Grid Location Date reference Thorne Moor colliery area 7015 SE7015 -/1972

Associated Action Plans

Marshes and Swamps, Lakes and Ponds, Ditches and Drains Minor Streams, Springs, Fens, Flushes, Mires and Fenny Fields Neutral and Wet Grassland


Grid Location Date reference Thorne Moor - s.l. SE71 11/07/1995 Thorne Moor RC47 -Southern Canals NNR inc New Cross Drain SE7215 -/2000

Associated Action Plans

Minor Streams, Springs, Fens, Flushes, Mires and Fenny Fields Neutral and Wet Grassland


Grid Location Date reference Adwick-le-Street 5408 SE5408 -/1888 Adwick-le-Street 5408 SE5408 -/1850 Ash Holt Woods (UDP 4.11) SK5595 29/08/1996 Belton Wood 7108 SE7108 -/1947 Brodsworth area 5007 SE5007 -/1849 Brodsworth Hall Site E (Daphne, yew, lime) SE50420707 15/04/1992 Castle Hill Wood (UDP 6.43) SE539034 21/04/2005 Cockhill Plantation/Wet Holt (UDP 2.1a/b) SK551965 21/04/2005 - very vague site SE5702 -/1778 Wood (UDP 2.5a/b) SK547980 -/1971 Edlington Wood 5498 SK5498 18/05/2002 Edlington Wood 5597 SK5597 -/1974 Edlington Wood 5598 SK5598 -/1974 Edlington Wood 5598 SK5598 -/1972 Edlington Wood Area 3a SK5498 11/04/1999 Edlington Wood Woodhouse Garden SK5498 -/1972 Fishlake - very vague site SE6513 -/1989 Fishlake Clay Bridge Farm SE641159 05/05/1992 Haywood area 5711 SE5711 31/03/1991 Haywood area 5812 SE5812 -/1989 Levitt Hagg - vague site 5300 SE5300 -/1873 Melton College and Cadeby Riddings (UDP 6.50a/b) SE510006 09/05/2005 Melton Wood (5103) SE5103 28/04/1979 Nearcliff Wood and Quarries SK528993 18/02/1998 Nearcliffe Quarry and Woods (UDP 2.69) SE532002 05/06/2005

114 Pot Ridings Lower Wood s.l. 5300 SE5300 24/04/2002 Pot Ridings Upper Wood s.l. 5200 SE5200 24/04/2002 Pot Ridings Wood (UDP 6.57) OVERALL SITE SE526002 17/04/1982 Pot Ridings Wood (UDP 6.57) OVERALL SITE SE526002 -/1981 Pot Ridings Wood (UDP 6.57) OVERALL SITE SE526002 -/1977 Pot Ridings Wood (UDP 6.57) OVERALL SITE SE526002 16/04/1983 Rossington - vague site SK6298 -/1880 Skelbrooke Park (UDP 6.17) SE512122 29/08/2001 5301 SE5301 22/05/1965 Stainton Woodhouse SK5693 -/1976 area - vague site SK5993 -/1880 Tune Wood 6012 SE6012 27/04/2002 Wadworth Wood (N and S) (UDP 4.10) SK5597 27/08/1996 Wadworth Wood (south) (UDP 4.10a) SK558977 09/05/2005 Wadworth Wood 5596 SK5596 31/08/1992 Wadworth Wood 5596 SK5596 16/03/1991 Wadworth Wood 5596 SK5596 -/1978 Wadworth Wood 5596 SK5596 -/1977 Wadworth Wood 5597 SK5597 31/08/1992 - very vague site SE5400 -/1880 West Moor area 6406 SE6406 10/04/1997

Associated Action Plans

Ancient and Species-rich Hedgerows Limestone Woodland


Grid Location Date reference Edlington Wood (UDP 2.5a/b) SK547980 -/1962 Edlington Wood Woodhouse Garden SK5498 -/1972

Associated Action Plans

Ancient and Species-rich Hedgerows Limestone Woodland


Grid Location Date reference Barnby Dun Borrow Pits (UDP 8.9b) SE608090 22/07/2004

Associated Action Plans

Crags, Caves and Tunnels


Grid Location Date reference Thorne Moor 7215 SE7215 -/1920 Thorpe Marsh NR Reedholme SE583096 -/1991

Associated Action Plans

Lowland Heathland / Acid Grassland Mosaic Lowland Raised Mire


Grid Location Date reference Cantley area 6101 SE6101 -/1846 Doncaster Town Fields SE5803 26/07/1957 Owston Crossroads to Vicarage SE553113 -/1980 Sprotbrough 5301 SE5301 -/1871

