Rene Herse® is a registered trademark of Rene Herse Cycles

This file ist not intended for printing.

Here you will find the aggregated texts otherwise accompanying the scans on Flickr.

Direct jumps to the catalogues in this file:

1948 1952 1960 1971 1979

01 René Herse Catalogues Collection

General Info:

In this documentation you will find all the information I have collected over the last years regarding this topic.

It has scans of 107 catalogue pages (91 with Rebour drawings), 6 cover scans as well as scans of some adverts, letters and the order sheet, accompanied by lots of texts consisting of French transcriptions, English translations and further informations, especially dating of the catalogues.

As I don't have (and don't want to have) a personal homepage or blog, I thought Flickr is a good place to share, especially because it keeps the uploaded image files in its original format and quality. That's a good thing if you've spent countless hours to produce good files. Hopefully Flickr will keep its services for many years to come.

René Herse catalogues were published in 1948, 1952, 1960 (with extra sheets 1962 and new cover 1964), 1971 and in 1979. The first two were small booklets, the others were loose–leaf type, sheets printed on both sides, wrapped in an envelope.

To my knowledge these should be all catalogues ever published by René Herse.

If you own or know a catalogue with (perhaps slightly) different content than in my scans, I'd be very grateful if you'd let me know. (The loose–leaf type catalogues often have different content than that in my scans. Frequently they are not complete, in the 1970s sometimes sheets from the 1960s are enclosed.)

Jan Heine is the owner of all "René Herse" rights. The scans are shown here with his friendly permission.

I transcribed the French text of the catalogues, translated it to English (with friendly help of translator, neither English nor French is my native language) and added both under each scan. You could copy and paste the French texts into a translation machine of your choice to a different language you prefer.

Catalogue specs:

1948: 16 pages, 210 mm x 129 mm 1952: 21 pages, 212 mm x 135 mm 1960: 24 pages (12 sheets), 210 mm x 130 mm 1962: 4 pages (2 additional sheets), 210 mm x 130 mm 1964: 28 pages (14 sheets), 210 mm x 130 mm (new cover only) 1971: 24 pages (12 sheets), 206-212 mm x 135 mm 1979: 18 pages (9 sheets), mm x mm

Further information can be found under the "Cover" scans for each catalogue.

For information when which catalogue model appeared or disappeared or was renamed please refer to the following model overview.

René Herse catalogue reprints on paper:

Reprints of the 1948 catalogue can be found in Jan Heine's Vintage Bicycle Quarterly 10 (Volume 3 No. 2), Winter 2004 page 13 – 17 (models only, b/w) as well as in Jan Heine's book "René Herse, The Bikes, The Builder, The Riders" 2012 page 136 – 145 (coloured, h/q). Heine's remarks on this catalogue are quoted here with "VBQ 10" and "Herse Book".

Both, Bicycle Quarterly magazine and Herse book, are highly recommended!

The 1952, 1964, 1971 and 1979 catalogues were reprinted in Japanese "New Cycling" magazine, René Herse Special Feature, 09/2001, Vol. 39 No. 450 page 140ff (b/w only, quality a little mediocre compared to Heine's Herse book).

The 1952 and 1971 catalogues were also reprinted in Japanese book イラストによるスポーツ車と部品の変遷 ("Transition of sports cars and parts by illustration") (AKA "Le monde de Daniel Rebour") Vol. I (1971) and Vol. II (1952), Japanese texts, quality a little more mediocre. Reminder:

When looking at the bicycle models always keep in mind that "Herse did not really offer specific bicycle models, but made the bikes to the customer's specification" (Heine). Many of the bicycles shown in these catalogues where special built show–bicycles, often sold after the shows. The catalogue models just served as inspiration or examples of what was available/possible.

Some words about the scans:

Scans were done in 600 dpi and uploaded to Flickr in lossless .png format.

The small drawings in the upper corners needed totally different scanner settings and reworking than the main drawings to get best results, so they were scanned (in 1200 dpi) and reworked separately (also downsized) and joined to the main scans afterwards.

I retouched background–irregularities. That was the case with all white and blue backgrounds but especially with the 1952 catalogue, where front and back sides of most pages somewhat interchanged their printing ink through the paper (mostly the texts on the blue background and the small blue drawings but not so much the main drawings). The reworking required a uniform blue background for the texts, which makes the scans looking somewhat artificial and may not match the colour of the original properly (which wasn't captured by the scanner anyway, at least not with scanner settings chosen to provide best results with the main drawings). But I like the and as a side effect it decreases the file size by about 30% to 40%. Altogether it was worth the effort of sometimes more than two hours per scan. I'm happy with the results now. The drawings itself were not touched (!), neither the main nor the small drawings. (Except from contrast, brightness and other general colour settings).

Every pixel is exactly where it should be now. : – )


Before uploading the scans I had stored the texts and translations in a text file anyway.

As Google–bots visit single Flickr uploads only rarely (if ever) and the Flickr search itself doesn't really work well at all, I thought a searchable file with direct weblinks to the scans would be helpful, when looking for specific content or reading the text in one go. I hope the links will work for a long . That is what you find under this link: thread.147478/post-4633286

Note: That file ist not (!) intended for printing. Font type and size are chosen for monitor reading.

02 René Herse Catalogues Model overview

Some of the drawings of bicycle models and components were used in more than one catalogue. Furthermore many drawings were published at other places, especially in Rebour's books from 1949, 1962 and 1975 and in the French magazines "Le Cycle" and "Le Cycliste", also in the two newer books with reprints of Rebour drawings, the Japanese "Data Book" and Rob van der Plas' and Frank Berto's Rebour book.

If you really like Rebour's drawings of René Herse bicycles, you should get van der Plas' and Berto's Rebour book. It has no catalogue reprint but many many beautiful drawings of Herse bicycles not shown in the catalogues, mainly randonneuses and tandems of successful drivers on "Poly" and PBP events.

If anybody has time and leisure to find out which drawings appeared more than one time in the catalogues (possibly with minor modifications) and/or appeared at other places, please do so and furnish me with the details. I will add the information here. Or simply add the information as a comment under the scans.

03 Dating of the first Catalogue by advertisements.

"Le Cycliste" Dec. 1947:

"L'artisan R. Herse présente ses bons voeux à tous ses amis et les incite à lui demander dès maintenant son album illustré 1948."

"The artisan R. Herse sends his best wishes to all his friends and invites them to ask him for his 1948 illustrated album from now on."

"Le Cycliste" Jan. 1948:

"Saison d‘hiver, saison de préparation. L'artisan R. Herse peut vous étudier la machine dont vous rêvez. Dès maintenant démandez–lui son catalogue illustré 1948." "Winter season, preparation season. The artisan R. Herse can design the machine of your dreams. From now on, ask him for his illustrated 1948 catalogue."

04 Dating of the second Catalogue by its content. The appearance and disappearance of René Herse motorized bicycle models, introduction of the "Federal" model.

Appearance: a) May 6th, 1951, Poly de Chanteloup, Salon de plein air "Le Cycle", May 26th, 1951, No. 13 page 21 "La Technique à la Poly", author Daniel Rebour

"Nous avons remarqué, [… ,] en fait de surprise, un superbe tandem motorisé avec MOSQUITO, résultat d'une commande impérative, et non l'indication d'une Politique future... Mais qui sait ?"

"We have noticed,[…,] in fact of surprise, a superb motorized tandem with MOSQUITO, the result of an imperative order, and not the indication of a future Policy.... But who knows?" b) Oct. 4th to 14th, 1951, Salon de l'automobile, du cycle et du motocycle "Le Cycle", Oct. 13th, 1951, No. 23 page 21 "A travers les stands du salon", author Daniel Rebour

"Pour la première fois, HERSE expose deux "motorisés", un vélo mixte et un tandem, tous deux avec le MOSQUITO, réservoir plat, dans la triangulation, ne gênant pas le pédalage, et contenant 2 litres 300 et litres 800 de carburant." "For the first time, HERSE is exhibiting two "motorized" bicycles, a mixte bicycle and a tandem, both with the MOSQUITO, a flat tank, located in the triangulation, which does not interfere with pedalling, and contains 2 litres 300 and 800 litres of fuel." c) Oct. 31st to Nov. 19th, 1951, Salon du tourisme et de l'industrie hôtelière "Le Cycle", Nov. 10th, 1951, No. 25 page 24 "Le cyclisme au Salon du Tourisme", author L. Rollet

"CYCLOCAMPING, telle est l'idée maîtresse qui évoque cette présentation. Un tandem motorisé HERSE–MOSQUITO a laissé rêveur de nombreux visiteurs."

"CYCLOCAMPING, this is the main idea behind this presentation. A HERSE–MOSQUITO motorized tandem has left many visitors dreaming."

In a photo the mentioned tandem is shown, and another bicycle, which also should be motorized. In the photo, the second bicycle is partially covered by two visitors, so that one cannot tell if it is a motorized bicycle. The usual Herse model range is not shown here, but should be on "La nuit du Cyclotourisme" on Nov. 17th. d) Nov 1951, "Le Cycliste", Herse advertisement

"Jusqu‘a fin decembre les modèles du salon René Herse restent expose à son magasin."

"Until the end of December the René Herse models from Salon remain on display at his store."

I guess, that includes the motorized models. It could have been the last time they were shown. The ordered tandem should have been delivered to the customer, the mixte perhaps was sold to another client. Never again I found those models mentioned.

Disappearance: e) May 4th, 1952, Poly de Chanteloup, Salon de plein air, "Le Cycle", May 17th, 1952, No. 13 page 17 "La polymultipliée", author Daniel Rebour

"Deux stands sans moteur! Ni HERSE, ni GOELAND ne nous présentaient de motorisés, mais de très belles machines de cyclotourisme et de sport."

"Two stands without motors! Neither HERSE nor GOELAND presented us motorized, but very beautiful touring bicycles and sports machines." f) Oct. 2nd to 12th, 1952, Salon de l'automobile, du cycle et du motocycle, "Le Cycliste", Oct. 1952, Herse advertisement:

"René herse presente lui–meme au Salon du Cycle, Stand no. 305, ses modèles pour 1953."

"René Herse presents himself at the Salon du Cycle, Stand no. 305, his models for 1953." g) Oct. 2nd to 12th, 1952, Salon de l'automobile, du cycle et du motocycle, "Le Cycle", Oct. 20th, 1952, No. 23 page 9 "Bilan 1952", author Daniel Rebour

"D'abord, le cyclomoteur a encore fait des adeptes, [...,] il n'est pas présent sur tous les stands. Laissant à nos confrères et techniciens Paul Boyenval et Jean Bonnet le soin de vous parler des motorisés, nous enregistrons qu'ils n'auront pas à citer les noms de LA PERLE, OSCAR EGG, HERSE, GIOR, Charles PELISSIER, CAPTIVANTE, ROCHET, DELANGLE, YVARS, ni celui d'un des deux représentants des cycles étrangers, l'Anglais HUMBER."

"First of all, the cyclomoteur has gained more fans,[...,] it is not present on all the stands. Leaving it to our colleagues and technicians Paul Boyenval and Jean Bonnet to talk to you about the motorized, we record that they will not have to mention the names of LA PERLE, OSCAR EGG, HERSE, GIOR, Charles PELISSIER, CAPTIVANTE, ROCHET, DELANGLE, YVARS, nor that of one of the two representatives of the foreign cycles, the English HUMBER."

So motorized models were not part of the 1953 model range any more. (Note: Paul Boyenval was Rebour's pseudonym when he wrote about motorcycles.)

New in the 1953 model range was the seattube mounted JOS taillight i) ("Le Cycle", page 13).

