they claim, is based on was riding smashed Into the rear Rt. IS ettibanknient in Manches­ started a 670.000 study of traf­ Lt. Walter Cassella and Bgt. Keeney Street School. anow-covered. Next to Shoe Repair Dept. the most subjective of all phenom­ end o'f a trailer truck bn Rt. IS in ter. rolled down on her after ahe Court Gases XUIton Stratton have been'sent to In recent months, Martin haa ______-„ fic and speed limits on Connecti­ advocated a meeting of alt tw n •HMl! FOR (CHANOB enon--sleep. Willington at 4:10 a.m. had been thrown free. Jeaaup, Md„ to take custody of When sleep exerts its power, Ironically, Noel had solicited this Her husband, also 83, of Fram­ cut roadway* officials concerned for a general Pierre, 8. D. 0p>—X woman nearbv solid objects become blame­ ride to death. The driver,’ another ingham,. Maas., suddenly lost con-, John H. Bunk, .35. of New Lon- State Highway Commissioner Frank Neumac, a former Man­ review’ of existing and proposed walked Into tha Dally Capital less. A trailer truck, lumbering airman, had picked him up in New trol of his car when, as he told po­ din 'lS>ke.. Glastonbury, was fined Newman E. Argravaa made the an­ chester resident, wanted on i farilitles. Journal. and ordered four Copies along at 45 or .50 (or simply park­ York. .At the Charter Oak Bridge, lice, he blacked out. It was hla |36 In Town Court today for nouncement yelterday after spe­ charge of non-support. Chief Her­ In another matter, Marlin will of the newspaper. Then ahe took speeding. Patrolman Raymond ask the Board for authorization ed alongside the road) provides a Npel ‘’dozed off to sleep, never intention to drive-to'Florida, as a cial ..crewa started out on the re- man O. Schendel aald tqday. off an overahoe and ahoa to .ob­ , fine target for a car roc'keting at awakening again.” - , doctor’s examination about three Peck said he clocked'tlie driver at chMk of 3,000 miles of highways to enter a contract with the State tain a quarter to pay for them. The two pollpemen left thia 55 or 60 ^^ith a sleeper behind the , The ^ v e r, as he approached the weeks earlier had pronounced him 70 ra.p.h. on Onklarid St. March and roads. _ _ for con*tructlon'of storm-sewers She put a nickel change in' her Wheel. locale of the accident, also "must (it to .do so. 16. • Argrave* said the study wilt be­ morning land Neumac will be plac- In Center St. 'The storm seWer ■hoe, replaced'\he galosh, picked Spectaciilae Mart have ..... dozed off,” Ackerman Police found no evidence of CTynis G. Flandci-s, 60, of Wind­ come a full-fledged operation Ss ed under' 6500 bond on his return work would be done as part of the up her papers and walked out - Tha tally sheet of "comfort said. J . * brake marks at the acehe. sor Locka forfaited an 68 bpnd sooii as new radar andvmcehantcal here, Schendel aald. State’s contract for rcconitrucM.6n killings” examined! by thla^BfWwy this time on Dec. B The last Rt. 1.5 "fatsl- occu^ed posted on a charge of passing a traffic-counting equipment can be.. He 'egplalhed Neumac has, been of the weat end Center St. '. begins...apectaculary« -.;with.. thews, ■ampnear' the Tolla«d«.1^ke. sindata > i'n*S0i^--He;*mppy partnership . . . yo;iir today will tell you that. wltho\it Easter. life would not be worth shirtwaist cuffs. Coloru Bbiga, aqua, [ living—and death would be too horrible to contemplate. They V new aprinV blouse »nd your En^ter blue. Sizes 8 to 16. « . suit. We’ve ^ m a n y beautiful blouses Says" . 'Again. ... 5 1 0 .9 5 and the prices^ajre so modest^ you’ll Blue Calf ONLY $27*^^ . . . To all residents, Returned service men and all f*Aa want more than *^e . .. to wear with guests and friends of Manchester and vicinity; J^aiima Best wishes in prayer for a BLESSED CLOSE OF suits or skirts from j)qw through sum­ THE LENTEN and A HAPPY EASTER SEA­ mer. Come see, com e\uy/ln cotton, SON. . . '. Come HEAR the MESSAGES OF LENT AND dacron and pima. Size# fo 38 and 40 EASTER, CENTERING IN CHRIST CRUCIFIED to 46. An excellent sel/ AND RISEN, every .individual’s, and the world’s, . comfort and hope! AUTOMATIC WASHER choose from, „ NOON-DAY DEVOTIONS Noon-Day Devotions, Maundy Thursday, March 29 and washes clothes clean with Good FYiday, 30th, 12:20-12:40 (twenty minutes). / . ' . ■ PRICED TO M OD FRIDAY EVENINO SERVICE, 7:30 EASTER SUNUAY, APRIL 1 * // n .ij/i t\ .s .'ii i\ wV SUNRISE SERVYiCE on “Zion Heights’’ 6 A. M. En trance at Cooper and Pleasant (weather and conditions permitting, othenvi.se in church). 5 1 0 .9 5 G o REGULAR FESTIVAL SERVICE 10 A. M. Patent to $ee the EASTER EVENING FESTIVAL SERVICE at 7:00. for Tit* l^netttJa a h e a d .. * nylons (■■>» 69/* P'- Sunday School and Congregation, with special order, special showing of and attendance awards. Sound-film, “The Miracle of p u t Love.” No Sunday School Easter morning. by Manchester Made , . . Zion is a church of the International Lutheran • An •nrtrnly nnw kind of wos^nrl ' y o u r i' Hour heard in 58 territories and foreign countries, • Now woshing ocHon surgos dirt out! New England Maid besides the U. S. and. Canada, in 56 languages, • Bondix foil siphon ond spd^iol h a n d in ! A over 1,000 station.s. . . Locally WGTH, Sundays at draining provont ro«soiling of ' Lady Hampshire 7:30 P. M. ' woshod ^thos!' rao fnrowNiip . . . Zion is also a churcli of the. current Lutheran • No oid'foshionod ogitgYor to wtor 0§tm hr Box jacket suits in lovely all wool Coat 'n dress ansembla. This spring, Daytimo Shaer Seamless Church^—Missouri Synod “This Is The Life” TV out clothos! pastel tweed, 4-button' jacket,; con­ fashion decrees the slim ^hegth coat series, and “Moments Qf Comfort” on Radio and • Top loading...... eontrollod, hot wo- and dress ensemble to be tha look of a TV. Please check on time, with newspapers. t — to (h* Evaning Shaar’ Fancy Heels vertible club collar, strap detail shoul­ a t teen wi tor . . .n o transmission, no goors der; Arrow shaped button trimmed smart wonfan! Our wearabfe fabrics .. • ( S-T-R-E-T-C.H Dark Seams T U N E IN ! — McCALLV .; to got out of prdor! BENDIX ride tabs. Straight skirt, kick pleat from rayon to printed taffeta, in colors backs. Colors: Pink, amber, turquoise. galore. What's more, we've sizes for STOCKINGS IN ALL SIZES all. Juniors, misses and woman. ZION EVANGELICAL No old-fashiohed thrashing agitator blades to Bandix Sizes 10to is. you’ll never knew hew .vwy wear out vour clothes . . . SIX HUNDRED ' arid’, SPRING SHADES OMbfortabl* and woodscfiiUy fitttof THOUiSAND JETS OF ENERGIZED HOT Energy Disc ‘ Straom . ^95 CHURCH aueli beadtiful fOotvear can SOAPY w a t e r a r e f o r c e d THROUGH Energizes Wall Drains ’' ONLY •ONLY COOPER Mid HIGH 8TRKF.TH, MANCHESTER he — until you step into a pair YOUR CLOTHES EVERY MINUTE! / 'PAL’L U, PROKOPV, Pwitor 5 1 1 .9 5 tha Water! Three Winysl 0 ^ Greeting Cards / Toys , j KL'NDAV SCHOOL 9 A.M. e t Natural Bridf* Shoes! Blue and ' -'i. 1,. 4 i (F re t C barirrcd Bii« Serricc) Black Patent. Easy Terms! Z Table Accfssories / Candy $269.95 Z Filled Baskets (/^ Novelties j SUNDAY DIVINE WORSHIP 10 A.M. W a Okurck bivtt«s especially,thou* without a'chliirrh home and for ■ all-your ■n Intereated. for thhi Lenten nnd Enstcr seaaon nnd throughout Bm fm e , to nttond Rtble-hnaed. Chriat-cenlcred aerricee. FOR ALL VOUR — COMEINf — to EASTER NEEDS e a s i e r N E E D S .., AIh far Reotfnl Meditation.—Church Opeq Day and Night. y I--. FURNITURE bEPARTMENT — (LOWW FLOOR LEVEL) **A CtuuifcIcM Christ For A Changing World” S H O f d e p a r t m e n t —MAIN PliOOR tREAR)

-■(.' -) ' -i.J..- ■' 'i' '■ V '■ ■.....■ .1 "? 'y . I ‘ :.r ,\ 'f» 'v e s# '-f,'^ ?^ ■■■ ■ V ■■■ ■ ' '- , 1 ,'. / •■' /■ I ; « ’ '* •4T.M :

• >1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN„ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2«. 1958 PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2«, 19B€ PAGE SEVENTEEN . ■ V # /• ' r " ■ " ------day servlca at St. Patar’a at ■ Bread, BIS; Walnut OUppers, BlBjl will be followsd by U.S. economic had at^cd outald* the country for Andovmr . H«bron p m„ and thera Will be - a S-hour Hood’s Hold -Lead Rainbow Club, BOO; Fogi^y Brea., To Speak Sunday aid. Hearing Planned more than five years, service on Good Friday. M ; Petennan's, B8B. Elettro'-Magneiism Seen Key Libya was the ftret country to A native of CXhada, Currie be­ • d o lll Harvest SUpper It was no Joke to have six or In Card Tourney At Bushnell Hall rtceivo full independence unter 0 ^ Aid for Aged came a naturaliard U.S. citlxen in I-- Board Approves aevtn more inches of enow added GREEN United Nations auspice*,iplcea, in 1949. the 1930*. After aefvice under to the two previous downfalls, To Mystery of Lifers Energy Britain ahd the U Unitejl States President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Meeting Feature At the end of the fifth session , , Ralph Oaatie^ B el^rc. Calif, Hartford,\M arch 88 (A—The tiV-••'•<'■ ■^'!‘'' Changes in Plans Saturday. AU togethsr it made Yhiaw Tbaoi ST r maintain mHlUry forces there. ’ ho ..left the White Houee in 1945 R /^ ^ of pisy in the eetback tourhsment DON'T Away / : WITH AU. SHEU FUEL DBUVKBlES I ' ...... a member of the Christian Science Legislative Chuncll announced to­ about 31 inchea of snow deposited. tA JoUSg Oslif., March tharrold gland*. eonUiiiB lodlna and'x^ame to Colombia in 1950 a* Anaover, Marc* M ’(8p«clal)— Hebron, March 28 (Special) —- We wouldn't presume to say just st the Elks HoMte pti Biaaell St. Stm pleaty af waar laft'^tai Board of Lecturoal^p. who la on day that Ita ^ b tlc Health and head,^ the'country's committee The Hebron Grange met Friday leaf night, the Hood’s fourtoms A Nobel Pria* aolentut today of and thia hormone >dOmbiatea and Tha DlitHet S Btflonal Board of how deep it waa when all was ahaaa wIkm breaght Sara far 84 HOUR DELIVER* AND^HIW RKjBraVl^ Vegulatea our whote energy house­ a nation-wide tour, will speak un­ Welfare Committee will hold a (or economic developfnent. evening at Oilaiul Hall with Mas­ over. To make mettsra even more hsid sn 8-polnt lawl ovsr runner- expert repalrlag. EXPERT BVRNYE SERVICE fared a new bypptheaia that life's Student Assist^t pethy Hoelibmy ICdueatiea haa . accepted chancai ter Kedneth A. Porter preeiding. Up Anderson’s. / hold.” ■ . der the auopices of the Firat and iublle hearing Aprt) 8 on thq eub- The Job'ended In 1954 and Currie r-:M- provoking, enow flurries ware pre­ WORK DOME WHIUB SMrgy can only be understood in Saant-Georgyl, whose talk waa acts of catastrophic Uineas and now taiae* eattle and conducta a • • . teeeleoa niMh- made according to lU apoclftca- A herveet supper wm served by dicted for Monday, an.1 there was Scores so far art Hood’a, $030; TOD WAR FUELOIL Second Churches of Christ Scien- To Spenk Friday J 5 ^ w *r*Ml . . , ' the Home Economics Committaa, Anderson’A* lOti; Oliva’s, lOlS; . terms of electro-magtietism. given prolonged applause by aa- tut in Buihnell Memorial Hall, old ago atalstanco and prol lems of private b u a in ^ near Bogota. He neeUykeeen ; !>:.>' tlona In Uta preliminary plana tor under tha direction of Chairman one slight flurry In tha forenoon. SBEVICI sambled acientieU, apok* at an In­ I , >r the aged.. ■ married Elvira NVIeaner, a Colom­ tlia ragkmal high achool,. accord­ .This correspondent has taken an Vlchl’s, 1011{ Gardsn Rsstaurant, WTM. He used the term "elect^nlea Hartford, Sunday, A|lril 1, at <3 The Good Friday Mtytce for IMnr Qeeenl D*tm«y Mr#. Wilbur 8. Porter. 1008; PauVa, M8; I ^ e ’s, 992; TEL. Ml B-BBIB-MI S-ltSB excitation” and Unked it with ternational Sympoatum on Marine p.m. HU subject will be “Christian BUI* creating commiealbn* to bian, In 1954 anV they have one Tears.« ... >(■. Harry KItching, atate deputy optlmlatic. view of the coming of SAM YULYES 14 MAIN ET. ' Biology sponjMred by the U.S children will be held at , (he S ^ th study thee* problem* were intro­ child. , "Y '\ ing to an announcement following spring for some time,- but is not Coughlin’s, 970; Msnchsstsr Wsll- ■> SHOE REPAHtlKO thyroxine, the human hormone of Science, the Law Governing True • m». NATIONXl *AtRT OulIN eiVttORMINT CO. thlc wack'a meeting in Marlbor­ and Mre. KItching, ware gueaU. paper, f7l; 4XXX, '907; White o r THE BETTER KIND the thyroid glani office of Naval Research and the Self-Expreosion,” dealing with the MethodUt Church Frtda^ nirmUng duced. In the 1955 Legiglature In 1953. U.8. \ t t y . , Gen. Other vlsltora ware from Hills- giving out .any more bulletins. University of California's Scripp* which, Inatsad of passing them, Brownell made public an FBI re­ ough. Club Has Dinner Eagle <^1U, 987; Diamond Jlmi, 18 Napla BL-eAeraea Prom Rxplaln* Blaexgy Traasfer practical application of the spiri­ at 10 o’clock, \ ■ town, Coventry, Good Will and 944; State Shoe,, 948; O'Brien’s, - Dr. Albert Saeat-Georgi, 1B37 Institution of Oceanography, tual troths taught in the BIbl) to referred them' to 'the Legislative port which listed Currie be a aup- DRIRV qUIlN The changaa concerned alx areaa Portland Oranges. The Secret Pal Club of Amaton first Natioaai Parfclag Let The«.theme for this annu^ serv­ Council. . • ller of government documenU to a 488 HARTFORD ROAD of tha propoaad S-tow-n aecondary recently braved tha March 16 blis- 936; Tha Keightsr 933; Patten’e, winner of the Nobel Prtae in physi­ siehnesa Insecurity and other prob- ice. Which U planned for, the chil­ 801 MIDDLE TPKE. WEST About 45 Hebron members ware 981;, The HlUMllies, 981; Bond ology and chemiatry, eald th* hy: Ums of dally living. The council la an Interim bo<|y Soviet apy ring. ■ \ achooL ‘ present. ' ■ ' smrd weather and had dinner at dren of the church achoai. their of 18 leglalator* which alts between ' Final approval of tha aclance The following Cahdidataa were a restaurant In Bast Hartford. otheeia waa based on known be- Show Mike Here A newspapeiman for many parents,, femllles and friends, ' Is evior of electrons. He applied this seaaloi^ of the General Atsembiy area ravialona waa delayed for in- initiated In 3rd and 4th. degrees: Nearly all the members were S years, Caatls l.eld carious oditorial "Prtiat la Good Friday?”' Tha to study propoaed legteletlon. apectiem by the Board'a education- Beverly Griffin, Johnette Bishop, preient, but some were kept away behavior to explain transmission ‘ In Idle Claims p^tiona, end also served aa Itacl- apeaker will be the Rev. Cecil ad conaultanta, Cyril Sargent and Susan Wakeman, Phyllis R a n k 1, owing to the conditlohe. Gifts . of energy within animal ihuscle. he Coast .edvertitlng manager of Marshall, student asslitant 'a t 'vThe Hungaiian-bom eclentlst, Donald Mitchell. Elaine HilU, Michael Novak, James were exchanged between the mem­ THIRTY-NINTH ANNUAL Claims ’ for \inemployment com­ the ChrUtian ScUnco Monitor be­ South Church. The'Carol and Wea- Mualc area revlatona now pro­ Novak, Alfred Goldstein. bers. Itt Tim e For Easter aoiy. director of thp' Institute of fore resigning to enter the public ley Choirs will slng\and Philip N. U.S. Ex Aide Plam vide one large band room and alx The 3rd degree waa conferred by Muscle Research 'n t the Woods pensation beneflta in the Manchea­ practice of ChrUtian Seiche* in Treggor, minister of niusic; will be CONVENTION OF CHRISHANS Hole, Mess., marine biological sta­ \ practlcO rooms. Minor changes MIm Jean K. Carter the Ladles’ Degree Team, with Manobeater Bvealag Herald He­ ter area rose slightly during the 1934. He has been a atudent of the organist. Life ill Columbia ware approved in the henne eco­ Mrs. Robert; E. Foote as Master, bron oorresponilent. Miss Snaaa V 2 l a Ag e s h if m e n t s o f s "GATHERED UNTCbTOE NAME OF THE tion, aaid recent discoveries about week ending Saturday, increasing C9iristian Sciepc* since 1914, when AU ere welcome. Pendleton, telephone AC 8-S4A4. LORD JESUS CHRIST.” MATT. 18:80 molecules had disproved chemical nomics suite, tha admlniatrative Coventry, March 27 (STpeclsl) Clarence V. Rathbun was maateF from 661 to 696,' according to the he was healed of a^ physical aU- Bogota, Colombia, March 28 and health suites, and the Cafe­ Mrs. E. Robert Carter of Wood- of 4th degree, assisted by regular U.S. NAVY (Woeh) explanations of muscular action. State Labor Department. ihent which/had been considered teria, “ It becaihe evident,” he said, The number of Initial claims, incurable. Ht U sn evthorised pub­ Named State DAR (P) — Lauchiln B. Currie, former stock, announces the engsgement officers. Death Caua«d by Drowning "th a t. there had to be some White House aid* mentioned In Alao changed sUghtly was the of her daughter; Mias Jean Kath Mrs. Adolf Simons, lecturer, re however, remained the same, at 65. lic practitibner of Christian Scl Washington .InvesUgetlons of erlne Carter to the Rev. C. Arthur minded all membert of the 50th .mechenlim' to carry, the energy Initial claims represent new spells enc* heal^g ahd has beer a lec­ Waterbury. March 28 (AN^Mrl plan to install a hydraulically op­ Norwich, March 28 (P)—Coroner from one part of the molecule to Chartea B. Gilbert of Norwich r*' Soviet spy rings, ha* applied for erated movable partition to sepa­ Bradley of North Coventry. anniversary program, to be held on Edward Q. McKay listed ae acci' GOSPEL HALL of' unemployment. turer since 1947. April 3. The degree teams were DBESS SHOES 415 CENTER STREET the- part that had to contract. I Women last week accounted for placed Mrs. Ronald MacKenale of Colomblah cItiMnahIp. rate the dual function lobby from Mias Carter la the daughter of dental drowning tha death of Max asked myseU what form of energy ------the gymnasium. The partition the late E. Robert Carter. She la a congratulated and a special vote 365,,or 62.2 per cent, of the total Fairfield aa regent of the Connec­ Hi* petition la before the gov­ L. Telxonsky, 77, a retired local ^ U.S. ARM Y (Irown) ^ could travel in this way. The only ernor of Cundinamarea State. rests behind the bleschers when graduate of Connecticut College of. appreciation was gtVen to Miss butcher whote body wee found \- claims taken here. In the preced­ ticut Chapter, Daughters of the Olive Warner, pianist. answer was the energy of elec­ ing week, they accounte^ Union Theological Seminary of secretary, reports that all the EAST CENTER STREET versing Its spin. He said that cline,'' while the remaining nine *“«• , . FOR EXPERT Grange cookbooks have' been sold. without the presence of a mag­ showed increases. The Bridgeport Diplomatic sources said today cants per square foot for elte devel­ New York City. After serving a FRIDAY. SATURDAY, SUNDAY, netic field, the electron would re­ office, despite an 11 per cent de­ Premier Muatafa* Ban HalinK.haa WHEEL ALIGNMENT-WHEEL BALANCING opment. paatorata in New Hampahire, he Proofs were about 8100, .. Values to 18.95. . told a secret aeaalon of the Libyan He said development of the base became mlnlater' of the Second New Arrival ALWAYS IN STYLE ^ MARCH 30. 