Imperial Plc.,

TRANSACTION The Republic of through the state agency, Center for step 1 – stating the interest to invest in a formal letter of the Restructuring and Sale (CERP), has the goal to finish the intent to buy shares, submitted to CERP, Ministry of Tourism privatisation process of its tourism portfolio (hotel companies and the Agency for Investments and Competitiveness. owned and partially owned by the Republic of Croatia). step 2 – invitation to participate in the privatization sent Privatisation model: There are two possible models of solely to companies/individuals that, in the first step, have privatization: public tender and public auction and both of them, expressed interest in buying shares. upon the public announcement, are performed in two steps: COMPANY Imperial Plc. is the main hotel company on the island of Rab. It has been operating for almost 50 years. The Company is firmly positioned as the leader in the hotel business on the island. Its diverse real estate portfolio enables it to have a broad spectrum of goals for strategic development. Moreover, the Company has made significant investments to upgrade its service and value.

The group is comprised of four hotels, two tourist resorts, two auto camps, as well as several restaurants and smaller catering and other facilities. All units are quite near the beach and the beautiful Old City of Rab. One of the most beautiful beaches in the Adriatic, the “Paradise Beach” is also located nearby. Moreover, the Company’s site benefits from Rab’s rich horticultural heritage ideally positioned for health tourism and active holidays.

The guests are predominantly from abroad (more than 90% in the last three years), mostly European countries (Germany, Austria, Slovenia, The Czech Republic, Italy and Hungary).

SALE Shares on sale: 318,378 (50.07% of share capital) Average price on stock market: 29.10 EUR (6.12.2013)


Year 2010 2011 2012 Operating revenues 13,707,422 14,573,771 15,737,857 Operating expenses 12,129,357 12,757,365 13,874,961 EBIT 1,578,065 1,816,406 1,862,896 EBITDA 4,484,486 4,679,375 5,022,413 Net income 314,058 346,892 793,404 Total assets 65,232,128 64,046,280 65,979,523 Total liabilities 25,713,379 24,906,448 26,243,053 Number of employees 268 260 256

Agency for Investments and Competitiveness, Radnička cesta 80, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia DISCLAIMER: Information Information contained contained in this document in this document has been provided has been by Agencyprovided for Investmentsby Agency and for CompetitivenessInvestments and of the Competitiveness Republic of Croatia. of Purpose the Republic of this document of Croatia. is to Purpose give short of information this document about companies is to give and short /or information about companies andposibilities /or posibilities to potential to investors.potential The investors. profileis for The information profile is purposes for information only. No responsibility purposes only.or liability No responsibilityis accepted for the or informationliability is inaccepted this document. for the information in this document. Company name: Imperial Plc. Address: 51 280 Rab, Jurja Barakovića 2 Website:

REAL ESTATE PORTFOLIO Hotels: Grand Hotel Imperial (****): 5 levels, 136 accommodation units, built in 1914, renovated in 2010, Carolina Hotel (****): 5 levels, 142 accommodation units, built in 1971, renovated in 2009, Padova Hotel (***): 6 levels, 175 accommodation units, built in 1986, renovated in 2009, Eva Hotel (**): 5 levels, 196 accommodation units, built in 1978. Villas: Carolina Villas: 10 villas, 38 accommodation units, built in 1971, renovated in 2002. Tourist resorts: : 495 accommodation units, comprised of 5 hotels (3 to 5 levels) situated on the famous “Paradise Beach“, built in 1967, renovated in period 2004-2012, Suha Punta; small detached houses and bungalows with Imperial and Carolina Hotels. Additionally, there is a new 88 accommodation units, built 1962-1968, renovated 2009- congress centre in the tourist settlement San Marino with 2012. 120 seats. Auto camps: Sports and recreation facilities: 2 auto camps (AC San Marino and AC Padova III) with a total 19 tennis courts, two wellness centres, sports centres. of 5,000 available places. Area: Convention centre: Total facility area: 98,620 m2, There are congress facilities in the Padova, Grand Hotel Net land area: 250,735 m2. PRIMORJE-GORSKI KOTAR COUNTY

Population (2011): 296,123 The County’s education policies mirror its historic ties with tourism and especially nautical tourism. The Faculty GDP per capita (2010): 12,343 EUR of Tourism and Hospitality Management in is the Unemployment rate (2011): 15.7% only Croatian university fully dedicated to the education Average gross salary: 1,008 EUR of specialised tourism workforce. In addition, there are two Average gross salary in the sector (tourism): 868 EUR institutions of secondary education dedicated to tourism or hospitality education.

Primorje-Gorski Kotar County is situated between Slovenia The County is also especially attractive for nautical tourism. in the North and the Adriatic in the South. Its geography There are 9 marinas with a total of 3,043 berths. The County comprises woodland mountains, seashore and islands. is well-connected with continental Croatia as well as the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County is the birthplace of Croatian neighbouring countries. is also a major ferry port with tourism. A holiday choice for Habsburg emperors, it is proud regular connections to islands and the south of the Adriatic. of the towns of Opatija and that have offered high- There are several airports within a 200 km radius (Pula, Rijeka, end and health tourism for more than a century now. Zadar, Zagreb, Split, Trieste, Venice, Ljubljana). PRIVATISATION PROCEDURE After submitting a formal letter of intent, receiving a bid invitation and signing the NDA, the potential investor could participate in due diligence procedure. Upon bid submission the best bidder will be selected based on tender criteria. CONTACTS Center for the Restructuring and Sale (CERP), e-mail: [email protected] Ministry of Tourism,; e-mail: [email protected] Agency for Investments and Competitiveness (AIK),, e-mail: [email protected], Mr Damir Novinić, Managing Director, e-mail: [email protected] Agency for Investments and Competitiveness, Radnička cesta 80, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia DISCLAIMER:DISCLAIMER: Information Information contained contained in this document in this document has been provided has been by Agency provided for Investments by Agency and for Competitiveness Investments ofand the Competitiveness Republic of Croatia. ofPurpose the Republic of this document of Croatia. is to givePurpose short informationof this document about companies is to give and short /or information about companies and posibilities /or posibilities to potential to investors. potential The investors. profileis for The information profile ispurposes for information only. No responsibility purposes oronly. liability No is responsibility accepted for the orinformation liability is in acceptedthis document. for the information in this document.