(On the last page of the 2018 Cycles Grand Bois catalogue you can see a photo of a restored motorized tandem, stating that three of such machines were built. As its serial number seems to be 147, it would be a pre 1950 built. Either the tandem shown at the Poly de Chanteloup 1951 was not the first motorized tandem by Herse, but had at least one predecessor which wasn‘t shown or mentioned anywhere, or the tandem in Japan had no motor when it was built pre 1950 and was fitted with a motor later, or anything else may have happened.)

Reason for disappearance perhaps:

"Le Cycliste" Nov. 1951, page 241 "Au Salon 1951 a la recherche des nouveautés", author Jacques Legrand

"Il était impossible de parler du Salon de 1951 sans faire une place aux engins motorisés, mais après la fermeture des portes, nous pouvons dire que la bicyclette n'a pas souffert du voisinage ; la clientèle du moteur n'est pas la même que celle du vélo, c'est une clientèle nouvelle, née en grande partie de l'absence de voitures d'occasion à un prix normal et peut–être aussi de l'augmentation du prix des transports; clientèle féminine bien souvent qui n'a jamais réellement pratiqué le vélo et qui n'aurait aucune chance d'y venir jamais. Réjouissons–nous donc, la «petite Reine» n'est pas encore menacée dans son existence ni dans sa vogue près de ceux qui savent l'apprécier."

"It was impossible to talk about the 1951 Salon without making room for motorized vehicles, but after the doors closed, we can say that the bicycle did not suffer from the neighbourhood; the clientele of the motor is not the same as that of the bicycle, it is a new clientele, born largely from the absence of second–hand cars at a normal price and perhaps also from the increase in the price of transport; female clientele very often who have never really practiced the bicycle and who would never have any chance of coming there. Let us rejoice, then, that the "little Queen" is not yet threatened in her existence or in her fashion by those who know how to appreciate her."

(René Herse clientele ≠ motorized cycles clientele???)

Introduction of the "Federal" model: h) Nov. 17th, 1951, La 3me Nuit du Cyclotourisme "Le Cycle", Dec. 8th, 1951, No. 2 page 12 "La Nuit du Cyclotourisme", Rebour

"HERSE, dans son très grand stand au décor bleu ciel, la machine victorieuse des deux «Poly» parisienne et lyonnaise, occupait la place centrale. Nous retrouvions tous les modèles des bicyclettes exposées au Salon de la Porte de Versailles dotées de tous les perfectionnements connus, et «finies» avec un goût qui ne fut jamais dépassé. Une petite nouveauté: un feu rouge facilement démontable pour changement d'ampoule, grâce à un petit écrou à oreilles. Une nouveauté plus importante : un nouveau modèle de machine sur mesure dit le «FEDERAL» reconnaissable à son manchon bleu foncé étoilé de clair, et permettant à celui qui ne dispose que d'une bourse modeste d'obtenir un vélo de grande classe à ses cotes personnelles. Notons que ce prototype, offert en loterie par R. HERSE, fut heureusement gagné par un jeune, revenant du régiment."

"HERSE, in his very large stand with its sky blue decor, the winning machine of the two Parisian and Lyon "Poly" occupied the central place. We found all the bicycles models exhibited at the Salon at the Porte de Versailles equipped with all the known refinements, and "finished" with a taste that was never exceeded. A small novelty: a red light easily demountable for changing bulbs, thanks to a small wingnut. A more important novelty: a new model of a made to measure machine called the "FEDERAL" recognizable by its light starred dark blue sleeve, and allowing anyone who has only a modest purse to get a high class bicycle at his personal measurements. It should be noted that this prototype, offered in a lottery by R. HERSE, was fortunately won by a young man, returning from the regiment." The event was organized by the FFCT. "Federal" models were offered by several constructeurs and had to meet the FFCT standards (which I don't know but at least include a certain pricing). At the same time the two motorized models should be on the Salon du Tourisme until Nov. 19th.

05 Dating of the third Catalogue plus additional sheets by advertisements.

"Le Cycliste" Nov/Dec 1959:

"Saison d'hiver… Èlaboration des futures Randonnées… Avant de prendre une décision, n'hésitez pas à consulter René Herse, qui tient à votre disposition le catalogue de sa nouvelle gamme de machines; catalogue d‘une présentation toute nouvelle, avec étude détaillée et commentée de sa fabrication."

"Winter season... Elaboration of future excursions... Before taking a decision, do not hesitate to consult René Herse, who has at your disposal the catalogue of his new range of machines; a catalogue of a completely new presentation, with a detailed and commented preoccupation with the manufacturing."

"Le Cycliste" Jan/Feb 1962:

"N'attendez pas les jours ensoleillés pour préparer votre matériel et demandez dès maintenant le catalogue René Herse. Si vous le possédez, vous pouvez compléter cette riche documentation par ses feuillets "CRÉATIONS 1962"" "Don't wait for sunny days to prepare your equipment and ask for the René Herse catalogue now. If you have it, you can complete this rich documentation with its "1962 CREATIONS" sheets."

06 René H erse Order sheet

The order sheet remained unchanged from the 1950s to the 1980s. The oldest I've seen so far was with a catalogue sent to a customer in 1956, the youngest is on the CR website with a 1979 catalogue.

07 René Herse Letter English

Mid 70s

08 René Herse letter French

End 60s

1948 René Herse C atalogue Cover

"Les machines présentées dans ce catalogue sont spécialement étudiées dans leurs plus petits détails, et seront montées avec les accessoires de votre choix."

"The machines presented in this catalogue are specially designed in their smallest details, and will be assembled with the accessories of your choice."

VBQ 10 page 13: [Recently, a very old René Herse catalogue came to light in France. The cover is the same as the well–known "first" René Herse catalogue published around 1948 – 1950. (Footnote in VBQ: Reprinted in New Cycling 9/2001 "René Herse", page 140 from back). Closer inspection reveals that all but one of the bicycle drawings inside are different. Based on the bikes it shows, the catalogue appears to date from 1946. (Footnote in VBQ: A preserved, original 1945 René herse bike has the older lettering "R. Herse" on the down tube, and the older "Speedy" type brakes. The catalogue shows the newer "René Herse" lettering and Herse brakes. This provides a "minimum age" of 1945. The drawings are signed "DR" instead of the more familiar "D. Rebour" a style adopted in early 1947. (…) Therefore the catalogue appears to date from 1946 or early 1947. (…) The original catalogue was printed in an oblong format with one bike per page. The images are not always perfectly centered on the paper. The illustrations were made by the famous Daniel Rebour, who quickly had made a name for himself with his precise drawings. Through skillful simplification, for example, leaving out the spokes, Rebour focused the eye on the essential parts of the bike. This made his drawings more expressive and clearer than photographs. Starting in 1936, René Herse had made lightweight aluminum components that were used by many riders in various competitions: stems and cranks at first, later also cantilever brakes and many small parts. Herse had started building bicycles in 1940. Within a short time, his bikes became known for perfection in design and execution. Like most constructeurs, Herse not only made frames, but designed fully integrated bikes. Racks were custom–made, fenders and light were integral parts of the bicycle's design. Beyond the elegance of these machines, this approach provided very real advantages. Everything worked together perfectly, nothing rattled or came loose. The bikes shown in the catalogue are not production models among which customers had to choose, but merely suggestions. Every Herse was a complete custom bike, down to the smallest detail. On each catalogue page a small vignette, also drawn by Rebour, provides a context for the machine.]

Herse Book page 136:

[The first René Herse catalogue dates from 1946 or 1947. Drawn by Daniel Rebour, it features many of the bikes exhibited in 1946 at various bike shows. Despite the model names, Herse did not really offer specific bicycle models, but made the bikes to the customer's specification. For example, the Cyclotouriste in the catalogue uses wide 650B wheels, but the similar bike shown on page 156 is equipped with narrower 700C wheels.]

Actually the first catalogue was available from Dec. 1947 on. It was announced in an advertisement in "Le Cycliste" Dec. 1947 and also offered in an advertisement in Jan. 1948. In these ads it was named "Catalogue 1948".

Obviously, there was no catalogue before that. If you look through René Herse advertisements (see my relevant Flickr album), you will find that Herse usually offered catalogues in his adverts, but not before Dec. 1947.

The 1948 catalogue has 16 pages plus cover.

Most of the drawings of this catalogue incl. 7 of 8 bicycle models were also used by Daniel Rebour in his 1949 book "La pratique du Vélo" (and reprinted from that source in van der Plas' Rebour book).

Heine in Classic Rendevous Mailing List on Dec. 15, 2004: [Furthermore, the bike drawings from the much rarer first René Herse catalogue (only two surviving copies known) was reprinted with the usual VBQ quality in the latest issue of Vintage Bicycle Quarterly (Vol. 3, No. 2).] (This information is a little bit old, I guess meanwhile more than two copies are known, mine is at least the third)

1 948 René Herse C atalogue Page 1


"Quoi de plus agréable que de visiter nos belles régions. Mon dérailleur de pédalier sera doux sous vos doigts. Mon éclairage monté par contact ne sera jamais en défaut. Mes roulements ne prendront jamais de jeu, puisque montés sur S.K.F. Et mon porte– sacoches AV laissera toute souplesse à ma fourche."

"What could be more pleasant than to visit our beautiful regions. My crankset will be smooth under your fingers. My contact mounted lighting will never be defective. My bearings will never develope play, since mounted with S.K.F. And my front rack will leave my fork flexible."

VBQ 10 page 13:

[A wonderful machine for riding far and wide. The 46x28 chainrings provide a useful spread of gears. The special front rack allows the fork ends to flex and absorb shocks. Herse soon dropped the direct–clamp, because it does not allow changing the handlebar height.]

Herse Book page 138: [The front rack of the Cyclotouriste is attached to the straight section of the fork blades, allowing the tips to flex and absorb shocks.]

1 948 René Herse Catalogue Page 2


"Madame ou Mademoiselle que se soit à la ville ou à la montagne, je serai toujous l'Amie fidèle, car à ma ligne élégante j'associe avec mes 8 vitesses et mon équipement Élégance – Rendement – Solidité"

"Madam or Mademoiselle whether in the city or in the mountains, I will always be the faithful Friend, because of my elegant lines I associate with my 8 speeds and my equipment Elegance – Performance – Solidity"

VBQ 10 page 13:

[A sporty bike that basically is a female version of the Cyclotouriste, but with a smaller (randonneur–style) front rack. Quite a machine to carry your poodle around town (see inset drawing). But then, an Herse was the ultimate status symbol in 1946.]

Herse Book page 138:

[The women's bike now features a modern frame with a single diagonal tube an two extra stays bracing the rear triangle.]

1948 René Herse Catalogue Page 3 Camping

"Cyclo–Campeurs, En France, à l'Étranger sans crainte vous pourrez me charger, mon cadre construit en série "Tandem" et mes porte– bagages pourront tout supporter."

"Cyclo–Campeurs, In France and abroad, without fear you can load me, my frame built from "Tandem" tubing and my luggage racks can handle anything."

VBQ 10 page 13:

[Low–riders were about 5 years in the future, but this is a competent bike for long trips. The drum brake allows keeping your speed in check on unpaved descents. Herse had not yet devised his special light mount for the Radios front light (footnote in VBQ: A similar RH camping bike, No. 109 36 148, from 1948, is equipped with the new light mount)]

Herse Book page 139:

[The camping was made from oversized "tandem" tubing, but most surviving camping bikes feature standard–diameter tubing.]