Associated Action Plans

Lowland Heathland / Acid Grassland Mosaic


Grid Location Date reference Ash Hill Farm Tune Meadow Hedge 608129 SE608129 30/06/2004 Campsall area 5413 SE5413 -/1840 Campsall Country Park (UDP 7.8) SE5413 -/1977 - vague site SK5098 -/1860 Conisbrough area 5299 SK5299 31/07/1800 Denaby Ings (part) (UDP 6.53) SE500009 -/1977 Don Valley 5200 SE5200 31/07/1800 Engine Wood (UDP 6.64) SE540017 -/2001 Engine Wood (UDP 6.64) SE540017 05/05/1997 Gipsy Plantation Rossington SK636983 30/06/1980 Highfields 5307 SE5307 01/08/2005 Kirk Smeaton 5216 SE5216 31/08/1880 Kirk Smeaton 5216 SE5216 -/2000 Sprotbrough - Don Bridge flood plain SE546017 -/1980 Sprotbrough 5301 SE5301 22/08/1981 Warmsworth Ings 5401 SE5401 17/08/1982 Warmsworth Ings 5401 SE5401 21/08/1982 Warmsworth Ings 5401 SE5401 -/1976 Wentbridge 4917 SE4917 -/1960 Wentbridge 4917 SE4917 -/2000

120 Associated Action Plans

Ancient and Species-rich Hedgerows Minor Streams, Springs, Fens, Flushes, Mires and Fenny Fields Wet Woodland


Grid Location Date reference Thorne Moor - s.l. SE71 -/1856 Thorne Moor 7114 SE7114 -/1975

Associated Action Plans

Lowland Raised Mire Minor Streams, Springs, Fens, Flushes, Mires and Fenny Fields Reedbeds


Grid Location Date reference Sprotbrough area 5204 SE5204 14/09/1981

Associated Action Plans

Crags, Caves and Tunnels


Grid Location Date reference Balby Little Moor (UDP 2.19) SE565021 -/1997

Associated Action Plans

Lowland Heathland / Acid Grassland Mosaic Post-industrial and Brownfield Land


Grid Location Date reference Bentley Ings (UDP 3.30) SE585057 22/07/1997 Blaxton area 6901 SE6901 23/06/1968 Blaxton area 6901 SE6901 11/09/1968 Blaxton area 6901 SE6901 -/1975 Blaxton Common (UDP 4.47a) SE6801 -/1978 Blaxton Common 6801 SE6801 14/08/2005 Blaxton Common 6901 SE6901 -/1962 Bletchers Drain (UDP 9.27) SE732107 28/08/1997 Crow Trees Moor Drain West (UDP 9.31a) SE706088 01/10/1996 Hatfield - Lindholme 7006 SE7006 -/1980 Hatfield Moor 7008 SE7008 -/2004 Hatfield Moor 7108 SE7108 -/2004 Hatfield Moor C28 SE685039 -/1981 Medge Hall area 7412 SE7412 -/1947 Redhouse Farm Drain Boating Dike (UDP 9.26) SE728108 04/09/1997 Sandhill farm area 7211 SE7211 -/2004 Sandhill Farm area 7311 SE7311 -/2004 Sandhill Farm Drain (UDP 9.25) SE725114 04/09/1997 Tunnel Pits 7304 SE7304 -/1947

Associated Action Plans

Lowland Raised Mire Marshes and Swamps, Lakes and Ponds, Ditches and Drains


Grid Location Date reference Auckley area 6401 SE6401 -/1880 Bletchers Drain (UDP 9.27) SE732107 28/08/1997 Crow Trees (UDP 9.31a and b) SE706088 03/08/2004 Doncaster Carr 5801 SE5801 -/1976 Doncaster Carr 5801 SE5801 30/06/1798 Doncaster Common - vague site SE6013 23/07/1899 Doncaster Racecourse (inc. golf course) SE600029 07/05/1900 Finningley area 6799 SK6799 -/1850 Hatfield Moor - Low Levels 7208 SE7208 -/2004 Hatfield Moor - Low Levels 7208 SE7208 31/05/1998 Hatfield Moor 7108 SE7108 31/08/1998 Hatfield Moor 7108 SE7108 -/2004 Hatfield Moor 7108 SE7108 30/07/2004 Hesley Hall 6195 SK6195 -/1976 Medge Hall area 7412 SE7412 -/1947 Moor Lane Drain (UDP 9.31b) SE713086 01/10/1996 North Idle Drain SE7304 -/1947 Potteric Carr 5900 SE5900 31/07/1800 Potteric Carr 5900 SE5900 -/1840 Rossington area 6298 SK6298 -/1779 Rossington area 6298 SK6298 -/1977 Sandhill Farm area 7311 SE7311 -/2004 Torne Bridge 6703 SE677034 -/1977 Torne Bridge 6703 SE677034 19/08/1969 Tunnel Pits 7304 SE7304 -/1947

126 Tunnel Pits 7304 SE7304 -/1970 Tunnel Pits 7305 SE7305 30/07/2004

Associated Action Plans

Lowland Heathland / Acid Grassland Mosaic Lowland Raised Mire Marshes and Swamps, Lakes and Ponds, Ditches and Drains


Grid Location Date reference Clayton area 4507 SE4507 -/1832 Denaby Ings (part) (UDP 6.53) SE500009 19/07/1969 Thorne Moor 7215 SE7215 -/1970 Thorne Moor RC47 -Southern Canals NNR inc New Cross Drain SE7215 -/1981

