Advances in psychiatric treatment (2012), vol. 18, 323–336 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.109.006908

Meet the relatives: a reintroduction article to the clinical pharmacology of ‘typical’ (Part 1)† David Cunningham Owens

‘atypical’ or ‘second-generation’, should be banned David Cunningham Owens is Summary from teaching and practice (Fischer-Barnicol 2008; Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at the University of Edinburgh and an A number of pragmatic trials have cast doubt Owens 2008; Leucht 2009), allowing the entire on the concept of ‘atypicality’ in relation to anti­ honorary consultant psychiatrist at field of antipsychotics, old and new, to become the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. He psychotic drugs, and some commentators have available for equal consideration in individualised trained originally in general medicine argued that the dichotomy between ‘typical’ (‘first- treatment planning. and neurology before turning to generation’) and ‘atypical’ (‘second-generation’) psychiatry, where his interests compounds is artificial and should be abandoned, This overlooks an obvious fact – that a have revolved around the biological leaving the entire class of antipsychotics available generation of trainees has now reached seniority basis and treatment of psychotic for consideration in more individualised treatment in psychiatry without gaining much, if any, disorders, especially . planning. However, younger psychiatrists now experience in the use of antipsychotics available He is a member of the teaching faculty of the British Association gain little or no experience in the use of older before the mid-1990s. This is important, for one for Psychopharmacology and of the antipsychotics. This is the first of two articles lesson from CATIE might be that we were not UK drug regulatory authority, the addressing practical issues for consideration in very good at using the older drugs in the first Commission on Human Medicines. Professor Owens is one of the prescribing the older antipsychotics available place. This article offers a brief clinical overview in the UK. It covers background, including the few remaining clinical academics of the so-called ‘first-generation’ (‘conventional’ fundamental clinical action of antipsychotics, in the UK to partake in routine or ‘typical’) antipsychotics currently available in general adult psychiatric practice. the nature of drug licensing and identification the UK (Box 1). While a ‘clinical pharmacology’ Correspondence Professor of pharmacological parameters that may be of David Cunningham Owens, Royal value in prescribing decisions, and discusses approach would be ideal, formal study of these Edinburgh Hospital, Kennedy Tower, the : , , compounds was generally sparse, so a large part Morningside Terrace, Edinburgh , pericyazine, , of what follows encompasses my own experience as EH10 5HF, UK. Email: david.owens@ and . a clinician now sufficiently ‘senior’ to have accrued some years of their utilisation. Declaration of interest The article focuses on oral preparations, as †See pp. 337–350 and 351–352, None. these still comprise the ‘essential’ first step in this issue the treatment of most psychotic illnesses and are The Clinical Trials of Intervention the group to have suffered most neglect with the Effectiveness (CATIE) study (Lieberman 2005) is introduction of new products. arguably the highest-profile psychopharmacology trial ever, for this was a study with a sting in its History message – that, in effect, for over a decade, psy­ The surgeon Henri Laborit was given belated chiatry had got it wrong (Owens 2008). There are access to the newly developed ‘chloropromazine’ still those who reject such radical interpretation (sic ) in 1951, after psychiatrists had noticed only (Naber 2009) but much of CATIE’s prodigious sedation (Owens 1999). He detected something output has been aimed at addressing potential different – ‘detachment’, ‘indifference’, an affective design flaws and, overall, it has stood up well to a change that was unique and distinct from sedation. level of scrutiny most studies avoid. Furthermore, And he noted this (subsequently termed ataraxy) it is now only one of a series of pragmatic studies of after single and, by our standards, small doses differing designs and outcomes, and not sponsored (50–75 mg usually administered by intramuscular by industry (Jones 2006; Kahn 2008; Fischer- injection). ‘Ataraxics’ lost out to ‘neuroleptics’ in Barnicol 2008; Sikich 2008), pointing to the christening the new class of drugs, which was unavoidable conclusion that the distinction between unfortunate, for ataraxy refers to a particular ‘typical’ and ‘atypical’ antipsychotics is artificial. mental state effect (possibly the target action) that This has led some to argue that any term implying is key to understanding the clinical pharmacology a dichotomous split in antipsychotic drugs, such as of the entire class, whereas neuroleptic points to

323 Owens

Licensing is not about what doctors can and Box 1 Older (‘first-generation’) cannot prescribe. These are clinical decisions antipsychotics currently available in reserved to individual practitioners. Licensing the UK (oral formulationsa) was introduced in the wake of the thalidomide Phenothiazines disaster of the 1960s and is about the claims • Chlorpromazine manufacturers are permitted to make in pursuit b of sales. For pharmaceutical companies, licensing • Promazine is a commercial imperative, the mechanism that • Levomepromazine (methotrimeprazine) allows them to, in effect, advertise their wares. • Pericyazine () Just because a product has achieved a licence • Perphenazine for an indication does not mean it is the only b • Prochlorperazine compound endowed with the necessary benefits. It

• Trifluoperazine simply means that the manufacturer has invested in the studies to justify promoting that drug for that indication. It is inevitable, therefore, that • (flupenthixol) doctors hear a lot about ‘new’ licensed indications, c • (zuclopentixol) for telling us was the point of all that expenditure and in creating the script. This clamour does not allow • us to infer that the story is either specific to their b • product or previously untold. The clinical diversity of antipsychotics was • evident from the start, with a number being Substituted advocated for anxiety and depression rather than • – or in addition to – schizophrenia, as well as non- a. The following are also available as depots: flupentixol, psychiatric indications. Furthermore, by the 1980s zuclopenthixol (esterified with decanoic acid), , it was difficult to undertake studies on bipolar , haloperidol. disorder treated with lithium alone, for clinical b. Uncommonly used as antipsychotics or with limited/no practice relied heavily on combined regimes of data for efficacy. c. Also esterified with acetic acid. lithium and antipsychotics. Antipsychotics licensed for use in mood disorders may reflect new drug actions. More probably, this a group of side-effects. The loss of the concept is simply formalises evidentially what was clinical the more regrettable for there has been hardly wisdom before – that (some) antipsychotics any investigation of the neural basis of ataraxy, beneficially affect mood. an astonishing oversight of basic pharmacological mechanisms in such a widely utilised class of Principles drugs. By the late 1950s, the subjective features There are no specific ‘rules’ for prescribing comprising ataraxy had become subsumed under older antipsychotics that should not apply to the mild/early , an assumption as newer drugs also, though the formulations and significant if it is wrong as if it is correct. marketing materials for newer drugs make it easier The importance of this lies in the realisation to suspend the decision-making ‘algorithms’ that that antipsychotics (as the neuroleptics came to should be exercised in making conscious choices. be called) may create, as class effects, subjective Prescribing has become all too mechanical. states that, first, are difficult if not impossible For exam purposes, trainees tend to organise to distinguish from illness-related disorders and antipsychotics in terms of chemical groupings, second, can have detrimental consequences for although this was not the traditional emphasis. quality of life and adherence. Antipsychotics can Initially, clinical considerations predominated be difficult drugs for patients to take but can also (Ellenbroek 1993). Europeans dissented from US be difficult for doctors to prescribe sensitively. psychiatrists in believing that antipsychotics were fundamentally different and could be classified A note on ‘indications’ along various efficacy/tolerability axes, though In recent years, the pharmaceutical industry none of the often intricate systems proposed (e.g. has moved to extend indications for new anti­ the star scheme of Bobon et al (1972) and the multi­ psychotics, especially to certain mood states. focal scheme of Fisher-Cornelsson et al (1974)), This has highlighted doctors’ confusion about the achieved general acceptance. Most clinicians nature of drug licensing. would now accept the American view that in