31. APRIL I turn to Ita level too quickly to do cline in the number of claims, re­ RADIATOR REPAIRING AND RECORING A daughter. Patricia Bonny, any work. . ported the most of any of the of­ .Parliament that the North Afri­ COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE area surrounding the school, which Congregational Church of Coven­ ALL SIZES \ , Hel|M Re\-erse Spin fices — 3,069. Hartford was second can country etands with the west takes in over a third of the site, try. was born March 17 at Mancheater MINISTRY OF GOD'S WORD Memorial Hospital, to Mr. and "Disturbances of the electro­ with 2,488, followed by Waterbury, end went* no pert of Soviet eco­ would cost about $169,000. Tha wedding will take place in DIAH O ND^S nomic aid. SEE T^e athletic held would coma to Mrs. Robert Stanavage. The baby's ' 10:30 A.M.-2;30 P.M. magnetic field,” he added, "will 1,747; and New Haven, $,622. June. help to reverse the spin. Such dis In all, the .State paid out Halim had been under pressure about $68,000, hes aid, and rough father is with the U.S. Army. Their from the Parliament of the cohati- grading, $22,000. other child, Robert, is recovering GOSPEL MEETING 7:00 P.M. turbanrea can be created by the 8438.023 in claims during the week, from pneumonia' at Windham oxygen molecule, or -by heavy bringing the - total paid out this tutional monarchy to say 'why no Meet with SqlMUnen Advanced Pupils ARMY and Conference speakere expected from the northeastern atoms liks those of iodine, year to $5,301,451. At his point action had been taken on the Rus­ llte Board plans to meet with Community Memorial Hoapital Many Attend Church CMIII ssoniesie tv \ 997 MAIN ST.—MANCHESTER United Statca end Canada. "This ia most rebaarkshle be­ last year, the State had paid out sian offer. the selectmen of Andover, Hebron, tee ceaaicmei itaii siieicat leeiitf cause thyroxine,,, the hormone of $8,548,543. U.S. officlaU said the rejection and Marlborough, to discuss road in Recital Here Large , congregations a ..tended "Thee* were more noble than those—in that they re­ constru«lon. Another future plan church aervicea here on Pain* Sun- /■ ceived the word with all readiness of mind and aearchad of the Board is to apply for mem­ The second in a aeries of three d y. Palm branches were given the Scriptures dally, whether those things were so.” bership in the Association of piano recitals by Frederic E. Wer­ to those present following the (AcU 17:11). Boards of Education. ner and Paul A._ Chetelat, well services. CARTER CHEVROLET CO., Inc., USED CAR LOT The pupil location survey of the known Inatruciora'of piano and or­ Nearly one hundred were pres "How shall we escape if we neglect ao great Salva­ three towns has been completed by gan, will be held Tuesday, April ent at 8t. Peter's Episcopal tion.?—(Hebrews 2:3). Supt Chris Heisler. 3,' at 8:15 p.m. in the veati:y of Church, and as many oi probably 1229 Main Street a Phone Ml 3-1200 Teachers’ salaries and the pro­ the Temple Beth Sholoni. aV; more at the < ther churches of the \ A W ARM WELCOME IS EXTENDED posed aehoCl operating budget will On Tuesday evening, 11 stuSMts town. be discussed at an open meeting Of the advanced clast will play •The Young People's Fellowship TO YOU FOR THESE MEETINGS. of the Board April 5 at the H e ^ n from memory aelectlons from, com­ of St. Peter's went to Andover Elementary School. x positions of the old and new inas- Sunday evening to attend a serv- -Beethw^’en, Chopin, 4c«. there.-,. A.fteKAlM'Mgvlce. they, Bach, Verdi and Moxart. Xi^ent to the r>helpa -sldence where m MaMkester Evening Herald TOOK NO -"Andover correependent,: Mre. Paul Wernetv and Chetelat extend a Sandra, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. - telephone, pngrim welcome to. aU 'peraona interested John Phelps, served refreahmentSt to attend this hour of music. There will be a M undy Thura- \ SETS THE SMART MEN'S TilEAir FOR EASTER \ BHOppses* y jS m k ■ ;( • ; . . . ARTHUR HerBweeB Fdr— / /DRUG STORE JL V CLOTHES \ 942 M AIN STREET AT ST. JAMES STREET PINs ir High' Value fON SAU THUiSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY | SUITS 25i 19® ★ High Trades d r u g store (Limit 2) Good Looking, Nictly Tailorod Shits jn WORSTEDS, SHARKSKINS, FLANNELS ★ Low Prices -/ f ICE Free Alienations well show \ n > e a a a a « whtn it eeniBS to outstanding Usod Cora. CEEAM ^ how to ★ MAKE Whtn you wont o. good, dtpondoUt Used REG. Cor eomt to Corttr's. Inspect Hit Fashion Porodt of Itouriful Used Cars— at voiuts that will mokt choosing < 39e , OF HIGH-GRADE ' your stylo of Used C o r^ n timt for Eosttr on obsoluto pltosurt. COLOR ( PINTS SEE OUR IMPORTEb FABRICS 19.51 Chevrolet Club Coupe. 1947 Kaiser 4-Door. ONLY FREE OFFER V, MOVIES RlOlULAR IO< HIAVV KNIT (Uiaii i)... Radio, heater, C iL iL C Radio, heater. 78c YALUE lELO W I ^ powerglide. 194^ Ford V-8 Tudor. 1951 Chevrolet Sport Coupe. Radio, heater. ALL FLAYORS Radio, heater, powerglide. ^ 9 i 1947J[)ldsmobile 4-Door. i STOCK YOUR FREEZER! SOME HAVE' ZIP.LINING Oiatit 111. •. Radio, heater, OFFER GOOD FROM WEDNESDAY. 1952 Chevrolet Convertible. hydramatic. Radio, heater, ^ O O ^ MARCH 21. THRU EASTER SUNDAY. APRIL 1 Kaiter powerglide. ^ 0 ^ . 9 19.50 Pontiac 2-D(wr. I ^ Radio, heater, Anything Purchased 'Brtghtia Up Your' Tho Bunny BrUugM*Bna^A Medicated' 1952 Chevrolet Club Coupe. hydramatic. 'V '* Spring Outfit With-.. Radio, heater, This Wfdk Win (Ir Craani powerglide. ^ 1950 Chevrolet Club Coi Pbsillvd/Bebsillvdy Be AlteredAlter Gay, Colorful i EASTER Lstie jH-oc. sitt. Radio, heater. $525 •—JFNeeded—In SPMHG B A S K E T S l 1952 Chevrolet 4-Dqor. CHEAPLY Full o’ W Heater, seat covers, .Time For Easter CORSAGES Yummy Candy ^ *| $675 1951 Ford V-8 Fordor. ' , Acetate Boxed Radio, heater. 3^6 and 1952 Plymouth 4-Door. $595 - e 49e 59c VP f ' 'n g M n .C n li Radio, heater. $695 Ijirge iielfctlon In AMY Btngnt^ 1954 Chevrolet 2-Door. Free Raincoat ISNAreHOTS lOLDENI 195.1 Chevrolet 2-Door Bel ,\ir. Radio, heater. $1295 [cniNiRdeiLi A V With tho now 1955 Mercury 2-Door. * iE D IC IN E S I $1065 I. WITH EACH^ SUIT You’H alwa.v.s be proud of the way you Iwik in ft Brook­ ^Acti Sways/ g/ Radio, heater, < ^ 0 ^ 0 C 1954 Chevrolet Convertible! field suit—becau.se of the smarter styling ajid fahrics, 2-cm. Mercomatic. or TOPCOAT PURCHASED the superior fit and the way Brookfield clothes keep Fsaees ZIPPO Spring Crtafions C»CMilnp Gan(Uiii«N Radio, heater, 1955 Plymouth. 4-Door. FROM NOW TO EASTER their good looks through long (wear. Best selection now! WINDPROOF COSTUME BOXED powerglide. $1545 Radio, heater. XIQHTER JEWELRY STATIONERY 1946 Chevrolet Convertible.ibie. $1725 8mm Movie Camera E2.S lent Chrome Q SO 24 sheetsJ g ■ BMMO Radfo, heater, $ ' . Your family and friends can enjoy the hniih'. . . sSF*” n •avc/opes ti 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air 4-Door. Free Alterations only tights ia a pale Pins, aamngi. etc Amoctivelr boxed. ^ SELHER $95 V-8, radio, heater, powerglide, live-action of home movies at a ' Efferveiceni Nvnlty Ait§hip Mtn'sor Ladinn' 1946 Chrysler 4-Door. power steering, We're Headquarters : price you never thought poMibte. 5 sa Our Finn Radio, heater. power seat ^ .RUBBER SeloctioD Of LEATHER . Come in and tec America’i lowest priced $125 and #indo\i’S. For BROOKFIELD PURE W OOL ^ BALLOONS EASTER BILLFOLDS ^ 57® NEW l»LASTIC COATED deluxe movie camera . . . featuring fast/2.5 eehrr . . Sell 1 9 2 ^ 0 • VAN HEUSEN SHIRTS interchangeable lens completely nevy advanced etyiing and Ideal l^'hoslceis. CANDIES Top grain leothei. . Orlie_ ICE CREAM CONTAINER all the other quality features built into the new Capri for 1955. Juat rinae the container nnd uao It to atore left-over*. Uae In . ADAM HATS SPORT COATS >24 1 1 iin ■ * . PRINCE LANVIN Antistptic^ your rrfrigemtor tike any other etorage Jar. INTERWOVEN SOCKS . MoutN Wash May Bo PurehoBod A t tho Following Storos: ' ‘ SWANK JEWELRY ' 1- exrex . MATCHABEU.I ARPEGE PINT Bonis BI'CKLAXD NTOIir. HOLLISTER MARKET HICKOK BELTS [ i|iatii*»t 2 ;^ d 1089 Tolland Turnpike 233 North Elm Street " '-r' ‘ , Open 1^' «4*a; ko-Leal l^HieL Kprlng Fancy BR0GA.V8 V. PEPIN'S GROCERY OaeWiRffi iBleimeBBUiileee 1 VieeaMBr MeaiMSeS • Cologne FORMAL WEAR evelf.-Mteee eatv

^' f. ■ \ , -f . «'• Ilf ■ 1 ' '1 •A" , .M- f, ,/ 4. FAGS EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1968 PAGE NINETEEN to the center where Nellia was. African chameleon with s IcmAla St. Mary^s Lists' But when they weraySbeut Sd.faet Diplomatic Riddle: M the Iraqi gpeciea. Chameleona W B M II-M t WHAT— out the boat and/firemen fell havo long, swift, aticky tongues m- Special Services through. / • Ho^ to’ Catch Fly with which they catch aie»—the WCOO—ItM Daily Radio worn— 141« principal Item In their diet. rj One firem an Went In u|^ to hie WDKO—IBM BMtani StaadartI Tina H rprc—IMM The climax of the Lenten acaaon neck while thw other-twir'Went in Capetown. Swth Africa. March The matter haa been turned over i ■ a4 H u*I« commemoration of the inatltutlon flics to keep the Chameleon alive." ------ETWInii StrtMd* Then they found the boat bassador to South Africa, has sent N ,« ( lb , -World of the t:d)rd'n Supper on the n ig h t/' wouldn't leak with two men In It, a personal request to the present SAVINGS ON SAVIKGS 'w: J—B int C rotbr In which he wan betrayed. Tbd wa' 'H->Oobriil H ta llw ao they went back out again, American envoy here, Edward 't. Natural Cheddar cheegb comas 4iia— III Lenten aermon aerlen conaldemg chopping through tha ice until iValles, fbr "s' strong, healthy. rind-free In air-resiatant wrappart WHEY—Mu«e liMchuit lAY-Bar* a Uft •The Church In Modern Soc^y” they got to Nellie and took her South African chameleon.’’ wuot^itMora as?* 'WI.XAI— Good Urtnlng Gbod Huale these days. It may. be had In fl­ WKNa^Ktouifl MktiAM WIC^Kranlni Bti^ will be concluded by the ^rate, home to Mr. and/Mra. Oeorge Ric- Gallman. explained that an ounce, about 14 ounces and I- irniad* apeaking on ’The Social Implica* HOTEL SPECIAL a n c —wtider Br6w« WTIO—Ona Man'a _nm lly ciardi. Iraqi wants to cross a male South pound packages. WDRC—C«l Kolby WDBC—E R Murre tlon* of the Eucharlit." The Senior WGTU—Wuvorka At'UTH-Ua Paid and Mary Ford Choir will atna< "God iBo lyived the ERCLUSIVf WitH NIIDiTZ IROS. *'VaEyoB*Uy Etl«b«U t^AV-Polka Party World," by Oohn Stainer. Thin WCW-ftKcrd R»vu« WUCC—Uood Erantni Good Muato aervlce concludes with the tradi­ ata—itMu*M MatiBM WKNB—Robtn e Naal JO “ T«PP*i' Yonna WTIO—Trulh or Conaaquancaa -• tional stripping Of the altar In' WDRC—Jack Caraon preparation for Good Friday. GOLD BOND / WGTM—Gang BuMara St. Mary'a Church School will 491 MAIN STREET liia - 4ii~ —Batty Kimball , WHAV—Polka Party have a npeclal aenice. ‘Tha Way •Raoord---->rdRavta'5' Rarla Krrning Good Muiln of Calvary," at 10 a.m. on Good MANCHESTER \ ^,at Mal^aa WKpiB-Robin'a Kail . f ie —Tha 'Woman WTIO—Conraraallbn ^ Friday. \ Wt>RC—Johnny Dollar \ "The Seven Worda from the (Ntxf fH Gm Cempoiiy) HOLLYWOOD BED -M._ / ■ WGTH—Gana Buatara \ Cron*" will be the aiibject of .AN S9.90 VALUl *'??irAy—Polka Party \ medltationa given ' during the w n o —Lena Rang,r _ Three Hour Service from 12 to 3 WDRC—FBI-raaca and Wa^ P.M. The clergy of Emanuel and WOTH-Offbaai •:aa— < Concordia Lutheran Churchea, the $CQ95 WHAV-Polka Parly \ \ Rev. C. Henry Ahriernon, Melvin WTIO—Uma Hangar n \ Peterion and the Rev. Eric Brandt, WDRC-PBI-Paaca and War ' WOTH-Offbaal will Join with the rector and curate »;aa- of St. Mary'a Church In conduct­ WHAY-Polka Parly ing thin aervlce. Likewlae. mem- C - ^ Kolby_ WTIO—You Bat Your Lila ___ U—Bob aad Ray Sbew WDRC—Mv Ron Jaag 'here of all three church congrega- WGTH-Llalan thina will participate. All other '^'araAY—BuburbM Baranada d iia- / v e c o —Raoord Rarlaw WHAY—Polka Parly Christian people are invited to at­ / * knb—MaUnaa . WTIC-You bat Yaur Ula tend thIa aervlce aetttng aaide for WDHC—Johnny DoIIor prayer aird meditation thode three \ WUTH-Uilan hour, which Christ Jeauh spent NOTICE! WGTI 0 *'wHAJf-Polka party upon thh'xCroaa. ••iteA y —Suburban B*raaada WTIO—X Mlnua Ona On Hotjc Saturday, the annual PLUSH BUNNIES 59e ~l—Raeord Rarlatr WDRC—Laading Quaalinn 1^ : M atlnaa WG TH—NIghL Huale Eaiter Even Baptiemal Service ' Radio Lana titt- will take piece at 4' p.m. FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF LATE EASTER 4.Pc.lInlt , • A U 8AILY DEOORATED WHvJAY-Polka Party rau?* * Mary Tbrd WTl-IC-X _____ Mlnua Oao Prebuilt Bed MattreaH, n Andy—Musie Hall / WOTH-Klghl Mntle Firemeit/Rescue Boxspritig, Headboard, MUSICAL EGGS S9o • ALL UNUSUAL VALUES E^a|tei|Qaai Mtiata SHOPPERS WE WILL BE Metal Adjustable Frame on Wheels. WTIC—Naw, Pup in Icy Pond WDRC^Rnmanco Moodt • ALL FAIRWAY ERIGED WOTH-N’lgbt Huale 2 UN ITS (8 pcs.) for $135 MUSICAL BUNNY 89e itiia - Watarbiiry, MarchX^S (P» Nel­ •l] WHAYwNIgtat Watch lie, a aprlnger apaniel, .fell through kaaalag Oeed Mails WTIC—N*wa FROM ' ‘a. BTDRC—Romance Moodt tha ice In a pond yeiUrday and WOTH-FIghla vi'hkt a time the fire departm ent Itita— Spring Summer i'SHgbi WHAY-Sava a J.lfa had getting her out! \ WTIC—Today and Tdmorrow Somebody called the fire de­ OPEN WDRihaRnmtnca Moodi partment when Nellie atarted yap­ -“ ""•icTasg Oaad Muald WGTH-righla nada \ ping and aplaahihg in the mlildla of aiat **wtiAY-8ar<> a Ufa the pond. .. iPEWELRY ' l ^ “ wnc—Today and Tomorrow The firemen came with a boat. Except At Neiditz Bros, WDRC—Romanra Moodt 2 9 ' t o * 2 WOTH—Sounding Board Thrta of them put the boat on 'ft' lar Data \ ^ , iiiaa- tha tea and atarted to' puah it (Rit Speeial PurelwseL Bvanlng Good Hualo WHAY-Night Watch ------V iranada t r a c —Mawt TONIGHT . . .tar U tra WDRO-Nowb ,0—Lnwall n e n u a WGTH—Bob and Ray SOLID MAPLE TABLES ~:-Maat tha Art lot \ ii ;i a - NECKLACE and• Make Your Own \ W IIAY- Night Symphony Sensational Y — Encorn Thaatar W TIC -B■ p rli rinaf ' Eaanlng Oeed HVald* WDRC- I Colb; EARRING SETS $149 __ad* WOTH- b and Ray war Man. \ - iii*a- WHAY--4iyniplwny in tha NIghi all n e w THURSDAY L aiA ' W TIC glarllma Baranada *19® ■*24’^ - *29® POPPl'TS Each S 9 C ' ^ -2 ^r«r 98c BASKETS — .'5"' . W D R C -^a l Colby WG'ra— Dtnda Huale rnoN CM« «oBinjnn» TelcYiaiGh ProfTsma tli4g— 30 X 48 ' ' OnPacaTwo . \ i^ aY—Symphoay m the Nigfci t>^RINeS"^39 EASTER D«flIT-YOUVt8ELr ABOORTflasNT FRIDAY FULL SizE OPENING TO 60 IN. lASKETS ...... from lOe PINS Beantifnl Asaortnaeat 69c !^talp GpIb Salk Shojls T V f o r ’5 6 PARD NEEDS GRASS...... 10>2Sc TV SERVICE NOVELTIES ...... frmvi 10c g AJI. TO t PJI. : J HarHord,' March 23 (P) A - The Now Available At DINEnE SETS TABLC^OTHS Each 29c RITEGG DYE ...... 10c S1.S0 F«r Hohm C«E State Health Department/aaya It " 'KCa ra m haa - racavad B.0S4 doaea/of anti- Potferlon's EGG COLORING NIT .... 3fe polio vaewne along with the prom- ISO CENTER ST. i ASSORTED STYLES PLATES X y ...... ,Pkg. 19c lUf-OOM iae of Ift.OOO more In the next 10 M snckealrr— Tel, M I B-45fl7 CELLOPHANE...... ph«. lie a B B v n o Au days.. But, adds Haalth Commla- $d i 9 5 i:::.1::. ^50 RIRRON ...... phf. 10c ajonel* Stanley H .^O iborh, the 095 NAPKINS ...... Pkg. 19c backlog of vaccina ordera far ex- 4 dHAIRS GIFT WRAPPING . . . fkq. ISc ^ajada brdera for tha yaedne. CUPS ...... Pkg. 19c SEALS and TAGS . . . pkf. 10c 7- QUANTITIES LIMITED APRONS CUT OUTS ...... :... 8-IOe TELSA SNAPPERS^ .y...... Each 5C GIVES TOV THE BEST FAMOUS MAKER AND NLL THEM WITH T sIat latsB '’"Serrleemra'a CANDY PROM THE NNUT AaaoelBttdB (pUT OUTS ...... Each 5-10c SELECTION IN TOWN AT THE tNSlRT ON A TELSA MAN S t e e l C a b in ets AT WHOLESALE PRICES $1.00 Your Party Headquarters \ ' GENERAL CALL HEAVY BAUSE - INSULATED DOORS WILUAMS 7 i « ’ l TV SERVICE GIL SERVICE 2 D ays M a c A Call % • f NlgBU------«Za99 Plug Parta 59e Each CIWDY SKCIALS TEL. Birfl-Sl»4 Ml 9-4548 ANDERSON'S ) * • i | T •JELLY EGGS \ W |h^|teC EASTER FLOWERS ) What A Buy! f Wall Cabinets •MELLO CREAMS GIRLS’ FLISSE DOIBI.K THICK—HEAVYINSULATED C.Al (iE * LARGE E G G S ^ -PQjtED PLANTS- baked 4VH1TE ENA.MEI, Foond 1 \ Si*, t.hotrkain D ragoon W H D Keg. Sale I’rii'S •LltfES . . . healthy, stocky, IS X SO X IS 318,95 ’ $7^15 wellhii(hlcd plants. X- T j o r d o v a n ifl X 3« X is 1 14.95 $7.75 I •* ■\ ■ MARSHMALLlhV CHICKS 23e 0 % a d U i i m a i TILIPS-HYACINTHS M X Ifl'x IS 319.95 $H.08 •T-. 21 X 30 X 13 319.95 $10.46 DAFFODILS - HYDRANGEAS CHOCOLATE BUNNIES'*‘***290 34 X SO X IS 319.95 11.08 a eLeeeeeeet aeeeeeeeaa If you're in the mood for AZALEAS - NAKCISSIS cOrdoVip't dasiical lookt. then Dnjoon Cordovan Each it Jt/inikly for you. and DISH GARDENS POPCORN BUNNIES 39c Itt dtfk richneis blends with every luit — its deep ihining character Eoeh lives on and on. C U T FLOWERS- FLOWERING Blodmihg Bates famed workmanship CHOCOLATE EGGS 5c up assures luxury in everything but piice! SNAPDRAGONS-TILIPS DAFFODILS - CARNATIONS L PLANTS Phi Bates NARCISSIIS - ROSES and GLADIOLI Bhse Cabinets INSULATED Choose your Eosfef plants DOUBLE THICK—HEAVY GAUGE from our holiday blooms. BAKED WHITE ENAMEL Full bcoutiful Nowors. . ^ 8lza \\ hii|r»aln W D . H R*g. . Sair Prk'D 15 X’ 20 X S6 S39.9S $14,81 CORSAGES ^ F d f J R W i i r P R iC E D 34 X 20 X S6 $90.93 ' $21.08 ORCHIDS — GARDENIAS Member of FTD. Use Our 30 X 20 X S6 Si-LBO $23.45 InAwaf n mfu tfu tm t SWEETHEART ROSES. Etc. "Flbweri by Wire" Service TULIPS . . . a . FAIRWAY '^nipni-Fflii wNiRt VflUR fiit •u u " 36 X 20 X 36 $69.95 $36.03 N O MAIL Oir PHONE ORDERS ANDERSON'S LILIES . . . a a P OUR PRICE IS GREENHOUSES EIDITZ BROS; HYACINTHS . . . . a t 22 EAST CENTER ST.. MANCHESTER.^ MAIN ST,-ACROSS FROM THE POPULAR MARKET c e h Ou s e &s o n 155 ELDRibCE St. "Ml 3-8486 OPEN EVERY DAY 9-« 975 THURS-, FitiPAY 9-9 DAFFODILS .!.. V MANCHESTER'S MOST CONVENIENTLY LOCATED STORE rg Give aaresEEN stamfe I

■ K •. 4. • >>. ------.-- f" . ..