Associated Action Plans

Minor Streams, Springs, Fens, Flushes, Mires and Fenny Fields


Grid Location Date reference Cusworth Hall (UDP 3.10) SE548038 17/08/2004 Cusworth Hall lower lake SE552038 -/1974 Cusworth Hall lower lake SE552038 -/2000 Cusworth Hall lower lake SE552038 -/1997 Cusworth Hall middle lake. SE550038 -/1998 Cusworth Hall middle lake. SE550038 -/1975 Cusworth Hall middle lake. SE5503 31/07/1975

Associated Action Plans

Limestone Woodland Lowland Heathy Oak Woodland


Grid Location Date reference Adwick-le-Street 5408 SE5408 -/1884

Associated Action Plans

Minor Streams, Springs, Fens, Flushes, Mires and Fenny Fields Rivers, Canals, Oxbows, Major Streams and Subsidence Flashes Wet Woodland


Grid Location Date reference Adwick-le-Street Sewage Works (UDP 3.16) SE544088 23/09/1997 Barnburgh area 4903 SE4903 27/05/2005 Calf Croft (UDP 6.31) SE475056 21/05/1997 Calf Croft (UDP 6.31) SE475056 26/04/2005 Hickleton area 4705 SE4705 16/06/1982 Hickleton area 4705 SE4705 22/06/1977 Hickleton Golf Course (UDP 6.66) SE476058 24/05/2005 Hooton Pagnell North Field (UDP 6.7) SE484082 20/05/1997 Hooton Pagnell North Field (UDP 6.7) SE484082 19/05/2005 Thunderhole (UDP 6.67) SE491035 27/05/2005 Wadworth Wood (N and S) (UDP 4.10) SK5597 27/08/1996

Associated Action Plans

Limestone Grassland Minor Streams, Springs, Fens, Flushes, Mires and Fenny Fields Wet Woodland


Grid Location Date reference Sykehouse Nettle Ing Lane A SE649181 06/06/1980 Sykehouse Nettle Ing Lane C SE64911818 19/06/1980 Went Valley - grassland 648180 SE648180 30/06/1980 Went Valley - grassland 649181 SE649181 30/06/1980 Went Valley - grassland 649182 SE649182 30/06/1980

Associated Action Plans

Minor Streams, Springs, Fens, Flushes, Mires and Fenny Fields Rivers, Canals, Oxbows, Major Streams and Subsidence Flashes


Grid Location Date reference Adwick Cemetery, Red House Lane SE5309 17/05/2003 Alverley Spring Wood (UDP 4.8) SK555989 08/08/1996 Ant Wood (UDP 4.13) SK562952 02/09/1996 Apy Hill Hindley Stoney Lane Hedgerows (UDP 4.17a) SK584930 04/09/1996 Armthorpe area 6305 SE6305 -/1989 Armthorpe area 6305 SE6305 31/05/1983 Ash Holt Woods (UDP 4.11) SK5595 29/08/1996 Barnburgh area 4903 SE4903 16/04/1990 Barnburgh Cliff (UDP 6.37) SE499036 19/05/1997 Barnburgh Cliff (UDP 6.37) SE499036 07/08/2004 Barnburgh Cliff (UDP 6.37) SE499036 05/06/2005 Barnburgh Cliff (UDP 6.37) SE499036 17/04/2004 Barnburgh Cliff (UDP 6.37) SE499036 15/04/2005 Barnsdale Wood (UDP 7.1) SE524142 01/05/1980 Braithwell Austwood Lane 5494 SK5494 15/04/2006 Burberry's Holt (UDP 4.15) SK560927 04/09/1996 Burghwallis (Squirrel) Wd Area A SE5311 19/04/2003 Burghwallis (Squirrel) Wd Area B SE5311 19/04/2003 Burghwallis (Squirrel) Wd Area D SE5311 19/04/2003 Burghwallis (Squirrel) Wood (UDP 7.10) SE542114 22/10/1981 Burghwallis (Squirrel) Wood (UDP 7.10) SE542114 01/07/1995 Campsall Country Park (UDP 7.8) SE548139 15/06/2000 Campsall Country Park (UDP 7.8) SE5413 19/05/1984 Campsmount 5313 SE5313 31/08/1993 Castle Hill Wood (Hedge line east of A1M) (UDP 6.43) SE539034 23/10/1997