324 Advances in psychiatric treatment (2012), vol. 18, 323–336 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.109.006908 Meet the relatives: Part 1

terms of efficacy (and, post-CATIE, effectiveness experts must have greater credibility if expertise too) all antipsychotics are comparable – though has been gained in the clinic rather than (or in this is not to say that they achieve ‘end-point’ addition to) the library, as the latter type of comparability by similar means. The Europeans expertise risks perpetuating past misconceptions. were not necessarily wrong either. Chemical Even sophisticated approaches to equivalence classifications can be helpful – but only in so far involving calculation of dose–response curves as they allow one to infer other, more clinically from fixed-dose randomised controlled trials have relevant characteristics about how a particular to acknowledge the influence of an ‘uncertainty compound achieves its effects and at what cost. principle’ (Davis 2004). Two useful parameters are potency and breadth Dose equivalence has repeatedly been shown of binding profile. to be least accurate with the high-potency older drugs, which are accordingly administered in Potency, dosing and dose equivalence substantially greater equivalent doses than low- Potency is another way of considering dose – potency compounds (Baldessarini 1984; Dewan higher-dosed compounds are in general of lower 1995). An obvious reason for this is that low- potency (see below for how pharmacokinetic potency drugs set their own dosage ceiling by variables can affect this principle). There are no virtue of anti-autonomic and other ‘non-target’ clear-cut boundaries dividing compounds on the actions. basis of potency, but a rough guide is that drugs Concepts of dose equivalence should never be with antipsychotic efficacy in units of milligram seen as absolute. Importantly, tables of comparison dosage per day are high potency; those with doses (e.g. Table 1) are best thought of as presenting in tens of milligrams per day are intermediate; the median points of ranges of dosing within those where efficacy requires hundreds of which the therapeutic effect is most likely to be milligrams per day are low potency. manifest, with the clinician’s aim always being to Proper dose-finding studies were rarely done seek the minimum effective dose (see Owens 2012, on early compounds and, with its consistently this issue). favourable therapeutic index, chlorpromazine became subject to relentless dose escalation soon Breadth of receptor binding profile after it arrived in North America (Healy 1996), a Receptor binding profile allows inferences about, process repeated with all the older antipsychotics. first, the extent to which a drug is likely to be One of the positive influences to flow from the endowed with non-extrapyramidal (general) develop­ment of newer antipsychotics has been the adverse effects that bear on safety and tolerability, imprinting on prescribers of trial-based boundaries and second, what the likelihood might be of it to dosing that hardly exist for older drugs. The possessing a built-in mechanism against the importance of this difference between new and antidopaminergic actions it inevitably promotes older antipsychotics to prescribing ‘consciousness’ (if one accepts the major inference of Laborit’s cannot be overestimated. Trial-derived schedules observations, noted above), the most important endorsed by being licensed breed conservatism, a of which is Parkinsonism, including its subjective sense of moderation beneath a clearly defined dose component. The default position for clinicians ceiling. Perception could not be more different for should be that all antipsychotics have the older drugs, where dose recommendations arise for potential to produce Parkinsonian features in a the most part from (bad) practice and repute, are dose-dependent fashion – a potential modifiable seen to be infinitely flexible and beneath a ceiling by individual susceptibility (i.e. a. Gardner et al ’s expert-based that is barely evident. ‘endowment’) and whatever anti-Parkinsonian appraisal gave different equivalences Even where dose-finding data are available, actions the drug exerts. for ‘levomepromazine’ (UK and attempts to produce relative dose equivalences Again, however, clinicians should not view Europe) and ‘methotrimeprazine’ (USA), even though they are have come up with little more than a general receptor binding profiles as absolute, as the same drug, illustrating the consensus (e.g. Davis 1976; Wyatt 1976; Rey 1989; data vary from study to study, depending on importance of international differ­ Atkins 1997; Kane 2003; Woods 2003; Gardner methodology, sample studied, species, and so on. ences in perception. In this instance, 2010). There are many reasons for this, including A further point is that binding profiles derived however, rather than advocating high-dose regimes, US psychiatrists the inherent variability of patient responses, the in the laboratory can project poorly onto clinical rated ‘methotrimeprazine’ as pre­scribing culture (e.g. varying conceptions of scenarios – for example, they do not take account more potent and with lower dose what is therapeutic in different parts of the world, of the actions of metabolites, many of which are require­ments than those outside at different timesa) and the complex and varied active and have their own kinetic and dynamic the USA rated ‘levomepromazine’, albeit with a low level of confidence, pharma­cokinetics these efforts cannot take into properties. Also, the binding profiles advocated undoubtedly reflecting a lack of account. Furthermore, equivalences estimated by so prominently concentrate on pathways long hands-on experience.

