. I-V ■ ' . I':. ■ /.■ -V ■■ ■ '■ r- ■" TUESDAY, MARCH 27, liJM ATcngt Daily Net Press Ron The Weather Far tlM Waak Esdad Foieesst of V. g. W ither Rsissa p a g e s ix t e e n iianclfpBtpr lEv^ning ilfralb March M. ItM Ught snow prohatuy beghutag year to aoma outstanding Con- before mldalght, little acemnla- 1 1 , 9 5 5 tion expected. Low X8-as. Tlisri* Several members of the Man­ Ennagifcd naeUeut eiUaen and anyone may. THE OFFICE OF chester Watea will appear on the Bid Name Bald^^ to ^ v a it. MMAar <tf the Asdit da,r. anew and some alaet psittaty Zotien Table Action - -jusUca Baldwin baa bean Om - changing to rain. High ahont 4#. About Town “G o^ Morning From OormecUcut” DR. COURTNEY H. BHraaM #( ODmdatlaB Mancheitef~-^A City 6f FiK df« CHarm program tomorrow morning from fo r AwMd nectient'a governor ttaras times, T MMBbcn oC the Army »n<l Nevy 7 to # over Station WNHOTV, For Convalescent Home lere the Rev. Mr. Parker said, and SIMPSON CSub'will meet et the clubhouse Channel 8. Those who will appear Joined the Strattorc Atnarican Le­ include Mrs. Emily Fracchla. Mrs. Justice Raymond Bgldwln Of the gion Post right after World War 306 MAIN STREET _ VOL. LXXV, NO. 151 dlM AdTMtMsg m Itsga M) MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 28. IfSI (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES^TWO SECTIONS) PRICE FIVE CENTS tonight St 7:80 to proce^ from Simone Zolla, and some of those An application for permlsslpn toy Oryk argued that a sarvlia sta­ I. Ha now m ^ es his home in Glas­ therS to the W. P. Qul»h PunersI erect a 86-bed convalescent hos­ tion would be preferable to some Supreme Court of Blrtors is to re­ Home to psy respects to ^ u ls who appear In the Hokey-Pokey ceive the States Aqierlcan Legion tonbury. WILL BE CLOSED dancs number. pital. which-might cost $200,000 or other uaci to which the corner Jot Asyosutf, s member df the clUb. more to build west of No. 436 E. In Busineas 2Sone' might be pi Americanism award at a dinner THIS WEEK Middle Tpke„ was Ubled last He taid also that an open corner to be held April 21 at the Hedges Members of the Olesnecs Group On Tuesday, April 3, the eighth such aa there would be with . a RE-OPENING rade classes at Hollister Street night by the Zoning Board of in New" Britain, according to the T H R O U ^ Johnson Disavows of & South Methodist W8CS are filling station located there, might tcbool will see snd hear the flannel- Appeals. / Rev. Charlei Parker, adjutant of SERVICE /a reouested to cell st their conven* Ally. John Mroiiek represented make it easier to widen ChUrch MONDAY, APRIL 2 leiice St the Holmes Funersl board' presentation of "You and St. If It seemed desirable In the the ConnKctlcut Departrjrnt of the Your Community Bank." Thomas Harry Goodwin Jr., the applicant; American Legion. He hinted at the Home In tribute to catsrJes E. Gib­ Richard' DImock, both of Bolton; future. son, son of Mr. snd Mrs. Arthur Bentley, principal, announced, to­ Barnini hSa .said he had an op­ development Saturday night at the Shivers Claim on and Warren/Howland, who are In­ Gibson. 41 Wlndemere St., who day. Under the direction of E. K. 30th anniversary celebrallon of % Putnam, all eight classes of the terested In/the venture. , tion to <buy the .p-operty at the Dllworth-Comell-Quey, Post, No. died suddenly yesterday afternoon. Mrosek-oald because the appli­ comer contingent on the ZBA's eighth grade will hear this general action. 102, American Legion. review of the banking story made cation was made to the Zoning The Rev. Mr. Parker said Jus­ Cynthia K. Crehore. 70 High St., Board rather than the Town Addition Denied Texas Party Split available by the Manchester Trust tice Baldwin's record makes hlni LECLERC has been pledged to. ^ m s Kappa Co. Ample opportunity to ask planning Commission for a r.one Also denied wka the application aorOHty at Mlddlebui^ College, the outstanding man it Conn-rtl- questions will be given all classes change, the -good faith of the ap­ by Kurts Brea. tnc. for permtaalon cut in fostering Americanism. The FUNERAL HOME Middlebuiy, V t at the conclusion of the scheduled plicants was proved. to erect an addition to their build Jurist has given much of hjs out 3 TIMES DAILY ^ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS He B.sserted that If the Zoners ing at the rear of 817 Keeney Sjt. The Wadsn'orth Athenehj talks. side Hme to .ctlvltles like the / FUNERAL Swi. Lyndon Johnson (D-Tex) said today he is neither the handled the matter, more control Rural Residence zoned. The re Legion's Bo,vs' and Girls' State Hartford will be closed Goo Bridget's Mothers Circle could .