1948 René Herse Catalogue Page 4


"En Dilettante, vous pourrez mes monter, foncer, bagarrer, et même rivaliser, car avec mes 5 Vitesses pour Lutter, je suis née."

"As Amateur, you can get on me, go for it, battle, and even compete, because with my 5 Speeds to Fight, I was born." VBQ 10 page 13:

["For the amateur racer", with 5 – speed Simplex derailleur and fat sew–up tires, Herse aluminium cranks, cantilever brakes and an alloy–railed saddle made the bike bike much lighter than most professional riders' machines at the time.]

Herse Book page 140:

[The competition is superlight, with only 5 speeds and cantilever brakes.]

1948 René Herse Catalogue Page 5


"Pour le Randonneur, je fus concue, car avec un minimum de poids, je réunis les qualités: Confort – Rendement – Solidité"

"For the Randonneur, I was designed, because with a minimum of weight, I combine the qualities: Comfort – Performance – Solidity"

VBQ 10 page 13:

["Comfort, speed, strength" Designed to keep weight to a minimum: generator with incorporated headlight, small rack and relatively narrow (700C?) tires. A small error by Rebour: The large chainring is drawn in side the small one.]

Herse Book page 139: [The Randonneuse is equipped with narrower 700C tires and a headlight in unit with the dynamo.]

1948 René Herse C atalogue Page 6


"Monsieur, avec Moi vous serez toujours impeccable, même par mauvais temps, mes garde–boue et mon carter de cuir vous protègeront de la boue, et vous économiserez pour vos déplacements un temps précieux."

"Sir, with Me you will always be perfect, even in bad weather, my mudguards and my leather (?) chain guard will protect you from the mud, and you will save valuable time for your travels."

VBQ 10 page 13:

[This bike was renamed "Porteur" for the next catalogue. What a stylish way to ride to the office! Those immense fenders and chainguard should keep your your clothes clean! But the huge front rack really makes this a Porteur for newspaper carriers, unless your briefcase weighs 50 kg (110 lbs).]

Herse Book page 141:

[The ville is a porteur bike for newspaper carriers, with a front rack to carry 50kg (100 lb) of newspaper and large fenders to keep the rider's feet dry.]

1948 René Herse Catalogue Page 7 Chanteloup

"Étudié spécialement par mon constructeur, pour prendre part aux épreuves "cyclosportives", mon cadre est d'une extrême rigité, puisque monté en tubes de diamètres sélectionnés. De plus, j'offre tout confort, je possède également porte sac de guidon, éclairage et garde–boue."

"Specially designed by my manufacturer to take part in "cyclosportive" events, my frame is extremely rigid, as it is mounted in tubes of selected diameters. In addition, I offer every comfort, I also have handlebar bag holder, lighting and mudguards."

VBQ 10 page 13:

[A great perfomance tandem, ready for competition or Paris – Brest – Paris. With only a small front rack and cantilever brakes, this one is not for loaded touring – the emphasis is on speed. The very first Herse tandems with "open" frames appear to have had round tubes (instead of oval) connecting the bottom brackets. Herse already was experimenting with mounting the taillight on the rear of the seat tube, but more elegant solutions were still to come.]

Herse Book page 140:

[The chanteloup tandem is built for performance, with an open frame to save weight.]

1948 René Herse Catalogue Page 8

Grand Routier "Suivant votre caprice, nous camperons au fond de la Vallée, au détour du chemin... grâce à la disposition de mon haubannage, qui assure le plus haut rendement, et une tenue de route inégalée, vous purrez me charger, je supporterai tout. Mes Moyeux CAR et mon pédalier à roulements Timken ne seront jamais en défaut."

"According to your mood, we will camp at the bottom of the Valley, around the bend of the road... thanks to the arrangement of my stays, which ensures the highest output, and an unequalled road holding, you will be able to task me, I will support everything. My CAR Hubs and crankset with Timken bearings will never fail."

VBQ 10 page 13:

[Ready to go wherever the road leads: Double triangulation, a rear drum brake and substantial racks make this a great camping bike for two. On camping bikes, Herse sometimes mounted a rear cantilever brake in front of the seatstays, out of the way of the panniers.]

Herse Book page 141:

[The Grand Routier features two sets of triangulation tubes to stiffen the frame and sturdy racks to carry large load.]

1948 René Herse Catalogue Page 9

Pédalier – Dérailleur de Plateau

Crankset – chainring derailleur (i.e. front derailleur)

"Pédalier Dural à Emmanchement Carré permettant le changement de plateau, sans le démontage de la manivelle." "Dural crankset, with suare tapered bottom bracket, allowing the chainring to be changed without removing the crank."

"Dérailleur de Pédalier à commande directe, permettant le maximum d'écart entre les plateaux."

"Direct operated crankset derailleur, allowing the maximum range between the chainrings."

Herse Book page 143:

[The "direct" lever operation of the front derailleur allowed better control during the shift, which was useful with wide–range gearing.]

1948 René Herse Catalogue Page 10

Potence en Duralumin forge

Forged Duralumin stems

"Voici deux potences à plongeur. Ci–dessus, modèle à fixation par expandeur visible. À droite, modèle à expandeur invisible et bouchon formant plaque d'identité"

"Here are two quill stems. Above, model with visible expander bolt. On the right, model with invisible expander bolt and plug serving as nameplate."

"Ci–contre, potence à collier venant directement en serrage sur le tube fileté."

"Opposite, clamped stem mounted directly on the threaded tube." "Ces Potences se font en toutes dimensions et sont gravées au nom du client."

"These stems are made in all dimensions and are engraved with the customer's name."

Herse Book page 142:

[Early Herse stem had the stem bolt protude from the stem, later versions had a recess for the bolt head, which was covered by a cap.]

1948 René Herse Catalogue Page 11

Freins Cantilever

Cantilever brakes

"De tous les Freins pour le cyclotourisme, il est Le Plus Efficace, grâce à un calcul judicieux des leviers, absence totale de friction. Le Plus Doux, obéit sous la pression d'un doigt. Il permet le dèmontage de la roue sans dégonfler le pneu, sans toucher à son propre règlage."

"Of all the brakes for cycling tourism, it is the Most Efficient, thanks to a well calculated leverage, total absence of friction. The Gentle One, follows under the pressure of one finger. It allows the removal of the wheel without deflating the tire, without touching its own adjustment."

"Frein AR pour vélo dame, se montant sous la triangulation." "Rear brake for ladies bicycle, mounted beneath the triangle."

Herse Book page 144:

[For the rear of women's bikes, Herse offered cantilever brakes with shorter arms to clear the rider's heels (Top right)]

1948 René Herse Catalogue Page 12

Porte–Sacoches Avant et Arrière

Front and rear pannier racks.

"Porte–sacoches AV étudié spécialement pour laisser à la fourche toute sa souplesse."

"Front pannier rack specially designed to keep the fork all its flexibility."

"Porte–bagages AR tourisme, se fait comme tous nos modèles en tube d'acier étiré et chromé sur cuivre."

"Touring rear luggage rack, is made like all our models in drawn steel tube and chrome–plated on copper."

Herse Book page 142:

[The light–duty front rack "allows the fork to retain all its suppleness". The rear rack is attached only to the dropouts and fender.]

1948 René Herse Catalogue Page 13 Support de Sac

Bag support

"Voici réuni en un seul Porte–Sacoches et Porte–Sac de guidon. Il vous donnera entière satisfaction."

"Here is a combined pannier rack and handlebar bag holder. It will give you complete satisfaction."

"Élégant Support–Sac–de Guidon très léger. Spécialement étudié pour les épreuves cyclo–sportives."

"Elegant, very light handlebar bag support. Specially designed for cyclo–sport events."

Herse Book page 143:

[The rack on the left "combines a rack to carry panniers and a handlebar bag support in one unit"]

1948 René Herse Catalogue Page 14

Porte–Bagages Avant et Arrière "Camping"

Front and rear luggage racks "Camping"

"Double fixation par vis sur la tête de fourche."

"Double screw fastening on the fork head." "Pour les Campeurs, voici deux porte–bagages étudies spécialement, une double chappe donne à la fixation inférieure le maximum de rigité."

"For campers, here are two specially designed luggage racks, a double clevis gives the lower attachment maximum rigidity."

Herse Book page 144:

[Camping racks for loaded touring attached to the top or, more often, the sides of the fork crown.]

1948 René Herse Catalogue Page 15

Et les Sacoches!

And the panniers!

"Toutes les Sacoches sont en toile imperméable de première qualité. Le modèle à gauche peut se monter indifféremmant sur porte sacoches AV ou AR. Le modèle ci–dessus permet de mettre dans les sacoches latérales nécaissaires de réparation, objets de toilette etc…"

"All bags are made of top quality waterproof canvas. The model on the left can be mounted either on the front or rear pannier rack. The above model allows to put in the side bags necessities of maintenance, bathroom articles etc…"

Herse Book page 145:

[All Herse bags were made from "highest–quality waterproof fabric"] 1948 René Herse Catalogue Page 16

Sac de Guidon – Sacoches "Camping"

Handlebar bag – "Camping" panniers

"Très jolie et très pratique sac de guidon. A conseiller tout particulièrement pour la randonnée."

"Very nice and practical handlebar bag. Especially recommended for randonneuring."

"Et voici pour le Camping les indispensables sacoches AR à double poches."

"And here are the indispensable double pocket rear panniers for camping."

Herse Book page 145:

[The handlebar bag still opens backward, making its contents inaccessible while riding.]

1952 René Herse Catalogue Cover

"Les machines présentées dans ce catalogue sont spécialement étudiées dans leurs plus petits détails et seront montées avec les accessoires de votre choix." "The machines presented in this catalogue are specially designed in their smallest details and will be assembled with the accessories of your choice."

Herse Book page 285 [Like other constructeurs, Herse tried to incorporate new motorized technologies, to keep riders interested in cyclotouring. He introduced a motorized bicycle and even a tandem. Few appear to have been made. This illustration is from Herse's 1950s catalogue. (Footnote in book: This catalogue can be dated by a motorized tandem, which was presented at the 1951 Poly de Chanteloup (...). The catalogue does not show the JOS lights, which were introduced in 1952, and which were used on many Herse bikes.]

(Little Off Topic correction: JOS lights were introduced at the 1951 Salon, Oct. 1951.)

It is a small booklet of 21 pages plus cover.

As there are no René Herse advertisements indicating a new catalogue at the beginning of the 50s, the publication date of this catalogue has to be determined by its content.

Based on the information from various articles in "Le Cycle" this catalogue definitely shows an intended 1952 model range: – motorized models were first shown during 1951, tandem in May, single in Oct. – "Federal" model prototype was introduced Nov. 17th 1951 – same with wingnut mounted taillight. As these things are illustrated in the catalogue, it can not show a 1951 or earlier model range. – motorized models were dropped during 1952 but are shown in the catalogue – seattube mounted JOS taillights on Herse bicycles were introduced Oct. 1952 (part of the 1953 model range) but are not shown in the catalogue. Thats why this catalogue can not show a 1953 or later model range. The only remaining year is 1952.

While "model range 1952" is a solid data, publication date is not. In theory it could have been published on any date after Nov. 17th 1951. In practice the latest publication date is limited by such a catalogue sold on Ebay UK in Dec. 2016. It was accompanied by a 1953 price list. Mark Bulgier saved the auction photos (Thank you!!).

( In case the winner of that auction reads this: photos/scans of the price list would be a great thing to add in this album).

The catalogue remained unchanged at least until 1957, as I‘ve seen an Ebay auction of such a catalogue with a letter to the client dating from that year. It seems quite unlikely to me that another catalogue was issued before the publication of the 1960 catalogue.