upon nplftlon of her course she ski, RockvlHs; Mrs. Stephen Prs- and plana will ba mada for tha R a e k viU m will rt«6 a temporary certlfl- tek, and Mrs. Paul Titpak, both annual banquet In May. U.S. to Hold H-Test I to teach In this state. of Torrington; and Mrs. Stanley Miss Jennie Bata and Mlsa Ann .Employment Unit he gjW team, dance group and Waletkus, Springfield, Mass.; two Oworek are in charge o f tha pro­ In Spite of Protest band will present a program at sons, prank and John, both of gram for. tha avaning. the Longview School in Ellington Rockville; also a step-son, Alex­ Mrs. Cecelia Snaps will . ba In (CoatiaosJ fraai Pags Oaa) ^ In New Location tonight. ' ander Grinanskl;' 15 grandchildren charge of tha W8CS devotions tb- Sophomore Class rings were and nine grea^-grandchlldren. rfight at 8 o'clock in the Mathodlat also oppoBsd the. lasts. But neither ckvUle. March 38 (Special)— fitted this week. The members will He was a member of St, Jo- Church. made a formal proposal. Begtaninflegbmi April 4 and every receive their rings/kt a dance on seph’a. Society of St, Joseph’a The final midweek L a n t e n The U.S. statement said the Wedneilday kfter that, offices of April 6. ChurCKK Funeral services will be service will be held this evening at teats are necessary for tha. even­ , the ponnhcUcut State Employment ' Miss Anna Baibr, senior Engligh h eld'^lday at 8:15 f^pm the Burke 7:30 at the First Evangelical lAjth- tual welfare of mankind. It ]Fom- Service and--Unemployment Com .teacher, attended the recent Sec­ Funeral Home, fallowed with a eran (Jhurch. The Rev. Gordon E. ised that all posSibla precautions pensatlon DivUion will be located ond Vale University Conference bleaalng at St. Joseph’^Church at Hoht, pastor at church, will be in would be taken. at the Elka Carriage House, 8 N. on the teaming of English. 9 o’clock, \ charge of the service. Japanese fishermen Were dusted PiMc St, it was announced today Junior Jaypee Burial will be In St. Bernard'a The Bible class meeting will by atomic aah in 1954 H-bomb by Miss Hazel Anderson, man­ The next meeting, of the Rock­ Cemetery. Frienda may call at the follow the service, and refresh­ testa ar Bikini atoll. The same ager of the Bmployinent Service, ville Chapter of the Junior Cham­ Burka Funeral Home toinOTrow ments will be served by the Mr. testa also affected some reaidanta and Russell 1/eghora, manager of ber Of Commerce wilt be held from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.iw^ and Mrs. Club. of other islands in the MarShMI the Unemploymentloyment NCompensation Monday evening at a place to be Coming Events \ Tha. regular meeting «C the group. ^ , Division.' Daughters of Isabella will bq held announced later, A charter night Mra. Sandra Lavitt will demm-. Office hours will be from 9:30 April 4 at 8 p.m. at the VFW wilt be held on April 21, following atrate figure sketching at th^ ~ COLORADO IS COLOR a.m. to S p..m. Employes seeking an' election of officers on -April 9. home. Denver lAb—Legislative efforts workers are invited to visit the meeting of the Tolland ' County A t the charter nigl^t, these officers Art Assn. Tueaday at 8 p.m. at the to affix the word, “ colorful’’ to Employment Service to place or­ will be-installed./ All Talroitville and Vernon Colorado license plates were ve­ ders for prospective employes. Social rooms of the Union Con­ All interested young men be­ gregational Church. . newa Items are noiv being handled toed by Gov. Ed. C. Johnson. , . Employers .will be given desk tween the ages of 21 and 3!) she through the Manrhmter rvening “The Spanish word ‘Colorado* la space at the office to (Interview invited to attend these meetings. Elliott P. Bronson will give -a talk on “State Park Development” Herald Rockville Bureau, located strong and beautiful and literally and select workers. Miss Andersh,’ Stanley C. Vlscliis at 1 Market St., telephone Rock­ means colorful," Johnson said. “ A said. at the supper meeting of the Men's Stanley C. Vlsdus, 79, 46 Vil­ Union of the Union Congregation­ ville TR 5-.1IS6. thousand adjectives could pot At present, she says, there are lage .St., died at City Hospital adorn this expressive word.” over 200 persons registered In the al Church tonight at 6:30. this morning after a abort Illness. Damon Lodge No. 17, Knights'of active file in RockvlUe and l , ( ^ PUC Baekn Power Ixian He was born in Lithuania Feb. 2. Pythias will be hosj to the Past more in the Manchester file. Work­ 1877i and haa been a resident of Chancellors Association of East­ Hartford, March 28 OP)—The ers include all classifications, In­ Rockville for about 60 years. J le ern Connecticut this Evening at 8 cluding professioi.al, clerical, Slate Public Utilities Commission was employed In the local textile o'clock at the VFW Home on Elm skilled, semt-tkllled and unskilled says It has approved a Connecti­ mills until the.v closed. St. - cut Power Co. request for author­ persons. He is survived by his wife Tha regular meeting of the Persons seAcing work may also ity to borrow 88,.'iOO,)KK) to finance Qnj^e^t StcufvpA. Josephine Kosinski Vlsdus, four American Legion Auxiliary will a program of construction and apply at the new location. Miss daughters, Mrs. Alexander (.rlnan- be held this evening st 8 o’clock / Anderson said. She added the Em­ plant improvement.. ployment Service has a special pro­ gram to assist handicapped people In securing employment and a ^ cooperates with schools in tesjU^ Given OnC.O.D. Deliveries ahd placing high school ^iora ? ! Spring Is Here! ? and school drop-outs. THE HISTORY OF AUTO- Danciag Claasy'. f o r Tha Rural Vernon Simool Assn., H N TS 5.95 up — SLEEPING lA G S 5-95 up will aponaor a series''of ballroom dancing, classes for pupils In the KNAPSACKS — 5-IN.ONE COOK5ETS MOTIVE TTIADE. NEVER BUT NEVER WILL YOU BE ABLE TO New 6th, 7th and Spr grades .at the Nationally RANGE & FUEL OIL Vernon Elem e^ry School atart- Advertla«^ SOMETHING NEW, SOMETHING DIFFERENT Ing Monday'evening.cvenli Meirhsndlae The classes will be held from BUY A BRAND NEW 1956 PLYMOUTH OR CHRYSLER AT SUCH 7:30 to 9 jfijn. The ihatructora for FOLDING SHOVELS, HANDY IN CAR OR GARDEN the 6-weCk course will be Mr. and Mrs. Harris Qlbson of Manchester, WRIST COMPASSES. FOR St:OI.’T, CA5IPER, FISHERMAN The BO U N D OIL CO, who have conducted similar GAS MASKS, BRAND NEW WITH CASE clsasss at the Manchester YMCA. HEIJtfET LINERS. YOITNGSTERS I.OVE ’EM. PRIC^. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF 1956 CARS, FOUR DOOR SEDANS, some 60 pupils have registered for *■( the classes. Assisting In charge HATCHETS — KNIVES of the group will bs Mrs. Norman *'SEE OUR JO BLADRD KNIFE’' Dunnells, Mrs. Bernard Bohme, CLUB SEDANS, DNVERTIBLES. ALL CARS FULLY Mrs. Martin Lehan, Mrs. Arthur Palmer and Mrs.‘ James Vander- VOorL Easter Breakfaet STRIPPED CARS. / An Easter Sunday bmakfast will MANCHESTER SURPLUS SALES CO. ENINCOfr JOHNSON DY TO GO bs served■ved inIn Wesleyan Hall Sunday 169 N. MAIN ST., AT DEPOT SQUARE morning following the sunrise MIS-7111 service. The ladies o f the Methodist / - 950 MAIN sf. \ Church will serve. Those planning DAILY f A.N.-9 P.M.— SATURDAY 9 A.M.-5:30 P.M. to attend are asked to Obtlfy either the pastor, the Rev. Norman Spell­ man, or Mrs. Harriet Neri. Pray -for Democracy NEW, DIFFT-RENT 6.95 VALUE'GLASS ’ANY CARS, EXECUTIVE CARS, AND DEM- r-sur-’ • Tbs Day. of Prayer for. Democ­ AVOVEN BAMBQO ' ■'ft- racy wlU be observed at Uw :aervv - ii ■’^ sw tS 'ltt 'heW' thlg evening "VibW ■ CASTING ROD ^ PidNiC BASKETS 7:80 to 8 o'clock. air the^ Baptist Church. This service Is part ot a ARE VINCLUDED IN THIS SALE. nation wide effort to draw atten­ $2.98 $1,29 tion to the need for better under- •tandlnff between races. • ’/ High .School Newa Mrs. Nancy O. Klock of Many 9.95 VALUE GLASS "ATTRACTIVE From YITTXNEJ^ chestsr, la completing six ween iriiiD^Rnv.AM fVfiVTt A*ra*n COME, FIRST SERVED ON THESE CARS; of practice teaching in the mame- SPINNING ROD “ HOT-COLD” . t'. matics department at Rocknlle PICNIC BAG School. She is teaching the Consider Quality .a''~ebra, ln l geometry and . senior $4.95 • I.■ ' - . - ' r , \ mijthematlcs classn. A st)ident et $2.98 Our plants am rusbed to as from leading growera from Connecticut and Mavan-1 University necUbUt, chuaetta. We have Inspected theee plants peraonnlly nnd know they xrc tlie pick of | the,crop.' ■ , K5 YOUR CHANCE! BEAUPRE MOTORS' IS YOU MAY DEDUCT 10% RY BUYING 2 or MORE

KINHE FAIR’S AZALEAS \ HERE IS ALL YOU DO -r LILIES RED — PINK <- WHITE , ' HARDY TYPE—CAN BE PIJtNTED PICK OUT THE STOCK NUMBER OF THE CAR YOU WANT, AS LISTED BELOW, AND ASK ONE OF THE OUTSIDE TO BIXJOM AGAIN THIS $1.50, $2.59; $3.00 M. / FALL. TWELVE COURTEOUS SALESMEN AT BEAUPRE MOTORS TO ASSIST VOU. NO DELAYS. ON THE SPOT 3/iUD ...... $2.49 $3.5O,$(S.0O IXING I,ASTING in a n c in g r iv e h o m e w it h y o u r h ew c a r e v e r y t h in g is s u b je c t t o prior sale so e e • e e a e i F . O . , HURRY, COME IN EARLY AND GET THE CAR OF YOUR CHOICE. GET THE FIRST CHOlCEl • • • e • 6 v y k e x I.EAP / COMES TO A CLOSE THIS SAT., MARCH 31si GAU VDIUM-$3.95 STOCK NO. 56156 STOCK NO. B6166, . - STOCK NO. 86181 ■ STOCK NO. s o i^ ETHINO DIFFERENT /. PLAZA 4-DOQR SEUAN ,AZA 4-nOOR SEUAN BELVEDERE 4-DOOR SEDAN BELVEDERE 4-p)R SEDAN PINE GREEN PEARL GRAY / CHERRY RED dud WHITE . CHERRY R ID M BLACK HYDRANGEAS GARDENIAS Heater, defroster, dtrectionul lights,-antl-freeze, eleetdr wlnd- Heater, defroeters,-arm reeta, airfoam aeat, electric wliidshleld Accessory Group No. 5, Heater,\defrosters, radio,. Powerfifta' Accessory Group No. 8, Heated, defrosters, radio. PowoHfBt* GYM DANDY CLOSEOUT wipere, safety rim wh6ele, directloaal elgaaia* extiA sun visor, traasmlsaiaa, tinted glass, alrfoans seat, Sportone, power pak. traaamisstoB. alrfaom seat, ortdtewaU tires, Sportaae. ehield wipers, safety rim wheels, undrreoating, cigar f lighter, AM $1.49 — 51.98 — $2.98 $1.29, $3.95, $7.50 wheel covers, whitewall tires. antl-freeze, underCoatlng. whitewall Urea, anti-freeze, undrreoating. freeze, uadercfiatlag. 1 i| EXTRA NICE , THE,VERY BEST REG. PRICE , REG. PRICE REG. PRICE' REG. PRICE We must' close out' all pur 1955 2412.75 2398.00 3180.95 3103,95 CINERARIAS GLOXINIA SALE PRICE 1993.94 SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE :i slock on Gym Dandy Gym Sets , STOCK NO. 56189 V s t o c k n o. 0616^ STOCK NO. 56164 ‘ STOCK NO. 86I7I to make room for current mod­ H i .Ai BELVEDERE 4-D60R HARDTOP BRI4R ROSE an4 EGG , BELVEDERE 4-DOOR SEDAN BELVEDERE 4-DOOR SEDAN YELLOW and WHITE BELVEDERE 4-DOOR HAtiDTOP \ ^ CHARCOAL GRAY V. r o s e W bi^ c k els. You will save $ $ $ $. RegJ Accessory Group, No. 1, Heater, defroster, PowerFUto I Accessory Group No. 5, Heater, defrosters, PowerFlile tcans- Accessory Group No. 1, Heater, (lefroster, fadld, PowerFlIte Heater, defroater,/safely rim wheels, electric windshield wipers, sioa. airfoam seat, power pak, whItewaU ttres, Sportene. Aeeaa- transmission, nlrfoam sent, whltewnil'tlrps. Sponone, .Acces­ DISH GARDENS mlssiop, 'airfoam seat, whitewall tires, Sporlone, antlWreeze, L directional idgnala, aati-frerice, undercoaUng, safety latch doors. I dbry Group No. 3, dir. Ust, antl-freeze, undercoaUng. $24.95 to $74.95 modefs. undrreoating. < » sory Group No. 1, dir. list., antUficezc, undrreoating. • >. MING TREES REG. PRICE REG. PRICE REG. PRICE REG. PRICE $ ' 3186.20 3289.20189. . $' 2612.00 $ 3056.95 TULIPS $1.69 HYACINTHS $1.69 SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE P8IC8 210L30 SALE PRICE And Up And Up

^ STOCK NO. 58185 STOCK n o ; 56067 . ^STOCK NO. 86182 • STOCK NO. 86086 DAFFODILS e-$2.49 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 2-DOOR CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-DR. SED. CHRYSLER WINDSOR 2-DOOR CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-DR. SED. HUNTER GREEN 1 HARDTOP— ROSE and WHITE .TAN and BEIGE COLD WEATHER PLA.NT — EXTRA HARDY HARDTOP Safety Accessory Group, C'ustom, heater kad defroster, Music Safety Accessory Group, Custom, heater and defroater, Mnsla Safely Aecessery OrouP- Heater and defroster, radio, two-tone Master radio with rear speaker, latex glass,'whitewalls, Power- Safety Accessbryr'Group, Heater nnd defrusler, radio with rear Master radio with rear speaker, two-toae paint, solSx gburn. paint, power pak, PowerFlIte transmission, power steering, car­ Flite transmission, power brakes, power steertag, special steer­ speaker, - two-lbne paint, whitewall tires, PowcrFlito^transmls-' Custom Accessary GrouP) ' PowerFlIte tmnsmlaslim, pewar brakes, pbwer steering, antt-ffeeae, undercoaUng. { YOUR LAST CHANCE! DOU^?VlNK A FR IC A N V IO LETS , undrreoating, antl-freeze. ing wheel, antl-freeze, undercoating. ' aloa, power steering, undercoating,, antirfmeze. REG. PRICE REG. PRICE I, REG. PRICE REG. PRICE 9 A M (Ka I - -r TO BMY QUALITY TOYS AT SAVINGS FROM 3863.00 3826.50 * 3816.00 3907jS0 NEW VARIETIES SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE f RICE WILD ROSE $3.00 PINK CLOUD -’3078.37 Volut

Others At lt.19 4 0 to 75% 1- IF YOU BUY BEFORE YOU SEE U S -^--W E BOTH LOSE MONEY! Open Thurs. Until 9 • Tues.thru Sati 9 to 6' # Closed Mon. . t... G A R O ^ ■ 4 : ■ CENTR M MANCHESTEK-VEjlNON TOWN UNE V ' fej - kr. '--r ♦- lO lS-IO ff MAIN ST. ROUTE 13 PHONE Ml 9-2423 PHONE Ml 3 ^ 5 * m p tV VO B RIW N ER’U — AijClBOM rM IM O A B M lT BBOU. ■\ ■ v o l u m e c h r ys ler - p l y m o u t h d ea ler TE L Ml 3-1131 358 EAST CENTER ■: I ■a I ;.,T' / ’ * It • » ■( I “ ■TV'-' >■ / V

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 19B« FAGfi^ TWENTY-TWO MANCHESTEil EVENING HER'ALI), MANCHESTER.x CONN., WEDNESDAY. MARCH, 28, 19S6 PAGE TWENTY-THREB 1. ■ auch a. dsnaa crowd in Uia audi­ to gat an adtfcatlon In collage If ape Rois-Scattsr Sun-OutfitI ruled Eaator Baaketo, I9e to 22.69 Now Mony Woor BUGS BUNNY torium. thay can’t find a placa to park ARTHUR’S DRUG STORE, 942 Byatandar — W hatJicrvet Doea their carat Aoawer to Prevloua Punte Main St. has a gay, colorful Sense. and Nonsense ha thing we’re alt nitwlta? sorUAent of big and lltUe EASTER FALSE TEETH All brassed Up m aihs BASKETS brimming over with With im it Worry Why complain about today’s dol­ sweet: goodies, priced from 29c to f®*oeer. How can you axpeet jroungstera lar? It'a the only Hind you cim g e t tst, talk, isusn or snsesa without Tticphona doodlera can’t deface I f that deduction I'm allowed 83,69', Look over the line of candy- r(Mir of lasecttra false teeth dropalet, the wall of the pay telephone ' Were all .vou coat me. A«OU a BuUflghtcr* Listed by filled NOVELTY TOYS to bring sUpptns or woMlUtt. rAS'TBnii booth In the Bundy Huddle Res­ .^—Catherine McKinney. 4 Minded Hirer Easter Joy that a child can under, holds pistes flrmsr and mors eoin> 1 Head covering ferubly. This pisssaat powder hit no taurant in hoM Angeles, for the CAIINIVAL BY DICK TURNER stand.' Gift-wrapped boxes of Btramy, (deer, pasty teau or tssUhc. 4 Outer garm ^t * Easter CHOCOLATES are a per­ Dassn't cause aeuste. It's aUtslIhe telephone ^ s In the center of a A Paris shopkeeper wrote to one Male sheep hlackboardX complete with chalk a fect way\to extend greetings to (noh-scld). Chseks...... of his customers as follows:."! am 12 Self-esteem . • Whispers (dtaturs hraethi. Os and eraser.\Eva Jourdan, Ocean 7 Number. your hoete'a^. ' any drug eouatsr. ^ le to offer, you cloth like the en­ IS Church recess Park, Calif. • Wickerwork closed sample at nine francs the )4 Towsrd the Spring sho^ a'rt featuring more meter. In case I do not hear from material' shclicrcd. sid* White Kgge Color BoMUfally long, slim line/, w-lth hlghcut tides, , i There is notying truly great In you I shall Conclude that you wish • Sad cry • Try aa Easter Bgg Cake Silhouttt* For Spring Here It Easltr Fairyland “ Gordo do Parte’’ .Originals a man but character. 18 Damage ' No one wants to deny the j'oiing I f you want a special deaaert Be quick aa a bunny In getting A t BLAIR'S, 757 Main St., elongsted tnes>, Lota of exotic to pay only eight francs. In order 10 Allot the pleutira of coloring hard- colors reflect the Oriental In­ //A ^ r CAXfAT to lose no time, ! accept the last 18 Restore to 11 Observts 28 Not>tloii 42 Site of Ta| for your, holiday dinner, then try to PINE LENOX PHARMACY. you’ll And theso French-Inspired Man—I noticed you get up and offlcc cooked egga for Eaitar. LYN N the Indteidual-slae EASTER EGG 299 East Center St. or PINE “ (XJRDE DK PA R IE " GIRDLES fluence; more medium and low mentioned price." 17 Calm 29 F o i ^ r that Mahal POULTRY FARMS, 505 Main St., heels spell good newsjor the 6om- MTDICAL IMPROVEMINT gave that lady, your, seat In the bus IS Make believe 19 Rows 31 Weirder 48 Jump CAKE, 2 for 25c or the big party- p h a r m a c y . 6$4 Center St. REDUCED from 116.95 to 812.88. 20 Comforts headquartera< for atrictly freah (Thoose >’our Easter Basket, 69c to If you want gentle yet Arm con­ fort-mlnded. / , < > > the other day. \ A very. dignified lady encoun­ 23 Old womanish 33 Sounder 44 Formerly alze, 82.50. Frosted in dellcata yel­ Friend—Since childhood I have 21 Help egga, will have a plentiful auppiy 83.98, overflowing with pure, deli­ trol for a sleek silhouette this tered a vei-y dirty little girl. ■ 24 CoCee , mentally 46 sound low, pink or green and embelliahed in CHEST RUBS ■respected a woman V*th a strap of N ATIV E W HITE FX3G8 eape- cious candles and cuddly toys the Easter, atop in for a fltUng. Fresh New Spring Fi» Iona Ijid y-^h lld , you’re pretty dirty, 22 Merit 25 Fruit drinki 39 Bed canopy 47 Dquipment with Easter symbols, the children in her hand. \ clally for -your Eteater egg coloring children love. Sparkling cellophane Lightwaight Nylon leno, marquW At LENORB’B. 631 Main Mlut- III Ovi‘ 1 JOY (Ml aren’t you? 24 Ornamental, 28 (^ty in 40 Manipulate 48 Finishes will love them. They'll squeal with stone ' tradition. delight, too, over a BUNNY giftawrapa them all and- big rib­ aettea, also cotton, some with rib­ ohealer’a friisheit, newest IBS’ Child—Yes, I am and I'm even Germany dough SO MohsmmadaH. READY-TO-WEAR store, It's no wonder friends call W il­ 28 Hireling CAKE or a real looking CHICKEN bon roaettes add a festive touch. bon control,' ail have side alppera, lU’ll prettier clean. 27 Very unhappy 41 Oriflecs' name ’ ’ Ralearoom Open Oood Friday find the important look of . lard Newsom, of Vlrgie, Ky., 27 Wire measure CAKE. Gay As spring Itself, HAVE Holiday BOXED CHCXXILATBS E.xtendlng 2 to 2 inches above the fashldn! "Poppy." His daughters are Rose. The MILL FABRICS SALES­ say "Happy Easter" the sweetest waiatllne to give you a glamorous Stop in tomorrow. The n e w line____ _ One thing mothers wish their 30 Worships your cake decorate the Easter Pansy, Violet and Daisy; his son r“ 1 r L 1 1, 8 H ROOM located at CHENEY HALL. way - of all. Oolden COSTUME nippad-in look, this Is a buy you slim In the many print, polka dot. wsH'***- children wouldn't learn the first 32 Within r r r table and E A T it, too. ' is Aster. Mrs. Clara N. Bartley, 177 Hartford Rd„ la open on Good JEW ELRY la a rich accent to your won’t want to mtaa. solid color DRESSES: The atraight month of achoolJs how much al­ 34 Rhymes i f " A . r Friday from 9 to 5:30 ami Satur­ line continues in the SUITS and the Hellier, Ky. 35 Rents t Any of your small fry need wardrobe; the tailored 'pieces with- lowance the other kids get.