Report on the Progress of Education in the Punjab
Report on the Progress of Education in the Punjab FOE THE YEAR 1937- 38. CSL-IOD-26-AR 10032387 Lahore : Ittvarmt^ent, QoTernmsiit Pfiadng, Pimjab. 379.54552 1939. EDU-P, 1937 Price: Re. 0-6*0. Reviled List of Agents for the Sale of Punjab Government Pablications. On t h k C o n t in e n t a n d U n it e d K in g d o m . Pohlioations obtainable either direct from the Hish Commisfiioner for India, India Home, Aldwjch, Londoa, W. C. 2, or through any bookseller. I n I ndia. The Manaokb, ** The Qanm! Daler ” and the Union Press, Amritsar. The M a n a g e r . The Mufid-i>'Am Press. Lahore. The Managing Pbopbibtob, The Commercial Book Company, Brandreth Road, Lahore. L. R*m Lal Stnii, Proprietor, Tlie Students Own Ajtenoy,** Anarkall, Lahore. The Propbiktor, Punjab T^aw Book Mart, !\Iohan Lal Hoad, Lahore. The M a n a g b b , Univ^ersity Book Agency, Kntoljeri Road, Lahore. L. F aq ir Chand M ah^ att, BaokseHer, Pe=hnwar Cantonment. The P r o p r i e t o r , Lahore Law Dep-'it, Kafcbery Road, Lahore. T h e M in f r v a B ook S h o p , Anarkali 8tre«*t, lAhore. Messrs. Rama K r is h n a a n d Suns, Amirkali, Lahore. R. S. Jacba, Esq., B.A., B.T., “ The Students’ Popular Dep5t,” Katoheti Road Lahore. The Proprietor, Punjab Law Book Depiflt, Sntar Mandi, Lahore City. The Sboretart, The Piinjab Rt ligimis Book Society, Lahore.
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