Advances in psychiatric treatment (2012), vol. 18, 323–336 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.109.006908 325 Owens

open to study – quite simply, those that can be readily investigated (relating predominantly to catecholamines, indoleamines, and 4–6 g/day 5–12 12–24 10–20 15–48 22–90 20–50 20–60 00–300 5.0–10 m rget dose, 150–400 300–600

a ). The fact that these seem relevant T to mode of action and tolerability is, one might say,

Z a happy coincidence. As a diverse group of reactive P C compounds, however, antipsychotics interact with 5 10 67 50 1 3.3 8.3 8.3 133 1.67 1.67 1.33 mg

14.58 lative to a wide range of proteins, including receptor types e R 100

Gardner 2010Gardner (international) beyond the commonly studied (e.g. glutamatergic, sigmoid and ion channels), transporters (Tatsumi )

b K U Z, 1999) and variants of known structures whose P C roles remain to be delineated (e.g. 5-HT6 and 5-HT7). ad 2009 ( 9 8 8 24 30 40 e 100 200 400 300

R With these many cautions and caveats, pie mg/day charts (Fig. 1) can nonetheless provide at-a-glance timal dose’ of

p impressions of relative profiles to guide, more O ‘ Harrison- than determine, treatment choices. Likewise, recommendations for each drug can be presented in outline (as in the Tables 2, 3 and 4 below), ) A Z, mg/day though they represent no more than proposals S P 10–35 16–48 C U

7.0–18.5 based on the overriding principle of minimum 400–800

2nd+ episode 2nd+ episode effective dose (‘start low, rise slow’). Confidence in choices as well as patterns of usage will only come

Kane 2003 ( with experience. equate dose’ of 3.0–13.5 200–650 d Z) 1st episode A P ‘ Phenothiazines C

The substituted phenothiazines comprise a formidable group of over 40 compounds available 1.84 5.09 5.0–30 2010

ndr around the world as anti-/sickness A easen treatments (especially vestibular-mediated a

2 forms associated with vertigo and with travel), 6.4 6.9 8.0–38 Kane 2003 and drugs for post-operative and other forms of pain control, as well as Z

P and anti-anxiety agents. Many C 5 5 8 2 2 kins 15 24 g 100 t

1997 more are in research use. Only a small proportion mg/day: 3 mg/day: 5



of the many synthesised survive as antipsychotics. >20 <20 As psychiatry has become indifferent to the

y charms of phenothiazines, other disciplines e 125 200 R 1989

10–20 have found excitement in their multiplicity of 6.7–20 1.25–2 1.25–2 3.3–6.6 200–330 200 actions (Motohashi 2006; Sudeshna 2010). They have, for example, antimicrobial effects against bacteria (including mycobacterium tuberculosis ), 1976 9 ±0.6 Davis Davis 33–50 1.6 ±0.5 1.7–2.5 2.8 ±0.42.8 16.5–25 Dose (mg) equivalent to 100 certain protozoa and fungi, and even prions, and they antagonise the calcium-controlling protein calmodulin, one of a number of possible ways in 14 14 ±2 14.3–25 22 1.2 1.2 3.7 2.4 8.8 1976

Wyatt which they can facilitate cell death (Motohashi 1991). The potential of these multiple actions in anti-cancer therapy is under active investigation. 15 10 20 100 2–5 1974 5–10 This gives legs to a long-running debate – do Klerman

g CPZ. patients with schizophrenia have lower rates m of certain cancers? The question is difficult to address and results (over decades) have been der (‘first-generation’)der antipsychotics: suggestedsome chlorpromazine ( to equivalences dose l ­ c O contradictory. However, if general confusion does hide a specific negative association, the ‘hidden’ l

b pharmacology of phenothiazines might be one a Trifluoperazine Promazine Prochlorperazine Flupentixol Pimozide Sulpiride Levomepromazine trimeprazine) (USA: metho Pericyazine Perphenazine Clopentixol Zuclopenthixol Haloperidol T e 1

a. Extrapolated from 500 b. For mood/affective symptoms. c. No longer available. Data are included here as they appear in the older literature to which more recent studies refer. explanatory contender.

326 Advances in psychiatric treatment (2012), vol. 18, 323–336 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.109.006908 Meet the relatives: Part 1

Chlorpromazine (Table 2) D1

The original antipsychotic, chlorpromazine is a D2 drug that trainees will still be familiar with, for 5-HT2 its utility in clinical practice is such that even the a1 onslaught of ‘atypicality’ has failed to extinguish ACh its entrenched position, in Europe at least. H1

In vitro, chlorpromazine has moderate affin­ity Chlorpromazine for dopamine D2 receptors across the board (Fig. 1), though affinity is greatest for the specific2 D sub­ type. Although this might suggest intermediate, not low, clinical potency, the paradox is probably explained by the drug’s low (~30%), the result of extensive distribution (compare with sulpiride in Owens 2012, this issue). With other

D2 family subtypes and with D1 receptors, chlor­ promazine binds with comparable affinity, though Levomepromazine Perphenazine Trifluoperazine this is less than it is for the specific D subtype (for 2 fig 1 Receptor binding profiles of some of the antipsychotics, showing representative values, see Owens 2010). percentage of total binding contributed to by each transmitter type (after Hyttel 1985). With acute usage, the most striking effect relates to central H1 (antihistaminic) actions, Relatively weaker activity at muscarinic cholin­ as chlorpromazine is sedating on first exposure. ergic receptors (Owens 2010) predicts a modest This is a dose-related phenomenon that was not adverse effect profile, in keep­ing striking with the single low doses employed early with the greater tendency of chlorpromazine than in its development, as noted above, but is virtually some other low-potency phenothiazines to promote universal with those now utilised in psychiatric ‘acute-end’ extra­pyramidal side-effects (EPS; i.e. practice (>100 mg). This action is unsurprising, for acute , and Parkinsonism). It central antihistaminic activity was what was being is also a potent antagonist at 5-HT2A sought when the compound was synthesised and sites, as well as having lesser effects on 5-HT2C and was what selected it for development (Swazey 1974). especially 5-HT1A. In other words, this ‘typical’ In addition to feeling sedated, chlorpromazine- antipsychotic is typically ‘atypical’! naive patients may sleep for protracted periods, but these potentially useful early effects tend to Promazine (Table 2) habituate rapidly (over a 48–72 h period). Re- It was known early that addition of electronegative emergence of sedation in the post-acute phase of moities at position 2 (the R1 substitution) enhanced management suggests resolution of the underlying the antipsychotic potency of phenothiazines. Thus, illness process and is an indication for cautious promazine, the dechlorinated precursor of chlor­ dose reductions. Persistence of low-grade sedation promazine, despite possessing the same general (as opposed to apathy) is the major reason why receptor binding profile, would be expected to be chlorpromazine on its own is nowadays of limited less potent. Early clinical comparisons confirmed use as a long-term maintenance agent. this, with the same doses as with chlorpromazine Chlorpromazine is also a powerful antagonist providing no significant response (Fleming 1959). of a1 noradrenergic receptors (significantly more However, some authors suggested that potency so than at D2 sites), which points to the major might be only slightly diminished, with Azima constraint on its unbridled use in acute situations & Durost (1957) reporting that an average daily – a potent hypotensive action. This is mainly increase of just 25% resulted in improvements postural but early in exposure can affect supine similar to those with chlorpromazine. Rees (1960) blood pressure also, necessitating supportive estimated a chlorpromazine:promazine ratio of measures: bed-rest and/or raising the foot of 1:3, while Rey et al (1989) calculated an overall the bed are usually sufficient. This also tends to potency of 1:2, which tends to reflect a long- fairly rapid habituation but can result in dramatic standing consensus. declines in blood pressure, especially following Early studies also tended to the conclusion parenteral administration. For this reason, that even in higher doses, promazine was better chlorpromazine should never be administered tolerated than chlorpromazine, with a low risk of intravenously and even the intramuscular route, jaundice (Azima 1957) and an especially low risk previously popular, has fallen from favour with the of EPS and postural (Azima 1957; identification of safer alternative drugs. Frain 1957; Simpson 1958).