And the catalogue seems to have been reprinted. You don't even have to take a close look to see that the printing templates of page 20 had gone bad for the edition of my catalogue. The original for the reprint in New Cycling was of better quality.

1952 René Herse Catalogue page 1


"Quoi de plus agréable que de visiter nos belles régions. En ma compagnie vous pourrez excursionner dans toutes régions, car de 15 vitesses je suis équipé. Mes roulements ne prendront jamais de jeu, puisque montés sur S.K.F. Mon éclairage monté par contact ne sera jamais en défaut."

"What could be more pleasant than visiting our beautiful regions. In my companionship you will be able to excursion in all regions, because of 15 speeds I am equipped with. My bearings will never develope play, since mounted with S.K.F. My contact mounted lighting will never fail."

1952 René Herse Catalogue page 2


"En Dilettante, vous pourrez mes monter, foncer, bagarrer, et même rivaliser, car avec mes 5 Vitesses pour Lutter, je suis née."

"As Amateur, you can get on me, go for it, battle, and even compete, because with my 10 Speeds to Fight, I was born."

1952 René Herse Catalogue page 3


"Pour le Randonneur, je sui concue, mes fourreaux ronde et mon cadre monté en tubes de diamètres choisis font un ensemble d'une extrême rigidité. Je réunis toutes les qualités: Confort – Rendement – Solidité"

"For the Randonneur, I'm designed, my round fork blades and my frame mounted with tubes of selected diameters make an extremely rigid whole. I combine all the qualities: Comfort – Performance – Solidity" 1952 René Herse Catalogue page 4

Fédéral (new model)

"D'un prix plus modeste, je n'envie rien à mes frères aînés, puisque construit entièrement sur mesure et que de 8 vitesses je suis équipé."

"Of a more modest price, I don't envy anything to my elder brothers, since I am entirely made to measure and equipped with 8 speeds."

1952 René Herse Catalogue page 5


"Cyclo–Campeurs, En France, à l'Étranger sans crainte vous pourrez voyager, Mon cadre construit en série "Tandem" et mes porte– bagages d'une grande rigidité vous assurant une parfaite stabilité"

"Cyclo–Campeurs, In France and abroad, without fear you can travel. My frame built in "Tandem" tubing and my rigid luggage racks ensure perfect stability."

1952 René Herse Catalogue page 6


"Madame ou Mademoiselle que se soit à la ville ou en vacances, je serai toujous l'amie fidèle, car à ma ligne élégante, j'associe Élégance – Rendement – Solidité" "Madame or Mademoiselle, whether in town or on vacation, I'll always be the faithful friend, because of my elegant lines, I associate Elegance – Performance – Solidity"

1 952 René Herse Catalogue page 7

Ville (new model)

"Monsieur, avec Moi vous serez toujours impeccable. Mon carter vour protégera éfficacement. Et, aidé par mon moyeau Sturmey– Archer à 4 vitesses, vous économiserez, pour vos déplacements un temps précieux."

"Sir, with Me you will always be perfect. My chainguard will protect you effectively. And, helped by my 4 speed Sturmey–Archer hub, you will save precious time for your travels."

1 952 René Herse Catalogue page 8

Porteur (former Ville)

"Qu'il pleuve ou qu'il vente, je dois toujours être présent. Mais aprés le travail, tranquilement, vous pourrez vous reposer; grâce à ma construction robuste, de mon entretien, vous serez dispensé."

"Rain or sunshine, I must always be present. But after work, relaxed, you can rest; thanks to my robust construction, you will be relieved from my maintenance."

1952 René Herse Catalogue page 9 Cyclomoteur (new model)

"Mon cadre renforcé, mon système de freins parfaitement étudié, vous assurent le maximum de sécurité. Sans fatigue avec Moi vous pourrez vous déplacer, d'un "Mosquito" je suis montè."

"My reinforced frame and my perfectly designed brake system ensure maximum safety. Without tiring, with Me you will be able to move, with a "Mosquito" I am equipped."

1952 René Herse Catalogue page 10


"Étudié spécialement par mon constructeur, pour prendre part aux épreuves "Cyclosportives", mon cadre est d'une extrême rigité, puisque monté en tubes de diamètres sélectionnés. De plus, j'offre tout confort, je possède également porte sac de guidon, éclairage et garde–boue."

"Specially designed by my manufacturer to take part in "Cyclosportive" events, my frame is extremely rigid, as it is mounted with tubes of selected diameters. In addition, I offer every comfort, I also have handlebar bag holder, lighting and mudguards."

1952 René Herse Catalogue page 11

Grand Routier "Suivant votre caprice, nous camperons au fond de la Vallée, au détour du chemin… mes 15 vitesses vous donneront toujours un développement approprié et sans crainte vous pourrez charger mes porte–bagages spécialement étudiés pour supporter de vastes sacoches."

"According to your mood, we will camp at the bottom of the Valley, around the bend of the road... my 15 speeds will always give you an appropriate gear and without fear you will be able to load my specially designed luggage racks to carry large bags."

1952 René Herse Catalogue page 12

Motorisé (new model)

"Grâce à la disposition de mon haubannage qui assure le plus haut rendement et une tenue de route inégalée. Tout en conservant mon allure sportive, sans effort, vour pourrez accomplir rapidement les plus longs voyages."

"Thanks to the arrangement of my stays which ensures the highest performance and unequalled road handling. While keeping my sporty look, without effort, you can quickly make the longest trips."

1952 René Herse Catalogue page 13

Pédalier – Dérailleur de Plateau

Crankset – Chainring derailleur "Ci–dessous: Dérailleur de Pédalier à commande directe, permettant le maximum d'écart entre les plateaux. Ce dérailleur se monte également par câble et manette au cadre."

"Below: Direct operated crankset derailleur, allowing the maximum range between the chainrings. This derailleur is also operable by cable and frame mounted shifting lever."

"Pédalier Dural à Emmanchement Carré permettant le changement de plateau sans le démontage de la manivelle ni de la pédale."

"Dural crankset with square taper, allowing the chainring to be changed without disassembly of the crank or pedal."

"Ci–dessous: plateaux double ou triple en métal léger à haute résistance, se montant sur nos manivelles à emmanchement carré."

"Below: double or triple high–strength light metal chainrings, mounted on our square–tapered cranks."

1952 René Herse Catalogue page 14

Potences en Duralumin forge

Stems made of forged Duraluminium

"Potence à expandeur invisible, le bouchon sert de plaque d'identité."

"Stem with invisible expander bolt, the cap serves as a nameplate."

"Potence à plongeur visible." "Stem with visible bolt."

"Potence à collier venant directement en serrage sur le tube fileté."

"Stem clamped directly onto the threaded tube."

"Potence à collier pouvand recevoir l'outillage nécessaire au montage et démontage des manivelles."

"Clamped stem holds the necessary tools for assembling and disassembling the cranks."

"(Les potences présentées se font en toutes dimensions.)"

"(The stems presented are available in all lengths.)"

1952 René Herse Catalogue page 15

Freins – Roulement annulaire de Pédalier

Brakes – Annular bottom bracket Bearing

"Frein AR pour vélo dame, se montant sous la triangulation."

"Rear brake for ladies bicycle, mounted beneath the triangle."

"De tous les Freins pour le cyclotourisme, il est le plus efficace grâce à un calcul judicieux des leviers et à l'absence totale de friction. Le Plus Doux, obéit sous la pression d'un doigt. Il permet le dèmontage de la roue sans dégonfler le pneu, sans toucher à son propre règlage." "Of all the brakes for cycling tourism, it is the most efficient thanks to a careful calculation of the leverages and the total absence of friction. The Gentle One, follows under the pressure of one finger. It allows the removal of the wheel without deflating the tire, without touching its proper adjustment."

"Détail de la boite et roulements de pédalier S.K.F."

"Detail of the bottom bracket and S.K.F. bearings."

1952 René Herse Catalogue page 16

Dérailleur – Éclairage

Derailleur – Lighting

"Manette commande de dynamo, permettant l'embrayage ou le débrayage tout en roulant."

"Dynamo control lever, allowing engagement or disengagement while driving."

"Manette excentrée pour dérailleur Cyclo, assurant une tension toujours constante du double câble de commande."

"Off–centre lever for Cyclo derailleur, ensuring constant tension of the double shift cable."

"Feu rouge muni d'un Papillon, permettant le démontage sans l'aide d'un tournevis."

"Red light with a wingnut, allowing disassembling without the help of a screwdriver." 1952 René Herse Catalogue page 17

Support de Sac Avant

Front bag support

"Modèles recommandes pour la randonnée et le sport."

"Models recommended for randonneuring and sports."

"Support de Sac de Guidon équipe du phare."

"Handlebar bag support, equipped with headlight."

"Élégant support sac de guidon en tubes étires et chromés."

"Elegant handlebar bag support made from drawn and chrome plated tubes."

1952 René Herse Catalogue page 18

Support de Sac Avant

Front bag support

"Modèle de porte–sac dégageant entièrement le cintre."

"Rack model that completely clears the handlebar."

"Léger porte–sac d'un poids de 95 gr." "Light rack weighing 95 gr."

1952 René Herse Catalogue page 19

Porte–Bagages Avant et Arrière "Camping"

Front and rear "Camping" luggage racks.

"Avant: Double fixation par vis sur la tête de fourche"

"Front: Double screw fastening on the fork head"

"Arrière: Double fixation par vis sur les haubans."

"Rear: Double screw fastening on the seatstays."

"Pour les Campeurs, voici deux porte–bagages étudiés spécialement. Une double chappe donne à la fixation inférieure le maximum de rigité."

"For campers, here are two specially designed luggage racks. A double clevis gives the lower mount the maximum rigidity."

1952 René Herse Catalogue page 20

Porte–Bagages Arrière

Rear Luggage Racks

"Porte–bagages AR Tourisme, se fait comme tous nos modèles en tubes étirés et chromés." "Rear Luggage rack Tourism, is made like all our models from drawn and chrome plated tubes."

"Porte–Bagages avec arrêts protège–freins."

"Luggage rack with brake protection."

1952 René Herse Catalogue page 21

Sac de Guidon – Sacoches "Camping"

Handlebar Bag – "Camping" Panniers

"Deux exemples de sacs et sacoches parmi nos nombreux modèles."

"Two examples of bags and panniers among our many models."

"Très jolie et très pratique sac de guidon. À conseiller tout particulièrement pour la randonnée."

"Very beautiful and very practical handlebar bag. Especially recommended for rondonneuring."

"Et voici pour le Camping les indispensables sacoches AR à double poches."

"And here are the indispensable double pocket rear panniers for camping."

1960 René Herse Catalogue Cover "Les modèles présentées dans ce catalogue sont spécialement étudiées dans leurs plus petits détails. Mais construisant toutes mes machines Uniquement sur mesures Vous pouvez en varier la composition suivant votre choix."

"The models presented in this catalogue are specially designed in their smallest details. But building all my machines Only to measure You can vary the composition according to your choice."

Note: I don‘t have this catalogue cover but only a set of sheets. These photos (from an unknown Ebay seller) will be replaced as soon as I have such a cover.

If someone would sell me such a catalogue, I would be very grateful!!!

The cover shows his daughter Lily and the years she won the French national road race championships up to 1959. When Herse handed out a catalogue after his daughter had won a further victory, he added the corresponding year(s) on the cover by hand.

The 1960s René Herse catalogue was announced in an advertisement in "Le Cycliste" in Nov./Dec. 1959. As the catalogue was released in winter, it obviously shows the model range of the following year(s), therefore I call it 1960 catalogue.

