1 Page

keeping watch over the church during during church the over watch keeping

of volunteers. of

Transept ever since the exhibition, exhibition, the since ever Transept

. Canaries s team team s ’ Mary St the to her welcoming

3ft, has remained in the South South the in remained has 3ft,

The The at appears about came that Welcomers, so please join us in in us join please so Welcomers,

The latter, which measures some 7ft x 7ft some measures which latter, The

His recounting of the story of how how of story the of recounting His Helena, is one of our newest newest our of one is Helena,

. . Barnabas St and Cashel of Rock The

s badge! badge! s ’ Club Football City Norwich s wife, wife, s ’ Andrew offer! an make

largest linocuts Andrew ever made: made: ever Andrew linocuts largest

disclose is that Andrew designed designed Andrew that is disclose (www.andrewandersonprints.com) to to (www.andrewandersonprints.com)

together for the first time the two two the time first the for together

t t ’ doesn blurb the which fact fun contact Andrew Andrew contact

hosted an exhibition which brought brought which exhibition an hosted

s life and work. A A work. and life s ’ Andrew of flavour unique Christmas present please please present Christmas unique

Back in September 2019, St Mary St 2019, September in Back s s ’

to give a a give to Dimension Another at you are interested in purchasing a a purchasing in interested are you

2019 exhibition is reproduced below below reproduced is exhibition 2019 (with a guide price of £1,000), so if if so £1,000), of price guide a (with ” overhead. whirl

An excerpt of the script from the the from script the of excerpt An lockdown. St Barnabas is for sale sale for is Barnabas St lockdown. and animals sing. Angels and planets planets and Angels sing. animals and

the infant Jesus. Shoots thrust upwards upwards thrust Shoots Jesus. infant the

artist the © (1967) Anderson Andrew by engraving wood a ’ Nativity Spring ‘

through the roof of the stable, cradling cradling stable, the of roof the through

are combined. Mary emerges emerges Mary combined. are – Easter

Christmas and and Christmas – themes Resurrection

Fleming, in 1967. In it Nativity and and Nativity it In 1967. in Fleming,

the Bishop of Norwich, Dr Launcelot Launcelot Dr Norwich, of Bishop the

A Christmas card commissioned by by commissioned card Christmas A “

: Nativity Spring describes He engraver.

- wood and cutter - lino outstanding

and living in Beverley, Andrew is an an is Andrew Beverley, in living and

designed our church hall. Now retired retired Now hall. church our designed

inspecting architect in the 1990s and and 1990s the in architect inspecting

s s ’ Mary St was Andrew 5in. x 5in

Anderson in its original block size of of size block original its in Anderson

, a wood engraving by Andrew Andrew by engraving wood a , Nativity

Spring Spring is art cover s ’ month This

Art Cover

writes: Development

Roland Deller, Director of of Director Deller, Roland

to read during the festive period. period. festive the during read to

festive edition will give you something something you give will edition festive

challenges. We hope that this super super this that hope We challenges.

that has been full despite the the despite full been has that

up of a year year a of up - round a represents Rabbit

This bumper issue of the Pilgrim Pilgrim the of issue bumper This


. newsletter/ - rabbit - pilgrim - https://stmarysbeverley.org/heritage/the

future copies by emailing the church using the address on the back page. All past issues are also available on the website at website the on available also are issues past All page. back the on address the using church the emailing by copies future

Please feel free to forward the digital version on to anybody who might be interested. Anyone is able to opt in to receive receive to in opt to able is Anyone interested. be might who anybody to on version digital the forward to free feel Please

Edition) (Bumper 2020 Advent

touch in you Keeping

Church s ’ Mary St about and Around

Rabbit Pilgrim The

2 Page

our vicar, Rev vicar, our d Becky Lumley, and and Lumley, Becky d ’

project was the brainchild of of brainchild the was project

year. this s ’ Mary St to sculpture the Alamy

an unusual festive season. The The season. festive unusual an

s family for having entrusted entrusted having for family s ’ Jill to s in the snow. Image: Les Gibbon / / Gibbon Les Image: snow. the in s ’ Mary St

families and bring some joy in in joy some bring and families

Castle Hill Hospital. We are grateful grateful are We Hospital. Hill Castle

the imaginations of children and and children of imaginations the

makes his way to his new home at at home new his to way his makes

hope that our film will capture capture will film our that hope

when he he when Bench On Yorkshireman

season across the UK, and so we we so and UK, the across season

we shall bid a fond farewell to to farewell fond a bid shall we

December is normally panto panto normally is December

64 years, from cancer. In due course course due In cancer. from years, 64

College. She died in February, aged aged February, in died She College. . me - unicorn -

specialisation in sculpture at Art Art York at sculpture in specialisation www.stmarysbeverley.org/lion

at City of Leeds College, with further further with College, Leeds of City at further information please visit visit please information further

Jill lived in Walkington and studied art art studied and Walkington in lived Jill over the Christmas period. For For period. Christmas the over

free on our YouTube channel channel YouTube our on free

watch this charming film for for film charming this watch

Image: foxyfoto.co.uk foxyfoto.co.uk Image:

special opportunity for everyone to to everyone for opportunity special

programme. restoration

by Jill Atley. Atley. Jill by ’ Bench On Yorkshireman ‘

are thrilled that there will be a a be will there that thrilled are

and encouragement with the the with encouragement and

of activities based on the story. We We story. the on based activities of

thanks to all of you for your support support your for you of all to thanks

the area are taking part in a variety variety a in part taking are area the

I would like to express my profound profound my express to like would I

This month, schools throughout throughout schools month, This

s for future generations. And And generations. future for s ’ Mary St

momentous steps forward in saving saving in forward steps momentous

next phases, but these are are these but phases, next

Donkey the as Meredith Gordon

millions of pounds needed for the the for needed pounds of millions

to climb in terms of raising the the raising of terms in climb to

clerestory). We still have a mountain mountain a have still We clerestory).

second phase (the south nave nave south (the phase second

dovetailing with the start of the the of start the with dovetailing

(the north nave clerestory), clerestory), nave north (the

phase in the restoration of the church church the of restoration the in phase

the recent completion of the first first the of completion recent the

fold joy to witness witness to joy fold - two a been has it

sporting a face mask! mask! face a sporting Despite the pain and distress of 2020, 2020, of distress and pain the Despite

popular with visitors, and often often and visitors, with popular

articles. submitted

feature of the church in 2020, very very 2020, in church the of feature

audience; and to everyone who has has who everyone to and audience;

March and has been a distinctive distinctive a been has and March

you for having been such an engaging engaging an such been having for you

s funeral on 3rd 3rd on funeral s ’ Jill since s ’ Mary St

Pilgrim Rabbit Pilgrim the two years ago; to to ago; years two

. This sculpture has been in in been has sculpture This . Bench On

unicorn. the as Coath Caroline editor, Fiona Jenkinson, who created created who Jenkinson, Fiona editor,

Yorkshireman Yorkshireman sculpture, resin bronze

Katherine Marriot as the angel and and angel the as Marriot Katherine days. I am enormously grateful to our our to grateful enormously am I days.

s lifesize lifesize s ’ Atley Jill was company him

and Richard Avery as the lion, lion, the as Avery Richard and entertainment during these dark dark these during entertainment

s during lockdown. Keeping Keeping lockdown. during s ’ Mary St

Gordon Meredith as the donkey donkey the as Meredith Gordon brought some diversion and and diversion some brought

t alone in guarding guarding in alone t ’ wasn Barnabas St

during November and features features and November during community in these newsletters has has newsletters these in community

Watch Night The

s s ’ Mary St in definition high in s amazing history and and history amazing s ’ Mary St

Marriot, our production was filmed filmed was production our Marriot, ahead. I hope that our spotlighting of of spotlighting our that hope I ahead.

Christmas. Directed by Katherine Katherine by Directed Christmas. and there will be challenging times times challenging be will there and

the story of the very first first very the of story the brought so much suffering and loss, loss, and suffering much so brought

beautifully evocative retelling of of retelling evocative beautifully s. The pandemic has has pandemic The s. ’ Mary St for

a a Me, and Unicorn the Lion, extraordinary year for the world and and world the for year extraordinary

The The book, s ’ Winterson Jeanette comes at the end of an an of end the at comes Rabbit Pilgrim

this year. The project is based on on based is project The year. this

This bumper, festive edition of the the of edition festive bumper, This

education and outreach project project outreach and education

Bienvenu, Welcome! Bienvenu,

centre stage in our big Christmas Christmas big our in stage centre

Willkommen, Willkommen,

humble donkey which also takes takes also which donkey humble

all the animals in the ark it is the the is it ark the in animals the all


is the donkey, and out of of out and donkey, the is Nativity

Hairsine and Jill Edmond for making it it making for Edmond Jill and Hairsine

Spring Spring in animals the of One

Katy Cobb. Many thanks to Margaret Margaret to thanks Many Cobb. Katy

Prologue the splendid artwork was provided by by provided was artwork splendid the

3 Page

This potential loss was was loss potential This ’. magpie ‘ and we pick out some of of some out pick we Tweets Ten Top feast of foliage at Heritage Open Open Heritage at foliage of feast

’ ’ otter ‘ ’, acorn ‘ are words endangered ve been up to! And so in our our in so And to! up been ve ’ we what the roof bosses. We celebrated this this celebrated We bosses. roof the

other stark examples of such such of examples stark other t use Twitter might like to see see to like might Twitter use t ’ don throughout the building, not least in in least not building, the throughout

s vocabulary. Some Some vocabulary. s ’ children from We thought those who who those thought We lockdown. leaves, vines, fruits and flowers flowers and fruits vines, leaves,

two) are at risk of becoming extinct extinct becoming of risk at are two) stories of our heritage project during during project heritage our of stories s, in the countless carvings of of carvings countless the in s, ’ Mary

to name name to ’, bluebell ‘ and ’ goldfinch ‘ Twitter, and it is one of the success success the of one is it and Twitter, Nature is in the very fabric of St St of fabric very the in is Nature

in this newsletter (for example, example, (for newsletter this in channel for this publicity drive was was drive publicity this for channel

come. to years the

Some of the words to describe nature nature describe to words the of Some taking flight. Launched in April, a key key a April, in Launched flight. taking

as we seek to rebuild the country in in country the rebuild to seek we as Nature to Back to promote its heritage was also also was heritage its promote to

should weigh heavily on our hearts hearts our on heavily weigh should s social media campaign campaign media social s ’ Mary St us,

pandemic is something which which something is pandemic Whilst birdlife was booming around around booming was birdlife Whilst

s experience of the the of experience s ’ people in

garden). Westwood offers, and this disparity disparity this and offers, Westwood

(addicted to the weeds in my my in weeds the to (addicted the type of green space which which space green of type the

owls, red kites, and goldfinches goldfinches and kites, red owls, flats) had gardens or easy access to to access easy or gardens had flats)

martins, robins, wrens, woodpeckers, woodpeckers, wrens, robins, martins, city city - inner in living those of (think

delighted in were swallows, house house swallows, were in delighted However, not everyone in the UK UK the in everyone not However,

still ringing! Some other birds I I birds other Some ringing! still bluebells at Burton Bushes. Bushes. Burton at bluebells

screeching as they went. My ears are are ears My went. they as screeching Westwood and revelled in the the in revelled and Westwood

careering low over our rooftops, rooftops, our over low careering took their daily exercise on on exercise daily their took

high in the sky on warm days, or or days, warm on sky the in high lockdown, many people in town town in people many lockdown,

Africa, and spent the summer either either summer the spent and Africa, commons in England. During During England. in commons

Saharan Saharan - Sub from Riding East the are among the greatest of all urban urban all of greatest the among are

their annual journey to this corner of of corner this to journey annual their surrounded by its pastures, which which pastures, its by surrounded

my heart. These aerial acrobats made made acrobats aerial These heart. my

How blessed Beverley is to be be to is Beverley blessed How Butterworth.

