The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 3



Company Reception 4th Battalion The Rifles IV(R) Squadron RAF Champion Pilots 2018 & 2019 BUILDING CRAFTS COLLEGE • 6

The Extra-Curriculum PASTIMES • 40 Visitors to the College Royal Opera House Apprenticeship Scheme Inter-Livery Ski-ing Fenland Black Oak Project Golf Shooting Tennis CRAFT • 11 Bridge The Young Inter-Livery Quiz Competition Wood Awards 2018 The Case for Wood Carpenters’ Craft Competition GUEST OF HONOUR’S RESPONSE • 49 WorkshopEast AT LIVERY SPRING DINNER The Creative Dimension Trust City & Guilds of Institute Royal School of Military Engineering 2019 Craft Lecture MEMBERS SHOWCASE • 51 The Georgian Group Craft Prize Awards Armenian Stone Cross Chthonic Spirit CHARITIES AND GRANTS • 22

The Carpenters’ Company Charitable Trust COMPANY BUSINESS • 53 Norton Folgate Trust Rustington Convalescent Home Admissions Carpenters Primary School Profiles Docklands Settlements Obituaries Christ’s Hospital Speech Day Gifts to the Company 2018–2019 Educational Bursaries Notices National Youth Rowing Reviews The Sheriffs’ Horse Ride Company Appointments Calendar


Celebrating Excellence: 125 Years of the Building Crafts College 4 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Foreword by the Master 5

Foreword by the Master


ast year, in a break with past practice, the Court decided L that the twice yearly Broadsheets informing members of the activities of the Company would be replaced by a single annual review. The Broadsheets also served as the Court’s annual report to the Livery required by Standing Orders, an important duty we discharged this year by our detailed letter to all liverymen ahead of the General Court in July.

I was delighted to be asked Carpenters’ is held in especially in Stratford, help young to edit the first edition of high regard for its estimable people from a wide range the Carpenters’ Company Building Crafts College which, of backgrounds and give Chronicle – to be published despite its many public funding them confidence to succeed without reference to the Court, challenges, goes from strength in their chosen careers. marking another departure. to strength in educational Likewise, the vital social I agreed at once, pausing only achievement and reputation. support we help deliver to ponder if the Court had But the Company is also widely through our commitment to fully intended to divest itself respected for the broad reach the Docklands Settlements of editorial control. But courts of its charitable giving to both which, like the Building of ancient livery companies craft-related and non-craft Crafts College, celebrates its seldom make changes without causes year in year out, and 125th anniversary this year. thinking them through. So for its energetic and unceasing perhaps we should celebrate promotion of those causes All these activities and more the new-found independence through competitions such as are described in the following of our Company journal as the Wood Awards and other pages, as are our own social evidence of the continued self- prize-giving events. Our carefully and sporting activities. These confidence of our Company’s targeted educational grants and offer some reward for the governance as we approach bursaries, and our support of vast amount of hard work The Master, His Hon Peter Birts QC our 700th anniversary. the Carpenters Primary School and commitment put in by

Continues on P4 6 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Foreword by the Master 7

members who help run the an invitation to attend the Other impressive musical It was a huge pleasure to It has been a privilege to serve Company. Many of the articles welcome of the royal couple events in the year were Beating welcome members of the the Company as Master. Angi cover familiar ground but by HM The Queen at Horse Retreat at Brompton Barracks, Carpenters’ Company of and I thank all of you for your some, such as Rachel Bower’s Guards in London. It was a Chatham, home to our affiliates The City and County of support and encouragement admirable book review and beautiful autumn day and the Royal School of Military Philadelphia, with whom we during the year. It has made an abridged version of Lord a gentle breeze blew softly Engineering, performed by the have a close affiliation, to the a real difference to what can Judge’s notable speech at across the Parade as Honorary disciplined Band of the Royal Court Summer Dinner in June. be a demanding role at times. the Livery Spring Dinner, open Liveryman The Prince of Logistics Corps. On a different Sir Tim Rice gave the response I must also thank Angi for up new topics. I particularly and King Willem-Alexander but no less inspiring level, we on behalf of the guests and her support, and the Clerk, commend the Company history inspected the Guard of Honour. were privileged to be present our former Guildhall Henry Tim Gregson, and every one article Celebrating Excellence: I had a front row seat and saw for the March Past and music Osborne scholar, Alexandra of the staff, who have been a 125 Years of the Building Crafts the large royal party at close played at Christ’s Hospital Speech Lowe, provided the musical pleasure to work with. Lastly, College by Julie Tancell, our quarters as they drove past in Day by the highly regarded school entertainment, with songs I am indebted to the small archivist, which provides a their horse drawn carriages. military band. including the deeply moving editorial team I have led in useful reminder of how hard ‘Another Suitcase in Another preparing this year’s Chronicle. our predecessors worked to Also in October, we heard It has been an honour to present Hall’ from Evita which Tim keep the School (as it was then an excellent recital by the awards to high achieving and had previously assured me is called) going through two Tooting Broads at the Livery courageous servicemen from one of his favourites. World Wars. and Freemen’s Reception our affiliates in the Army, Royal when two solo flautists treated Navy and Royal Air Force. I have greatly enjoyed my us to arrangements of well- In May Angi and I enjoyed a year as Master, as has Angi. known operatic themes by fascinating visit to RAF Valley Highlights have included Donizetti and Verdi, and pianist in Anglesey where O/C Wing the State Visit by the King Neil Wright put the Company Commander Rob Caine treated Sir Tim Rice during the Loving Cup ceremony Jane Gilbert, the Master, Cressida and Queen of the Netherlands Steinway through its paces with us to a personal presentation Godfrey, and Neil Wright in October, when the Company a blazing display of bravura in on the world-beating training was honoured to receive two of Rachmaninov’s Preludes. of fast jet fighter pilots carried out at the base. After dinner we listened to a remarkable speech by a ninety-eight year old WW2 pathfinder pilot who looked as if he could easily climb into Company Reception his old Mosquito aircraft to do another sortie if required.

Other highlights were our visits to as guests of the t the Livery and Freemen’s Reception “The Toot- Merchant Adventurers at their A ing Broads” (classically trained flutists Cressida historic 660 year old hall Removed for copyright reasons and to to dine with Godfrey and Jane Gilbert) entertained the guests. Here the Cutlers of Hallamshire. they recount the experience: In addition to our many fine dining outings to great City Livery Halls, on the second day of the Company visit to It was a treat to be invited by The Master had a pretty and Hungary and featured Berlin some seventy of us had the Master to perform at the clear idea of what he would works for two flutes and a wonderful dinner at the Annual Livery and Freemen’s like to hear so we planned piano, two flutes on their own Kaefer Dachgarten rooftop Reception on 3rd October a programme around his (The Broads’ usual format) restaurant over the Reichstag 2018. The Clerk’s PA Caroline favourite composers. We asked and piano solos. Composers and were able to admire its Stevens looked after us very well our good friend the pianist and featured included Cimarosa, extraordinary Norman Foster throughout, as did the Beadle organist. Neil Wright to join us as Couperin, J. S. Bach, Verdi, steel and glass dome and enjoy Colin Wilson. Your glorious accompanist and soloist to put Rachmaninov, Mendelssohn, unrivalled views over the city. Hall is not only beautiful, it your newly restored Steinway to Kohler, Shostakovich, Poulenc, has a friendly acoustic which work. Our programme spanned Piazzolla, Chopin and Doppler. King Willem-Alexander is the icing on the cake for composers from Italy, France, Thank you for having us! It was a inspects the Guard of Honour musical performance. Germany, Russia, Argentina wonderful, celebratory evening. 8 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Building Crafts College 9

The lime panel made The Review calls for increased for the End of Year funding for further education Building Show was a testing but rewarding project and additional support for for the year one adults returning to training construction students and a positive response from Crafts College government is essential. The complexity of the learning provision available at the THE PRINCIPAL LEN CONWAY WRITES: College is shown by the range of students enrolled, both in terms of age and background and by the courses we offer. he Building Crafts College has completed its 125th year. Since Students include 14–16 year old T its inception in 1893 the College has made a major contribution school age youngsters, 16–18 year olds on full time courses, to craft training and, through its support, the Carpenters’ Company adult learners returning to The challenges facing a private decade, whilst the demands education (including full time has demonstrated how a can play a major role in training provider like the of a complex qualification furniture makers and stone maintaining the quality of training in the crafts and occupations Building Crafts College continue system have increased. The masons), apprentices sent to and this year they have been Building Crafts College staff the College by industry with which it is associated. The College now provides courses for highlighted by the publication are to be commended for the employers and degree students 500 students each year, over 200 of whom are apprentices. Other of the Augar Review of post-18 way they have responded to this studying historic building education. The Review outlines challenge. All visitors to the conservation. Course areas livery companies associated with construction also benefit from the the inequalities in funding College comment favourably on include heritage, construction, Company’s work in Stratford. available to Further Education the quality of students’ work, stonemasonry, furniture making, colleges and universities. Public their achievements and the carpentry and joinery, carving, funding of colleges has fallen care they receive throughout turning, maintenance, formwork by 40% in real terms in the last their studies. and brickwork.

The Extra-Curriculum

One of our aims is to give tutors and students, such as students experience that the stone obelisk made for the Furniture course leader Neil Austin extends beyond the normal Royal Naval College Greenwich at the Building Crafts College requirements of the standard now standing impressively at stand at the New Designers exhibition in July curriculum. This allows them the new visitor entrance to the to develop skills such as the restored Painted Hall. furniture making exhibited by our joinery students in The College also works with the end of year show. The community organisations to College also receives external give students work experience commissions, many of which in public projects such as the are passed to our makers in construction of the flower beds residence, who are alumni of by our brickwork students at the College. Some commissions the Cody Dock centre on the Brickwork students at the Cody are undertaken by our own Lea River. Dock Community Project 10 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Building Crafts College 11

Specialist training outside sites at King’s Cross, the V&A, at the End of Year Show. These End of Year Show End of Year Show the standard curriculum, the British Museum, Hampton have included demonstrations at Carpenters’ Hall also provided by the College, Court, and the Weald and of joinery and masonry at the Opened by the Master on equips students with important Downland Museum. Overseas Guildhall in the Thursday 27th June, the Building skills needed in the workplace, trips included our stonemasons’ as part of the Careers Showcase Crafts College End of Year Show such as the courses in the use visit to Florence and Carrara event, displays at the Oxo Tower in Carpenters’ Hall displayed of traditional lime undertaken and the conservation degree during London Craft Week and a range of student work from by our maintenance and course trip to Venice. during visits to schools. At the courses across the College. In conservation students. New Designers exhibition in some of their work construction our Furniture maker and stonemasonry students Finally, the College attempts students received awards from highlighted the College’s 125th to widen students’ knowledge John Lewis, Made.Com, Conran anniversary. Visitors to the through on-site trips. Places and the Futon Company. Many Show were highly complimentary visited this year include visitors and fellow exhibitors of the work they saw. company workshops such were highly complimentary as OPM Furniture, historic Historic Building Conservation students of our students’ making and buildings, construction at the end of their ‘lime day’. design skills.

Visitors to the College Royal Opera House Apprenticeship Scheme

he College has over 300 visitors a year keen to T learn more about its work, mostly in organised THE BURSAR REBECCA DATTA WRITES: groups. This year’s groups included livery company Masters’ Consorts and a delegation from the On a sunny Tuesday in July, the was congratulated on his and our continuing apprentices Carpenters’ Company of Philadelphia, many of Royal Opera House welcomed us speed of learning, skill in Jade Beasley and Michaela whom said how impressed they were by the work of to their annual apprenticeship carpentry, dedication to Lowry. The warmth of the Royal prize-giving. This was a joyful his craft, modesty and team Opera House colleagues both the College. event celebrating the completion spirit. His employer has as employers and hosts was of two year apprenticeships in been so impressed that Tom palpable. Bendy Ashfield, the disciplines of Scenic Art, Scenic has been invited as a special Apprenticeship Manager, was Carpentry, Dye and Technical case to stay on for another everywhere and with everyone The party of 42 Philadelphians Theatre, held in the extremely year to progress through the and smiling throughout. Tom at the College grand Crush Room. Level 3 qualification. thinks so highly of her that he has gifted his rocking chair This year there were four In attendance from the to her. By fostering a great Masters’ Consorts’ visit particularly from discussions the large group was divided into graduating apprentices. The Building Crafts College and working environment and a with students, and the Principal four and toured the building Building Crafts College’s as proud as punch were sense of togetherness through The annual visit of Masters’ was delighted to receive many led by Francis Williams, Nigel Tom Forrest of Level 2 Bench Bench Joinery Tutor Travis community activities and Consorts took place on Thursday complimentary letters. Gilkison, Hussein Hussein and Joinery is the Scenic Carpentry Warrington, who received specially made personalised 11th April. A party of 30 hosted the Principal. After lunch the apprentice at the Opera House. special thanks from Tom awards, the Royal Opera House by the Master’s Lady, Angi Birts, Carpenters’ Company of party proceeded to Greenwich for his knowledge, support brings employees of all levels received a presentation on the Philadelphia for an extensive tour of the Alex Beard, CEO of the Royal and encouragement and me, together to achieve great things; work of the College from the newly restored Painted Hall at Opera House, gave Tom his Rebecca Datta, the college a great example of how to run Principal before taking a tour The visit by members of the the Royal Naval Hospital. award, which had been specially bursar. I was honoured and apprenticeships well. of workshops at both the Carpenters’ Company of made to reflect his achievements delighted to participate in Kennard Road and Gibbins Philadelphia took place on Student work has been displayed and personality. Alex delivered the celebration and hugely Road sites. All were appreciative Thursday 13th June. Following in a number of locations some testimonials from tutor impressed by the work of our of what they saw and heard, a presentation by the Principal throughout the year as well as and colleagues in which Tom graduating apprentice Tom 12 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Craft 13