—Floyd day from 9'to 4:45. bulk are meant to. be worn singly. Use a Slotted apoon when you versatile CXIAT8 that go beautifully 3 38 DonkeyV building upT Then serve the *“ R. Miller In Look. B” r~ IT Bspeclatly' for the meaningfur are removing poached egga from over everything you wear and look It la possible to attain the youngster an orange, eggnog for a smart, comfortable. Just right. heights, provided yhu yourself al­ 37Network\ More hoti.ie dreaaea are manu­ Easter season is the "Words. I the water in which they were cook­ You have found a sure way to 39 Tidy B" mid-moming or mld-aftemoon ways remain cm the level. r factured than all other types put snack. To make It, beat together Abide By" Bracelet with the- 10 ed; then be sure to tilt the. apoon. 'i ^ D O N DRUG CO. spoil happiness when you make 40 Cattle together, according td a reference commandpienta Imprinted on a. holding one side of it against the To IMIght the Kiddles m HAMS STREET l.ssuea of little unimportant mat­ 41 Through fl B i an egg, a cup each of orange JUlcc Remamber your "favorite chU- ■ The Idea of March book oit costume design. New and milk, a tablespoon or two of miniature disk, or give a '‘Mustard poaching pan, to allow any extra ters. 43 Unaccom­ m house' dresses are more tailored water to drain. The aim is to drain dren" with novelty Easter candlea honey and a dash of salt. This Seed" bracelet. It can strengthen and colorful Easter baakata from O, little exemption, - panied IT U i r and often can be worn on the and inspire the wearer. the egg extra well so the toast you How happy I'd be . Lecturer—It Is gratifying to see i makes enough for Mother to have the FAIRWAY. 975 Main St. Ybu 48 Kind of JT ll D P streeL a taste, too. put it on will stay crisp. r will find Just what you want, we’re 2998889999^99991992999992 battefy B For spring, Jacques Orlffe, sure. Everything to make up your 49 Dynamo 3 T R Btlll Time for Easter Dry CTeaning Easter Oreetibg Garda noted Paris ‘ designer, stresses It’s Sprlagllmb for Dad, tM own beautiful basket too, if you BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE SI Mr. Franklin MART^NIZING. the ONE- Whatever you prefer in the way three themes in his collection— C. E. HOUSE A SON, Man­ 5661 I MOTIFS prefer. Ol^OUR'W Air eeiM TUNists S3 Wortblesi y " ji » P HOUR DRY CLEANING, at 20 of an BUtS'TER CARD, be it the tubs, the bell and ths ball. chester's largest clothing store (Bib.) East Cenfer St. is equipped to modern, relli^ous, whimsical or 'Tubular effect is seen In simple for men and bovs; is the home of All set for the Summer daya '* It's » Sffeet Story DEAR . rOREAT CAESAR S3 Unaipirated handle all your EASTE31 DRY cutcj you'll find Just what' you sheath dresses achieve the bell quality APPA R E L and AL(5r 1NO SUPPUES, too. 2 Seaweed V best temperature for storing froz­ TIRED INCOMES HIS ROOAA It. And don't twist the cutter if DLEBROOK, INC. 541 Main St. in a GLENHAVEN SUIT, exclu- color transfer for 8 motifs. you want your biscuits to look slvely at BURTON'S, 841 Main St. en foods. To prevent temperature A new, all-teaaon knitted cos­ • ■ . • — OM.' For further information, call Send 25c in coins, j’our flame, their best; use the cutter "straight Mitchell 3-1105 dr 3-1106. Toppers and new length Coats of rise when unfrozen food is added, address and the pattern number tume ideal for traveling was re­ WK MBIT M ltp yov r0t'( on" and pull it straight up when lightweight Tweed, Hopsacklng tu~,'n the control to the coldest po­ to ANNE r.\BOT,THF, MAN­ cently introduced in New York. t.lkg...ANYTHIN0 VOO WANT you remove it. and Flannel are softly detailed sition several.hours before adding It consists of a aleevaleas sheath PRISCILLA’S POP Ijooks PromiKini; BY AL VERMEER Want a wonderful seafood cock­ CHESTER EVENING HERALD, a. Pay voim ovBibui »au with jewel-touched collar. Lovely- "tKb extra load. After food is and matching Jacket of knitted tail for company? Line .sherbet - 7 8 3 8 6 1150 AVE. AMERICAS, NEW ■iOURlNQ WHICH TIM E ^ ...SO I'D _ -^ LET ME These Never Dlnf F A ILLE COATS, '814.99. Beauti­ frozen,. return control to normal YORK 36, N. Y. ack-and-whttq^Acrilon. During glasses w ith lettuce; add two or <0-30 1 HAVE BECOME AM ^ TO A P P L Y S E E ... NOW They Just Bloom Away ful and varied are the Bloused'of position. a demonstration, it was washed, three cooked cleaned shrimp, a A slimming frock for dress-up Now available ~:the colorful 1958 F O R A W HAT W AS A t HARRISON’S, 849 Main St. nylon, georgette, pIma and dacron Needlework Album containing dried and ready to wear in 40 IMPORTANT PART TH A T NAME couple of fresh or thawed f-ozen events with shoulder to hem rnlnutes. 4. ^HoolUmU auto mtui Ttmo O F TH E the real-looking, brilliant GERAN­ blends 83.99 to 85.99. For your Everybody Llkeq Variety dozens of lovely desigria from PagMMf CsNiMcirials 1 hsa IMi h r J a p a w p IUMS, in white or red clay pots raw oysters and a couple of hard­ smoothness. And sew-easy with "enchanted evenings" see the de­ 11 Y E A R S FIRM. shell raw clams. Top a h,,,cy That’a what you get at JACK’S which to choose more pStterna in add a cheerful row of bright color Just four pattern pieces! lightful EVENING GOWNS and CXIFFEE SHOP. 59 East Center Bring Sick-Room Comfort aiRW gwi MNM MM^ws cocktail sauce made from catchup, Pattern No. 8386 with Patt-O- crochet, embroidery an;t knlt-^ plui on a kitchen sill, or in the cold COCKTAIL DRESSES, St. the wholesome, tasty kind of 3 gift patterns, directions printed Provide the utmoat in get-wetl light of a north room or hallway. chili sauce, prepared horseiad'sh, Rama included is in sizes' 10. 12, comfort for your home patient. ^...•lO tG ^SO O lemon juice and Worcestershire variety in HOME OQOKED In book. Only 25c a,'copy! AuLhenticany detailed right down 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 12, 6 yards of Y’oiiiigBteni IJke Hpring Drews-Up D A ILY SPECIALS featuring Veal RENT or BUY a HOSPITAL BED sauce. TAXI U9 TO 20 MONTHS TO U9AT to the leaf vcinlng, they defy de­ 35-inch. MARI-MAD’S, 691 Main St., hns Scalloplne, Beef Stew, Filet Mig- from KEM P’S, 768 Main 8t. (3om* tection. Enjoy heart-warming For this pattern, send 35c in Roomy Tote Bags pletely adjiiatable » different For One-Stop Easter Shopping all the "little girl" JEW ELRY non. Every morning home-style beauty with no daily w’atering coins, your'name, address, size de­ that Slater will love. And now that A new ahlpmeht of spring TOTE weya, the bed is higher then regu- If you're atill rushing around in GRIDDLE CAKES are made with care. Make w'onderful gifts, in sired, and the pattern number spring is hei'e. "she" la moved to BAGS (that can be used for knit­ ietlon to ifleke It lees tiring for the a fi-enrJcd attempt to complete big fraah eggb and real butter, Cawialiiit.Ceilliiillil.l three sizes, 75c, 81 and 8.1.98. to SEE BURNETT. THE MAN- pretty herself Up. Help her on the ting or shopping, too) have Just home hurae. your .Easter shbpping, just relax eessmessxsMsiiesieiii C|4e STKR e v e n i n g HERALD, road to good grooming habits with Free Needlework Instruction arrived in TfARN DEPT, of J. W.' Grated lemon or orange rind oV and’ SHOP the FAIR W AY, 975 11.50 AVE. A5IERICA8, NEW children's TOILETRIES. Lacy HALE C?o t P. "T ry" them on for The ti’edding Date Hm B««n Rett Main St, We’lt bet you can prac- Only at YOUR YARN SHOP, R JiS J Mxrg tyey« ID uva naw vu t both—can . do wonders for canned YORK 46, N. Y. and flattering EASTER HATS, ao 50 Cottage St., do you h4ve the. size! Of pretty aTri(i>v. printed linen TBRI’S BRIDAL AND liH- ^ .-Jlpp!esauce.^ Add- the .citrus- rind, U^paiii’ ahajjT,,rj!fe '•'•‘Basle ■'FMhl»n,,"'aprhig’ and sum­ light and comfortable, plus roomy wIth.piUent leather trini, or.firmly om rar Artor. 7 9 3 .itain ttZea* at this delightful store with the' opportunity to learn KNITTING, . Are pxepailng the mer '66 is a o.omplefe sewing guide PURSES and dainty CLOVES CROeHETING, RUG HOOKING, woveiytapeatry to look like needle- . /era exclusively io «taddlngt,7that a Ll e y o o p Here’s Help BY V. T. HAMLIN 'a^lcsaucc at home; stir it in, after I truly amazing, selection of "just for every woinan who sewa tqr her­ complete her outfit. TATTING, NEEDLEPOINT or • " have sturdy handles of onbe-a-llfettme day. you warn per; I about everything." If you are not feet in every way. HerflT r’ght THATB ME! YES,i51Rl 1 BAW COTTON WOODS BY RAY GOTTO co'oking the ajiplcs, when you add self and her family. Don't, wait-- EMBROIDERY. The Inatniction i i ' wood. What the sugar. \ acquainted with the FAIR W AY send 25 cents now for your copy. Wonderful topping for cauli­ free. You’ll like the patient, help- i KrMt'ng this would from the pages of "BrIdEZ Maga­ '2*b I W a * A M ... MDU WB2E HAVIMS TTOUBlE yet, you owe it to, yourself to zine” you’ll find everything for the l - a u r t U V flower: A half cup of fine dry ful teacher, Mrs. La Vole. This | 51“^,*' P*^*^** **'®* MN T2 w n H w n n M I t s n ' SO I TH&UGHT rD 03ME OJrla' pkistrr Uressrt: , stop in soon. bread, crumbs browned In half a bride, her attendenca and the ’DOWN AND HELP VTXl GROW For Eaalrr Promenading bright, cheerful shop is open] tfirSMtALLY Just unpacked at MONTGOM­ cup of butter. Rich but good! Tu(!.sday through Saturday 9145 to piojhers. A glemonyua line of 50M E HAIR ON THIS Color, and lots of it diatinquishes FORMAL GOWNS,/end COC?K‘ TM9NONI . WMTI • er VIIIT ERY WARD CO. js a complete Prolong Easter Joy spring fa.shion.s this year, COREn" 4:30, Thursday to 9. Stop tn soon. This Is the time to check over £A D ! selection of lovc\v EASTER This year whv not enjoy Get a Head Start on Beauty last spring's wardrobe and de­ TAIL DRESSES for your "lin- CASUALS. 887 Main St., is head­ chanted,' evenings/ Alao WHITE DRESSES for girls, toddlers thru EASTER DINNER in the attrac- quarters for the prettiest SHEATH These next three days are biisv Tlie crowd coming In for d cide on aubtractlohs./and addi­ PMHRRID nS YS A Y size J4. So thriftily flrlced, 83.98' live atmosphere of CAVEY’S Indeed for SCHULTZ BEAUTY snsck? Roll halves tff very thin tions. Last year’a clothes have GOWNS, in a complete alze rahge, n aij> a vY . DRESSES- also Jacketed ensem­ for Lodge cerenionica, _ „«N A N e i CO., INC. to 85.98 makes this the titne to RE.STAURANT A LOUNGE. 45 bles.. The arrow silhouette in SALON, 983 Main St. But you slices of Bslainl around Stuffed way of carrying on in those tmoTASfOM^ will get an appointment if you colthea bags and getting theiq- *auic88rtte' /' j lAOA A buy fo^ AtoXaprh^g and summer East Center St. Directly from SUITS and COATS springs from olives and fasten'with toothpicks. season anaad. Customers were church, with the whole family tgiephone Mitchell 3-8951 early to­ Serve the ssismi cornucopias With selvea all .wilted; So try them quality all-wool and silk-blended morrow. , An, Easter apecial on to be sure they’re still becom­ heard to say, “ Aren't little girls looking polished, and well-groomed fabrics. Smart HANDBAGS are stuffed eggs garnisheiL W ith an­ Thyinqtdrer - (OSNS aiaei m an maiiv towiii SCAAONMS ' brings you the "Helene Curtis" ing. If the/ra not, get rid of lucky now-a-days. " ' There are in their Easter outfUs, is the lime here to color match an eye-catch­ chovies and pimiento. Round out polished cottons with the fashion­ to relax and prolong the joy of the COLD WAVE PER.MANENT the platter with asserted chetae them. ing b e l t of smooth leather. The for 88.50, a complete beabty pack­ IT able lon^t-tor.so line, -some glitter season. The specially prepared golden look in COSTUME and have lota of hot rolls and cof­ age that Includes a CoqU sham­ ■ Boy 'Oeadbjre* to Ugly Unt w ith...rhinestones. .Long-wearing, menu offers a tempting variety; ■JEWELRY .sets’ off the beiges, fee on hand. ,- r '• poo. a luatroua rinae and then With i 1956 G. E. ’TnUTBR easy-carq .aykms \4lUi” separate now you can please everyone simul­ yellows and navies of the season. slips nre fiystcd with dainty lace, taneously. So that a table may i>e styled to look perfect under your Brighten Your Homo FLO" WASHER from GOOD- new hat. Your hair will be easy' YEAR SERVICE STORE, 713 sweetly^ embroidered or touqhed wailing for You. just call Mitchell Thickened apple cider, with There are so 'many * colorful, to manage and complete the pic­ Maip St. you will have care-free Manchesiei^s Newest BOOTS BY EDGAR MARTIN I with ,tiny ftniver (Musters. Take 3-1415 and tell them how many to raisins added, makes a fine sauce personalized accessories yon can your daughter In tomorrow. expect. for baked ham. ture of a prettier-than-ever YOU. make for your home inexpensively laundry days. Really clean clothes B U Z S A W Y E R BY ROY CRANE with no unsightly lint ’ clinging EEtTEM CAW WO FOR SEAM'. LOOKS LIKE TME with a versatile, ‘’tajenteol W8.WCGK, SIR, ______Easter Hate P FA FF SEWING MACHINE from atubbomly. Is your guarantee., REIN'FORCEMtmS, T1«'. '‘ AVERAGE W A V IS OR sti'l-;/" V»KE up! tvs MFOmilE The calendar saya it’a time for tOU'RE'TD 1 J. W. HALE CORP. It embroiders, Why postpone this happiness-giv^ \ t THE FOCnAER OF vns coutenw . TOMVSOSUAL^ t has HAFFINietfOVIEemi JUST HIW a pretty EASTER HAT from ■TO TH8 CAPTAIN monograms, appliques.. Visualize Ing purchase when the TME SM kE MOBIS TRAVTB UA)CM S t SMEOAMV(aAN&\ |. BECK’S, 846 Main St. Frame ON THE what that can mean to klt(|nen BUDGET PLA N demands ^ l y Air Step’s MagJh^Sole Collection your face becomingly from the 810 down and as tittle as 82/5 a I variety of alylea and flattering curtains, linens and towel;, place , STEAD ------mats and runners. Mrs. Kubacka week. Dress up your Kitchen for TCnXaE : colors. All these gay, flower- Easter. / ' . bedecked bonnets are designed to invites you to stop by and say ’’hello." ■ ii' fit comfortably and curve grace­ Never wear a color or a hat t»r with fashion . . .fit. fully over your head. The hat- MIESES* and WOMEN'S WEARING APPARB. Easter Pripiping for the Homo a hairdo just becauae everybody I wearing trend this spring suggests else ii. Beat way to develop a you buy jnruire thanMne at these If company has been invited for Easter, you’ll want the house to fashion aense is to learn to pick 631 MAIN STREET tnvlUng prices, 82.9F to 85.98; things becoming to you and to flexibilitylightness sparkle “invitingly. Step into 1- JOHNSON P A IN T (X>;, 699 Main have the courage to reject those \Dress up i scrambled eggs: Just ihat/re not, ’ We Invite You To before serving sprinkle then)^ with St. "G O N" St 25c is first aid for gr^ ed Cheddar.^ or Parmesan removing disfiguring stains (water Drop in and See The New chee'^e. tiny squares of frean bread marks, liquor, perfume) from Little Oentlemeil Drees the Part j The .;^ounger generation pf toasted In- butter^ minced green furnllu.re. "CHAIR-LOC ” only 30c '"4. pepper or strips of canne/fl pimiento is the quick; modern way to tight­ American' males will step out/lii Exciting Styles For Easter ]|E FF C O B B BY PETER HOFFMAN and chdpped parsley. en loose, wobbly chairs. You the Eas.ter parade looking aa yell- MICKEY FINN Natural Reaction! BY LANK LEONARD needn’t make a big job of taking ^dressed ss their dads, and in rhuch: >'/• MeANWHue X " HOW CAN A GAL WITH A FACS ’ High/' Can Ite Comfortable furniture apart; just drop "Chair- the same styles. BOYS’ Sl^OP of* LIKE AN ANSI L TURN OUT TO BE A I Step Intd apriqg lighthearted and loc:’ Into the joint. It "swells the C. E. HOUSE A SON has the PHONY MONEY PASSERoi’t Costs THEY'RE SETTING and Stacks aa carefully tailored M^GASNE STYLES - might i pokt think even n f m m m m 6 5 i I Step" - or "Valentine" shpes from loose wooden handles on garden ON COUNTERFEIT ^ aANcy T iiiEm tools you’ll soon be herding. for the .small fry As for' thelri ALL OVER THE STATE.', busine$s.'M op— A » i u m ! j the salon at C\E. HOUSE A SON.' HWETOLPLaA 1 TALKING TO EACH OTHER, ; Gleaming patent leathers or the eldcr-s, ALTERATIONS W ILL BE WHERE HE WAS/ HOOLIHAH! BOT THAT^ AN IPEA! < , newest of colote like , • "FrencN Herb square.s are a good ac­ TAKEN CARE ORV IN TIME FOR J GOING, PHIL! 1 IILPRIVE OVER 10 HER shop! ; Rread" beige, "Wedgewood" blue companiment for soiip.s, salads or EASTER. Rem^jiber, _^top, the ' I are here in addllioh to smart navy, juices. Spread toast squares or SHOE DEPT, here for' comfort­ SUITS I, ■ red and gray. You'll And a smart sm(^ll soda crackers with soft able, tong-weaflng KALI-STEN- 1 kertea o f heel ailhoii^tea, all made butter or margarine and cover IKS. / - ONE-OF-A-KIND to pamper your feet.'- lightly with bits of chopped chives or celery seeff. Heat Irt a mod­ Women who get mixed up on lUDGET PRICED erate oven—350„ degrees K. for the denier and the gauge of ny­ -X about five minutes. lons should try to remember that L . t*f t 2 Pe*-0 15-denier hose normally are worn Yaur'Credin Is GocmI : . 9 8 ■ /V y .'i in the daytlmer' 30-denler hose for NOW ^-At MANCHE.STER CARPET shopping and sports while 10 and i l i c e n t e r , 308 Main' St., vour 12 denier stockings are "evening credit is A one. NO MONEY sheers" and. meant for cocktaila To 4T.98 CAPTAIN EASY Losinsr Fight BY LESLIE TURNER FRECKLES "AND HIS FRIENDS That’ll Do It BY MERRILL BLOSSER DOWN is demanded from you and, partying.. .. ., when you buy, lovely carpelin’g. WHY, VOU FRA ilP! S O T 'l KNOW! Viwn ▼ OH. OPfICEOL Y SLkZES, YOUb BETTtR. Mow Much is DOVbUTHlMlC MoW TkUE — so t GUESS There is a pleasing time-payment IJItle Slater .Dresses . J VOIWUi CAPThlW/MTIMNOr lONU'Y* QUICKL.5T0Pf m K 6 0 r GO IN here THIS COLD IT WILL HELP Xti. have a BCKOP plan In effect that gives you UP Just like Mommy, little daugh­ E A « V ! WAIT. X WANT yO VOkf AT UBERTV ■ THAT PUR»B 5 TO HAND AHP eeV (AYCOtPf a^ANPY INSTBAP/ f— SOMCTMING . TO TPHREE YEAR.S TO PAY. Is ter wants to dress up for Easter. ItOAKSiNBR. H ’-, II dNATCHER!^ HER BAO HOUR there any reason to postpone this SAVEMOR .S'rORES, 1099 m AiA \WOtiVBK9f ■ SACKl important purchase that gives so St. have lots of dainty, sunny col­ DRESSES QU84TI0N* X VET I much real comfort- and enjoyment ors in the designer fashioned "Prin­ to the entire family. Have you cess Pal" DRES.SES, priced frijm THAT ARE DIFFERENT ^ ,■ /iJ'' s ! ^ r p seen the amazing new TWEEDY 83.49 (a 86.9.5' value I. Adult BROADLOOM that ran resist trends /re repeated in pint-size bleach?,Ihk, and stubborn stains fashloirs; dress-and-jacket outfits, SERVICE wash right o ff.' Ask to see this the jumper and blouse, big collars to educstiflnal demonstration. are important. ... (Mtured in LADIES' HOME JOURNAL ON New Records S— by mA ■anAaa. ^ TM Rag, V B. WrI Off. SHIFTS ' You carv feel the soft cushioned comfort of the Magic IN KENjP'5 RECORD DEPARTMENT CDATS THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE Irwin On l^he Job ' M O R T Y M E ^ R L K A Good Fog Horn BY DICK CAVALLI BY WILSON SCRUGGS WITHOUT YOU ...... Eddie naher Here You Will Find The Beat Made Garmenta S o le In e a c h of t h e s e smooth fi'tting Air Step?. Open AND DRY iD r — 7 " h Feoih The Makera Of Nationally-Advertiaed Coata lAMTMEOmeROFTHie A S A 6 E LETS GO CHECK ’S iT *' ■*'^^t3^lAWSAWrSi)l’VE b e e n l o c v -'S THATS FUNNYLT E wiaMouavE TwsAiRooiotff I- HOT DIGGITY ...... , . . . . P?rry Como « U ILm & AR. POOMER. ANP hiSLBAee LIST OF REPAIRS TO YOUR MOTHER/8C THE RENT THE MAGIC TOUCH .... The Platters 7«UPERINTEfMNT AdAIN.IF^ ' ^THOUSMT A CEACIfEO HALL SUREV(3aOONT WHEN SHT GETS M^CY, WOULD sandal,.tailored p u m p , h a lte r sling...you’ll want noti ons, mLSMETHJCr I VWMT|(3A1 £P COULPFIN^ ' v cv D s l e e p ; Window, suliN Eo UNOUVTAYNG EACkTyV rr.Miss x t CLEANSING \ r.DDfE, MY LOVE ...... Fontane Slaters . 9 8 f 'sH vouRBHOunitf IS aUSTONE mi J C ^ O /r LIGHT IN THE rtWinOTHECHUSCH UEEkER^ but all, for a whole wardrobe of beautiful footw.ear. PpRT AU PRINCIf ...... Nelson Riddle to BREAMNdWlMOWe UTTLE Lossy. KEY 8CQKEN LUNCH] ' MFURCtOWNASIHE THIN6:.. vooiL AT nth HOUR MELODY ...... kt t. AI HIbbler 9i9-9ieEm(i HM/E1 0 r^WTHEOOOBOMA-Ct 1 SPEAK ^ ’TIFMISSNG, 10.95 11.95 NTHEFOV^ to ] All Sizes From 9 to 15,10 to 20 to 22'/]. Loupec, . . ■ ' - • • V , . ' ■ I ■ Id O T A m FISHER Women’a Youthful D r e s^ 14Vi to 26 RMNV I I ' ?/ f t KHlIilNdlN i .. 'I - m :: MANCHESnR l i f i MVEARS INCORPORATED 1 . 9 8 ■ I'it ’S SHOE STORE to DRY CLEANSERS. INC. 76.3 Main St. ^*2^ Green iStamps Given Tel. Ml-3-5680 70S MAIN STRECTr : j . 325 BROAD STREET j FURfiflTURE and MUSIC HOME OP FRIGIDAIRE ' t '..i 1 ^ 0 Vf ■ ' e, ,, ..vs .'I L, IT’i-VI-V V' - A” I ((( .k,!: 'll,,'#, I. y I 'i ' >v* '.tia ■'/J :*


