VOL. 32 w NO. 41 w October 5-11, 2018 w NATIONAL EDITION w NEW JERSEY w NEW YORK w 201-434-1114

Possible 'growth' seen in Duterte's digestive tract after test PALACE TO RELEASE PRESIDENT'S MEDICAL BULLETIN IF IT'S CRITICAL By Nestor Corrales The result of the endoscopy of President Rodrigo Duterte showed a possible “growth” in his digestive tract that prompted him to make further examinations, Malacanang said Friday, Oct. 5. Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque said Duterte revealed about the result of his endoscopy during the joint command conference of the police and the military u Pa inge 6 Filipino home care workers win as LA city attorney settles wage theft case Page 4

NY Times: Trump got 413M from his dad, much from tax dodges Page 7

Trump’s new proposal on public aid triggers panic among immigrants Page 9 Los Angeles City Attorney with victorious Filipino home care workers. LA CA WEBSITE Bans galore await tourists when Boracay reopens Page 2

Tuna catchers decry raw deal on payment Reds recruiting in 18 schools Page 20 for oust-Duterte plot - AFP By Jeannette I. Andrade

A senior military officer on Wednesday, Oct. 3, warned that communist rebels were recruiting students from some of the country's top universities to join a plot to oust President Rodrigo Duterte so they could establish a dictatorship similar to the brutal Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia that killed millions of its own people. Brig. Gen. Antonio Parlade Jr., assistant deputy chief of staff for operations of the Armed Forces of the , told reporters that the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and its armed wing, the New People's Army (NPA), had infiltrated 18 schools in Golden girls: US wins 3rd straight women’s Metro , including (DLSU) and Ateneo de Manila University hoops World Cup Page 28 u Page 6 October 5-11, 2018 Page 2 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Bans galore await tourists when Boracay reopens By Nestor P. Burgos Jr.

BORACAY ISLAND -- When Boracay reopens on Oct. 26, fewer tourists will be allowed into the island and they will have to follow strict regulations that will help preserve the world-famous tourist spot, officials said on Friday, Sept. 28. Tourism Secretary Bernadette Romulo-Puyat said President Duterte ordered a limit to the number of tourists to sustain the island's “carrying capacity” based on a study commissioned by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). LONG WAIT ENDING SOON. On Oct. 26, the public will finally get to see the results of Boracay's The study showed that the island could accommodate only six-month rehabilitation, shown here as it kicked off in April. - LYN RILLON 19,215 tourists at any given time. Daily tourist arrivals should also be limited to 6,405, Boracay folk divided over new regulations according the study, whose results were presented during a By Nestor P. Burgos Jr. public hearing of the House committee on natural resources held here. BORACAY ISLAND -- Residents and business owners in Carrying capacity refers to the maximum number of people Boracay await the reopening of the resort island to tourists on that can be sustained by the island environment. Oct. 26. But government guidelines have drawn mixed reactions The total carrying capacity of the island including tourists barely a month before the six-month closure ends. and residents is 55,757, according to the Comprehensive “Some of the guidelines, many of which are already covered by Land Use Plan, or 54,949 based on Presidential Proclamation local ordinances, are good,” said a longtime resident and No. 1064, which classified parts of Boracay into alienable and business operator. Others are ridiculous, if not stupid,” he added. disposal, forest lands and protected areas. The resident asked not to be named to avoid antagonizing officials overseeing the rehabilitation of the island. Flight reductions Among the measures welcomed by people were those meant Before it was closed on April 26, the island's population, to protect the environment, especially the ban on construction of including tourists, was 70,781 per day. new establishments. If the tourist arrivals would be limited to the island's carrying capacity, 249 hotels and beach resorts would be Protecting bats needed - fewer than the 430 hotels and beach resorts Conservationists also welcomed a limited or total ban on accredited in 2017, Puyat said. fireworks to protect the flying foxes, the endangered fruit bats She said the Boracay Inter-Agency Task Force (BIATF) that have roosting sites at the northern end of the island. would finalize measures to regulate the number of visitors. The population of the bats has significantly decreased due to One way to do that is to reduce the number of flights as 98 encroachment on their habitat and human activity on the island. percent of Boracay tourists take the plane to go there. The guidelines also included a ban on open fires and the use of Puyat said at least 2,063 rooms would be ready and 25 kerosene gas and gas lamps along the beach, which would apply establishments had been accredited and cleared to operate to popular fire dance performances. for Boracay's “soft opening” on Oct. 26. “I agree with this because of the gas fumes,” the resident said. The improved road network would include sidewalks. She said those numbers were expected to increase as more establishments comply with the requirements of various Noise pollution government agencies. Officials of the Boracay Inter-Agency Task Force said Officials said stringent measures would be implemented to structures on sidewalks, like stalls, would be banned. ensure that the environment is protected. Also welcomed was a policy for establishments to use noise Tables, chairs and massage beds will be banned from the insulation systems. main beach and the beaches of Puka, Ilig- and Bulabog, Workers in the informal sector, however, expressed concern according to the guidelines set for approval by the BIATF. over the ban on vendors and stalls on the beach. Souvenir stalls and shops will also be banned from the “There was no mention of what will happen to us,” said Olive beachfront. Abanera, spokesperson for We Are Boracay, a group of vendors, Piggeries and poultries as well as pets will be disallowed tricycle drivers, masseuses, tour guides and other workers on in beach areas. the island. “We, not business operators, have suffered the most,” There will be no smoking in public areas as well as parties she said. “But we do not see us included in the plans,” she added. on the beachfront, except those covered by a permit for special events. Harebrained idea DENR Undersecretary Sherwin Rigor said casinos and Among the controversial measures being proposed was the online gambling would not be allowed and the island would use of tap cards or bracelets to regulate the number of tourists. be closed for one month yearly for it to recover. “What do they think of Boracay, a theme park?” a business operator said. Jose Clemente, president of Tourism Congress of Roadworks lagging the Philippines, said he did not know of any beach or island Only a small portion of the expanded 7-kilometer road destination that required tourists to wear bracelets to regulate u Page 24 the number of tourists. - Inquirer.net October 5-11, 2018 Page 3 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS

Flying Non-Stop between NEW YORK and MANILA Starting October 30, 2018 October 5-11, 2018 Page 4 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Filipino home care workers win as LA city attorney settles wage theft case LOS ANGELES -- The city attorney has reached a settlement with a San Fernando Valley home care provider that allegedly failed to pay its employees minimum wage and overtime. Emelyn Nishi and her companies Health Alliance Nurses Corp. in Van Nuys and Hand Homecare Provider Inc. in Canoga Park have agreed to pay $250,000 in restitution to settle the allegations. The defendants have also agreed to paying $100,000 in civil penalties and costs. City Attorney Mike Feuer said the settlement sends a signal that his office takes allegations of wage theft seriously. Nishi and the companies allegedly paid its employees, mostly Filipino immigrants, as little as $5.50 per hour or less. In addition, workers were allegedly pressured to falsify time records to hide overtime work. They were also allegedly threatened with termination or blacklisting. “Hardworking men and women have the right to a minimum wage and overtime. No worker should be forced into poverty because an employer denies them these rights,” Feuer said in a statement. “After organizing for nearly three years to win dignity from Philippine's Secretary for Foreign Affairs Alan Peter Cayetano addresses the 72nd Health Alliance Nurses Corporation, caregivers together with Session of the United Nations General assembly at the UN headquarters in New York the Pilipino Workers Center celebrate this settlement as a on September 23, 2017. / AFP FILE PHOTO victory,” said PWC Executive Director Aquilina Versoza- Sorianoin a statement. “This resolution sends a message to the private homecare Cayetano defends Duterte's drug industry that these common employment practices are illegal and that agencies must come into compliance with the law - both to honor the dignity of caregivers and to ensure quality of war at UN General Assembly care for consumers,” she added. - Inquirer.net The Foreign Affairs Secretary says it has prevented prevented the Philippines from becoming a narco-state By Christia Marie Ramos

Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano defended the Duterte administration's drug war at the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Saturday, Sept. 29, saying that it has “not only prevented the Philippines from becoming a “narco- state,” it has also helped protect the rights of every Filipino.” “As a sovereign and democratic country led by a duly-elected President, we are on track in salvaging our deteriorating country from becoming a narco-state,” Cayetano said during his speech at the 73rd Session of the UN General Assembly. President Rodrigo Duterte's controversial campaign against illegal drugs has resulted in the deaths of thousands of Filipinos and has received international condemnation. The foreign affairs chief, however, said that the Philippines and the president are initiating “all these reforms” to protect “the rights of every single Filipino and every single human being living in the Philippines.” He noted that the rights of “law-abiding citizens and law enforcers” are protected over the rights of “drug lords and criminals who seek to kill and destroy.” “Wouldn't you do the same? Which country, which leader wouldn't do the same and protect your citizens and protect your law enforcers?” he said. In his speech, Cayetano mentioned that the Philippines “shares the uncompromising stance of the UN” on issues related to the “rule of law, just and equitable peace” that he said will lead to “order, development and prosperity” as well as the “protection of the rights of each and every human being.” “We may sometimes differ in how we express ourselves, yet this should not be interpreted as turning our backs on the universal declaration on human rights,” he said. - Inquirer.net October 5-11, 2018 Page 5 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Farmers hail coco levy ruling but fear setback in Congress By Delfin T. Mallari Jr., coconut levy trust fund Vince F. Nonato to be managed by the Philippine Coconut Coconut farmers on Authority (PCA). F r i d a y , O c t . 5 , Under the bill, the w e l c o m e d t h e PCA's governing body S a n d i g a n b a y a n would be reconstituted decision to enforce the with 11 membersfour 2012 Supreme Court representatives from ruling that said P83 the government, one billion worth of assets from the industry and acquired through the six coconut farmers. use of the coconut levy They would manage fund belonged to them. the trust fund that “The Sandiganbayan would come from the order is timely in the national budget and light of the continuous t h e P 1 0 5 - b i l l i o n drop in the price of coconut levy fund. c o p r a . W h a t i s Rene Cerilla, one of important is that the the convenors of Kilus small coconut farmers Magniniyog, lamented will finally reap the GIVE IT BACK. Coconut farmers from Davao rally outside the Philippine Coconut Authority office that it would be the in Quezon City in November 2014 demanding that P71 billion collected from them over the past benefits from the levy four decades be returned to poor farmers. They fear their legal victory this week could be PCA's governing body fund,” Exmar Ramos, undercut by a bill in Congress. that would utilize, leader of Kilusang m a n a g e a n d Magbubukid ng Bondoc administer the fund Peninsula, said in a Surplus of the taxes imposed by the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos on coconut instead of a Coconut statement. farmers. Instead of being used to improve the plight of the poverty-stricken farmers, Trust Fund Committee Jansept Geronimo, the funds were invested instead in various corporations. (CTFC), which coconut s p o k e s p e r s o n f o r The recovered levy fund is expected to benefit more than 20 million coconut farmers have long been Kilusan Para sa Tunay farmers and their families from about 21,000 coconut-producing villages across the pushing for. na Repormang Agraryo country. “This means our a t K a t a r u n g a n g In accordance with the Sandiganbayan ruling, the following assets would be struggle might yet P a n l i p u n a n transferred to the government: six companies known as the CIIF Oil Mills Group again be extended (Katarungan), said the (CIIF-OMG), their 14 holding companies and the holding companies' 753.85 million before poor and small farmers had long been shares of stock worth P71.04 billion in the conglomerate San Miguel Corp. (SMC). coconut farmers gain w a i t i n g f o r t h e All the income, interest and profits from the assets, as well as dividends from the benefit from the coco S a n d i g a n b a y a n SMC shares after Sept. 17, 2009 and proceeds from the redemption after Oct. 5, 2012, levy,” Cerilla said. decision. also would be covered by the Sandiganbayan ruling. “The Sandiganbayan The antigraft court reiterated the Supreme Court's order that the reconveyed 5-hectare limit should not reach any assets “be used only for the benefit of all coconut farmers and for the development of Danny Carranza, other decision that is the coconut industry.” Katarungan secretary different from the one general, expressed that the [high court] Appeals junked c o n c e r n ove r t h e had,” Geronimo said. The Sandiganbayan's decision set aside appeals by the United Coconut Planters deletion of the “5- I n i t s 1 4 - p a g e Bank (UCPB) and the United Coconut Planters Life Assurance Corp. (Cocolife) for hectare limit” in the resolution dated Aug. 7, more hearings to assess the Supreme Court's ruling's effect on their investments in definition of a coconut which was made public the CIIF companies. farmer beneficiary in o n T h u r s d a y, t h e UCPB claimed its investments in the CIIF-OMG and its assets would be prejudiced the approved bill. Sandiganbayan finally by the execution of the Supreme Court ruling, while Cocolife argued that it would lose Carranza said the o r d e r e d t h e P7 billion of its P9.076-billion net worth and be forced to close. UCPB and Cocolife “same farmers” during enforcement of the also claimed 11.03 percent and 11.01 percent of the SMC shares, respectively. the Marcos regime Supreme Court's 2012 The antigraft court ruled that the issue of ownership had been “settled with c o u l d r e s u r r e c t landmark decision finality.” t h e m s e l v e s a s declaring that P83 “The only thing left for determination of the court is the matter of execution of representatives of the b i l l i o n i n a s s e t s judgment,” it said. small coconut peasants acquired through the Malacañang on Thursday urged the implementation of the Sandiganbayan's in the PCA and regain C o c o n u t I n d u s t r y ruling. control of the coconut Investment Fund (CIIF) “There's a writ of execution, it has to be enforced,” said presidential spokesperson levy fund. were owned by the Harry Roque. “The President is for the rule of law. If there's a writ of execution, then “Hope it will not government for the enforce it.” h a p p e n a g a i n , ” benefit of coconut Carranza said. farmers. Who should manage fund? Geronimo appealed However, some farmers feel that their legal victory already suffered a major to President Duterte to Marcos tax setback even before it was announced, citing last week's approval by a congressional fulfill his election The CIIF was the bicameral conference committee of the Senate version of a bill that would create the u Page 7 October 5-11, 2018 Page 6 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS

Reds recruiting in 18 schools ... From page 1 Possible ‘growth’ seen in ... From page 1 ADMU). Although this was “nothing new” and was practically the military in Malacanang on Thursday. common knowledge, Parlade said school officials could be “Endoscopy is what he underwent. And I think unaware that the CPP was behind the recruitment for the oust- endoscopy was recommended from his own words ha, in Duterte movement. the general staff command conference, because they He said films about human rights abuses under dictator wanted just to be sure that there was a growth and they Ferdinand Marcos were being shown “to incite students to rebel wanted to know more about the growth. So I think that's against the government, incite resurgence of the First Quarter the context of why he said if it's cancer, it's cancer,” Roque Storm (FQS) experience among students while projecting said in a Palace briefing. President Duterte as the new Marcos.” Duterte, in a speech before alumni of the Philippine The FQS refers to the first three months of 1970 when Filipino Military Academy on Thursday, admitted that he youths and students rose in massive demonstrations against underwent a medical checkup at the Cardinal Santos Marcos' emerging authoritarianism. Hospital in San Juan City on Wednesday. Parlade also said the rebels were exploiting other issues, such as “I don't know where I'm now physically but I have to extrajudicial killings, to incite students to revolt. wait for that. But I will tell you if it's cancer, it's cancer. If According to him, the CPP-NPA intends to establish a it's 3rd stage, no more treatment. I will not prolong the “proletarian dictatorship” if it succeeds in ousting the President. agony in this office or anywhere,” Duterte said. Proletarian dictatorship, he explained, would involve the purge Roque said Malacanang would be “compelled” to of millions of professionals and intellectuals such as what had release the President's medical bulletin if it's serious. happened in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge. “But as I said, the result of the examination whether or not it could be made public will depend on what they find Motives questioned out. If it's not serious they have no right to inquire into it, if Former Education Secretary , who is now it is serious he will be compelled to share it with the president of , a network of Lasallians in the nation,” he said. country that includes DLSU, said rebel recruitment “does not Asked if the President is dying, Roque said: “Hindi sound news to me” and questioned the military's motives for naman po siguro, 'no? Kasi kaya ko nga po pinakita yung disclosing what appeared to be intelligence information to the video para ipakita po na malakas si Presidente. Pero ang public. sabi naman niya kahapon, name a 73 year old na walang “If you want to contain that, don't you want to come up with karamdaman. So kung meron man siyang karamdaman, other corroborating facts? And then sit down with authorities to he thinks it's not out of the ordinary.” - Inquirer.net come up with a program to stop it, if it's a violent plot or something? But bringing it out on the media, what will that do? It will only scare people. So that really is strategically wrong,” Luistro told the Inquirer. responds to those calls with unrestrained state fascism.” In addition to ADMU and DLSU, Parlade said the communists “He has Red-tagged institutions, youth groups and individuals, were also active in the University of Santo Tomas, Adamson and has exposed them to grave peril,” Taroma said. University, Far Eastern University, the University of the Philippines (UP) campuses in Diliman and Manila, the University of the East 'Red October' campuses in Manila and Caloocan City, and Polytechnic University The Duterte administration is “very desperate” in trying to scare of the Philippines. the public into submission by spreading the ouster plot yarn and He said they also were recruiting in Emilio Aguinaldo College, saying the communists were involved, according to Nickolo Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology, Domingo, chair of the UP Diliman chapter of the left-wing youth San Beda University, Lyceum University, University of Makati group Anakbayan. (UMak), University of Caloocan City, University of Manila and In his phone interview with reporters in Camp Aguinaldo, Philippine Normal University. Parlade, who was traveling in the , did not link the alleged In a statement sent to the Inquirer, UMak president Tomas Lopez rebel recruitment specifically to the so-called Red October plot to said his school “protects the rights of our students to free speech oust Mr. Duterte. and assembly, (and) strongly adheres to the principles of But AFP Chief of Staff Gen. Carlito Galvez Jr. told senators on democracy as enshrined in our Constitution” and that he was Tuesday that Red October included recruiting students.- unaware of any student activity linked to the rebels. Inquirer.net UP Diliman Chancellor Michael Tan said the state university had always allowed free discussions of “different ideologies and social issues.”

Youth taking stand “It's not surprising we have many young people taking stands, which the military then labels as 'red' right away,” he said in a statement sent to Inquirer. Tan said the military's list of “Red” schools included many that were not known previously for activism. “So if indeed all these institutions are becoming socially involved, then it says something about the current government,” he said. UP student regent Ivy Taroma protested against what she described as the military's “Red tagging” of the schools to justify repression that would endanger the lives of student activists. “Instead of responding to the students' clamor for genuine educational reform and a nationalist, scientific and mass-oriented educational system,” she said, “the Duterte administration October 5-11, 2018 Page 7 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS NY Times: Trump got $413M from his dad, much from tax dodges Associated Press

NEW YORK -- The New York Times reported Tuesday, Oct. 2, that President Donald Trump received at least $413 million from his father over the decades, much of that through dubious tax dodges, including outright fraud. The 15,000-word Times report contradicts Trump's portrayal of himself as a self-made billionaire who started with just a $1 million loan from his father. The Times says Trump and his father, Fred, avoided gift and inheritance taxes by setting up a sham corporation and undervaluing assets to tax authorities. The Times says its report is based on more than 100,000 pages of financial documents, including confidential tax returns from the father and his companies. A lawyer for Trump, Charles J. Harder, told the Times that there was no “fraud or tax evasion” and that the facts cited in the report are “extremely inaccurate.” The New York state tax department told The Associated Press that it is reviewing the allegations in the Times and “is vigorously A portrait of President Donald Trump's father Fred Trump, and three un-signed pursuing all appropriate avenues of investigation.” The department Executive orders are seen in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. typically refers findings to the state attorney general's office. The New York Times is reporting that President Donald Trump received at least The Times says the Trump family hid millions of dollars of $413 million from his father over the decades, much of that through dubious tax transfers from the father to his children through a sham company dodges, including outright fraud. AP PHOTO owned by the children called All County Building Supply & Maintenance. Set up in 1992 ostensibly as a purchasing agent to supply Fred Trump's buildings with boilers, cleaning supplies and up to $41.4 million, vastly less than the Times says they were worth. other goods, the father would pad invoices with markups of 20 The same properties would be sold off over the next decade for percent or even 50 percent, thereby avoiding gift taxes, the more than 16 times that amount. newspaper reports. In total, the president's father and mother transferred over $1 The Times says that before Fred Trump died in the late 1990s, he billion to their children, according to the Times tally. That should transferred ownership of most of his real estate empire to his four have produced a tax bill of at least $550 million, based on a 55 living children. The value of the properties in tax returns summed percent tax on gifts and inheritance at the time. Instead, the children paid $52.2 million, or about 5 percent. Tax experts cited in the report say that Trump is unlikely to face criminal prosecution in helping his parents evade taxes because the maneuvers occurred long ago and are past the statute of limitation. The president's Robert Trump said that “all appropriate gift and estate tax returns” were filed. “Our family has no other comment on these matters that happened some 20 years ago,” he said in a statement to the Times, “and would appreciate your respecting the privacy of our deceased parents, may God rest their souls.” The Times report says documents it reviewed show that the future president was earning $200,000 a year in today's dollars at the age of 3. By the time Trump had graduated from college, the report says, he was getting the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father. When he was campaigning, Trump repeatedly boasted of his ability to turn a small loan from his father into his fortune. “My father gave me a very small loan in 1975,” he said, “and I built it into a company that's worth many, many billions of dollars.” Inquirer.net

Farmers hail coco levy ... From page 5 campaign promise to return the coconut levy fund to the coconut farmers. “Most of them (are) now old, sick and dying while waiting to benefit from the money which was forcibly collected from them during the Marcos dictatorship,” Geronimo said. In a “pledge to the small coconut farmers” he signed during the 2016 campaign, Mr. Duterte promised he would ensure that coconut farmers would benefit from the coconut levy funds within the first 100 days of his administration. - Inquirer.net October 5-11, 2018 Page 8 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS We too: At gathering of nations, women's voices ring loud Associated Press Tw o w o m e n w h o s e countries fought bitterly a UNITED NATIONS -- In a generation ago, Croatian pivotal week for women in President Kolinda Grabar- the United States, the U.N. Kitarovic and Serbian Prime put forth its own clarion set Minister Ana Brnabic, of female voices at its annual presented paths to Balkan meeting of nations. And peace. Both lead alongside women's empowerment was men and are sometimes only one of their rallying dismissed as window- cries. dressing. At the U.N. General Both strongly defended Assembly, the first since the their nations and brought #metoo movement took root timely messages to New in Fall 2017 and began to York. amplify women's voices in a Brnabic argued for a new way, some of the most “world which will value powerful words have come people for who they are and from the mouths of female This photo combo shows, from top left, New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Lithuania's the values and beliefs they leaders, a group whose President Dalia Grybauskaite, and Serbia's Prime Minister Ana Brnabic. Middle row, from left, stand for, rather than where numbers, influence and Nobel Peace Prize winner Leymah Gbowee, from Liberia, U.N. General Assembly President María they are from, what color is Fernanda Espinosa Garces, and Costa Rican Vice President Epsy Campbell Barr. Bottom row, from ambitions for the planet are left, Croatia's President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, Liechtenstein's Foreign Minister Aurelia Frick, their skin, or who they love.” on the rise. and British Prime Minister Theresa May. At the U.N. General Assembly, the first since #metoo took There is work to do. Female leaders presented root, some of the most powerful words came from the mouths of female leaders, a group whose Africa's presence at the U.N. roadmaps for peace in numbers, influence and ambitions for the planet are on the rise. (AP Photo/File) this year was glaringly male. central Africa and the A f r i c a ' s f i r s t f e m a l e B a l k a n s , c h a l l e n g e d president, Liberia's Ellen governments to fight anti- Fernanda Espinosa Garces, launching and presiding over the weeklong Johnson Sirleaf, left office Semitism, exposed the event. this year, leaving a vacuum dangers of trade barriers Her message came at an exceptional cultural moment for women on the continent with the and resisted - or espoused - across the United States. As world leaders converged on the United world's fastest-growing nationalist rhetoric. Nations, Americans (and some at the U.N.) watched an odd and, to many, population. One, Serbia's prime troubling spectacle as U.S. senators questioned a man who wants to serve And the U.N. has yet to put minister, called for a “world on the highest court of the land and a woman who says he sexually a woman in charge. But which is freer, fairer, and assaulted her more than three decades ago. Secretary-General Antonio which is also, if I am to be The testimony prompted public argument and private soul-searching Guterres has made a point to honest, more fun.” over the entrenched sexism that still underlines relations between men name women to top jobs, and The number of women and women in the United States. this week they, too, made presidents and prime But hearing some of the addresses delivered here at the United Nations, t h e i r m a r k . D e p u t y ministers among the U.N.'s it was clear: In many places beyond American borders, gender equality Secretary General Amina 193 member states doubled remains an even more distant dream. Mohammad greeted U.S. - to 19 - from 2005 to 2016, “It seems surprising that in this modern age we have to recommit President Donald Trump according to a report ourselves to gender equality, but we do,” said New Zealand Prime Minister when he arrived at the released last year by the U.N Jacinda Ardern. “We still have a gender pay gap, an over representation of United Nations. and the Inter-Parliamentary women in low paid work, and domestic violence. And we are not alone.” Espinosa is the first Latin Union, an independent “I for one will never celebrate the gains we have made for women American woman to preside group. Women held about 18 domestically, while internationally other women and girls experience a over a U.N. General Assembly percent of the government lack of the most basic rights,” she said. and only the fourth woman ministers' posts and 23 Ardern drew attention for bringing her baby to the U.N. But she said she to do so in over seven percent of parliamentary wanted to make a broader point: that breastfeeding while leading a decades of U.N. history. seats worldwide, the report government should be ordinary, not newsworthy. The sheer number of men found. That, in fact, was part of what was so extraordinary this week: women celebrating Espinosa's This year, the U.N. itself leading, orating and outlining policy on topics that had absolutely nothing leadership of the General set the tone, listing women's to do with gender. Assembly suggests change is rights as the No. 1 priority Yet women at the U.N. podium, like women leaders everywhere, still in the air. for this year's General came under extra scrutiny. They combined authority and compassion, “This is yet another Assembly. carving out their space in world affairs: reflection of the fact that, in “Violence against women British Prime Minister Theresa May and Lithuanian President Dalia the twenty-first century, persists in all regions. Girls Grybuskaite stood up firmly against what they called Russian aggression. g l o b a l g o ve r n a n c e i s and teenagers still lack Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid vaunted her country's exceptional inconceivable without the e n o u g h a c c e s s t o high-tech vision for the future. leadership of women,” said information and quality UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay rallied Arab countries Spanish Prime Minister e d u c a t i o n , ” a n d around a plan to use schools to fight anti-Semitism. Pedro Sanchez. discrimination against Costa Rican Vice President Epsy Campbell Barr, whose country's “Now,” he said, “is the time women depresses the global parliament is half female, proposed action against sexual violence used as for women.” - Inquirer.net e c o n o m y, s a i d M a r í a a tactic of terrorists and a weapon of war. October 5-11, 2018 Page 9 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Trump's new proposal on public aid triggers panic among immigrants By Anthony Advincula