Fenland Black Oak Project Craft

Wood Awards 2018 During the first week of the The trunk measured 45ft to keep the original length of the summer break on Monday (13.71 metres) in length and boards from which to create a 22nd July, the project to make a was planked in situ, producing 13 metre long table. The trustees BY LIVERYMAN FRANCESCA GREGSON, table out of a tree trunk of bog ten boards that were seasoned of the project have spent much PR AND PROJECT MANAGER: oak (also known as Fenland in a specially constructed kiln time fundraising and finding a Black Oak) extracted from the at the College Gibbins Road venue suitable for public viewing Cambridgeshire Fens began workshops. After ten months the and Ely Cathedral has agreed at the Building Crafts College. moisture content of the boards to display the finished table The gigantic tree was struck was reduced to about 18% and for 18 months. With sufficient he winners of the 48th annual Wood Awards were announced by a Fenland farmer’s plough 400 gallons of water extracted. funding now in place, work has T at a ceremony held on 20th November 2018 at Carpenters’ in 2012, having been buried As a trunk of this length and begun to transform the bog oak deep beneath the peat for five girth is exceptionally rare, if not into a unique and spectacular Hall, hosted by David Hopkins, Freeman and Director of the Timber thousand years. unique, it was decided table top. Trade Federation.

Students and Staff Storey’s Field Centre & Eddington Nursery with the table at the Mears Group Gold Award Winner 2018 Building Crafts College Commercial & Leisure Winner 14 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Craft 15

The winner of the Interiors The architects were Rogers Stirk category was the Royal Harbour + Partners, the project Academy of Music’s Theatre was engineered by Arup. & New Recital Hall by Ian Ritchie Architects. The 309-seat Studio Weave’s Woodland cherry-lined Susie Sainsbury Classrooms, Belvue School, Theatre now forms the heart a secondary school for students of the Academy. Above the with moderate to severe learning Theatre, the European oak difficulties and other needs, -lined 100-seat Angela Burgess was awarded the discretionary Recital Hall provides 230sqm Judges’ Special Award. of additional space for student rehearsal, public performance and recording.

The winner of the Private Royal Academy of Music Theatre category was Old Shed New & New Recital Hall Interiors Winner 2018 House by Tonkin Liu, a timber Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre framed and clad home nestling Education & Public Sector within the landscape of North Winner 2018 Yorkshire. Judge David Morley said that the project “seems perfectly suited to its owners: Storey’s Field Centre & this building is simple and Eddington Nursery by MUMA modest but also delicate and was awarded the Mears Group uplifting to visit.” Gold Award, the winner of Ballot Chair winners, as well as being the Production Winner 2018 Commercial & Leisure category Storey’s Field Centre & Eddington Nursery winner. Liveryman Stephen Mears Group Gold Award Winner 2018 Commercial & Leisure Winner Corbett, chair of this year’s buildings judging panel, comments, “The best building The Bespoke winner was Cleft, they make you want to examine The judges felt that the 2018 rose to the top, for its winning a series of cabinets made from the material and touch it.” Production winner, Edward combination of architectural different Japanese tree species. Designer Peter Marigold Barber and Jay Osgerby’s merit, structural ingenuity Corinne Julius, head of the worked closely with Tadanori Ballot Chair, represented a and flawless execution.” The furniture & product judging Tozawa of woodworking masterclass in what an exercise 100-place nursery is arranged panel, commented, “We were manufacturer Hinoki Kogei. in simplicity should look like. around three sides of a enchanted by Cleft’s doors: landscaped courtyard. On the fourth side is the civic-scaled community centre, including Look! Look! Look! a 180-seat main hall. Small Project Winner 2018 The Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre, winner of the Education & Public Sector category, houses a large lecture theatre, a student Look! Look! Look!, winner The Structural Award winner CLEFT learning space, seminar rooms of the Small Project category, was The Macallan Distillery & Bespoke Winner 2018 and a dance studio. Judge Ruth is a pavilion within an 18th Visitor Experience. Judge Nathan Slavid said, “This is a building century walled garden originally Wheatley commented, “This of tremendous quality and designed by Georgian landscape unique roof unites architecture atmosphere, where every designer Lancelot ‘Capability’ and engineering to create one of detail has been thought Brown. Designed by Studio the UK’s largest timber structures through.” The architect was Morison, the judges praised the in the UK, and is the crowning Niall McLaughlin Architects. project’s sense of fun. glory of the new distillery.” 16 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Craft 17

The Case for Wood Super Desk Student Designer People’s Choice Award Winner 2018

reeman David Hopkins, Managing Director of the Timber Trade F Federation (UK) spoke at the Wood Awards in November 2018. He left no one in doubt as to the importance of wood as the key construction material:

The Wood Awards provides a Dealing with a low carbon frame is the fastest growing clear distillation of many of material becomes the basis of method of housebuilding now the central arguments for the very low energy, low-carbon in the UK, accounting for about use of wood across multiple manufacturing. All the products 28% of all new build last year. markets – particularly around and entries at the Wood It is the result of growing forests Objekt Bord sustainability, skills and skilled Awards have been made in a around the world, adding more Student Designer Winner 2018 jobs, innovation, and housing. manufacturing outlet, whether to nature than you are taking it is a ‘furniture factory’ or a away, creating and valuing First is the environment and ‘housing factory’. Manufacturing skilled jobs, developing a high- Within the Student Designer sustainability. We face multiple these items from wood requires value, low-carbon manufacturing category there were two cash issues from climate change. far less energy and produces a sector; and in the process prizes: £1,000 for Winner and Not least is the disappearance far lower carbon footprint than creating objects and buildings £500 for People’s Choice. Voting of forest landscapes around the any other competing material. If of beauty and making the world for the People’s Choice Award world. If we want to keep forests, we want to have our low-carbon a healthier, more sustainable took place at the Wood Awards we have to increase demand for revolution, therefore, we need place. And that certainly deserves shortlist showcase at London forests. To do that, we need to low-carbon materials and low- an Award! Design Fair in September. The increase the use of the products carbon manufacturing. Timber overall winner was Objekt Bord from forests and increase their helps us achieve both. by Ellen Svenningsen from the basic value. Building Crafts College. The The timber sector affords a People’s Choice Award was At a European level, we have lot of career pathways in given to Super Desk by Ben one of the most intense multiple directions. As trade Smith, also from the Building forestry sectors in the world bodies we want to see a great Crafts College. – roughly 5% of forest cover expansion in the downstream and about 25% of all industrial timber manufacturing sector production. Because of that – in furniture, joinery, timber demand, our forests are frame and housing – but this will growing. We use something never happen without skilled like 65% of the annual growth workers. So our thanks and each year, with large swathes support go to the Carpenters’ Further information about each of untouched. It provides a Company and the Building the winners can be found at massive carbon sink, ecosystem Crafts College and other centres services, water services, throughout the UK. Without biodiversity and the basis for these skilled students we don’t a thriving bio-economy. have a future. Demand for responsibly sourced wood means demand Finally, the Wood Awards for responsibly managed highlight how timber can help forests and forest growth. solve the housing crisis. Timber 18 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Craft 19

Carpenters’ Craft Competition WorkshopEast

he Carpenters’ Craft Competition is a national competition orkshopEast was founded by former students of the Building T open to students of carpentry, joinery and shop fitting. It W Crafts College and provides affordable professional gives outstanding students the chance to showcase their work and workspace for trained craftspeople/ people wanting to develop have it judged by leaders in the field. careers as designer makers.


The prizes for the national the George Pysden Trophy, to the remarkable skill of winners of the 2018 Carpenters’ which is only awarded these two young craftsmen Dutch Church Font Craft Competition were occasionally and at the and to the dedication of their presented by the Master discretion of the judges for college tutors who had clearly Mainly made in English oak, prior to the Court luncheon entries of exceptional quality. nurtured and encouraged the design of the new baptismal on Wednesday 7 November such high standards. font for the Dutch Church in 2018, in the presence of many The winner in the Under-20 London is based on geometries distinguished guests actively category was Oliver Shipston Grateful thanks go to the generated by using the numbers involved in, or supporting, of Accrington and Rossendale Competition Manager, Freeman three and one, as a representation craftsmanship in wood. College. In addition to a £500 Chris Higley FIOC, and those of the Trinity and the Christening cash prize he received the Joinery who give so freely of their time Sacrament itself. Jack Bibbings of the Building Managers’ Association Cup. to act as judges, at both regional Crafts College won the Over- and national level. The metal bowl with the Holy 20 category, a £500 cash prize Both winning test pieces Water is seated on a precisely and the Institute of Carpenters’ displayed in the Hall were turned round top, supported Shield. Jack also received widely acclaimed as testament by three triangular legs, hand carved on the outer face to highlight the texture of the wood. To hold the legs together a sphere in bog oak is placed at the centre of the font: as a bonding element, the bog oak represents the deep-rooted Oliver Shipston (left) history and tradition of the and Jack Bibbings (right) receive their awards from Dutch Church in London. the Master Peter Birts.

Mauro and the font after the Company’s Election Day Church Service in July 20 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Craft 21

Thanks to the generous support of our donors including the Harold Samuel Collection Carpenters’ Company, craft courses are free of charge to all FREEMAN EMMA LESLIE WRITES: successful applicants and at least Conservation project at 80% of participants are selected Buckingham Palace from schools located in areas of I was approached by honour benefactors of the social and economic deprivation Carpenters’ Company Past collection. We settled on a simple or geographic isolation. Master Martin Mosley with design, in order to maximise a commission to design and space for the donors names. Three workshops during 2018 make an Honours Board for The carved sections referenced delivered an exciting, highly the Harold Samuel collection other decorative woodwork motivating, and eye-catching at the Mansion House. inside the Mansion House. new dimension. Students not only learned but also On my visit to take notes on The board was made at my made practical contributions the positioning of the board workshop in Bermondsey to important conservation and the surrounding interior (WorkshopEast), home to projects at Buckingham Palace, I was fortunate to see much many former students of the moulding and gilding new It is currently on display at one of the Flemish paintings Building Crafts College. banquettes for benches in the of our funder’s headquarters Removed for copyright reasons collection. This enabled me State Rooms; at Fortnum & in central London. We hope to to begin the design process I’m very proud to have done Mason, restoring and gilding show the triptych at Carpenters’ with help from Building Crafts the commission, now finally the frontage of the flagship Hall in the future. College wood carving tutor installed, and hope that it Piccadilly store and at Burghley Saena Ku. The design was provides a fitting tribute to the House, restoring and gilding New venues for 2019 include passed between the Carpenters’ generous donors who support the weather vane. Dumfries House in , Company and Sir Roger Gifford, this wonderful collection. Cove Studio Tottenham, who was responsible for Across Twitter, Instagram, Ravn School of Arts and commissioning the board to Walbrook board YouTube and Facebook, the Crafts, Zone Creations Morden content on the Buckingham and St Pancras Old Church, Palace Workshop reached Camden. Work experience Two pieces from the triptych at over 1.3 million people, earning will be greatly expanded, Bonhams (John Stillwell/PA) over 610k views and 9.7k likes. with three architectural firms, Buckingham Palace, Fortnum The Creative Dimension 2018 & Mason, Julia Nagle Painting collaboration involving wood Conservation, Camden carving, stone carving and Costumes and MARMOR verre églomisé workshops Paperie all taking part. The Creative Dimension Trust culminated in a 27 piece triptych commemorating Saturday workshops for 8–9 the 100th Anniversary of year olds have been piloted the end of the First World War. successfully at Dulwich College. BY LIVERYMAN PENNY BENDALL, THE TRUST’S CHIEF The triptych consisted of nine The programme will expand EXECUTIVE OFFICER: doves in flight (carved in stone to 20 Saturdays a year starting and gilded), nine poppies in September 2019. This is a (carved in wood) and nine significant new direction for the verre églomisé hearts (designs Trust and will help it engage The Creative Dimension Trust This is not a kid’s art course – and bringing to light all the based on heart pin cushions with a younger audience and (TCDT) offers fine craft skills the goal is to learn, experiment, employability opportunities made by recuperating soldiers). their parents before they make courses to 14–18 year olds gain confidence and take to young people who can work important subject choices for with exceptional talent and inspiration from the best. The with their hands, especially The triptych was unveiled at the future. potential. The courses are workshops are intense and those who might feel certain Bonhams in November, and taught by craft specialists who a high level of application is areas of the art world are subsequently displayed during are acknowledged leaders in expected from students. They inaccessible to them. Remembrance weekend at Creative Dimension students their professions. are about quality, confidence Seamen’s Hall, Somerset House at Bonhams in November with Chelsea Pensioners and The Royal Hospital, Chelsea. 22 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Craft 23

City & Guilds of London Institute 2019 Craft Lecture

At Carpenter’s Hall on 11th March 2019 Chris Ward was presented with the City & Guilds Carpenters’ Company prize by the Lord Mayor, Alderman Peter Estlin. The Company’s Craft Lecture “Artisans: A Survey of Contemporary Craft” was delivered by Dr Jonathan Foyle on 3rd April, pictured here with the Master and Senior Warden. Based on his interviews with people across the world, Dr Foyle re- flected on how they had developed their Chris gained several skills and made a living through craft qualifications (all with distinction) including a City and Guilds Level 3 Diploma in Fine Woodworking, and has taken up a part-time post teaching timber craft and joinery at the Building Crafts College whilst also running his own bespoke furniture business. The Georgian Group Craft Prize Awards

From left to right: The Master, Chris Ward and the Lord Mayor, Alderman Peter Estlin

At the Georgian Group’s inaugural prize-giving ceremony at Goldsmiths’ Hall on 9th May, Liveryman Hugh Petter (left) was presented Royal School of Military Engineering with the Georgian Group’s Master Award. Building Crafts College student Boris Van Der Ree (right) from the Historic Building Conservation Course was presented with the Group’s Apprentice Award.

