(I), Vol-XIII, Punjab
~TVDY CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 VOLUME XIII PUNJAB PART V (B) ( i ) [CHAMARS. KHATtKS, NATS, PERNAs. i ,. KOLIS OR KORIS, SIRKlBANDS, SIKLIGARS AND SAPELAS] ~ 1 Officer n Offi.:er VLA. "!!'- estig':ltor ., ) .. , LL.B. ldent of ryana fi1cer. ncr:l1• India phil .. OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF ne-r<tl. CENSUS OPERATIONS, HARYANA, Studies) CHANDIGARH , I ." -.; "'ft...,,_ I'~ t·" I I-"'~'" " .._..._ , ./ ,I 'J",: I ..' ..,. , '.1 I. : FOR W' 0 R D ..... _ . , 4'~ I j ',' ,; ,~.. ' i.~ ~~e"'c:n:ti tU't~ori' lays down th'lt 'IJth:~' ;~:~e~'~ . shall promote' wi th special c are the ,educational and economic in teT'es t of the we,aker sec t;i.ons of the people and in' par ticu18r' o( the "3c peduled CaS te:s. and Jcheduled Tribes and Shall proteet t~em from social injustice and all forms of exploi tEition. Il To assist states in fulfilling their responsi bility in this regard, the 1961 census provided a series of special' tabulations of the social and economic data on Scheduled C:1stes and Scheduled Tribes. The lists of 3cheduled C~$tes and Scheduled Tribes are notified bv the President under 'the Consi tut ion and the Parliament is empowered to include in or exclude from the lists, any caste or tribe. During the Census operations, the enumerators frequently face the problem of identifying the Scheduled C'stes and Scheduled Tribes. 1'1. the President! s notific atiori, though in~ S·Qn9' cases, the names of the sub-castes and sub-tribes and synonyms are given, there are many cases where such names have not been provided in the list.
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