in the Yorkshire Wolds which stole stole which Wolds Yorkshire the in

Norman and design consultant Jon Jon consultant design and Norman

was the arrival of swifts in my village village my in swifts of arrival the was


Thank you to editorial consultant Ed Ed consultant editorial to you Thank

riding/ - (www.flickr.com/photos/east

British birdlife like never before. It It before. never like birdlife British

competition run by Beverley Guildhall in 2015 2015 in Guildhall Beverley by run competition 11th December to buy your copy. copy. your buy to December 11th

kaleidoscope and cacophony of of cacophony and kaleidoscope

From From a photography photography a ’, Beverley Capturing ‘ from from www.shopstmarysbeverley.org

earth stood still, and we noticed the the noticed we and still, stood earth Buttercup on Westwood on Buttercup ‘ © Keith Britton. Britton. Keith © ’

ever been seen before. Visit Visit before. seen been ever

the skies above. Airports shut, the the shut, Airports above. skies the

showing them in more detail than has has than detail more in them showing

sound of birds in our gardens and in in and gardens our in birds of sound

definition photographs of the bosses, bosses, the of photographs definition

national lockdown was the sight and and sight the was lockdown national

- high ultra features book the

across the country during the first first the during country the across

Rich in colour, and written by Jennie, Jennie, by written and colour, in Rich

lift for so for many people people many for so for lift - heart A

which opens this month. month. this opens which shop online


will be on sale in the the in sale on be will s s ’ Mary St new

the Roof Bosses of St Mary St of Bosses Roof the Beverley s ’

again. meet

Our new guidebook guidebook new Our Curious Carvings: Carvings: Curious

forward to hearing them when we we when them hearing to forward

interwoven through these carvings. carvings. these through interwoven

perspectives and stories, and I look look I and stories, and perspectives

how nature is a theme which is is which theme a is nature how

but you will of course have your own own your have course of will you but

around the bosses, and exploring exploring and bosses, the around

feelings about our cherished church, church, cherished our about feelings

the day, taking us on a virtual virtual a on us taking day, the ’ ’ safari ‘

perfume. heady a with air the

my words chime with your own own your with chime words my

Jennie England, gave talks throughout throughout talks gave England, Jennie

carpeted the nearby woods filled filled woods nearby the carpeted

appears below. I hope that some of of some that hope I below. appears

Our Heritage Learning Officer, Dr Dr Officer, Learning Heritage Our

golden and the wild garlic which which garlic wild the and golden

s into 500 words words 500 into s ’ Mary St of years 900

which surround my house turned turned house my surround which

visitors and helped keep them safe. safe. them keep helped and visitors

attempt at distilling the essence of of essence the distilling at attempt

blossom day by day. The corn fields fields corn The day. by day blossom

Absolutely Cultured, who welcomed welcomed who Cultured, Absolutely continue to make the place. My My place. the make to continue

wisteria and apple tree come into into come tree apple and wisteria

Welcomers, plus the volunteers from from volunteers the plus Welcomers, who made and and made who people the in lies soul

show it was. At home I saw the the saw I home At was. it show

to Carole Crossland and all of our our of all and Crossland Carole to and its its and ’ church s ’ town ‘ the is s ’ Mary

motion, and what a spectacular spectacular a what and motion,

people passed through. Huge thanks thanks Huge through. passed people the nub of the matter is this: St St this: is matter the of nub the

- slow in unfolding nature witness

sunny day, over three hundred hundred three over day, sunny words is no easy task, but I believe believe I but task, easy no is words

to birdlife, lockdown enabled us to to us enabled lockdown birdlife, to

open, and during the course of the the of course the during and open, with such a rich history in so few few so in history rich a such with

As well as becoming more attuned attuned more becoming as well As

The great West Doors were thrown thrown were Doors West great The of such a beautiful, beloved building building beloved beautiful, a such of


theme this year was was year this theme ’. ’. Nature Hidden ‘ fundraiser. Trying to get to the heart heart the to get to Trying fundraiser.

community heritage festival and its its and festival heritage community for a restoration restoration a for words 500

months. seven last the Open Days is England's largest largest England's is Days Open s in in s ’ Mary St up summing of challenge

our favourite Twitter moments from from moments Twitter favourite our Days on 12th September. Heritage Heritage September. 12th on Days I was recently presented with the the with presented recently was I

4 Page

chapter on Elizabeth in in Elizabeth on chapter Extraordinary Extraordinary

with nature. Creating level access access level Creating nature. with for the morning and evening service, service, evening and morning the for the exhibition came about in her her in about came exhibition the

scope for cultivating our relationship relationship our cultivating for scope last as organist shall be 16 guineas guineas 16 be shall organist as last Sally tells the fascinating story of how how of story fascinating the tells Sally

churchyard) will give us even more more even us give will churchyard) s salary from Easter Easter from salary s ’ Lambert Miss


the Memorial Garden and the the and Garden Memorial the it was agreed agreed was it that Memorandum “

story by historians Susan and David David and Susan historians by story branch onto the wall which divides divides which wall the onto branch

time): the at expectancy life average s s ’ Elizabeth into research also and (following the fall of the large tree tree large the of fall the (following

about the the about – 39 aged 1830 in died s descendant), descendant), s ’ (Elizabeth McGegan on the north side of the church church the of side north the on

post towards the end of her life (she (she life her of end the towards post support of conductor Nicholas Nicholas conductor of support The proposal to enhance the gardens gardens the enhance to proposal The

meeting reveal that Elizabeth was in in was Elizabeth that reveal meeting made possible with both the kind kind the both with possible made

it. in nature of aspects March 1829. The minutes of that that of minutes The 1829. March was curated by Sally Hayes, and was was and Hayes, Sally by curated was

children with our heritage and and heritage our with children

2 on held meeting ’ Churchwardens the Treasure House. The exhibition exhibition The House. Treasure the


(Macfarlane) by engaging engaging by (Macfarlane) ” eye Elizabeth being our organist is a a is organist our being Elizabeth held at at held Butterflies and Blooms Birds,

into the mouth and the mind the and mouth the into s s ’ The earliest trace we have of of have we trace earliest The were celebrated in a 2018 exhibition exhibition 2018 a in celebrated were

summoning lost words back back words lost summoning “ in part drawings of natural history subjects subjects history natural of drawings

look like trees!) Surely, we can play a a play can we Surely, trees!) like look

s beautiful paintings and and paintings beautiful s ’ Elizabeth Service Museums Riding

s Chapel Chapel s ’ Michael St in columns fluted An iris by Elizabeth Lambert. Image: East East Image: Lambert. Elizabeth by iris An . . 1830) - (1791 Lambert Elizabeth

abundance of nature. (Even the the (Even nature. of abundance subject of our feature article: article: feature our of subject

pleasing that the building features an an features building the that pleasing s history as the the as history s ’ Mary St from woman

life chances for children. And so it is is it so And children. for chances life inspired us to select a remarkable remarkable a select to us inspired

people out of poverty and enhancing enhancing and poverty of out people

It was also the theme of nature which which nature of theme the also was It

recognised as a key factor in lifting lifting in factor key a as recognised


because improving literacy is widely widely is literacy improving because

No Muses Need Need Muses No

not least least not – heritage our on based

telling, reading, and creative writing writing creative and reading, telling,

- story through literacy, s ’ children


are working to help improve improve help to working are Tree in Memorial Gardens. Image: Image: Gardens. Memorial in Tree

s we we s ’ Mary St of heritage the around

In our education and outreach work work outreach and education our In

Service Museums Riding East Image:

A dragonfly by Elizabeth Lambert. Lambert. Elizabeth by dragonfly A

s. ’ Mary St at organ the played

1874), Elizabeth Elizabeth 1874), - 1777 century,

Beverley Minster for almost a a almost for Minster Beverley

junior, held the post of Organist of of Organist of post the held junior,

senior, and her brother, George George brother, her and senior,

(between them her father, George George father, her them (between

were organists at Beverley Minster Minster Beverley at organists were

Whilst male members of her family family her of members male Whilst

strand of Elizabeth of strand life. artistic s ’

brief look at another interesting interesting another at look brief …” return might

In this editorial, however, we take a a take we however, editorial, this In right spells are spoken, the lost words words lost the spoken, are spells right

summoning what has vanished. If the the If vanished. has what summoning

images of Elizabeth of images artworks. s ’

finding what is missing, and for for and missing, is what finding

for permitting us to include the the include to us permitting for

But there is an old kind of magic for for magic of kind old an is there But “

to the East Riding Museums Service Service Museums Riding East the to

building. the of part this to

on Elizabeth in this newsletter and and newsletter this in Elizabeth on gone. were

recent addition of the Narnia carvings carvings Narnia the of addition recent

allowing us to reproduce the essay essay the reproduce to us allowing until one day, they they day, one until – noticed one no

attracted lots of visitors since the the since visitors of lots attracted

Beverley Civic Society for kindly kindly for Society Civic Beverley They disappeared so quietly that first first that quietly so disappeared They

side of the church has already already has church the of side

I am indebted to Sally, Barbara and and Barbara Sally, to indebted am I vanish from the language of children. children. of language the from vanish

22) will surely be well used: this this used: well be surely will 22) - 2021

Once upon a time, words began to to began words time, a upon Once “

new online shop! online new

contemplated scheme (a project for for project (a scheme contemplated

items available to purchase in our our in purchase to available items of the space. The area for this this for area The space. the of Morris:

splendid book is one of the choice choice the of one is book splendid impact on the inclusivity and appeal appeal and inclusivity the on impact Jackie by illustrated and Macfarlane

Beverley Civic Society in 2019). That That 2019). in Society Civic Beverley the hall, could have a tremendous tremendous a have could hall, the Robert by written (2020), Spells

Barbara English, published by by published English, Barbara via the North Transept and across to to across and Transept North the via Lost The and (2017) Words Lost The

Women of Beverley Beverley of Women (edited by by (edited through the gardens, into the church church the into gardens, the through books exquisite the for impetus the

5 Page

(1888/89). Manual Own Girls the from page A

organists arose at such places when when places such at arose organists William A. Menzies. Menzies. A. William by painting 1887 the on based ’ art her of masters the Before ‘

opportunities for capable female female capable for opportunities

s time. Perhaps Perhaps time. s ’ Elizabeth in

churches were few and far between between far and few were churches

Thus, female organists of major major of organists female Thus,

1787. as early as from Warwick

Collegiate Church of St Mary, Mary, St of Church Collegiate

Mary Hobbs was organist of the the of organist was Hobbs Mary

1864; and and 1864; - 1854 Abbey Selby nearby

s: Mary Milnes was organist of of organist was Milnes Mary s: ’ Mary

churches broadly comparable to St St to comparable broadly churches

two instances of female organists at at organists female of instances two

In my quick search, I discovered just just discovered I search, quick my In

of organists in such places were men. men. were places such in organists of

nineteenth century the vast majority majority vast the century nineteenth

across England confirms that in the the in that confirms England across

through the rosters of organists organists of rosters the through

the role was remunerated)? A romp romp A remunerated)? was role the

s (where (where s ’ Mary St as such churches

cathedral cathedral - non larger, in situation

than the scant amount I was able to to able was I amount scant the than

school. But what was the general general the was what But school.

to control some thousands of pipes, pipes, of thousands some control to

centuries centuries and much more research research more much and –

women in the home, or teaching in a a in teaching or home, the in women

The idea of being able able being of idea The ’. instruments

female organist in England in prior prior in England in organist female

making by by making - music amateur of norm

king of of king ‘ this on perform to

influenced the prospects of the the of prospects the influenced

perhaps a short step from the social social the from step short a perhaps

point or other longed to know how how know to longed other or point

Whatever combination of factors factors of combination Whatever

(whether for free or otherwise) is is otherwise) or free for (whether

few girls who have not, at some some at not, have who girls few

setting such as a village church church village a as such setting

Hull. ” church organ, and there are but a a but are there and organ, church

’ ’ ordinary ‘ an in organ the playing

Atkinson the son of Mr Atkinson at at Atkinson Mr of son the Atkinson in listening to the rich tones of a fine fine a of tones rich the to listening in

context. A female female A context. ’ earth - to - down ‘ a

churchwardens engaged a Mr William William Mr a engaged churchwardens There is something very fascinating fascinating very something is There “

organ or harmonium publicly in such such in publicly harmonium or organ provide some proper person, the the person, proper some provide

begins: England for a woman to play the pipe pipe the play to woman a for England refused, after being requested to to requested being after refused,

in that publication publication that in Organ the Play century century - nineteenth in acceptable and Mr George Lambert having having Lambert George Mr and

How to to How article s ’ Stainer John Thus, It appears that it was socially socially was it that appears It organ was very inefficiently played played inefficiently very was organ

Gothic fascinations of the time. time. the of fascinations Gothic as, nay proud to be, a parish church. church. parish a be, to proud nay as, several of the congregation, that the the that congregation, the of several

awash with the sexual politics and and politics sexual the with awash centuries comfortable in its own skin skin own its in comfortable centuries been made to the churchwardens by by churchwardens the to made been

even though the language used is is used language the though even for for – ease of chapel a as beginnings In consequence of complaints having having complaints of consequence In “

acceptable part of Victorian society, society, Victorian of part acceptable remained true in spirit to its humble humble its to spirit in true remained

that: records book minute that the woman organist was an an was organist woman the that footprint as a building, but it has has it but building, a as footprint

’ ’ Churchwardens the in 1831 May between 1888 and 1898 show show 1898 and 1888 between Paper very fine architecture and has a large large a has and architecture fine very