It has 12 sheets, both sides printed.

My numbering of the sheets follows the order of the models in the 1952 catalogue.

As I‘ve seen so far 1960 catalogue covers always containing max. 12 sheets and only the later 1964 cover containing 14 sheets, I concluded that 2 sheets were added when the new cover was published. I guess I was wrong.

In a further advertisement in "Le Cycliste", Jan/Feb 1962 edition, Herse offers additional sheets with his "1962 Creations" to those people, who already have his (1960) catalogue.

There are two sheets, which I have not yet seen in a catalogue with 1960 cover: "Diagonale" and "Convertible front bag holder". The "Diagonale" sheet could not have been published in 1960, because the reverse side shows a rear derailleur, that was not released until 1961 (Huret Allvit 2nd Gen.).

The "Convertible front bag holder" with electric torch holder was also introduced in 1961.

So these two sheets could not have been part of the 1960 catalogue but seem to be the added sheets at the beginning of 1962.

Furthermore the "Démontable" city bicycle, which was introduced in Dec. 1962 edition of "Le Cycle" with a beautiful Rebour drawing should have been included in case the content of the catalogue had been updated together with the cover in 1964 (to be precise: after summer 1963). The fourth side of the two added sheets only has a "filler" (rollout table). This model never made it into a catalogue but only the demountable touring bicycle, which was introduced 1965.

So meanwhile I am quite sure, that these two sheets were added in 1962 and not in 1964 though so far I‘ve not seen a catalogue with 1960 cover containing 14 sheets.

I have a catalogue with the 1964 cover, sent to the custumer in 1969. It has no sheets different from those of the catalogue with the 1960 cover (except from those 2 added sheets), so I guess that the Réne Herse catalogue content remained unchanged throughout the 1960s from beginning of 1962 until beginning of 1971, the year of publication of the next catalogue.

1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 1 Side A


"En ma compagnie vous pourrez excursionner dans toutes régions. Mon dérailleur "Cyclo", mes 15 vitesses vous donnerant toujours le développement approprié. Mon éclairage à fils invisibles et dynamo "JOS" assurant silence, souplesse et douceur d'entraînement ne sera jamais en défaut."

"In my companionship you will be able to travel in all regions. My "Cyclo" derailleur, my 15 speeds always giving you the appropriate gear. My "JOS" with invisible wiring and dynamo lighting ensuring silence, flexibility and smooth drive and will never be defect."

1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 1 Side B

"Patte de cadre équipée d'un repos de chaîne facilitant le démontage et le remontage de la roue sans toucher à la chaîne."

"Dropout equipped with chain rest for easy disassembly and reassembly of the wheel without touching the chain."

"Élégante potence à expandeur invisible. Le bouchon sert de plaque d'identité; se fait en toutes longueurs." "Elegant stem with invisible expander bolt. The cap serves as a nameplate; is made in all lengths."

"De tous les freins pour le cyclotourisme il est le plus efficace grâce à un calcul judicieux des basculeurs. Il obéit sous la pression d'un doigt. Il permet le démontage de la roue sans dégonfler le pneu, sans toucher à con propre réglage."

"Of all the brakes for cycling tourism it is the most efficient thanks to a careful calculation of the brake arms. It follows under the pressure of one finger. It allows the removal of the wheel without deflating the tire, without touching its proper adjustment."

1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 2 Side A


"Étudié spécialement par mon Constructeur, tous mes raccords sont à la larges congés, et présentent un emboîtement très long pour les tubes. Mon diagonale de 30 et mes haubans de 16 assurent à mon cadre une parfaite rigité."

"Specially designed by my Constructeur, all my lugs are made with large fillets, and form a very long sleeve joint for the tubes. My down tube of 30 (mm) and my seatstays of 16 (mm) ensure a perfect rigidity to my frame."

1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 2 Side B

Dérailleurs Simplex "Juyrecord–60 est considéré à l'abri de toute défaillance technique et bénéficie de menus perfectionnement; butée permettant le réglage pour 3,4 ou 5 vitesses; les galets en metière spéciale tournent en silence, ajoutent à la souplesse de l'ensemble, une incomparable douceur de roulement."

"Juyrecord–60 is considered safe from any technical failure and benefits from small improvements; stopper allowing adjustment for 3, 4 or 5 speeds; the rollers in special material rotate silently, add to the suppleness of the whole, an incomparable smoothness of ride."

"AV L.J. 23 à commande par câble, convient aussi bien au Coureur qu'au Cyclotouriste. Son emploi est aussi aisé sur double plateaux que sur Tri grâce à un réglage très simple. Ces dérailleurs sont commandés par manettes gainées très confortables."

"Front L.J. 23 with cable control, suitable for both the Racer and the Cyclotourist. It is as easy to use on double chainrings as on Triple thanks to a very simple adjustment. These are operated by very comfortable coated levers."

1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 3 Side A


"En dilettante vous pourrez me monter, foncer, bagarrer et même rivaliser. Mes roulements ne prendront jamais de jeu puisque je suis monté sur "S.K.F." annulaires. Je réunis Légèreté – Rendement – Confort"

"As an amateur you can get on me, go for it, battle and even compete. My bearings will never develope play since I'm mounted on "S.K.F." annulars. I combine Lightness – Performance – Comfort"

1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 3 Side B

"Porte–Sac de guidon équipé du phare "JOS""

"Handlebar bag holder with "JOS" headlight"

"Outillage nécessaire au montage et démontage des manivelles."

"Tools necessary for the assembly and disassembly of the cranks."

"Détail de la boîte et roulements pédalier "S.K.F." annulaires."

"Detail of the bottom bracket and "S.K.F." annular bearings."

"Manette commande de dynamo permettant l'embrayage ou le débrayage tout en roulant. À remarquer également le passage de cable frein AR sous tube."

"Dynamo control lever allowing engagement or disengagement while driving. Also note the rear brake cable routing through the tube."

1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 4 Side A


"Mon cadre soudo–brasé, mes accessoires spécialement étudiés font de Moi une bicyclette d'un prix plus modeste, mais je n'envie rien à mes compagnes, puisque construite entièrement sur mesures et que de 8 vitesses je suis équipée."

"My fillet brazed frame, my specially designed accessories make of Me a bicycle of a more modest price, but I don't envy anything to my companions, since I am entirely made to measure and equipped with 8 speeds."

1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 4 Side B

"Très robuste et très rigide Porte–Sac à fixation sur les tasseaux de frein."

"Very sturdy and very rigid rack mounted to the brake pivots."

"Protège–Base éviant le détérioration de l'émail de la base lorsque la chaîne se trouve placée sur le petit plateau."

"Chainstay protector prevents damage to the chainstay paint when the chain is placed on the small chainring."

1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 5 Side A


"Suivant votre caprice nous camperons au fond de la Vallée, au dètour du chemin. Sans crainte vous pourrez charger mes porte– bagages spécialement étudiés pour supporter de vastes sacoches."

"According to your mood we will camp at the bottom of the valley, around the bend of the road. Without any worries you will be able to load my luggage racks, specially designed to carry large bags." 1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 5 Side B

"Portes–Sac de guidon, permettant pour les sorties courtes, l'emploi d'un léger bagage."

"Handlebar bag holder, allowing for short trips the use of a light luggage."

"Porte–Bagages AV et AR Surbaissés en tubes étirés facilement démontables, assurant une parfaite stabilité; à remarquer la fixation par doubles chappes sur les pattes du cadre."

"Front and rear lowered racks made of drawn tubes that can be easily removed, ensuring perfect stability; note the double clevis mounting on the dropouts."

1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 6 Side A

Week–End (former Dame)

"Madame ou Mademoiselle, que ce soit à la Ville ou en Vacances, je serai toujours l'Ami fidèle, car à ma ligne élégante j'associe Confort – Rendement – Solidité"

"Madam or Mademoiselle, whether in the City or on Holidays, I will always be the faithful Friend, because of my elegant lines I associate Comfort – Performance – Durability." bum-72157712640884851/ "Porte–Bagages AR Tourisme Se fait comme tous nos modèles en tubes étirés et chromés."

"Rear luggage rack Tourism Is made like all our models in drawn and chrome plated tubes."

"Moyeu AR Frein–Tambour du type "Maxi C.A.R.", dégageant entièrement la triangulation arrière du cadre."

"Maxi C.A.R." rear drum brake hub, fully clearing the rear triangulation of the frame."

1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 7 Side A


"Monsieur, avec Moi vous serez toujours impeccable, mon carter vour protégera efficacement. Aidé par mon moyeu "Sturmey– Archer" 4 vitesses, vous économiserez vos déplacements un temps précieux."

"Sir, with Me you will always be perfect, my chain guard will protect you efficiently. With the help of my 4 speed "Sturmey–Archer" hub, you will save precious time for your travels."

1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 7 Side B

"Porte–Bagages avec fixation automatique à ressort pour porte– documents, serviette ou paquet."

"Luggage rack with automatic spring–loaded attachment for briefcase or package." "Ci–dessous: position fermée, laissant au porte–bagages la surface totale de la plate–forme."

"Below: closed position, leaving the entire platform surface on the luggage rack."

"Ci–dessus: en position levée, prêt à serrer la serviette, le paquet ou imperméable…"

"Above: in raised position, ready to tighten the briefcase, the package or the raincoat…"

1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 8 Side A


"Qu'il pleuve ou qu'il vente, je dois toujours être présant. Après le travail, tranquilement sans penser au lendemain, vous pourrez vous reposer. Grâce à ma construction robuste, de mon entretien vous serez dispensé."

"Rain or sunshine, I always have to be there. After work, you can relax without thinking about the next day. Thanks to my robust construction, you will be relieved from my maintenance."

1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 8 Side B

"Porte–Bagages en tube étiré, spécialement étudié pour supporter de très lourdes charges, fixation par chappes sur les pattes de la fourche." "Luggage rack made of drawn tube, specially designed to support very heavy loads, fixed by clevis on the fork dropouts."

"Le phare, par sa position surbaissée, dégage entièrement la surface totale du porte–bagages, et assure un excellant éclairage de la partie droite de la route."

"The headlight, by its lowered position, completely clears the entire surface of the luggage rack, and ensures excellent lighting of the right side of the road."

"Les fils électrique, passant à l'intérieur des tubes, sont invisibles et protégés de toute détérioration."

"The electrical wires, passing inside the tubes, are invisible and protected from any damage."

1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 9 Side A


"Étudié spécialement par mon Constructeur pour prendre part aux épreuves cyclosportives, mon rendement est efficace, les résultats sont probants, puisque depuis ma naissance 4 records j'ai battus."

"Specially designed by my Constructeur to take part in cyclosportive events, my performance is efficient, the results are convincing, since my creation 4 records I have beaten."

1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 9 Side B "Remarquable et Efficace Nouveauté, tube AR cintré, permet un raccourcissement de 75 mm des entre–axes. Boîte pédalier à serrage par 2 clavettes immobilisant l'excentrique."

"Remarkable and Efficient Novelty, bent seat tube, allows a shortening of 75 mm between the axes. Bottom bracket with 2 clamping bolts to clamp the eccentric."

"Potence à collier venant directement en serrage sur le tube fileté."

"Clamping stem mounted directly on the threaded tube."

"Dérailleur de pédalier à commande directe, d'une très grande rigité et permettant le maximum d'écart entre les plateaux."

"Direct operated crankset derailleur, very rigid and allowing the maximum range between the chainrings."