PAGE TWENTY-FOUR MANCHESTER-EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY,. MARCH 28, 19W THE C a rd s Good Pitching to Pace Standings Mickey Mantle Appears Ready to Reach Predicted Stardom Herald Angle B r EARL W, YOST Junior Circuit Aperts BiUtor Fisticuffs Mark Game Cushing to Supervise Woman Backs McCoy Yairitees’ Star Led by Yanks; ^ tOX w a x BE TOUGH '^hlta and line drives as well ah big Most Exciting .'’ Take It from bread and butter playa at ahortatop. Jimmy Piar* In Pro Cage Playoffs ^astdMLU men like Manager Marty sail has been a fixture in center- Detroit Last Rec Baseball Program in Coast Bing Wrangle Marion of the Chicago White Sox field elnce he recovered from hU Since Bambino and Casey Stengel, field boss man illness ip 1953 and haa been a New York. March 28 —St. Louis and Fort Wayn«* of the Now York Yankees, the defenaive atandout avtr aince as - New Vork, March 28 m — knotted in a hot battle that $i|ready has led to fisticuffs, takfi Supervisor o f the ba.seball leajrvies to be opcrate'd bv the Lo.a AngcIPA, March 28 (/P)— Matchmaker Habe McCoy, ao- team they faar the most in tha well as a dependable .380 hitter. Ckinaidering that the Pitta- their playoff for the Natioit^ Basketball Assn.’s Western called czar of boxing in Southern California and a> target for St. Petersburg, Kla., March coining 19$0 American League Alto, at shortstop, the Sox have burgh Pirati^a put together title into the fifth and finalWamcfinalXiramc tomorrow niffhtnight while Recreation Department of the Town of Manchester for the pennant race is the Boston Red lanky Milt Bolling, considered by much o f the te.atimony to date, found a champion today an the 28. (A>)— Mickey Mantle, prep- x-U.hUadelphla can lock up tha East* 1956 seaaon vill be Mel Cushinjr. Recreation Siipl. .Jim Mnrdic Sox. Imany as the beat ahortatop In the the beat recoi^ among major ' crown at SyracuM tonight C,overnor’a\Committee resumed its inve.stigation of the sport ping for his sixth season in There is good reason, too, to fear league who does not have regular league teama )aat\ spring, there'a made the announcement today. Cu.shiiijr "ill handle the 'ort Wa.vme's Pistons came bus*. in the state. \ the major leagues, appears owner Tom Yawkey's Mtlllonairee atatua. Billy Consolo U capable of no reaaon for the Su Louis Cardi­ Alumni Lenijue. IntermediHtr.— ------Montreal Ousts Ulitf bark to square their best-of* McCoy,Joy. of tHetHi Olympic Audi­ ready to reach the aiiperitardom who haven't won a flag aince 1948. playing anywhere in the infield but nals to rejoice beeaus* they're L«aaua and T\vtli(tht League. I**'• prrfnini at Mt. Nobo. and "tried tp force him to testify five \semi-flnal by defeating th* torium. was nntxexpected to re­ predicted for htfn since he joined "The Red Sox are the team of the third base but niuat master a making a juicy showing in the VIU have complete charire of the crganiialional meet- against McCoy." HawM at St. Louis 98-86 last oraanlzinr of each and will handle' , , , ,, w sume his appeala^e on the wit-! Bhe said she told Jones just to the N ew Y ork Yankees a t the ten-, future," Stengel told nte in St. curve ball at the plate or his career Grapefruit League. But the fact is that tha Cards, Rang!er Sextet nightAThe Warriors, meanwhila, airachedulina R»niea. Also, -he f"'' *" l^ree loops will be an- neaa stand until latek in the week, < tell the truth, that McCoy had d. age o f 19. Petersburg. "Tliey could arrive in the big show will be limited. woefully weak in pitching th* paat galnedV 3-1 edge over Syracua* at aill name the'^fflcial aeorers ami noiineed ahortly. because of poor healtlb But Chief | nothing to hide. Unless his amazing exploits this year and if they do, look out." Now fm the right aide of the In­ few year*, are getting loads of New York. March 28 ftD -M on - Philadelphia -by trouncing thd Na- Btatiaticiana to r the three leauuea. | (hiahliifr haa been aaaoi iated Investigator .lames ..I.^,Cox sum­ "Someone," .said Mrs. Eaton; during the spring exhibitlona are Marion, the one-time alick fielding field; fire ^ n d second n>aee. "Billy good elbow' work In the exhibition treal's National HiKkey League ;tlonals 119-96. The AUutinl Leai^iie playa all ita with haarhall and aoflhall leagues moned Willie ninzber)^ another "mii.st have gotten to him after mere illusions, the Oklahoma ahortatop who helped the St. Louie Goodman ib my second basemen and Mlckey\ Vernon end Norm games. They've won 11 games champtona, after hustling paat The Pistons, who lost tha first Ifamea. %t' Oiarter Oark Park, the' )n Manchester for the past decade "leg man" for .the porllj\match­ that,” * strongDoy ought to tear the Amer­ Cardinals win several National Zauchln will Mernate at first base. and lost 7 for the best spring mark New York in their aemt-final ae­ two gameiS of the playoff, paired Intem^diate League makes Ita and during the winter nionihs maker. Cox did not question Mrs. Eaton. ican League apart this summer laagut flags and who played a big I plan to pley^euchln in Boston among National League teame. ries, now have only to play a wait­ free throw excellence with George home.'baae of operations at the serve.s aa ilireitor of the Weal 1 McCoy's support came from Mrs. Earlier, he continued to exam­ with his bludgeoning bat. part in the Reit Birdp' conquest of and Vernon on the road,” Higgins Improved pitching has been evi­ ing game while Detroit and Toron­ Yardley’a SOrpoInt sniping to pull Weat Side Oval and the Twilight i .Side Recreation ('enter. 'Aileen Baton., pianager of the ine wlt^.sae.s, seeking to connect The way he's sizzling now it the Red Sox in the '46 Series, sMd would be' no surprise if Mickey during a dugout Interview In Sara- told m a "1 hear V lot tbat Good- dent in pracUcally all their 18 out­ to settle their dispute about who even with the Hawks in a game _ . i ______i.______^______Olympic and wife of the promolW,-| McCoy/a.s' the silent manager of \' Cal Eaton, for whom McCoy captured the triple crown consist­ aota,.“ The Red Sox have a lot of maq can't do thiiXand Goodman ings. In no game did the Cards w-ill meet the clssay Canadtena tn that was Intbrniptsd by flaring can’t do that,” the tbp kick of the have more than seven runs scored the finals of the Stanley Cup tempers. V ir». „ . . ... I.. da^,"^ local ranking lightweight. ing of the batting, home run and good, young ball players and with Mrs. Eaton, in1 a voluntary ap­ runa-batted-in titles as well .aa the Ted Williams back for a full sea­ Red Hose said, “butNhe’s always against them. They've won by playoffs. This disturbance broke out when Amy Pirhey. Helen McCann ilelville Himnielfarb. Jordan'a winning ball games for you and he' 1-0, 3-1 and three times by 3-2 Bob Houbrega drove in to give •' ^ __ pearance at the hef.rtng late yes­ lanager of record, better known league's most valuable player hon­ son I feel that 'hey will provide Jones Downed by N^wcombe Fast Ball The Flying Frenchmen over­ or. . can play a number of poeltions. I Their losses, too, w'ere squeekers powered New York at Montreal in Fort Wayne an fid-flO lead With terday, declareil that McCov could in boxing as Harry K ahakoff a us with the strongest opposition.” Brookl.vn Dodger catcher Charley Thompson (31) and Don Newcomb* bend over Willie wish I had nine pltly Goodmans. — by 1-2 (twice), 1-3 and 3-4 a brilliant 7-0 display last night four minutes left to play. Hou* Share Hanots in Pin Event not possibly have hern involv'd) y i name he took from an uncle, a for­ Not aince Babe Ruth trained Rookies may play a big part in Jones, Philadelphia Phlllica Infielder, after he wa* hit in the head by a Nawcombe pitch in fifth If I did, I wouldn't worry." Uttrlce). to eliminate the Rangers 4-1 In bregs fell to the floor aftfr a series of alleged. fixed[) figlrts. mer fighter and Felix Villarreal, here more than 20 years ago have the success, or failure, of the Sox inning of •xhibitlon game at Clearwater, Fla. Jonaa was taken to a hospital aa th* Dodgers went There has beeW talk that Good­ their best-of-a«ven aeries and gain sinking the layup, touching edt.a "most of which were held fay''nut Jordan's'^original manager, were l(Kal fans been as excited over a this season.* "I wouldn't b« afraid Luis Arroyo and Tom P t^lak y on to win, 8*2.‘ (A P WliWlrephoto), ■ ■ man Will be offerisd on the market their aixth straight final berth. verbal flare up between Platon Thirty.one women particlpaterl- Third .place went to Betty Phll- of this state, in New York j y Phil­ the main 'v^'itnesses, player as they have over Mantle to open the season tomorrow with each have picked up tw j victories. along with first baaeman-outfield- But Torontb’ a Maple Leafs, Chuck Noble and the Hawin' Bob In lait nlght'a \hree-game hand!- lips wl^n totalled with the help adelphia or some oilier od^place." Kahacoff denied that McCoy has this spring. K The others went to Vinegar Bend er" Dick Gernert and if the former after three times falling before Harrison. cap bowling event, staged by the I of an 18-pin. handicap while Vi She testified under piRh after an.v flnanciar . interest In Jordan Hits I.ong Ball Mizell, Larry Jackson, ElUa Kin­ ia traded off. Klaus would be in­ der. Ben Flowers, Stu Miller, late Detroit ralllCA finally choked That, in turn, sat off several In* Baton, whose son Is married to and said he borrowed $1,000 from They watch with excited antici­ Women's League aKthe‘'y alleys. J Chapman.placed fourth with a 3 (Cleaning Up tlip Ba.sc|iatliH stalled at second bate. Goodman Is Harvey Haddix and Gary Blaylock. off the Red Wings 2-0. dividual fights that brought both' Gov, Knight's daughter, pleaded Bob Nimex. another manager, to pation as Mickey strides to the Green Manor Defeated Handicapk Were baaed on the top | iripi* (handicap of 16 pins) only 30, although he has played Trio Stop* Braves The Red Wings ar* confident benched to the floor before pcdlee Milwaukee Bravea' Del Ciandell i» foreed at wecond an' St. that she he given c ehance to.re- buy Jordan's contract from Vlft' plate and look with wonder aa he MICKKV MANTLE eight seasons with the -Red Sox. Yeatqrday Arroyo got the tri­ they can wrap things up at De­ waded In to help break It up. Louin Cat'dR nef ond baseman Red Srhoendtenst Bren ball to flrst . ly to testimonv/ given the day larreal riflea home nina over the distant flU Md Helen McOinn I wound up w ith m to Player of Year? and has fallen under the .300 mark umph as the Cards nipped the Mil­ troit tomorrow night in the fifth Philadelphia had its second vie* to complete double play In third inning of exhibition game at St. before by a former heavyweight, Cox pinpointed the fact that fences, one drive longer than the RES ended the aeaaon with 106 Wat.son Jones. but twice, an(| never under .294. waukee Braves 2-1. 'hie St. Louis In Norwich Tonrnament game of the set anfi then go on to tory in the bag from the start, Petersbui'if, Fla. .Play started when pitcher I.se\v Burdette Kabacoff cashes his larger pay an<| were the only entries'wilingV o u in " ' othe;. Gernert has been hitting better battle the Canadlefi's for the Cup taking, the lead on Tom Qola'a Best, single games weM iirned Riotinded to shortstop Dick Schofield who tossed to Schoen- f'lalmeil He \4 a* ‘Kdhbed' checks at a bank near McCoy'a trio— Mizell. Arroyo and Kinder— DfKTV I.RAKIIK from scratch in last nlght's\our- When someone mentions , thst than Vernon and Zauchln but he iii the final series which probably opening drive in and rolling it up in hy Mrs. Pirkey ( dienst for force. Cards won, 2-1. (AP Wirepholoj. Jones tewfied he had been limited tha Braves to' only two Spearheaded by several m cm -«18 markers and Ronnie Harris had NerrlU's Market it) ney. apartment while he maintalna his Mantle hit a home run, the inevi­ has had trouble solving major Applrb; ...... 104 i too 106 will gel underway next Tuesday. from there. Verona (143) and In four "tank fights" and he in hits. *1110 Cards picked up the win­ bera of this aeaaon’a Naw Haven 14 for the locala who meet rival Amy Pirkey pinned games own m ajor accounts in twoi other table next question always la: league deliveries in hit previous McCarlan______9S2 , too II'J tl3 6 ). volved McCoy in three of them. I banks. Kabacoff "probably is just ning run in the seventh ftining on Teachers College quintet, the Co- M IfarraiKl ...... SO 101 101 Praise for Winnent 100'144-130 plus a four-pin hand Til I 1't n WYi .-k • a ..,. * * "How far did he hit It?" trials. Frankla'd Drive-In in a consola­ BOHMNti f During ilie coiir.se of his testimony ! from habit singles by Joe Cunntnghani and lumbua Auto 'Body of New Haven tion game tonight at 7:30. B. Farramt ...... *4 74 M4 New York Coach Phil Watson, tap to Bhare top honors with a Buddy Lewis, an old catcher L. Farrand ...... S8, 101 107 Hsmi. Soilhall Meeting Date Set lie observed that he had been ‘la-g'-man’ Chores Bill Virdon and an Infield out. upset the defending champtona, Actually the Silk Towncra lost who hsd fired the Rangers Into laudabla 077 triple acorr. Marge with the Boston Braves, after "I have jio outfield problems Reds Beat Buffalo "robbed" hy both Mrs. Baton and He said he gets $60 a week for .Trailing the Cards in the Nation­ Green Manor Proa 99-89 laat night out at the free throw line. New Totals ...... 476 478 S.'n I4SO their ftrit playoffs ainca 1950, Xocktr, spotted 12 extra pins, also Atpy Ph )o }- .. watching Mantle for the first time, with Ted Wllliaraa. PiersAll or Oaarar Nff. (I) MaMc N("fH'krrh' Mcf'oy of purse money. "leg-man" chores from McCoy but al League Grapefruit atandinga are in the semi-finals of the annual Haven, outaebred by one hoop didn't 'dlicrcndlt hi* crew a bit chalked up a 377 triple on strings could hardly believe some of the Keough and Jackie Jenaen," Hig­ Wrlaht l o f too In Playoff Opener Rplty Phmip* For Forming of Rec League Heatedly, Mr.s. B.Hon denied the insist^ he alone manages Jordan. 4'HI'R4'H LKAdl'K the Cincinnati Rediegs, New York Norwich Record-Bulletin Basket- from the field, took advantage of MIruckI ...... M 131 after the (Inal walloping. ’’The Of 100-186 and 124. \'l CiVapinait drives Mickey hit. gins continued. Williams la still accusation and declared that "by 81. Jai S o, i <•) Giants and champion Brooklyn ball Tournament. The victors led 27 personals chalked up by de­ Martin ...... 137 M Canadlena are a great team," he rv»t CoairH Villarreal told of a long campaign ! ** 95 the greatest hitter in our national Koarnr ...... tit llA Margr WuRlydig conservative estimate, Mr, Baton . 95 111 W2 "He ought to be the greatest Dodgers each w'lth 10 vlctorlea all the way posting quarter scores ■aid, "and it'* hard to stop th*m, New York, March 38 t m - J T h s First mecllng of the season fort engineer correctly forui the inrt{- bv K abacoff to bu.v Jordan'a conA (’srlln ... 101 55 97 254 ■port and Jensen haa drived in 117 fending kingpins by sinking 37 of Shcfk^y Kniinn \ \ t j am'l I have given Wat.son Jones at agaiiiit elrht aetbacka. Pittsburgh, with all thalr scorer*.” Providence R*d*, who lad th* tract. He .said it finally breame n a 'V- Pax'i'd . % Kid KM player who ever lived," Lew\a ut­ and 116 runs In hli two Boston of 30-17, 54-39 and 79-65. The Proa 43 foul shot*. On the other hand Aniip T wo Ihe formation of the Rec Senior vidnal lights. least $1,000 since he quit figlil- m 115 Iftfi 1{24 w'hich led with a 19-11 record last Totftla Defenaemsn Doug Harvey, American leagiia pannant imca al* I.U Mohiinii insistent Jordan got di.scouraged ' tered In amazement. \ seasons while banging out 26 and played without the aervlcea o f tal­ Green Manor hit a laudable IS of 1*1 Softball League will be held Thurs- ' Hei’i'eallon Siipt. Jim- Heixlic is inc." VtS 11.7 92 m spring, is J-8 this time aa are the rookie Hertrl (Pocket Rocket) moat all aaaaon, ar* off oa th* I iip|**n MrrHiV(i and agreed to the sale. | Terry Moore, who fOT years was 26 homers; Back of the aforemen­ ented Bobby Knight who showed 21 from the 16-foot line aa the vic­ ' Alice Beebe , . ■ . I a , -.so a. ,v,a hopeful of getting at least four •She then told the committee that Chicago Cubs. Hie Rraves are 8-9 A A Richard and Dickie Moore each right foot In th* 0*ld*r Cup play* I f>^o. JohniMib ms :n« j day night, April at 7;30 at the ______. _____ Jordan fights former light-lTcO''*"" 51H 535 499 1544 regarded as the top cehterfielder tioned foresome are Faye Throne-' upXfor the game only to discover tors were guilty of but 16 peraoh- Mou^r ... and possibly six, strong teams only la.st week Jones had tele­ and the bring J. Wrlirh! popped in a pair of goals In laat off*. Carter's Helen WUhHm mi sir. t- weight champion Jimmy Carter at 1 „ . , 'a <4> in the National League when he berry anda.G«ne Stephens, two hla name waa not on the Green ala. ! Mary McCarthy 103 :iM Bast .Side Rec. All Manrheater from Manchester to c << m p e t e. phoned and told her he had been II5 113 124 261 up the rear with 7-10. Nrit- R4«ss Dritalto .. night's rout. Jean Bellvaau, the Th* high-flying find* dafaatod .\.2 the Olympic tomorrow night. |'J^j liri.ib ...... 129 9H 244 was a member of the St. Louis young pldiyers who played little Manor roster. W«rr#n ... i Ruth MclmoHh .. > 's'1 sis! interested in competing are Teams will be screehed before threatened with Jail unless he 122 The , idle ***k r pt*. leading scorer In regular season the Buffalo Biaons S*1 laat night < Chlrky Aerxenwkl 2A In .