ATLANTA, Georgia -- Barely a week since the Department of Homeland Security announced last Saturday, Sept. 29, a new federal proposal that would allow immigration authorities to deny visa AP PHOTO renewals or green cards to documented immigrants who use some Millions of immigrants at risk public benefits, advocates say it has already sent a “chilling effect” According to Migration Policy Institute, about 2.3 million of the 4 on immigrant families and individuals across the country. million legal immigrants who arrived in the United State during the “The fear and anxiety in the community is palpable. What we are past five years could be at risk of becoming a public charge. seeing here is that this new rule actually [forces] immigrants to And applying the definition of public charge outlined in the terminate their access to public health care and housing benefits in proposal, the MPI study estimates the share of non-citizens who order to remain eligible to become permanent residents,” said could face a public-charge determination based on benefits use Amanda Lugg, director of advocacy with the African Services would increase more than 15-fold - from 3 percent under current Committee, in a national press briefing with immigrant rights policy to 47 percent under the terms of the new rule. leaders. In New York City, officials estimated that about a million New Under the new policy, known as the “public charge” rule, using Yorkers could be affected by the proposed rule. food stamps, getting Medicaid, or using Section 8 housing vouchers or living in public housing could make some immigrants ineligible Families with mixed immigration status for a green card or get admitted to the United States. Those who Advocates say that the impact of the proposed policy makes utilize the Medicare Part D program for prescription drugs would familiesAALD withEF mix Deden immigrouncationes statusWhi tmore He vulnerouseable. Plan to also be hurt by the rule. If immigrant parents would disengage from using welfare “It will be catastrophic,” said Lugg, adding that they have started benefits to avoid any indication that they would be a burden on the seeing immigrants who now refuse to be enrolled in a housing statRe'sa dresouricalces,ly Rthee dcutbackefines on “P publicubli healthc Ch acarrge eco”ver fageor or program assistance, even they are eligible, because they want to food stamps could also hurt or increase strains on their children, make sure their green card applications get approved and be able to evenIm if mtheseig rchildrantens arSe Ue.S-bornking citizens. Green Card Status remain in the United States. InNew a 2016 Rule rCouldeport conductThreateden bPyermanen the Henryt RKaiseresiden Ftamil y “I am terrified,” said Sandra Castaneda who first heard about the Foundation, findings show that nearly 20 million or one in four public charge policy on Sunday afternoon at Saint Sebastian childrStaentus had for at AAPI least Foneamilies immigr Whoant par Haentve, Usedand 17.7 Cert millionain of on Woodside Avenue in Queens, New York. “I have these children wereGov U.S. citizens.ernment Services been working two jobs already. Without a public housing assistance program, I don't know what my family is going to do, but I certainly 60 daTheys tAsiano comment American Legal Defense and Education Fund want our green card applications to be approved.” (AInA LaD EstatF) ementconde monn s Saturthe darecy, enHomelandt announ cSecurityement bySecr thetarye KirstjenDepartment Nielsen of said:Homeland “Under Security long-standing (DHS) fofeder a alpr laoposedw, those Impact of 'Public Charge' rule seeking“public t ocharge” immigr ruleate tothat the couldUnited den Statesy permanent must show resident they can “The impact of this rule would be significant as the Trump supportstatus themsel (“greevnes c financiallards”) tyo.” immigrants who use such administration is trying to expand the list of public programs that goShevernment said that services the Homeland as nutrition Security pr assurogramses “t oand be trhousinganspar ent will be used in deciding some [immigration] applications,” said Sara inassistance. its rule-making The new and rule is wwelcomingould consider public age, comment health, onand the Feldman, Ready California project director with the Immigrant premplooposedyability rule.” as factors by immigration and consular officers Legal Resource Center (ILRC). in“This deciding proposed whether rule willto gr implementant green acar lawd passedstatus. bAALDEFy Congr, ess Described as one of the tactical moves by the White House to inttogetherended t owith promot hundre immigreds of antimmigr self-sufficiencyant and civil and rights, prot publicect finit e reduce drastically all immigration to the United States - both resourhealth,ces and by ensuring labor org thatanizations, they are isnot denouncing likely to become the pr buroposeddens on documented and undocumented - by driving away immigrants the Americanchanges, taxpa whichyers, thr” Nielseneaten wadded.orking families and children's administration deems a drain on the country and therefore a health.The new rule, however, has not yet been published to the federal “public charge,” advocates say the proposed policy would increase registWither. rumors of the proposed rule circulating among prevalence of homelessness, hunger and poverty as well as obesity immigrAdvocatantes communitiessay that once fitor is months, published, man wyhich Asian ma yAmerican or may not and malnutrition, especially among pregnant women, infants, or happenand P acificin the Islander coming (AAPI) weeks, f amiliesthe public hav ewill alr eadhavye opt60 edda ytos to children. For immigrants with life-threatening health conditions commentforego ones stheen ruletial andser thatvice thes f Congror wesshic hneeds the tyo considerqualify. allIf the such as diabetes or those tested positive HIV and AIDS, advocates commentsimplement ined, order the t opublic make charge changes regulation and appro wveould it. undermine add that these group of individuals may opt out of getting their the“Ag safain,ety this, health, rule has and not well-being gone into of eff immigrect yetant,” said families, Erin Quinn, as well staff medicine through public aid. And when people reduce prescription attoas rnetheiry Uof.S. the citizen ILR C.famil “Andy members. it is not Asretr moroactie thanve.” 31%It means of new that adherence, it would spike cases of communicable diseases, immigrgreenants card w holderson't be arpenalizede from Asian for public and P benefitsacific Island they countries, have used in including among members of the U.S. citizen population who are thethe past rule. would have a disproportionately adverse impact on not vaccinated. AAPI communities. “We have already talked to a couple of immigrants who are TimeMarg to fightaret backFung, AALDEF Executive Director, said: “This willing to postpone taking their antiretroviral medication until latAsest the pol newicy ruleis part did of not the come Trump as Aadministr surpriseation for immigr's continuingant rights they're sick enough,” Lugg added. adeffvocatortses, to sinceattack a and couple instill of f earversion in immigr of theant pr communitiesoposals had ofbeen “I am afraid that this rule would put my family and millions of leakcolored . earlierWe call, onthe Congry are esspreparing to pass immigrto blockation the legislationrule from thatgetting other poor immigrants to choose whether do we want to live in a apprmaintainsoved. the principle of family reunification and facilitates decent house and get proper healthcare, or do we want to stay in the“It's de timevelopment to fight of back, strong” said communities. Wendy Cerv” antes, senior immigrant this country?” Castaneda said. policy analyst of the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Law and October 5-11, 2018 Page 10 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS

For cheaper electricity he raging controversy on the national franchise being sought by a Tprivate firm to set up solar-powered mini-grids across the country can only be expected. What we don't want to happen is for the debate to muddle the real objective of this venture, which is to provide cheaper electricity, especially in areas with no power or those trapped by the expensive services of inefficient suppliers. Solar Para sa Bayan Corp., founded by Sen. Loren Legarda's son Leandro Leviste, is Inquirer.net seeking a government license to put up small solar-battery grids to bring electricity to unserved areas and spur competition - that hopefully will bring down prices - in other rural areas. Rescission of Adjustment It is initially targeting 12 towns nationwide to benefit 200,000 Filipinos. It is already of Status providing electricity to towns in Mindoro, ineligibility on grounds has been initiated within Palawan, Masbate, Cagayan and Aurora, and originally asserted for the 5 year period and the aims to serve half a million Filipinos by the adjustment of status. It is proceeding is ongoing, end of this year in towns seeking better he adjustment not necessary to discuss the proceeding may electric service. of status of a other grounds on which continue even though the As expected, electric cooperatives have person may be the immigrant could 5 y e a r s t a t u t e o f registered strong resistance; they see T rescinded if he was in fact h a v e q u a l i f i e d f o r limitations has passed. Leviste's venture as an incursion into their not eligible for such adjustment of status. For marriage-based or franchise areas. adjustment. However, for immigrants entrepreneur-based The Philippine Rural Electric Cooperatives The Department of who underwent consular conditional permanent Association (Philreca) has claimed that H o m e l a n d S e c u r i t y processing, there is no residents, the 2 year Leviste's move to secure a national franchise (DHS) can initiate the statute of limitations and period that he spends as from Congress is against the provisions of the r e s c i s s i o n o f t h e the DHS can file and a conditional resident Electric Power Industry Reform Act (Epira). adjustment of status begin the necessary counts as part of the 5 The bloc also has allies in Congress. within 5 years from the procedure to rescind the y e a r s t a t u t e o f A group of lawmakers filed last month date on the green card. green card anytime. limitations. For example, House Resolution No. 2182 urging the The DHS must only prove If the rescission action u Page 12 committee on rules to revert to the legislative franchise panel House Bill No. 8179, which seeks to grant Solar Para sa Bayan a franchise for its solar mini-grid projects. The group alleged that the approval of the committee Berezowsky, 's report was “railroaded.” Opinion Existing power cooperatives, which receive Russian friend government subsidy for their operations, have a r r a n g e d b y o u r connection, even a u Page 22 By Ambeth R. Ocampo Ambassador Carlos D. footnote, to be found Sorreta and his charming somewhere in the 25 fter checking wife Consuelo. volumes of his writings. the weather in By force of habit, I Rizal did meet and AMoscow (cold turned to Rizal, even if I befriend a Russian and rainy), and reading knew he had never named Berezowsky on a up on the capital's history visited Russia. But, since trip from Marseille to (bloody and exciting), I he had traveled to so Hong Kong from Oct. 18 Publisher/Editor-in-Chief: Lito A. Gajilan, Jr. looked up early Russian- many countries and to Nov. 20, 1891. I do not Philippine historical places in the West, with know the Russian's first Columnists: Reuben S. Seguritan, Esq., Juan L. Mercado, Joseph G. Lariosa relations as conversation stopovers in Singapore, name, but I have seen his Contributors: Eric Lachica, Carol Tanjutco starters with students Hong Kong, Yokohama, calling card along with a n d a c a d e m i c s a t Colombo, Aden, Eygpt, the many Rizal artifacts The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not reflect the opinion of the paper nor that of the publisher. Moscow State University a n d o t h e r e x o t i c received and kept over and the Moscow State destinations off the the years. It was in Email: [email protected] Institute of International beaten path for even Cyrillic, and Rizal or Phone: 201-434-1114 Fax 201-434-0880 Relations, where I am to today's Filipino tourists Berezowsky wrote the 2711 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City, NJ 07306 deliver lectures on and OFWs, surely there name on the card in the Philippine history as must be a Russian Roman alphabet. u Page 14 October 5-11, 2018 Page 11 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Positioning PH in the US-China trade war ast August, $50 and supply chains, how spikes and supply chain embargoes and trade billion worth of does this affect the disruptions. m a n e u v e r s , t h e Limports from P h i l i p p i n e s , i n Opinion This positioning for strengthened US dollar China were unilaterally particular? primacy in Industrial due to the increased US slapped tariffs by the W e n e e d t o Revolution 4.0 is about interest rates and an United States, with plans understand that it's not By George Siy who will primarily exceptionally strong US for an additional $200 just a war in trade, but determine the rules of e c o n o m y , a n d billion tariffs on future also in tech, currency, w o r l d o r d e r i n uncertainties arising imports. China, accusing investments, etc. The advantages to the United technology, currency, from the trade war. the United States of “America First” policy by States. trade and production Business strategist Jon starting the “largest US President Donald B e y o n d t r a d e , frameworks. R a v e l a s s u c c i n c t ly trade war in economic Trump is directed not restrictions have been The inflation hike and describes the psychology history,” reciprocated just at China but also at imposed on corporate e x c h a n g e r a t e of international finance with countervailing Canada, Mexico, Russia, a n d t e c h n o l o g y fluctuations in the when uncertainty reigns duties. Iran, Venezuela, Japan investments, on access to Philippines, our current a s “ S e l l n o w, a s k W i t h r e g i o n a l and the European Union. financial and commodity preoccupation (aside questions later!” economies intertwined All trade and other markets; along with from our own logistic W h a t a r e t h e to both China and the agreements are being e m b a r g o e s a n d and political issues), are c h a l l e n g e s a n d United States through a challenged by the Trump sanctions on specific mostly due to global oil o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r c o m p l e x w e b o f a d m i n i s t r a t i o n t o countries, these have prices doubling in a few F i l i p i n o s ? T h e international production r e c a l i b r a t e t h e helped cause price months due to these u Page 12

What we can learn from other Asian cities to save Opinion a decaying Manila

By David Nugent me to take - just as I know rest of the world is racing i s s u e s , t h e g a m e trajectory for the future it is for so many millions ahead, and how we will changed. growth of our cities. of Manileños. continue to be left The city's first heavy- T h e c o m m o n t 6:30 a.m. on I did leave, and in May behind. stock rail line is already denominators I see Dec. 1, 2016, 2017, I joined the staff of on trial run, and the across all these great Amy 9-year old a U n i t e d S t a t e s - Amazing models second line will open in cities is the general sense labrador retriever, Anya, headquartered, global What are Asia's cities j u s t a f e w y e a r s . of purpose and civic suffered cardiac arrest as infrastructure company, doing right? S o e k a r n o - H a t t a discipline that national I was fixing breakfast. AECOM. Singapore and Hong International Airport has a n d l o c a l p o l i t i c a l Panicking, my friend and Over the past year and K o n g a r e a m a z i n g b e e n s u c c e s s f u l l y leaders, businesses and I hurried to the nearest a half, I've been fortunate models to study. expanded. residents share. c l i n i c a c o u p l e o f to work with an amazing When I worked for a In Kuala Lumpur, Much of my career in kilometers away. g r o u p o f p e o p l e former employer in the Malaysia, investments Asia has been invested in But we didn't account imagining and designing 2000s, I would marvel at have been made, from the Philippine urbanization. for the debilitating traffic the next generation of the how efficiently I could go expansive trains and In the early 2000s, I was jam that confronted us world's cities. f r o m H o n g K o n g sparkling stations of the in the management of outside the gates of our From our Southeast International Airport to Klang Valley Mass Rapid Metro Pacific, the original village in southern Metro A s i a r e g i o n a l our office at Exchange Transit, to the River of proponent for Bonifacio Manila. Desperate pleas h e a d q u a r t e r s i n S q u a r e w i t h i n 3 0 Life Project, a multi-year Global City (BGC). to the traffic officers S i n g a p o r e , I ' v e minutes. project to regenerate the manning the intersection extensively traveled Today, when I land at city's Klang and Gombok A new way to proceed went ignored. across Asia. These trips S i n ga p o re' s C h a n g i Rivers. I still clearly recall my So a much-loved dog, have enabled me to A i r p o r t ( c u r r e n t l y Not only has the beloved former boss, whose life could have undertake a deep dive ranked the world's best), project brought about Manny Pangilinan (now been saved, died in my i n t o t h e i s s u e s I g o t h r o u g h t h e the biological rebirth of better known to the arms while stuck in one c o n f r o n t i n g A s i a' s automated immigration the river, it has also n a t i o n a s “ M V P ” ) , of Manila's interminable megacities. in about 10 seconds. reinvigorated Kuala relating how, when he traffic jams. For many Filipinos, Singapore and Hong Lumpur's once blighted was “the original OFW” Later that day, sitting a ny t r i p a b ro a d i s Kong are examples of downtown. building First Pacific in outside the crematorium, sobering. From the how the challenges of The delivery partner Hong Kong, how much he awaiting my dog's ashes, moment they land at the high density, connectivity for this project has been wanted to deliver a new I told myself that I just visited country's airport, and mobility are being AECOM, and I encourage way of urban living to couldn't live in Manila they confront world- successfully addressed. you to visit the project in Manila. anymore. The traffic, the class infrastructure and Jakarta in Indonesia is downtown Kuala Kumpu. That drive is what led pollution, the decayed t e c h n o l o g i c a l a megacity long plagued T h e r e a r e m a n y his consortia then to infrastructure and the c o n n e c t i v i t y a n d by massive traffic. But examples in our literal invest billions of dollars equally low level of mobility. when the government backyard that we could in the acquisition of the national discourse had E a c h v i s i t i s a made the decision to and should draw from to original BGC site, and become just too much for reminder of how far the address infrastructure r e i m a g i n e a n e w u Page 13 October 5-11, 2018 Page 12 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS

Positioning PH in the US-China ... From page 11 Philippines is not a major domestic economy, but manufacturer, so the effect on already Artificial Intelligence u s i s i n d i r e c t . S o m e is beginning to reduce BPO e l e c t r o n i c s a n d jobs. We must prepare for the semiconductor companies next economic revolution that might be affected because we will surely come. send these products to China, The New World 4.0. Beyond who then sends them to the the trade war, a more rest of the world. Most fundamental and lasting Filipinos are not prepared to revolution is taking place go back to low-wage type of where the foundation is Supreme Court Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio. Edwin Bacasmas manufacturing work, so we education, the stage is should prepare for the t e c h n o l o g y, t h e m o s t Carpio: No more reason to decline technology and knowledge important commodity is economy through new STEM information, and the greatest ( s c i e n c e , t e c h n o l o g y, resource is talent. Chief Justice nomination e n g i n e e r i n g a n d It's easy to forget that the By Tetch Torres-Tupas mathematics) curriculums United States and China have a n d b y c r e a t i n g n e w been top trading partners for Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio sees no more reason ecosystems. years and will continue to to decline his automatic nomination for Chief Justice of the As a service-oriented have a mutually beneficial Supreme Court. The top magistrate post will soon become vacant e c o n o m y , w e s h o u l d relationship. In a tussle, the u Page 24 restructure our economy to be entrepreneurial “smaller” more diverse, integrated, and players will gain. President Recission of Adjustment of ... From page 10 of higher quality. We have to D u t e r t e' s p u s h f o r a n retool our industries and our independent foreign policy if it is discovered that he concealed a criminal record, then the people to be able to make very may provide a foundation for green card may be rescinded within the 5 year statute of fast adjustments - speed is the country to gain from limitations. king! - to be able to capitalize working with all partners. But The DHS always has discretion of whether to file for the on these global opportunities. we each have to do our part. rescission of the lawful permanent resident's (LPR) green card. If China, our neighbor, has Filipinos have to look for the DHS decides not to rescind the LPR's status despite become the biggest market as opportunities and argue less, information that the LPR might be ineligible for adjustment of well as the biggest supplier of consult with the best , status, then this decision may not be reconsidered. The only goods and tourism in the incentivize and innovate, act exception is if new facts are discovered that were not known at world. Indeed, China says it is and execute fast, and focus not the time the original decision not to rescind the LPR's status was ready to buy more from the on disagreements but on made surface, then the DHS can file for the rescission of the LPR's w o r l d , i n c l u d i n g t h e constructive, organized steps green card. Philippines. We should be to progress. Inquirer.net The procedure for the rescission of adjustment of status conscious that our Asean begins with the DHS sending a notice of intent to rescind to the a l l i e s a r e a l s o o u r George Siy, Wharton-educated director LPR. If the LPR contests the notice of intent to rescind within 30 of the Integrated Development Studies competitors; the same is true days, then there will be a hearing before the Immigration Judge. If Institute (Idsi), is an industrialist, trade of the world, and they are practitioner and negotiator for the the LPR does not respond within 30 days, then no hearing is nimble and organized! Philippines vis-à-vis Asean, Japan and the required. If the immigrant requests for an extension to respond United States, and is a resource for “Build, build, build” has to and asks for documents, this is deemed not be an answer. Hence, international media and think tanks. proceed to increase our no hearing will be required. For all proceedings for the rescission Idsi's advocacies have resulted in capacities. OFW remittances significant changes in the decisions of of adjustment of status, the rules of evidence are not binding and and the BPO industry are organizations, government policy and the standard is “clear, convincing and unequivocal”. legislation. currently sustaining our The DHS is not barred from initiating removal proceedings of the LPR while the rescission hearing is ongoing. This is because rescission of adjustment and removal proceedings have been interpreted as two separate proceedings and the 5-year statute of limitations only applies to rescission of adjustment and not to removal proceedings. Removal proceedings may be commenced anytime and there is no statute of limitations for this action. Furthermore, the DHS is not required to bring a rescission of adjustment action against an LPR who was already subject to a final order of removal. If the adjustment of status of the immigrant is rescinded as a result of the rescission proceedings, then the immigrant is considered to be out-of-status and has overstayed in the US. All family members who derived status from the immigrant whose status was rescinded also lose their status and are likewise deemed to be out-of-status and overstaying in the US.

(Editor's Note: REUBEN S. SEGURITAN has been practicing law for over 30 years. For more information, log on to www.seguritan.com or call 212-695-5281. He is also on Facebook:www.facebook.com/reubenseguritanlawoffice/ and Twitter: https:// Twitter.com/ReubenSeguritan) October 5-11, 2018 Page 13 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS

Singapore has created the world's smartest and most sustainable city. Hong Kong's infrastructure is iconic and world-leading. The common denominators: a sense of purpose and civic discipline that political leaders, businesses and residents share

What we can learn from other Asian cities to save a decaying Manila ... From page 11 deploy massive infrastructure investments. incentivized to be delivered on time. Recently, I was thrilled to traverse BGC was a project that required incredible discipline to get off the the portion of the completed connector road beyond Buendia in ground. In the years since they took over the project, Ayala Makati. After about 20 seconds when the road ended, I was dismayed Corporation and Ayala Land have taken it to glittering new heights. to find myself crawling again on South Super Highway. It's that kind of discipline that needs to be deployed today, but on a In most of fast-growing emerging Asia, governments have much larger scale and more complicated palette, if Manila is to be established “coordinating ministries” that ensure red tape gets cut truly saved and improved for the future. and projects are completed. It's a crime that the Philippines is paying I propose a path for to move ahead. fees today for projects we have failed to complete, and we need to fix First, decide that enough is enough! Filipinos need to decide that this. two-, three-, four-hour traffic jams, decrepit infrastructure, no public Fifth, all of this must be addressed via a real, comprehensive and parks, blight and decay are completely unacceptable . long-term plan. Metro Manila is 16 independent cities and one Today, when I drive across Metro Manila and see ambulances municipality, each with its own unique governance. It can be saved attempting to carve a path in bumper-to-bumper traffic, I pray for the only if we recognize that this system does not work anymore. passenger inside. All of Metro Manila needs to be considered as one urban fabric. The Second, we must agree that Metro Manila needs to become a city strengths of one city can help improve the weaknesses of another. for all Filipinos. BGC, Rockwell, Alabang, Makati, OrtigasMetro Sixth, we must recognize that we need outside help. Across Asia, Manila will never progress if it continues to exist with fabulous national and local governments are turning to global companies, think pockets of extreme wealth and privilege, disconnected by tanks, universities and other institutions and crafting uniquely local tremendous swathes of urban blight and poverty. fixes. It is a not an adverse commentary on our nationalism to say that In 1905, Daniel Burnham, the American designer and planner of we need to bring in international ideas and expertise. Chicago, presented a plan for Manila that sought to create a grand and As it turns out, just like the Hotdog song, “I keep coming back to elegant capital city, with inner city trams, public parks and the Manila.” It is our home, and it needs urgent and comprehensive attendant infrastructure to support an aspiring middle class. When surgery if we are to save her, and prepare her for future generations. creating that plan, he didn't perceive Philippine society to be divided On Sept. 27, visit “Manila: Future Habitations,” a presentation by between the privileged and the “masses.” the Harvard University Graduate School of Design (the world's premier school for architecture, urban planning and landscape Gentrification design) and AECOM on proposed future solutions Manila could Metro Manila can only be “saved” once we review the whole of the consider. city. We must convince the leadership of the City of Manila, for A public forum will be held from 2-4:30 p.m. at the Jesuit Mission example, that a more sustainable and value-creating future can only House, corner Arzobispo and Anda Streets, Intramuros, Manila. be created by urban regeneration, versus building isolated islands in After the forum, an exhibit of proposed ideas by the students of the Manila Bay. Harvard Graduate School of Design will be held from 4:30-6 p.m. at the The revitalization of the Pasig River, and gentrification of areas adjacent San Ignacio Church Exhibition space. such as Baseco Compound or North Harbor, will in fact bring in higher Both events are open to the public. For registration, visit the earnings and leave a more lasting legacy. F a c e b o o k p a g e M a n i l a S t u d i o 2 0 1 8 , o r e - m a i l Third, to do this, government, business and civil society need to [email protected]. come together. In our charged local political environment, this may This program is brought to Metro Manila in conjunction with the seem unrealistic. But if we don't want to lose any more Intramuros Administration and the Department of Tourism. competitiveness - or lives - it's absolutely necessary. CONTRIBUTED | Inquirer.net A national task force focused on fixing Metro Manila, examining the critical challenges our cities face, should be convened and The author led the external communications practice for AECOM across Asia. empowered. And this task force should be given the resources to All the opinions, reflections and recommendations are his own and in no way implement transformative solutions. reflect those of the Harvard Graduate School of Design or AECOM. Follow the Fourth, infrastructure projects need to be approved faster and author @daveistheway on Instagram . October 5-11, 2018 Page 14 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS

Berezowski, Rizal’s Russian ... From page 9 Trump’s new proposal ... From page 9 On Nov. 1, 1891, a Sunday, Rizal wrote in his journal: “Last night Families with mixed immigration status I had a conversation with a Russian naturalist about the political Advocates say that the impact of the proposed policy makes condition of my country. He asked me if I am a patriot. Not much, I families with mixed immigration status more vulnerable. said. He asked if my country is unfortunate and I answered him by If immigrant parents would disengage from using welfare asking what constitutes the misfortune of a country, if his own was benefits to avoid any indication that they would be a burden on the unfortunate. He said: 'The Russian is unfortunate for lack of state's resources, the cutbacks on public health care coverage or education; he does not cultivate his land well for lack of education.' food stamps could also hurt or increase strains on their children, We talked about the socialism of Leo Tolstoy. I asked him what end even if these children are U.S-born citizens. he pursues and he said to me that it seems he oscillates, that he is a In a 2016 report conducted by the Henry Kaiser Family man of vast talent but he has no direction yet. Speaking about the Foundation, findings show that nearly 20 million or one in four difference in character of the Europeans in the colonies and those children had at least one immigrant parent, and 17.7 million of in Europe, he said to me: 'Of course, for they (the Europeans in the these children were U.S. citizens. colonies) think only of filling their pockets.' He said that socialism has ideas but the others none. I told him that I would prefer to 60 days to comment attack the defects of a government to those of a race.” In a statement on Saturday, Homeland Security Secretary We all know how Rizal ended up, and after my short trip to Kirstjen Nielsen said: “Under long-standing federal law, those Russia, I hope to be able to report a bit more on this Mr. seeking to immigrate to the United States must show they can Berezowsky. support themselves financially.” There were only a handful of Russians who visited the Spanish She said that the Homeland Security assures “to be transparent Philippines in the 19th century. Two left travel accounts: Fedor in its rule-making and is welcoming public comment on the Petrovich Lutke, who visited Manila as part of a trip around the proposed rule.” world from 1826 to 1829, during the reign of Tsar Nicholas I, on “This proposed rule will implement a law passed by Congress the frigate Seniavine; and Ivan Goncharov, whose 10-day visit to intended to promote immigrant self-sufficiency and protect finite Manila in 1854 formed part of a travelogue titled “The Voyage of resources by ensuring that they are not likely to become burdens on American taxpayers,” Nielsen added. the Frigate Pallada.” The new rule, however, has not yet been published to the federal Pierre Dobel, one of the French traders in Manila who served register. unofficially as the Russian consul, published in 1838 a small book Advocates say that once it is published, which may or may not titled “Seven Years in China: New Observations About this Empire, happen in the coming weeks, the public will have 60 days to the Indo-Chinese Archipelago, the Philippines and the Sandwich comment on the rule and that the Congress needs to consider all the Islands.” It was translated from the original Russian into French by comments in order to make changes and approve it. Prince Emmanuel Galitzin. “Again, this rule has not gone into effect yet,” said Erin Quinn, From an obscure Russian navigator named V. M. Golovin who staff attorney of the ILRC. “And it is not retroactive.” It means that visited Manila in 1817 on the ship Ne Tron Ménia, to the most immigrants won't be penalized for public benefits they have used in important Russian visitor, Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich the past. Romanov of Russia, supreme commander of the Russian Navy, who visited in 1891, there is a lot that needs to be researched and Time to fight back written up after my trip. I have held on to archival documents on As the new rule did not come as a surprise for immigrant rights the visit of the Russian Grand Duke for many years, and now is the advocates, since a couple of version of the proposals had been time to read them. leaked earlier, they are preparing to block the rule from getting All I know is that the Grand Duke made a short trip outside approved. Manila to Sulipan, a now obscure town by the river that forms the “It's time to fight back,” said Wendy Cervantes, senior immigrant natural division between Bulacan, where eggs are called itlog, and policy analyst of the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Law and Pampanga, where eggs are called ebun, the misspelled Tagalog Social Policy. While a public charge determination will continue to word for bird. be based on the totality of circumstances, she said the current Alexei was invited to a now legendary ball thrown by Capitan administration will have an enormous discretion to deny Joaquin Arnedo (1815-1897), whose rather ordinary narra immigrants admission to the U.S. or a green card. sectional dining table was recently sold at auction for a tidy sum, “It (public charge policy) will make an already complicated and solely on account of this imperial footnote. In gratitude, Alexei confusing immigration system even more complex - and less gifted Arnedo with a French monogrammed table service, now accessible to many immigrants,” Cervantes added. Inquirer.net displayed at the DLSU Museum in . So if one were to scratch the surface of Russian-Philippine This article was produced from a telebriefing with ethnic media conducted by the historical relations, you will find a lot. - Inquirer.net Ethnic Media Services and Immigrant Legal Resource Center.