1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 10 Side A

Vacances (former Grand–Routier)

"Par monts et par vaux en vacances nous partirons, mon cadre est d'une extrême rigidité puisque monté en tubes de diamètres sélectionnés; de plus, suivant votre désir vous pourrez m'équiper de porte–bagages de votre choix."

"Over the hills and through the valleys on holiday we will go, my frame is extremely rigid because it is mounted with tubes of selected diameter; moreover, according to your needs, you can also equip me with luggage racks of your choice." 1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 10 Side B

"Porte–bagages AR en tubes étirés et chromés à fixation sur les tasseaux de frein, évitant de percer le garde–boue et facilement démontables."

"Rear luggage rack made of drawn and chrome–plated tubes, mounted to the brake pivots, avoiding drilling through the mudguard and easily removable."

"Support très rigide du dérailleur "Cyclo" et manette excentrée assurant une tension toujours constante du double câble de commande."

"Very rigid "Cyclo" derailleur bracket and eccentric lever ensuring constant tension of the double shifting cable."

"Pédalier Dural à emmanchement carré permettant le changement de plateau sans le démontage de la manivelle au de la pédale."

"Dural crankset with square taper, allowing the chainring to be changed without disassembling the crank or pedal."

1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 11 Side A

"Porte–Bagages et Porte–Sac"

"Luggage Racks and Bag Holders"

"Porte Bagages AR Tourisme avec arrêts protège–freins. Se fait comme tous nos modèles en tubes étirés et chromés." "Rear luggage rack Tourism with brake protectors. Is made like all our models in drawn and chrome plated tubes."

"Support–Déporté du sac de guidon fixé sur les 2 vis de la potence et muni d'une fourchette permettent le montage et le démontage instantanés du sac de guidon."

"Offset Handlebar bag holder mounted to the 2 stem screws and equipped with a "forklet" allowing instant mounting and dismounting of the handlebar bag."

1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 11 Side B

"Porte–Bagages Avant et Arrière"

"Front and Rear Luggage Racks"

"Voici deux porte–bagages étudiés spécialement pour transporter d'assez lourdes charges, une double chappe donne à la fixation inférieur le maximum de rigidité. AV: double fixation par vis sur la tête de fourche. AR: double fixation par vis sur les haubans."

"Here are two luggage racks specially designed to carry rather heavy loads, a double clevis gives the lower attachment the maximum rigidity. Front: double screw attachment on the fork head. Rear: double screw attachment on the seatstays."

1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 12 Side A

Sacs et Sacoches Bags and panniers

"Très jolie et très pratique sac de guidon, se conseiler tout particulièrement pour la randonnée, accès facile sans descendre de machine."

"Very pretty and very practical handlebar bag, especially recommended for rendonneuring, easy access without getting of the machine."

"Sacoches toile grise imperméable bordée chèvre pouvant se monter indifférement sur port–bagages AV ou AR avec petites poches latèrales destinées à recevoir le nécessaire de réparation, la chambre de rechange, etc. etc."

"Grey waterproof canvas panniers with goatskin edging that can be mounted on either front or rear luggage rack with small side pockets to carry the repair kit, spare room, etc. etc."

"Grand choix de sacs "Brooks" (catalogue sur demande)"

"Large selection of "Brooks" bags (catalogue on request)"

1960 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 12 Side B

Sacoches doubles à Soufflets

Gusseted double panniers

"Ci–dessous, sacoches AR en très belle toile imperméable bordée chèvre. Dimensions: hauteur 34 cm, largeur 32 cm, soufflets développés 25cm" "Below, rear panniers in beautiful waterproof canvas edged with goatskin. Dimensions: height 34 cm, width 32 cm, gussets expanded 25cm"

"Confectionées en "Super–Rhinon" avec garnitures cuir chromé, c'est un modèle très robuste. Convient en particulier aux porte–bagages surbaissés avant ou arrière. Dimensions 30x30x20 cm."

"Made of "Super–Rhinon" with leather trimmings, chrome–plated, it is a very robust model. Particularly suitable for front or rear lowered racks. Dimensions 30x30x20 cm."

19 62 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 13 Side A

Diagonale (new model)

"Créé pour effectuer de grands raids, je suis dotée d'accessoires sélectionnés. Montée avec l'ensemble des dérailleurs Huret "Allvit" permettant écart de 30 dents, vous pourrez passer aisément monts et vallées. Mon éclairage par piles n'offrant aucune résistence, et facilement réglable, vous donnera un sécurité totale en toutes circonstances."

"Created to perform long tours, I am equipped with selected accessories. Fitted with Huret "Allvit" derailleurs allowing 30 teeth range, you will be able to pass easily up and down mountains and valleys. My battery lighting offers no resistance, and is easily adjustable, will give you total security in all circumstances."

19 62 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 13 Side B Quelques Details Particuliers de Construction

Some Specific Constructional Details

"A gauche, butée automatiquement orientable de la gaîne de frein arriêre et montage du frein type course à double articulation, Weinmann ou , sur tasseaux brasées."

"On the left, automatically adjusting rear brake cable stop and mounting of the Weinmann or Mafac center pull race type brake on brazed pivots."

"A droite, patte verticale avec rampe repos de chaîne permettant le démontage et remontage de la roue sans toucher à la transmission. Cette patte supporte le dérailleur Huret "Allvit"."

"On the right, vertical dropout with chain rest ramp allowing disassembly and reassembly of the wheel without touching the transmission. This dropout supports the Huret "Allvit" derailleur."

"Le garde–boue arrière est très solidement fixé grâce à cette patte renfort en duralumin poli, en forme de losange allongé."

"The rear mudguard is very securely attached with this polished duralumin, elongated rhombus–shaped reinforcement."

1 9 62 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 14 Side A

Porte–Sac Avant transformable

Convertible front bag holder "Ce porte–sac en tubes d'acier chromés est fixé par 4 points très rigides sur la machine. Il supporte, à gauche, le petit phare JOS. Quattre attaches taraudées en permettent la transformation. Ci– dessus, sur les deux attaches de droite, on a adapté un porte–torche électrique, facilement arientable, très utile pour les longues randonnées nocturnes."

"This bag holder made of chrome–plated steel tubes is attached by 4 very rigid points to the machine. It supports, on the left, the small JOS headlight. Four threaded eyelets allow the transformation. Above, on the two right eyelets an easily adjustable electric torch holder has been adapted, very useful for long night rides."

"Ci–dessus le même porte–sac est équipé de deux arceaux latéraux pour l'utilisation de sacoches lors des vacances ou des longues sorties de cyclotourisme."

"Above the same bag holder is equipped with two lateral stays for the use of panniers during holidays or long cycling trips."

19 62 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 14 Side B

Rollout table

1963 Ren é Herse demountable city bicycle

Le Cycliste Jan/Feb 1964 page 16, text page 13:

"La bicyclette "RENÉ HERSE" démontable en ordre de marche."

"The demountable "RENÉ HERSE" bicycle in operating mode." "Ainsi on en vint au dernier Salon de Paris, en 1962. Là, un fabricant parisien avait présenté une machine française, contenue dans une housse, et d'un prix très abord able, qui arrêta, au stand de la maison Sauvage – Lejeune, bien des visiteurs intéressés. Enfin, peu après, René Herse sortait à son tour un vélo démontable en deux parties, qui ne nécessitait, pour toute manoeuvre, que le desserrage et le serrage de trois leviers, ce qui, évidemment est un minimum de manipulation."

"Thus we came to the last Salon de Paris, in 1962. There, a Parisian manufacturer had presented a French machine, contained in a cover, and of a very affordable price, which stopped, at the stand of the Sauvage – Lejeune company, many visitors who were interested. Finally, shortly afterwards, René Herse also launched a bicycle that could be demounted in two parts, which required only three levers to be loosened and tightened for any manoeuvre, which, of course, is a minimum of handling."

This drawing was shown first in "Le Cycle" Dec. 1962, but the model never made it into a catalogue.

1964 René Herse Catalogue Cover

"Les modèles présentées dans ce catalogue sont spécialement étudiées dans leurs plus petits détails. Mais construisant toutes mes machines Uniquement sur mesures Vous pouvez en varier la composition suivant votre choix."

"The models presented in this catalogue are specially designed in their smallest details. But building all my machines Only to measure You can vary the composition according to your choice."

This updated catalogue cover was published ca. 1964. The cover shows his daughter Lily and the years she won the French national road race championships. The last championship mentioned here is 1963. The first championship not mentioned is 1965. So the cover must have been published in that period, most likely in winter 1963/64 or in winter 1964/65 (provided Herse followed his pratice to publish catalogues in winter), but could have been published on any date between above two victories, summer 1963 to summer 1965.

When Herse handed out a catalogue after his daughter had won a further victory than those mentioned on the cover, he added the corresponding year(s) on the cover by hand.

As the content under this new cover is identical to that under the 1960 cover, there are no further scans here.

1 9 71 René Herse Catalogue Cover

"Les modèles présentées dans ce catalogue sont spécialement étudiées dans leurs plus petits détails. Mais construisant toutes mes machines Uniquement sur mesures Vous pouvez en varier la composition suivant votre choix."

"The models presented in this catalogue are specially designed in their smallest details. But building all my machines Only to measure You can vary the composition according to your choice."

The 1970s René Herse catalogue was released 1971.

Herse Book page 388: [In 1971, René Herse issued another catalogue with drawings of the bikes built for the 1970 Salon du Cycle (Footnote in book: Herse's order books list bikes with the model names shown in the catalogue as built in Aug/Sept 1970. Herse's ad in Le Cycliste March/April 1971 mentions the "Catalogue 1971")]

It has 12 sheets, both sides printed.

My numbering of the sheets tries to follow the order of the models in the 1952 catalogue but is otherwise at random.

Nine of the model drawings are signed by Daniel Rebour, while eight are not. The signed ones are models, which already appeared in the 1960/62 catalogue, the unsigned ones did not. It seems that the old drawings were slightly modified and than reused, leading to have thicker lines than the "new" models with fresh drawings.

The small blue drawings in the corners disappeared in this catalogue.

I‘ve seen several catalogues from throughout the 1970s on Ebay auctions, never with different sheets than shown here (but most of them were not complete), so I guess there was no different content in the 70s until 1979, the year of publication of the last catalogue.

19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 1 Side A

Globe–Trotter (former Cyclotouriste)

"Cadre tubes Reynolds – jeux direction et pédalier Stronglight – plateaux et manivelles René Herse – ensemble dérailleurs Simplex Super Compétition 15 vit. – moyeus Maxi–C.A.R. – pédales Berthet – porte–sac AV – AR étudié pour sac brooks – freins Weinmann" "Frame tubes Reynolds – headset and bottom bracket Stronglight – chainrings and cranks René Herse – derailleurs Simplex Super Competition 15 speed – hubs Maxi–C.A.R. – pedals Berthet – racks front and rear designed for brooks bags – brakes Weinmann"

19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 1 Side B

"Porte–bagages AR en tubes etirés et chromés à fixation sur les tasseaux de frein, évitant de percer le garde–boue et facilement démontable."

"Rear luggage rack made of drawn and chrome–plated tubes with mounting to the brake pivots, avoiding drilling through the mudguard and easily removable."

"Ci–dessous, butée automatique orientable de la gaine du frein AR. Montage du frein type course à double articulation Weinmann ou Mafac sur tasseaux brasés."

"Below, automatic adjustable stop of the rear brake cable. Mounting of the Weinmann or Mafac center pull race type brake on brazed on pivots."

"Pédalier Dural à emmanchement carré permettant le changement de plateau sans le démontage de la manivelle ou de la pédale."

"Dural crankset with square taper allowing the chainring to be changed without disassembling the crank or pedal."