Both received their awards from the President, The Duchess Sapper Terry Eady, winner of the of Argyll, and Chairman, Company’s Premier Carpenter of the Christopher Boyle QC. Year, was presented with his award by the Master on 6th February, accompanied by his Commanding Officer,Lieutenant Colonel Will Robinson 24 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Charities & Grants 25

Charities & Grants

The Carpenters’ Company Charitable Trust Norton Folgate Trust


The Building Crafts College to support individuals with in London in August. Penny The Norton Folgate Trust In addition, a substantial is the principal beneficiary partners such as the William Bendall describes the range (NFT) provides support for the proportion of available funds of the Carpenters’ Company Morris Craft Fellowship Scheme of courses offered to young needs of individuals, many of is allocated to our scholars at Charitable Trust (CCCT) with – which funds craftspeople people aged 14 to 18 on page whom are engaged in education City of London schools, and funds allocated to help offset from different trades relating 18. The opportunities and or craft training. Our biggest our students at , the College’s running costs. to historic building repair and different disciplines and venues commitment is to students at Cambridge, City, Warwick conservation – one of whom are growing year on year as the Building Crafts College. and Sussex Universities. Other charities supported by was a carpenter this year. Penny explains. Student grants are awarded the Trust include the Lord from sources including, the Finally, we sponsor students Mayor’s Appeal, the Sheriffs’ In addition, we provide We continue to provide Pysden and Stuckey Bequests, at the Prince’s Foundation on and Recorder’s Fund, St Paul’s significant support for the funding for London Youth the Sir John Cass Award and, the Building Crafts Apprentices Cathedral, and The Soldiers’ Creative Dimension Trust, now Rowing, as described by importantly, our Liverymen. course. Four students from the Charity through The Lord in its fourth year, which again Liveryman Richard Lester Building Crafts College joined Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch. ran two carving workshops at on page 30. the Foundation’s apprentices The CCCT also pays out funds the Building Crafts College course this year.

2018 – 2019 2018 – 2019

70% Building Crafts College Norton Folgate Beneficiaries 9% Crafts in general 25% Secondary Education 13% Carpenters & Docklands Centre 25% Building Crafts College 3% Carpenters Primary School 13% Enduring/Tertiary 1% Other grants 26% Temporary/Tertiary 4% Other city grants 9% Fees 3% Misc 2% 1% Audi/Fees 6% Unallocated at present 26 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Charities & Grants 27

Rustington Convalescent Home As it is one of the Carpenters’ consultant. Fees at the Home Company’s Charities there has are modest as they are heavily sometimes been a misconception subsidised (up to 50%) through PAST MASTER PETER POVEY, CHAIRMAN OF THE that the Home is only for the income generated by the HOME’S COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT, WRITES: carpenters. This is far from the Charity’s share portfolio. case. Admission to the Home Negotiations continue for the is not restricted. It is open to sale, to the benefit of the Charity, anyone in need of its services, of surplus land and buildings The Rustington Convalescent needs its services. A new To complete the improvements, and applicants are assessed for to the North of the Home which Home, registered with the covered entrance, with a the mechanical and electrical admission by the nursing team has planning consent for the Care Quality Commission as platform lift for wheelchair services throughout the Home guided by the recommendation building of houses. a Care Home with Nursing, access, has been created. A have been brought up to modern of their general practitioner or closed temporarily in early disability compliant lift serving standards, and the main corridors January 2019 for significant all floors, complementing the given make-overs. improvements to be made existing passenger lift, has been to the building. The Home, installed. On the first floor, During the closure, the Home which overlooks the sea and four new en-suite bedrooms staff, the backbone of the Carpenters Primary School is Grade II Listed, will re-open suitable for wheelchair users quality care service praised in December 2019 to resume and others with locomotor by Care Quality Commission the provision of convalescence, difficulties have been built inspectors, have been retained. rehabilitation and respite care over the Home’s kitchens. The All the senior nursing, care of the highest quality. The re- kitchens themselves have also and catering staff have attended opening will be preceded by a been upgraded. An additional regular training under the vigorous marketing campaign. en-suite double bedroom direction of the Home Manager, with sea view has been to ensure that Service Users The alterations to the Home created by merging two of the continue to receive the best have been designed to make it smaller bedrooms, giving more possible care when the Home accessible to everyone who accommodation for couples. re-opens.

The Master Peter Birts and Deputy Master Rachel Bower joining the games at the Christmas Party in Carpenters’ Hall

The Rustington Convalescent Home Committee visit in July 28 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Charities & Grants 29

Docklands Settlements Christ’s Hospital Speech Day


The Dockland Settlements is Christ’s Hospital school kindly families, with the Lord Mayor celebrating its 125th anniversary invited the Master and our and the Civic Party processing this year. The Settlements Presentee governors to attend into the building shortly before originated in 1894 with the the annual Speech Day on the service started. Lined with foundation of the Malvern Saturday 25 May in recognition Frank Brangwyn murals, Christ’s Mission in Canning Town. of the Carpenters’ Company’s Hospital chapel is an impressive Under the leadership of contribution to two presentee building from the inside and the Reginald Kennedy-Cox and pupils currently at the school. powerful organ and ample choir others, during the first half of On the day the Company was provided the basis for some the opportunity of speaking the 20th century the Malvern represented by the Master rousing hymn singing. with pupils and parents but Mission was greatly expanded and Angi Birts, together with was quick to acknowledge that and renamed “Dockland myself as representative Following the chapel service he had attended one of the Settlement No. 1.” It became the Presentee Governor. came the highlight of the day for school’s historic rivals, King hub from which sub-centres many visitors – the band parade Edward’s Whitley. Annabella, were established throughout Like many activities at Christ’s and March Past in the echoing who left Christ’s Hospital in and in several Hospital, the annual Speech quadrangle. We Carpenters could July, demonstrated how she provincial cities. More recently Day is steeped in tradition be additionally proud that our had excelled during her time it amalgamated with the but with an added measure Presentee Annabella Chenevix at the school by scooping not Company’s own Carpenters’ of pomp and ceremony Trench was the band captain only The Worshipful Company Institute and moved to the appropriate to the principal of the school’s highly regarded of Musicians Prize for her Carpenters’ Estate in Stratford guest, The Right Honourable military band. Grouped in their outstanding contribution to where it continues to provide The Lord Mayor, Alderman individual boarding houses, the Music throughout her time at the a variety of activities to local The Reggae Choir at Carpenters’ Hall Peter Estlin. Nevertheless, the whole school (nearly 900 pupils) school but also the Worshipful people, as does the Settlements’ warm summer day started with marched past the Lord Mayor Company of Painter-Stainers other centre in Rotherhithe. a relaxed coffee in the Dining with the accompaniment of the Prize for a Grecian who has been We are also opening a third Hall in the company of the two marching band. The Lord Mayor exemplary in their study of Art centre on the Isle of Dogs to Carpenters’ presentees and obligingly doffed his tricorn hat and Design. The day’s events replace our previous centre on recently, and deservedly, been The Charity is fortunate to be their parents. This gave us an as each house gave its salute. finished with a buffet lunch in the Island which was sold to a employed as full time caretaker able to use Carpenters’ Hall opportunity to catch up with the dining hall where parents free school in 2014. at the new Isle of Dogs centre. each year for a fundraising their very impressive progress The final part of the day and pupils mingled with teaching event. Last year we had at the school. We then made comprised the prize-giving staff, members of the governing The charity continues to We will also provide a haven entertainment provided our way to the chapel for a and speeches in ‘Big School’, body, officers of several livery go from strength to strength, for rough sleepers in Stratford by the wonderful Reggae service in the company of the including the traditional ‘oration’ companies and donation expanding its reach and this Christmas, opening our Choir who practise at our Headmaster and staff, Grecians given by the senior Grecian. The governors, all rightly proud to be provision to some of the most doors to some festive cheer over Carpenters’ Centre. This year (sixth formers) and their Lord Mayor evidently enjoyed associated with Christ’s Hospital. vulnerable and disadvantaged the coldest, loneliest weeks of we have decided to celebrate people in the area. This year at winter. Our winter shelter is our 125th anniversary in the Carpenters’ Centre we have increasingly vital as many other style by welcoming a variety extended our support for local providers shut down for two of guests for dinner at the Top Right rough sleepers – an increasing weeks over Christmas and New Hall, with entertainment and Annabella standing next to her work (a suit problem in Stratford with Year, leaving rough sleepers with some special guests. We are of Tunnock’s wrappers) ever greater numbers coming little or no support. Volunteers grateful to the Worshipful at the Grecians’ final art through our doors for help on are required to help run it Company of Carpenters for exhibition a daily basis. They come in for 24/7, so please get in touch if its ongoing support of our showers, something to eat and you are interested. Donations charity and hope members drink, and are offered help with of towels, toiletries, cleaning will be able to join us in other areas of their lives where products, toilet paper etc are celebrating our achievements Right possible. One young man has also gratefully received. at this special anniversary. Students March Past 30 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Charities & Grants 31

Educational Bursaries


As my final year of studies at has completely changed me is hopefully going to expose me the Guildhall comes to a close as an artist. This summer I am to the industry and to agents I wanted to write to you all working professionally which with the hope of employment to thank you for the support is proof that this course has next year. you’ve given me over the last done its job! I have performed two years. Not only financially, my first professional solo I hope you can continue to but also on a more personal recital, my first professional support future singers at the level – it has been really special role at Nevill Holt Opera and Guildhall – I am so pleased getting to know everyone at I am going on to perform at with the training there and the Company and having the Clonter opera and The New am very lucky to have been chance to perform at two events Generation Festival later in in a position of financial at Carpenters’ Hall. the summer. stability. This is all thanks to your generosity and support. My time at the Guildhall has In September I will be starting been a pivotal point in my at the National Opera Studio to training – I can honestly say it finish off my training – this year


In October 2018 I started my ticked all the boxes. Studying topic the workshop will explore journey at the University of Economics at university has is how studying economics Warwick to study Economics. been a huge step up from can be made more attractive I was really excited to begin secondary school. Overall, I have for female students, as there is learning at a higher level and broadened my skills set and still a gender imbalance. I am more importantly, submerge really enjoyed the challenge – very pleased to be a part of this myself in a subject that had ending my first year with a high team and hope we will host a become of interest to me in 2.1. However, life at university successful event that can be the previous 18 months. I was should be about balance. I enjoyed by many. attracted to study here because have made some great friends, the style of teaching allows especially through joining I have been fortunate that students to become involved as the University Hockey team. the Carpenters’ supported researchers, and because the During the season we trained me throughout my time at department of Economics at and played matches twice a secondary school and have Warwick University is ranked week which allowed me to meet decided to continue to do so 3rd in the UK. I was also many new people while doing while I am at university. As attracted by all the open space something that I love – sports! always, I am grateful as this that Warwick University offers. Furthermore, I have recently support has allowed me to access Left Having been raised in London joined a team of volunteers to so many opportunities. I have Alexandra Lowe and attended City of London help organise a workshop that thoroughly enjoyed my first year School for Girls, it was another the Economics Department is at Warwick University and am reason for choosing a University holding for students from across excited to see what the next two outside of London. So Warwick the UK in January 2020. One years have in store for me. 32 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Charities & Grants 33

National Youth Rowing Company Livery Dinner


I had the pleasure of attending otherwise never have a chance reliving the excitement of the the National Junior Indoor to compete in such an exciting 2012 Olympics. The atmosphere Rowing Championships, environment, in the hope that was enhanced by the presence otherwise known as “NJIRC 19”, some will be interested enough of several gold medal 2012 and at the Copper Box Arena on to try rowing on water (rather 2016 Olympic rowers shouting the Queen Elizabeth Olympic than on a machine). encouragement and chatting Park on Friday 15th March. with star-struck competitors. NJIRC has expanded into a Over 200 volunteers were massive event attended by 1800 needed to organise the event to I spoke to Matt Rostron, the CEO The Master Peter Birts (centre right) young competitors showing ensure that the banks of ergos of London Youth Rowing, who at the Company’s November Livery Dinner with (left to right) Alderman their energy and enthusiasm (rowing machines) also had little was thrilled with the new venue Vincent Keaveny, Lord Mayor Peter over a -two minute time trial. rest. Such was the noise created and the Carpenters’ Company’s Estlin and Alderman Elizabeth Green London Youth Rowing are the by the whirring of the ergos, involvement. Matt said that founders and hosts of this annual and verbal encouragement from London Youth Rowing never event. They aim to get as many volunteers, fellow competitors, cease to be amazed at the way youngsters as possible actively teachers et al that the Copper hundreds of young people come engaged in the sport who would Box must have thought it was together and just have a go!