Advances in psychiatric treatment (2012), vol. 18, 323–336 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.109.006908 327 Owens g m

g/day) m

g/day , then m h

g (divided g/day over m m

divided doses doses divided c g/day b m

g/day (divided g/day and assess m

m g 3 times a day, or 50 g daily (in young people:


m m

g at night m

g/ day (maximum: 400 m

b dosing a g/day is required (BNF maximum maximum dose: 600 m

b g); assess blood pressure (over 5–7 days) m

Vulnerable patients: 50 response If >400 primary as appropriateness consider dose), agent Generally not advisable as solo antipsychotic Not recommended as major agent in management of non-specific symptomatology in peopleelderly For adjunctive use in management of non- (anxiety/agitation/ symptomatology specific ), or limited use in elderly Dose: 100–200 (treatment resistance: up to 600 4–6 weeks) Initial, drug-naive: 50 twice a day + 100 Assess blood pressure over 24–48 doses) (divided Therapeutic: ~400–500 doses); gradual upward titration to therapeutic range, using sleep as a pointer to rate of increments Initial, drug-experienced: 200–300 Generally not ideal for routine solo use unless agitation/behavioural intractable or profound disturbance predominates. May have value in emergency situations in young people and in second-line adjunctive or third-line solo treat- ment. Consider also in failure Initial, drug-naive: 25 50 Initial, drug-experienced: 25–50 doses); gradual upward titration after 5 days to therapeutic range using subjective anxiety and agitation as pointers to rate of increment and dose final 200–300 Therapeutic: Suggested - s on Antipsychotic efficacy established poorly Tolerability less favour able than safety Phenothiazine molecule has inherent toxicity: relatively higher risk of reactions toxic/allergic leads to need for monitoring Generally too for solo long-term use C Can be sedating long- term fatal Potentially depression of central nervous system in overdose Risk of initial profound hypotension in older people (>50 years) necessary doses Split ). Thus, although efficacy may be satisfactorily attained with once-daily dosing or less, h

Long-established use Long-established High margin of safety Sedative Long-established use Long-established High margin of safety over wide dosing schedules (especially Sedative early in exposure) Well-known to patients, and has a generally reputationpositive Pros Widespread non- use psychiatric sedative Highly Lingering suggestion efficacy of (unproven) in patients poorly responsive to other drugs (i.e. possibly resistant’) ‘treatment

Z, a P C g m

mg (100) 60–110 data: 80) ~150–200 (clinical) (clinical) composite composite Suggested equivalence equivalence (average from to 100 Low Low ­ pyramidal tra Intermediate x E High High General reactions) (especially and allergic ability to non-target actions hypotension) sedation and and sedation i Low/moderate (including toxic L inical pharmacologyinical l C Broad Broad Broad Breadth ) 2 ceptor binding Low (D Low e Very low Potency R - Promazine Chlorpromazine Levomepromazine (methotrimepra zine) Drug ype Aliphatic T der antipsychotics for oral use: aliphatic phenothiazines aliphatic antipsychoticsuse: oral der for l O l b Phenothiazines Group ta e 2 BNF, BritishBNF, National Formulary; CPZ, chlorpromazine. a. Suggested values are based on ‘minimum effective dose’ in the literature and on the author’sb. Chlorpromazine experience. has an extremely long ‘terminal phase’ half-life representing elimination (~60 days) but a short ‘peak–trough’ half-life representing distribution (~6–8 short-term control of non-specific symptoms is best achieved by split dosing regimes.c. Therapeutic recommendations are often lower than the evaluated potency would suggest (Gardner 2010), perhaps reflecting levomepromazine’s greater sedative effects.

328 Advances in psychiatric treatment (2012), vol. 18, 323–336 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.109.006908 Meet the relatives: Part 1

