IDEX/I-SITE WAVE 2 CAP 20-25 CALL FOR PROPOSALS SELECTION PHASE AMENDED PROJECT CAP 20-25 Université Clermont Auvergne CAP I-SITE 20-25 CLERMONT Clermont Auvergne Project To innovate, that's part of our nature Confidential 1/69 IDEX/I-SITE WAVE 2 CAP 20-25 CALL FOR PROPOSALS SELECTION PHASE AMENDED PROJECT Project acronym CAP 20-25 Titre du projet en français Clermont Auvergne Projet 20-25 Project title in English Clermont Auvergne Project 20-25 Name: Pierre SCHIANO Contact information: Principal investigator Tel.: +33 (0)4 73 34 67 57 E-mail:
[email protected] Institution leading the project Name: Université Clermont Auvergne – Clermont Auvergne (Project leader) University (UCA) Capital grant requested M€ 370 M€ Type of project I-SITE LIST OF THE CONSORTIUM MEMBERS PARTICIPATING (PARTNERS) IN THE INITIATIVE (PROJECT LEADER EXCLUDED) Higher education and research Research Others establishments organisations SIGMA Clermont CNRS CHU Clermont-Ferrand VetAgro Sup INRA Centre Jean Perrin AgroParisTech Irstea INSERM FERDI LIST OF PARTNERS EXTERNAL TO THE CONSORTIUM LEADING THE INITIATIVE Higher education and research establishments Socio-economic players Others and research organisations Ecole Nationale Supérieure Entreprise Michelin Clermont Communauté d'Architecture de Clermont- Ferrand Groupe Limagrain Conseil Régional Auvergne- Rhône-Alpes Institut de l’Elevage ADIV Céréales Vallée Fédération Santé Mobilité (including the Analgesia Partnership, InnovaTherm, Nutravita and ViaMéca Pharmabiotic Research Institute clusters) SATT Grand Centre Confidential 2/69 IDEX/I-SITE WAVE 2 CAP 20-25 CALL FOR PROPOSALS SELECTION PHASE AMENDED PROJECT Table of contents Executive Summary 4 Résumé Opérationnel 6 1. Attributes of the consortium 8 1.1.