The Sheriffs’ Horse Ride

The Copper Box arena Held in aid of the Sheriffs’ & Recorder’s Fund, the Sheriffs’ Horse Ride through the City on 10th July halted at Carpenters’ Hall for a short champagne and carrot break 34 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Company History 35

Left Six other Livery Companies Sir Banister Flight Fletcher associated with the construction Company History industry, the Joiners and Ceilers, Painter-Stainers, Plaisterers, Plumbers, Tylers and Celebrating Excellence: Bricklayers, and Wheelwrights At the outbreak of the Second supported courses, funding World War, the Carpenters’ 125 Years of the Building Crafts College Instructors and providing tools Company offered the School’s and materials. facilities to the Government and by 1945 over 3,000 servicemen The building was one of the few had been trained as carpenters, Company-owned properties to blacksmiths and sheet-metal suffer damage in the First World workers. Workshops were War when German aircraft adapted by students and bombed the nearby Bolsover instructors to War Office THE ARCHIVIST JULIE TANCELL WRITES: Hotel in May 1918. The School requirements, often at very remained open throughout the short notice. The Home Front War, despite a rapid decline in also demanded skilled labour; he Building Crafts College opened its doors to attendance. Student numbers attendance in the Plumbers’ T students in 1893 on a site in the West End of halved before the introduction Class fell dramatically in of conscription, with many September 1940 when urgent London, 153–155 Great Titchfield Street. Founded leaving to join the Services repairs to gas mains and water by the Carpenters’ Company as the Trades Training or take Government work. services damaged by enemy Unsurprisingly the average age action were needed. Repair work Schools, it was at this time the only establishment in dropped; the Wheelwrights’ was carried out by instructors London providing training in the building crafts. Company class in 1917 was and students closer to home ‘adversely affected by the when the School itself suffered demand for war-work… the bomb damage on four separate students are principally lads occasions, most seriously in of 15 and 16 years of age’. As Above April 1941 when incendiary Right the end of the war approached, Herbert Phillips Fletcher bombs landed on the roof. 153–155 Great Titchfield Street: the Court was expanding the The Carpenters’ Company provided the building and met School’s capacity, putting new general running costs (gas was machinery into the Wiremen’s fitted throughout). Class and trebling the number of students there, and a year later the Glaziers’ Company inaugurated a new class. Student numbers rose in the 1918–19 term with an influx of demobilized men. All the courses were taught at the bench as evening classes The School lost its first and covered a wide variety of Director in 1916 when Major building related disciplines; Phillips Fletcher was killed tiling and brickwork, masonry, on active service. His brother carpentry and joinery, plumbing, Banister Flight Fletcher took plasterwork, painting, stone over as Director, continuing carving and a wheelwrights’ to hold the post until 1936. class. Paperwork and exams Under his charge, steady were kept to a minimum. progress was made through There was a strong emphasis the 1920s and 1930s with on training with ‘no social courses attracting good entertainments or relaxations student numbers. In 1935–6 permitted, as is the case in an average of 93 students Above other Training Schools’. attended each evening. Specimens of Work Done in the Carpenters’ Class, 1934 36 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Company History 37

The annex and life classroom The end of the war brought were completely burnt out, sweeping changes with the the roof destroyed, utility adoption of the new National Right services disrupted and the Apprenticeship Scheme. Interior of the new College building 2015 lower rooms severely water On reopening in 1947 both damaged. The Director Frank evening classes and new Halliburton Smith’s pragmatic day courses were offered to suggestion to give carpenters apprentices, running for a practical instruction on the short time alongside National sites of other bombed buildings Service training for demobilized was unsurprisingly met with servicemen. The changing needs approval from the War Office. of the modern building industry were reflected in the School’s As air raids became more post-war syllabus. Carpentry frequent, a ‘spotter’ was and joinery, stonemasonry, 30%, with workshops at ground positioned on the roof to raise plumbing, welding and level and offices and lecture the alarm rather than evacuate painting were retained; other rooms on the first floor. immediately to the basement courses, including the life shelter when the sirens class, metalwork, plastering The move to Stratford saw sounded. Mr Chapman the and wood and stone carving the College committed to ‘spotter’, a former soldier and were no longer offered. improving employment Home Guard volunteer, was opportunities for East London given rubber boots, a sou’wester The School’s core courses residents in the new Thames and ground sheet as winter continued into the 1950s, but were introduced and student Gateway construction projects, approached. the war-damaged building and staff numbers increased. Above including the 2012 Olympic was creaking, with workshops Short specialised courses in Completed in 1970, the new School Games. The innovative Lets building was officially opened by heated by an old-fashioned construction, maintenance, the Lord Mayor, Sir Peter Studd, Build vocational educational coke boiler and classrooms repair and restoration were on 16 July 1971 programme offered a City & by gas fires suspended from started for experienced Guilds qualification to Year 10 the ceiling. The rooms were professionals and supervisors. opened for the new academic and 11 pupils in local boroughs, cramped and difficult to adapt In the early 1990s government year in September 2001, guided and the addition of the nearby to modern training needs. funding was secured to run by the Director John Taylor. Gibbins Road Campus in By the 1960s student numbers a Modern Apprenticeship Above The modern, airy design used 2009 extended construction were falling and seemed likely training programme, placing Tony Banks MP, College natural stone and sustainable training. Courses included students Nina Bilbey and to continue to do so without courses on a sounder footing. Iri Gerretzen, and Stephen materials and incorporated multi-crafts, maintenance, investment in modern facilities, Standards of practical craft Timms MP lay the foundation a spacious interior that could construction operations, stone in December 2000 given competition from newer training in woodwork and Below be adapted to new courses bricklaying, site carpentry suburban technical colleges. stonemasonry remained very Fine woodworking and more students. This was and concrete formworking, at Great Titchfield The Company decided the high, but the building was again Street 1994 soon tested in 2004 when offered to young apprentices School should develop as a falling below modern standards. the specialist nature of the and adults returning to centre for advanced training, College was recognized by education or changing careers. particularly in woodwork its accreditation as a Centre of New courses in shopfitting, and stonemasonry, and Noise and dust extraction posed Vocational Excellence (CoVE) and a foundation degree in rebuild on the same site to particular problems and there in traditional building skills. historic building conservation, take advantage of the School’s was room for only about 30 The mezzanine floor was alongside the fine woodworking central location. The School’s students, with no potential for extended across the building and stonemasonry courses, led Director Jack Darlow, assisted expansion. After much debate, it and new woodworking to enrolment numbers reaching by Martin Platt, designed the was decided to sell the premises machinery, a wall saw and almost 1,000 by 2010. new building and J.T. Luton & in Great Titchfield Street and industrial racking was fitted Son Ltd were the builders. re-locate the College to Stratford, to accommodate the extra The College continues to adapt East London, on land owned by students. By 2007 student to the changing needs of building The early 1970s saw low student the Company since 1767. numbers had risen to over 300 industry training as it has since 1893. The current Principal Len Conway’s numbers as the building industry and work on an extension was report on page 6 demonstrates how Above faced turbulent economic Designed by architects Tectus already being planned in the it remains committed to equipping Training the Army-Carpenters’ times, but as the decade went with Rooff Limited as the style of the original building. course syllabus 1940 all its students with experience vital on, new training initiatives main contractor, the building Floor space was increased by to their careers. 38 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Affiliations 39


4th Battalion The Rifles


2018/2019 has been an excellent able to develop a culture and to disrupt terrorist networks period for 4th Battalion The ethos in our new role where in their country. Our Riflemen Rifles. The Riflemen have seized we trust people at the lowest have been developing the the opportunities presented by levels and give them immense Afghans’ military skills with the new Specialised Infantry role responsibility. rigorous and varied training. and already started to develop The first three squadrons a reputation for delivering Now fully into the operational finished training in October the goods on operations. We rhythm, the 4th Battalion last year and deployed straight have been on deployment in has had troops deployed in on operations. They performed Afghanistan for 18 months several of the world’s hot spots magnificently, earning and have just sent out our around the clock this year. praise from the President of third company. And we now We operate an internal two-year Afghanistan himself. have a permanent presence in cycle, which sees individuals The Chosen Rifleman Iraq. Almost two years after earmarked for operations for A new addition to our Rifleman Anthony Roberts (centre) was presented with his award at the December Court Luncheon by Master Peter Birts, we started to convert to this eight months. The rest of mission this year has been accompanied by Major Dave Sharp new role we are seeing the the time is spent training for our commitment in Iraq. difference in our Riflemen. deployment or at readiness This focuses on generating a With experienced and mature for contingency operations. new Special Forces capability volunteers, rather than recruits within the Iraqi Ministry Our Riflemen have not only (now recovered from his ‘hard drawn straight from training, Our mission in Afghanistan, of Defence. The new Army displayed excellence on landing’ of last year) was in the we have high levels of discipline which began in late 2017, is to units are designed to deploy operations, there has been time top ten at the Army Paragliding and retention. Morale is good, train the next generation of by air anywhere in Iraq, at for sporting pursuits in the Championships. not least because we have been Afghan police special forces short notice, to counter the margins. Our shooting team terrorist threat. In a large-scale performed exceptionally well As ever, we would like to take confrontation, such as the at Bisley, coming a narrow this opportunity to thank the campaign that the Iraqi Army second to all regiments in Carpenters’ Company for its undertook against the Islamic the Army. Cpl Stanton, who generous support. It has been a State in 2013, the units would enjoyed sharing his knowledge privilege for our Riflemen of all be right at the tip of the spear. with the Carpenters’ Rifle ranks to take part in the clay Shooting Team in May, came shoot and the Livery Company fourth in the Army and led golf, and to play at the Livery the International Team. Our Spring Dinner. This is appreciated Quartermaster completed throughout the Battalion and his second Ultra-marathon our bond with the Company (this time through the Belizean remains strong as we continue jungle), our Artificer Sergeant through 2019. came second in the Army Captain Jelly and his team practise Triathlon Championships urban warfare using foreign rifles and our Commanding Officer 40 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Affiliations 41

student to learn and practise they need to problem-solve acquire the skills needed IV(R) Squadron RAF new skills. The Full Mission independently and learn to win as fighter pilots – and Simulator (FMS) is like the from their mistakes. They are win safely. real aircraft and training is encouraged to recognise that made as immersive as possible something has gone wrong, Training at 4FTS is constantly COMMANDING OFFICER WING COMMANDER ROB CAINE WRITES: to simulate live flying. ascertain why and determine reviewed and updated so that how to rectify it so it doesn’t students are equipped with At 4FTS the emphasis is on happen again. By this means, the correct skills to convert student-centric learning – with constant training and to operations on either the No. 4 Flying Training School platform. This allows trainees they move onto IV(AC) Sqn giving the students the skills assessment, the students Typhoon or Lightning aircraft. (4FTS) based at RAF Valley to be immersed in complex to conduct their Tactical and provides RAF and Royal Navy tactical training environments Weapons training where they fast jet pilots with basic flying in preparation for taking part are taught how to operate training, and then fast jet in front line operations on the and fight their Hawk T.Mk.2 flying, before moving onto Typhoon and Lightning aircraft. aircraft effectively using their Operational Conversion scenarios and tactics used on Champion Pilots 2018 & 2019 Units. 4FTS is made up of two 25(F) Sqn takes trainee pilots the front line. By the end of Squadrons: Number 25(F) from RAF Linton-on-Ouse IV(AC) Sqn students are capable Sqn which was reformed who have flown the Tucano of detecting and engaging in September 2018, and aircraft, and teaches them how airborne threats, carrying out Number IV(AC) Sqn which to fly the Hawk T.Mk.2. The Air Interdiction missions and was reformed in 2010. syllabus includes: General conducting Close Air Support. Handling, Instrument Flying, All this whilst operating as a Both Squadrons fly the Hawk Navigation (both low level and pair and being pitted against T.Mk.2 which replaced the medium level), Formation (close modern adversary systems. T.Mk.1. The aircraft has a glass and tactical), Surface Attack 2018 cockpit and comprehensive (academic weaponeering) and In order to maximise airborne avionics suite which provides Basic Fighter Manoeuvres (BFM). training, simulators and training a realistic fast jet training After graduating from 25(F) Sqn devices are utilised to allow the Lieutenant Simon Collins Royal Navy