22 for entry The mark! the of short

which appeared in in appeared which The Girls Own Own Girls The s possess some some possess s ’ Mary St know, we As nd

s certainly fell fell certainly s ’ Mary St at successor articles about female organ female about articles playing playing -


s s ’ Elizabeth skill. specialist this University says that the illustrated illustrated the that says University

been our organist almost 180 years years 180 almost organist our been

if they were known to be proficient in in proficient be to known were they if Dr Ingrid Sykes of Warwick Warwick of Sykes Ingrid Dr

surprising that Elizabeth should have have should Elizabeth that surprising such as the Lamberts of Beverley), or or Beverley), of Lamberts the as such

influential in the town. the in influential

Cathedral), I wondered whether it is is it whether wondered I Cathedral), those with a strong musical pedigree pedigree musical strong a with those

though her father was musically musically was father her though of the Choristers at Guildford Guildford at Choristers the of families in small communities (i.e. (i.e. communities small in families

comfortable hiring Elizabeth Elizabeth hiring comfortable even even – Williams became Organist & Master Master & Organist became Williams were from prominent musical musical prominent from were

identity might not have been so so been have not might identity - Dienes Katherine (when England positions when they arose, if they they if arose, they when positions

grandeur) or a a or grandeur) ’ ’ like - cathedral ‘ cathedral organist in the Church of of Church the in organist cathedral sometimes given the first look at such such at look first the given sometimes

status anxiety (delusions of of (delusions anxiety status woman was first appointed as a a as appointed first was woman pool of talent, perhaps women were were women perhaps talent, of pool

more uptight parish church with with church parish uptight more t until 2008 that a a that 2008 until t ’ wasn it that Given congregation, and given the limited limited the given and congregation,

women as its organist. Perhaps a a Perhaps organist. its as women

which a bad organist can inflict on a a on inflict can organist bad a which

PE1.) ref. Archive Riding East

appointed one of its multi its of one appointed talented talented -

Conversely, given the aural pain pain aural the given Conversely,

s Parish Record in the the in Record Parish s ’ Mary St (From

s church s ’ town ‘ should have have should ’ as new as we like to think). think). to like we as new as

century Beverley, the the Beverley, century - nineteenth t t ’ isn organists competent recruiting ” singers. the with

it feels natural to me that in in that me to natural feels it – topic vacancies (maybe the challenge of of challenge the (maybe vacancies practising for time each 6d 2s and

carry out needs to be done on this this on done be to needs out carry t be found to fill fill to found be t ’ couldn males lectures s ’ evening the for guineas 8

6 Page

and worshiped through periods of of periods through worshiped and out being organist female a Would work. s Chapel, and and Chapel, s ’ Catherine St to home

community in the past lived, worked worked lived, past the in community her in her saw church the – whether s feminine aspect: it is is it aspect: feminine s ’ building the

s s ’ Mary St how remember indeed or – how about clues any contain s is essentially essentially is s ’ Mary St of side south

interesting and inspiring to to inspiring and interesting might 1830) - (1828 organist our as time be of nine remarkable women. The The women. remarkable nine of be

conservation of the building: it is is it building: the of conservation s ’ Elizabeth during interior s ’ Mary St of gaps on the north side) are going to to going are side) north the on gaps

the latest phase in our present our in phase latest the layout the whether considered I Finally, day day - way as the Narnia carvings filled the the filled carvings Narnia the as way

up on the south side of the nave, for for nave, the of side south the on up which have worn away, in the same same the in away, worn have which

organists. female

Fund, the scaffolding is now going going now is scaffolding the Fund, the church (replacing label stops stops label (replacing church the

tiny number of major churches with with churches major of number tiny

s Culture Recovery Recovery Culture s ’ Government the new carvings on the south side of of side south the on carvings new

s death, there were still only a a only still were there death, s ’ Elizabeth

a grant from Historic England, out of of out England, Historic from grant a that we are proposing that the nine nine the that proposing are we that

surprising that, half a century after after century a half that, surprising

significant refurbishment. Thanks to to Thanks refurbishment. significant marginalised. And it is in this spirit spirit this in is it And marginalised.

patronising language, it seems hardly hardly seems it language, patronising

organist during a period of of period a during organist prospects have historically been been historically have prospects

Faced with such suggestive and and suggestive such with Faced

s s ’ Mary St was Elizabeth so And s achievements or or achievements s ’ women which in

Of course, this is not the only sphere sphere only the not is this course, Of


Hopkins). Pam by Beverley of History

by Ingrid Sykes in Music & Letters, Vol.90 Vol.90 Letters, & Music in Sykes Ingrid by

William Comins (see (see Comins William mason, The The

Barger. From a 2009 review of the book book the of review 2009 a From Barger. (exterior). Clerestory Nave South the on

s master master s ’ Minster the of guidance

proposed subjects of the new carvings carvings new the of subjects proposed

by Judith Judith by ’, England Century - Ninteenth

galleries were removed, under the the under removed, were galleries

domain) Amy Johnson is one of the the of one is Johnson Amy domain)

Musical Life of Female Organists in in Organists Female of Life Musical

30 those those 30 - 1829 in But organist.

Newcastle, 14 June 1930. (Image: public public (Image: 1930. June 14 Newcastle,

Elizabeth Stirling and the the and Stirling Elizabeth ‘ in (Quoted

been seated at eye level with the the with level eye at seated been Hawk Moth leaving Australia for for Australia leaving Moth Hawk

born Amy Johnson in her Black Black her in Johnson Amy born - Hull

of the congregation would have have would congregation the of ” withstand. to hard is which ambition

s tenure, some members members some tenure, s ’ Elizabeth two feet, rouses a natural natural a rouses feet, two - thirty to

Just imagine it! So at that point in in point that at So it! imagine Just varying in length from about half an inch inch an half about from length in varying

enlarged in the eighteenth century. century. eighteenth the in enlarged

pillars) which had been installed and and installed been had which pillars)

domain public Image: wings.

lofts and galleries (and Grecian style style Grecian (and galleries and lofts doors would be open, looking like like looking open, be would doors

church was still furnished with the the with furnished still was church the organ was being played, the chest chest the played, being was organ the

when angels: of song the represent the congregation. In 1828 the the 1828 In congregation. the

Birdsong was thought to to thought was Birdsong congregation.

that Elizabeth was not invisible to to invisible not was Elizabeth that

seeming to float above the the above float to seeming

Church) Church) but it is safe to assume assume to safe is it but –

symbolise divine music, the instrument instrument the music, divine symbolise

organ case (as per Toll Gavel United United Gavel Toll per (as case organ

They were seen to to seen were They Renaissance.

Minster) or in the middle of the the of middle the in or Minster) during the Middle Ages and and Ages Middle the during

side of the organ case (as per the the per (as case organ the of side organs were particularly common common particularly were organs

These These Switzerland. in Basilica Valère instrument) instrument) whether it was to the the to was it whether –

Dame de de Dame - Notre in situated and 1435 in

(i.e. where Elizabeth sat to play the the play to sat Elizabeth where (i.e.

'Schwalbennestorgel') in the world, built built world, the in 'Schwalbennestorgel')

console in that spacious organ loft loft organ spacious that in console right.

d'hirondelle', German German d'hirondelle',

We do not know the position of the the of position the know not do We

#PlayLikeAGirl working to put this this put to working #PlayLikeAGirl organ (French 'orgue en nid nid en 'orgue (French organ

the growth of initiatives such as as such initiatives of growth the

The oldest playable swallow's nest nest swallow's playable oldest The

” subscription. voluntary by raised

land. So we are heartened to see see to heartened are we So land.

organ was £311 8s 0d which was was which 0d 8s £311 was organ

too few female organists across the the across organists female few too

the subscribers. The cost of the the of cost The subscribers. the

doubled, there are still doubtless doubtless still are there doubled,

the first organist by appointment of of appointment by organist first the

life expectancy for women has has women for expectancy life

in 1792, Mr Lambert having been been having Lambert Mr 1792, in

equality since Elizabeth since equality s time, and and time, s ’

Donaldson of York and placed there there placed and York of Donaldson

societal changes and strides in in strides and changes societal

the organ which was built by by built was which organ the

Whilst there have been huge huge been have there Whilst

loft, and now contains contains now and loft, - rood spacious

and retelling history retelling and

At the east end of the Nave is a a is Nave the of end east the At “

Restoring heritage heritage Restoring

church: the of middle the

Muses mute? Muses ” ”

bang in in bang - slap i.e. – nave) and chancel

Why are all the the all are Why “ screen (a partition between the the between partition (a screen

the then organ sat atop a rood rood a atop sat organ then the

of 1829 that that 1829 of Beverley of Minster and work! our

History and Antiquities of the Town Town the of Antiquities and History us on, and hopefully approving of of approving hopefully and on, us

s s ’ Oliver George from know We all around us in the building, egging egging building, the in us around all

one in a very prominent sight line? line? sight prominent very a in one imagine the souls of our forerunners forerunners our of souls the imagine

carry the baton, and I love to to love I and baton, the carry than acceptable more be somehow

away organ loft loft organ away - hidden a in sight of restoration and disruption. Now we we Now disruption. and restoration

7 Page

this side of the church: the stonework stonework the church: the of side this


overlooked. We take seriously the the seriously take We overlooked.

October 2021, cleaning and repairing repairing and cleaning 2021, October

Hans Holbein the Younger, and his his and Younger, the Holbein Hans

in ways or fields traditionally traditionally fields or ways in

Phase 2 of our works will run until until run will works our of 2 Phase

painter featured at the exhibition: exhibition: the at featured painter

of real women to society, particularly particularly society, to women real of

which profiles the most famous famous most the profiles which

soon. contribution the represent fairly and

La Pensée has written an article article an written has Pensée La

announce more news of this project project this of news more announce fully more to wanted We characters.

in the National Portrait Gallery), Eva Eva Gallery), Portrait National the in

these, almost half are fictional fictional are half almost these, ). We will will We ). Beverley of Women

through reproductions of paintings paintings of reproductions through

in the UK are of women women of are UK the in Extraordinary Extraordinary in feature also whom of of that and –

which explored Tudor Beverley Beverley Tudor explored which

attended Beverley High School (both (both School High Beverley attended people of statues of fifth one around

(our recent exhibition exhibition recent (our Restoration

submarine design today, who who today, design submarine only that notes Association Sculpture

Reform, Rebellion, Rebellion, Reform, to response In

used for stability software and and software stability for used and Monuments Public The silenced.

Places Trading

designed airships, her work still being being still work her airships, designed been have voices s ’ women history

aeronautical engineer, who who engineer, aeronautical – throughout and history, of telling the


t always properly recognised in in recognised properly always t ’ isn and Hilda Lyon Lyon Hilda and – child a as Beverley in

when the whole restoration is is restoration whole the when

contribution of women to humanity humanity to women of contribution as one of the first feminists, who lived lived who feminists, first the of one as

s time, time, s ’ decade a in be will building

s rights, and widely regarded regarded widely and rights, s ’ women The history. retell to is idea

visualise how magnificent the the magnificent how visualise

writer and philosopher, advocate for for advocate philosopher, and writer the but granted, being permissions

encouragement: it allows us to to us allows it encouragement:

– Wollstonecraft Mary are proposed relevant the to subject is this of All

from the first phase provides great great provides phase first the from

A couple of examples of those those of examples of couple A

church. the of flank this to women completed stonework restoration restoration stonework completed

For many of us, the revelation of the the of revelation the us, of many For generations. future for inspiration pioneering nine adding by this,

women, and provide hope and and hope provide and women, on draw to interesting felt it then, scaffolding will come down in July. July. in down come will scaffolding

remarkable achievements of these these of achievements remarkable carvings, away - worn the replace a fair wind, this new set of internal internal of set new this wind, fair a

this project will help highlight the the highlight help will project this to how deciding In Mary. St and Hilda team have their work cut out. With With out. cut work their have team

and injustice. And so we hope that that hope we so And injustice. and St Ethelburga, St of Bewsey) JC (by of the building, so Matthias and his his and Matthias so building, the of

Church window glass stained the features it s role in battling inequality inequality battling in role s ’ is in very bad condition on this part part this on condition bad very in is

s drawing of part of the exterior of the South Nave Clerestory currently being restored. being currently Clerestory Nave South the of exterior the of part of drawing s ’ architect An

8 Page

during his reign Edward fought many many fought Edward reign his during

He also conducted reforms of royal royal of reforms conducted also He


the son of King Alfred the Great, and and Great, the Alfred King of son the

sought to do the same in Scotland. Scotland. in same the do to sought

velvet, silk and other luxurious luxurious other and silk velvet,

death on 17th July 924. Edward was was Edward 924. July 17th on death

Wales under English rule, and and rule, English under Wales

exporters of wool and importers of of importers and wool of exporters

Saxons, who ruled from 899 to his his to 899 from ruled who Saxons,

During his reign, Edward brought brought Edward reign, his During

general merchants, as well as for for as well as merchants, general

- Anglo the of king Elder, the Edward

for for association trade a was company

The portrait featured here is that of of that is here featured portrait The

City of . The The London. of City the of Company

: 2020 July 17th of post Blog Livery Livery premier the Mercers, of

Elder the Edward emblem of the Worshipful Company Company Worshipful the of emblem

s Maiden, the heraldic heraldic the Maiden, s ’ Mercer

far: so Instagram on profiled identified by Barbara English as a as English Barbara by identified

three of the kings which have been been have which kings the of three has been been has – head s ’ queen a been

king was buried. Here we pick out out pick we Here buried. was king previously assumed to have have to assumed previously – aisle

length of the reign and where the the where and reign the of length of the label stops in the south nave nave south the in stops label the of

scroll that records (in Latin) the the Latin) (in records that scroll fustian and linen, (silk, textiles). One One textiles).