AALDEF denounces White House plan to radically redefine “Public Charge” ... From page 9 “In the face of this administration's latest cruel and inhumane have 60 days to comment on the proposed rule before the DHS policy, we are prepared to fight their efforts to fundamentally proceeds with final rulemaking. change our immigration system,” said Annie Wang, Director of AALDEF's Immigrant Justice Project. “We believe that a country as About AALDEF rich in resources as the United States should ensure that everyone The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund can make a decent living, have access to housing, medical care, and (AALDEF), founded in 1974, is a national organization that education, and seek a better future. Now more than ever, we need protects and promotes the civil rights of Asian Americans. By to work together to build a healthy and prosperous future for all combining litigation, advocacy, education, and organizing, AALDEF Americans, native-born and immigrants alike.” works with Asian American communities across the country to The proposed rule is not the law, and the American public will secure human rights for all. - Annie J. Wang, Director, Immigrant have the opportunity to prevent it from becoming the law. Once the Justice Project, 212.966.5932 x213 - [email protected]; Stan Mark, rule is officially published on the Federal Register, the public will Senior Staff Attorney, 212.966.5932 x204 - [email protected] October 5-11, 2018 Page 15 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS October 5-11, 2018 Page 16 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS “The New Filipino Kitchen” launched in Washington WASHINGTON, D.C. – A new book on Philippine cuisine, entitled “The New Filipino Kitchen: Stories and Recipes from around the Globe,” made a successful debut in Washington, D.C. through the joint efforts of Sentro Rizal Washington DC, the Office of the Philippine Agriculture Attaché, and Kramerbooks & Afterwords, on 27 September 2018. “The New Filipino Kitchen”, edited by Jacqueline Chio-Lauri, is an anthology of 30 stories and recipes from expatriate Filipino chefs and home cooks in North Contributing authors of the book “The New Filipino Kitchen” composed of (L- America. It has received highly positive R, front row) Aniceto Comia Reña Jr., Kristina Villavicencio, Katrina Villavicencio, (L-R, 2ndrow) Paolo Dungca, Paolo Espanola, Vanessa Lorenzo, reviews from Publishers Weekly and PH Embassy's Economic Minister, Jose Victor Chan- Cristina Quakenbush, Alexa Alfaro, and Dalena Benavente pose for a group Gonzaga delivers the welcome remarks during the Booklist, and is a number one bestseller photo with Philippine Agriculture Attaché to the Americas Dr. Josyline Javelosa DC launch of “The New Filipino Kitchen” at (center, in white blazer) after the book's successful DC launch at Kramerbooks in Southeast Asian Cooking on Amazon. Kramerbooks and Afterwords on 27 Sept. 2018. In his welcome remarks, Minister & Afterwords on 27 September 2018. Jose Victor Chan-Gonzaga, Economic a message on behalf of the editor Officer of the Philippine Embassy said, Jacqueline Chio-Lauri, who is currently “The New Filipino Kitchen is a in the United Kingdom. celebration of a cuisine whose time to “By supporting this book, you are not be recognized and enjoyed the world only helping promote Filipino food and over, has come. Filled with stories and culture, but also helping pave the way recipes of acclaimed Filipino chefs, for Filipino voices to be heard in the home cooks and writers from the mainstream, now and in the future,” Ms. Filipino diaspora community, The New Chio-Lauri told the audience. Filipino Kitchen revels in the dazzling She also writes in the book's array of flavors and textures of introduction, “Complex and diverse, Philippine cuisine while bringing the Filipino cuisine is ineffable. Trying to readers along on the authors' personal define it in few sentences will always fall journeys of discovering and embracing short in capturing its essence. To make The audience enjoy free servings of adobo sliders and cassava cake. their unique identity and heritage.” sense of Filipino food, it has to be Six of the contributing authors read experienced, with all the emotions and excerpts of their work during the book sensations that are associated with it.” launch. They are Cristina Quakenbush Members of the audience were of New Orleans, who shared an excerpt treated to free servings of adobo sliders from her story behind the Filipino dish and cassava cake. Fifteen (15) lucky kinilaw; Tennessee-based Dalena individuals who bought copies of the Benavente who talked about her first book also received a customized taste of afritada; Milwaukeean Alexa “Flavors: It's More Fun in the Alfaro, who recounted conversations Philippines” aprons distributed by the with her father on making lumpia; Philippine Department of Tourism-New Two of the Vanessa Lorenzo, based in Virginia and York Office. guests who bought copies p r o u d o f h e r f a m i l y ' s “We are delighted and honored to be of the book habichuelasrecipe;New York-based a part of this project that celebrates the pose for a photo; blogger and culinary ambassador Paolo achievements of Philippine cuisine and Kramers sold Espanola, who read an excerpt from his the Filipino diaspora community. I a total of 48 story behind pancit molo; and Kristina w i s h T h e N e w F i l i p i n o copies during the DC book Villavicencio, one of the four creators of Kitchencontinued success and I hope launch on 27 the Filipino-American Timpla supper that it would inspire further September 2018. club in Washington, D.C., who shared explorations and enjoyment of our their story behind cassava cake. cuisine,” Philippine Ambassador Jose Darell Artates, the Embassy's Public Manuel Romualdez said in a statement. Diplomacy Officer and Administrator of “We are grateful to Kramerbooks & Sentro Rizal Washington DC, read an Afterwords for partnering with us on excerpt from a chapter contributed by this event,” he added. Founded in 1976, White House Chef Cristeta Comerford. Kramerbooks & Afterwords, or In “Ang Pambihirang Luto ni Nanay” Kramers,is an iconic institution along (Mom's Extraordinary Cooking), Chef the US capital's historic Dupont Circle. Cris Comerford shares fond memories T h e b o o k l a u n c h i s t h e f i r s t of her mother's escabeche recipe. collaboration between the Embassy and Philippine Agriculture Attaché to the Kramers. - Philippine Embassy, Guests who bought a copy of the book also received a customized “Flavors: It's More Fun in the Philippines” aprons from the Philippine Department of Americas Dr. Josyline Javelosa delivered Washington, DC Tourism-New York Office. October 5-11, 2018 Page 17 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS

Philippine Agriculture Secretary Emmanuel Piñol (right) exchange gifts with US Secretary Piñol (2nd from right) had a successful bilateral meeting with USDA Undersecretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Ted McKinney (left) at the Undersecretary McKinney (3rd from right) and his team in Washington, D.C. on 28 conclusion of their bilateral meeting at the Whitten Building in Washington D.C. on 28 September 2018. Also joining the meeting is Philippine Agriculture Attaché to the United September 2018. States and the Americas Dr. Josyline C. Javelosa (right-most). PH Agriculture Secretary Piñol Visits Washington, Highlights PH Agri Cooperation with US WASHINGTON, D.C. -- After attending the High-Level Meeting on the Philippines, through several projects, has received support. He further Implementation of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming indicated that he is looking forward to visit the Philippines on 13-15 (2019-2028) in New York held at the margins of the 73rd Session of the November 2018 for a trade mission. United Nations General Assembly, Philippine Agriculture Secretary “High-level dialogues such as this one between Agriculture Emmanuel F. Piñol proceeded to Washington, D.C. to discuss with the Secretary Piñol and Agriculture Undersecretary McKinney, including US Department of Agriculture (USDA) bilateral collaboration engagements with the private sector reinforce the economic ties that opportunities that can yield benefits for agricultural producers, bind our nations. Our alliance with the United States will continue to importers, exporters and consumers of both countries. be stable and enduring, and moving in the right direction,” Secretary Piñol met with USDA Undersecretary for Trade and Ambassador Romualdez concluded. PH Embassy, Washington DC Foreign Agricultural Affairs Ted McKinney on 28 September 2018 where both agriculture officials re-affirmed the agricultural trade and cooperation between their respective countries. Dr. Josyline C. Javelosa, Philippine Agriculture Attaché to the United States and the Americas joined Secretary Piñol in the meeting and reported to Philippine Ambassador to the United States Jose Manuel Romualdez that the meeting went very well. "I am pleased to learn that our Agriculture Secretary highlighted the importance of technology, quality and safety standards to boost Philippine farm and agro-industrial competitiveness and has discussed initiatives to collaborate with the United States on agricultural technology," Ambassador Romualdez said in a statement. “The United States is the top market of the Philippines for its food and agricultural product exports amounting to about $1.5 billion in 2017 while the Philippines is the United States' 12th largest market for its agricultural and food exports estimated at $2.7 billion last year,” the Ambassador further added. During the meeting, Secretary Piñol also expressed appreciation for the market access for Philippine food and fiber products in the US market, and further informed Undersecretary McKinney that heis looking forward to the forthcoming US market opening for Philippine young coconuts. Dr. Javelosa further reports that Secretary Piñol shared with Undersecretary McKinney the positive outcomes of his visit to Driscoll's research and development center in California on possible R&D collaborations, his discussion with the US Soybean Expert Council on expanding opportunities in soybean meal utilization and processing in the Philippines, and his meeting with Indiana-based Buskirk Engineering on establishing pellet feed mills in the Philippines, among others. He also discussed with Undersecretary McKinney a proposed goat industry development initiative in the Philippines with an infusion of good genetics from the United States. Undersecretary McKinney welcomed all of these initiatives, and also cited the USDA's Food for Progress Program in which the October 5-11, 2018 Page 18 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS

Meet and Greet with the Supreme Council before the pomp and circumstance Order of the Knights of Rizal held the 7th USA Regional Assembly and Conference in Las Vegas By Alwyn B. Galela, KGOR (Ohio) years. The plenary sessions presented LAS VEGAS (August 31-September audience with reports from the 3 USA 2) -- Close to 200 Knights of Rizal Regional Commands (plus Canada) th (KOR) attended the 7 USA Regional and Area Commands. An inspirational Supreme Council delegation from the International Headquarters. Most Assembly at the Luxor Hotel and message presented by Sir Marlon Illustrious Supreme Commander Sir Elihu Ybanez, KGCR in the middle. Casino in Las Vegas on August 31 to Tagorda, KGOR (Supreme Auditor) September 2. This event was co- challenged Knights on personal sponsored by the Las Vegas and responsibilities and humility as Arizona Chapters of the Western USA backdrop in being an effective Knight. Region. This biennial international He ended his speech by quoting Dr. gathering welcomes Knights for Jose Rizal as an example for every fellowship, camaraderie and Knight to follow - “It is my ardent celebration. desire that without becoming This year's theme is- “Rizalism: Dr. enemies or disunited, six or seven Jose P. Rizal- Love of God and Country, Filipinos get to eclipse me completely Integrity and Tenacity”. and make everybody forget me... I The newly-elected Supreme would be happy if among those I have Council from the International stirred, I shall find more notable Headquarters in the Philippines, champions” headed by Sir Elihu Ybanez, KGCR, T h e e ve n t a l s o c o n fe r re d graced the event in full-force. The Recognition Awards/Medals and New San Diego Chapter chartered during the event Supreme Council was inaugurated on Elevation to deserving Knights. A new June 30 at Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon San Diego-based KOR Chapter was City, Philippines. also initiated. Sir Randy Fletcher, The Most Illustrious Supreme KGOR from Jacksonville KOR, was Commander of the Knights of Rizal, elevated to the rank of Knight Grand for RY 2018-202, obtained his law Cross of Rizal (KGCR) for his degree from San Beda College of Law exemplary service to the Order. A total where he finished at the top ten of his of 12 new Knights were elevated to class. Sir Eli is an accomplished jurist, the rank of Knight Grand Officer of a holder of various judicial awards Rizal (KGOR). This was held during an and commendations, and a reservist elegant Regional Commanders' Ball Knights elevated to the rank of Knight Grand Officer of Rizal (KGOR) of the Armed Forces of the Philippines where the Knights and their Ladies with a rank of colonel, among others. enjoyed a night of festivities and Presently a member of the Integrated dancing wearing their Black KOR Bar of the Philippines and is a Justice Uniform for the Knights and Gowns in the Philippine Court of Appeals. for the Ladies. After being introduced by Sir A side trip to Saint Jude Church and Francis Sison, KGCR, Overseas Hoover Dam provided a respite from Representative, Sir Eli provided a event's pomp and circumstance. An State of the Order address. He impromptu gathering to a local emphasized the need for unity and restaurant capped the day with understanding for a stronger Order. dancing and karaoke from the Left photo: Alwyn Galela, author, elevated to Knight Grand Officer of He also provided an outline of the Knights. Rizal (KGOR); Right photo: Sir Randy Fletcher being elevated to Knight priorities of the KOR in the next 2 Grand Cross of Rizal (KGCR) October 5-11, 2018 Page 19 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS FILIPINO-AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH EXHIBIT OPENS IN JERSEY CITY

EXHIBIT OPENING. Sir Joey Mayo KCR, Commander of the Knights of Rizal New Jersey Chapter, center, cuts the ribbon to formally open the Filipino-American History Exhibit at the Jersey City Five Corners Public Library Monday, Oct. 1. Jersey City Tax Assessor Ed Toloza shows the Municipal Council Resolution recognizing October 2018 as Filipino American History Month. Also in the photo are members of the Knights of Rizal, Ladies for Rizal, Filipino-American community leaders and prominent Filipino-American entrepreneurs and professionals. Photo by Sonny Austria/The Filipino Express Why is October Filipino-American History Month? By Nestor Palugod Enriquez

On October 18, 1587, the Manila Galleon Nuestra Senora de Esperanza commanded by Pedro de Unamuno entered Morro Bay in California. A landing party was sent to shore, which included Indios, marking the first landing of Filipinos in the continental United States. The landing party took official possession of the area for Spain by putting up a cross made of branches. The group was attacked by native Indians two days later, and one of the Filipinos was killed. October 1587 is an incredibly daunting date, comparative early on US History time, as Henry Hudson aboard the Half Moon would reach the river named after him 22 years later. The English explorer would not land in Manhattan, but what we know now as the Hudson Valley earlier than Sept 1609. The Indios of the Mahican (Manhattan), and other river tribes gave Hudson welcome treatment unlike the Morro Bay Indios. The explorer realized that it was not the Northwest Passage to the Orient. The Pilgrims followed the tracts of Henry Hudson in 1620 landed in Plymouth Rock instead of the Hudson Valley. Yes, the Filipino came here before the Plymouth Rock thanksgiving. Two centuries later, in 1888, Dr. Jose Rizal crossed the Hudson, he described as beautiful as the river of his youth and scenes of his novel, the Pasig. Fast forward in time, in Jersey City, the heart of Hudson County became one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse places in the United States. It is the home of 15 thousand Filipino Americans.