133 Chaple Hole (UDP 4.7) SK545949 31/10/2003 Clifton 5296 SK5296 24/05/1977 Conisbrough Castle (UDP 5.9) SK514989 -/1978 Conisbrough Castle (UDP 5.9) SK514989 30/06/1978 Crookhill SK5197 25/06/1975 Crookhill Park and Plantation (UDP 4.2) SK524973 -/1981 Cusworth Hall Gatehouse Wood west SE545039 30/05/2000 Don Valley 5300 SE5300 -/1977 Doncaster Common (UDP 2.39a) SE600025 26/07/2004 Duck Holt (UDP 3.14a) SE560096 31/08/1980 Edlington Wood (UDP 2.5a/b) SK547980 -/1971 Edlington Wood (UDP 2.5a/b) SK547980 -/1971 Edlington Wood 5497 SK5497 18/05/2002 Edlington Wood 5497 SK5497 -/1973 Edlington Wood 5497 SK5497 10/07/1999 Edlington Wood 5498 SK5498 10/07/1999 Edlington Wood 5498 SK5498 18/05/2002 Edlington Wood 5597 SK5597 -/1974 Edlington Wood Area 2 SK5498 11/04/1999 Edlington Wood Area 3 SK5498 11/04/1999 Edlington Wood Area 4 5 6 SK5498 11/04/1999 Edlington Wood Area 7 SK5498 11/04/1999 Edlington Wood Woodhouse Garden SK5498 -/1972 Engine Wood (UDP 6.64) SE540017 05/05/1997 First, Second and Third Plantations (UDP 6.8a/b/c) SE480072 09/05/1997 First, Second and Third Plantations (UDP 6.8a/b/c) SE4807 31/05/2005 Fordoles Farm area 5193 SK5193 25/06/1975 Fordoles Head Lane 5192 SK5192 27/03/2004 Fordoles Head Lane 5193 SK5193 27/03/2004 Fox Covert (UDP 8.11) SE602086 -/1980 H117 Warmsworth Water Tower Lane SK529994 23/07/1990 H118 Water Tower to Butterbusk C SK528996 31/07/1990 H23 Cmpsmount (Longland Lane) C SE534131 31/08/1993 H23 Cmpsmount (Longland Lane) C SE534131 15/09/1992 H53 Friars Lane B SK584926 14/07/1986 H55 Tickhill Apy Hill Lane SK585929 20/09/1986 H58 Wood Lane A SK559985 06/06/1981 H58 Wood Lane B SK556985 07/06/1986 H58 Wood Lane D SK559985 07/06/1986 H60 Wood Lane A SK545972 07/08/1986 H61 Rakes Lane A SK545965 07/08/1986 H62 Wadworth Wood Edge B SK555967 23/07/1986 H62 Wadworth Wood Edge D SK552950 23/07/1986 H65 Daw Lane Burr Hill B SK578978 03/08/1986 H67 Back Lane B SK538972 07/08/1986 H75 Marr Hall Farm A SE519056 16/09/1999 H75 Marr Hall Farm E SE517056 16/09/1999 H82 Daw Lane B SK583974 21/07/1997 H83 Parks Q SK517967 25/05/1996 H83 Parks Y SK516967 31/05/1996 H92 Limekiln Lane A SK564928 27/05/1999

134 H94 Long Plantation Cusworth A SE5304 22/09/2001 H94 Long Plantation Cusworth E SE5404 22/09/2001 Hampole Grange Quarry A638 roadside verge SE516096 06/06/2003 Hampole Wood (UDP 6.12) SE500090 12/05/1997 Hampole Wood (UDP 6.12) SE500090 25/05/2005 Hampole Wood 4909 SE4909 30/06/1980 Hampole Wood 5008 SE5008 22/04/1984 Hangman Stone Wood (UDP 6.48) SE501033 12/05/1997 Hatchell Wood (UDP 2.44a/b) SE625004 07/09/1991 Hatfield Moor C25 Moor Bank Wood SE708044 -/1975 Hatfield Moor SE70 - s.l. SE70 -/1947 Highfields 5307 SE5307 01/08/2005 Hooton Pagnell Broad Balk eastern end 4908 SE4908 12/08/2006 Hopyard Hay Meadow (UDP 9.32) SE663110 18/07/2004 Levitt Hagg Wood 538013, Sprotbrough SE538013 31/05/1980 Levitt Hagg Wood 538013, Sprotbrough SE538013 21/05/1997 Levitt Hagg Wood 538014, Sprotbrough SE538014 21/05/1997 Long Plantation, Cusworth (UDP 3.9a) SE540044 30/06/1980 Mappleyard Plantation (UDP 6.6) SE480082 09/05/1997 Marr Ducker Holt (UDP 6.40) SE528052 30/06/1980 Melton Wood (5103) SE5103 17/05/1980 Melton Wood (5103) SE5103 28/04/1973 Melton Wood (UDP 6.47) SE510035 27/05/1975 Melton Wood (UDP 6.47) SE510035 03/10/1978 Melton Wood (UDP 6.47) SE510035 16/04/2005 Nearcliff Wood and Quarries SK528993 15/05/1980 Nearcliffe Quarry and Woods (UDP 2.69) SE532002 05/06/2005 Owston Meadows SE554114 28/04/1996 Owston Park 5410 SE5410 -/1976 Pot Ridings Lower Wood s.l. 5300 SE5300 24/04/2002 Pot Ridings Upper Wood s.l. 5200 SE5200 24/04/2002 Pot Ridings Upper Wood s.l. 5200 SE529008 20/04/2002 Pot Ridings Upper Wood s.l. 5200 SE529008 -/1977 Pot Ridings Wood (UDP 6.57) OVERALL SITE SE526002 05/06/1982 Pot Ridings Wood (UDP 6.57) OVERALL SITE SE526002 23/04/1980 Red House area 5209 SE5209 17/05/2003 Red House area 5209 SE5209 02/06/1977 Red House area 5309 SE5309 17/05/2003 River Don Wood at SE528002 SE528002 16/05/1980 Roman Ridge 5208 Long Lands Lane to N end of housing at SE5208 29/05/2005 525087 Roman Ridge 5405 Wensleydale Rd to Green Lane SE5405 14/05/2005 Roman Ridge 5405 Wensleydale Rd to Green Lane SE5405 27/10/2004 Roman Ridge 5405 Wensleydale Rd to Green Lane SE5405 04/07/1984 Rushy Moor Plantation SE567128 01/05/1980 Sandall Beat Comp. 1 SE61350335 -/1983 Scabba Wood (UDP 6.62) SE525015 -/1980 Scabba Wood (UDP 6.62) SE525015 06/05/1992 Scabba Wood Compartment 11 SE528017 30/04/1997 Scabba Wood Compartment 12 SE529017 30/04/1997 Skelbrooke Rein and Harry Wood (UDP 6.15) SE507110 31/05/1980