mound, accompanied by a golden golden a by accompanied mound, pondering recently is mercery mercery is recently pondering

are depicted standing on a grassy grassy a on standing depicted are A trade which we have been been have we which trade A

1274. August 19th on

Each king is lavishly portrayed: they they portrayed: lavishly is king Each

coronation in Westminster Abbey Abbey Westminster in coronation

s ’ Mary St of Aisle Nave South

England only shortly before his his before shortly only England

(1936 52). - s Maiden in the the in Maiden s ’ Mercer a of stop Label

a slow route home, and returned to to returned and home, route slow a the then serving king, George VI VI George king, serving then the

relatively stable, Edward could take take could Edward stable, relatively painted with a portrait of of portrait a with painted - over was

political situation in England was was England in situation political a painting of Lochrine (son of Brutus) Brutus) of (son Lochrine of painting a

16th November 1272. As the the As 1272. November 16th repainted in 1939, during which time time which during 1939, in repainted

s death on on death s ’ father his of heard he The ceiling was repaired and and repaired was ceiling The

King Henry III, and was in Sicily when when Sicily in was and III, Henry King


1307. Edward was the oldest son of of son oldest the was Edward 1307.

England, including Brutus and and Brutus including England, - 1272 England of King was who I,

monarchs are some mythical Kings of of Kings mythical some are monarchs

Ceiling of Kings, this time of Edward Edward of time this Kings, of Ceiling

- post Conquest Kings. Among the 40 40 the Among Kings. Conquest

s s ’ Mary St from portrait Another

includes portraits of Anglo of portraits includes Saxon and and Saxon -

guilds. trade the of

2020: August 19 of Blogpost the reign of Henry VI (1422 VI Henry of reign the 71), and and 71), -


owes its existence to the prosperity prosperity the to existence its owes

Longshanks Edward The ceiling was ceiling The , during during , 1445 in made

’ ’ church s ’ town ‘ the that us reminds

s mercantile history, which which history, mercantile s ’ Beverley England.

” Winchester.

s strong ties with with ties strong s ’ Mary St on light no equivalent anywhere else in in else anywhere equivalent no 24 years, he is buried at at buried is he years, 24

, casts casts , Age Tudor the and Beverley Ceiling of Kings of Ceiling ‘ there is is there - unique is ’ King Edward ruled ruled Edward King “ reads: and Latin,

The Merchants of of Merchants The piece, s ’ Eva our glorious chancel ceiling. The The ceiling. chancel glorious our The scroll framing this portrait is in in is portrait this framing scroll The

of kings on on kings of ’ portraits ‘ 40 the highlight

way. this in region the across schools

covered in armour. armour. in covered

Instagram, Jennie has now begun to to begun now has Jennie Instagram,

reaching out to to out reaching be to proud re ’ We

royal cloak to show that his legs are are legs his that show to cloak royal blogs on on blogs ’ Week the of Boss ‘ her

for teachers and pupils by Zoom. Zoom. by pupils and teachers for

face, Edward has bunched up his his up bunched has Edward face,

As well as profiling the roof bosses in in bosses roof the profiling as well As

beyond, with Jennie leading sessions sessions leading Jennie with beyond,

this portrait: below his rather gentle gentle rather his below portrait: this


around schools in the area and and area the in schools around seem to have been memorialised in in memorialised been have to seem

Monarch of the the of Monarch

New Year, the artworks go on a tour tour a on go artworks the Year, New The many battles of Edward of battles many The s reign reign s ’

new TV series on Anne Boleyn). In the the In Boleyn). Anne on series TV new

continue. her watching subsequently enjoyed

s. Investigations will will Investigations s. ’ Mary St in pillar much very we (and exhibition

London merchants had paid for the the for paid had merchants London the of highlight a was event

father) to use it, or if it means the the means it if or it, use to father) online The . Him Made Who Men

s s ’ Fisher John example, (for merchants the and VIII Henry book acclaimed

Company allowed Beverley Beverley allowed Company her on based webcast s ’ Borman Tracy

So it remains unclear whether the the whether unclear remains it So in home from participated students,

London by local guilds, but not many. many. not but guilds, local by London level - A of number a including people,

examples of it being used outside outside used being it of examples 100 further a November, In s. ’ Mary

many places in London. There are are There London. in places many St visited people 800 over – began

can be found in in found be can - crown celestial lockdown national second the before

Æthelflæd, Lady of the Mercians. the of Lady Æthelflæd,

shoulders and crowned with a a with crowned and shoulders just – week one that during and

with the support of his sister sister his of support the with from a bank of clouds, couped at the the at couped clouds, of bank a from term, - half for time in just October,

battles against Danish Vikings, often often Vikings, Danish against battles

the Virgin, issuant issuant Virgin, the - arms of coat Its 23 on opened exhibition Our rd

9 Page

Lewis). and Carols, we: Carols, and

Narrative Poems, CS CS Poems, Narrative ’, Launcelot (‘ prayer from the Festival of Nine Lessons Lessons Nine of Festival the from prayer

- bidding the of words the in and, passed

store. in scenes began... Quest

s! But we think of all that is is that all of think we But s! ’ Mary

shepherds, with all sorts of festive festive of sorts all with shepherds, Therefore it was in Advent that the the that Advent in was it Therefore

what adventures lie ahead of us at St St at us of ahead lie adventures what

s features reindeer, robins and and robins reindeer, features s ’ Mary break. will heart

offers hope of new beginnings. And And beginnings. new of hope offers

shape. So far, the calendar at St St at calendar the far, So shape. The Advent gospel, telling how the the how telling gospel, Advent The

mellow fruitfulness to Advent, which which Advent, to fruitfulness mellow

along and see the calendars taking taking calendars the see and along make together

season has now turned from mists and and mists from turned now has season

groups throughout the area. Come Come area. the throughout groups Then saving and calamity go go calamity and saving Then

The earth spins on its axis, and the the and axis, its on spins earth The

decorated by schools and community community and schools by decorated earth, same the

each church. The panels are being being are panels The church. each

Of other seasons, not the same, on on same, the not seasons, other Of darker. and shorter grew days the as

will be revealed on the hoarding at at hoarding the on revealed be will

birth the for they went) was a source of solace to me me to solace of source a was went) they

Every day this month a new panel panel new a month this day Every

When the year dies in preparation preparation in dies year the When shaped formations and honking as as honking and formations shaped - V

winter visitors (countless skeins flying in in flying skeins (countless visitors winter

happen. project arts community this editorial:

the Arctic. The sight and sound of these these of sound and sight The Arctic. the

counterpart at the Minster, to make make to Minster, the at counterpart We turn to CS Lewis to wrap up this this up wrap to Lewis CS to turn We

Geese arriving in their thousands from from thousands their in arriving Geese been working with Ali Bodley, her her Bodley, Ali with working been

footed footed - pink of full were house my (exterior) Clerestory Nave North churches this December. Jennie has has Jennie December. this churches

Matthias Garn & Partner on the restored restored the on Partner & Garn Matthias

lockdown in November, the skies above above skies the November, in lockdown create huge Advent calendars at both both at calendars Advent huge create

carvings made by the workshop of of workshop the by made carvings

At the start of the second national national second the of start the At

forces with Beverley Minster to to Minster Beverley with forces

Glimfeather the owl, one of the new new the of one owl, the Glimfeather

Turn! Turn! Turn! Turn! Turn!

We are delighted to have joined joined have to delighted are We


York Collegiate

Giant Advent Advent Giant

Advent panel by Queen Ethelburga's Ethelburga's Queen by panel Advent

Glastonbury. School meetings). our for taking - minute

that Edmund is buried in in buried is Edmund that Advent panel by Woodmansey Primary Primary Woodmansey by panel Advent s diligent diligent s ’ David to nod a being

painting! The scroll in Latin records records Latin in scroll The painting! (the quill pen in the owl the in pen quill (the s talons talons s ’

is certainly magnificent in this this in magnificent certainly is dedicated to the memory of David David of memory the to dedicated

and the Magnificent. His moustache moustache His Magnificent. the and Chronicles of Narnia of Chronicles by CS Lewis, is is Lewis, CS by

doer, the Just, Just, the doer, - Deed the Elder, the one the characters from from characters the one The The

Æthelstan. Edmund's epithets include include epithets Edmund's Æthelstan. new carving of Glimfeather the owl, owl, the Glimfeather of carving new

brother brother - half his succeeding project. It feels fitting then that the the that then fitting feels It project.

#OnThisDay in 939, 939, in #OnThisDay English experience and wisdom to the the to wisdom and experience

of Edmund I who became King of the the of King became who I Edmund of brought so much diplomacy, diplomacy, much so brought

our medieval Ceiling of Kings is that that is Kings of Ceiling medieval our David was a magnificent man who who man magnificent a was David

One of the 40 glorious 'portraits' on on 'portraits' glorious 40 the of One David Smith, who died in March. March. in died who Smith, David

colleague on the restoration board, board, restoration the on colleague

2020: October 27th of post Blog

School Primary Cavendish by panel Advent

words bring to mind my former dear dear former my mind to bring words

Magnificent the Edmund

As I look back on the year, these these year, the on back look I As

” Westminster.

” evermore.

First reigned 35 years, he is buried at at buried is he years, 35 reigned First

the Lord Jesus we are one for for one are we Jesus Lord the

King Edward the the Edward King “ reads: and Latin,

Word made flesh, and with whom in in whom with and flesh, made Word

The scroll framing this portrait is in in is portrait this framing scroll The

number, whose hope was in the the in was hope whose number,

that multitude which no man can can man no which multitude that ’ Longshanks. ‘

another shore, and in a greater light, light, greater a in and shore, another earning him the nickname nickname the him earning

who rejoice with us, but upon upon but us, with rejoice who Edward was tall for a medieval man, man, medieval a for tall was Edward

remember before God all those those all God before remember “ administration and law. At 6 ft 2 in, in, 2 ft 6 At law. and administration

10 Page

George Gilbert Scott tweet was seen by over 2,000. One One 2,000. over by seen was tweet Scott Gilbert George

about Oak Apple Day was seen by over 600 people; our our people; 600 over by seen was Day Apple Oak about

posts! Our post post Our posts! ’ day this On ‘ enjoy often followers Twitter

work restoration

1. The stories of the people carrying out our our out carrying people the of stories The 1.


day this On 3.

Twitter, here are some highlights of our twittering since since twittering our of highlights some are here Twitter,

video podcasts can be found). But in case you don you case in But found). be can podcasts video t see see t ’ project. beach House

our Ceiling of Kings), and YouTube (where her popular popular her (where YouTube and Kings), of Ceiling our s Osborn Osborn s ’ Victoria Queen and House, Kenwood London,

Boss of the Week and a Monarch of the Month based on on based Month the of Monarch a and Week the of Boss ve also worked for the Tower of of Tower the for worked also ve ’ who – Godfrey & Carden

ve also been using Instagram (where Jennie runs a a runs Jennie (where Instagram using been also ve ’ we the series was our Inspecting Architect Andy Burrell, of of Burrell, Andy Architect Inspecting our was series the

s gradually reaches further and wider. Of course, course, Of wider. and further reaches gradually s ’ Mary Beverley. This example shows Price & Myers; another in in another Myers; & Price shows example This Beverley.

and so the story of St St of story the so and – followers of group own their re doing here in in here doing re ’ we what seen now have who connected,

they find our tweets interesting, they share them with with them share they interesting, tweets our find they re also also re ’ they whom with organisations prestigious

ve been interacting. When When interacting. been ve we’ whom with institutions and through them, other other them, through and – project the in involved

And so, in our own way, we have been widening the net of of net the widening been have we way, own our in so, And ve been been ve ’ who firms the with linked tweets of series This

to directly by individuals or small organisations. small or individuals by directly to

the fact that every celebrity or institution could be spoken spoken be could institution or celebrity every that fact the

gamechanging story of Twitter was an equality of access access of equality an was Twitter of story gamechanging –

connections with other people or organisations. The The organisations. or people other with connections

Twitter is all about short, sharp updates and forging forging and updates sharp short, about all is Twitter


regarded regarded - well from interest of level the with weight

share: we seem somehow to have punched above our our above punched have to somehow seem we share:

s that there is an endless amount we could could we amount endless an is there that s ’ Mary St of

turned heads in the heritage world. So rich is the history history the is rich So world. heritage the in heads turned

million followers on TikTok), but we have nonetheless nonetheless have we but TikTok), on followers million