Nestor Palugod Enriquez http://www.filipinohome.wordpress Coming to America Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery. Today is a gift,and that's why we call it the present. October 5-11, 2018 Page 20 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS

BOUNTY OF THE SEA. General Santos City, the country's “tuna capital,” acknowledges the local fishing industry as a major economic driver through a festival that honors fishermen and features street dancing and float parade. Left: Photo shows freshly caught tuna, classified as export quality, at General Santos' fish port. - Photos by Bong S. Sarmiento and Arjoy M. Ceniza Tuna catchers decry raw deal on payment By Bong S. Sarmiento unpredictable. Our lives are at stake,” he said. Sometimes, he pointed out, they would suddenly encounter waves higher than a GENERAL SANTOS CITY -- After spending a month at sea with basketball ring and backboard. other tuna catchers, Esmeraldo Asombrado returned home to his The tuna industry employs some 137,000 people in General family in General Santos City with P35,000 in hard-earned cash. Santos, touted as the “Tuna Capital of the Philippines.” Of this The 53-year-old fisherman was not happy with the fat pay, number, some 71,000 are engaged in handline fishing, usually however, though it was more than threefold the region's minimum catching yellowfin tuna, which are shipped to markets and wage for the agriculture sector of around P9,000 monthly or P290 restaurants abroad. daily. The rest of the fishermen, or 65,250, are into purse seine and ring The volume of tuna that Asombrado caught fetched P185,000 at net fishing, which targets skipjack tuna needed by the canneries. Six the General Santos fish port, from where they were sold and of the country's seven tuna canneries are based in General Santos. shipped fresh and chilled to markets in Japan and the United States Last year, yellowfin tuna unloaded in the city reached 106,000 at much higher prices. His P35,000 take-home pay was only a fifth of metric tons, up by 2.57 percent from the previous year, industry that price. data showed. “We put our lives at risk in the high seas to catch these high-value Close to 2,000 fishing vessels were registered with the Bureau of tuna, but at the end of the day, we earned the least,” Asombrado told Fisheries and Aquatic Resources in the region as of August 2016, the Inquirer on Sept. 5, as the city hosted the 20th National Tuna records showed. Most of the vessels, or 94 percent, are owned by Congress. small- and medium-scale operators. Asombrado, who is a “pasahero” (passenger), or fish catcher in the handline sector of the tuna industry, attributed his Buyer's market “disproportionate income” to the unregulated sharing scheme At the fish port complex near the heart of General Santos, the imposed by owners or operators of the fishing fleet. About 40 buyers, not the sellers, usually dictate the prices of large, mature people, including the boat captain and crew members, join the fleet. tuna caught by the handline fishermen. This has prompted The pasaheros use hook-and-line gear in going after tuna on Asombrado to suggest the imposition of regulations on the market board dozens of “pakura,” or smaller boats that accompany the price of tuna to help uplift the lives of small fish catchers. fleet's mother vessel. They venture farther out in the Pacific and “It has always been a buyer's market here. The producers have no Indian oceans. influence over the pricing,” said Raul Gonzales, spokesperson for the Alliance of Tuna Handliners. 4:1 sharing scheme Gonzales called on the Department of Agriculture to check and They are paid under a sharing scheme called “nilima,” or a 4:1 intervene, if the need arises, in the buying price of large fresh tuna. ratio, in favor of the fleet owner. The scheme varies depending on More importantly, the alliance has supported the clamor of the owner, but before any income is to be divided, the owner first handline fish catchers to standardize the sharing scheme. It is deducts expenses for the fishing expedition, including the “bale,” or against the regular payment scheme because of the uncertainty in cash advance that the pasahero usually leaves as allowance to his engaging in passive fishing. family. According to industry estimates, fuel accounts for 60 to 70 'Passive' fishing method percent of the total cost of a fishing trip in the handline sector. Gonzales, who operates a handline fishing fleet, described the Another fisherman, Joel Guindulan, who catches tuna in handline fishing method as “passive,” unlike the “active” one Philippine waters in a small 3-ton fishing boat, supported employed by large-scale operators using purse seine and ring nets. Ambrosado's appeal to regulate the income-sharing scheme. In his It has been “a time-honored tradition between the boat owners case, the boat owner gets twice the value of the catch after and the fish catchers even before the tuna industry started to boom deducting the costs of expedition. (beginning in the 1970s). They did not talk about regular salary “The situation out there in the high seas is difficult and because of the uniqueness of the sector,” he said. u Page 22 October 5-11, 2018 Page 21 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS PH to allow up to 100% foreign ownership in internet business More U.S. corporate By Ben O. de Vera giants warn Trump tariffs The Philippines will allow up to 100 percent foreign ownership in internet businesses as soon as President Rodrigo will mean price hikes Duterte signs the proposed 11th Foreign Investment Negative DETROIT -- From Ford to Walmart to Procter & Gamble, a List, the country's chief economist said Tuesday, Oct. 2. growing number of iconic American companies are warning During the Senate finance committee's hearing on the that President Donald Trump's tariffs on U.S. imports are proposed 2019 budget of the state planning agency National raising their costs and prices. Economic and Development Authority (Neda), Socioeconomic Jim Hackett, CEO of Ford, the second-largest U.S.-based Planning Secretary Ernesto Pernia said that based on feedback automaker, said Wednesday, Sept. 26, that Trump's taxes on from the Palace Tuesday morning, the draft 11th FINL is “now up imported steel and aluminum are costing Ford $1 billion and for signature” as it was already “under full review.” threatening to ignite price increases across the auto industry. Pernia, who is also Neda chief, said the proposed 11th FINL will Likewise, Walmart, America's largest retailer, has told the “exclude internet business from mass media.” administration that Trump's latest round of taxes - on $200 Committee chair Sen. Loren Legarda as well as Sen. Risa billion of Chinese imports - could increase prices for its Hontiveros noted that mass media is considered as public utility, shoppers. Walmart specifically mentioned items ranging from hence restricted from foreign ownership under the Constitution. car seats, cribs and backpacks to hats, pet products and But since the crafting of the Charter in 1987, mass media is no bicycles. longer restricted to print and broadcast, the senators noted. Procter & Gamble, the consumer products giant, has Every two years, the government releases the FINL, which lists warned of both potential price increases and job losses as a down sectors where foreign investors have only limited result of the tariffs. participation. The 10th FINL was issued by former President Benigno Aquino From Coke to Macy's III in 2015 under EO No. 184, which had practically kept intact the In the meantime, drinking Coca-Cola is costing more list of activities and sectors restricted to foreign equity and because of Trump's tariffs. Macy's, too, has warned of likely participation as provided for in the ninth FINL. price increases. So has Gap. The 11th FINL, contained in a draft executive order submitted On Wednesday, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell to the Office of the President four months ago, reportedly took on the issue at a news conference after the Fed announced removed restrictions in the following sectors: private its latest interest rate hike. Asked about the Trump tariffs recruitment for local and overseas employment; practice of some forcing up prices for America's consumers, Powell agreed that professions; contracts for the construction and repair of locally Fed officials are hearing from businesses about forthcoming funded public works projects; culture, production, milling, higher costs. processing and trading (except retailing) of rice and corn and “You don't see it yet,” the chairman said, referring to the data their by-products; teaching in the higher education levels; as well the Fed studies. as retail trade. - Inquirer.net But, Powell acknowledged, “the tariffs might provide a basis for companies to raise prices in a world where they've been very reluctant to and unable to raise prices.” At his own news conference Wednesday in New York, Asean needs massive injection of Trump rejected any notion that his tariffs posed an economic risk, echoing assertions by his administration that consumers infrastructure funding - WB exec would barely notice the new taxes. “It's had no impact … on our economy,” the president said Vientiane Times/Asia News Network after meetings with foreign leaders at the United Nations General Assembly. VIENTIANE -- Asean needs about US$3.4 trillion during 2013- 2030 to finance infrastructure projects so that the region can Costing Ford $1B narrow its development gap and achieve its objective of Hackett, in a television interview Wednesday, revealed the becoming a single market and production base, according to a $1 billion estimate that he said Trump's steel and aluminum senior World Bank official. tariffs are costing Ford. He said the figure is a year-over-year The bank's Vice President for East Asia and the Pacific, increase from March through 2019. Victoria Kwakwa, disclosed this projection recently, according to Ford buys most of its metals from U.S. producers, which the regional online publication Asean Post. have raised prices this year as a result of the tariffs on foreign Despite increased efforts by the governments in the region to competitors, the company has said. mobilize investment funds from multiple sources over the past Other automakers that produce vehicles in the U.S. are few years, the region still faces shortage of funds to meet the experiencing the same price increases, said IHS Markit Senior demands of regional infrastructure development in upcoming Analyst Peter Nagle. While they may be absorbing the years. Based on this finding, the publication suggested that it is increased costs at present, eventually they'll have to pass at still unclear whether the region will be able to achieve its least some of the costs on to customers, he said. infrastructure fund mobilization target in 2030. In addition, it “They're maintaining pricing discipline now just because recommended that there is still room for Asean development the consumer can't support those higher prices,” Nagle said. partners and major global financial institutions to invest in the But if the tariffs stay in place for the remainder of Trump's region's infrastructure. u Page 22 China has been aware of the increasing demand for funds for u Page 22 October 5-11, 2018 Page 22 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS

Tuna catchers decry raw deal ... From page 20 For cheaper electricity ... From page 10 He said the sector should not be covered by an order of the challenged Solar Para sa Bayan to focus on such areas as Sulu and Department of Labor and Employment setting the minimum wage, other unserved towns. holiday and premium pay, overtime pay, night-shift differential and Fair enough; Leviste's firm should focus on providing electricity other labor benefits, such as health insurance, housing and social to unviable, unserved or underserved areas that a franchised security contributions. distribution utility, such as members of Philreca, would be unable to Department Order No. 156-16, issued by then Labor Secretary service. But, on the other hand, why should it not be allowed in areas Rosalinda Baldoz, is expected to be implemented this year. where electricity cost has become too much of a burden to consumers, who have no other choice but the power monopoly in Gov't attention their district? Usually, the more tuna the fisherman catches, the bigger his pay Malacañang should consider public support for the bill. For is. Without a catch, the fisherman goes home with an empty pocket, instance, the National Association of Electricity Consumers for weighed down still by his debt to the boat owner for financing the Reforms Inc. has noted that, as electric services in the provinces expedition. Currently, the fisherman gets only 20 percent of the total have remained poor and expensive 17 years after the Epira law was value of his catch. enacted, new measures should be undertaken to fulfill the intent of “I believe it is high time that we standardize the sharing system so the law, which is to bring cheap electricity to as many Filipinos as that the fish catchers will know what to expect regarding their take- possible. home pay no matter who owns the boat that they will board,” The fears of creating a monopoly are unfounded as well. On the Gonzales said. He noted the government's growing attention to the contrary, the presence of such new technology will create handline sector, citing, among other initiatives, the designation of competition in areas where services are wanting. several tuna conservation zones in the country exclusively for the As pointed out by Deputy House Speaker Arthur Yap, principal use handline fishermen. sponsor of HB 8179, the measure is specifically designed to break For the first time after 20 years, the marginalized tuna fishermen the existing monopolies of traditional utilities that have fallen were accorded a Fisher's Night on Sept. 4 during the celebration of behind in improving the quality of their service due to a lack of the annual Tuna Festival in General Santos, in recognition of their competition. Leviste himself noted that the text of the bill speaks for contribution to the growth of the city. itself: It is nonexclusive, encourages others to apply for the same, and aims to end the existing inefficient monopolies on electricity by Night of fun giving consumers new choices for better and cheaper service. It also Hundreds of fishermen and their families were treated to a night incurs zero cost on the part of the government. of food and fun, initiated by the (OND) with Leviste has a point in his riposte to his critics: If, instead of trying the support of local government officials. to prevent competition, utilities focus on lowering costs and “If there are no fishermen, we would not have fish on our table,” improving their operations, then Filipinos will be satisfied with said Sister Susan Bolanio, executive director of the OND Hesed their electric service, and there will be no need for Solar Para sa Foundation Inc. Bayan at all. The foundation administers the Apostleship of the Sea, which has What is wrong with giving a private firm the nonexclusive right to been managing the Stella Maris Seafarers' Center at the General construct small solar-battery grids at no cost to the government? Santos seaport since 2006. The center has been helping distressed, It will provide consumers, particularly in rural areas, an poor tuna fishermen, including those jailed for illegal fishing in alternative electricity supplier, and perhaps pave the way for more Indonesia. Councilor Brix Tan, chair of the city council's committee competition in the power industry that, in turn, will hopefully bring on fisheries, marine life and aquatic resources, said Bolanio earlier down prices. Opposing novel initiatives such as this will only broached the idea to organize a Fisher's Night for fishermen in the institutionalize the inefficiencies of electric utilities, to the city during the weeklong tuna festival. continuing detriment of Filipino consumers. - Inquirer.net “The small tuna fishermen deserved to be recognized. They are an instrumental part for the growth of our tuna industry,” said Tan, a scion of a tuna fishing tycoon. More US corporate giants warn ... From page 1 Asombrado said he hoped the government would “look into this longtime practice to give tuna catchers their fair share.” Inquirer.net term, “obviously some of those costs would have to start being passed along to the consumer here.” Ford wouldn't comment specifically on price increases but said it will “continue to make the necessary decisions to remain competitive.” Asean needs massive injection ... From page 21 infrastructure development. It is currently providing funds for Foreign steel, aluminum Laos to build high speed railway line from the Laos-China border The Trump administration imposed a 25 percent tariff on to the capital Vientiane. The link is a part of China's ambition to imported steel and 10 percent tariff on aluminum from some connect its southern city of Kunming to Singapore. countries, including China, in March. It added Canada, Mexico Observers said transport, energy and IT connectivity is one of the and the European Union in June. The administration justified key issues that Asean has to address in upcoming years. the tariffs by calling foreign steel and aluminum a threat to U.S. Access to reliable and affordable infrastructure is important for national security. any economy to facilitate job creation and promote sustainable Ahead of the tariffs, U.S. metals producers raised prices as development in the long run. In addition, the development of such companies tried to buy before the tariffs went into effect, Nagle infrastructure will help the region to reduce poverty, according to said. He said steel prices are up 25 percent since the tariffs the online publication which quoted Kwakwa. began, and he expects that to rise to near 30 percent next year. Regional gross domestic product (GDP) has more than doubled Automakers would either raise sticker prices or cut from US$1.3 trillion in 2007 to US$2.8 trillion in 2017 within the discounts on new cars, trucks and SUVs, Nagle said. The span of a decade. Asean is the seventh largest economy in the world administration also is studying 25 percent tariffs on imported and is projected to make the jump to the fourth spot in 2050. vehicles, also based on national security concerns. Those tariffs The creation and implementation of the Asean Economic would raise prices, slow auto sales and could cut U.S. economic Community in 2015 was a crucial initiative to integrate the 10 growth in half by 2020, Nagle said. Other countries also are member countries as a single market and production base, with likely to retaliate on imports from the U.S. investments, services, free movement of goods, skilled labor and “You can't have a trade war without automotive,” he said. - flow of capital among its key underpinnings, the Asean Post said. - Inquirer.net Inquirer.net October 5-11, 2018 Page 23 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Can too much milk make your bones weak? Studies have linked many health and even environmental problems to dairy consumption

