A New Geophysical Contribution to the Study of Tre Campidano Geothermal Area (Sardinia,Italy)*
~.:~ Genshermics. VoI. 20. :-lo, 3. pp, 1-l7-1b3, 1991. 0375--{j5Qj/91 $3,00 + 0,00 Prinred in Great Britain. Pergamon Press pJc ©1991 CNR. A NEW GEOPHYSICAL CONTRIBUTION TO THE STUDY OF TRE CAMPIDANO GEOTHERMAL AREA (SARDINIA,ITALY)* R. BALIA,t M. CIMINALE,t M. LODDO,§ D. PATELLA ,IlG. PECORINI~ and A. TRAMACEREII t Istituto di Giacimenti Minerari. Geofisica e Scienze Geologiche, University of Cagliari. Piazza d'Armi. 09100 Cagliari, ltaly; t Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, University of Calabria, 87100 Arcavacata di Rende, Cosenza, 1/01.1'; §Diparcimenro di Geologia e Geofisica, University of Bari, Campus Universitario. 70125 Bari. lraly; IlDipartimento di Geofisica e Vulcanologia . Universiry of Napoli. Largo S.Marcellino 10.80138 Napoli. Italy: and ~ Dipartirnento di Scienze della Terra, University of Cagliari. Via Trentina, 09100 Cagliari, Italy iReceived September 1990; accepted far publication January 1991) Abstract-In order to achieve a better definition of the geothermal potential in the area of tbe Campidano graben (Sardinia, Italy), where there are some thermal springs, a rnulti-rnethodological geophysical survey has been combined with recent surface and subsurface geological information. New gravity and magnetic stations, distributed over the northern part of the area (Campidano of Oristano), have been measured lO complement already published data for tbe central-southern part of the graben. Deep dipole- dipole geoelectrical soundings have also been performed along two profiles perpendicular lO the strike of the graben. The geological interpretation of the geophysical data allows us to conclude that no shallow. exploitable geothermal reservoir exists in the survey area. INTRODUCTION The Campidano graben is an area of known geothermal interest in Italy.
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