Amelio who has over 100 100 over has who Amelio ’ D Grace Charli personality

(such as the 16 year old social media media social old year 16 the as (such ’ influencers ‘

positively Lilliputian compared to those of global global of those to compared Lilliputian positively

September 2021). Of course, these numbers look look numbers these course, Of 2021). September

National Lottery Heritage Fund of having 400 followers by by followers 400 having of Fund Heritage Lottery National

(beating well ahead of time the target we agreed with the the with agreed we target the time of ahead well (beating


and our following has grown by 158%, to 446 followers followers 446 to 158%, by grown has following our and

2. Profiling the firms with whom we whom with firms the Profiling 2. re re ’

ago, our tweets have been seen by over 100,000 people people 100,000 over by seen been have tweets our ago,

masters. different of range Since we relaunched our Twitter presence seven months months seven presence Twitter our relaunched we Since

learning their trade and developing their craft under a a under craft their developing and trade their learning

@StMarysBeverley is handle Twitter s ’ Mary St

the continent on foot, their belongings on their back, back, their on belongings their foot, on continent the

Tweets Ten Top

the Journeyman Years tradition of apprentices travelling travelling apprentices of tradition Years Journeyman the

fascinating life story of his own. Germany still adheres to to adheres still Germany own. his of story life fascinating

overseeing our stonework project, but also has a a has also but project, stonework our overseeing


We profiled foreman David Switalla, who is not only only not is who Switalla, David foreman profiled We

11 Page

posts, their own numerous followers are led to see what what see to led are followers numerous own their posts, initiated a weekly contest to share an interesting or or interesting an share to contest weekly a initiated

connected Tweeters mention our work in their own own their in work our mention Tweeters connected - well If wide during lockdown when they they when lockdown during wide - world imaginations

the York Museums Trust captured captured Trust Museums York the ’: Battle Curator ‘

A marvellous heritage sector pandemic success story was was story success pandemic sector heritage marvellous A

outs - shout Celebrity 7.

work. our of impact the about

some 4,500 people saw this and many were incredulous incredulous were many and this saw people 4,500 some

about the unveiling of the Phase 1 stonework restoration: restoration: stonework 1 Phase the of unveiling the about

related Twitter activity. Another widely viewed tweet was was tweet viewed widely Another activity. Twitter related

- Narnia of burst further a to leading day, that photograph

Bishop of Hull blessing our carvings was the most viewed viewed most the was carvings our blessing Hull of Bishop

s shot of the the of shot s ’ Lawson Danny photographer Association

each magnified by social media presence. The Press Press The presence. media social by magnified each – Post

Live (BBC TV), Church Times, BBC Look North, Yorkshire Yorkshire North, Look BBC Times, Church TV), (BBC Live

Battle Curator 5.

Smithsonian Magazine (US), Irish News, Sunday Morning Morning Sunday News, Irish (US), Magazine Smithsonian

with publicity in the Guardian, Telegraph, Times, Times, Telegraph, Guardian, the in publicity with material. s ’ another

wide: this tweet was seen 4,500 times, and was followed followed was and times, 4,500 seen was tweet this wide: Riding Archives to Twitter, and often interact with one one with interact often and Twitter, to Archives Riding

The announcement of our Narnia carvings spread far and and far spread carvings Narnia our of announcement The s posts. We were happy to welcome the East East the welcome to happy were We posts. s ’ another

s a joy when Beverley groups on Twitter support one one support Twitter on groups Beverley when joy a s ’ It

6. Our furthest reaching tweets reaching furthest Our 6.

friendship of Gestures 4.

which we of course submitted our Ale Wife roof boss. roof Wife Ale our submitted course of we which

Best Party Object Party Best ‘ and ’, Transport Tremendous ‘ for for – ’ it). about know t ’ don you if Googling

Creepiest Object Creepiest ‘ included Themes discussion. ’, ’, s story is particularly worth worth particularly is story s ’ (Richmond restoration

Germany, America and Japan regularly contributing to the the to contributing regularly Japan and America Germany, stories of his theatres elsewhere, and their subsequent subsequent their and elsewhere, theatres his of stories

engaged with Curator Battles, with museums from from museums with Battles, Curator with engaged anniversary, enabling us to put out this message linking to to linking message this out put to us enabling anniversary,

linked to a stipulated theme. 1.5 million people worldwide worldwide people million 1.5 theme. stipulated a to linked about the actor Samuel Butler just the day before his his before day the just Butler Samuel actor the about

entertaining item from your museum or heritage site site heritage or museum your from item entertaining particularly fortuitous moment was our happening to read read to happening our was moment fortuitous particularly

12 Page

history. s ’ church the about resources of ’ Library

Unchained Unchained ‘ our or church, the of photographs century

- nineteenth of series a to Museum, V&A the with links

from an article about our our about article an from – element new a about tweet

heritage pages on our website, and every so often we we often so every and website, our on pages heritage

ve been gradually adding to the history and and history the to adding gradually been ve ’ we year This

additions Website 9.

churches. favourite of list their on

by the National Churches Trust), who featured St Mary St featured who Trust), Churches National the by s s ’

s submission to Explore Churches (run (run Churches Explore to submission s ’ Roland of topic the

seen our beautiful stone carving. This sculpture was also also was sculpture This carving. stone beautiful our seen

very own pilgrim hare. Their 1.2 million followers will have have will followers million 1.2 Their hare. pilgrim own very

the TV quiz show), whose trivia of the day featured our our featured day the of trivia whose show), quiz TV the

We were mentioned by QI (the Twitter account related to to related account Twitter (the QI by mentioned were We autumnal leaves all around us in Beverley. in us around all leaves autumnal

Evolution are now helping to maintain, and the untamed untamed the and maintain, to helping now are Evolution

- R charity fantastic the of team horticulture the which

the manicured beauty of Coronation Gardens, Gardens, Coronation of beauty manicured the – us around

share a couple of tweets inspired by the wonderful nature nature wonderful the by inspired tweets of couple a share

Concluding with the theme of this newsletter itself, we we itself, newsletter this of theme the with Concluding

Nature 10.

hare famous Our 8.

readers! own their with sharing

these experts consider our heritage activities worth worth activities heritage our consider experts these

Borman (with 12,000 followers). It gives us a boost that that boost a us gives It followers). 12,000 (with Borman

of England, with 1,500 followers) and historian Tracy Tracy historian and followers) 1,500 with England, of

Director of Cathedrals and Church Buildings at the Church Church the at Buildings Church and Cathedrals of Director

Jonathan Foyle (15,500 followers), Janet Gough (formerly (formerly Gough Janet followers), (15,500 Foyle Jonathan

re up to. We were chuffed to be mentioned by writer writer by mentioned be to chuffed were We to. up re ’ we

13 Page

Terry: Quinlan friend, his to

is that they are are they that is

had on him, in a letter of 18th August 1960 1960 August 18th of letter a in him, on had Cashel of Rock

most club badges badges club most

description of the profound effect that first seeing the the seeing first that effect profound the of description

problem with with problem

s s ’ Anderson includes 28 Matrix Press. Whittington

this!) The The this!)

, the periodical of book arts published by The The by published arts book of periodical the , Matrix

away by doing doing by away

s work has featured in various editions of of editions various in featured has work s ’ Anderson

millions I signed signed I millions

”. future the not to think of the the of think to not

those within living memory, but his work also speaks for for speaks also work his but memory, living within those copyright. (I try try (I copyright.

Biblical times, sometimes to less distant pasts including including pasts distant less to sometimes times, Biblical relinquish the the relinquish

dimension. Sometimes this can be related to prehistory of of prehistory to related be can this Sometimes dimension. was also asked to to asked also was

be represented literally, but nearly always there is another another is there always nearly but literally, represented be that City lost. I I lost. City that

The architectural content of Anderson of content architectural The “ s work can at times times at can work s ’ played in the rain rain the in played

tickets for a game game a for tickets


box box ’ directors

Enclosures: Times and Places and Times Enclosures: published by Evergreen Evergreen by published

and two two and

overlap. Dr Alan Powers wrote in the foreword to to foreword the in wrote Powers Alan Dr overlap.

given ten pounds pounds ten given

perspectives, and layers of meaning in text and image image and text in meaning of layers and perspectives,

As a prize I was was I prize a As

them: architectural forms are combined with surprising surprising with combined are forms architectural them:

architectural. But there is something mysterious about about mysterious something is there But architectural. school. at master art my been had who Wood, Hamilton

And the imagery in the pieces on show is at its root root its at is show on pieces the in imagery the And s art critic, critic, art s ’ paper the was judges the of one that fact

criticism. I won, helped (it was whispered by some) by the the by some) by whispered was (it helped won, I criticism.

” cathedrals. Norman two and churches rural

competition for a new design that would put an end to the the to end an put would that design new a for competition

in the following decades on three hundred or more historic historic more or hundred three on decades following the in

point that the Eastern Evening News decided to sponsor a a sponsor to decided News Evening Eastern the that point

at the time was the biggest cold store in East Anglia; then then Anglia; East in store cold biggest the was time the at

official badge be the same? The grumblings grew to the the to grew grumblings The same? the be badge official

one, working first on farm sheds and barns, and on what what on and barns, and sheds farm on first working one,

s s ’ club the t ’ couldn why so reasoned, they shirts, their on

I trained as an architect and for forty years practised as as practised years forty for and architect an as trained I “

asked, was the bird? The players wore a canary on a twig twig a on canary a wore players The bird? the was asked,

club was known as the Canaries and where, the fans fans the where, and Canaries the as known was club follows: as

silver castle and a gold lion on a red background. But the the But background. red a on lion gold a and castle silver training as an architect for a living; a career he described, described, he career a living; a for architect an as training

simply told. The original one was the arms of the City, a a City, the of arms the was one original The told. simply s youthful printing fever, before he turned to his his to turned he before fever, printing youthful s ’ Anderson

The story of the Norwich City Football Club badge is is badge Club Football City Norwich the of story The These astonishing works were produced at the height of of height the at produced were works astonishing These

2013 March

artist the ©

a linocut by Andrew Anderson (1960) (1960) Anderson Andrew by linocut a ’ Cashel of Rock The ‘

s ’ Mary St of Architect

By Andrew Anderson, Artist and Former Inspecting Inspecting Former and Artist Anderson, Andrew By

Canaries The

” Beverley. in display

rare opportunity to see the works whilst they are on on are they whilst works the see to opportunity rare

them at the festival and would urge people not to miss the the miss to not people urge would and festival the at them

linocuts is striking. We are hugely proud to be exhibiting exhibiting be to proud hugely are We striking. is linocuts

The mix of image, lettering and symbolism in these these in symbolism and lettering image, of mix The “

runs the Beverley Chamber Music Festival, remarks: Festival, Music Chamber Beverley the runs

Roland Deller, the founder of New Paths Music, which which Music, Paths New of founder the Deller, Roland

exhibition. the at told is Barnabas

Anderson had bought for £5! The full story and that of St St of that and story full The £5! for bought had Anderson

Their size was determined by the dimensions of the press press the of dimensions the by determined was size Their

. Barnabas St and Cashel of Rock The made: ever he

original blocks will also be on display at the exhibition. exhibition. the at display on be also will blocks original

exhibition brings together for the first time the two largest largest two the time first the for together brings exhibition

the cutting of the nine lino sheets in 14 days. Those Those days. 14 in sheets lino nine the of cutting the

s linocuts are on a monumental scale and the the and scale monumental a on are linocuts s ’ Anderson

Working in the heat of the moment, Anderson completed completed Anderson moment, the of heat the in Working

linocuts by Andrew Anderson from the early 1960s. 1960s. early the from Anderson Andrew by linocuts

Chamber Music Festival features a rare exhibition of of exhibition rare a features Festival Music Chamber ” yet. seen ve ’ I Jerusalem

We are delighted to announce that the 2019 Beverley Beverley 2019 the that announce to delighted are We s the nearest thing to the Heavenly Heavenly the to thing nearest the s ’ It Lord! …!) be will cut

7’6” 7’6” is drawing (the friends my for lino - lino the so 3’8” x

read: s ’ Mary St in Anderson Andrew by works

drawing the outline and coming back home to put onto onto put to home back coming and outline the drawing

s exhibition of of exhibition s ’ year that announcing notice 2019 The

Cashel was so great that all I could think of doing was was doing of think could I all that great so was Cashel

Dimension Another

d meant to stay a month but the vision of the ruins at at ruins the of vision the but month a stay to meant d ’ I “