By Jemps Gallegos Yuvienco

It's one of those things we've just always accepted without question: we need to drink milk for healthier bones and teeth. It's in my children's school textbooks. But more and more studies are coming out that say otherwise. Image: grandriver/Istock.com via AFP Relaxnews One Harvard study showed that higher milk consumption during the teen years led to more hip fractures in old age. Each additional glass of milk a day was associated with a 9-percent Int'l Coffee Day 2018: How higher risk of hip fracture in men, while women who drank three or more glasses of milk a day had a 60-percent higher risk of hip your daily caffeine fix might fracture and a 93-percent higher risk of death. Over 90 percent of Asians are lactose intolerant. The introduction of dairy from the West led to an increase in the also be boosting your health diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in Asia. Those of us AFP Relaxnews who continue to live as ice cream monsters (I'm guilty) suffer from diarrhea, gas pain and bloating, among other symptoms, Oct. 1 marks International Coffee Day 2018, which celebrates and often blame it on IBS or indigestion, when actually, we're one of the most popular drinks around the world. But your suffering from lactose intolerance. morning cup of joe might be doing more than just setting you up In a webinar broadcast by the Forks Over Knives community, for the day, with recent research suggesting that it may also bring Dr. Sofia Pineda Ochoa discussed “How Dairy Makes You Sick.” a variety of health benefits. Here we round up some of the Ochoa is a practicing physician in Houston, Texas, and cofounder findings. of Meat Your Future, an educational nonprofit that provides fact- based information about the health, environmental and ethical Lower risk of heart problems implications of consuming animal products. Research presented at the American Heart Association's “Cows don't produce calcium,” Ochoa said. “Calcium is a Scientific Sessions last year suggested that drinking coffee may mineral from the soil, where grass grows. Cows eat the grass and decrease the risk of developing heart failure or having a stroke. ingest the calcium, passing it on to their milk, along with their The preliminary research showed that compared with non-coffee naturally occurring hormones.” drinkers, drinking coffee was associated with a 7 percent lower risk of developing heart disease and an 8 percent lower risk of Excess dietary protein having a stroke with every additional cup of coffee consumed per According to Harvard School of Public Health, “as your body week. digests protein, it releases acid into the bloodstream, which the After checking the validity of their results with two studies body neutralizes by drawing calcium from the bones. Following a with similar sets of data the findings still held, with the high-protein diet for a few weeks probably won't have much association between drinking coffee and a decreased risk of heart effect on bone strength. Doing it for a long time, though, could failure and stroke consistently noted in all three studies. weaken bone.” A Journal of Nutrition study by Barzel and Massey stated that Boost your brain power excess dietary protein could adversely affect the bone. Excess United States research published earlier this year suggests acidity from such a diet will create a reduction in total bone that you might not even need to drink coffee to reap some of its substance. Modern peoples are now eating high-protein, acidic benefits. After carrying out a series of experiments, researchers diets and losing their bones. found that just the scent of a cup of joe, which has no caffeine, A Yale study derived from 34 published studies from 16 could help give people a cognitive boost that improves countries saw strong correlations between high animal protein performance on certain tasks. intakes and fracture rates. In the American Journal of Participants not only believed that they would feel more alert, Epidemiology study “Protein consumption and bone fractures in energetic and perform better after smelling coffee, but they also women,” the increased risk of fracture was seen with higher scored significantly higher on tests, suggesting the scent of coffee animal protein intake, but no increase in risk was observed with may cause a placebo effect. higher intakes of vegetable protein. “Countries like India, Peru and Japan, where the average daily Live longer? calcium intake is less than a third of the US RDA (recommended A large-scale study presented at last year's European Society dietary allowance), ages 19-50, the incidence of bone fracture is of Cardiology (ESC) Congress found that Mediterranean coffee quite low. They also differ in other bone-health factors, such as drinkers may benefit from a lower risk of death. After following level of physical activity and amount of sunlight,” Ochoa said. 19,896 Spanish adults for an average of ten years, researchers All these studies suggest that high calcium intake doesn't found that participants who consumed at least four cups of coffee actually appear to lower a person's risk for osteoporosis. We per day had a 65 percent lower risk of all-cause mortality u Page 24 u Page 24 October 5-11, 2018 Page 24 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS

Carpio: No more reason ... From page 12 as current Chief Justice Teresita Leonardo-De Castro reaches her mandatory retirement by next week. “There is no more reason for me to decline,” Carpio told reporters on Wednesday, Oct. 3. Carpio is one of the five most senior Associate Justices of the Supreme Court who are automatically nominated for the Chief Justice post. However, they have to accept the nomination before they are considered by the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC) as a candidate. During the search to replace ousted Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno, Carpio declined the nomination saying he does not want to benefit from a process that he opposed. Carpio is one of the justices who dissented in the May 11, 2018 decision of the high court, removing Sereno as Chief Justice via a quo warranto petition. However, when asked if he already submitted a letter of CLEARING ALGAE. Wearing green uniforms, government workers remove acceptance to the JBC, Carpio said: “I have not submitted any algae from the beaches of Boracay almost a month after the resort island letter yet.” was closed to tourism. - LYN RILLON The deadline for submission of letters of acceptance and other requirements is on October 15. - Inquirer.net Bans galore await tourists ... From page 1 network has been paved and many sections are muddy, potholed and barely passable. Can too much milk make ... From page 23 DENR Secretary Roy Cimatu said to decongest the main road, tourists and residents would be allowed to enter and leave the cannot be confident that high milk or calcium intake is safe. Yet, the United Nations Environment Programme disclosed that chicken, island through three ports, instead of through the single entry meat and dairy consumption were expected to increase by 20 point at Cagban port. percent over the next 10 years globally. Aklan Rep. Carlito Marquez, a former governor of the province, said the new scheme would violate a provincial No surprise ordinance that mandates the single entry-exit system, which was “Each mammalian species produces milk for its own babies, and a security measure to monitor those going to the island and a the content of protein, fat, carbohydrates and minerals is specific to means to protect the beachfront from damage. - Inquirer.net provide optimum nutrition for a baby of that particular species,” Ochoa said. “The serious health issues associated with consuming milk of a different species should not come as a surprise.” As parents, we are bombarded by media that we should continue to give our children milk past the breastfeeding stage. A good number of us buy into the marketing that goes with it. But knowing what we now know, what do you give, say, a 2-year-old who's just weaned from breast milk? “Any plant-based milks, but we don't have to,” Ochoa said. She is presupposing that the child's diet is healthy and balanced, and the child is getting adequate nourishment from nutritious whole foods. I have since stopped buying fresh cow's milk and have transitioned my children to soy milk. Be wary of alternative milks that actually still contain cow's milk (like skim milk powder), so read the ingredients. - CONTRIBUTED/Inquirer.net

Int’l Coffee Day 2018 ... From page 23 compared to those who never or almost never consumed coffee. They also found that overall, there was a 25 percent lower risk of all- cause mortality for each two additional cups of total coffee per day, with the positive effect even stronger in those over the age of 45.

Reduced risk of liver disease A report published late last year found that coffee may also reduce the risk of liver diseases such as liver cancer and cirrhosis. After meeting to discuss recent research into coffee and liver health, experts from seven European countries found that meta-analyses suggest that drinking coffee is associated with up to a 40 percent risk reduction of liver cancer compared to not drinking coffee, while research from the U.S. and Italy suggests that drinking coffee is consistently associated with a reduced risk of cirrhosis, with a potential risk reduction of between 25 and 70 percent. The risk of chronic liver disease also appeared to be reduced by 25 to 65 percent for coffee drinkers, depending on the amount consumed. - Inquirer.net October 5-11, 2018 Page 25 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS

Image: Facebook/Ogie Diaz, Harry Roque, Secretary Salvador Panelo Anlakas maka-elementary': Ogie Diaz Image: Instagram/@jodistamaria slams Harry Roque, Salvador Panelo for Jodi Sta. Maria imparts life lessons defending President Duterte she learned from making pottery By Kate Matriano By Kate Matriano

Outspoken comedian Ogie Diaz penned a letter for Presidential While the spotlight is a comfortable place to be in for Spokesperson Harry Roque and Presidential Chief Legal Counsel celebrities, nothing beats the comfort of their favorite activities. Salvador Panelo, criticizing them for defending President Rodrigo For Jodi Sta. Maria, she found solace in the art of making pottery. Duterte's recent statement about extrajudicial killings. Sta. Maria took to Instagram to talk about her experience in Diaz took to Facebook to express his disappointment over the making ceramics. Uploading photos of herself immersed in the two government officials. Duterte said last Thursday, Sept. 27 that activity, as well as photos of her creations, she outlined the his only sin was the extrajudicial killings as collateral to his valuable insights she got from the craft. administration's war on illegal drugs. “I first tried pottery back in 2015 when I did a role for a Roque said yesterday, Sept. 29, that the President was not teleserye,” wrote Sta. Maria Monday, Oct. 1. “I found the activity admitting his guiltin relation to drug-related killings. He pointed relaxing, metaphorical, and very spiritual.” out that the Duterte was merely defending himself from Because she enjoyed crafting ceramics, she made it a point to corruption allegations. Meanwhile, Panelo clarified earlier on attend the pottery classes of her mentor, who eventually became Friday, Sept. 28, that what the President meant was that her friend, whenever she has free time. She then listed the life extrajudicial killings were the “only issue” being used against the lessons she learned in making pots, starting with staying administration. centered. Crafting pottery requires one to be serene and for her, “Dear Atty. Harry Roque and Sal Panelo, ba't di po kayo mag- staying centered help her overcome whatever life throws at her. usap-usap ng Pangulo para di sya nami-misinterpret sa mga Sta. Maria learned how to embrace and appreciate sinasabi nya?” wrote Roque in hist post. “Mukha namang hindi imperfections in creating ceramics - it is okay if something gets nagbibiro ang Pangulo sa sinabi nitong, 'ang tangi nitong broken while in the process of creation. Making pottery also kasalanan ay extrajudicial killings,' pero kayo itong nagsasabi na taught her to keep on trying even if she doesn't succeed at first. di seryoso ang Pangulo.” “Don't be afraid to make mistakes,” she stated. “If you do, don't (Dear Atty. Harry Roque and Sal Panelo, why don't you talk to be too hard on yourself. Keep on trying. If it doesn't turn out the the President so that he won't be misinterpreted? The President way you planned it, it's okay. Learn from it and aim to be better.” didn't look like he was joking when he said “my only sin is the She stressed the importance of seeking other people's help in extrajudicial killings,” but both of you are saying the President learning new things, citing psychologist Lev Vygotsky's “Zone of was not serious.) Proximal Development” concept which states the difference “Eh ba't hinahayaan nyo pang magsalita ang Pangulo kung between what one can do independently and with guidance. Sta. ikokorek nyo din pala?” he asked. “Mga abogado pa naman kayo Maria noted that control and stillness are more important than tapos anlakas maka-elementary ng pag-iisip nyo.” power and aggression when it comes to crafting pottery. (Why do you let the President speak when you're going to Of course, seeing as Sta. Maria found the art spiritual, she had a correct him anyway? You are lawyers but you think like religious realization while doing ceramics: “God shapes us and elementary [students].) forms us because He loves us so much. He puts people in our lives “Sir Harry Roque, tatakbo ka pa namang Senador. I don't think to mold us - turning us into vessels fit for His use. Without the nakakatulong sa inyo ang pagtatakip at pagsisinungaling para potter, the clay will never know its purpose.” - Inquirer.net iboto kayo ng taumbayan,” Diaz added. (Sir Harry Roque, you are going to run for Senator. I don't think covering up and lying will help you get voted by the people.) “Wa echos. Nami-miss ko yung dating ikaw, Sir Harry,” he TO ADVERTISE, PLEASE E-MAIL US stated. “'Pabili' naman ng dating ikaw, o?” (No kidding. I miss the old you, Sir Roque. Let me buy the old [email protected] you, please?) - Inquirer.net October 5-11, 2018 Page 26 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Mike De Leon: 'In these dark times, who really needs ABS-CBN Ball?’ By Niña V. Guno