Hawk T2, a Typhoon Emulator in a versatile Fast Jet Trainer flown from RAF Valley with XXV(F) Sqn and IV(AC) Sqn


Flight Lieutenant Michael Turrell 42 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Pastimes 43


The Ski-ing Team Inter-Livery Ski-ing


This year was the 10th days, starting with a qualifying anniversary of the Inter-Livery Parallel Slalom which, based Ski Competition, which takes on times, provides the starting place in Morzine each January order for the main event, the The Ski-ing Team in the French Alps. The Giant Slalom, held during Competition has been running the following day. The event for ten years but this is the grows each year and this year fifth year that a team from the 35 Livery Companies were Carpenters’ Company has taken represented by 197 racers. part. We had nine skiers who The Carpenters’ Company team were very well supported by put up probably their most five others from the Company, consistent performance to date The Master and Lady helping out the Team including the Master, Peter Birts, and came sixth overall. and his wife Angi. This was a first, and we were delighted to see them there and for them From Left: Mark Horn, Philip Brading, to see the events unfold during Angi Birts, Harry Neal, Richard Samuel, Ben Brading, Alex Cottrell, Peter Birts, the week. We also welcomed Jane Evelegh-Hall and John Evelegh Following the slalom ski-ing Sadly Mark has decided to two new skiers to the team – there is a reception for all step aside and pass the baton Liveryman Lizzie Haynes and participants and supporters. to Harry Neal. Thank you Mark Freeman Alex Cottrell. This provides a great opportunity and we look forward to seeing to meet friends from other you racing in Morzine for many As a group, we tended to ski Livery Companies and make years yet! Nor can the support in neighbouring Avoriaz as new friendships. After the Giant of the Carpenters’ Company well as in Morzine. Good snow Slalom a dinner is organised for go unmentioned. was found higher up, which over 300 people. This year we allowed for excellent ski-ing were honoured that the Lord Next year the event has been and some enjoyable visits to Mayor was able to present the has been scheduled for 23rd– mountain restaurants. race awards. 24th January and we hope to have the same number of The racing format is well tried The contribution of Liveryman racers and supporters. If you and tested. It is held over two Mark Horn, who has acted as are interested in joining what ‘Chef de Ski’ for the Carpenters’ is an excellent and enjoyable ski team over the past five years few days of ski-ing, please – from small beginnings to the make yourselves known to number of racers we now have the Clerk’s PA, Caroline – cannot go unrecognised. ([email protected]). 44 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Pastimes 45



The Carpenters’ Annual Golf Left to right – Captain Rob Parsons (4 Rifles), Our pairings were Mark Rowan Montague-Smith and Penny Newman. Day was held at the RAC Club Walton Heath Golf Club Horn/Marcus Dill and Rowan in Epsom in early April. Ten accommodates two courses Montague-Smith. We ended Liverymen and two Riflemen that suit low handicap golfers. up with an aggregate score of had an early start to arrive in With its long carries over minus 21 against the course. time for a quick breakfast and beds of heather, there is no This was the same score as the 8am tee time. Such endeavours substitute for accuracy off Carmen, one point ahead of were well rewarded by a the tee in this exposed part the Builders’ Merchants, and beautifully crisp and frosty of Surrey. This makes for a 20 points behind the runaway start which soon thawed challenging setting for the winners, the Cutlers’ Company. with warm spring sunshine. annual Inter-Livery Golf Nevertheless, we finished in the Competition, the Prince middle of the chasing pack and The morning round was Arthur Cup. hope to be invited back next year. followed by an excellent lunch, when we were joined by our Thankfully the Coachmakers’ I would like to thank the hosts Rosemary and Martin Company, the event organisers, Company for supporting the Samuel, along with Penny and had laid on some beautiful event. If you would like to play, David Newman. There were sunshine for the 16th May. The please consider participating a number of good Stapleford Club’s long courses can be very in the “qualifying event”, the scores in the morning and testing indeed if you are playing Company Golf Day, which takes this year Penny presented the against the weather as well. place at the RAC Club in April. Newman Trophy to Liveryman Rowan Montague-Smith, who All teams complete both had an outstanding score of 40 Left to right – Captain Rob Parsons (4 Rifles), Sandy Macqueen, the Old Course and the New points, playing off a handicap Richard Lester, Rowan Montague-Smith, Geoff Rhodes, Alex Mon- Course, amounting to almost tague-Smith, Richard Samuel, John Sennitt, Ben Brading, WO2 of 11. Robert Gribble, Mark Horn and Marcus Dill 14,000 yards. To get 48 Livery Companies around courses In the afternoon, Liverymen the organisers have exclusive Marcus Dill and Richard use of the Club and employ a Samuel took on the two sixsomes format (three pairs/ Riflemen in the afternoon three balls). This often makes round and I am pleased to for a sociable game, but does report that the Carpenters’ rely on the luck of the draw. Company prevailed.

This year we were delighted to have a new golfer in our midst, Liveryman Ben Brading, and I hope we can encourage more Liverymen to join us in future for what is always a fantastic day at the RAC. If anyone is interested in joining the group, please contact the Clerk’s PA, Caroline, Left to right: Mark Horn, Marcus Dill, Rowan at [email protected]. Montague-Smith and Richard Samuel. 46 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Pastimes 47

Shooting Freeman Alex Cottrell and Cpl Daniel Stanton (4 Rifles) Company Clay Pigeon Shoot LIVERYMAN PHILIP BRADING WRITES:

The Company visit to the West basics of clay pigeon shooting through the delightful grounds London Shooting School took were mastered, the teams to lunch. Representatives of our place on a perfect late April moved on to two stands to affiliated military organisations day. If you have not attended face clays flying from different were invited to the day and this occasion before, it is an directions. certainly showed their mettle ideal opportunity to learn how as the clays shattered before to shoot clay pigeons or hone Two further stands followed them. Lunchtime was a great existing skills. until it was time for “The Flush” opportunity to learn where they – the most exciting part of any were deployed and hear stories The Master and Lady introduced clay pigeon day. Each team of daring and adventure. all those attending and a lines up and faces some 40 clays convivial breakfast followed, flying across them from right What could follow the including some excellent bacon to left in rapid succession. No delicious lunch of perfectly rolls. Then teams of five were one who has ever shot would cooked salmon, asparagus, The Inter-Livery Shooting Left to right formed, each led by a shooting want to miss taking part in new potatoes and hollandaise Freeman Bruce Hodgson, Cpl Daniel Stanton and school coach who provided the this and Past Master Barnes- sauce? Well, summer pudding FREEMAN BRUCE HODGSON WRITES: Freeman Alex Cottrell kit required. The coaches were Yallowley, who up to then had and the dulcet tones of the encouraging and faultlessly been an encouraging supporter, Master thanking our guests kind, to both beginners and stepped forward to bag his for attending and awarding experienced guns. For those share of the passing clays with the “Rifles Cup” to Harry Neal, who had never shot before considerable success! the highest scoring liveryman, Competition was held at Bisley into the team. Lt Col Peter assault rifle at 300 metres and there was a great thrill as they and presenting a bottle of on 31st May 2019. The event Baines, who oversees the with a 7.62 target rifle with iron “killed” their first clay. After this the entire party, champagne to Lt Col Peter was sponsored by, and for the training of 4 Rifles’ Shooting sights at 900 metres. After the first stand, where the adrenalin flowing, strolled back Baines, the top scoring guest. benefit of, the RAF Benevolent Team, kindly seconded Fund which celebrated its Cpl Daniel Stanton as the The Competition focused our Centenary Anniversary this third member. minds as well as our aim and we year. The Fund provides put in a solid performance on essential wide-ranging support Alex and I are most grateful all ranges. Cpl Daniel Stanton to those who served or did to 4 Rifles for the excellent performed brilliantly at the National Service in the RAF. training they arranged for us black powder pistol range with on the Aldershot Ranges with the best score of the day – 119 A plan was hatched at the Daniel before the Competition. points out of a possible 120 – Clay Shoot in April to enter We had a brilliant afternoon and Alex Cottrell achieved best a Carpenters’ team for the being taught how to fire the score of the day at 900 metres first time. The Clerk, having ‘Glock 17’ semi-automatic 9mm despite strong cross winds. witnessed Alex Cottrell’s pistol. The Competition itself prowess with a shot gun and comprised five disciplines, I am grateful to Colin Sach of the my own ability to simply including shooting at moving Bakers’ Company for providing point a firearm in the right and rotating targets, shooting at the excellent hospitality and direction, ‘press-ganged’ us a military figure target with an company that we enjoyed.

The Shooting Party Left to right Harry Neal with Hugh and Jonny Barnes-Yallowley 48 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Pastimes 49

Inter-Livery Tennis 2018 LIVERYMEN HUGH FELTON REPORTS: Jane Evelegh-Hall

Held at the prestigious Queen’s courts – think French Open held but ultimately succumbed to Club in West Kensington, the at Roland Garros and you get the the Farmers’ Company who Feltmakers’ Inter-Livery Tennis picture. I felt like Rafael Nadal proved too strong for us at the Tournament fell on a warm stepping out on the clay with shield knockout stage. and glorious late summer’s day my whites reflecting the sun. in September. Many famous However, my dreams came to an The whole day was tremendously players have battled here. Jimmy abrupt halt when I found myself friendly and well organised, Connors, Boris Becker, Andy facing a blistering serve from the including the dinner and awards Murray – all have their names reigning Livery champion. that followed. One kind opponent etched in the wood panelling remarked as we shook hands at as you make your way to the In the first half of the day we the net ‘You’re a decent player locker room. played in a mini league with – just need more time on the three matches. After lunch court’. And that’s my advice for Tennis Following a briefing by the the winners were pooled into next year’s Carpenters’ athletes: Feltmakers’, light-hearted chat the Champion’s Cup and the help yourself to a couple of flowed coupled with the odd runners-up played for the healthy five-setters during gladiatorial pre-match glance. Shield. Lizzie and I won a few the summer, it will put you in Livery Tennis 2019 We were allocated the red clay games during the morning good stead. LIVERYMAN RUPERT EVELEGH WRITES:

Another lovely evening was It then took only a couple of Inter-Livery Real Tennis Tournament 2018 had at the Hurlingham Club games before we were down in July where the annual to six players as I stretched a LIVERYMAN CHRIS BROWNE REPORTS: Carpenters’ Company tennis little too far (clearly thinking of was held. It was a very relaxed greater glory…) and was forced evening and the tennis, though to watch the action from the Hugh Felton and guest I was delighted to partner my There followed an extraordinary competitive, was relatively bench. When play finished Lizzie Andrews represented fellow Carpenter, Liveryman three-way tie in our group as the Carpenters’ Company gentle. Like most years, the event we retired from the courts to Charles Trevor, for the first the third match also ended 8–5 took place during Wimbledon the lovely setting of the Club’s time in this tournament held at to the pair we had just beaten, fortnight. This year’s play Rose Garden dining terrace for Queen’s Club on 23rd October. tying all three pairs on one started soon after Johanna a cool Pimms. This was followed We battled to a creditable 8–5 victory, one defeat each and Konta fell at the quarter finals by a very enjoyable supper, defeat in our opening match, 13 games for 13 against… truly stage, dashing any hopes of a with lots of chat about tennis the format being a continuous remarkable! British success. However, a few and the world, and finally the set lasting precisely 40 minutes. miles away the alternative tennis prize-giving. Jane Evelegh-Hall We followed this up with a great The winners of the group were event started on an outer court was the deserving winner of victory over last year’s winner, decided by a ‘Grille Off‘, which – without the screaming crowds the Russell Hutchons Cup. Chris Vigrass of the Solicitors’ the Queen’s Club Professional but with the same enthusiasm Company, and his partner – also said was unprecedented. I had from the players. If anyone is interested in by eight games to five. Chris is popped out for lunch so sadly joining in next year please the father of five-times World missed this unexpected turn Unfortunately, we lost a couple let the Clerk’s PA, Caroline, Ladies’ Champion Clare Fahey of events and Charles was left to of participants before the start. ([email protected]) know. and father-in-law to Rob Fahey, valiantly attempt a shot into the current Men’s World Champion small square Grille at the back and recognised as the game’s of the court from about 90 feet. greatest player ever. Chris Vigrass and Julian Hill of