‘taem mento. meanwhile, Gov'. | rim lmrcjyk ...... Il5Uk 99 Jon 221» Cardinals, waxes enthusiastic last seaiqn. Stephens got into 109 Paul DelGobbt), leading scorer f I^w Man membership is gran^d. All teams "said some had things about Babe )'».7 95 95 2% yesterday, top the American Mtd*en .. play, got the other g ^ —his fifth to taka a 1-0 lead In thalr b*at-c(* , t'orimie Bitrnw .. n\ S7 .'llil, urged to liave represenlativea Knight authorized an additional ! SiljL*,,';,''. every time somebody mentiona garnet Igat season but most ap­ with the New Haven Teachers, ted I M u WORK CLOTHES Mary SImnionn ... 12 must be oiitfllted In Jerseys and M cCoy." . 95 no 107 212 League with 11-6. Then come Chi­ all point-geltera last night with 13 r»lr*f6*«'a, f .. 1-n in the rive games.*" five aemi'.flnal aarlea. jjjll sin ' P(c*'nt at Um sesaion. $30,000 for the inquiry to go with Mantle's name. pearances were as either a pinch- Touts : MarMe lloImM .. 22 hats, Herdie said, Jones, she continued, told her cago. with 10-6, aevciand 11-7, baaketa and eight of 11 charity D*4ln*. c ...... s MS Goalie • Hari-y Lumley was the Providanc* acored in avary P** a. < Sblriey Fothei NllI 97 hos f This season all games will be ...... ,, , the original----- $.50,000,- ..... -.e H, repeated I Yelal" 553 548 **522 1623 "Mantle, haa more power than hitter or as a pinch-runner. Camp, a ...... 5 For Painters, Mati<1e Carpenter IR two policemen had taken him , he would let the "chipa fall" where i Kansas City 8-7 Bojton 7-9, Wash­ tosaea for a total of 34 pointa'. He fiarfamnrr. a 0 D Amirraun big man for the Maple Leafs at rlod and complatoly domlnatadu* HS tin :si7 . plavrd under llie lights st Roberl- Night hall at Robertson Park /anybody I’ve ever aeen,’ said Pitching is the brightest spot on , 1-2 W Andarnon VI Morton ...... 22 from Ills Job to the st.ate building | they will in the probe. ington 5-9, Baltimore 5-12 and De­ waa accorded ample aasiatance by J>l Gobbo. a 13 M l Tofonto with 33 sates in his shut­ gama aftar uaorge McAvoy*fi 86- Carpienters, Plumbers «■ jjj;; |4(ni Park at the .Norlh End. Tlic was a great drawing attraction 1 Houlh .MflhodUl N . 3 <3». the clulj, for the first time aince Jankowiikl ... Mary A. pHSianon ^3 I/(Ktmin .. in> liki 9QA ‘^^f*”**®* "»nd that include* B abe/ troit 4-18. big Jlnuny - Davlns, Bridgeport Phanatif ...... out that gave them their first de­ foot goal put th* lUda in ftoat Klwle Pound' ... 1** ^ mi, - isd ;/permancnl night lighting unit haa from, 1B47 to 1950. Since 19.50 the MrKa>’ V.’.V.’ »o 2K3 Ruth .and Lou Gehrig:. I played 1946. “ Frank Sullivan, Willard IS Totals 27-43 99 Sue Puniel .... SR \(H The White. _ kox were knocked Unlvet:a!ty,,,aUn.dfiui,,,5yUh.26 tal­ Bfrtprhe .... cision over Detroit in 'll, playoff 2-1 in the final aacwid o t tha „ — . « ... 21.' lieen rompletely overhauled and light's have been put in use only a Spf‘»*4l ...... 7S Nixon, Bob Porterfield. Tom Brew­ ^'GraaiV MAmoi-.-iW.. •Mnthi»»f»iTn 71 fnd Gehrig atu^ I out of the lead'by dropping a 7-2 lies while Wally Camp and Frank r ” 'pts: games. opening/ Smt/\ shwtty7"All few limes 'for Bperiaf''Witractirms.' Hama. I .. A 4 b 14 Totals ...... i - Nthii.^nn 13a ,4^; saw either of, them hit .a er and George Susce look like my decision to the Red Sox. Jim Pier- Switag combined for an addition­ "It was a tremendous team ef­ Jim BarUatt, Binma CUam Irene ('nn.tsnilne 3* 90 ' to to 5if7 that IS necessarv lo complete the The tovyn appropriated $2,000. re­ Bweers with Ntr Future Know PandhrrR ball as hard as Mickey hit this best starters,” Higgini told me. Duhoae, f . ..3 rwi sail paced a latk Bbaton. rally, al 26 markers. Wtdholm. f . 3 0.0 Gray BeseafeS fort," saiU Toronto iQsptain Sid O U ftaii Khd And iXvVereno*''.:; i4 TO ' HI 1 npc'cli'’'' "f KCMlng tW unit hack cently for the repair of the lights spring. "I really don't know about Mel . 1 2 l*anibe>rt TotAln ...... 500 504 519 1523 Frank Bulllvan driving in three of the four runs UConn star . Konnie B'ushweU Drlacoll. f Smith, who got the second goal. toglatarad for thaltada v ^ la Sam Beulah Shorts .. 34 79 74 74 S i 1 *n Working order is to have an ing unit. "Ruth used to uppercut the ball Parnell. He haa looked both good Qulfnbv, .10 1- ft 31 ' Wo4KlrfM*k When They’re to Win, Lose ./ion Lutheran (I) the Red Sox scored in the aeventh and rebounder Art Quimby stood iu*:lEhwri). , 7 ' 27 Mln.r ... "W e gave Lumley some protection Bettio kept th* Blaona from being r. Hampton ...... 7f» 77 2Ilh and aend it high and far. Mickey and bad." I saw Mel look like a g Frank Malzone at third base, Don and eighth Innings. out for the Pros hooping 23 and 21 Ah^am $ .. . a 2- IE Stathera2 and he gave us some fantastic net- ■hut out. - r Sf’ror ...... 134 W $3 .103 I swings more straightaway and 20-game winner one afternoon end laow Man minding. That waa the difference." Han!«fn ...... SH UlS lOo 2S1 Buddin at shortstop and Marty In other games tha Dodgers points, respectively. Former 27 Total* 37 15-31 70 Tha,.afcDnd gam* wUl b* playad Little Rock, Ark., March 28 (J’l i "If you can get to the top, look H Hampion ...... 12n R6 S4 ,'tOi ■sho6ts.lhe ball out. Ruth's drives Keoiigh in centerfield," Manager the next time out he was-routed beat the Phillies 6-2. the Piratea UConn great Jimmy Ahearn caged 8cor«i at half 54-39 New Haven. Totali ...... 4i(r 454 'r t u ^ a y night, tha aam* avanlng for seven runs in one inning by the The earljv findings of the Cali- what yoii'll rain" that's what the Rf'rknnsrl ...... 77 S3. f»5 235 S^mde a huge arc and dropped. Mike Higgin.s told me. downed the Rediegs 6-4, the Cuba B'llr* Tm |T(3) Montreal and Detroit hav* m*t tha Pntaburgh Hornata and CSava* Cardikala. Parnell Is the biggest Raimtmdo 1(1' fornia commission investigating oeoph.v.te.a are told. Tolata 339 4R2 1479 [ drives pick up speed in Malzone batted .310 for Loula- outalugged the Giants 13-10, the .. in the Stanley Cup (Inal* Uir*e land Barana gat thalr baat>c(*flv* a s "if" on the sq.'.ad. It la hardly K. Armatronf I mid-air and Just don't atop. I'd ville In the American Assn, last Athletics- dumped Detroit 7-2 and W. Armstronf time* in the las' four yeafii- ■emi-flnal aarlaa underway. hate to have to run after the thing. likely that he'll be pedilled off or Ktrka...... * T h '" b c u y ^'f Bfrond 4'nnsu* <4j year and managed to' get Into six Cleveland nipped Baltimore 8-7. Needles^ Just Like Father, Pleanenl . . . . . ishouldht shatter anyone s lllu- more than 'JO per cent of their Bt ninnt ft ...... 119 Kfi 90 294 He must give the milfieldert flts. games with the parent Red Sox placed on w'slvera because he still The beaning of Willie Jones, Rutkf' ...... 93 SS command's a man's size salary. .... purses, if that niiich, a.s lieginncrs, ...... 114 95 In- 316 ! ”’**■*' P'’"''*'' **" '■ Ihe only and collected seven hits In 20 of- Phils' third baseman, by Don New- Toiala 447 1441 I THe fact that at least 12 alleged should they expect to get more of umhtch .. .4... IID 11« 104 :no ! thing he can do. He beats you four flclnl at bats for a .350 average. "Frank Baumann is not aa fast combe marked the Brooklyn, game. Ponder^ 1948 Derby Winner Byars Eyes Bout with Champ "flxed" fights have , been imcovei;- the big ones? And if thev do Klcholtz' r . . . . . 9il 9 ; all." uct hit .292 with Louisville, socked of tile left ear. X-rays showed no PtllSTit ...... 49 W After Disposing of Murphy -f-] most fighters wlio aren't going against .short-career Needles, which right now looks king-sized bay’s fore rnlrr < tingn No. 3 Ml I played a big league' game. Dick C o le 's single with two Derby horse. Ponder had shown Obrrm*k( , 93 50 •106 277 cO. by the combat^int.a^ - oihey competitive .aport.s want Nf'ill ...... HIT 94 Malzone Is the old man of the trio There is no problem behind the tucky Derby o f 1949. The only dif­ M6rl*y 52 other rocking left andad i t I’ersnnal IHgiilly more and more of !J" ' Great Spring Mark out in the ninth Inning gave the very little, and it easily could have 56 119 255 1.' .“Ih' ...... h2 79 124 at 26.' Biiddin is 21, plate. Sammy tVhlte set a record ference waa that Neellea was Byars defended hi* New Eng­ For Byara It was an impraaalva I.(iu Man ...... 96 96 96 266 Mickey iinquestfonably has b((Wn Pirates their (rlumph. Pittsburgh, much better Icncrsi'n than waa Pon­ seemed even less to the Jones boys Total* 4U1 4(67 466 1349 land welter crown by knocking f"' 'he voimg...... 9.'1 67 112 292 the most exciting performer in the last year of catching 143 o f the however, was out-homered 3-1, '•V victory. Ha'a coming but a naar* SUITS - TOPCOATS - SPORTCOATS ^ like Rocky Marciano and Joe ; .,ter who, hecau.se of his environ Naan ...... P*6 106 154 gamea. Pete Deley and Hay­ der when the aon of Pensive after having had Citation and dowii Bobby Murphy five time* for 101 315 , Grapefruit circuit. Look what he's None of these rookies may be Ray Jabloiiakl, Stan Palys . and HkllUI. future maatlng.wlth a man pack­ Louis who liave lejit personal ment ,, iR lo the dn^a any* wood Sullivan, plus bonus baby droi^d out bf the clouds to bag Coaltew'n aa an entry the year be­ a technical knockout at 3:23 of the .523 1471 ’ aheady (lone. In the Yankees' first starters, but ,Jf they fall to hit Frank Robinson connecting for Mpyprf ., ...... \.. 94 lOU 113 ing th* one-punch deatruetioa of ( dignity to the connivers. there Tnlal...... 464 464 ______the Run (or the Roiea at 16-to-l. fore. Tremm*! ...... \ 109- 107 57. fifth round last night at the Arena. From now until Easter, we will give you 15% dividend in merchandise s.iiith .MrihodUl > 11. I (3i nine exhibition games, he wallop- major league pitching on a steady Jim Pagliaroni are other receivers. the Redi and Lee Walla for the ex-worM champion DOMaroo ap­ " ? Juslifu atKin at all for ! weiV do"i/'fn'r'’aome pay amfaome |••'1 kinn 96 Sullivan may be sent but where he Needles came from next to laat Anyway. It was_not until ^he , 58 55 Wily tyallSr, the local kid who home nma. two triples and every day diet the Red Sox cause Bucs. 55 M peared premature. Promoter flaaaT professional boxing today. ■ brief heydov Hni I ]ii4 "96 ^74 -276 should improve by phtyln^ every I. a 14-horse field to account for night before the Derby that Ben He«ty has only IS professions! fight* un- , 96 96 91 265 three doubles. His batting average is far from lost. Grady Hatton, re- 30-Hlt Attack ...... 5 1 53 52 Silverman, hotyevar, aald . "Tha on ony suit, topcoat or sportcoat you buy. Men of their respective ra, e.s ' Perhaps that i.s the wav th,3t the day. the Florida Dertfy. Ponder charged Jones, after a conversation with der his belt; with,with 13 victoriea In­ Bi ir .. ,* 94 1 13 97 .l(«' was lip in the clouds at a sensa- ular third baseman last year, js The Cuba got 20 hits, including TmrIh winner gets Tony." can always aspire to attain their public, which ,t,il crave.s boxing 1(»4 from dead last in a 14-horse field the late Warren Wright, put In a 4A| 469 1444 1354 cluded, had given fellow-towiis- 61 101 -66 , tional .484. None of hi.s homers fack and won't give up hi.s posi­ The overall spring record of the Harry Chltl’a homej', in clubbing !) The defeat virtually andad HUr- i positions and purses. I despile everything wants it to win the more Important edition telephone call for Steve Br(x>k*. Panififf msn Murphy a sound boxing les-’ Ttiiala 5m I 503 471 1475 traveled under 40ft feet. tion without a fight. Billy Klaus, Red Sox has not been impressive. ... 52 97 96 37S phy’a dayj aa a main aventar. H* EXAMPLE: Buy a suit at $50.00 and receive $7.50 (15%) worth of your the Giants, A four-run fifth in­ Chuiy*h . . . . 56 97 53 M5 the dead.end T(id and the comic Spring training '.voq and loss ning off lefty Don Llddle iced the at Oiurcliill Downs. Brooks Rode render i Muriitiy son minus knockdowns to taka the rvfUsea to quit the ring according ; Ib a game against the ( ’ardinal.s, Brooks wa* at Pimlico to ride 106 56 9o Ml .cham p of the aqiiad, wa.s one of the records can be tossed out the win­ verdict. Foster Caatleman and Wei Big Three-Year-Old 97 *4 56 270 championship flve':;weeks earlier. to his dressing* room atatemant choice, of any merchandise in the store* I 6 4 " us; 266 « pitch by righthand- dow when one tries to size up the Coaltown in th'e Dixie Handicap. C«rrwr1ght 94 91 256 In the first fight,''Byars.simply Last Nigh 1*8 Fights Iiifliaii Coiirl.sters ...... 91 -96 1.37 326 I-2irry Jack.son clear over a mainstays in the remarkable clim b Westrura homer^d for N e w York. Needles appears to. be the "b ig ” 7? which can only mean “Back to th* The long Derby program w«a on . uiitboxed Murphy who ha* a mur­ ft'-u-ruo ...... 92 lui 66 279 liRht lower in hack of the 410-foot the Sox made from the second vaUiatlon of a team. In this Imok, Jim Busby, acquired),in the, Lar­ three-year-old of 1956 and-as *ood «To(alii *...... 166 435 > 144 prellminariea." when the contract rider arrived at'*' 1347 division to fourth place in the final Boston appears to have ita atrong- ry Doby trade with the White Sox. a Story book horse as has cpme X Wort rol|f*ff derous right if he can land it but It was only the aacond loaa in 18 ‘ Sacramento, Calif. — Archie ^ illi Aleritleii Five TO 1,^3 llu ikii! " ‘fb. in r^hl^-ente.-fieW, The tow. the Downs by plane. er extends r.i feet. No tape mea.s- 1955 atandinga. Klaus won't break est team in the past decade and drove out hit fifth h'ome run to along. If .Hugh Fontaine, the train­ little deferse. In fart, Byara won boiita for Murphy who weighed Moore, 191, San Diego, outpointed fi (;> SHOES Tniais 4.59 496 .5Su i,5u5 lire Was available.- but oldtimers down any fences but he can beat w'ill make the Yankees travel at give Cleveland a comeback tri­ er, had a tough' time keeping "I didn't know there was s nine of the 10 rounds In that flmt 142 H to Byar a 189H, SPRING SUITS Howard King. 188, Reno, Nev., 10 MrCnmb 95 K.1 91 372 We're mighty pfoiid to sell Four of .Manche.sler High's top i Ntirth .>lrihi»(1i«t .\«»,2 (3) you a hundred waya with pui|ch lop speed, from start to finish. umph. The Indiana tied the game Needici on his |)lni and getting horee named Ponder in the sta­ Arrufla .. 59 59 101 379 encounter with boxing’s 1M9 (non-title). cagers have joined force.x with the ' n:i TO. :iu6 "Rceed it was the longest halt ever New spring suits of outstanding appearance and performanre. these fammis shoes famous ITO 12U iii2 32*'*hH at Al 1.3ing Field, in the eighth on Rocky Colavito's him in. racing trim. It'w as nothing ble." said Brook* after the race; Grant ... 76 55 91 356 rookie of the year. They fit (x>mfoftahl.v for modem living. Excellent wrinkle-re- Hollywood. Calif. — Art Aragon, -Meriden Blue Streak Oilers and '0 1 .. '.r'..,;; Taylftr .. 7'/ 90 •94 261 Last night 'Byars had. thunder for flt ■ the most com fort­ 63 126 6.6 2TO T '.a t recoid blow lasted one day. "UANE DEATH MOURNED bases loaded single. Tito Francona to what he had done on himself. "I never saw B.A. iesS.enthusi­ Stark .. . 76 75 75 226 The first intareollbglal* tennis ststaneeiand shape hnllding qualities. All the newest shades and 148, , knocked out are eui renllv p.nii tu ipaiinr jn the B"nitHtn 117 :ii3 Hfsekry al a Glance astic about a hor*e anywhere, let bolts for flsts. His left, which tampionShlpa ware held in 1888 able shoes in (he worldi and uu 3r»4 The next afternoon, Mickey teed connected for the Orioles. Four years ago, Fontaine, a patterns. famous for slyfe correctne.sa Danny Ot(i>v«.nelli. 145J, Brooklyn, 9. Connecticut Senior Amateur , ...... ' flying ace .of World War I, was Slone In .the Derby. There w'ss no- Totatfl ...... 415 425 452 1303 kept Boston's Bobby off balance on the ground* or i| mental inatitu* off on a pitc h by rookie Bill Brad- Miami Beach, Fla., March 28 (JP The , hapless Ttg,ers managed HyUc AHHcprfl f2) too. Beaumont, Tex. - ■ Willie Pep. Ba.xkethall Tournament in the T..|aJ.s ...... 499 546 - .5IS> l5f.3 ford of Kansas City and blasted it Tuewlay's Resulta only two hits off Lou Kretlbw and living on a houseboat at Fort walking around the track, no ln‘~j~o,(fsTw)*r ?N) thetr first me ‘ting, knocked Mur­ lion' In Hartford- Inaiatea war* Silver Cil.v. The qiiarlel inctiide.-i — Harness racing today mourned in 57 127, Hartford, Conn., outpointed National League Art Ditmar of Kansas City. Both Lauderdale, convalescing while atructions. He Just told me to go Jnrhlmj»6n ., in m 75 295 phy o ff his feet this time. used as bgllboya and One of them Floriheims $ 17.95 up ■■ih-rsn tf, , nearly out of kigh't, a drive thsl William Henry (Bill) Cane, head up Buddy Baggett. 12.5,- Dallas. 10. Captain Eddie Wojnk. stylist Alan ■ ,, L ‘ .Semi-Final Playoff* of' Detroit's runs came without struggling with that common race oiit there and let the colt run his Mrt.’nrthy ...... - 79 52 72 226 TV'o smashing lefts in succession hit champion Joe' Clark, in the * 4 5 Philadelphia . Joey Gjardello,- Cole. Red and White'.x leading . llu im 1U6 319 cleared the renter field wall' and of the Yonkers, N.Y., rarew'ay and Mutton ...... 76 56 79 241 M an$6eld$ $1 1.95 up ' i.iik' ,!! !.!.. . 93 |U2 104 299 .soared over the ta ll' palm trees Montreal 7. New Yorlj 0 (Mont­ hits. Kansas City garnered 15 safe­ track affliction. the finsncisl rsl'e. I.nQuorrn ... 55 53 52 249 downelnted Joe scorer. Norm Hohenlhal. rugged I...H ,\lnn promoter of tlie famous Hamble- real wina best-of-7 series, 4-1 1 . ties and wrappe'd up the victory shorts. '/Going lo (the po*t, 1 asked the in the second round. A Isft-Hght to serve states the Tennis Educa­ Shaw, 160, New 5’ ork. 10. rebounder, and ptaymaker' Dave 92 92 92 276 '"’ bie 475 to .500'feet away. tonial Sla^e. Cano died In a hos­ Toronto 2. Detroit 0 (Detroit To(nl)U«-^^...... ,..,442 444 402*1258 t,"' . li'ii 91 66 296 (.Mickey ha.s belted the ball out with a three-run aeventh off Bob­ A yacht conveying the present exercise hoy on the lead ' pony combination decked him for five In tional Foundation. Boston ■ Wsller Byars, 139';, Tiirkinglon. i ' ' pital here ye.stciday after an ill­ leads best-of-7 series, 3-1 1. "i^hl in regular season games. by Tiqfenauer. owners, Bonnie Heath and Jack- sboift Ponder. . . BM' LKAGI'K n.AVOI>'KM Boston, stopped .Murphy, . 142'[., The Oileis. sparked bv .the Silk -M4 466. 49UJ490 jp ',3 Y, ness of tw o w eeks..Jif was 81. American League liifflpfl (6I TOPCOATS Neckwear ( 4>nin$ufiMv aon Dudley, pulled alongside, for " 'No account.’ he said. Boston, 5, ' I ' Towners who gumed ’ All-Slate .\i,i,.ia Semi-Final Playoff* If. 8m!th ...... UH 107 Alllgstor coats are the coals you ll,live in Fshnes sr.e of super­ Fresh n^w ties abloom with ln.1 „1I(,5 296 a .’'>B2-foot lion.ier at Griffith Sla- ALWAYS ON TOP mooting. Fontaine previously-had “ ’Sitting up hei , he looks like HArthinrt ...... 95 II) .Miami Beach. Fla. ( ’ larence honors leicn tly at tlie .New Haven 9»il‘"'( Providence 5. Buffalo 1 (Prov­ 207 lative quality, ' Finesl selected tOflf, all vii giii wool worsted heantifur (spring colorings iu1 -i^r hinhi in Washington as th'e Y'sn- MATCH HI.S m m b j Ik befriended. Heath and D’jdley, who Coaltown’,' I told him. The exer­ rhinipii ...... f»4 HO3M Are_^nA,'thumped the N ew London Ha.ik'uiM yarns. Irreststibly soft', smooth and luxurious. and Original ideas, will give H I n n a n.t. Ifi.T j. Washington, Un A !'• ti< • I t '•» **ii kecR^bcat th<» SeiuHoni ■3 I. . idence leads best'Of-5 series, 1-0). Orlando, Fla, (NEA)-Eddie later struck oil in Oklahoma. Th*>' cise boy laughed. Hlmmnnn ...... 