19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 2 Side A Randonneuse

"Cadre tubes Reynolds bases et montants renforcés – jeu direction Stronglight – jeu pédalier S.K.F. René Herse – ensemble dérailleur Huret Super Touring 15 vit. – moyeux Maxi C.A.R. à blocages Campagnolo – support–sac avec éclairage Soubitez – déclencheur Dynamo"

"Frame tubes Reynolds chainstays and seatstays reinforced – headset Stronglight – bottom bracket S.K.F. René Herse – derailleurs Huret Super Touring 15 speed – hubs Maxi C.A.R. with Campagnolo quick releases – bag support with Soubitez lighting – Dynamo lever"

19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 2 Side B

Quelque Détails de Fabrication

Some manufacturing details

"Patte de cadre équipée d'un repos de chaine facilitant le démontage et le remontage de la roue sans toucher à la chaine."

"Dropout equipped with a chainrest for easy disassembly and reassembly of the wheel without touching the chain."

"Renfort de garde–boue AR en duraluminium en forme de losange allongé."

"Rear mudguard reinforcement made of duraluminium in the shape of an elongated diamond." "Manette commande de dynamo permettant l'embrayage ou le débrayage tout en roulant. À remarquer également le passage de cable frein AR sous tube."

"Dynamo control lever allowing engagement or disengagement while driving. Also note the rear brake cable routing trough the tube."

"Détail de la boite de pédalier à roulements annulaire "S.K.F." et outillage nécessaire au montage et démontage des manivelles."

"Detail of the "S.K.F" annular bearing bottom bracket and tool kit for the assembly and disassembly of the cranks."

19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 3 Side A


"Cadre – jeux direction et pédalier Stronglight couple T.A. – moyeux Normandy – jantes – pneus Wolber – ensemble dérailleurs Huret Svelto 10 vit. – freins Racer C.L.B. – selle Pryma – guidon Philippe – éclairage Cibie – support–sac AV – garde– boue dural"

"Frame Vitus – headset and bottom bracket Stronglight with T.A. chainring set – hubs Normandy – rims Mavic – tires Wolber – derailleurs Huret Svelto 10 speed – brakes C.L.B. Racer – saddle Pryma – handlebar Philippe – lighting Cibie – front bag support – mudguard dural"

19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 3 Side B Paris – Brest (former Diagonale)

"Cadre Reynolds 5/10' – cable frein AR intérieur – plateaux et manivelles R. Herse – ensemble dérailleurs Huret Compétition 10 vit. – cintre Philippe – potence R. Herse – support–sac AV tubes chromés – éclairage par piles – garde–boue Bluemels – selle Unica Cuir"

"Frame Reynolds 5/10' (mm) – rear brake cable inside – chainrings and cranks R. Herse – derailleurs Huret Competition 10 speed – handlebars Philippe – stem R. Herse – front bag support tubes chrome–plated – lighting with batteries – mudguard Bluemels – saddle Unica Leather"

19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 4 Side A


"Cadre tubes Vitus – jeux direction et pédalier Stronglight – plateaux et manivelles René Herse – ensemble dérailleurs Huret Super – Touring 10 vit. – moyeux Normandie – freins Mafac Criterium – garde–boue Dural – cintre Randonneur – éclairage Cibie – selle Idéale"

"Frame tubes Vitus – headset and bottom bracket Stronglight – chainrings and cranks René Herse – derailleurs Huret Super – Touring 10 speed – hubs Normandie – brakes Mafac Criterium – mudguard Dural – handlebars Randonneur – lighting Cibie – saddle Idéale"

19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 4 Side B Week–End

"Cadre tubes Reynolds Mixte – jeux direction et pédalier Stronglight – plateau et manivelles René Herse – dérailleur Huret Touring 5 vit. – freins Weinmann – support sac AV et porte– bagages AR – garde–boue et carter dural – selle Confort – éclairage Cibie – pompe Zefal"

"Frame tubes Reynolds Mixte – headset and bottom bracket Stronglight – chainring and cranks René Herse – derailleur Huret Touring 5 speed – brakes Weinmann – front bag support and rear luggage rack – mudguard and chain guard dural – saddle Confort – lighting Cibie – pump Zefal"

19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 5 Side A

Champs–Élysées (former Ville)

"Cadre tubes Vitus – jeux direction et pédalier Stronglight 49 d – moyeu AR Sturmey–Archer 4 vit. – AV Maillard – freins Mafac – porte–bagages AV porte–documents – éclairage Soubitez – carter Skai – garde–boue Le Paon – pédales catadioptre – selle Brooks"

"Frame tubes Vitus – headset and bottom bracket Stronglight 49 d – rear hub Sturmey–Archer 4 speed – front Maillard – brakes Mafac – front rack briefcase carrier – lighting Soubitez – chain guard Skai – mudguard Le Paon – reflector pedals – saddle Brooks"

19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 5 Side B

Gentleman (new model) "Cadre tubes Reynolds – jeux direction et pédaliers Stronglight 49 D – dérailleur AR Huret 5 vit. – moyeux Normandie – jantes Super Champion – pneus – freins Mafac – garde–boue Le Paon – carter chromé – selle Brooks – éclairage Soubitez – pédales catadioptre"

"Frame tubes Reynolds – headset and bottom bracket Stronglight 49 D – rear derailleur Huret 5 speed – hubs Normandie – rims Super Champion – tires Michelin – brakes Mafac – mudguard Le Paon – chrome–plated chain guard – saddle Brooks – lighting Soubitez – reflector pedals"

19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 6 Side A


"Cadre tubes Reynolds série spéciale – jeu direction Stronglight – pédaliers à roulements S.K.F. – ensemble dérailleurs Huret Touring 18 vit. – moyeux AV et AR Maxi C.A.R. – freins M.A.F.A.C. Tiger – porte–sac AV avec éclairage Soubitez – pédales Maillard – selles Idéale"

"Frame tubes Reynolds special series – headset Stronglight – crankset with bearings S.K.F. – derailleurs Huret Touring 18 speed – hubs front and rear Maxi C.A.R. – brakes M.A.F.A.C. Tiger – front rack with Soubitez lighting – pedals Maillard – saddles Idéale"

19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 6 Side B

Vacances "Cadre tubes Reynolds – jeu direction et pédalier Stronglight – plateaux et manivelles René Herse – ensemble dérailleurs Huret Touring 15 vit. – moyeus C.A.R. AR Tambour – porte–bagages AV et AR tubes chromés – pédales Lyotard – éclairage Cibie – selles Idéale"

"Frame tubes Reynolds – headset and bottom bracket Stronglight – chainrings and cranks René Herse – derailleurs Huret Touring 15 speed – hubs C.A.R. rear drumbrake – luggage racks front and rear chrome–plated tubes – pedals Lyotard – lighting Cibie – saddles Idéale"

19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 7 Side A

Démontable (new model)

"Cadre tubes Vitus – jeux direction et pédalier Stronglight 49 D couple T.A. – ensemble dérailleurs Huret Touring – moyeux Normandie Compétition – jantes Super Champion – pneus Michelin – freins Weinmann – éclairage Bloc – Soubitez AV, pile AR – support–sac AV"

"Frame tubes Vitus – headset and bottom bracket Stronglight 49 D with T.A. chainring set – derailleurs Huret Touring – hubs Normandie Competition – rims Super Champion – tires Michelin – brakes Weinmann – lighting Soubitez unit front, battery rear – front bag support"

19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 7 Side B

Quelques Détails particuliers au "Démontable" Some details specific to "Démontable"

"Ci–dessus, blocage du tube diagonal dans sa partie inférieure."

"Above, clamping of the down tube in its lower part."

"Potence orientable."

"Swivellable stem."

"Blocage du tube superieur, commande des dérailleus et décrochage du frein AR."

"Top tube clamping, shift levers and rear brake unhooking."

19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 8 Side A

Longchamp (new model)

"Cadre Columbus – jeux direction et pédalier Stronglight 93 – ensemble dérailleurs Huret Compétition 10 vit. – moyeux Campagnolo – jantes Mavic – boyaux Canetti – freins Weinmann tasseaux brasés – garde–boue Bluemels montage Maison – selle Brooks – guidon Cinelli"

"Frame Columbus – headset and bottom bracket Stronglight 93 – derailleurs Huret Competition 10 speed – hubs Campagnolo – rims Mavic – tubulars Canetti – brakes Weinmann brazed on pivots – mudguard Bluemels mounting "a la maison" – saddle Brooks – handlebar Cinelli" 19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 8 Side B

Mont–Faron (new model)

"Cadre tubes Reynolds 5/10' – jeux direction et pédalier Stronglight – moyeux Campagnolo – jantes Super Champion – boyaux Wolber Transalpino – ensemble dérailleurs Simplex Super Compétition – freins Universal 68 – selle Unica Cuir – guidon Cinelli"

"Frame tubes Reynolds 5/10' (mm) – headset and bottom bracket Stronglight – hubs Campagnolo – rims Super Champion – tubulars Wolber Transalpino – derailleurs Simplex Super Competition – brakes Universal 68 – saddle Unica Leather – handlebar Cinelli"

19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 9 Side A

Milan – San–Remo (new model)

"Cadre tubes Reynolds 7/10' – tous accessoires Campagnolo – jantes Super Champion – boyaux Clement – selle Unica Cuir – guidon Cinelli – pompe Milremo"

"Frame tubes Reynolds 7/10' (mm) – all parts Campagnolo – rims Super Champion – tubulars Clement – saddle Unica Leather – handlebar Cinelli – pump Milremo"

19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 9 Side B

Paris – Roubaix (new model) "Cadre tubes Reynolds bases et montants renforcés – jeu direction Stronglight – pédalier T.A. Prof. – ensemble dérailleurs Huret Compétition 10 vit. – moyeux Normandie Compétition – jantes Mavic – boyaux Dourdoigne – freins Mafac Racer – selle Idéale rodée – guidon Cinelli – pompe Zefal"

"Frame tubes Reynolds chainstays and seatstays reinforced – headset Stronglight – crankset T.A. Prof. – derailleurs Huret Competition 10 speed – hubs Normandie Competition – rims Mavic – tubulars Dourdoigne – brakes Mafac Racer – saddle Idéale broken–in – handlebar Cinelli – pump Zefal"

19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 10 Side A

Ile–de–France (new model)

"Cadre 3 tubes Reynolds – jeux direction et pédalier Stronglight – ensemble dérailleurs Huret Svelto 10 vit. – moyeux Normandy Compétition – jantes Mavic – boyaux Wolber – freins Weinmann 500, selle Idéale Coureur – guidon Philippe – pompe Zefal"

"Frame 3 tubes Reynolds – headset and bottom bracket Stronglight – derailleurs Huret Svelto 10 speed – hubs Normandy Competition – rims Mavic – tubulars Wolber – brakes Weinmann 500, saddle Idéale Coureur – handlebar Philippe – pump Zefal"

19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 10 Side B

Piste (new model)

"Cadre 3 tubes et fourche Reynolds – jeu direction Stronglight – jeu pédalier T.A. Adapteur – moyeux Campagnolo – rayonnage Union ligaturés – jantes Mavic – boyaux Clement – pédales Lyotard – selle Brooks – guidon Philippe"

"Frame 3 tubes and fork Reynolds – headset Stronglight – bottom bracket T.A. Adapteur – hubs Campagnolo – spoking Union tied – rims Mavic – tubulars Clement – pedals Lyotard – saddle Brooks – handlebar Philippe"

19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 11 Side A

Porte–Sac Avant transformable

Convertible front bag rack

"Ce porte–sac en tubes d'acier chromés est fixe par 4 points très rigides sur la machine. Il supporte à gauche, le phare alimenté par dynamo. Quatre attaches taraudées en permettent la transformation. Ci–dessous sur les deux attaches de droite, on à adapté un porte–torche électrique, facilement orientable, très utile pour les longues randonnées nocturnes."