In most early studies, which assumed equipotency for treating psychotic illness was never well or only slightly diminished potency, promazine established and experience remains scant. While fared badly (Mangun 1956). It has therefore come 300 mg/day was not found to have efficacy (Milne to be seen as a ‘bland’ drug, best suited to those 1960), 600 mg/day or more was (Payne 1960; with particularly poor tolerability – especially the Lal 1992, 2006). This may suggest equipotency elderly – or, in low dose, as a general anti-anxiety with chlorpromazine, but most of these studies agent for one-off or short-term use. Whatever its were in institutionalised patients with severe or true comparative ‘anti-’ potency, this treatment-resistant schizophrenia. In general, view is unlikely to shift. Any favourable appraisal greater potency is usually accepted (Ban 1971), of tolerability must, however, take account of the with figures varying between twice that of fact that promazine is a phenothiazine, so may, in chlorpromazine and equipotency (Rees 1960; Rey the elderly, increase the liability to cerebrovascular 1989; Gardner 2010). Composite estimates (e.g. events (see Owens 2012, this issue). from Rey 1989 and Gardner 2010) do, however, suggest that the increase may only be slight, with a Levomepromazine (methotrimeprazine) (Table 2) chlorpromazine:levomepromazine ratio of around 100:80. This is in line with the lower optimal This is the only psychotropic with two official maintenance doses (50–100 mg/day) suggested names, though outside the USA the former is now earlier (Payne 1960). The British National preferred. Developed by the same team behind Formulary (BNF) upper recommended dose of chlorpromazine, it was introduced in 1956, but 1 g/day remains more in line with the perception French physicians could not settle on a precise of equipotency and is undoubtedly on the high side indication. It was advocated for depressive states (British Medical Association 2012). and for ‘senile’ patients, as well as for schizophrenia, Levomepromazine must be used with care in particularly for those who were ‘restless’, the elderly and others in whom hypotension could indications which reflect its sedative profile. It have serious consequences and, in line with its also caught the eye of anaesthetists as a useful sedative effects, in those at risk of suicide, as it pre-operative sedative, with efficacy in managing has been associated with higher toxicity and death nausea and post-operative and other forms of pain. rates following overdose than most antipsychotics And it alleviated bronchoconstriction! (Schreinzer 2001). Although a powerful inhibitor In the UK, non-psychiatric uses (e.g. surgery, of the cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) enzyme palliative care) have predominated and levo­ system, this does not appear to cause significant mepromazine has struggled to find a substantial problems in the antipsychotic combinations psychiatric market. It is not, however, a drug studied (such as ; Yoshimura 2005), without interest. Its sedative profile makes it but it may produce a significant impairment of potentially useful in psychiatric intensive care, the O-demethylation of codeine to morphine, and from the start it acquired a reputation in rendering codeine-based less effective ‘treatment-resistant’b schizophrenia (Payne 1960) b. The concept of treatment (Vevelstad 2009). It is also possible that induction resistance was operationalised that has never entirely faded (Lal 2006). Whether of CYP1A2 or CYP3A3/4 systems underlie a for Kane et al ’s US multicentre this represents an effect independent of its sedative clozapine study in 1988. This lowering of clozapine levels (Bugamelli 2007). actions remains unclear. modern, standardised and more Psychiatry in the UK has probably unduly Levomepromazine has a broad receptor binding tightly honed concept should not be neglected levomepromazine as a tool in the considered equivalent to the concept profile (Fig. 1), covering antagonist actions at manage­ment of marked and persistent behavioural as used in the older literature. D –D , 5-HT and 5-HT , noradrenergic (inclu­ 1 4 1 2 disturbance or in adjunctive treatment of non- ding, unlike chlorpromazine, a as well as a ), 2 1 specific symptomatology (such as anxiety and histamine H , and muscarinic M and M sites 1 1 2 insomnia). Its potential in treatment resistance, (Lal 1993). Clinical impression is of a drug that is operationally defined or otherwise, requires further more sedative than chlorpromazine. Indeed, levo­ study, but this may be a drug worth considering in meproma­zine may be the most powerfully sedative those for whom, by virtue of clozapine failure, few of all anti­psychotics, perhaps related in this case other options remain. to the potency of its anti-noradrenergic as opposed to its antihistaminic actions. Noradrenergic Pericyazine (periciazine) (Table 3) antagonism is also likely to be responsible for the tendency to hypotension, which can be profound. Pericyazine also followed chlorpromazine from Its EPS liability seems somewhat, though not Rhône-Poulenc’s laboratories, a decade later but strikingly, less than chlorpromazine (Lal 2006). accrued, largely post hoc, the sort of ‘panacea’ Although generally considered a low-potency indications that foster scepticism – ‘character dis­ drug, the ideal levomepromazine dose regime orders’, ‘psychopathy’, anxiety states and organic

Advances in psychiatric treatment (2012), vol. 18, 323–336 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.109.006908 329 Owens

disorders, as well as schizophrenia (Anonymous g/ g 1967). The likely common factor related to its m

m benefits in situations, as opposed to disorders, characterised by overactive, confrontational or aggressive behaviour. With such an ill-sketched g at night: increasing

g at night and as- profile and life in the shadow of its elder sibling, it m

m is hardly surprising that pericyazine has held on g at night (can be equally m to a tenuous place in clinical practice and is little dosing

a known, far less used, in the UK, where awareness

g then assess. stems largely from proceedings of a single m

twice a day + 10 b g twice a day + 20 sponsored symposium (Jenner 1965). However, m


Best suited to adjunctive treatment (anxiety/ treatment adjunctive to suited Best agitation) 5 twice a day + 20 patient need) on spread depending For solo treatment: Initial: 10 days7–10 Therapeutic: 60–80 (BNF recommended upper limits of 300 sess (bulk of dose at night on starting tends to mask early non-target actions that will habituate) Incremental increases (5–7 days) to 10 day should be viewed as high and likely to be associated with non-target actions, especially akathisia) Suggested pericyazine did enjoy popularity in Scandinavia, Russia and Japan. No detailed in vitro receptor binding profile is available for pericyazine (Fleming 2010), though it is known to be more potent at a-adrenergic than dopamine sites and can therefore be associated s with hypotension, especially on first exposure. on Split dose schedules dose Split rapidToo escalation or overuse on PRN basis can reveal EPS liability C It also has powerful antiserotonergic actions,

­ the clinical significance of which is unclear. Its tolerability profile indicates anticholinergic- type actions, and with EPS liability probably comparable to chlorpromazine, this suggests a more potent action at muscarinic sites also. nxiety properties) High margin of safety Good general toler- ability anti Sedative (useful a Relatively unknown to patients Commented on favourably on patient websites Pros Reports of cardiac dysrhythmias, though rare,

Z, a might suggest an action. P C

g Such has been pericyazine’s disregard that m


10–15 it is not possible to be confident about the (clinical) (clinical) Suggested

equivalence equivalence optimal antipsychotic dosage, far less its relative to 100 potency. It is certainly several times (4–20) more potent as an anti-emetic than chlorpromazine (Anonymous 1967). Other data, not published

­ pyramidal in peer-reviewed literature, suggest comparable tra

x antipsychotic efficacy from 15 mg/day pericyazine E as from 600 mg/day thioridazine (Heller 1965). However, Barker & Miller (1969), studying chronic schizophrenia, got comparable efficacy with a General Moderate Moderate ability to non-target actions i 1:10 ratio against thioridazine (approximately L 1:9 against chlorpromazine). Taking these inical pharmacologyinical l

C data together, Rey et al (1989) calculated a ? Broad ?

Breadth five- to tenfold greater potency. The BNF, on

­ the other hand, seems to regard it as a sort of ) 2 ceptor binding

(D chlorpromazine-Mk 2, suggesting rough dose ediate Inter e m Potency R equivalence or only slightly enhanced potency (British Medical Association 2012). Equivalence is not the clinical experience of most, which suggests that pericyazine is indeed in the order of four to ten times more potent as Pericyazine (periciazine) Drug an antipsychotic than chlorpromazine (Atkins 1987; Rey 1989; Gardner 2010). Accounting for

ype EPS liability, it would be prudent to go with Piperidine T g strength tablets withdrawn some years ago. m

er antipsychoticser for oral use: piperidine phenothiazines the higher potency assumption to begin with ld

O (chlorpromazine:pericyazine ratio of 10:1) in order to minimise exposure. l

b Its most striking – and useful – characteristic is Phenothiazines Group ta e 3

BNF, BritishBNF, National Formulary; CPZ, chlorpromazine; EPS, extrapyramidala. Suggested side-effects; values are based PRN, as required. on ‘minimum effective dose’ in the literature and on the author’sb. Inconveniently, experience. 5 its powerful anti-autonomic and sedative effects,