Continues on p.50 50 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Guest of Honour’s Response at the Livery Spring Dinner 51

the Solicitors’/Tallow Chandlers’ The Young Inter-Livery progressed to the semi-finals Quiz Competition when Chris finally hit the Grille after some 20 missed attempts by the other pairs. FREEMAN ALEX COTTRELL WRITES: I should like to thank Charles for partnering me and apologise to A team of six Carpenters’ a phobia of Crows and which him for putting him on the spot much enjoyed attending the type of bird is the most populous with the sudden death play-off. Annual Young Inter-Livery across all seven continents? Quiz competition at the new (Chickens) The night included a The event was played in two Leathersellers’ Hall in February. music round and even a drawing groups split by handicap level. round with blindfolds where Group A was won by Lord Despite our hosts’ best efforts to Belinda Pegg excelled herself. Boyce and Sidney Yorkson befuddle their competitors with of the Drapers’, and Group wine and delicious canapés, all Francesca Gregson captained the From Left B (our event) was won by contenders quickly realised that team and displayed a unique Ben Brading, Lucy Mitton, Alex Cottrell, Hannah Bower, Belinda Pegg and Team Captain, Francesca Gregson Richard Hopkinson-Woolley an agile mind and a classical knowledge of Pokémon characters and Michael Magnay of the education was of no use at all. and 90’s dance hits. Goldsmiths’. Overall it was but we are keen to make our mark a magnificent day’s tennis Our team put up a good fight The Guild of Freemen emerged next year. If you are 40 or under, topped by a splendid dinner. under an unusual line of as victors on the night despite I encourage you to brush up on Charles and I would like to questioning including: How to the Leathersellers’ fielding three your Pop Culture and sign up thank Michael O’Dwyer, Clerk spell Quinoa, whether or not the quiz teams in all. It was a shame to a thoroughly enjoyable Inter- of the Brewers’ Company, for singer Cheryl Crow actually has not to make the podium this year livery event. organising the Tournament. Liverymen Charles Trevor and Chris Browne

Bridge Guest of Honour’s Response


This is my 10th year of organising Freeman Jo Wade and we finished interested should contact the Clerk’s the Company Bridge events since a slightly disappointing 25th PA on [email protected]. taking over from Alan Horn and, place out of the 56 pairs that As ever, I must thank Penny and by the time you read this, another took part. We had an excellent David Newman for their help enjoyable season will have been first half and found ourselves in with the arrangements, as well completed with the usual in-house first place, but dropped down the as Caroline, the Clerk’s PA, but n abridged version of the speech by The Rt Hon The Lord Judge, Lord Chief events (five in total), two friendly order in the second half after a I reserve the greatest thanks for A Justice of England and Wales from 2008 to 2013, on behalf of the Guests at the matches against the Girdlers’ and very pleasant meal and meeting the Hall Staff and Freeman Steve the Cordwainers’ and the Inter- stronger opposition. Rapley for providing us with such Livery Spring Dinner on 13th March 2019. Livery Bridge Competition. magnificent fare to end the day. As usual, I must plead for The theme of Lord Judge’s address was the importance of keeping Brexit in In neither of the friendly matches more players to come forward. The late Past Warden Russell historical context. In comparison with other terrible happenings in our long did we have the top scoring pair, We are certainly not too serious, Hutchons was a regular attender but these are team events and I am so any standard is welcome. We at our events. A real character, history, he suggested, the current political and constitutional uncertainty showed pleased to report that we won both. have seen one or two new faces his eccentric bidding left most of that the UK still has an enviable democracy at its heart. He began by paying tribute I cannot recall this happening before, and they are thoroughly enjoying us bemused but, once or twice, so well done to those who took part! themselves, but we are still reliant he surprised himself and us by to the members of the Carpenters’ Company who decided to build the Company’s on outside guests to ensure we coming out on top at the end of first hall in 1429 amid the vicissitudes of that time. In the Inter-Livery Bridge have sufficient tables to make the evening. Russell, we thank you Competition I again partnered the events worthwhile. Those and you will be sorely missed. Continues on P50 52 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Members Showcase 53

They were a brave group of men. much blood by, among others, The French were about The great King Henry V had my parents’ and your parents’ and recently died. The King was a boy. grandparents’ generations. Members Showcase " to drive us out. Shortly Two uncles in England could not agree about anything. Gloucester I’m not advocating anything about afterwards Jack Cade’s and Winchester loathed each Brexit. I recognise the current other. In France his formerly political situation is shambolic but Armenian Stone Cross rebellion tore the City triumphant forces had lost the ten or twenty years from now, in battle of Patay. Joan of Arc had or out, it will almost be a footnote apart and the Wars of relieved the siege of Orleans. The in our history, and the greater French were about to drive us out. problem will be the way the East the Roses would inflict Shortly afterwards Jack Cade’s has overtaken the West, and how Junior Warden Brigadier John design and I approached the stone in July 2018 and it was

rebellion tore the City apart and society everywhere will cope with Meardon (who retired from Dean and Chapter to see if they completed earlier this year. The

the horrors of civil war the Wars of the Roses would the technological revolution.” his role as Receiver General would be happy to accept the design incorporates traditional inflict the horrors of civil war on at Canterbury Cathedral in cross as a loan item of religious Armenian liturgical symbology: on this country. In" 1429 this country. In 1429 there wasn’t Lord Judge went on to describe the 2016) and Vartan Moskofian, sculpture. It seemed a good fit there is a wheel of infinity, two much to laugh about. threat to our constitution from the an electronics engineer, have for Canterbury as Archbishop peacocks and steps representing there wasn’t much to way powers are being handed over by recently completed carving a Randall Davidson was very the ascent to heaven. There is an I think it is worth keeping Brexit Parliament to the Executive, powers two metre tall half tonne stone public in fighting the Armenian inscription in Armenian which laugh about. in context. What about 1529? The that may be exercised by whoever the cross. Hewn out of volcanic cause at the end of the First reads ‘And I go towards the source King decided that he fancied a democratic system throws into office. stone from Armenia, the cross World War and not only is he of the light’.” woman younger than his present But percipiently, in the light of later has been given on long term buried in the Cloister but he wife. This monstrous ogre set events, he continued: loan to Canterbury Cathedral also has a memorial inside the The free standing cross, called about his Reformation on the basis to commemorate the Armenian Cathedral. Vartan sounded a “Khachkar” in Armenian, that sleeping with his brother’s “And let us not forget the huge massacre of 1914–1923. out the Armenian community in was placed in the Cathedral’s wife was merely contrary to the blessings of living here. We still UK and elsewhere and secured Memorial Garden and Bible, conveniently overlooking live in a country where one citizen John said “The idea behind the financial donations to purchase blessed by His Grace Bishop that before he consummated his can tell the Prime Minister that stone was twofold; to mark the a block of stone in Armenia and Hovakim Manukian in a short marriage to Anne Boleyn he had they are wrong and take them to centenary of the massacre of 1.5 ship it to Canterbury.” service following Evensong slept with her sister and fathered court to prove it. Where the judges million Armenians and to act on Saturday 2 March, 2019. a child. Within a short time, one agree, not with the Prime Minister, as a symbol for reconciliation John added: “It’s a reddish Bishop Hovakim Manukian was of the greatest intellectuals of but with that citizen and tell the between peoples.” stone made from compressed joined by The Very Reverend European history, Thomas More, Prime Minister that they cannot do volcanic ash and it took about Justin Welby, Archbishop lost his head. Shockingly, Catholics what they wanted; where the Prime “Vartan and I are members three weeks for the half tonne of Canterbury, in the laying were being hanged, drawn and Minister obeys the court’s order, of ‘Pure Form’, an amateur block to be transported from of a wreath on the tomb of quartered and reformers burned where the judges have not been stone sculpture group here in the quarry in Armenia to Archbishop Randall Davidson alive, on one ghoulish occasion in turned out of office, and where that Canterbury. Vartan drew up the Dover. We started carving the shortly after the blessing. 1539 being pulled to their terrible citizen can still walk the streets deaths side-by-side on the same without being locked up on some hurdles. A subservient Parliament trumped up charge. passed all the necessary legislation. In such unpredictable times how That is not what would happen in would people know which side every country today, even in the they were on? EU. Nor has Parliament allowed the Prime Minister to do what they You can go through our history: wanted. That too would not be true 1629, about to start the Civil of every country in the world. Amid War; in 1829, coming close to the all the apparent laughter at us from French Revolution happening around the world, much of it by here as the country awaited the those who have envied our history Great Reform Act. And in 1929 and would quite like to take us Brigadier the world collapsed in the down a peg or two, that makes us a John Meardon and Vartan Moskofian financial chaos that brought wonderful country. That is my belief, apply the finishing Hitler and his minions to power, and it was that belief that inspired touches culminating in the death of many your predecessors – the Carpenters millions and the shedding of – to build your first hall here in 1429.” 54 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle October 2019 Company Business 55

Chthonic Spirit Company Business

Dick Onians with Chthonic Spirit Liveryman Dick Onians’ bronze sculpture, Chthonic Company Visit to Berlin Spirit (Chthonic, pronounced ‘Thonic,’ from the Ancient Greek meaning Earth) was installed in Baltimore Wharf Docklands in June.

Dick’s brief was to propose a site specific piece for land at the foot of Baltimore Tower, to include seating and to make it accessible to children for play. The play he had no issues Some of the members of the Company with but the seating was hard party at the Potsdam Palace in May for him to swallow!

The bronze sculpture is 4.3m long, weighs over 2 tons, and is finished with burnishing compound and waxed. Dick says it is a great pleasure to him to see children playing on it. A grounded, horizontal sculpture, Chthonic Spirit is designed to help anchor both residents and workers in a Visit by the Carpenters’ Company bustling, vertical environment. of the City and County of Philadelphia

The original maquette was carved in American walnut

During a two-day visit in June hosted by the Master and Court, members of the Philadelphia Company attended the Court Summer Dinner. Pictured here are Liveryman Dick Onians was presented with the (left to right) President Nick Cinalli and Carpenters’ Company Craft Award by the Master his wife Celeste, Kevin Smith, Deirdre at the November Court Lunch O’Farrelly, Joy and Graham Wyatt 56 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle Company Business 57

Admissions TO THE FREEDOM On Wednesday, On Wednesday, 5th December 2018 3rd April 2019

TO THE LIVERY On Wednesday, 3rd October 2018: renowned College and Trust at Parnham House in 1976 which On Wednesday, provided courses in design, making On Wednesday, 7th November 2018 and management in furniture- 5th June 2019 making. Awarded an OBE in 1988, in 2001 he sold Parnham House and the College merged with the Hannah Elizabeth Henry Joseph Architectural Association. He and Deverill Mosley Alexander Dean his wife Jennie moved to the historic Daughter of Past Master Martin Son-in-law of Liveryman Allen house Farrs in Beaminster, Dorset Mosley, a Claims Adjuster (centre). Zimbler, a Solicitor. where he continues his design David Charles Hopkins practice, John Makepeace Ltd. CEO of the Timber Trade Federation Toby Samuel Peter His pieces can be found in public and Chairman of the Wood Awards Barnes-Yallowley On Wednesday, and private collections in the UK, Steering Group (right). Son of Liveryman Jonathan Barnes- 1st May 2019 Europe, USA and Hong Kong. Yallowley, grandson of Past Master Aidan Timothy Mortimer Paul Graham Wilkinson Alexander Bruce Cottrell Hugh Barnes-Yallowley, in corporate Educated at Oxford in Building As City Surveyor for the City Son of Liveryman Edward Cottrell finance (right). Management and Historic of London since 2016, Paul has and grandson of Past Master Morton Conservation, Aidan established On Thursday, responsibility for the fabric of Neal, an Investment Director (left). For seven years’ service to the a building company in the 1980s 3rd January 2019 many of the City’s notable and Company: specialising in historic building historic buildings. Before joining work. He went on to join SYMM, the Corporation he was Director of Joseph Brian Soper an Oxford-based traditional Property at the University of London On Wednesday, Member of the Company’s Hall building company in 1986 when the and Head of Property for Aviva plc. 7th November 2018 Staff (left). companies merged. He has recently A Chartered Surveyor, Paul was Timothy David Llewellyn stepped down as Chief Executive but educated in King’s Lynn and the Art Historian remains a Director. He is married University of Reading, gaining an On Thursday, with three children and enjoys MSc in Real Estate Investment and 3rd January 2019 sailing, cycling and fell walking. Finance. He is married with three children and his sporting activities On Wednesday, include running, cycling and ski-ing. 5th June 2019 Claire Evelyn Whittaker A paediatric speech and language therapist, Claire ran her own practice in South West London Julian Paget Norbury serving several primary schools Nephew of Lord Flight, a from 2000 to 2005. She now works Chartered Surveyor (left). at Mary Hare Primary School for the Deaf in Newbury. Married Bruce James Douglas Hayley Georgia Carr with two children, she is the Urquhart Hodgson Former Company sponsored John Makepeace daughter of Liveryman Francis Designer and Furniture Maker, pupil at City of London School Furniture designer and maker, Kerry Keysell, a family connected founder of cabinet makers, for Girls and York University, William Edward Ryle-Hodges John trained as a cabinet maker to the Company for over 200 years. Artichoke Ltd (right). a Management Consultant (right). Son of Liveryman Rupert and designed furniture for Heals, She is an enthusiastic jogger and Ryle-Hodges and Freeman Habitat and Liberty before walker and has raised over £40,000 Andrew Charles Waugh Janet Ryle-Hodges (nee Neal) establishing his internationally for Breast Cancer Research. In recognition of his excellence and grandson of Past Master in the craft and support of the Morton Neal, a PhD Student of Wood Awards, an Architect (left). the University of Cambridge. 58 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle Company Business 59

