london’swarming The Impacts of Climate Change on London Technical Report A High Profile Launch for London’s First Climate Change Study The Mayor of London Ken Livingstone and Environment Minister Michael Meacher launched London’s Warming on 24 October 2002. The launch event was very successful, attracting a large number of people from a wide range of sectors. Many individuals attended who had not previously been involved in the Climate Impacts study but recognised that climate change is an issue that will become increasingly important in the years to come. At the Launch the Environment Minister said “The UK is leading the way in identifying the effects which climate Some climate change is now inevitable, change will have on all parts of the so we are going to have to adapt.” country, including our capital city. While the Mayor of London pointed out the particular issues that London will have to face, saying “The size of this city’s population means that there’s already huge pressure on our resources, so we have to plan properly and strategically to deal with these new demands. This report is the start of that process.” If you want to be part of that process please contact the London Climate Change Partnership at
[email protected]. London Climate Change Partnership A Climate Change Impacts in London Evaluation Study Final Report November 2002 Certificate No. FS 13881 In accordance with an environmentally responsible approach, this report is printed on recycled paper produced from 100% post-consumer waste. Acknowledgements The London Climate Change Partnership, a group of stakeholders originally convened by the Government Office for London in July 2001, commissioned this work to take a first look at the impacts that climate change will have on our capital city.