330 Advances in psychiatric treatment (2012), vol. 18, 323–336 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.109.006908 Meet the relatives: Part 1

no doubt arising from central antihistaminic drug, shows modest antimuscarinic (M1) binding actions. The impression is that pericyazine, at (Sweet 2000). This might therefore be a drug to ‘anti-psychosis’ equivalence, is another drug start and hold low in order to allow build-up of disproportionately more sedative than chlor­ the metabolite in the expectation of an anti-EPS promazine. Again, this can be a disadvantage for effect as doses rise. solo, long-term use but for short-term, acute and, Although often stated as being of comparable especially, adjunctive use (in the management of potency to haloperidol (Hartung 2005), per­ non-specific symptomatology) pericyazine has, in phenazine is best considered as of intermediate my view, practical value beyond what its current potency. Based on animal data, the originally utilisation would suggest. This enhanced sedative suggested chlorpromazine:perphenazine potency role is likely to be why it has been found to be more of 5:1 or 6:1 (Rees 1960) would now seem an under­ effective in treating aggression and hostility than estimate, with clinical potency best considered chlorpromazine (Becker 1981) and why original at about 10–15 times that of chlorpromazine indications became so blurred. It may also be why (chlorpromazine:perphenazine = 100:8 mg), as pericyazine is referred to surprisingly positively some estimated from the start (DiMascio 1963a). in patient-targeted online resources (Matar 2008). The BNF reflects this more generous view, recom­ Since the withdrawal from the European mar­ mending an upper daily dose of 24 mg (British ket in 2002 of thioridazine, a drug well regarded Medical Association 2012), though this may be by both patients and doctors, pericyazine is the overcautious. In the USA, traditional practice sole remaining oral piperidine phenothiazine in tended to a relative potency of between 8:1 and 9:1 the UK. It is, however, debatable whether the QTc (Wyatt 1976), in line with which CATIE allowed pro­longation issue would have sunk thioridazine up to 32 mg/day (Lieberman 2005). However, quite so conclusively had the safety profiles of the modern specialist opinion also seems to be veering second-generation antipsychotics with which it was towards the lower range (24 mg) (Gardner 2010). in competition been as comprehensively under­stood Perphenazine has rather poor kinetic properties, then as they are now (see Owens 2012, this issue). in particular low bioavailability (Hansen 1976), Thioridazine and its metabolites do continue to probably reflecting first-pass effects. This, stimulate interest as potentially cheap and safe combined with an average half-life of 8–12 h, means antituberculous and anti­malarial agents for poorer that the drug is best suited to administration three countries (Amaral 2001; Thanacoody 2007). times a day, though for practical reasons twice daily is usual. However, in cases of poor response, Perphenazine (Table 4) increasing the frequency should be considered Perphenazine was introduced in 1957 and, in before a change of drug. In a small percentage addition to an international market for the oral of ‘poor metabolisers’, half-life is extended to up formulation, is also available as depots (decanoate to 20 h, and in those who experience undue side- and enanthate) in several European countries. It effects, especially sedation, reducing the frequency has recently grown to prominence as the ‘standard’ may be more appropriate than reducing the dose. comparator in CATIE (Lieberman 2005). Like many psychotropics, perphenazine is

Perphenazine is active at 5-HT2 sites (Fig. 1) metabolised predominantly by the CYP2D6 and has significant anti-a-adrenergic actions, system. Although resistant to induction, this promoting hypotension on first exposure, especially system is prone to inhibition. is a if administered parenterally, though this is potent inhibitor of CYP2D6 isoenzymes and delayed compared with most other antipsychotics dramatic increases in perphenazine blood levels (Bhargava 1964), suggesting the action of a (2–13 fold) have been reported with the addition of metabolite. It is also sufficiently antihistaminic to the antipsychotic to stable paroxetine treatment, have sedative properties – low doses (e.g. 2 mg) can resulting in clinically relevant deteriorations in produce drowsiness without hypotension, even tolerability (sedation, EPS, impaired psychomotor when administered intramuscularly, giving it a performance and memory) (Ozdemir 1997). This safety margin over chlorpromazine (Musey 1986). type of kinetic interaction is likely to be relevant to It has no significant anticholinergic action (Sweet all antipsychotics with significant metabolism via 2000; Chew 2008) and although well known CYP2D6 when combined with a potent inhibitor. to promote EPS in higher doses, its relatively On the other hand, perphenazine is itself a good EPS tolerability at low to medium doses weak inhibitor of this system, on which probably reflects the fact that its major metabolite, antidepressants also depend for metabolism. N-dealkyl perphenazine, which with chronic use Combinations of perphenazine and are attains blood levels 1.5–2 times those of the parent associated with up to 70% increases in tricyclic

Advances in psychiatric treatment (2012), vol. 18, 323–336 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.109.006908 331 Owens g/ ­ m

g daily g m


g every m

g at night m

g every 5–7 days g suggested by BNF) g/day, consider m



g/day + 8 m

g (as 8 + 16) in g (asmost 8 + 16) m

dosing g twice a day for 5–7 days a m

g twice a day for 5–7 days g daily (if clinical situation permits) m m g and assessing

g (as 12 + 20g (as 12 or but 8 + 16) think of m


sychotic but historical evidence of efficacy then, if tolerated, 4 Therapeutic: 24 increasing frequency first Initial: 4 Increase thereafter by 4 instances In cases of poor response, can be increased to 32 Best suited to ‘ambulant’ patients (i.e. not in need of acute/emergency in-patient care because of low levels/low risk of disturbed behaviour) Initial: 2 or twice a day Hold for 5–7 days Switch to once-daily dosing with gradual incre- ments (over 5–7 days) Therapeutic: conventional view of 20–30 day may be unduly high. Consider holding at 10–15 No extensive experience of use as an anti p 5–7 days Therapeutic: Unclear. Evidence suggests ef- ficacy may be obtained with doses ~60 (i.e. lower than 75–100 With doses above 5–6 prophylactic anticholinergic No upper recommended limit specified in BNF for schizophrenia, but doses above 30 review trigger should persuasive. Might be considered as third line or for adjunctive use (mainly anxiety-mediated nausea/vertigo, etc.) Initial: 12.5 Then, if tolerated, increase by 12.5 In cases of poor response, consider increasing frequency of administration Suggested - ­ ng in very low ­ i s ­ availability on inetics with extensive Short half-life (8–12 (8–12 Short half-life hours): ideally is best administered three times daily Potency and tolerability make it easy for EPS to undetected emerge May be more potent than conventional use fostering suggests, higher than necessary dosing Relatively EPS high liability Unstable pharmaco k first-pass effects, result bio Half-life of tablets after single dosing is short (~4–6 hours) but cumulation with repeat dosing (half-life after 14 days hours) ~18 allows for twice-daily, but not once-daily, administra tion C - Long-established use Long-established High margin of safety Better known through its use as comparator in CATIE Long-established use Long-established Cheap High margin of safety non-sedative Relatively anti- apparent with yet anxiety actions With repeat dosing probably suitable for use once-daily High margin of safety non-psychi Extensive atric use also points to excellent general tolerability Pros ­