"This rack made of chrome–plated steel tubes is fixed with 4 very solid points on the machine. It holds on the left, the dynamo powered headlight. Four threaded attachements allow the conversion. Below on the two right attachments, we have adapted an electric torch holder, easily adjustable, very useful for long night rides."

"Support–Déporté du sac de guidon fixé sur les 2 vis de la potence et muni d'une fourchette permettant le montage et le démontage instantanés du sac de guidon." "Offset Handlebar bag holder attached to the 2 stem screws and equipped with a "forklet" allowing instant mounting and dismounting of the handlebar bag."

"Le même porte–sac est équipé de deux arceaux latéraux pour l'utilisation de sacoches lors des vacance ou des longues sorties"

"The same bag holder is equipped with two lateral stays for the use of panniers during vacations or long trips"

1971 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 11 Side B

Quelques Détails particuliers

Some specific details

"Porte bagages AV: double fixation par vis sur la tête du fourche"

"Front luggage rack: double screw fastening on the fork head"

"Élégante potence à expandeur invisible. Le bouchon sert de plaque d'indentité, se fait en toutes longeurs"

"Elegant stem with invisible expander bolt. The cap serves as nameplate, is made in all lengths"

"Porte–bagages AR double fixation par vis sur les haubans"

"Rear luggage rack with double screw fastening on the seatstays"

19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 12 Side A Sacoches Toile imperméable bordées cuir

Waterproof canvas panniers with leather edging

" – Camping – Hauteur 34 cms Largeur 32 – – Epais. 25 – – "

"Height 34 cms Width 32 – – Depth 25 – – "

" – Pratique – Se monte indifféremment sur porte–bagages AV ou AR, petites poches laterales destinées à recevoir le nécessaire de réparation, etc."

"Can be mounted likewise on front or rear luggage racks, small side pockets for repair kits, etc."

" – Voyageur – Hauteur 34 cms Largeur 32 – – Epais. 25 – – "

"Height 34 cms Width 32 – – Depth 25 – – "

19 71 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 12 Side B

Sacs de Guidon Toile imperméable Waterproof canvas handlebar bags

"Le Dépannage Hauteur 13 Largeur 21 Epaiss. 11"

"The breakdown service Height 13 Width 21 Depth 11"

"Le Classique Se fait en 2 dimensions Hauteur 22 cms 26 Largeur 22 – – 28 Epaiss. 14 – – 15"

"The classic Made in 2 measurements Height 22 cms 26 Width 22 – – 28 Depth 14 – – 15"

"L' Indispensable Hauteur 19 Largeur 21 Epaiss. 11"

"The Essential Height 19 Width 21 Depth 11" 19 79 René Herse Catalogue Cover

Note: I don‘t have this catalogue. The cover and sheet no. 9 were taken from Classic Rendevous Homepage, all other sheets are scans from the New Cycling René Herse Special Feature.

These uploads will be replaced as soon as I have that catalogue myself.

If someone would sell me such a catalogue, I would be very grateful!!!

This last René Herse catalogue was released 1979.

Herse Book page 397:

[At the 1979 Salon du Cycle, Lyli Herse stands in front of Pierre Baleydier's bike, on which he finished first in that year's Paris – Brest – Paris. Most of the show bikes were shown in a new Herse catalogue, which featured photographs instead of Daniel Rebour's drawings.]

It has 9 sheets, both sides printed. The sheet with the bags is from the 1971 catalogue.

My numbering of the sheets tries to follow the order of the models in the older catalogues but is otherwise at random.

As the René Herse shop was closed a few years later, there obviously was no further catalogue. 19 79 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 1 Side A

Démontable – Globe Trotter

"Se sépare en deux, en 2 minutes, sans outillage, pratique pour la voiture, l'avion, les voyages."

"Separates in two, in two minutes, without tools, convenient for car, plane, travel."

19 79 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 1 Side B

"Globe Trotter Potence du Démontable, verrouillage du tube supérieur et commande des dérailleurs AV. – AR."

"Globe Trotter Stem of the Démontable, top tube clamping and front and rear shifting levers."

"Bloc AV, éclairage du Démontable."

"Front unit, lighting of the Démontable."

"Un éclairage à piles AR proposé sur Démontable."

"Rear battery–powered lighting available on the Démontable."

"Potence du Démontable."

"Stem of the Démontable." "Globe Trotter Verrouillage du tube diagonal avec manchon de sécurité du Démontable."

"Globe Trotter down tube clamping with safety coupling of the Démontable."

19 79 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 2 Side A


"Racé, léger et confortable (Voyez au dos quelques particularités proposées)"

"Racy, light and comfortable (See the back for some proposed features)"

19 79 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 2 Side B

"Porte–bagage AR tourisme amovible fixé sur tasseaux freins."

"Removable touring rear luggage rack mounted to brake pivots."

"Notre départ de sac Randonneuse."

"Our Randonneuse bag offset."

"Le détail des flancs de côté amovible modèle proposées sur Randonneuse."

"The detail of the removable side stays model offered on Randonneuse." "Manette déclancheur de dynamo Randonneuse."

"Randonneuse dynamo operating lever."

"Flancs de côté amovible Randonneuse."

"Removable side stays Randonneuse."

"Feu A.R. sur tube de selle et décrochage frein AR modèle Randonneuse."

"Rear light on seat tube and rear brake unhooking Randonneuse model."

"Flancs de côté amovible Randonneuse."

"Removable side stays Randonneuse."

"Renfort des garde–boues AR randonneuse ou cyclo."

"Reinforcement of rear mudguards Randonneuse or Cyclo."

19 79 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 3 Side A

A la Belle Étoile (former Camping)

"Pour tous terrains, le confort et la sécurité avant tout. (Au dos, détails de nos porte–bagages tous amovible toujours fabriqués en nos ateliers)"

"For all terrains, comfort and safety above all. (On the back, details of our all removable luggage racks always manufactured in our workshop)" 1979 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 3 Side B

"A la Belle Étoile, Éclairage à pile AR et porte–bagages AV surbaissé amovible Belle Étoile."

"A la Belle Étoile, rear battery lighting and removable Belle Étoile lowered front luggage rack."

"Porte–bagages AR surbaissé amovible Camping Belle Étoile."

"Removable lowered rear luggage rack Camping Belle Étoile."

"2 porte–bidons sur tube diagonal Camping Belle Étoile."

"Two bottle holders on Camping Belle Étoile down tube."

"A la Belle Étoile Éclairage de sécurité à l'AR à pile modèle Belle Étoile."

"A la Belle Étoile battery–powered security lighting at the rear Belle Étoile model."

1979 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 4 Side A


"L'homme d'affaires avisé toujours impeccable grâce à Champs– Élysées, se fait aussi en version démontable plus de problèmes de stationnement." "The businessman, always perfect thanks to Champs–Élysées, can also be made in a demountable version, no more parking problems."

19 79 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 4 Side B

"Commande de dérailleur sur plongeur potence Champs–Élysées."

"Shifting lever on Champs–Élysées quill stem."

"Carter enveloppant du modèle Champs–Élysées."

"Champs–Élysées model wrap–around chain guard."

"Grand choix de Selles grand confort modèle Champs–Élysées."

"Large selection of comfortable Champs–Élysées model saddles."

"Support de sac AV ou support de porte documents à la demande. Modèle Champs–Élysées."

"Front bag holder or document holder on request. Champs–Élysées model."

19 79 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 5 Side A


"Grand rendement en tandem."

"High performance in tandem." 19 79 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 5 Side B

"Tube AR épousant le galbe de la roue d'ou une plus grande rigité et un meilleur rendement."

"Rear seat tube follows the curve of the wheel for greater rigidity and performance."

"Dérailleur tandem"

"Tandem derailleur."

"Douille, direction et système décrochage du frein AV."

"Head tube, steering and front brake unhooking system."

"Notre potence RH AR tendeur."

"Our RH rear stoker stem."

"Système décrochage frein AR du tendeur."

"Rear stoker brake unhooking system."

19 79 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 6 Side A

Riviera (former Milan – San–Remo)

"Modèle toutes pièces Campagnolo. (Voyez au dos le détails de nos raccords)"

"Campagnolo all parts model. (See back for details of our lugs)"

19 79 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 6 Side B

"L'élégance des raccords du modèle Riviera."

"The elegance of the Riviera model lugs."

"Toujours à l'avant–garde la finesse et la garde de la fourche Riviera."

"Always at the avant–garde the fineness and elegance of the Riviera fork."

19 79 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 7 Side A

Critérium (new model)

"Toujours de la finition du grand chic et rendement. (Voyez au dos quelques détails)"

"Always top of great style and performance. (See back for some details)"

19 79 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 7 Side B

"Sortie de câble de frein dans le cadre modèle Critérium."

"Brake cable exit in Critérium model frame." "Douille de direction de notre modèle Critérium, finition et élégance des raccords."

"Head tube of our Critérium model, top end and elegance of lugs."

"Boite pédalier du modèle Critérium."

"Critérium model bottom bracket."

"Élégance des raccords."

"Elegance of lugs."

19 79 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 8 Side A

Reynolds 753 (new model)

"Le défi du poids en Soudo Brasé d'une régidité inégalable en Reynolds 753. La bicyclette des records. (Voyez au dos le détail des conges du soudo Brasé et nos pattes des cadre maison)"

"The weight challenge in Fillet Brazed of unequalled stiffness in Reynolds 753. The bicycle of records. (See the back for details of the Brazed fillets and our frame dropouts "a la maison")"

19 79 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 8 Side B

"Patte AR"

"Rear dropout." "Le défit du poids, détail de la direction et du raccord de selle, la finition du soudo brasé."

"The challenge of the weight, detail of steering and saddle connection, the top of fillet brazing."

"La bicyclette des records."

"The bicycle of records."

"Défit du poids toujours, patte de cadre droite, la roue tombe juste en place et gain de poids."

"Always challenge of weight, right dropout, wheel just falls into place and saves weight."

"Détail des conges soudo brasé."

"Detail of brazed fillets."

19 79 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 9 Side A

Sacoches Toile imperméable bordées cuir

Waterproof canvas panniers with leather edging

" – Camping – Hauteur 34 cms Largeur 32 – – Epais. 25 – – "

"Height 34 cms Width 32 – – Depth 25 – – "

" – Pratique – Se monte indifféremment sur porte–bagages AV ou AR, petites poches laterales destinées à recevoir le nécessaire de réparation, etc."

"Can be mounted likewise on front or rear luggage racks, small side pockets for repair kits, etc."

" – Voyageur – Hauteur 34 cms Largeur 32 – – Epais. 25 – – "

"Height 34 cms Width 32 – – Depth 25 – – "

19 79 René Herse Catalogue Sheet 9 Side B

"Le Dépannage Hauteur 13 Largeur 21 Epaiss. 11"

"The breakdown service Height 13 Width 21 Depth 11"

"Le Classique Se fait en 2 dimensions Hauteur 22 cms 26 Largeur 22 – – 28 Epaiss. 14 – – 15"

"The classic Made in 2 measurements Height 22 cms 26 Width 22 – – 28 Depth 14 – – 15"

"L' Indispensable Hauteur 19 Largeur 21 Epaiss. 11"

"The Essential Height 19 Width 21 Depth 11"