Profiles Obituaries

The New Junior Warden 2019

Dr Allen Zimbler Past Master Peter Osborne 18TH MARCH 1922 — 10TH MARCH 2019 Dr Zimbler became a Freeman of the Company in 2009 and joined Liveryman John Jackson, his nephew writes: the Livery in 2010. He retired as Chief Integration Officer for the Investec Group and an Executive Director of Investec Bank Plc March Peter Creasey Osborne, who died just were covert operations allowing no Peter spent the better part of his 2016, having joined the company short of what would have been his communication with ‘the folks back retirement years (some thirty eight in 2001. Allen gained a PhD in 97th birthday, was born in Sidcup, home’ for the better part of two years, in total) resurrecting it into what it Social Psychology at the University Kent to Henry Carl Osborne and his including with Elspeth, his wife-to-be. is today – a sustainable mill pond wife Elizabeth. Peter’s father served covering some one and a half acres. of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in the Northamptonshire Regiment Despite this forced separation and going on to become Professor during the First World War and won no means of communication, they Peter contributed much to the and Department Head at the the Military Cross in 1917 before being kept and sustained their love for Carpenters’ Company. His father had University’s Business School from invalided out of the Army. Peter was each other, marrying two years been appointed Clerk in 1935, serving 1974 to 1988. He established and one of three children. His siblings after the War came to an end, in 1947. for twenty five years. Both Peter and ran his own strategic management were his older brother Henry John They were married for 67 years his brother John were admitted to the and organisation development (always known as John and also a Past until Elspeth’s death in 2014 and Livery on 7th December 1948. Once consultancy until he joined Investec. Master of the Carpenters’ Company) had four children: Stuart, Susan, again, with his quiet unassuming and his younger sister Elizabeth. Diana and David. manner he rose to the offices of Junior Warden, Middle Warden, Senior Peter grew up in Sidcup and was to Peter, by his own admission, never Warden and then, in 1989, Master. Howard remained a Director live in Kent all his life. Like so many knew what he wanted to do for a He served on a number of committees, until 2019. He pioneered the of his generation, he was pitched career. However he joined the Bank of including General Purposes (1989– The New Master 2019 umbrella fund structure and built into the Second World War at a very England, gaining his AIB qualification, 1996), Rustington Convalescent Home the substantial Guernsey (now early age, and in his early twenties and worked his way conscientiously (1989–2002) and Charitable and Lord Flight of Worcester Luxembourg) based, Guinness found himself in command of a and diligently up the promotional Educational Grants (1994–2003), (Howard) Flight (now Investec) Global Royal Navy motor torpedo launch ladder within the Bank for 40 years. and was a Trustee and Chair of the Strategy Fund. in the Eastern Mediterranean. One Carpenters’ Company Charitable Howard Flight was appointed to incident involved the capture of a Peter’s love for Elspeth was Trust and the Norton Folgate Trustees. the House of Lords at the end Currently, Howard is Chairman boat from the Germans, they in turn undoubtedly the most significant of 2010. He was the Member of of Flight & Partners, of Investment having captured it from some Greek and deepest love of his life. He did One of his lasting legacies is the Parliament for Arundel from 1997 Trust, Aurora and VCT Downing shepherds with their flock of sheep still however have other loves, and one Carpenters’ Company Henry Osborne on board. Peter handed the Germans of these was sailing, This he learned Award which he and his brother John to 2005, during which time he Four; Director of Mercantile over to the appropriate authorities during the family summer holidays set up in memory of their father. This served as Shadow Chief Secretary to Ports & Logistics (Mumbai): a and put the shepherds safely ashore on the Isle of Wight. It was here that supports a student each year from the Treasury, and was a member of Commissioner (Board Member) of to their undying gratitude, but was he and Elspeth first met towards the Guildhall School of Music and the Conservative Shadow Cabinet. the Guernsey Financial Services then left with the dilemma of what the end of the 1930’s when she was Drama. They both spent much time In the Lords, he is part of the Commission, Chairman of the EISA Allen has long been interested to do with the sheep! Peter proceeded also on holiday. Peter and Elspeth and energy getting to know successive Conservative working Peers’ teams (Enterprise Investment Scheme in the culture of the African to get them safely ashore also, an act continued this tradition into the ‘Osborne Scholars’ and followed their covering Europe, Treasury Affairs, Association) and a Consultant Bushmen and has collected an of kindness not entirely appreciated 1950’s, 60’s and early 70’s. Very near musical progress with great interest. Financial Regulation and Pensions. to TISA (The Investment and extensive library on all aspects of by a high ranking naval officer writing the top of the list of happy memories Howard has worked for over 40 Savings Association). their heritage and traditions. He a detailed account of the war in the for Peter’s children is Peter taking Becoming a Liveryman and then years in the Financial Services is currently Chairman of the Save Eastern Mediterranean years later. one or two of them out onto the Master of the Carpenters’ Company industry, starting his career at Howard was installed as Master the San project to provide schools open sea in bright sunshine for a was a significant element in Peter’s The Osborne family are rather proud sail in his single sail dinghy. entire adult life. The Company’s Rothschilds as an Investment of the Carpenters’ Company on 7th for their remote villages. He also of Peter for what he did. Peter’s main extensive charitable activities and Adviser in 1970. He was co-Founder August, 2019. Members of the Flight has a life-long interest in craft and role during the first half of the War, Following retirement from the Bank Peter’s contributions to them gave and Joint Managing Director of family have been Master Carpenters design, particularly in wood, and apart from saving flocks of sheep, was of England, Peter and Elspeth moved him a valued sense of purpose and Guinness Flight, formed in 1986 going back 300 years. He and for many years maintained a small to drop off marines and commandos to the Oast in Penshurst, Kent. This great satisfaction which sustained and acquired by Investec Asset Christabel have been married since personal workshop to create his behind enemy lines along the south came not only with two acres of him throughout his long, very happy Management in 1998, of which 1973 and have four children. own household items. western coast of Turkey. These garden, it also came with a mud patch! and fulfilled retirement. 60 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle Company Business 61

Past Warden James Russell Hutchons FREEDOM 17TH SEPTEMBER 1943 — 19TH DECEMBER 2019 David John Alsop The Master, His Hon Peter Birts QC writes: 15TH FEB 1940 — 23RD MAR 2019

David (Dave) Alsop joined the Sir John Soane’s Museum, Tower Carpenters’ Company in January Bridge Museum, Museum of London Russell was admitted as a hard to accept. It’s a tribute to 1999 as a member of the Hall Staff, Restoration, and (as Carpenter Team Liveryman on 5 April 1966 at the his character that despite this Charles George Allman and became a Freeman of the Leader) at Canary Wharf. age of 22. Over the following 53 setback he continued to serve 16TH AUG 1923 — 2ND MAY 2018 Company in 2006 shortly before years he gave all he could to the on the Court as Past Warden his retirement in March of the same Jim worked at the Building Crafts Company in time and commitment. for many years, and to support His son Freeman Jon Allman writes: year. Before joining the Company College from 2002 until 2017. He was devoted to it and what it the Company with enthusiasm he owned and managed a fish Appointed as a tutor in carpentry stands for and relished the lasting and not a trace of resentment. and chip shop for thirty years. An and joinery he became the College’s friendships he made within it. Awarded the Company’s silver Russell’s most conspicuous medal in 1949, Charles Allman excellent diver achieving national Senior Tutor, a role he held for His excellent memory for names personal characteristic was his became a Freeman in the same standard, Dave was born and lived over 10 years. Jim became a leader, and faces served him well and loyalty – to his friends and to the year and enjoyed many visits in East London all his life and was respected by College staff for whom he entered into the social side of many people and things he devoted to Carpenter’s Hall. He spent married to Pat, who also worked as he was a role model. He gained the Company activities with enthusiasm his time to. His loyalty to Carpenters’ a lifetime working with wood, Housekeeper at Carpenters’ Hall. respect and affection of his many and good humour. His joie de was absolute and knew no bounds. starting his career on the students but also expected them vivre was infectious and his boyish He was held in great affection by Estate in Weston-Under-Lizard, to work to the highest standards. Russell was born in 1943, the charm went down well with senior the staff because he was naturally and finishing as Head of the The construction industry benefits only child of Harold and Connie members. He took part in the respectful to people from all walks Construction Department at greatly from his training which Hutchons. He remained loyal Company golf, tennis and bridge and of life, whoever they were. He had College, . has produced many highly skilled generously donated the Hutchons no airs and graces and no side to to Wisbech, his native town, James Patrick (Jim) craftpeople, all of whom attest throughout his life. He went to Cup for the winner of our annual him; he was guileless, trustful and tennis tournament at Queen’s and trusting. Yet when a practical joke O’Brien to the importance of his teaching. King’s School, Ely where he was 9TH JUL 1954 — 23RD DEC 2018 Jim became a Freeman of the known for liking rugby, history, Hurlingham. At Hurlingham, where was played on him, he took it on the Worshipful Company of Carpenters geography, reading and, it is related he was a member for many years, chin and laughed with the rest. We by his friend Robert Jennings, he was immensely popular. He made shall not easily forget his wonderful Born in South London, Jim moved in 2010 and in 2011 he received the brewing beer in brown tea pots countless friendships there too, chuckle and his obvious enjoyment with his family to Hainault in freedom of the City of London. (so his housemaster wouldn’t know). playing chess, croquet and bowls of all that life has to offer. This, Essex at the age of two. Jim grew as well as tennis and bridge. despite a long-term struggle with up dreaming of becoming a ship’s After leaving school he worked diabetes. No wonder he had such carpenter and in August 1970, aged for Lloyds Bank in branches in Russell would have been the first to a wide circle of friends – and no 16, he became apprenticed to J F Buckinghamshire including admit that he was not the world’s wonder so many were present at his Nott Ltd., East London, to learn the Wendover, High Wycombe and greatest sportsman. He exemplified memorial service at St Stephen’s, craft of a Joiner. After completing the famous saying attributed to Walbrook on 28th January 2019. Great Missenden. He gained an AIB his apprenticeship he worked for qualification but switched to dealing Baron Pierre de Coubertin, Founder of the Olympic Games, that the most It would be wrong to end without many years as a carpenter/joiner, in new potatoes before setting up as but wishing to become a teacher he a caterer for city functions, work that important thing is not the winning but reference to Russell’s religious faith. occupied him for the rest of his life. the taking part. He took part in every A regular churchgoer who lived out enrolled for a teaching qualification Carpenters’ activity that was going, his beliefs in an unshowy way, he took at Greenwich University, taking up First and foremost Russell was a signing up for all kinds of social and to heart our Company motto ‘Honour his first post at Camden College. family man. He was proud of the sporting events, Company visits and God’, once confiding to me his financial support he, as a young foreign trips whenever he could. disappointment that not all members Alan Kurt Gerrard Jim developed a passionate man, gave to his parents when they of the Company regarded themselves 13TH DEC 1940 — 2010 interest in heritage, restoration fell on hard times after the closure I joined the Company a year after so bound. His was not a dogmatic and conservation. During his Russell and we served together of his father’s horticultural business. disapproval, but rather a mild regret The Company has recently learned time working in the construction He met Zara in 1982 at a candle-lit on the Norton Folgate Trust, the that not everyone was able to observe of the death of Alan Gerrard, industry he became involved with service at Holy Trinity Brompton. Charitable Grants Committee, the Society for Protection of Ancient and later the Court itself. There this simple precept as he did. For his employed as a Chef at Rustington By all accounts it was a whirlwind Buildings (SPAB) and worked as romance and they married in the his attendance was punctilious loyalty extended to his God and to Convalescent Home. He was following January. Russell was if not always punctual. Russell was his Christian faith; of course it did. awarded the Freedom of the Head Carpenter and Joiner on immensely proud of their son Jamie, elected Junior Warden in 2004 Everyone liked Russell. He was an Carpenters’ Company in 1999 and a number of projects, including and even prouder when Fiona and and Middle Warden the year after. unfailingly agreeable companion, took early retirement in 2003. at Tudor House in Cheyne Walk, then Ivy came along. He was devoted That he didn’t progress further always cheerful, decent and kind. to Zara and dedicated to her care. was a disappointment he found We are the poorer without him. 62 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle Company Business 63

