Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1953-07-31
•• The iWeather Serving the State University of Iowa I Wann ............., &lid s.t..... ,. meta Waf, Campus and 95: lew, n. IIIP n.n. eI." '2; low, n. Iowa City oW.an Eat. J868 - AP Leaaed Wrre ....: five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Friday, Julv 31. 1953 - Vol. 97, No. 217 ., e e . enator 5 I Ion· uni. As Taft Gave Up Leadership fosl , he 10,. out' British Hit Red preservt Reds Claim U.S. Plane P!ane! neldln, Dulles Stand · d . , Seen Vlolallng On Red China F,re On interceptOl1'Truce Rules LONDON IA') - The United MOSCOW (Friday) (.lP) - T~e NEW YORK (JP)- Sen. Robert States' stand against seating Red Soviet governmen~ charged Fri- to intercept it and the American last 10 months. MUNSAN <Friday) (A') -The A. Taft is ih e coma and Is (aiHn, China in the United Nations ~me day thot an Amencan 8-50 flew plane then opened fire Last Feb l~ two US jet tight- Mth all' force spotted large nurn- rapidly, Nel!' York hosRital re- under fresh fire Thursday in Lon_ ,over Siberia near Vladivostock and It said the Soviet fighters then era fired ~n two Ru~sian plan~s bers of Red planes flying In~ ported late Thursday night. don Cired on a Soviet fighter plane returned the American plane's which flew over northern Japan North Korea Monday ~Ight in VI- A 9 p.m. (Iowa time) hospital . whl'ch rose tinter ept It olation of the ormlshce but no bull t1.. t th d t 'ls Secretary of State John Foster ,0 c .
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