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1918-12-13, [P ] ^4aX«*<* -,-M, i*’ 4^ £LJl^ ^r v^nniffwffT^ . v •.;■■. CTO .*-^w.^--T;;«TF.TW,r-.;-«!W «»•: ’ ' -If *' ’ 5’‘\>*WV«^CT^»SF^WWWWr^Krr... •■t*f *X "♦(« i / . ' " 'S ^£>$5 Official Organ of Organized Labor DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY LOCAL VOICE OF THE AMERICAN ;. GXuJj FEDERATION OF LABOR AND MAKE IT A PATRIOTIC Subscription price, $1.00 per year CHRISTMAS ^Single copies 5 cents INVEST IN THRIFT STAMPS BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS L J ••> VOL. II NEWARK, OHIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1018 No. 4 President is In Doubt POMERENESAYS NO NOT SATISFACTORY After-War Problems Basil M, Manly Victory Jub’dce Are Mainly Economic On future R. R. Plun ------- ■ . •• < t & GOVERNMENT AGE PENSIONS A LIFE SENTENCE DOES NOT THE WORKER’S FREEDOM MUST MEET OPPOSITION AFFECT ISSUE JOINT CHAIRMAN OF NATIONAL Washington—In his address to con­ Washington. — In announcing his WAR LABOR BOARD BE OBTAINED proposed visit to Europe at a joint gress on his visit to Europe, President Wilson indicated that our reconstruc­ meeting of the senate and house, Civil Service Retirement Opposed in The Commutation of Mooney’s Death President Wilson, discussing the ques­ tion problems are more of an econo­ Senate and Bill Defeated Sentence Does Not Meet Says Pres. Samuel Gompers at Recent tion of what to do with the railroads mic nature than legislative, and that President Appoints the Man Selected By 31 to 26 Vote Labor’s Approval now under government control, said: while legislative action may be ne­ By Labor Representatives to Victory Celebration Held “I have no confident judgment of cessary in some cases, the general welfare would be served best by per­ Walsh’s Position In New York City my own,” and “1 frankly turn to you Washington. — Answering a news­ Washington—The bill providing old- mitting the people themselves to ad­ for counsel upon it.” paper request for a statement on Gov. age pensions for Government em­ just their affairs without dictation. The president expressed a hope “for Stephens’ commutation of Thomas J. the formal conclusion of the war by ployes has encountered hard sledding He favored the resumption of pub­ New York. — Speaking at a labor­ Mooney’s death sentence to life im­ Washington—President Wilson has treaty by the time spring has come.” in the Senate. Senator McKellar’s lic works, equal suffrage for women accepted the resignation of Frank P. victory jubilee meeting, held for the prisonment, A. F. of L. Secretary As the law permits government rail­ measure, which is advocated by the and the application of the plan of Walsh, joint chairman of the Na­ purpose of celebrating labor’s share Morrison said: Secretary of the Interior Lane, who road control for 21 months after the American Federation of Labor, the “Organized labor will be in full tional War Labor Board, and has ap­ in winning the war, President Gom­ peace proclamation is issued, this National Federation of Federal Em­ urges the reclamation of unused and accord with Gov. Stephens’ state­ pointed Basil M. Manly as Mr. Walsh’s pers declared that the workers will would mean that the government ployees, the national organizations of swamp lands by the government, ment that: successor. Mr. Manly has been as­ resist any attempt of industrial barons must release the roads not later- than postal clerks, letter carriers, and rail­ which would assist soldiers and other to ride on horseback over the masses “ ‘Jt is, of course, unnecessary to sistant to the joint chairmen, Mr. the early months of 1921. way mail clerks, printers, machinists, citizens in a back-to-the-land move­ Taft and Mr. Walsh. of the people. and all other organized trades in the argue the point that whatever ment. At the present time, the president Mooney’s character or his past rec­ While the appointment was made The meeting was . held under the classified Government service, has Regarding the many reconstruction stated, the railr oad administration has ord might have been, this particular by the President, as was the appoint­ auspices of the American alliance for plans for the full equipment of the been displaced by a substitute bill plans that have been urged and the labor and democracy. case must be determined upon its ment of the other members of the railroads. Under- the law these plans offered by Senator Pomerene of Ohio. necessity for legislation, the president board, Mr. Manly, like Mr. Walsh, “It might as well be understood that merits.’ said: must be indorsed by the board of The McKellar bill calls-for a sys­ “In my judgment,” continued Sec­ was chosen for the place by unanim­ in fighting political autocracy we do tem of annuities for superannuated “So far as our domestic affairs are directors of the various properties. retary Morrison, “the commutation ous vote of the representatives of la­ not want and won’t consent to have Some of the boards have given their employees under which the employees concerned the problem of our return an industrial autocracy take its does not in any way settle this bor on the War Labor Board. Five consent and others have not. With and the Government each pay half the to peace is a problem of economic and members of the board represent, and place,” said President Gompers. case. industrial readjustment. That prob­ the war over, the situation has become cost, amounting to 2^ per cent of the “It must be recalled that the trade werp chosen by, employers; five rep­ “1 know of no more dangerous ut­ employees’ salary. The Pomerene lem is less serious for us than it may complicated and the president gives union movement, in urging a new resent labor; and the chairmen, rep­ terance made during this entire war, substitute would put the cost entirely turn out to be for the nations which notice—in diplomatic terms—that if trial for Mooney, takes the position resenting the public, are selected, one dangerous to the very safety and peace upon the employees, at a maximum of have suffered the disarrangements there is no agitation by the public for- that the charges of perjury in con­ by labor and one by the employers. and progress of our people and of our continued government control or for 8 per cent of their salaries. and the losses of war longer than we. republic, than was uttered by Mr. nection with his conviction make a William Harmon Black, Mr. Walsh’s government ownership or regulation, Following the vote on the Pomerene Our people, moreover, do not wait to alternate on the board, resigned with Barr about two weeks ago. It was new trial imperative. This posi­ be coached and led. They know their which will result in possible congress­ substitute Senator Sutherland of West tion is identical with that of Su­ Mr. Walsh. Mr. Manly, upon being said of the French Bourbons that they ional action, that he will return the Virginia moved to reconsider, but be­ own business, are quick and resource­ never forgot anything, and that they perior Court Judge Griffin, who con­ appointed to Mr. Walsh’s office, named roads to their owners, even before the fore action was taken adjourned. Im­ ful at every readjustment, definite in Mr. Black as his alternate. never learned anything. And it is ducted Mooney’s trial and sentenced purpose and self reliant in action. time designated by law. mediately upon reconvening the reve­ him to death. In a letter to State Mr. Walsh, while retaining his true of this type of men in America. The president said: nue bill will come up for considera­ “Any leading strings we might seek Industrially they want to live in the Attorney General Webb, on April 25, citizenship at Kansas City, Mo., will “The only thing that is perfectly tion. This situation, it is believed, to put them in would speedily become practice law in New York. year of 1918-1919, but mentally they last year, Judge Griffin, in urging a clear to me is that it is not fair especially in view of the determined hopelessly tangled because they would Mr. Manly has devoted his time to are living in the sixteenth century. new trial, said that if the perjury pay no attention to them and go their either to the public or to the owners opposition of several influential sen­ evidence was presented to him be­ national, industrial and economic “The time has gone by when the of the railroads to leave the ques­ ators of both parties, will prevent own way. All that we can do as their working people of America can again fore the case left his hands he problems since 1908. A graduate of tion unanswered, and that it will further consideration of the retire­ legislative and executive servants is Washington Lee University, he was be put in the shackles. We have would ‘unhesitatingly’ have granted presently become my duty to relin­ ment question in the Senate in the to mediate the process of change here, later a fellow at the University of now upon the statute books the princi­ a new trial. On November 21 of this quish control of the roads, even be­ near future. The advocates of the there, and elsewhere as we may. I Chicago, becoming a special agent for plein law and in fact that the labor year Judge Griffin renewed his re­ fore the expiration of the statutory McKellar bill will therefore transfer have heard much counsel as to the the Bureau of Labor Statistics, (De­ of a human being is not a commodity quest in a letter to Gov. Stephens. period, unless there should appear their efforts to the House for the plans that should be formed and per­ partment of Labor) in 1908.
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