Fred Yates 1922 — 2008

Gifts to the Company 2018–2019 Born in Lancashire, Fred Yates was self-taught and painted in the naïve style, with his early works of street scenes reminiscent of L. S. Lowry, using bright colours and thick paint. Past Master W. P. Povey Queen Elizabeth The Carpenters’ Company He lived in Fowey in Cornwall in Philadelphia Architecture. A Guide to Scholarship Trust of the City and County of the early 1970s, where his paintings the City Foundation for Architecture A Celebration of British Craftsmanship Philadelphia were largely scenes of local village Philadelphia (1984) Karen Bennett, Julian Calder (2018) The Greater Journey life, clifftop and beach scenes. The David McCullough (2011); Garden Wall (pictured left) probably Past Master M. W. F. Felton Past Master M. O. P. May The Pioneers dates from this period. As with many The Great and Famous City Cries of London: 11 scenes of London David McCullough (2019) painters based in Cornwall, his work of London Wentworth wooden street vendors (from a series of 13). became increasingly popular after the puzzle map Prints of colour stipple engravings Paster Master P. A. Luton landmark 1985 St Ives exhibition at published by Colnaghi & Co, London Lord Byron’s Best Friends the Tate Gallery. In the mid 1990s Past Master M. H. W. Neal 1793–1797 after paintings by Francis Geoffrey Bond (2013) Yates moved permanently to France The Garden Wall by Fred Yates Wheatley RA where he continued to paint up to his (oil painting). See opposite Dr. Ann Basu death in 2008 aged 85. Liveryman J. M. Burton Fitzrovia. The Other Side of Oxford Past Master M. J. Samuel Modern English Furniture Street. A Social History 1900–1950 The Frederick Parker Collection J C Rogers (1930) Ann Basu (2019) ed. Claxton Stevens [2006]; Notices Take A Seat. The Story of Parker Knoll Past Master V.G. Morton-Smith 1834–1994 Stephen Bland (1995) Gordon Russell. Designer of Furniture Jeremy Myerson (1992) Liveryman Dr A. Zimbler Company Website: card section. Please add their postal you. These need to be approved by Woodcut Bryan Nash Gill (2012); Deputy Master Rachel Bower Members’ Area address if you would like them to an administrator before they go live. Wood and Wood Joints. Building Lumberjills. Britain’s Forgotten Army receive a pour memoire card and if If you would like to enable other Traditions in Europe, Japan and China Joanna Foat (2019) All Liverymen and Freemen now they have any dietary requirements. members to see your telephone Klaus Zwerger (2015) have access to the Members’ Area of If you have booked an event but are number, e-mail or postal address the Carpenters’ Company website, unable to attend, the system will not tick the “is visible” box next to each featuring events, committee papers, allow you to cancel; you will need to of the details on your record. So, photographs and news items. Events contact the person who sent out the the company is playing its part in Queen Juliana of the Netherlands Orange Order Medals open for online booking about three e-mail invitation to withdraw your reducing printing and postage costs, months’ in advance, and invitees will booking. The system is set up in this and also saving a few trees with the always receive a notification e-mail. way because other Livery Companies reduction in paper consumption! If Queen Juliana became an Honorary Juliana. On her Honorary Freedom Queen Juliana of the Netherlands If you are bringing a guest please charge for the majority of their you have any comments about the Freeman of the Carpenters’ Company in 1954 Queen Juliana invested the Orange Order Medals before (left) and after (right) conservation cleaning ensure that you complete the title, events.You can make changes to the Members’ Area please contact Janet in 1954 thanks to a mutual interest in Master K. M. Roberts with the Insignia first name, surname and the place personal details that we hold for ([email protected]). the Dutch Church in Austin Friars. of a Commander of the House of She was made an Honorary Liveryman Orange and the Order of Officer in 1966, and in 1972 held a State was received by the Senior Warden Banquet at Carpenters’ Hall when she (Lt Col William W. Dove) and the conferred a Grand Cross of Honour Clerk (Henry C. Osborne). Carpenters’ Company of the Order of the Crown of the Christmas Card 2019 Kingdom of the Netherlands on the Master Valeri J. G Stavridi. The decoration is conferred on foreign This year’s Christmas Card features nationals “who have rendered the painting "Breakfast still life meritorious service to Us or Our with roemer, meat pie, lemon and House”. In 2000 Mrs Berenice Muller- bread" by the Dutch artist Pieter Rappard, the niece of Past Master Valeri Claesz (1597/8–1661). Part of J.G. Stavridi, presented her uncle’s the Harold Samuel Collection at medal to the Company. It has now been conserved by conservators Plowden & Mansion House, the painting has Smith for display in the Hall, with the been adopted by the Company kind permission of the Dutch Chancery in support of the Collection’s of House Orders. The medal is not the Conservation Fund. Proceeds of the only award to be given to members of card sales will go to the Carpenters’ the Carpenters’ Company by Queen Company Charitable Trust. 64 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle Company Business 65

Reviews Company Appointments

The Livery Halls of the City of London The following held appointments Mr. M. H. W. Neal Rustington Convalescent Home during the Company year 2018/2019 Mr. A. M. Gregory-Smith Committee of Management BY ANYA LUCAS AND HENRY RUSSELL Mrs. R. F. Bower WITH PHOTOGRAPHY BY ANDREAS VON EINSIEDEL Dr. A. Zimbler (Co-opted) The Master COURT Dr. L. D. G. Grossman (Co-opted) The Junior Warden The Clerk Mr. M. J. Samuel PUBLISHED BY MERRELL (£45) The Financial Controller Mr. P. A. Luton Master Company Surveyor Mr. M. O. P. May His Honour P. W. Birts, QC Company Solicitor The Revd. Dr. W. P. Povey By Deputy Master Rachel Bower: The book, though, concentrates on Mr. J. W. Preston (Co-opted) the architecture of today’s Halls. Senior Warden Building Crafts College Mr. R. H. Evelegh (Co-opted) During their history livery companies The Lord Flight, of Worcester Committee Dr. C. N. Birts (Co-opted) Amongst the delights of a Master’s have moved from one site to another. Miss H. M. Bower (Co-opted) year – and there are many – is the Nearly every Hall was destroyed by Middle Warden The Master The Clerk hospitality they will receive from the Great Fire, or by the Luftwaffe Mr. M. Morrison The Middle Warden The Home Manager their fellow Masters. A Master with during the Blitz, and some by both. Mr. A. M. Gregory-Smith architectural knowledge and a sense After the Fire some Halls were rebuilt Junior Warden Mr. M. R. Mathews Charitable Grants Committee of history will be in seventh heaven within five years, long before the Brigadier M. J. Meardon Mr. G. P. S. Downes during their year in office. public buildings were reconstructed. Mr. M. R. Mosley The Master Rebuilding after the 2WW took Mr. V. G. Morton-Smith Mr. L. A. Hughes (Co-opted) The Senior Warden In Britain we revel in our glorious rather longer, and only a tiny handful Mr. W. S. Haynes Mr. N. Gutfreund (Co-opted) Mr. M. J. Samuel Cathedrals, ancient Oxbridge remain on their original sites. screens in great halls, staircases and Mr. P. A. Luton Mr. D. A. Venables (Co-opted) Mr. M. W. F. Felton colleges and richly varied vernacular heraldic beasts of every description. Mr. J. A. C. Wheeler Mr. P. T. R. Simons (Co-opted) Mr. D. H. Thompson (Co-opted) architecture, but the collection of The governance and traditions of Mr. M. O. P. May The Clerk Mr. T. J. Gregory-Smith (Co-opted) buildings that are the Halls of the the companies can be traced back Carpenters’ second hall of 1880 was Mr. M. R. Mathews The Financial Controller Mr. N. S. Corderey (Co-opted) London Livery Companies are right to their founding charters. At the gutted by fire when an incendiary The Revd. Dr. W. P. Povey, JP The Principal of the BCC Mr. R. J. Hamilton (Co-opted) up there with the rest; they are just heart of each Hall today is a spacious bomb hit a gas main in London Wall in Mr. G. P. S. Downes, CVO The Bursar of the BCC Mrs. R. Orringe (Co-opted) less known. This well researched book Livery Hall, and a more intimate 1941, but miraculously the Victorian Mr. H. M. Lancaster The Clerk is lavishly illustrated throughout and Court Room. Henry Russell discusses stone envelope and richly decorated Mr. M. J. Samuel Craft Committee it redresses the balance. each Hall with great clarity – its columned façade remained standing. Mr. M. R. Mosley Admissions Committee building history, its present site and A steel frame and new building were Mr. M. W. F. Felton The Master First, Anya Lucas traces the roots of accommodation, fixtures and fittings erected inside and it was reopened Mr. M. H. W. Neal The Junior Warden The Master these Halls and some of their early and sometimes its treasures. A simple in 1960, with the arcade that had Mr. A. M. Gregory-Smith Mr. P. A. Luton Mr. M. R. Mathews sites in the City, and addresses the floor plan accompanies each entry. allowed London Wall to be widened Mrs. R. F. Bower Mr. M. R. Mosley Mr. H. M. Lancaster challenges livery companies have Every Hall glows in von Einsiedel’s and the banqueting hall extended over Mr. J. R. E. Hutchons (died 19th Dec) Mrs. R. F. Bower Mr. M. R. Mosley faced over eight or more centuries. breathtaking photography. Throgmorton Avenue. The hall was Mr. T. M Carpenter (Co-opted) Mrs. R. F. Bower She concludes that corporate identity, designed to be a showcase of the craft Emeritus Miss F. L. Gregson (Co-opted) The Clerk independence and interdependence An alphabetical list of the companies of carpentry and Clifford Weardon, Mr. P. C. Osborne (died 10th March) Mr. J. M. Burton (Co-opted) have been key to their survival. In comes with a map of the City, but the who had worked for Basil Spence, was Mr. H. M. F. Barnes-Yallowley Mrs. P. A. Bendall (Co-opted) the closing chapter she discusses the Halls are discussed in the following chosen to design the banqueting hall Mr. F. D. Hornsby Mrs. B. Pegg (Co-opted) TRUSTEES* lost halls. In between, Henry Russell pages in their order of precedence. – a tour de force. Walls are lined with Mr. H. M. Neal, CBE Mr. D. J. S. Hill (Co-opted) describes the 40 Halls that survive Page numbers really should have crown elm and utile mahogany; the Mr. N. B. C. Evelegh, MBE Mr. J. C. M. Taylor today, with each entry accompanied been added to the alphabetical list. suspended ceiling is made of octagonal Mr. D. F. Newman The Clerk Carpenters’ Company Charitable by the stunning photography of The order of precedence means cedar panels and the hardwood floor Mr. J. D. Sennitt The Principal of the BCC Trust Andreas von Einsiedel. nothing to anyone outside the City, is of Zimbabwean teak. At the east Mr. C. Preston and little to most in the City. That entrance end there is a musicians’ Investments Committee Mr. V. G. Morton-Smith In their earliest days, a City livery is my only quibble. gallery, reminiscent of the Royal Mr. P. A. Luton company’s role was the regulation Festival Hall. At the west end is Charles COMMITTEES* The Master Mr. M. R. Mathews of their trade, and the training and As will be seen, Halls are still being Wheeler’s massive Tree of Life made The Senior Warden Mr. M. J. Samuel welfare of their workforce. Only a rebuilt today – beautifully – the work of Burma teak, mounted on sublimely Mr. M. O. P. May few companies still have statutory of Basil Spence, Michael Hopkins and beautiful marquetry which he also General Purposes Committee Mr. H. M. Lancaster Company Pension Fund Trustees responsibilities today such as the Eric Parry at Salters’, Haberdashers’ designed. Alfred Fisher’s City and Mr. M. R. Mosley Goldsmiths’, the Gunmakers’ and and Leathersellers’ Halls respectively, Company windows light the whole. The Master Mr. J. R. D. Korner (Co-opted) Mr. M. R. Mosley the Fishmongers. But most maintain can be found. Given the shortages of The Senior Warden Mrs. M. C. Roberts (Co-opted) Mr. R. G. Gregory-Smith close links with their original trade funds and materials following the Fire This beautiful book, commissioned The Middle Warden Col. N. P. S. Thornton (Co-opted) Mr. J. C. M. Taylor or profession, and the support of and the Blitz, the quality of the work by the Worshipful Company of The Junior Warden Mr. T. R. L. Pocock (Co-opted) Mr. D. R. Pearham education and welfare is common of the craftsmen is amazing. Wood Architects, does London’s wonderful Mr. M. R. Mathews Mr. E. A. C Cottrell (Cop-opted) to them all. is everywhere in panelled rooms, Livery Halls proud. Mr. M. R. Mosley The Clerk *Names in bold are Chairmen 66 The Carpenters’ Company Chronicle

OFFICERS OF THE Manager of the Rustington Company Solicitor COMPANY Convalescent Home Mr. M. Ackland of Wedlake Bell Mrs. J. Haynes Clerk Company Surveyor Brigadier T. J. Gregson, MBE Principal of the Building Mr. J. C. Harding of Daniel Watney Crafts College Financial Controller Mr. L. Conway Company Auditor Ms. J. Brundell Mr. C. R. Cooper of Buzzacott Bursar of the Building Beadle Crafts College Mr. C. C. Wilson Mrs. R. Datta


2019 2020 (Provisional)

9th November 22nd–24th January 21st July Lord Mayor’s Show Inter-Livery Ski-ing, General Court of the Livery and Morzine, France Election Court 13th November Livery Dinner 11th March 19th September Livery Spring Dinner Open House 19th November Wood Awards 27th March 28th September United Guilds Service Sheriffs’ Admission 26th November Building Crafts College 16th April 29th September Prize-giving Livery Golf Lord Mayor’s Election

24th April 7th October Livery Clay Shoot Livery and Freemen’s Reception

15th–16th May 22nd October Company Visit Wine Tasting

10th June 14th November Court Summer Dinner Lord Mayor’s Show

24th June 18th November Sheriffs’ Election Livery Dinner

25th–27th June 25th November Building Crafts College Wood Awards End-of-Year Show 30th November 9th July Building Crafts College Prize-giving Court Visit to Rustington Convalescent Home

TBC Company Tennis