135 Spring Rein (part of) (UDP 3.9b) SE538042 15/08/1997 Springwell Lane hedgerows s.str (UDP 4.9a) SK560985 12/08/1996 Sprotbrough 5301 SE5301 16/05/1992 Sprotbrough 5301 SE5301 22/05/1965 Sprotbrough 5301 SE5301 -/1978 Sprotbrough 5301 SE5301 30/06/1983 Sprotbrough 5301 SE5301 16/04/1983 Stables Holt (UDP 6.36) SE496044 15/04/2005 Stables Wood 4903 grassland to E of Wood SE4903 07/07/2004 Stables Wood 4903 S part SE4903 10/04/2004 Stainton area 5593 SK5593 -/1976 Stainton area 5694 SK5694 -/1976 Stainton Little Wood (UDP 4.14) SK556943 09/09/1996 Stainton Little Wood (UDP 4.14) SK556943 -/1976 Stainton Little Wood (UDP 4.14) SK556943 24/05/2005 Stainton Little Wood (UDP 4.14) SK556943 09/05/1996 Stainton Woodhouse SK5693 -/1976 Stane Hill Plantation (UDP 6.39) SE525058 30/06/1980 Thorne Moor - s.l. SE71 -/1947 Tickhill area 5793 SK5793 -/1976 Tickhill area 5793 SK5793 31/05/1979 Tickhill area 5892 SK5892 31/05/1979 Tickhill area 5892 SK5892 31/05/1979 Tideworth Hague Gorse Wood SE653159 30/04/1980 Turnpike Plantation SE497110 27/08/1992 Wadworth Wood (N and S) (UDP 4.10) SK5597 27/08/1996 Wadworth Wood (north) (UDP4.10b) SK558977 03/05/2005 Wadworth Wood (south) (UDP 4.10a) SK558977 09/05/2005 Wadworth Wood 5596 SK5596 31/08/1992 Wadworth Wood 5597 SK5597 31/08/1992 Wadworth Wood 5597 SK5597 14/07/2002 Wadworth Wood 5597 SK5597 06/06/1981 Wadworth Wood 5598 SK5598 31/08/1992 Wadworth Wood 5598 SK5598 14/06/1983 Wadworth Wood 5697 SK5697 31/08/1992 Warmsworth Cliff (UDP 2.68) SE535006 26/05/2005 Wheatley Wood SE6004 unknown Windgate Pasture (UDP 4.4) SK521992 27/05/2005 Wood Close Plantation, Owston SE555113 01/05/1980 Wood Lane (UDP 2.4) SK545972 14/10/1996 Wood Lane (UDP 4.9b) SK552985 -/1996 Yew Tree Rein UDP 4.10c SK557983 12/08/1996

Associated Action Plans

Ancient and Species-rich Hedgerows Limestone Woodland


Grid Location Date reference Bentley Rise 5604 SE5604 -/1974 Hatfield - Lindholme 7006 SE7006 -/1980 Moss area 5913 SE5913 06/07/1976 Potteric Carr LCF - Loversall Carr Fields SK593998 -/1976 Rushy Moor area 5612 SE566125 -/1976 Shirley Pool Rushy Moor Area (UDP 7.18a) SE567128 19/07/1986 Thorne Moor - s.l. SE71 -/1902

Associated Action Plans

Arable Field Margins


Grid Location Date reference Stainforth Ashfields area 6612 SE6612 -/1947

Associated Action Plans

Arable Field Margins


Grid Location Date reference Cadeby Rattles (UDP 5.7) 5199 SK5199 04/08/2001

Associated Action Plans

Lowland Heathland / Acid Grassland Mosaic


Grid Location Date reference Boat Farm Quarry (UDP 6.60) SE534015 20/07/2004 Edlington Wood (UDP 2.5a/b) SK547980 02/08/2004 Oakmoor and Chadwick Dike (UDP 9.17) SE702164 16/07/2004