It isn't just the stars' eye-catching looks that have caused division among netizens after the ABS-CBN Ball. The recently-held ball last Saturday, Sept. 29, drew scrutiny from director Mike De Leon, known for classics such as “Sister Stella L.” and “Batch '81”. The award-winning director shared his sentiments through the “Citizen Jake” Facebook page today, Oct. 1. On a picture of Vice Ganda and Ryan Bang at the ball's red carpet, De Leon superimposed the words: “Many people will not like this question but I have to ask it - in these dark times of murder and hunger, who really needs the ABS-CBN Ball? Bread and Circuses again a la Imelda Marcos.” His name is stated at the bottom of the picture, after the question he posed. The Facebook post has stirred a debate, with De Leon explaining his side to others who oppose it. Some argued that it couldn't be compared to the former first lady's extravagant parties, as the network used its own funds. “Privately funded nga, but there are more sensible ways to promote a noble cause,” he replied. “Parang yung sinabi ni Marie Antoinette nung naghihirap na ang mga Pranses at walang makain. 'Let them eat cake.'” (It's like what Marie Antoinette said when the French struggled and had nothing to eat. “Let them eat cake.”) Some, such as one Aldene Jose Lapating Duyag, brought up the charitable aspect of the ball, which was to raise funds for the child welfare program Bantay Bata 163. The network has yet to announce how much funds were raised. “So why exploit abused children further?” asked De Leon. “Pero Image: Facebook/@CitizenJakeFilm please naman (But please), don't be naive. It's just showbiz exploitation.” rather than deal with it. [It shows] opulence and lavishness while “Kung Hollywood pa, OK lang siguro (If this were Hollywood, it corruption, murder, poverty, abuse of power, are swept under the might be OK), but in [a] third world country like ours?” he asked. rug.” “It's a network event and that has nothing to do with the present “Hindi tayo ang market ng mga ganyan,” reasoned one Ramak situation of our country,” argued one Regie Que. Kowsari, meanwhile. “Hindi naman pwede magagalit na lang tayo “They can do what they want but let them also be prepared for lagi sa bawat bagay na idinadaos na nagpapasaya sa mga tao kasi any kind of reaction people may have,” said De Leon. “Celebrities are hindi swak sa panlasa natin.” public property. They should learn to take the good with the bad.” (We’re not the market for that. We can't get angry at everything Netizen Forti Suarez concurred with De Leon: “It further that makes people happy because it doesn't suit our taste.) - promotes a culture of escapism to avoid the grim and cruel reality Inquirer.net Kanye West is now Ye, but unchanged on backing Trump Agence France-Presse He performed with fellow rapper Lil Pump Party of seeking to keep people dependent on dressed as water bottles, drawing an welfare payments and repeated his interest in Kanye West has decided that he now wants overwhelmingly negative reaction on social running for president himself in 2020 - when to be called Ye. media where a number of professed fans Trump would face re-election. But on political matters, nothing has questioned his creative direction. His speech was met with a smattering of changed for the pro-Trump rapper. West closed the show by singing a track off applause but louder booing from the New “The being formally (sic) known as Kanye “Ye” while wearing one of President Donald York audience. West. I am Ye,” he wrote on Twitter. Trump's signature red “Make America Great West has stunned fans by becoming one of Ye has long been a nickname for West, along Again” caps. After the live show ended, West the few celebrities - as well as one of the only with Yeezy, and he chose “Ye” as the title of his stayed on the microphone and gave an prominent African-Americans - to support last album. impromptu speech about politics, again Trump. He has previously said that he found a voicing his support for the president. West went to visit Trump in 2016 shortly spiritual significance to “Ye” - the plural or “So many times I talk to a white person after the rapper disappeared to seek mental formal version of the second-person pronoun about this and they say, 'How could you like health treatment. His wife, reality television in Middle English - as he so frequently read it Trump? He's racist,'” West said, according to star Kim Kardashian, has gone twice to see in the Bible. footage posted on Instagram by comedian Trump at the White House. West - or, rather, Ye - announced the name Chris Rock. West recently promised that a new album, change shortly before he appeared on “Well, if I was concerned about racism, I called “Yahndi,” would come out on Saturday “Saturday Night Live,” the widely watched would have moved out of America a long time but no work immediately appeared. television skit show. ago.” He also accused the rival Democratic Inquirer.net October 5-11, 2018 Page 27 TTHHEE FFIILLIIPPIINNOO EEXXPPRREESSSS

Franco Mabanta at the London Fashion Week: “The best host we've ever had” Filipino host gets rave reviews at London Fashion Week By Jimmy Tamayo

London Fashion Week is now over and Filipino renaissance man Franco Mabanta is the talk of the town. Mabanta hosted three prestigious LFW events last September 15 at the Millennium Gloucester Hotel in Kensington. LFW is part of the Big Four in clothing trade shows alongside those held in New York, Milan, Third Filipino-American documentary film and Paris - and considered by many the most prestigious of the bunch. This is the second time that Mabanta hosted the same event, the “The Philippine American War” in the works first time was in 2015. After the show, Savita Kaye - producer, director and CEO for House Emmy-award winning filmmakers Marissa Aroy and Niall McKay of iKons - couldn't keep her excitement. In an interview right, Kaye are producing a new documentary called The Philippine American said, “I've done a lot of shows in my life but I've never seen a host with War. The film explores the 1899 U.S. seizure of the Philippines and the the speed, memory and presence of Franco. He's a true genius. Not to Filipino struggle for independence, shedding light on our American mention charming and unbelievably quick witted. Everyone colonial past that still shapes our present. absolutely loved him on stage and how he mingled after the show like a Little understood and largely forgotten, the Philippine American happy social butterfly. He's the best host we've ever had.” War was a watershed moment in Filipino-American history. The September gig came after he walked the catwalk as one of the models for LFW in February this year. According to the staff and crew, PPleaselease ssupportuppor ttheir thei fundrr fundaisingraisi campaignng campa ign he made such a good impression both behind the scenes and on stage aandnd helphelp them them mak maek histe hory!isto ry! that the producers of the show looked him up and found his previous On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/donate/690259071308694/ work for Marvel, Microsoft, Star Wars and videos on Philippine politics. Not long after, Mabanta got the phone call, was offered the job, On Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/us/fundraiser/charity/2809496 and immediately said yes. Or send a check to: Screen America Inc.; Attn: Marissa Aroy As one of the four major fashion events in the world, LFW features 197 Himrod St. 4B, Brooklyn NY 1123 the work of more than 200 fashion designers all over the word. Please make checks out to SCREEN AMERICA INC. Interviewed by Inquirer, Mabanta said that he thinks at least two of the and write on memo line: Phil-Am War 18 designers on the day were Filipinos. “I initially had zero idea how All Donations are tax deductible to Screen America Inc. prevalent and appreciated our kababayans are on the international EIN# 81-4757394 fashion scene, but apparently everyone loves the scrappy underdog persona they've embraced. Quite happy for them.” For more information, please contact: Although Mabanta has been hosting big events for over 15 years, Marissa Aroy (Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marissa.aroy; he's had to put that part of his life on hold. Now a 35-year-old CEO and Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/marissaaroy; LinkedIn: owner to over a dozen businesses in the tech, political and http://www.linkedin.com/in/marissaaroy) construction spaces, Mabanta says he only ever accepts offers for events that interest him, and even then he almost always does them for TO ADVERTISE, PLEASE E-MAIL US free. House of iKons showcased 18 designers from New York, Toronto, Finland, the UK and several more; and was covered by Forbes, BBC [email protected] World, BBC News, Buzzfeed, and the British media. - Inquirer.net October 5-11, 2018 Page 28 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS

FILE - In this Thursday, Sept. 13, 2018 photo, a dragon boat crew from the Philippines United States players celebrate after winning the Women's basketball World paddles for the finish line during a 500-meter heat at the ICF Dragon Boat Cup final match between Australia and the U.S.A. in Tenerife, Spain, Sunday Championships,in Gainesville, Ga. (AP Photo/John Bazemore) Sept. 30, 2018. (AP Photo/Andres Gutierrez) PH dragon boat team seeks Golden girls: US wins 3rd straight incentive after gold medal haul women's hoops World Cup Associated Press By Christine Avendaño SAN CRISTOBAL DE LA , Spain – Sue Bird and Members of the Philippine Canoe Kayak Dragonboat Diana Taurasi shared a hug as the final seconds ran down on a Federation on Monda, Oct. 1,y sought for the Philippine Sports third straight World Cup championship. Commission (PSC) to grant them an incentive following their five The longtime USA Basketball teammates had gold medal haul in last month's 2018 International Canoe accomplished another piece of history together. Federation World Championship in the United States. The pair has been a key part of all three titles and hasn't The Philippine team, which also won 2 more silver medals in lost a World Cup game in nearly 12 years, including Sunday the same world championship held in Lake Lanier in Georgia, night's (Sept. 30) 73-56 win over Australia in the gold medal went in Malacanang on Monday and was presented to the media. game. Presidential spokesperson Harry Roque told reporters the “It means a lot. I was saying yesterday in the press Philippine team went to see him to ask help, particularly in conference that there's this misconception out there that this getting an incentive from the PSC. is easy for us,” Bird said. “I get it, because the scores can say “So we are appealing to the PSC, that they won the world that at times. But this isn't easy. We're thrown together and championship, hopefully they will be granted an incentive the need to figure it out on the fly. We need to peak at the right same way athletes who won in the (recent) Asian games,” Roque time. It's extremely satisfying when we get it done.” said. Bird now is the most decorated athlete in World Cup He said he will bring this up to President Duterte so that he history, winning four gold medals and one bronze. would also grant incentives to them the same way he gave “I don't know if I can put it in perspective because I'm still winners in the Asian Games. in it,” Bird said. Hermie Macaranas, a member of the Philippine team, said The victory gave the U.S. 10 World Cup gold medals and they did not expect to win since their opponents were all bigger was the 22nd win in a row overall for the Americans dating than them. back to the bronze medal game in 2006. That was the same “It's a great honor that we won. We were able to raise the year that Australia won its only World Cup title. The Philippine flage in Georgia,” Macaranas added. - Inquirer.net Americans lost to Russia in the semifinals and haven't lost since in the World Cup or Olympics. The win also made Dawn Staley the first person ever to win a World Cup title as a player, assistant and head coach. Que rules Japan tourney, bags P10M The U.S. didn't have its entire team together until a few days before the tournament started as Bird, Breanna Stewart Filipino golfer Angelo Que banged in back-toback birdies on and Jewell Loyd were winning the WNBA championship with the 16th and 17th to close out with a 66 and win the Top Cup the Seattle Storm. Stewart, who was the WNBA regular Tokai Classic of the Japan Tour by two strokes on Sunday, Sept. 30. season and postseason MVP, added the MVP of the World Cup Que wound up with a 271 aggregate and beat Koreans Yang and to her resume after scoring 10 points in the championship Won Joon-lee for his fourth major international title. The 39- game. year-old flew home on Tuesday, Oct. 2, with his P10-million prize “It's been an incredible few months, that's for sure,” money. Angelo Que never lost hope that one day, he'll be clutching Stewart said. “The biggest thing about it all is it's all focused a champion's trophy in Japan. on the team and having the team win.” It finally happened on Sunday for the 39-year-old golfer. Brittney Griner scored 15 points to lead the U.S. And With a major champion watching and probably expecting him u Page 29 to fold up, Que banged in back-to-back birdies on the 16th and u Page 29 October 5-11, 2018 Page 29 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS

Golden girls: US wins ... From page 28 Que rules Japan tourney ... From page 28 anchored a stellar defensive effort against Liz 17th to close out with Cambage. Australia's star center came into the game a 66 and win the Top averaging 27.2 points in the tournament, but was held Cup Tokai Classic of to just seven. She remained the No. 1 enemy of the the Japan Tour by two Spanish fans, who jeered and whistled every time she strokes. touched the ball. Cambage keyed Australia's win over YE Yang, the Korean the host nation in the semifinals. Spain won the bronze who shocked the medal, beating Belgium 67-60 earlier Sunday. world by becoming Taurasi, who scored 13 points, helped the U.S. get the first Asian major off to a strong start with a 10-0 lead. Australia could winner at the 2009 only get within three the rest of the way. It was the first PGA Championship, time in the tournament that the U.S. didn't trail in a just couldn't match the game. fast finish of the Angelo Que raises his fourth international trophy “It was huge,” Stewart said about the fast start. “Dee Filipino and had to (Taurasi) was talking about being the aggressors as settle for a share of Que who picked up his first win on his fourth year on the Australia's used to punching first. Today we were second. Japan Tour. Que pocketed a 22-million yen (about P10.4 going to punch them first. That's what we did. We rode Que wound up with million) jackpot for his victory. on that momentum the rest of the game. That's a 271 aggregate to It was Que's fourth major international title after the something they hadn't seen this whole tournament.” beat Koreans Yang and Worlwide Selangor Masters in 2010, the Philippine The U.S. led 35-27 at the half and didn't give Won Joon Lee. Yang Open in 2008 and the Carlsberg Masters Vietnam in Australia any chance to come back, scoring the first shot a 67 while Won 2004. His previous best finish was second place, losing nine points of the third quarter. carded a 66 at the to Japanese Toshinori Muto in a playoff for the ISPS This was Australia's best finish at the World Cup Miyoshi Country Club HANDA Global Cup in 2015. since 2006. “To beat the USA we had to play really good west course in Aichi, “I'm not getting any younger so I couldn't be happier defense and rebound,” Australia coach Sandy Japan. with his breakthrough win,” Que said. Brondello said. “We contested a lot of shots, but they “It's a relief really Que is flying home on Tuesday and he can't wait to found too many shooters.” that I finally won in show the newestand probably the biggest - addition to Spain beat Belgium 67-60 to win the bronze medal. Japan. I played so well his trophy collection to his wife Tracy and two children. Canada edged Nigeria 73-72 to finish seventh while this week but those “I owe it to them. They've always been the reason why France topped China 81-67 to come in fifth. - two crucial putts were I've been working hard to play well and stay Inquirer.net a gift from God,” said competitive.”- Inquirer.net

EXPRESS SUDOKU 3241 HOW TO PLAY: Place a number from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each EXPRESS CROSSWORD 3241 row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers from 1 to 9 ACROSS 1. Nascence 6. An enclosed conduit 10. Mend (archaic) 14. Potato state 15. Dwarf buffalo 16. Shade of blue 17. A popular vote by the electorate 19. Religious splinter group 20. Potential 21. Mineral rock 22. Scrabble piece 23. Smell 25. Pariah 26. What a person is called 30. Antenna 32. Not precise 35. Deviate 39. 2nd largest country 40. Autobiography DOWN 41. Hard to pin down 43. Big ape 1. Engage in logrolling 18. And so forth 42. Honorable 2. Bright thought 24. Eastern newt 43. Athletic facility 44. Verse 3. Flat float 25. Pry 45. Androids 46. "Oh my!" 4. You (archaic) 26. Agreeable 47. Bad treatment 47. Units of land 5. Brass musical instruments 27. A Freudian stage 48. Sores on toes Solution to Sudoku 3240 Answers to Crossword 3240 50. Four-bagger (baseball) 6. One of the tribes of Israel 28. List of options 49. Kino gum 53. Rude person 7. Foiled 29. Incense 51. Conceit 54. Bro or sis 8. Wooed 31. Large luxurious 52. Stadium walkways 55. Gambling 9. Docile car 54. Arid 60. Constellation bear 61. Frugal 10. Germs in the blood 33. "Bye" 56. Bog 11. Provide 34. Grotto 57. Computer symbol 63. Hissy fit 64. Be worthy of 12. Gown fabric 36. Somersault 58. Apprehends 13. Consumer of food 37. Arizona river 59. Delight 65. Investigate 66. Feudal worker 38. Historical periods 62. Born as 67. If not 68. Feel

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