14 Page

s parish parish s ’ Mary St a in entry An listing. death and birth usual grandfather was John Arden, of whom more below. more whom of Arden, John was grandfather

other than the the than other – her about reference written any indeed, had lived in Highgate, Beverley, and her maternal maternal her and Beverley, Highgate, in lived had

or or – musical being Elizabeth for found have we evidence s great great grandmother Mary Anne Lambert Lambert Anne Mary grandmother great great s ’ Nicholas

s the only only the s ’ that And Church. s ’ Mary St at organ the played historians Susan and David Neave about his family history. history. family his about Neave David and Susan historians

the listing for George mentions that his sister Elizabeth Elizabeth sister his that mentions George for listing the will return) started corresponding from America with local local with America from corresponding started return) will

played the organ at Beverley Minster. As a bit of an aside, aside, an of bit a As Minster. Beverley at organ the played Three or four years ago Nicholas McGegan (to whom we we whom (to McGegan Nicholas ago years four or Three

who was a noteworthy musician and and musician noteworthy a was who – brother s ’ Elizabeth

way. the along art - Lambert Jackson George for Biography National

some facts, thoughts and ideas about Elizabeth and her her and Elizabeth about ideas and thoughts facts, some their work was an entry in the Dictionary of of Dictionary Oxford the in entry an was work their

and weave into that story story that into weave and – story s ’ project exhibition the point. One of the most interesting things that came from from came that things interesting most the of One point.

s story but but story s ’ Lambert Elizabeth not – story the of beginning records and her obituary and this was a great starting starting great a was this and obituary her and records

House, Champney Road. I Road. Champney House, m going to start at the the at start to going m ’ Elizabeth based on sources such as birth and death death and birth as such sources on based Elizabeth

exhibition of Elizabeth Lambert Elizabeth of exhibition s artwork at the Treasure Treasure the at artwork s ’ biography of of biography

was the title of the 2018 2018 the of title the was Butterflies and Blooms Birds, together a brief brief a together

Neave put put Neave

permission with 2019) English, Barbara

Susan and David David and Susan

(ed. (ed. ’ Beverley of Women Extraordinary ‘ from Reproduced

exhibition. the for

Service Museums Riding

find is the listing listing the is find

By Sally Hayes, Beverley Curator (Treasure House), East East House), (Treasure Curator Beverley Hayes, Sally By

age) all you will will you all age)

1830) - (1791 Lambert Elizabeth

stop in our digital digital our in stop

is often the first first the often is

fun. of lot a

Google her (which (which her Google

shirts. It has been been has It shirts.

written about her life or art; and indeed, if you were to to were you if indeed, and art; or life her about written

wear on their their on wear

exhibition when there was absolutely nothing already already nothing absolutely was there when exhibition

football teams to to teams football

s story through an an through story s ’ Lambert Elizabeth share to how was

Cromer Youth Youth Cromer

Butterflies and Blooms Birds, with challenges the of One

members of the the of members

the young young the House Treasure

invented one for for one invented Lambert donated by her descendant, Nicholas McGegan, to the the to McGegan, Nicholas descendant, her by donated Lambert

The leather scrap book of drawings and paintings by Elizabeth Elizabeth by paintings and drawings of book scrap leather The have also also have

Fledglings, and I I and Fledglings,

Football Club, the the Club, Football

Norwich Ladies Ladies Norwich

design for the the for design

would produce a a produce would

Reynolds if I I if Reynolds

Maureen Maureen

was asked by by asked was

badge appeared I I appeared badge

Not long after my my after long Not

unclaimed. still is

won to anyone who could design a better one. The money money The one. better a design could who anyone to won

My reply was that I would gladly give the ten pounds I had had I pounds ten the give gladly would I that was reply My

the Evening News rang me up to ask me what I thought. thought. I what me ask to up me rang News Evening the

collection. the to addition

s fortunes, and the editor of of editor the and fortunes, s ’ Club the in resurgence a mark

McGegan to the Treasure House and is a wonderful wonderful a is and House Treasure the to McGegan

Six years ago there was a plan to have a new badge to to badge new a have to plan a was there ago years Six

works. The book has since been donated by Nicholas Nicholas by donated been since has book The works.

only the quality of the works but also the quantity of the the of quantity the also but works the of quality the only Munich. in Stadium

we were blown away by not not by away blown were we ’ flesh the in ‘ works the saw Olympic the at scoreboard electronic high foot - 25 the

when he brought the scrapbook over to Beverley and we we and Beverley to over scrapbook the brought he when to pin brooch and badge cap smallest the from sizes all

away we felt there was a lot of potential for a project, but but project, a for potential of lot a was there felt we away at clear are details the and outline, black in well looks also

photographs of these to the Treasure House, and straight straight and House, Treasure the to these of photographs design The TV. on sparkle colours yellow and green the

through the generations. Nicholas sent a few basic basic few a sent Nicholas generations. the through and fabrics, to applied be to enough simple are outlines

Elizabeth, which had been passed down the family family the down passed been had which Elizabeth, Its corner. the in Norwich of City the of lion and castle

by Mary Ann Mary by paintings and drawings the and versions), some on appear that patches black s older sister, sister, older s ’

was the proud owner of a very large leather scrapbook of of scrapbook leather large very a of owner proud the was and seams the (without football a canary, a − essentials

As well as being interested in his family history, Nicholas Nicholas history, family his in interested being as well As the has just badge Norwich The complicated. too

15 Page

Lambert. Elizabeth as such

Highgate. 2 Number – in live later would do do - to - well the to aristocracy

lived in the same house that Elizabeth Elizabeth that house same the in lived many things did, from the the from did, things many

lived in Beverley as a child, and in fact, Mary Mary fact, in and child, a as Beverley in lived painting filtered down, like like down, filtered painting

had taught Mary Wollstonecraft when she she when Wollstonecraft Mary taught had is suggested that drawing and and drawing that suggested is

Professor of Experimental Philosophy Experimental of Professor ‘ He He ’. her Grand Tour in the 1770s. It It 1770s. the in Tour Grand her

John Arden, who described himself as as himself described who Arden, John near Bridlington, painted on on painted Bridlington, near

cultured. Her maternal grandfather was was grandfather maternal Her cultured. Strickland of Boynton Hall, Hall, Boynton of Strickland

s family was educated and and educated was family s ’ Elizabeth own collections by Elizabeth Elizabeth by collections own

original drawings from our our from drawings original

lost. since long model the

lessons. There were also some some also were There lessons.

brass plaque for a model he once made of the Minster Minster the of made once he model a for plaque brass –

Constable to give her and the other ladies there drawing drawing there ladies other the and her give to Constable

a trawl through the museums the through trawl a database revealed a little little a revealed database ’

botanical illustrator Georg Ehret came up to Burton Burton to up came Ehret Georg illustrator botanical

brother George also seems to have been creative, because because creative, been have to seems also George brother

Hall. She was a keen artist, and apparently the famous famous the apparently and artist, keen a was She Hall.

brother George and father George were musical, but but musical, were George father and George brother

loan belonging to Eliza Chichester of Burton Constable Constable Burton of Chichester Eliza to belonging loan

the eldest of five siblings, and as mentioned above, above, mentioned as and siblings, five of eldest the

tutors. The 2018 exhibition included a little sketchbook on on sketchbook little a included exhibition 2018 The tutors.

the creative family in which she grew up. Elizabeth was was Elizabeth up. grew she which in family creative the

hands, they had the money for materials and even for for even and materials for money the had they hands,

much time drawing and painting. One of the suggestions is suggestions the of One painting. and drawing time much

with aristocratic women because as well as time on their their on time as well as because women aristocratic with

wanted to explore why Elizabeth might have spent so so spent have might Elizabeth why explore to wanted

Historically, drawing and painting had been very popular popular very been had painting and drawing Historically,

s art, in the exhibition I I exhibition the in art, s ’ Lambert Elizabeth to on Moving

fun. much too


t have have t ’ don they sure making and things on eye an keeping

the City of of City the

women in black over near the fireplace looks as if she is is she if as looks fireplace the near over black in women

Proms came to to came Proms

hobbies in the drawing room. A rather stern looking looking stern rather A room. drawing the in hobbies

when the BBC BBC the when

Lancashire, showing a group of women engrossed in their their in engrossed women of group a showing Lancashire,

Sinfonia at Hull, Hull, at Sinfonia

there was an image of a painting of Whittington Hall in Hall Whittington of painting a of image an was there

Royal Northern Northern Royal

and in the exhibition exhibition the in and – encouraged be to t ’ wasn idleness

conducted the the conducted

t have worked, they still had to keep busy because because busy keep to had still they worked, have t ’ wouldn

McGegan McGegan

been that although women of her background typically typically background her of women although that been

2017 Nicholas Nicholas 2017

Another reason for Elizabeth taking up art would have have would art up taking Elizabeth for reason Another

generation. In In generation.

conductors of his his of conductors doorstep.

baroque baroque cheap mass printing or having a public library on the the on library public a having or printing mass cheap

internationally renowned musician, one of the finest finest the of one musician, renowned internationally this is of course well before the days of of days the before well course of is this – interests her

s great great great nephew is himself an an himself is nephew great great great s ’ Elizabeth likely have been filled with books which could stimulate stimulate could which books with filled been have likely

because Nicholas McGegan, McGegan, Nicholas because – genetics even maybe do home would most most would home do - to - well s ’ Elizabeth that believe also I

thing that I want to point out is a nice bit of serendipity or or serendipity of bit nice a is out point to want I that thing

’. appropriate peculiarly is Painting But before we leave the music side behind, just one other other one just behind, side music the leave we before But

To Ladies, Flower Flower Ladies, To ‘ wrote: he which in illustrations,

’. Beverley of musicians women s 1817 reference book of floral floral of book reference 1817 s ’ Brookshaw George quotes

The The ‘ project, nice a make could It future? the in might exhibition text text exhibition

musical career any further, but perhaps someone else else someone perhaps but further, any career musical Lambert Lambert

ve not looked into her her into looked not ve ’ I donated. been has that material women. The 2018 2018 The women.

focus of the exhibition is very much her art and the the and art her much very is exhibition the of focus matter for for matter

s musical life sounds fascinating, the the fascinating, sounds life musical s ’ Elizabeth Although suitable subject subject suitable

was seen as being being as seen was

years. 49 for Minster) (Hull Hull Trinity,

Anything flowery flowery Anything

nephew, also called George Lambert, was organist at Holy Holy at organist was Lambert, George called also nephew,

to consider. consider. to

s s ’ senior George 98. yes – years 98 staggering a for going

s gender gender s ’ Elizabeth

in fact, between them, they kept the job job the kept they them, between fact, in – well as did

s also also s ’ There

s father, father, s ’ Elizabeth senior, George but organ Minster the

s day. day. s ’ Elizabeth

it turns out that not only did George junior play play junior George did only not that out turns it – family

but that happens a little after after little a happens that but – museums public our of

s musical musical s ’ Elizabeth about more revealed Lambert Jackson

sorts of activities which would later influence the building building the influence later would which activities of sorts

An entry in a different historical biography for George George for biography historical different a in entry An

butterfly collecting and plant identification): these are the are these identification): plant and collecting butterfly

hobbies and sciences that came from that (such as as (such that from came that sciences and hobbies session.

growing interest in the natural world and all the new new the all and world natural the in interest growing each for paid was she much how recorded and Church,

subjects and I suggest that this was because of the the of because was this that suggest I and subjects s ’ Mary St at organ the play indeed did Lambert Elizabeth

s artworks are natural history history natural are artworks s ’ Lambert Elizabeth of Most confirmed Archives Riding East in held book minute

16 Page

been drawn from life, and that and life, from drawn been s s ’

talents. superior and nature amiable plant and flower studies would have have would studies flower and plant

were intimately acquainted with her her with acquainted intimately were came in handy here. Most of the the of Most here. handy in came

long and deeply regretted by all who who all by regretted deeply and long aunts who was a keen gardener gardener keen a was who aunts

and a sincere Christian; she will be be will she Christian; sincere a and s s ’ curator assistant the of one and

daughter, a kind, affectionate sister, sister, affectionate kind, a daughter, out what they were was good fun, fun, good was were they what out

Minster, aged 39. She was a dutiful dutiful a was She 39. aged Minster, plants and flowers, so trying to find find to trying so flowers, and plants

late Mr. Lambert, organist, of Beverley Beverley of organist, Lambert, Mr. late t usually caption her her caption usually t ’ doesn Elizabeth

sister, Elizabeth, the daughter of the the of daughter the Elizabeth, sister, Unlike some botanical drawing, drawing, botanical some Unlike

near Kendal, the residence of her her of residence the Kendal, near

Railway. Moors Deaths: On Friday week, at Hundow, Hundow, at week, Friday On Deaths:

have gone over it on the North York York North the on it over gone have

Gazette. Westmorland the later in the 1830s, and you may may you and 1830s, the in later

appeared in the Hull Packet and also also and Packet Hull the in appeared towering above it came a few years years few a came it above towering

her sister Mary Ann, and her obituary obituary her and Ann, Mary sister her Hole. The brick railway bridge bridge railway brick The Hole.