Associated Action Plans

Limestone Grassland


Grid Location Date reference Hatfield - Lindholme 7006 SE7006 -/1980

Associated Action Plans

Lowland Heathland / Acid Grassland Mosaic


Grid Location Date reference Bessacarr area 6000 SE6000 -/1976

Associated Action Plans

Ancient and Species-rich Hedgerows


Grid Location Date reference Rossington Bridge area 6300 SE6300 -/1850 Rossington Bridge area 6300 SE6300 -/1846 Rossington Bridge area 6300 SE6300 -/1888

Associated Action Plans

Lowland Heathland / Acid Grassland Mosaic


Grid Location Date reference Auckley area 6501 SE6501 -/1976 Auckley area 6501 SE6501 19/08/1969 Austerfield Sand Pits (UDP 4.30) SK657947 27/09/2004 Austerfield Sand Pits 6594 SK6594 -/1994 Austerfield Sand Pits 6595 SK6595 -/1994 Forest 6395 SK6395 17/07/2004 Bawtry Forest 6395 SK6395 17/07/2004 Bessacarr area 6000 SE6000 -/1976 Blaxton Common (UDP 4.47a) SE6801 02/09/1996 Blaxton Common (UDP 4.47a) SE6801 07/06/2003 Blaxton Common (UDP 4.47a) SE6801 16/09/2004 Blaxton Common 6801 SE6801 14/08/2005 Blaxton heathland at 679015 SE679015 21/06/1997 Campsmount 5314 SE5314 -/1902 Campsmount Park (UDP 7.7) SE537140 -/1902 Crow Wood/Great Wood/Spen Close Plantation (UDP 4.41) SK672977 16/09/1996 Crow Wood/Great Wood/Spen Close Plantation (UDP 4.41) SK672977 18/05/2005 Ellerholme Lagoon SE6903 09/09/2000 Finningley Big Wood (UDP 4.31a) SK652982 23/09/1996 Finningley Big Wood (UDP 4.31a) SK652982 25/05/2005 Finningley Gravel Pits (UDP 4.44) SK685997 17/09/1991 Finningley Gravel Pits (UDP 4.44) SK685997 16/09/2004 H18 Gt North Road Galley Hills E SK652941 17/04/2002 Hatfield area 6710 SE6710 14/08/2004 Hatfield Lings (UDP 9.36) SE655075 20/07/2004

144 Hatfield Marina 6710 SE6710 14/08/2004 Hatfield Moor 7108 SE7108 -/2004 Hollin Bridge Farm (UDP 9.39) SE684085 05/08/2004 Howell House area 4408 SE4408 22/06/1977 Hurst Wood (UDP 4.31b) SK648986 09/05/2005 Hyde Park Cemetery SE5702 12/08/2003 Hyde Park Cemetery D SE57570234 13/06/2004 Kirk Smeaton 5216 SE5216 07/09/1976 Levels Lane Plantation (UDP 4.47c) SE678016 18/05/2005 Nearcliffe Quarry and Woods (UDP 2.69) SE532002 05/06/2005 Old Don Oxbows (Dupont)(UDP 2.31) 5905 SE594059 16/10/1996 Old Don Oxbows (Dupont)(UDP 2.31) 5905 SE594059 17/09/2004 Pickle Wood (UDP 4.42) SK677981 13/09/1996 Pickle Wood (UDP 4.42) SK677981 17/05/2005 Pickle Wood pond and regen quarry spoil 676983 SK676983 08/08/1990 Potteric Carr 5900 SE5900 -/1993 Rossington area 6299 SK6299 09/07/1998 Sprotbrough St Mary Churchyard SE5302 08/07/1998 Thorpe Marsh Field Station - Bridleway SE588094 30/06/1998 Thorpe Marsh NR Applehurst Flash SE585098 -/1986 Thorpe Marsh NR Embankment SE584094 30/06/1998 Tickhill High Common A SK6194 08/10/1992 Torne Valley (UDP 4.48a/c/e/f) SE6602 01/09/2004 Warren Wood (North) (UDP 2.47) SK6299 10/05/1995 West Moor area 6405 SE6405 13/09/2004 West Moor IKEA Area 2 SE6405 13/09/2004 West Moor IKEA Area 5 SE6405 13/09/2004

Associated Action Plans

Lowland Heathland / Acid Grassland Mosaic


Grid Location Date reference Ash Lea Conisbrough SK508993 17/04/2004 East Park, Owston SE553110 24/06/1980 Hopyard Hay Meadow (UDP 9.32) SE664110 -/1947 Owston Crossroads to Vicarage SE553113 -/1980 Owston Meadows SE554114 25/03/2003 Owston Meadows SE554114 28/04/1996 Owston Meadows SE554114 08/05/1983 Owston Meadows Glebe Field SE55251128 24/06/1980 Stainforth area 6412 SE6412 -/1947