^be exercised than if the quest wbs heard at the Feb. 21 For. Example: "creature” of any left-winc group nor “the errand boy. of re­ day, March 30. ^ \ at. programs for teaching citlienship, will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. with whole area were changed to a hearing of the ZBA. Dorothy Jane Spalding according ,to the department ad­ . LEAVE MANCHESTER SERVICE actionary, big business or the Republican party." Johnson A request by Mrs. Leslie Varney W ally N. Mrs. John BarnowskI, 126 Glfcn^ Residence B tifn*. The land la now jutant. 10:54 sjn.. 4:44 p.m., 15 Midnight commented on a statement last night by Gov. Allan Shivers W'ood St. Members are remlpded I in Residence Zone A. for permission to build on a lot Mr. and Mrs. Leland F. Soaldlng, He said the choice of Justice teclerc^ said a propooal that Johnaon Eight Reds to bring articlea for the Easier The lawyer maintained the pro­ below the minimum ajze south of — z the Texaa delegation to the 120 Buckland St. was tabled for S4 School St., announce the ewage- Baldwin was matfe by the depart­ One Director basket. spective hospital would be the beat ment of their daughter. Miss ^oro- ment's Americanism Committee Way $8.6S SW-60 K o v . l o . .St A n « I z i r l i l DemocraUc National Convention use for. the property, and that further investigation. thy Jane Spalding, to . Donald \Jo- hea/l-d by Edward Lynch, who ,1s 23 Main Street, Manchester ^ "fevorlte aon” preaidentlal anniversary observance j there is a real , need In the com- All others heard last night, as seph Fortman, son of Mr. and Call Ml 9-5869 AT T .ilcix candidate waa "a cynical and cal- Charged in HALE'S At the well as an application heard Feb. also co.mmander of a Legion Post ’■t.-v of the Lord's Supper Maundy mimity for such facilities. Lawrence A. Fortman of Chlcagi In Wsterbury. A I, AaIM; SM 7I ciilated effort to divide the Con- Headquarters ‘niursday at 8 p.m. in the Buck­ He produced letters fiW six 20, were granted. 111. s Eight persons were nominated aervative Democrata in Texaa."' ingham Congregational Church, doctors which he said expressed Center Congregational Church Miss Spalding graduated in the fop the honor, according to the SUtfford Springs, March 28 , .. The propoaal aa to Johnaon FOR new members will be received In­ opinions favorable to the venture. v-as given permission to have an 1948 class from Manchester High (SpeciaU—A 16-year-old boy came recently from Houaa Speak­ Plot on U.S. addition closer to th» rear yard Rev. Mr. Parker. He said it is ttawdard to fellowship of the church. In- He named the physicians as Dr. School and in 1953 from the Uni­ planned to ' give the Sward each who atabbed a 13 year-old girl er Sam Rayburn iD-Tex), long • chiding Pastor Rose's conflrmation line than regulations permit at 11 versity of Connecticut School of HOLLYWOOD on a school bus with a pen i>olitical enemy of Shlvera. Frank Horton, pediatrician; Dr. Center St.; and Samuel Walker New Hhven, M»rch 28 (JP) clw . The subject of the Commun­ William Stroud, general practi-' Nursing, where she was a member knife has told State Police Raybuen hiijnaelf declined any ion gtodltatlon will be "Motives 'Will be allowed to crect a dwelling of Kappa Kappa Gamma and Sig- i that he committed the assault —The jury in th« Smith Act tioner. Dr. William Conlon, radi­ four feet closer to the north side ma Theta Tau. She is currently af- j immediate comment on Shlvera' tri«l.of eight Communists, de- from Calvary." ologist; Dr. Merrill Rublnow. sur­ because "I didn't like her." assertion, made in a public l|rie than permUtecT at 101 Clinton filiated with the Park Weai Hospl- i WHIIl CHAIR Police made - the stabbing speech. He Indicated, however, libOrhting since Ssturday, geon; Dr. Andrew Tfhomas, ortho­ St. tal in New York City. which took place Monday af­ The Manchester Pipe Band wilt pedic surgeon: and Dr. Joaeph C. Walker is rebuilding a home al­ Her fiance is an alumnus of that he might have something to posed posiihiy significant appear tonight on Channel 18 at Barry, general practitioner. ternoon public today after say later. questions to Judge Robert P. most destroyed by fire Jan. 24, and Loyola University in Chicago, ■\ Paul E. Oote, 16. of Cooper 10 o'clock. Mroaek said because of the in­ Center Church is building an addi­ Loyola University School of L^w m n vtrttd from Denlew L'atng Name In Speech Anderson when court opened lane, had been charged with creased life expectancy of the.
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