133 Rulers and Their Consorts and Their Children
Index Rulers and their consorts and their children are under first names. Royal peers are under their title, non-royal members of the peerage are under their family names. Second references on a page and in notes are not always noted. de Albini/d’Aubigny, William, earl of Barwell, William, executor of Robert Pylly, Arundel (1138/9-76), 36; descendants 48. 36 n. 70. Bath, order of the, 58. Alcas, William, keeper of Kettle Mill, Baxter, Simon, chamberlain of Lynn, 39. Lynn, 43. Baxter, Simon, mayor (1462-63), 39n. Amfleys, Richard, mayor of Lynn (1494- Beauchamp, Richard, bishop of Salisbury, 95), chamberlain, 39, 46n. 3, 5, 9; his house on Fleet Street, 5. Anjou, René, duke of, defeated at Beaufort, Edmund, duke of Somerset (d. Bulgnéville (1431), 67. 1455), 64, 67, 75, 78; constable of Anne Neville, queen, household, 23; her England, 72, 79. lion and its keeper, 43. Bee, Thomas, painter, 75, 77. Antwerp, diet 1491, 32. Belys, John, of Lynn, 31 and nn. Aragon, knight from, 73. Bergen, Norway, 21, 22, 23-24, 31, 33; Archer, Thomas, serjeant at mace, of fish staple and Hanse steelyard, 23-24; Lynn, 43, 46. English and Hollander communities, artillery, gunpowder weapons, 61-70; 23-24, 31 and n. fowlers, serpentines, organ guns, Berry, Charles, duke of, 3. culverins, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70; Berwick, 13, 59. bombards, Goodgrace, Henry, the Crown, Bewesey, Thomas, chamberlain of Lynn, 63-64; and see under Lynn. 43. Aspeland, John, of Lynn, 45 n. 113. Bilney, John, of Lynn, 27. Astley, Sir John, 73-74, 77, 79; his wife, Birmingham, Henry, merchant of Lynn, Elisabeth Harcourt, 73; his 24, n.
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