125 55 314; stopped A i Andrews, 1 6 3 '-, St. Bliu-k Knights b\- 1,5 points in Y aifiiiiit Eastern League Yo^t, Senator.*' third baseman, la R alm nm lo*...... 06 107 30J I the neeiled touch of intereat W hat does ('asey -Stengel. Mirk- St. Petersburg. Fla. (NEA1-- decided to put their old frlepd back ".So, X* B.A. told me, I Just let Paul, 8. tlieii, ' first .start.' And only- last e.v s wi.se' old nianager. .sav? Final Pla'yott* One' of the few' m ajor leaguers in buiiness. , M6 509 )024 to your spring attire. TMhIj* .-.1. 4V;{ 555 4^7 j:>m; Yngi Berra, who w'ears uniform Ponder run hi* race, and to my Alligator Coats $40.75 up San Antonio, Tex 'Ha>'niond ! b'8l't tHe Oilmen ousted the Meri- He just sit.s in (he diigoiit wink- No game scheduled. (Ne.w w'ho never played In the minor Embeinihing the Story is the surprise he started to pick ((p MrCanR'E A#rtlre Wort h .’’ ‘^(*b Shanirm-ks 81-64 Ui*iiim-e into Ts'o. 8 for the Yankees, is out to l^mourenux ...... HO liAi Rinjaa. 134'j. Forth Xi.rllc Meihixll.l \ . I Jng knowingly and feeling iike a Haven -leads Clinton in best-of-?, leagues. He came direct to the fact that Needles derived his sharp horses on his own st the three- rJuthrl^ ...... 1)5 ion slopped Eddie B rant,.13.5,. San A n -.'h c serni-tihal loiind^ tonight at^ 8 J ’liaiHlW r K.5 13<2 Xi hit over 20 home run* for the Ar/*jo ; ...... tl5 DOLLAR DAYS 312 cal who has just swallowed, a 2-1). Senators", from New York Univer­ name as.the result of having suf­ quarter pole. , , ■ Other Coats $18.50 up $1.50 tomo. 3. o'c lock Cole ckRecI 21 poinU “in • w.i SS. 1V| rariar.v. eighth straight season. Wednesday’s Schedule sity in 1943. Snow . .i...... i...... 115 1^1? .Nc WIIW4I; , ...... IMK Dot) fered from pneumonia w'hen only s ^'Rounding the far turn, there Tflirir9rt ...... •...... 91 Bow fie$ $1 .00 Holyoke, .Maas. - Barrv Alii- biRht s ti hmiph, Holicnthal D Bn.wn ...... *^5 117 rhH; rasscs I |> Bad Balls No game scheduled in any few weeks old. Shots of peniciilin were only ■ half dozen horses in (lOn. 152**. Weatwer AFB. nut-"bit Tiirkington each hooped 19 .Naik...... I...... |Mi 123 ,1 IT :HM Of e-xlieme satisfaction to him. league. Pitcher Vernon Law of the Pi­ kept him alive. .. front of rhe. so I really went to To(ftl;r ...... 513)106 pointed Sam my W a 1 k e t, I,56 \ , - b^'hei.s'while Woji-ik contributed m io:i The Pittsburgh Pirate* set a " " ' ^ ...... a.si(le fiom Mantle's spectaciilar club record this spring , for the rates has been, picking up a little Needles is individualistic in not work bn Ponder heading Into the Springfield, .Mass;, 1ft. 12 tallies. .\nd Cole,. Hohenlhal One of the hardest w'orkers st 47n 5*4 .531 1546 hUting. has been .Mickey's refii.sal number of their offspring around spare change's! the club's training only coming from far back, but stretch and, by golly, he was Coal- town in Needles, too.. .at the head ! and Wojcik d«l an excellent job I 4>Atpr 4'nn|fi« I Ml the Cleveland training camp at camp at Fort Mye s, Fla. And a SPORTCOATS MhI* K I'l "ln> -M «nui the Fort Myer.s training ba.se. he’s easy to follow. All racegoers tow n !" - ' of the stretch, where the real rac­ j off the boaiU.s. Tucson, Ajiz.. 1* no raw.^ young­ little extra f(,r some of his mates. I f * eerUIn you w ont And .anything like ttiesie sportcoats at Ide Shirts I Mam IA 97 7j> ‘^7* 32nri tune at bat, in hja lOlh There ape 24 kida. Pitcher Red and - television w'stchert have to There ' Is considerable of Coal- ing beigtns. Beaupre Motors Si.xteon teHm< originally roi.n* 122 129 35.3 KaiPe , that .Mickey was tiiimed ster. He’s 49-.vear-old Coach Red anywhere near the price. Sport coals thai give .you the styling The details and qiialit.v built Monger is the champion father A Fort Myers man bfreted $5 for Heveral, Opeiiinjss prised the field whnh is iiow sliced ’ Kress. He never tires of jiitchlng and fuperb tzilbnng of far more expensive coats. into this flpely tailored shirt ‘ to ' to TO4 *’"‘'** l-a*! year Mantle with four youngsters. Vem Law the first Pirate home run. w'ith $2 APRIL' 2nd to APRIL Atli ONLY are usually found only in to four. The chAinpton.ship lehm ' ' ' - struck out 97 times and the y rtr and Fred Waters have three each. batting practice, hour after hour, t* each man on base at the time. For (eolf (4ak.ses will receive eight individual Ttaal? a :t .526 6:i I5.T1 before he fanneil Ift? tiriies. shirts priced af $5.00. Fully Tis'elve Pirates are bachelors. an(J hits fiinghek until the fielder* Law' recently collected with a trophies in aildition lo guaranteed to last one year a larger .Mirke.w takes liis spring training drop. Kress hss a rule which he grand-ilammer. Tlie same day, 'Utere *re still openiiiga bn team trophy/ .^Iso. award.* will be Ht. .MNr>’« «•> 5 THIS IS WHAT YOU * 2 9 ' * ' ' ’ up or a new shirt free. success in typical .Mamie stride gays every player should follow': Law' picked iip another $5 whicih Thuraday nighit In the Golf given the • toiirnajiienl's' mo.«t BI.mhIc”-' M7 He cannot explain his ' record Never stop playing ball. He be­ the same man had 'aiil, o.i the line POWER ind HAND MOWERS P Clasaea conducted bv the Recrea- valuable player and to the live Rrttwn 29,1 breaking wallops. lieves winter layoffs hurt a player for ^he first pltcl^r tb“huri three RECEIVE FOR ONLY FCATURIN6 Buffondo^n Oxford$ IIaii.o'd . 00 lion Department at the Weit-Stde- l»l»yei.s selected to the All-Star \VAlth*r -7(16 Tlie onl.v way I can account Tor mhr* than theV help. scoreless innings. ' M THE FAMOUS...... White Broadcloths Rec biiiiding on Cedar St. Instnic- array. TO my hitting this spring," he at­ SHARPENED aiid RECONDITIONED ;BY tempted to explain, "i* that I ■^4 FEATHERWEIGHT by tor ia Ale.x Harkne.v. ptofessional '|•..|al.- 4H' 479 493 J 4.19 * 1 at the .Manchester ("onntrv C5uh. Rriiliet'* 4, cary* here determined In cut down 5 Days Only fOMlIfilUw Openings on, Tlini .sdavs are from .MU (■la.oa. 11 il |ui (06 .UTOion/my . "I'm roncen $2.99 SuUn’Aii ROTOTILLERS — GARDEN TRACTORS 7:30 lo -S o'clock for women and " !m 3U " " hitting the ball where •OUNCE Mmiu../ • 10 Complete lubrication of all fittings, PLUS inspection of for men fntm 8:3ft .lo 9. • 1ii<'Mla,\'« Reaiilts Ml« >i th\, ...... J 'i. 93 ’ pitched and I Kuea.a T must b f TUBELESS TIRE The claases are also held on Philadelphia' IIP. .‘'.vraciise' 9fi, ...... 6.7 99 1R4 succefdlnc.” ^ • eh R.*) 9T lubricoil in the tran.smi.ssion, rear axle and steering gear^ Tuesday nights hiif capacity regis­ ( Philadelphia leads b e s t--' ' "" 192 AIR-COOLED ENGINES REPAIRED ANY- SIZE PLUS inspection of power steering level, carburetor ARROW trations jiave alrend.v been re­ series, 2-1 i ' ; T'iIaU .VXS 49« 5<>4 HEADQUARTERS WISCONSIN IRIGGS A STRAHON — CLINTON ceived for these. Fort Wayne 93. .‘tt. Louis 8-( cleaner, battery water, radiator coolant, PLUS lubricate Admire Ui*.FMth*rw*iqkt't stfl*- Anyone'interested in taking part; ibeSt-pf-5 series tied 2-2l Liglithiirn Choice LAUSON — POWER PRODUCTS ^ REO BKST BOWLINti SCORES Picture Tubs water pump, generator, distributor, hood latch hinges wiM propertfeniaq — Hi** try It SHIRTS In the Thursday sessions r.5a'\ : Werlnexday's .<<'hediile , IN MANCHESTER KOHLER — CONTINENTAL en m i ••• whal H does lot you. Tfs a fashion-wise man who regialer atf the West Side Rec(-; PliilHdelplii,a at-Syraen.-ic To Defeat Morgan and springs, door hinge.s, striker plgtes and rotor wheels, ^ n ily a hot Ihol (eels os qoed a* ' Top b o w 1 i n g scores in the Easter parades in a white. Thursday night o f phone Die h^.ist I TIinrHilav's St'lieiliile PI.US your car is swept'out front and rear, windshidd a look*—truly TemUen levax Arixjw shirt. Featuring the Stdi» Hec office and make » resei Syiacuse at Philadelphia (if Church I-eagi^ last night ind cieVelanJ Marcl ' 28 Those Genuine factory Parts Used INTERWOVEN ■ by th* Ouneo'3 $4n.95 SALES - SERVICE -VULCANIZINt^ newest, niosj' fashionable cleaned inside and outr PLUS a few more items which valion. hece.ssarvi - GrzybCrlvL‘’ 151v ' r 2 and 1 J(»hn Anderi^on 13«. . f**'! Ihev-1* know enough^ ^ ‘ about collafs and trim body-taper­ St. Lou'i.s at Fort Wayne ' ALL WORK GUARANTEED AND STRETCH SOCKS. Dusty League .scores included: T h ‘‘ ' ' " t always goes with the Beaupre service. ed flt. ■ fi that the •UY ON OUR RUPGr TERMS Skippy Keais 3f)2 and M arlin 137.' ' PERFORMED IT FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS If you want something lo mull ..p of Ludivig Ei’ght- Ouarantead on« y t i r while Kay Morley pinned a 119: ' $5.95 and $7.95 over, for a lUtle while, listen to Catc;hcr Frank Thom as of the biirh. will prevail over the harder laeludes InstallaHan, plus tax. Pijrates has a tht:ce-year-old daugh- single In the Housewive'a League. 1 $ 1 .0 0 these brain^eascra »ent in to The ipunching of L.C. Morgan in to- tiuaranteed for I year. $3v95 ■ Sporting New* by a Brooklyn resi­ t' who may not know much about Inighfs 10-roiinder at the Arena. 1- ■ ■ I Nichols Mfinchester Tire, Inc. dent, Robert Dinkin. How, asks baseball, but ■ she ■ know.s whait -Someone asked Chuck Comis- The 2l-year-old lighisveighls CALL “PETE" WILSON / ; Dinkin. can a pitcher make 11 daddy does. When a rep<)bter asked key, vice pi'eAident o f the White are meeting here for the second CAPITOL EQUIPMENT CO. pitches to the ,«ame batter in one little Joan who her daddy was. Sox. If Chico Carrasquel was :;time. Morgan was fsvored six' Mi 9-5650 "295 IR O A D ST. 1 turn, at bat, discounting fouls? she tol.I him. "And who does he traded, to Cleveland because he months ago when he lost a spilt 31 M A IN ST. TEL M l 3-7958 358 EAST CENTER STREET— MI S-113t ’ ft MEN’S SHOP Another teaser: What rebord can play ball for ?” asKed the reporter. waa having trouble with Manager decision in an eight-rounder. To­ S-n lce Cal is $ 2 .9 5 M l 9.4224 or M l 3.4047 be tied but never bixiken? The Joan told him, "For the Pirates." Marty Marlon. Comiskey replied: day the odd* were 2-1 on lig h t- -Day ny Nlghf 789 M A IN ST. ^porting Newa la playing a teaa- -•‘What doe* he do?" the newsmen "Carrasquel had trobule. but only burn. In* *• nw,‘■too. If* reserving tl cohUnueil,' and he *ot Jtia answer; with the Ahiencan League pitch- Tonight's »rrap will be telerdsed v M i Liaw erta until ' /

\ IV -1

MANCHESTER EVENING MANCHESTER. dOKN., WEDNESDAY. MARCH 28, 1956 ( J PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN B m -'S EN iNG H e r a l d , M a n c h e s t e r , c o n n ., W e d n e s d a y , m a r c h 28, ? 9 » PAGE TWENTY-SIX ilA N C H E SI W autai— Baiil BaUta 77 violating a clouie in the litUUi Aet Houatfiatt Gooda 11 Far Sala 72 making it a criminal offense to be* I Johnson Disavows HodschoM Goods 81 Engaged Bm Ib a a i A^ceMMriM 41 Par Bant •4 TAMNSR IT-Maw ranch homu. ARB TOU^OONtlDBRlNO Eight ^Reds long -to the Communist party while I THERE OUGHTA A LAW I BY F AG A LY and SHORTEN ' Artkics For 8ak 45 TO BE SOLD AirtOMobilM for Solo 4 M” QUALITY gas range with Umer ready for occupancy. Bull dare wUl BELLINO YOUR PROPERTY? knowing its aim ie to promote the I Shivers Claim on BARSTOir SAYS, ‘ ’BiiUd a boat, STORB AT aCNnni. Hiat tun- We wUl appraise your property overthrow of the U.S. gtfvcnjment | 5 LADDERS too per -year*old yeaik while (^posing many GDP .Cadillaca aee Bob OItver at Cenur brushee reiluced 28%. Orum- bacher. Delta, Harrison, etc. Can­ FOR ONLY $496 Three metal beds can eaaUy be conve'rted to offleea now, Carlton W. Hutehlna, Realtor, 3-4430.______, ; / sdly involved defendants Sidney poUclee. The League seemed ready Motor Salea, tot Main St., Man- student at Barnard School, won a lo awtteh. over to the Democratn COPY CUBING TIME vas boards, 8x10 to 33x30, all re­ MONTHLY PAYMENTS 9x12 linoleum or other huaineM usee. MI. Ml. 9-8132, Ml. 9.4334 Raenick of New Haven end James cheater. / OUT OP STATE cllont IntereeM Sherman Tate, of HarOord. top award in tha Junior Divialon of at the ^ v e n tlo n today and to* duced 25%. Sherwin Williams, i l l BfiiMIng Materials 47 ONLY $1,719 S-77M, CH. T-6S09. buying two-family Or duplex Otyte FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Main St. 12x15 linoleum > \ TOUR The readlnga took an hour and the Northern Connecticut Science morrow. BEFORE TOU BUT house in Manchaiter. Good loca­ Sen. Estes Ksfauver of Tennes­ See Gorm ui Motor Priming—Canadian, aH tisca, 12x12 linoleum BEDROOM COLONIAL ID minutes. W*’*" Ibe court Fair 1>( Hartford yeaterday. MON. THRU FRl. NOW LOOK WHAT YOU G E T - a u m : o f otn eu «n Main at. Air tion. Quick acUon, Cidl Mr, Low- see, campaigning for votes in the omiwm «Maw a.a«ava«e«| RANGE dlL space heater L oad *...... per M 397.00 27’ Stair carpet with pad clerk Bntehed, Judge Robert P. Salea and Sertrica, FOR ONLY 34M oondlUoned. Inquire Marlow’e. Jar. MI. 9-78T3, Another Moncheater Boy, Rob­ June 5 California presidential pri­ 10:30 A. M. atreet. Ml. t-MTl. Open rangq oil hot water heater, Prime Bhakce lS” -41peclal 15x27 wall to wall carpeting F in t time on the market. An Anderson naked the Jurors if they ELEC. REFRIGERATOR older home in tip-top condition. On would like to reUre for the nlghit. ert Spleoe, a Hollieter Street School mary, urged a White House con­ SATURDAY 9 A. M. MI. 9-9001. Sq. 311.30 student, made the top 10 of the 1033 CHEVROLET two doo^ 1W1 KITCHEN RANGE with sponge rubber pad, Gerard Street, very central, New CenttBue Dellberetlona ference to meet a challenge from Knotty Fine Paneling 1x3 arORS AT 31 Birch i t for rent. Legal Natice •ame divialon, which inciudet atu- Chevrolet aedan. Fully equi]md, BULTUN—BuU«tlng atone vanei,., (like new). tile bath, lavatory down, garage, The Jurors went Into a short Russia in the fields of science and TOim.OOOPEBATION WILL par M 3138.00 BEDROOM SUITE Inquire Ma^low'e. dents In grades 7-10. brand new Urea. Douglaa Motqra, fireplace, wall eUwe. hagatone. Mahogany Plywood PanOllng Five pairs ruffled white nylon tool ahed, loaded with extras. Look conference end told the Judge they technology. t \ ‘ BE AFPEECIATED ' LIVING ROOM SUITE this one over end etart packing AT A‘m V 8 ? ?58S?ta brid Martin, who received one of two / 333 Main. Alao aiata flagging. Bolton Notch irr M 313130.00 curtains, (like new). •t Mancheiler within »nU for the prefsrred to continue dellberat* Speaking at Von Nuys, Kefauver DINETTE SET Albert I. Prince Memorial Award* sold that "if federal old Is coned Quarry. Ml. 9-0617. Prompt de­ Claar Caaing—1000’ Klie ft. BHc 323.000 Oiitrici"^' lUhcliMttr OB the 23rd day WANT TO BUT A CAR and ha livery. Rugs, lamps tablet, linoleum Numerous other items. Subarban For Raiif 46 of March, IMsT "*iieraiise It was oo- close to .the that were prsaented yesterday, for, such os through the provUloa Dial Ml 3-5121 Sd and lid Common Nalla— Pr»i<-n(. Mon. John J, Wallelt, Judjl*. your credit turned down? Don’t keg 31.60 and a few other itema—yes you usual quitting time, many in the won with A simulated, but work­ of scholarships or adequate re­ give up, eee “ Honeat” Douglaa, ROYAL AND Smith-Corona port­ picked VP get everything. Cali ML 9-3803 ROCKVILUD — Pour furnished Kliate, utof r rrancM rnnv, Doufon.,----_ latoM ing, model of a cyclotron. A phono­ 24 ’ Flberglaa Insulation T„ J. CROCKETT, Manchriier In aald Oitlrlcl courthouse seized upon the Jury's Nancy Jane Elder search activities, we must see that 333 Main. Not a finance company able and atandard typawrllara THESiSE 8 ROOMS SHOWN B Y , room*. Oarage. Call Rockville TR. On mdtion of Anna M. Adi action os an indication it was get­ graph explluna the cyclotron while Spd'cial . . . : ...... per M 338.00 REALTOR Alice MunZle, bdlh ol Mid Uai ester, this is done." plan. AU makea of adding maclUnea APPOINTMENT ONLY, DAY or 84803. ting close to a verdict. it la In operation. Robert’a exhibit Adlsl Stevenson,, the DemooratoT i W ’ 6x8 Plyac'ord Sheeting— NIGHT Moalcal Instmmenta 5.1 ezfcuirlcee. ' ^ . Mr. and Mri. Joshua G. Elder, 81 Loot anti Ponnd told or rented. Repairs on all Special ...... per M 3181.00 344 Mein St., Manchester \ ORDKRUD: That elx monihi from The two meetlnigs »>out which was titled "Talking Over Beam o( unsuccessful' candidate (or the' 1654, 1953, 1953, 1961 CHEVRO- It not ready tor delivery wa will Tanner St., announce the engage- makea, Marlow’s, Select Oak Flooring-^peclal Office MI. 3-6416 (he 23rd day ol March, 1064. he and the the Jury asked were contained in Ught,” ^ in 1983, arranged to tjpST—PASS BOOK No. 400«4 LETS, two doora, four doora, hard, hold for you in otjr warehouae tUl MUSIC Inatrumantal, rental. G6m- Business Property For Sale 70 ™-... III Jlmllfd ■ • and ■ allowed ■■ for " the The two exhibits were «mong |««nt *nd coming rnwriege of their top convertiblea. Some with per M ...... 3383.00 plete line of inatrumenta. Rental credltori within which to brins In thetr the overt acts charged in the grand WoUt..oUce la hereby given tltat Paaa needed regardlesa of time at no EAST CENTER ST.—SulUMa tot eialme agatnel eald estate, and said- .Jury' Indictment against the sc- mold than 800 that were entered *™ Book No. 40064. laaued by The Powergllde, radioa and heatera. EARLY BIRD SALE We guarantee ahaetrock, rock applied to purehaae price. Repre- CENTER ST., near Main, brick 7 tm * o r T -V - He .M k . to r e v ^ , lath with any house that yr» com extra charge. MnUng Olda, Selm n, Ped­ office end home. Ten rooms, executrices Is directed to xlve public wued. in both the senior and Savlnga Bank of Manchester hpa All carry a written guarantee. For "Thmktiir frame one story building constat­ notice to the creditors l■ o brlni-----it- In. their- - son.junior a at - i Mr *nd Mr*. rwarieaCherle* Sanders ofol Primary there Kefauver e upeet the very best in uaed care, aee Speciat prices on all wheel gooda. pletely fUmish, Wa carry a com lar and Bundy. Metter’n Muaic steam 'heat oU, fireplace, two claims within tsid lime allowedllowed by One wai related in the teRUmony. vlilono. Robert Nathenson, a 18 io -i~ * - -•-* •—•*. — ;------1 nrw bem'Toirt and application has ^ e n Phone For Appointment ing of 2 stores plus tour room bathrooms two-car garage, large ■ ■ ------n^nt of Bob Oliver, Center Motor Salea, ’Tricycles 33.95 to 314.95, Values up plate line of building maferials.aterii Studio. 177 McKee, ^a. S-7B00. publlehlng s copy of Ihle orderer in some Antonio J. Pir'e* of Hartford, year-old West Hartford student, ' ... „ /leak made to aald bank tor paym^ AvE./ Hartford CTI. 7-:0358 house. Over 33000 yearly income. lot. Ample parking. Mortgagoa ar­ newspaper havins a circulation In said who testtfled for, the goveriiment, won first place In the senior dlvl- . M*“ graduated from Man- • uy j^ . the amount of deposit. / 461 Main St. aa w. UfMoop to 330. NA'nONAL LUliniBR, INC. Small cash. Reel KStste Center. robats district within ten days irqmfrom A ^a o v ’ 381 State St., North Haven,. Conn. Aftei* 7 P.M. CH. 6-4690 GOLD p e a r l 120 bale accordion. ranged. A real bargain. Vwr ap­ RIf date ot this order snd return make Pires sold he served as an under­ Sion (gradOe 10-12>. He ife also an Chester High Si^ool In 1881. West- -,ij,*^ jf5 or-N ew * Indicated a Mg C u e nnd atrapi. 120 Vernon Ave., JA. 8-6824. Bve.