Associated Action Plans

Neutral and Wet Grassland


Grid Location Date reference Campsall Country Park (UDP 7.8) SE5413 -/1977

Associated Action Plans

Arable Field Margins


Grid Location Date reference Chaple Hole (UDP 4.7) SK545949 -/1980 Chaple Hole (UDP 4.7) SK5494 -/1938 Chaple Hole (UDP 4.7) SK545949 -/1947 Conisbrough area 5198 SK5198 -/1839 Don Valley 5501 (Balby) SE5501 28/12/1744 Edlington Wood (UDP 2.5a/b) SK547980 -/1962 Edlington Wood 5498 SK5498 -/1962 Levitt Hagg - vague site 5300 SE5300 31/03/1899 Ruddle Mill area SK5494 unknown Sprotbrough area 5402 SE5402 -/1778 Sprotbrough area 5402 SE5402 -/1848 Stainton area 5494 SK5494 29/03/1972 Warmsworth Ings 5401 SE5401 -/1976

Associated Action Plans

Minor Streams, Springs, Fens, Flushes, Mires and Fenny Fields Wet Woodland


Grid Location Date reference area 5611 SE5611 01/07/1982 Austerfield area 6594 SK6594 17/07/1983 Austerfield Sand Pits (UDP 4.30) SK657947 31/07/1983 Bentley Railway Embankment (UDP 3.32) SE575055 06/08/1997 Croft Ings (UDP 8.8a/b/c) SE613088 04/09/1997 Edlington Wood (UDP 2.5a/b) SK547980 -/1970 Edlington Wood Woodhouse Garden SK5498 -/1972 Kirk Smeaton 5216 SE5216 07/09/1976 Potteric Carr 5900 SE5900 20/07/1982 Potteric Carr MDE - Mother Drain Black Carr SE594004 03/07/1983 Rushy Moor area 5612 SE566125 14/07/1984 Ruskholme (UDP 8.1c) SE618115 10/09/1997 Size Ings (UDP 3.3) SE530095 25/09/1997 Thorne Waterside SE6713 14/08/1982

Associated Action Plans

Arable Field Margins


Grid Location Date reference Barnby Dun area 6109 SE6109 -/1885 Barnby Dun area 6109 SE6109 -/1978 Bawtry - vague site SK6593 31/07/1803 Cantley - very vague site SE60 -/1844 Kirk Moor Plantation (UDP 2.42a/b) SE617020 unknown Sandall Beat - vague site 6103 SE6103 unknown

Associated Action Plans

Arable Field Margins


Grid Location Date reference Askern area 5614 SE5614 -/1976 Balby Carr area 5800 SE5800 -/1976 Barnby Dun area 6209 SE6209 14/08/1981 Bessacarr area 6000 SE6000 -/1976 Clifton Beacon Lane 5196 SK5196 07/08/2005 Denaby Common (UDP 5.1) SK4798 -/1975 Dumpling Castle area 6194 SK6194 -/1977 Edlington Wood (UDP 2.5a/b) SK547980 -/1971 Edlington Wood Woodhouse Garden SK5498 -/1972 Ellerholme Farm area 7004 SE70 12/07/1952 Finningley Bypass Phase 1 survey TN41 610968 SK610968 31/03/2005 Goole Moors - s.l. SE7217 -/1947 Hatfield Moor 7107 SE7107 -/1981 Hatfield Moor 7108 SE7108 -/1947 Hatfield Moor C4 SE713080 -/1975 Hatfield Woodhouse 6708 SE6708 -/1976 Hesley Hall 6195 SK6195 -/1976 Lindholme Lake 7306 SE7306 19/08/1969 area 4799 SK4799 -/1975 Mexborough to Old Denaby river bank. SK4799 -/1975 Moss 5814 SE5814 01/08/1976 Plaice Hills area 6417 SE6417 18/06/1970 Potteric Carr 5900 SE5900 28/07/1982 Potteric Carr 5900 SE5900 20/07/1982 Potteric Carr 5900 SE5900 -/1993

151 Potteric Carr 5900 SE5900 -/1976 Potteric Carr 6000 SE6000 -/1980 Potteric Carr BCF - Black Carr Field SE599003 27/05/1980 Potteric Carr BPL - Beeston Plantation (UDP 4.20c) SK5999 -/1976 Potteric Carr High Ellers area SE599007 07/08/1957 Potteric Carr LCF - Loversall Carr Fields SK593998 -/1976 Potteric Carr PMA - Piper Marsh SE602002 27/05/1980 Roe Carr 7305 SE7305 -/1975 Stoupers Gate SE6909 29/07/1975 Sykehouse area 6417 SE6417 01/08/1981 Thorne (s.l.) 6813 SE6813 -/1864 Thorne Ashfields (UDP 9.13) SE665130 -/1975 Thorne Moor - s.l. SE71 -/1947 Thorne Waterside SE6713 15/08/1982 Tickhill area 6093 SK6093 02/07/2005 Tickhill area 6093 SK6093 01/09/1976 Tickhill area 6094 SK6094 28/07/1977 Tickhill area 6094 SK6094 -/1977 Went Valley 6417 SE6417 unknown West Moor area 6506 SE6506 -/1980 West Moor area 6506 SE6506 19/07/1981 Wyndthorpe Hall area 6407 SE6407 -/1976