Elizabeth died in 1830 whilst visiting visiting whilst 1830 in died Elizabeth location, Water Arc Bridge near Beck Beck near Bridge Arc Water location,

with its actual actual its with 1825’ [sic] Goatland ‘ annotated bridge

the only clue is from the original biographical research. research. biographical original the from is clue only the

example we were able to match up a drawing of a little little a of drawing a up match to able were we example

whether those who knew her felt she was extraordinary, extraordinary, was she felt her knew who those whether

her landscapes with the places shown in in them them in in shown places the with landscapes her for for –

artworks were clearly valued by her family. In terms of of terms In family. her by valued clearly were artworks

match up some of of some up match

t what you might call famous, the the famous, call might you what t ’ wasn Elizabeth although

were also able to to able also were

quite extraordinary, and I think this indicates that that indicates this think I and extraordinary, quite

detective work we we work detective

survived in such good condition for around 200 years is is years 200 around for condition good such in survived

With a bit of of bit a With

works have have works

fact that the the that fact and John Gay. John and

depth of study the the study of depth Bysshe Shelley Shelley Bysshe

As well as her her as well As Parnell, Percy Percy Parnell,

poems by Thomas Thomas by poems

on. and

Sterne, and from from and Sterne,

an apricot and on on and apricot an

by Laurence Laurence by

then a pear with with pear a then

France and Italy and France

peach with a pear, pear, a with peach

Journey Through Through Journey

peach, then a a then peach,

Sentimental Sentimental

you might have a a have might you

characters from from characters A A

the sketchbook sketchbook the

there are are there

over again. So in in So again. over

Elizabeth s home: home: s ’

picks a subject and style, and then returns to it over and and over it to returns then and style, and subject a picks

popular at the time and the books that may have been in in been have may that books the and time the at popular

silhouette of a figure and so on. But with Elizabeth she she Elizabeth with But on. so and figure a of silhouette

doing that, we get an idea of the literature which was was which literature the of idea an get we that, doing

a tree, then move on to a watercolour of a flower, then a a then flower, a of watercolour a to on move then tree, a

identifying random lines from books and poems, and from from and poems, and books from lines random identifying

so the artists might do one sketch of of sketch one do might artists the so – style or subject a of

copied them from. Google comes in very handy here for for here handy very in comes Google from. them copied

Boynton works are lovely, they are often just one example example one just often are they lovely, are works Boynton

of text on the back to the novels or poetry books she she books poetry or novels the to back the on text of

question, because although the Burton Constable and and Constable Burton the although because question,

some of the loose drawings we were able to match up bits bits up match to able were we drawings loose the of some

Boynton Hall was really useful for helping to answer this this answer to helping for useful really was Hall Boynton

been copied from books and commercial prints, and with with and prints, commercial and books from copied been

by other artists such as the ladies at Burton Constable and and Constable Burton at ladies the as such artists other by

up art until her 30s. Many of the artworks would have have would artworks the of Many 30s. her until art up

Was Elizabeth Lambert extraordinary? Looking at works works at Looking extraordinary? Lambert Elizabeth Was

t take take t ’ didn Elizabeth seems it dates the from and dated,

wonderful. so stayed have are works Some

away from light for the last 200 years that the colours colours the that years 200 last the for light from away

colour. of bits

s only because they because only s ’ It light. from damaged ve been kept kept been ve ’

pencil and adding adding and pencil

the object, and in addition they would have been been have would they addition in and object, the

as drawing in in drawing as

book for display as that would have lost the integrity of of integrity the lost have would that as display for book

such such – techniques

t want to take the artworks out of the the of out artworks the take to want t ’ didn We them.

favourite favourite

can flick through the pages on a screen without damaging damaging without screen a on pages the through flick can

some of her her of some

large scrapbook, and early on we had it digitised, as you you as digitised, it had we on early and scrapbook, large

allows you to see see to you allows

s artworks are pasted in one one in pasted are artworks s ’ Lambert Elizabeth of Most

kinds of things. Looking at the works themselves also also themselves works the at Looking things. of kinds

not likely to be found today in Saturday Market. Saturday in today found be to likely not all revealed glass, magnifying a with sometimes drawings,

things that have gone out of fashion, such as greengages, greengages, as such fashion, of out gone have that things the of inspection careful Really Look. – that just do

that Elizabeth had access to, such as lychees, and also also and lychees, as such to, access had Elizabeth that to need you culture material at looking are you when that

interesting because it shows some of the surprising plants plants surprising the of some shows it because interesting think I context, social into works the putting as well as But

17 Page

force, which would be under his royal command. He also also He command. royal his under be would which force,

there. residing while rules monastic almost

Henry VIII realised that he had to build an armed armed an build to had he that realised VIII Henry ’. Grace

unmarried German merchants, who had to abide by by abide to had who merchants, German unmarried

The Pilgrimage of of Pilgrimage The ‘ revolt, Northern the after important

warehouses and was inhabited by around 80 young, young, 80 around by inhabited was and warehouses

from England in return. Such trade became even more more even became trade Such return. in England from

quarters, common rooms, a garden, and spacious spacious and garden, a rooms, common quarters,

military equipment from the Rhineland and exported lead lead exported and Rhineland the from equipment military

it provided living living provided it ’, Steelyard ‘ the Called Garth. Hall of

age, he supplied the King with weaponry and other other and weaponry with King the supplied he age,

Kontor (trading centre) covering 1.3 acres, nearly the size size the nearly acres, 1.3 covering centre) (trading

Windsor Castle. A citizen and only 24 years of of years 24 only and citizen Cologne A Castle. Windsor

a a – waterfront Thames the to down steps and crane

s Closet in in Closet s ’ King the in hangs Born Derek of portrait The

were aware of an extensive complex with a tower, a large large a tower, a with complex extensive an of aware were

If you arrived by boat in London in the 16th century, you you century, 16th the in London in boat by arrived you If Steelyard. the of

of merchants. He also completed a mural for the main hall hall main the for mural a completed also He merchants. of


to the Steelyard in and began to paint portraits portraits paint to began and Dowgate in Steelyard the to

of this dialogue, because then, as now, London was the the was London now, as then, because dialogue, this of

destroyed religious images, so he set up house next door door next house up set he so images, religious destroyed

their way back to the north of England. We are unaware unaware are We England. of north the to back way their

for him in Switzerland. The strict Swiss protestants rather rather protestants Swiss strict The Switzerland. in him for

way traffic and ideas on trade, religion and art found found art and religion trade, on ideas and traffic way - two

1526 from his home in Basel, because there was no work work no was there because Basel, in home his from 1526

Russia and south to Italy and beyond. Of course, it was was it course, Of beyond. and Italy to south and Russia

Hans Holbein the Younger. He had returned to London in in London to returned had He Younger. the Holbein Hans

day day - present as East far as – Europe across active were

Another notable visitor to the Wine House was the painter painter the was House Wine the to visitor notable Another

Beverley was anything but parochial. Beverley traders traders Beverley parochial. but anything was Beverley

This sounds a very parochial title, but Renaissance Renaissance but title, parochial very a sounds This water. the across events with date

Tudor politicians. They had every reason to keep up to to up keep to reason every had They politicians. Tudor

Pensée La Eva By

of the business and contained important information for for information important contained and business the of

Age Tudor the

extensive correspondence. These letters were a vital part part vital a were letters These correspondence. extensive

The Merchants of Beverley and and Beverley of Merchants The maintained their contacts across Europe through through Europe across contacts their maintained

influential, international, and wealthy elite, who who elite, wealthy and international, influential,

merchants residing in the Steelyard were part of an an of part were Steelyard the in residing merchants ” nothing. being and nothing, doing nothing,

news from the continent hotly debated. The Hanse Hanse The debated. hotly continent the from news Criticism is something we can avoid easily by saying saying by easily avoid can we something is Criticism “

The wine was good and the latest latest the and good was wine The ’. House Wine Rhenish ‘

Aristotle: by

Cromwell and Thomas More frequented the popular popular the frequented More Thomas and Cromwell

criticism to heart and was perhaps familiar with this quote quote this with familiar perhaps was and heart to criticism

Influential residents of Tudor London including Thomas Thomas including London Tudor of residents Influential

merely a suitable hobby. I hope Elizabeth didn Elizabeth hope I hobby. suitable a merely t take the the take t ’

s artwork was often viewed as as viewed often was artwork s ’ women when time a at

centuries. 16th and 15th the during

paintings on display to be viewed and criticized, especially especially criticized, and viewed be to display on paintings

Hanseatic League Hanseatic in London on the north of the Thames Thames the of north the on London in the

Like any artist, Elizabeth deserves credit for putting her her putting for credit deserves Elizabeth artist, any Like

kontor ) of of ) ( base trading main the Steelyard, The

second piece, we must be excused from speaking. from excused be must we piece, second

grouping them, and in keeping of the picture [sic]. Of the the Of [sic]. picture the of keeping in and them, grouping

regret however that the artist has not so well succeeded in in succeeded well so not has artist the that however regret

fruit is beautifully painted, and each fine in its kind. We We kind. its in fine each and painted, beautifully is fruit

Nos. 23 & 100 by Miss Lambert of Beverley. In the first, the the first, the In Beverley. of Lambert Miss by 100 & 23 Nos.


Hull & ER Institution for the Promotion of the Fine Arts Arts Fine the of Promotion the for Institution ER & Hull

artist: another researching whilst

Sep 1829) 1829) Sep (1 Packet Hull the in entry this found Neave


In 2019 Susan Susan 2019 In ”. Miss “ as simply to referred been have

forgotten that (of course!) Elizabeth would most likely likely most would Elizabeth course!) (of that forgotten

d d ’ I obituary. her than other results no with newspapers

in in ” Lambert Elizabeth “ searched d ’ I project the During

kopen, kaufen, köpa. köpa. kaufen, kopen, - Scandinavian and German Dutch,

: Postscript

ceapan, to buy, itself related to the the to related itself buy, to ceapan, – English Old from

workshops and of course breweries. Cheapside comes comes Cheapside breweries. course of and workshops online) c.1893, Organists, and Organs Hull of History A

with their families. It included a ropewalk, the usual usual the ropewalk, a included It families. their with Smith, G.H. Lambert); Jackson (George Biography National

was a quarter occupied by German traders and artisans artisans and traders German by occupied quarter a was of Dictionary Oxford Neave; David and Susan by research

of Cannon Street Tube Station in Cheapside and next door door next and Cheapside in Station Tube Street Cannon of McGegan; Nicholas descendant s ’ Lambert Elizabeth

was a courtyard open to visitors. Nowadays, this is the site site the is this Nowadays, visitors. to open courtyard a was c.1830; scrapbook, Lambert's Elizabeth sources: (Main

Rhenish Wine House, Wine Rhenish ‘ the was street the Facing which which ’

extraordinary. was she felt Elizabeth knew who

about adventurous savvy traders and merchants. and traders savvy adventurous about people that evidence tangible are that – talents superior

t about kings and queens or nobility, but but nobility, or queens and kings about t ’ wasn this So, - end the at right words two those just really s ’ it So,

18 Page

The distribution became a lucrative business for the the for business lucrative a became distribution The

more woollen cloth than raw wool and this trade spread spread trade this and wool raw than cloth woollen more

It was short, easy to print and to smuggle. smuggle. to and print to easy short, was It ’. Man Christian

By the time of Henry VIII, England produced and exported exported and produced England VIII, Henry of time the By

The Freedom of a a of Freedom The ‘ titled pamphlet s ’ Luther Martin

Doubtless, the letters they sent back contained news of of news contained back sent they letters the Doubtless, Guildhall. Beverley

s collapsed. collapsed. s ’ Mary St. of tower the 1520 in that knew at guests were certainly and York and Hull in quarters

These Beverley traders received news from home and so so and home from news received traders Beverley These living and warehouses owned They London. in partners

claimed the same advantageous conditions as their their as conditions advantageous same the claimed

UNESCO World Heritage Site Heritage World UNESCO . a most ports on the English East coast and when challenged, challenged, when and coast East English the on ports most

largest castle in the world measured by land area and and area land by measured world the in castle largest sailed to to sailed ’ Kogges, ‘ called ships, Their centuries. 17th the

Castle of the Teutonic Order in Malbork, Poland, the the Poland, Malbork, in Order Teutonic the of Castle The

in the economic and political development of the 13th to to 13th the of development political and economic the in

extended across Northern Europe and was a major player player major a was and Europe Northern across extended

trading in England. In fact, the League the fact, In England. in trading s influence influence s ’

monarchy, but they were by no means the only Hansards Hansards only the means no by were they but monarchy,

instrumental in negotiating the trade privileges with the the with privileges trade the negotiating in instrumental

The wealthy gentlemen of the Steelyard were were Steelyard the of gentlemen wealthy The

1543. in death sudden his until London

court painters. Holbein remained a sought after artist in in artist after sought a remained Holbein painters. court

suggested to the king he should employ him as one of his his of one as him employ should he king the to suggested

s potential. He He potential. s ’ painter the saw Cromwell and art

was well connected. Portraits were fashionable in English English in fashionable were Portraits connected. well was

More household on the recommendation of Erasmus, so so Erasmus, of recommendation the on household More

merchants at the Steelyard. He lived for a while in the the in while a for lived He Steelyard. the at merchants

Hans Holbein the Younger produced many portraits of of portraits many produced Younger the Holbein Hans

built poles in Hanse ships. Hanse in poles built - purpose on sitting imported,

hawking. Birds for hunting were raised in Norway and and Norway in raised were hunting for Birds hawking.

garden. Thomas Cromwell and aristocratic ladies enjoyed enjoyed ladies aristocratic and Cromwell Thomas garden.