Z, a P C g 5 m

2–3) mg affinity

6–8 inetics ? 15–20 k thought: (clinical) (clinical) unclear but vitro traditionally than clinical of greater in Suggested with efficacy assumption is assumption is equivalence equivalence than has been (precise figure probably lower lower probably poor pharmaco poor to 100 compromised by actions suggest, actions High ­ pyramidal Moderate tra x E Low Low General Moderate Moderate ability to non-target actions i L - - - inical pharmacologyinical l C ate ate lite) with Moder Moder Narrow (broader (broader metabo Breadth ­ ­ ) 2 ceptor binding (D ediate ediate High Inter e m m Potency R Trifluoperazine Perphenazine Inter Prochlorperazine Drug - ype zine Pipera T der antipsychotics for oral use: phenothiazines piperazine antipsychoticsuse: oral der for l O l b Phenothiazines Group ta e 4 BNF, BritishBNF, National Formulary; CATIE, Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Interventiona. Suggested Effectiveness; values are based CPZ, on ‘minimum chlorpromazine; effective EPS, dose’ in extrapyramidal the literature and on side-effects. the author’s experience.

332 Advances in psychiatric treatment (2012), vol. 18, 323–336 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.109.006908 Meet the relatives: Part 1

levels (Linnoila 1982). This fact is made use of in Early clinical research suggested trifluoperazine combination preparations (e.g. with to be a moderate- to high-potency compound with in Triptafen®), though concern about whether, treatment efficacy most frequently found in the even then, adequate levels can be 5–30 mg/day range (Madgwick 1958; Macdonald achieved has resulted in a decline in their use. 1959; Payne 1959; Sarwer-Foner 1959), though maintenance regimes of less than 10 mg/day have Trifluoperazine (Table 4) also been found to be effective (Payne 1959). Trifluoperazine was previously widely used in the In the USA, it tended to be considered in the UK, not least in low dose as an ‘anti-anxiety’ agent intermediate potency range (Wyatt 1976) but in and in combinations (e.g with the monoamine the UK, relative chlorpromazine:trifluoperazine oxidase inhibitor , comprising potency is usually taken to be around 20:1 (Owens Parstelin®) as an ‘antidepressant’.c It still enjoys 2010). However, as a drug relatively free from international usage and is also a major research anti-autonomic side-effects and hence prone to c. It must be borne in mind that early and potentially needless dose escalations, its at the time of these earlier tool, as its inhibitory actions on calmodulin have studies, operationalisation and long been known and the conformational changes true relative potency may be as high as 30:1 (Rey standardisation had not been it produces in the protein are to some extent 1989; Gardner 2010), which is more in line with applied to psychiatric diagnosis, and it cannot be assumed that earlier characterised (Feldkamp 2010). a calculated effective dose in the range 10–15 mg/ day (Davis 2004). Unusually, the BNF offers no writers using the terms ‘anti-anxiety’ Trifluoperazine possesses high affinity for and ‘antidepressant’ had in mind guidance on upper dose limits for trifluoperazine concepts similar to the ones now D2 receptors but has low affinities at D1 and in schizophrenia (British Medical Association generally accepted. serotonergic sites and relatively weak anti-a1 (but 2012), but the evidence suggests that, despite no a2) adrenergic actions (Huerta-Bahena 1983). It has little other receptor activity (Fig 1). Its predicted excellent tolerability, doses above 15–20 mg/day lack of effect on blood pressure and excellent should be considered ‘high’. general tolerability were confirmed early in healthy For a drug so widely used for over half a volunteers (DiMascio 1963b). Its potency, however, century, it is truly astonishing how little is known combined with little inherent antimuscarinic about trifluoperazine’s . The activity, means that EPS liability is high. Despite only sure fact is that they are highly variable little anticholinergic action in vitro, its use may across individuals on both single and repeat still be associated with dry mouth, blurred vision administration (Midha 1983, 1988). Its terminal and so on (Marques 2004), symptoms usually phase half-life, at around 12 h with single dosing attributed to muscarinic blockade. This may, (Midha 1983), suggests that it is barely suitable however, reflect an unduly narrow interpretation for once-daily dosing, though this may extend (to of how such symptomatology arises or the activity up to 30 h) with regular use. Perhaps because of of metabolites rather than the parent drug. this, the previously popular modified-release (or Although trifluoperazine can be sedative ‘spansule’) formulation has unfortunately now (Marques 2004), especially at high dose, clini­ been withdrawn in the UK. With the standard cal experience suggests that, compatible with formulation, cautious practice might still dictate its binding profile, it is one of the least sedative twice-daily administration. antipsychotics. Originally, much was made of its ‘alerting’ properties, particularly in long- Prochlorperazine term institutionalised patients (Gwynne 1962), Prochlorperazine has never found favour as something also inferred from improvements in an antipsychotic in the UK, despite being psychomotor abilities and speed of performance structurally very similar to trifluoperazine

(to some extent dose-related) reported in healthy (chlorine substitution at the R1 position instead volunteers (DiMascio 1963a). Apart from possible of trifluoromethyl). Even the team behind its presynaptic (autoreceptor) effects, its development was more interested in its much known pharmacology does not offer a ready basis greater potency as an anti-emetic compared with for such actions, which tend not to be commented chlorpromazine and its effects on migraine and on nowadays. Psychomotor test findings may have vertigo (Rees 1960), actions that have sustained reflected mild Parkinsonism as, paradoxically, its market position since. people with Parkinsonism may show enhanced Prochlorperazine was, however, initially performance in forced-choice paradigms, but greeted with enthusiasm by some psychiatrists. as the first non-sedating antipsychotic, it was A recurrent theme in the early literature was probably this characteristic that, in contrast with that chlorpromazine offered mainly non-specific other pheno­thiazines, stood out to be interpreted behavioural advantages, whereas prochlor­pera­ as ‘alerting’. zine had a more favourable impact on fundamental