1''-- fy f' -.A. J A, - ^ r f t t a. -I. J t

^ . ■ /■ r ' WEDNESDAY, MARCH'28, 198€ ■te PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT iitanrir^Eitpr lEwMtiug l|pralb The Weather ■f-- Avenige Dsily Net Press Rnti refawast e( U. S. Weather Boiaaa For tin Week Eaded ' March t4. ItU Oeeanlonal light rain er anew, About Town not no eold tonight. I.aw Sd-SS. U,955 nradnnl eleariag, warmer Frtdajr. Among th« ituacnts at Mount i'T High la mid 40*. O-' Member et tip Audit \ Hermon School, Ba*t Northfleld. Bureaa et OIrcnIaUoa ' I Mu*', who have been named to Manche$teh-"A City of yUlage Charm the honor roll fof the third mark­ ing period, ending March 10, are; Allen Martin, aon of Mr. and M»e. (C lo n e d AdverUataa aa-#asa SSI MANCHESTBR. CG^IN^ THURSDAY*; MARCH 29, 1956 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) PRICE FIVE CENTS Richard Marlin, 33 Harvard Rd.; VOL. LXXVl NO. 152 and Guv L. Wllaon. eon of Mr. and Mr*. Robert W. Wilson. 49 Arch St. ... V. • ' ...... -It ----■% A. 3! C. Michael W. Warwick,; / 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael L ; U * ’■ As Wai'wlck, V Deepwopd Dr., ha* .fk ■ completed his basic military train-' / Ing at Lackland Air Force Base.; caches V er diet A 1 San Antonio, Tex., and la nowl \ studying speclallaed aeronautic* at Chamite Air Force Base in Cham-, 'pagne. 111. The Rotary Club, at H* dinner; meeting last night, heard' Gilbert Hunt,' Manchester High School teacher, tell of hi* , experiences On Five of Eii :ht at Reds’ Trial with taking 14 high school stu­ dents on a 30-day 14,000 mile trip | acroH* the United States last sum- ■ mer. HI* speech was Illustrated with colored slides taken by. 35 Persons Saved Dwight Perry, co-leitd,er of tho,. Judge Bars W ithholds group, and war enjoyed by all at­ Off Mexico Ship tending. Progreab, Mexico, March 22\ Decisionsin The Holy Angels Mother's Circle Court Shift (A*i—Port officials said today will meet tonlg it at the home' of all the passengers and crew Mrs. Anthony Galea. 71 Lswlon * aboard the Mexican motor Rd. By NAACP vessel MatuI had been rescued. Last Report The 300-ton MatuI sank lata The Ddrca* Society of Rmanuel Fashions For Easier... yesterday la the Gulf of Cam­ Lutheran Church has set the date Baton Rouge, La., March 29 peche following a **’* that New Haven, March 29 (IP) of Friday. April #. for Its annual (/P)—District Judge Coleman started With an engine room —The federal court jury con­ spring rummage sale In Luther For The Younger Set Lindsey twlay overruled an explosion. sidering Smith Act charge! Hall, Members are asked to set Jnselin Heredia Cobas, a against eight Communists re­ aside articles for the sale and are NAACP effort to remove into port authority official, aald 21 _ also reminded that they are to fold : Youth takes a fling into spring. Children s fash­ federal court a state suit paasengera and a crew of ported today it has reached, a Donald R. Moyney. the New York regional revenue chief who verdict in five caaea but atill dressings for Memorial Hospital i ions slated for big or little doin’s from now on. organlaed and carried out the Ux raids on the Communist party .seeking to oust the pro-inte­ were rescued by the Mexican at their meeting April 4. i and It# newapaper, atand* at the dopr of the Internal Revenue gration organization under Coast. Guard boat disagrees about the other w . . Uribie and an amphibikn three. Dr. H. John Malone, local pedla- ; Sizes 7 to 14. CommlMloner Russell C. Harrington, March 28 In Waahlngton Loui.siana’s anti-Klan law. aa he call* to explalp hi* action. (AP Wlrephoto). A federal judge could overrule plane. Jury foreman CoUdland Jo- triclan, will apeak on “Allergies" | Lindsey. If he decided the case They were taken to jfam- hannaen of Shelton dtdxnot die- at the monthly meeting of the 1 belonged in a federal court, the peche on' the west coast ( f the close what the five verdlbUi ar*. Jaycee Wives tonight at 8 o’clock federal judge can block the state Yucatan Peninsula. He gave hie report in r4«ippn*a at the Manchester Country Club. $10.98 to $16.98 could with an Injunction. ‘ to queatlona from Judge Robert. P. “The question is, have proceed­ Anderson who asked the Ju Little Jiirlsprudenre ’Thousands of Homan Calhollca^ of the government by force or vio­ would govern “Going Out of BusiyJ $12.98 to $16.98 Lindsey said that since the fed­ among them iwny pilgrims arva lence. Washington, March 29 (iP)—The padlocking of U.S. Com­ tourists, flo rid to St. Pelel"'; $|.49-$|.98-$249-$2.98 ness Sales" came in for attarX GtRLS’ DEPARTMENT—*nd FLOOR eral law had been' amended in The Judge directed hi* qucatioBi last night by Atty. John D. munist Barty office.* and those of its paper, the Daily Worker, 1948-49, there was little jurispru­ Basilica toda/ for Holy Thuraday Firemen pour water on u e arooking debrii\>f a four-atory grain elevator that was wrecked to the Juror* a* th*y aa*«mbltd to Belle representing A. Leroy/.Slo- drew praise todav from several members of Congress. Scn.s. dence on the subject and informa­ service# ychen an explosion blasted Uie building >n Phllaaejphia last night (AP Wlrephoto).______begin their dcliberatlona for tho BASBMRNTiAm k m McClellan (D-Ark) and Robfertson (D-Va) endorsed a pro- tion was "sparse and inconclu­ day. comb, operator of the Textile | sive.” A balmy/ springtime aup spread Long, Important Caao' NO DElV e RY Store. j posai by Sen. \Vil«y iR-Wia) that* ^ a soft glow over Vatican City and slV e the Treasury D e^rtm ent assiRn tt ^ | But, he said, his study of the througho/t Rome, wkere thou­ He urged them to bear in mind LaBelle voicad his objection to * subject left “this court In the posi­ sands more gathered In many of that he had no Intention of tr^n g the Chamber of Commerce spon- Federal- Delays tion of not being convinced 'that the cit/'a nearly 500 churches to Granary Blasj^Red Trade Probers to haaten them in, their wor'k bo- aored law at ,an Informal meeting . j proceedings have-been stayed and qommkl^rate .Chrftl'a auffering cau*« be .realited It was a "long of the Boald of Directors 'In' the ; | luxurious for that 'reastwr'-the - objCctlorl ft aBAdtmpQrftmt'' caan 'iaid'lBat-tiiiBr hearing room of the Municipal overruled.”----- and dwth on tlje crou. Hits 10 Blocks ! r - la ib 9^ had great deal to do,” \ Treasury Humphrey and Jn a pwially favored by "■visitors ■ V .‘‘a Building. High school pickets paraded He aald, however, he would tiko The proposed ordinance'will be Imen-look Senate .speech yeaterday, WUe.v w a IT C Taa-M«r outaide. carrying signs linking the. the four patriarchal basilicas M ANCNItm i CON|l* aald the technique he has In mind | | a | r g U , O a J U r V t l i t were goals for millions of Four Missiii to get aome idea of what tho situa­ the subject of a public hearing by NAACP with Communism and tion was In order to determine CORNER OF MAIN AND OAK STREETS the Board Tuesday. la the same used -In Income xtax * ' ./ banding out anti-NAACP litera­ Igrims who came to Rome during c rayon... cases use'd to jail ga'ngsters. , the 1950 Holy Year. Washington, March 29 <4’>A'rhe Senate Investigations whether the court cc.tld bo hMg-' The attorney raised a number of i ture, aa Louisiana opened the first Philadelphia, March 29 UPi fuf In any way. questions about the Intent of the i Padlock Red Offlcc* St. Louis. March 2» l/Pi -A fed ' In addition to St. Peter's, they subcommittee refused today to accept in confidence the cus­ Internal Revenue agents clapped!d ' eri^^ral „grand .... Jury appeared today to effort In the South to block oper- Weary-firemen touay poured to; When he aaked It there waa any ordinance and several changes | are the basilica of St. Mary major, tody of secret documents detailing western allies’ trade with probability ot a verdict being were made as the result of h is' padlocks on Communist headquarr- 1 he heading for a quick showdown (Continued on Page Sixteen) V the world’s major Catholic shrine of water on the amoulderini Russia; The decision came after Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis) ters__ —...aand at..the T^nita*Daily Worker offices j with the government over the to the Virgin Mary: the basilica of ickage of a demolished granaryl reaiUied, Johannaen stood up, dla- suggestions. handing of an investigation into Mrve« ‘nottcff A* wouM mi eloslng^or-the first tim* whom Under the law, a merchant In New 'Vork Tue.sday, and In St. Paul ouUlde Um. walls, mark­ where fM r men were Mtielng ggii; bound to kaep thio mataHal -aoemt. j , ’ « • ■ -XF-' _ J simultaneous raids also padlocked i tax sckndala in the Truman admin' ing the spot where the g r a a t (eared .Sgad from a talaet that cut the JurdraJurOTa had choaen aa their for^ would have to get a license from | MOV* WOOL Istratl^, .Cbntwmw-McOlellaa (O-ArtO/Trailt iCaitlH 1101*0 titan. the chief of police In order to con­ #*• Communist parly offices In other aimstie la believed to have met MeW Jtm are cities, alleging Income tax delln- The July has complained It has Iceland Order martyr's death, and the baalllca PhUadriphia's 30th and Market said the aubeommittee, meeting; g/-*!! »■» Johannaen, a former achool duct a sale which would give the ; been sldettacked by the D«I^t-1W T 1 1 rw il ' , , behind cloaed doors with top gov- i f | | | j 0 0 r , jR L lllS f OUF teacher now employed by a public iinpression he was terminating his quenclea. of St. John Lateran, aee of Pope Street aectlon. emment official* who had offered ; ' Indications here were that ment of Justice In Its | Pius XII aa Bishop of Rome, Equally weary police continued ufllity, aald'a verdict had beta busInM*. In order to get such a 11- termine whether tax Axing by | fielu 1 Iireat tO the documenti only on a conflden- { reached in . aome caaea, but that '^tns*. he would have to have been | Donald R. Moysey, the lower Man­ Services In hve other Catholic their emergency alert In the area tial baala declined to accept cu*- j Dover, Maai., March 29 hattan regional revenue director, highly placed government officlala rocked by the treniendoiis blast — An elght-oar com muter other# still had to be decided, f iK buslntsa htrs for at least six i BROMLEY • i ^ occurred In the Truman adminft- rites — Byzantlne-Greek. Byzan­ tody until after the group can { mdnths, and would have to ;fll* an apparently acted without con.sult-j, tine, Armenian, Slro-Antloch and last nignt. Four persona rermained train of-the New Hav.en Rail­ Judge Anderaon aeked epeclflcal-* k Key NATO Site meet agair to "review the »ltua-1 ly how many caaea atill were un­ Inv^tory of items for sale. . I' Ing ■higher authority In ordering' tratlon. Alexandrtne-Ethloplc----were held on the critical lla't In hospttala. tlon." I road from Weat Medway to ■hie Jaw la not intended to ap- j 1 ' -■ i r / . the padlocking actions Both St. Louis nev^papers have In Rome churches. Scores of others were treated for Boston ran into a hard of 15 decided, and Johannaen bald three. Long or Short “Whoever is respon.slble de­ reported growing diaamstiafaotlon Washington, March 29 amagrd tary of atate. on a "claaalfled" er that the Diesel engine had have a brief telegram of the text (Continued on Pngo Sixteen) One good style that covers a wide range in coat fashion this spriiig and political party. The Dally approach . • ,.,'O f the resolution (adopted by AcroMfthe street from the.blaat basis'which forbade public disclo­ ‘Xun'flowh a herd ef deer. Be- Affair al Armory er says It owes no taxes and that U.yllys ,S. Newconib. a apecla Wallingford, March 29 iA\ An ed biilldhjg the milling plant ol sure. /sides the four dead, he said at .summer . . . it’s Bromley’s wonderful new clutch in “Ca.s,ualaine"— It ha* been operating at a los.s. apsi.stan l<>, Atty Gen. Herbert , ,g Month* to Withdraw explosion punetuated fire raged the Tidewater Mill and Klevalo Hoover fold' a news conference / least 11 were Injured but all McClellan, a member of the Sen- Co.— the new Philadelphia Bullo- after the clo*ed meotlng that "we but one or two ran away. Chairr^an Joseph Gravell an­ a cashmere soft wool in a monotone .surface interest weave. Button- Brownell, ha.s been in St. ^ u is for | information out of control at the M, Backs* A down spread trollar, cardigan front balanced perfectly by two dramatic a yvtfi. Primarily- he has .been , offloially fiom Revk- Sons firework* plant here today lln four-atory building took th| believe this material contains In­ nounces that plans have been (ronflniied on Page Trvo) liere to prepare for tax Inals of , formation affectln.'; the national completed for the annual Fiastor patch iwckets. Choose it in the full length version or the briefed 110” and spread lb three nearl).v real- full fury of the blast. . I refused to produce aome requeeted Bulletins two officials undM the Tiuinan ad- , .situation. The notlAcation time dences. ' , Windows were reduced to glaiia defense of the United States." a Information a’>.out a 1954 agree­ : Dahc'e and Ladies Night of Camp-, topper—each a wonderful buy at these low prices. Both in beige, gold, position .with which McClellan bell Council. Knights of Columbus, minlsRtratlon. The ^ the-demand for troop Three .employea were Injured, ment to relax free world trade froi^ tiM AP Wir<;a i Saturday, April 7.' at the State blue, navy, pin|c or if’hite. In sizes 8 to 18. Rine-yam rayon... every bit as aristocratic as Unen... crat says he also came to. confer , ______jg_ month*.____ one aer.'oualy. , “ (Oontlniierf on Page Four) | took ftsue. ! with Russia. They .aald they would Violent Storms with the jiirpra. , dernand could he pre.sentcd Brought to a hospital In nearby "I don't believe- It," McClellan supply such data only at a secret Armory. beautifully washable! .\ lovely example of the monochrome A buffet-luncheon will be served, /Wants Delay of Several Week* i.formally to the United States gov-; Meriden -were Michael Oust of told the news conference, at which session, and that to do so publicly IHE IN SECRET TALKS at 8 p,m. The grand march wiU | look... with matched crochet edging and pearl buttons! Continue oyer The Departme;it of Justice has ' ernment only by .action o/the Icc-! Yalesvllle.,,,Anthony Mortague of Hoover,, Secretary of Commerce would vlo'ale a U.S. agreement Walshington, .March 29 (A5— I' start at 8:30 and dancing will con­ Indicated. that It wants the jury i landio government which is now in | Wallingford and Criaptn Rosa of 'Week* end Foreign Aid 'Director wlth'aome of its allies. \ President Eisenhower c o n fe r^ to delay its work for several | proces.* of reorganization after the ; Meriden. . John. B. Hollister sat In. . All'Uiree official* have testified tinue to .1 a.m. Music will be fur­ Uamj moreShip’n Shore blouses...broadcloihx,pattem$, prints News Tidhitsl for an hour and a quarter todisy nished by Kenn Borrup snd his | week.*.’ 1 Conservative party resigned Jts j Guat, auffering extensive second The committee wanti to know this country leluc’tntly agreed to wlUi' Serretar} of State DlRleo Mayfair Orchestra. Midwest Area The Po.st-Diapatch ha.s reported I control this week. land third degree burns on the ,nol only what'Item* were cleared som* relaxation to prevent the .soiVie of the juror* feel the 'ftur- Ireland is roughly half-Way be- body, waa put- on- the danger list, Culled from Al’ Wires ( sail Atty. Gen. BrownelL TIm Reservations may still be te- Sizes 30 to 38. Turquoise, black and periwinkle. I for trade with».the Communist whole .voluntary .s.vsiem -of re.-' i White House said only that Km [ cured by calling Joseph Gravell. By THE AI^SOCIATF.D PRESS pose of the delay la to provide Re- ' tween Moscow and New York, I t : Thb hoipltat said Mortague, Hoc, but what efforts were made strlctlon* oil Iron Curtain trade ^ ' meeting roniemed "goveramqnt I .loseph ' Ger\-ais or Franj-is Ma- SPORTSWEAR-r-2nd FLOOR ■Violent wind and snow alorm.s, Liberia's national legislatiure' 'to avoid loo^nlng the realrtctlona from collapsing. matter* In which they were mn- honev. which atnick crippling b 1 o w a (Continued on Page Two) (Continued on Page Four) (Continued on l^age Sixteen) and who made recommendations One aubeommittee memiber. .Sen. approves Ihree-mnnlh* leave! of Bender (R-Ohiol, saselled the In- tuafly interested.’’ yesterday to northern sections of abienre for President William V. affecting the negottalion* with , ------the Midwest, continued their as­ S. Tubman to permit him to ac­ jlU „ . qul^ anew, declaring thft whole PL'HHEH INDOCHINA VOTE sault today. cept invitation to visit West Ger- Al efcrller public hearing* be.'ore I proceeding ft horrible." In ad- Wnahinglon, March 39 t^)-i- Many communities in four states manjl. . . . Civilian court In Seoul, the subcommittee, which is Investl- - ' ' , Canada ft seeking to push the the' Dakotas. Minnesota and gating F,ast-We*t trade, all three 1 (CouMmied on Page HIxteen) m Wisconsin were virtually para­ Hungary Reds ^Rehabilitate’ Korea, aenlencea four Koreans lb Indochina atatenmle off dead LI year* Imprisonment for plot- i renter far enough to hold tidks lyzed by. the Vigorous early spring ting to assassinate South Korean i about unlf.vbig elections—If net storms. Dust Storm .Abate* . President Syngman Rh»«- ia* t t election* themselves, Csnndn’a October. Foreign .Heeretary LMter K. The du*l storms which smoth­ Victims of Statin-Era Purge Queen Elizabeth II dlotrlbule* Pearson ft understood to ha do­ ered Crops in the Great Plain* ; Angry Adlai Raps Estes abated. Strong winds which struck royal Maiind.v Thursday money in ing most bf tbei pushing. from northern -Texas and eastern ancient and colorful ceiemony. . . . By Klf 'H.AKI) K.ASI.ACHKE .5 vlet Commuhist party in Moscow . In Hungary, Peter Gabor and his U.S. Coast Guard fears lake of NEHRU-HITS ALLIED PACTS New Mexipo to the Canadian bor­ Vienna. Austriii. March 29 iT) in Febrar.v, where the terror reign gang." ^ 0 der diminiahed from eastern Colo­ .^scaped gasoline from^^ oil termi­ On ‘False’ Boss Attacks New Delhi. March 29 (P)—ln-,.p' Big Shipment Of Hats For Hungarian Conu..iinis‘t chief Mat‘ of Stalin himself waS exposed. The Lavrenty Beria. who was exe- nal* in C3iarleston, S“ C. mteht dian -Prime Mlnieter Nehru de­ lows rado and Kansas southward. How­ yas Rako.si revealed today the vie- other Was Bela Kun. head of the ciited In December 19.53, waa the ever, ' there wa.s opnaiderable dust turn Into holocuiisl and restricts livered another' bitter Indict­ lim.s of Hungarv'ii moat sen.satlon- .short-lived Communist regime In former head of the Soviet Secret area to authorized personnel only. RyTH E ASHWIATED PRESS - Kefauver victory In MlnneaoUlast ment of 'fhe Baghdad and For B3a.ster, ne\v .spring in the air In Western Texas and al pgrge trial of the Stalin era are Hungary in 1919. He was believed Police. Gabor, • former Hiingar- Teenagers Just Received parts of Oklahoma and Kansa.s. Ge.hgrgl sallsfartlort prevails In ; Adlai Stevenson "a little angry ME.AT4) pact* today, charging T IM E ? now being “rehabillated" ■ de- executed in Ru.ssia on Stalin's or- Ian, police chief known as the Chile following victory of Chilean and upset" has launched hft Obviously referring lo Kefaftver, they “pushed the wbrid In the jewelry to .spark every The wind attaeked arrosa the dared innocent. d.ers In the 19.30*. Kun * name wa.i . “HungariBn Beria, "- was senlenc- government In .it* campaign for .Stevenson told a rally of 500 Demo­ wrong direction" and "bloeked SMART SNAPPY STYLES YOUXL Canadian praitif on the heels of a H e said the trial waa based bn cieared during the Moscow Con- ed to life Im^sonment in' March strongest, moat personal attack crats later last night: WANT.FOR THE EASTER PARADE " ixp ft wafih ro p e d r outfit, (^hooae brace­ 3-day storm. Snow drift* built up grp,, 19.54. The Communist line now better prices for copper produced yet on Sen. Eatea Kefauver, hia right tendencies" working for faked evidence. - there by American companies. rlval'fpr the Democratic prsaiden- _^I have b*en a little angry ahe peace. aorvicB fo hmlp yov lets, earrings, neck­ on highways already dotted with Rakosi announced Laszln Rajk. .Accuned of Tito I’lot '» bhat both framed purge victims Supreme Allied Commander of upset about things that have hap­ Stranded cars. the former foreign minister hang­ with fahufled evidence and police tial noml.iatlon pened lately. Hft chsraclenZaUoh The spring storm dumped as Rajk and hihis codefendanta were terror methods.,' the Atlantic Fleet Adm. Jerauld Rg.M ENGINEEB FIRED ' k e e p o n tim p J L laces, pins. ed in 1949 as a Titoist arid traitor, accused Six .vears ago of plotting, .id or rr.i,y..ri ‘m S’ of yoilr leader* a* bosses upset me Boston, March 29 Tlw $j[^.98 $2'98 much aa two feel of' snow as it was convicted on the basis of Says L'ldenre Framed — a*%a/iA4 f^ninn Will hftVja I niftiiL, teq* p _ .with 5’ugo»lavia's President' Titoi" ihe Soviet Union will have seven wlth trylfg to capture California deeply. Now U'a my turn to Agnt Boston i .Alalne lUUrosd has slashed at fhe eaMern plain* af- i "piovocittive • accusations'' pro­ Rakosl also announced that a lime*.more siihmsrinee than Hitler fpr you.*’ . ' - Uisting 4*te*? ter swirling in fi'o.n Montana. | duced by a and the- United Stale* to over­ Support with the same kind of fired engineer Henry J. McCar­ "C-es-' former Hungarian throw Hungary's Red regime. I number“ . , of Hungarian.Social . j Dem­ had at the outbreak of World War Stevenson said he would have to , thy, who. testified alter a cot- Milting trains? A 74’-,vcar ano\yfaH record of i .,,r,.rpt police chief who himself has on ao-called- 11 . Russian trade expert Anastas "false and.divlaive boSa. nonsense" Handbags For Your Easter Parade In the standard mannei of such I which.' he said the Sehatoi cited campaign "my way from here oh lls'lolT that the brakes on Ita Nothing is more 98 Inches at Winnipeg ^va* i eince been aente,rtced lo life Im- t__ _ii ^t^we provocauv« or 1framed evidence Mikoyan tells n*wsmSn hi'a viait to In. 1 am not going to attempt, to' stainless steel, eelf-propaltod smashecl. The ,,ew fall bro.ight [ prisonment. ' ' pwrge trials, all eight P > .a ^ in Minnesota. WE ALSO HAVE A NEW SHIPMENT irritating than a watch that gull y and ibnfeaaed at length to j D*„,,^ratic New Delhi will 'priHlure ‘‘even compete. In a race with either diesel .car* are unsafe t* wet won't keep good time. To pro­ the wlhler'a-total to 98 4 inches. | Eight Called r,iilllle** mure conlracU" between India and "But more Important Sven than Democratic or Republican candi­ Weather. Only minor Injnrie* in­ New styles in genuine leather. Also im­ One man died a* a result of the Rajk . thus was declared guill- plotting with an antl-Communia ^om- Ihl# effort to injure me . . . by OF WOMEN'S HATS tect the accuracy of yonrVateh undergronnd directed by the United } m June 1948 to form the Soviet Union. dates where I will have lo con- sulted from tho crash. have it inapectra at leait oooe ported straws and plastic calf or failles - $2.98 to storm. le*s. along with his seven. code­ Prealdent . and Mrs, Eisenhower 'confusing endoraement wtth dicta- Hnuallv try to outbid my op- KMCoed .After 44 Hour* fendants. Four of them also were States and Tito. . j Hungarian Workers partv and plan to. spend EaSter at the While tion 1* that by discredititing the ponenta." IKE WISHES McK.AV WELL In a beautiful assortment including lace, flower trims a year. Well do thia for you Nils Bjerre of Rfgina. SSsk , executed and three sentenced to Their confeaaions formed the of- | ,„beequently lost iU Identity.' 'Hmise but don't know yet,'whether leaders of the Det.iocralic; party frm. YoaH be amaaed at Mw in many styles. Colors: Navy, red, beige, • .» ficlal basis on which the Soviet; ,i.» ^ ir. He Said he has long favored a Washington, March 29 (A5— and straws with veils. W'»a rescued in the neighboring prison. The todefendanls who aur- TfMiev** uiiM« • n#4 ^4 vMAm 'Rumors navG circulatiNi in ■I they will make-an appearance at here In California the .Senator and 3400 million annual. school Im­ President Elsenhos.er today ac­ BHiefa, better .roar watch will . white, natural, blAck and pa.stel.s. $7.93 ea. province, after being trapped 44 vive are to be released. Union, Hungar.\ and other me^-j Ki,r„pe for month* that Rajk the annual Easter Monday egg roll, his spokesmen can only weaken provement, program ahd added: cepted "with profound personal run alter it ia deined and oiled. hour* in a snowboimfl car. He went Rakosi made' his animuncemenl hers of the Communist bloc toie up. ,, r^efendanta would be re- irig on the White HouSe grounds •. and divide the party and thiereby "The other, day my Democratic regret” the resignattoff .qf Doug­ 1.50 '. 9 8 Ifrepaueare needed oureipert without food apd sleep but escaped in a speech in the town of Eger. It theft formal ,«lliances w-ilh Jh'' habHltaled lo speed up the renew- General Federation of'' Women’s help the Republicans," Stcv*nson friend proposed a . 3500 million las Mcka.v a* secretary #1 the to aerrtoe will put thinga right. In j_.,ittistel ciilor.s., frostbite. was published today in the' Hun­ Yugoslav chief who defied-Stalin. friendship between the So- Clubs begins campaign to get adult declared Inlhi* televised epetifch. automobile drivers to take retrain­ school Improvement program. And interior. He wislied McKay woB ^ naiR owNuii Stormy weather ^so hit east­ garian party newspapers, Szabad Rakosi, Hungary s No. 1 Com-; bloc- and the Yugoslav re- Al.sn spaiikling munistm iiM ia f andai'Mel real,x a a I builderKiilirlAV r\f of 9 theh * C ___ i .. ** ing course in driving to help reduce^ To party observer*. It looked as 1 was outbid again.; *' In hft campaign for Seaator. MILLINERV—SEt'OND FI-OOR Sat Of about getting the amaa. ern and southern section* of the Nep. and excerpts were broadcast gime. The Krenllin was under­ If .Stevenson had taken off hi* rhinestpne and y.S. in the form of ram or hail and by the Budapest radio. country since he returned from stood to have given orders to Its highway accident*. Adlai Denies He’s Aloof lag new,. Elgin buyaPower Russia with the victorimis ,Red Out - of - court aettlement end* wraps * for a hand-to-hand encoun­ "I have been upset on another SEE DAG MlitSlON 1 S K OUR HAT lA R ON THE MAIN FLOOR GREEN atone set jewelry. strong winds. This reversal -was accompanied East European allies to make up ter with the Tennessean, even United Nations. N. V.. March .Maiaapring watch. Bliaaard-llke condition* were re­ by/Rakoai'a it||tement that a num­ Afmjr in 1944. was secretary gen­ with Tito after Soviet Prepiler probate .appeal by five couaina con- count. They aay Stevenson Is eral of the party add deputy pre­ testlilg will of Countess. Allene de though the former , Iljlnois gover­ aloof. .When a man's liceri In pub­ 29 ;#>) Some U.N. delegar— s t a m p ! GIVEN ported early today In the Dakotas ber of Hungarian Social Demo- Bulganin and (Communist party nor had indicated e.arller that he predicted, today thee U. yiith blowing snow. Wind* ranged crata, also conVfcted on trumped- mier when Rajk w?*a purged. boss Nikita- Khrushchev made Kotzebue regarding her $20 mil­ lic life very long he cannot afford t Im JW .M AU COUP. 00 $ 4 .98 lion estate... Students and facul­ did not Intend to engage In per­ to be laloof. Secority ClouncU wonW a to ea. from 20 to 30 iii.p.h. and gust* to up evidence, are being released In hft speech, which the Buda­ their visit .of reconciliation to 'Bel- U.S. reaolutloB to ooad MANCNiSTiR C o h n * WITH CASH SALES from prison. . pest radio reported he gave in the gradf last year. ty ' members evacuated from sonalities. "To'prove that I’m not aloof, I F.E.BRAY ' 4q m.p.h. Temperature* dropped His unmUtakabl* jabs last night am g^ng to-ahak* hands with tary Geaeral D agP ik.JSKHAUo6st te far below freezing. RaJk ft the second top Hungarian .city of Eger, ht-sald Rajk and his Thjra also have'bdan persistent Adelphl College following bomb 1S7 Main 8f.—Tel. Ml-S-8Slt made It appear that he had decided ovoryon* In thla room tonight. oa a raleotino | Other north-rn^f’ ‘dwest sUtes Oommunftt to lip nestored . to a codefendanta wer# cleared ‘'after reports that Csaehotlovakla'a threat contained in a letter whose AUMCHlf Tl IH COMH* MANCHESTER’S OLDEST writer sxprcMed' hat*, for Ne- a r e a l .knockdown fight ft necea- Optaioas duramd aa hasp position of respect Ifi Red annals the unmasking of Beria In the tho OotBsU mtglit act. ESTABUSBED JEWELEB T (Oaatiaued.ea Page Two). since the 20th Cpngreas of the 'So- Soviet Union'and hi* accaaiplic** (Oeattanad *a Pag* Thlr t) aaiy jf he ft to rSeovsr hrom the ■) -7 T fi '■'r •/y . • • -t. .'M'