Order. Teutonic the of fortresses forbidding and large the

outdone, gave him four bears, which were kept in his his in kept were which bears, four him gave outdone,

guild and town halls. They also must have stopped over in in over stopped have must also They halls. town and guild

merchants from Danzig (Gdansk nowadays), not to be be to not nowadays), (Gdansk Danzig from merchants

beautiful large houses built of stone and the splendid splendid the and stone of built houses large beautiful

The Lübeckers also presented him with a live elk and the the and elk live a with him presented also Lübeckers The

(now Elblag) and Danzig (Gdansk). They knew about the the about knew They (Gdansk). Danzig and Elblag) (now

stayed in thriving and wealthy cities like , Elbing Elbing Stralsund, like cities wealthy and thriving in stayed enjoy fine Lübeck marzipan from Niederegger. Niederegger. from marzipan Lübeck fine enjoy

Beverlonians were familiar with life in the Baltic and and Baltic the in life with familiar were Beverlonians Lakeland in Toll Gavel during Christmas time, you can also also can you time, Christmas during Gavel Toll in Lakeland

imported spices and marzipan from Lübeck. If you go to to go you If Lübeck. from marzipan and spices imported

back! come never might and abroad

sumptuous feasts for his friends and contacts. There were were There contacts. and friends his for feasts sumptuous

the business, especially when the master of the house was was house the of master the when especially business, the

who provided provided who

s wife was very much involved in in involved much very was wife s ’ merchant A life. family

Trust Collection

a lover of the arts, arts, the of lover a

household, there was no separation between work and and work between separation no was there household,

Younger (painted 1533) © Royal Royal © 1533) (painted Younger

a generous host and and host generous a

contained business and private news. In a medieval medieval a In news. private and business contained

Derich Born by Hans Holbein the the Holbein Hans by Born Derich

Cromwell was also also was Cromwell

had to stay in touch through correspondence. Their letters letters Their correspondence. through touch in stay to had

correct. However, However, correct.

abroad with their families. Like their Hanse partners they they partners Hanse their Like families. their with abroad

undoubtedly undoubtedly

during the summer and some decided to live permanently permanently live to decided some and summer the during

image that is is that image

These burgesses were away from home for many months months many for home from away were burgesses These

working man, an an man, working

Crusades. - hard serious,

knights fought alongside the Order during the Northern Northern the during Order the alongside fought knights profoundly a

They were initially very welcome, because many English English many because welcome, very initially were They depicts host his of

extensively and lived in the state of the Teutonic Order. Order. Teutonic the of state the in lived and extensively portrait s ’ Holbein

the middle of 14th century Beverley merchants travelled travelled merchants Beverley century 14th of middle the Friars. Austin in

Northern ports had cornered the Baltic market and since since and market Baltic the cornered had ports Northern house s ’ Cromwell

share of this lucrative and expanding business. The The business. expanding and lucrative this of share Thomas

network. Increasingly, English merchants claimed their their claimed merchants English Increasingly, network. at guests frequent

their English business partners to infiltrate the Hanseatic Hanseatic the infiltrate to partners business English their also were

family and personal relationships. Over time, this enabled enabled this time, Over relationships. personal and family Holbein Hans

Hanse trade was organised in small networks, based on on based networks, small in organised was trade Hanse and Born Derek

contemporaries. niece.

among their English English their among ’ Easterlings, ‘ the as known s ’ Emperor Roman Holy the Aragon, of Catherine from

from Lübeck eastwards. These Hanse merchants were were merchants Hanse These eastwards. Lübeck from divorce his after invasion, foreign a of threat the feared

19 Page

cultures. two

portrayed. individual the identified A native speaker of German, she enjoys being at home in in home at being enjoys she German, of speaker native A

merchants and knights. Merchant marks on the side side the on marks Merchant knights. and merchants

a subcommittee of Hull civic Society. Society. civic Hull of subcommittee a ’, Cemetery General

have the original paintings beneath the heads of of heads the beneath paintings original the have

Friends of Hull Hull of Friends ‘ the of secretary and Society Civic Beverley of wealth and importance. The columns in St. Nicolai still still Nicolai St. in columns The importance. and wealth of

network of the . Eva is Talkfinder for the the for Talkfinder is Eva League. Hanseatic the of network Stralsund was second only to Lübeck in the Baltic, in terms terms in Baltic, the in Lübeck to only second was Stralsund

with the history and the modern modern the and history the with delegations. In its heyday, heyday, its In delegations.

standing fascination fascination standing - long a inspired reception hall for trade trade for hall reception

Germany Straslund, Church,

Twinning Association for many years, years, many for Association Twinning Knight and merchant on a column of St Nicolai Nicolai St of column a on merchant and Knight town council chamber, as well as a a as well as chamber, council town

Lemgo Lemgo - Beverley the of chair as This building served as a church, church, a as served building This

Family connections and volunteering volunteering and connections Family saint of sailors and merchants. merchants. and sailors of saint

in Stralsund. Nicolai is the patron patron the is Nicolai Stralsund. in


merchants was St Nicolai church church Nicolai St was merchants

great opportunity to get to know the the know to get to opportunity great

One place of worship for for worship of place One

across the Y&H region, which was a a was which region, Y&H the across

developed externally funded projects projects funded externally developed overseas.

authority officer in Hull. She She Hull. in officer authority news of tumultuous events events tumultuous of news

Adult Education and as local local as and Education Adult Beverley had to cope with more more with cope to had Beverley

s career in in career s ’ Eva of heart the at was began, the wealthy burgesses of of burgesses wealthy the began,

all sectors of the local community community local the of sectors all s s ’ Mary St. of reconstruction

of Northern Europe. Engaging with with Engaging Europe. Northern of Duchy of Prussia. So, when the the when So, Prussia. of Duchy

economic, social and cultural history history cultural and social economic, State, which emerged as the the as emerged which State,

research has focussed on the the on focussed has research secularised the former Monastic Monastic former the secularised

history. Now retired, her recent recent her retired, Now history. s advice, that he he that advice, s ’ Luther on

Westphalia/Germany in medieval medieval in Westphalia/Germany converted to Protestantism. It was was It Protestantism. to converted

graduated from Münster University, University, Münster from graduated of Prussia, had left the Order and and Order the left had Prussia, of

with her family for forty years. She She years. forty for family her with s 37th Grand Master, Albert Albert Master, Grand 37th s ’ Order

Eva La Pensée has lived in Beverley Beverley in lived has Pensée La Eva 1525 from the Baltic. The Teutonic Teutonic The Baltic. the from 1525

More news of upheaval came in in came upheaval of news More


A note about the author of this this of author the about note A

Catholicism. to back convert New York City. (Image: public domain) public (Image: City. York New

(1535/36) in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Art, of Museum Metropolitan the in (1535/36) which meant William had to to had William meant which

www.hanse.org website:

William Roper by Hans Holbein the Younger Younger the Holbein Hans by Roper William

lived in the More household, household, More the in lived

modern Hanseatic League! See See League! Hanseatic modern

After their wedding, the couple couple the wedding, their After

This year Beverley has joined the the joined has Beverley year This

” do! to work have I hours. for here

change. great of times through living

t got time to sit sit to time got t ’ haven I “ says: she

We might wonder if we, too, are not not are too, we, if wonder might We

painting of the Mores, it is as if if as is it Mores, the of painting

enjoy. Tudor Renaissance! Tudor enjoy. exhibited the study you If father.

and are now visible for us all to to all us for visible now are and her at up looking moment, that

under the medieval misericord seats seats misericord medieval the under in and book, a reading her depicts

images have come out of hiding from from hiding of out come have images Holbein VIII. Henry by arrest

new age. It seems as if the carvers the if as seems It age. new his after prison in him visit to ’ ’

ceiling bosses are another sign of a a of sign another are bosses ceiling member family only the was She

s 600 unique wooden wooden unique 600 s ’ Mary St. work. his in father eminent her

women of her age and assisted assisted and age her of women

examples in Stralsund. in examples

was one of the most learned learned most the of one was

such as the much earlier medieval medieval earlier much the as such

s favourite daughter. She She daughter. favourite s ’ More

the head, not just merchant marks marks merchant just not head, the

married Margaret More, Thomas Thomas More, Margaret married

names chiselled in stone underneath underneath stone in chiselled names

member of parliament. He He parliament. of member

merchants proudly had their full full their had proudly merchants

William Roper, who was also a a also was who Roper, William

s were painted. What is clear, is that Tudor Tudor that is clear, is What painted. were s ’ Mary St. in

lawyers to convert. Amongst them was a man named named man a was them Amongst convert. to lawyers

t know how the columns columns the how know t ’ don we polychromy, of remnants

s words convinced several young London London young several convinced words s ’ Luther Steelyard,

had seen on pillars in Stralsund. Despite some original original some Despite Stralsund. in pillars on seen had

Inspired by their German drinking companions in the the in companions drinking German their by Inspired

s, were inspired by what they they what by inspired were s, ’ Mary St. in tower central

helped to finance the restoration after the collapse of the the of collapse the after restoration the finance to helped presses. printing the off rolling material readable new of

tempting to wonder if the heads of the merchants, who who merchants, the of heads the if wonder to tempting tide this stop could nobody and way same the in

colony moved for a time from Gdansk to Stralsund. It is is It Stralsund. to Gdansk from time a for moved colony from arrived already had translation Bible s ’ Tyndale

We know that during a dispute, the English merchant merchant English the dispute, a during that know We Lutheranism. to converted had whom of many Hansards,

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St Mary’s in 500 words King’s College Cambridge. The west front was restored by the great 19th-century architect AWN Pugin, who A summary of St Mary’s, for a recent restoration shored up the south transept with gothic buttresses and fundraiser. whose last ever design – St Mary’s weathervane – sits St Mary’s is a parish church of extraordinary beauty and atop the church. quality, the product of hundreds of years of building St Mary’s is wedded to the town and its people, and has since its humble beginning in the 12th century as a single been for 900 years: they built it, extended it, and rebuilt -aisled thatched chapel. In an almost continual state of it; they reshod their horses at the blacksmiths inside it construction for its first four centuries, the final design and solemnised business deals in its porch; for we see today was settled in Tudor times: following the generations they have married in it, been baptised in its dramatic collapse of the tower in 1520, the church was ancient font, and buried their dead in its churchyard. It is rebuilt and restored over eleven years, giving St Mary’s this relationship and identity as‘ the town’s church’ its beautiful font, its famous Minstrels Pillar, and its which defines St Mary’s above anything else. Over the stunning star-encrusted nave ceiling, adorned with years the people of Beverley have given the church an hundreds of roof bosses. These captivating carvings– of exceptional heritage– in the 14th century adding St mythical beasts, wrestlers, brewers, parables, Bible Michael’s Chapel, with its exquisite vaulting and tracery, stories, kings, saints, musicians and angels – are and the hidden Priests’ Rooms (a treasure-trove of currently being preserved and interpreted in the first artefacts chronicling the phase of a major restoration history of the town); in the programme for the 21st 15th century adding the century. magnificent Ceiling of Kings, The visual attraction of St unique in the country with 40 Mary’s lies in what John portraits of English kings; and Betjeman perceived as the in recent times augmenting perfection of its proportions its fine peel of bells that ring and its lightness. St Mary’s out across the town. Today, astonishing quality of light the church remains a focal comes from the clear glass point for the local clerestory windows added as community, welcoming the building was heightened people not only to Sunday during the middle ages. The services, but to craft groups, light radiates outwards too: drawing classes, breakfasts, the parchment-coloured lunches, festivals, concerts, Magnesian Limestone makes album launches, school the tower glisten above events, Christmas services, Beverley’s terracotta pan-tiled the Butterfly service for skyline and the west front those who have lost children glow in the early evening sun. in infancy, coffee mornings That elevation of the building and more. The hallmarks of is one of St Mary’s loveliest St Mary’s are the warmth of features: a great west window, welcome which people framed by twin pepperpot receive, and the tangible turrets – a style later adopted feeling among the town’s at the royal chapels of St population that St Mary’s is George’s Windsor Castle and their church. Page 20

St Mary’s Church, North Bar Within, Beverley, HU17 8DL. Tel: 01482 869137