Advances in psychiatric treatment (2012), vol. 18, 323–336 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.109.006908 333 Owens

domains of illness such as thought disturbances would, however, be interesting to know how this (Denham 1958; Wilson 1961) and affect (Milne generally well-tolerated drug performed as a low- 1958). Such observations probably reflected dose antipsychotic in preparations formulated for simply the conservative chlorpromazine doses buccal absorption (e.g. Buccastem®), which avoid at the time, especially in the UK, rather than first-pass effects and achieve blood levels twice any differential efficacy. It was also noted early those of oral formulations (Finn 2005). that prochlorperazine had a greater liability to promote EPS than chlorpromazine (Dransfield T he rest of the family 1958) – which actually fitted the prevailing view My second article examines non-phenothiazines that EPS were an inherent part of ‘anti-psychosis’ and discusses issues in the prescribing of ‘first- and hence a sign of enhanced efficacy! generation’ antipsychotics (Owens 2012, this Prochlorperazine has actions at dopaminer­ issue). gic, mus­carinic and a-adrenergic sites, evident on single dosing so probably reflecting the profile of R eferences the parent drug. However, antihistaminic effects are mainly evident with repeat dosing, suggest­ Amaral L, Viveiros M, Kristiansen JE (2001) Phenothiazines: potential alternatives for the management of antibiotic resistant infections of ing the actions of a metabolite (Isah 1991). The tuberculosis and malaria in developing countries. Tropical Medicine and resultant lack of sedative action with single International Health 6: 1016–22. dosing no doubt facilitated its approval in over- Andreasen NC, Pressler M, Nopoulos P, et al (2010) Antipsychotic dose the-counter preparations for nausea/vomiting. equivalents and dose-years: a standardised method for comparing exposure to different drugs. Biological Psychiatry 67: 255–62. In vitro, prochlorperazine is also active across a Anonymous (1967) Today’s drugs: pericyazine. BMJ 1: 352–53. range of 5-HT subtypes, including 5-HT2 (Roth 1994), though strangely this is one antipsychotic Atkins M, Burgess A, Bottomley C, et al (1997) Chlorpromazine equivalents: a consensus of opinion for both clinical and research that never seems to have garnered an ‘atypical’ applications. Psychiatric Bulletin 21: 224–6. plaudit. Azima H, Durost H (1957) Comparison of the effects of promazine and Prochlorperazine’s R1 substitution would indi­ chlorpromazine in mental syndromes. Canadian Medical Association cate lower potency than its close piperazine relative, Journal 77: 671–5. trifluoperazine, and this is clinical experience, but Baldessarini RJ, Katz B, Cotton P (1984) Dissimilar dosing with high- potency and low-potency neuroleptics. American Journal of Psychiatry a second factor (in addition to limited usage) that 141: 748–52. makes equivalence difficult to determine is the Ban TA (1971) Drug treatment in schizophrenia. Canadian Psychiatric drug’s unfavourable kinetics. Prochlorperazine is Association Journal 16: 473–84. subject to substantial first-pass effects and is very Barker JC, Miller M (1969) A double blind comparative trial of pericyazine extensively cleared, resulting in bioavailability and thioridazine in chronic schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychiatry of only some 12.5% (Isah 1991), low even by the 115: 169–72. standards of the highly lipophilic phenothiazines. Becker RE (1981) Propericiazine: effectiveness against hostility and This may be why, conventionally, it has been aggression as compared to chlorpromazine. Current Therapeutic Research 29: 925–8. treated as of intermediate, veering to low, potency Bhargava KP, Chandra OM (1964) Tranquillizing and hypotensive activities (unusual for a piperazine compound). of twelve phenothiazines. British Journal of Pharmacology 22: 154–61. The early literature suggested chlorpromazine:​ Bobon J, Bobon D, Pinchard A, et al (1972) A comparative physiognomy prochlorperazine ratios between 2:1 (Dransfield of neuroleptics: a collaborative clinical report. Acta Psychiatrica Belgica 1958) and 5:1 (Wilson 1961), whereas Wyatt 72: 542–54. (1976) calculated a relative potency of around 7:1, Bugamelli F, Mandrioli R, Kenndler E, et al (2007) Possible at the upper range of the 4:1 to 7:1 suggested by levomepromazine–clozapine interaction: two case reports. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 31: 567–70. others (Rey 1989). On the other hand, Wilson et al British Medical Association, Royal Pharmaceutical Society (2012) British (1961) found that patients on 30 mg/day did better National Formulary (63 March). BMJ Group & Pharmaceutical Press. than those on 90 mg/day, which is in line with Chew ML, Mulsant BH, Pollock BG, et al (2008) Anticholinergic activity of the higher potency (~14:1) assessed more recently, 107 commonly used by older adults. Journal of the American albeit with the low confidence of a drug seldom Geriatric Society 56: 1333–41. used by the experts (Gardner 2010). Davis JM (1976) Comparative doses and costs of antipsychotic Thus, while there is a suggestion that efficacy . Archives of General Psychiatry 33: 858–61. may be achieved with doses lower than the 75– Davis JM, Chen N (2004) Dose response and dose equivalence of antipsychotics. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 24: 192–208. 100 mg/day recommended in the BNF (British Medical Association 2012), such unclear dosage Denham J (1958) The use of prochlorperazine (Stemetil) in chronic psychotic disorders. Journal of Mental Science 104: 1190–4. parameters and half a century of neglect make Dewan MJ, Koss M (1995) The clinical impact of reported variance in it unlikely that prochlorperazine will now find potency of antipsychotic agents. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 91: the favour psychiatry has hitherto denied it. It 229–32.

334 Advances in psychiatric treatment (2012), vol. 18, 323–336 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.109.006908 Meet the relatives: Part 1

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MCQs 2 Antihistaminic properties associated with 4 Of the following, the greatest first-pass Select the single best option for each question stem the use of which one of the following are effects are associated with: likely to reflect the actions of a metabolite? a chlorpromazine 1 In the context of drug regulation, licensing a chlorpromazine b levomepromazine implies: b pericyazine c pericyazine a that a drug is safer than other members of its c perphenazine d perphenazine class which are unlicensed d prochlorperazine e trifluoperazine. b that a drug is more efficacious than other e trifluoperazine. members of its class which are unlicensed c that a manufacturer has provided sufficient 5 Dose equivalence estimates for data to allow for a favourable risk:benefit 3 Overdose of which one of the following antipsychotics are not contaminated by: appraisal is most likely to be associated with fatal a actions of metabolites d that a manufacturer has been granted copyright respiratory depression? b drug potency over the branded name of the product a levomepromazine c industry sponsorship e that only the licensed product can be b pericyazine d when efficacy studies were undertaken prescribed for a particular indication. c promazine e where efficacy studies were undertaken. d prochlorperazine e thioridazine.

336 Advances in psychiatric treatment (2012), vol. 18, 323–336 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.109.006908