Associated Action Plans

Arable Field Margins Lowland Heathy Oak Woodland


Grid Location Date reference Conisbrough Castle (UDP 5.9) SK514989 -/1860

Associated Action Plans

Arable Field Margins


Grid Location Date reference Cadeby Common (UDP 6.51) SE512001 -/1800 Cantley area 6302 SE6302 -/1976 Doncaster 5901 SE5901 -/1975 Doncaster 5902 SE5902 unknown Doncaster 5902 SE5902 -/1976 Doncaster Airfield 5901 SE5901 25/10/1981 Doncaster Airfield 5902 SE5902 07/05/1982 Doncaster Airfield 5902 SE599025 -/1980 Doncaster Airfield 5902 SE5902 01/05/2000 Doncaster Carr 5801 SE5801 -/1798 Doncaster Common area 6002 SE6002 -/1999 Doncaster Common area 6002 SE6002 -/1976 Doncaster Common area 6003 SE6003 -/1978 Doncaster Low Pasture / Common (UDP 2.38) SE597026 25/05/1997 Doncaster Low Pasture / Common (UDP 2.38) SE597026 07/10/1996 Doncaster Racecourse (inc. golf course) SE600029 16/07/1998 Doncaster Racecourse (inc. golf course) SE600029 -/1983 Tickhill area 6293 SK6293 -/1800

Associated Action Plans

Lowland Heathland / Acid Grassland Mosaic


Grid Location Date reference Bawtry Forest 6394 SK6394 -/1846 Doncaster Common area 6003 SE6003 -/1978 Hatfield - Lindholme 7006 SE7006 -/1887 Hatfield - Lindholme 7006 SE7006 -/1816 Potteric Carr 5900 SE5900 -/1831 Potteric Carr 6000 SE6000 -/1878 Rossington area 6298 SK6298 -/1770

Associated Action Plans

Lowland Heathland / Acid Grassland Mosaic


Grid Location Date reference Auckley area 6501 SE6501 -/1969 Auckley area 6501 SE6501 -/1976 Auckley area 6501 SE6501 19/08/1969 Auckley area 6602 SE6602 30/06/1998 Bawtry Forest (UDP 4.54) SK635950 04/05/2005 Bawtry Forest 6395 SK6395 22/05/2004 Bawtry Forest 6395 SK6395 17/07/2004 Blaxton Common (UDP 4.47a) SE6801 02/09/1996 Blaxton Common (UDP 4.47a) SE6801 07/06/2003 Blaxton Common (UDP 4.47a) SE6801 16/09/2004 Blaxton Common 6701 SE6701 14/08/2005 Edlington Wood (UDP 2.5a/b) SK547980 -/1971 Edlington Wood 5497 SK5497 -/1971 Edlington Wood Woodhouse Garden SK5498 -/1972 Finningley - vague site SK6799 31/10/1797 Hatfield Lings (UDP 9.36) SE655072 09/09/1973 Hatfield Lings (UDP 9.36) SE6507 01/11/1944 Levels Lane Plantation (UDP 4.47c) SE678016 18/05/2005 Machin's Plantation (UDP 4.47b) SE6701 11/09/1996 Thorne Moor 7215 SE7215 -/1902

Associated Action Plans

Lowland Heathland / Acid Grassland Mosaic


Grid Location Date reference Askern area 5613 SE5613 -/1976 Auckley area 6401 SE6401 -/1888 Cadeby Common (UDP 6.51) SE512001 -/1977 Conisbrough - vague site SK5098 -/1800 Conisbrough area 5198 SK5198 -/1800 Doncaster - very vague site SE50 unknown Doncaster Carr 5801 SE5801 -/1796 Hatfield - Lindholme 7006 SE7006 -/1970 Kirk Bramwith area 6111 SE6111 -/1947 Loversall area 5798 SK5798 -/1840 Potteric Carr 5900 SE5900 -/1840 Rushy Moor area 5612 SE566125 -/1888 Sourpiece Wood, Owston SE561113 -/1947 Sourpiece Wood, Owston SE561113 -/1976 Thorpe Marsh NR (UDP 7.25b) SE590095 06/08/1986

Associated Action Plans

Marshes and Swamps, Lakes and Ponds, Ditches and Drains


Grid Location Date reference Campsall area 5413 SE5413 -/1840 Campsall Country Park (UDP 7.8) SE5413 -/1977 Conisbrough - vague site SK5098 -/1873 Conisbrough area 5299 SK5299 unknown Conisbrough area 5299 SK5299 30/04/1798 Conisbrough Viaduct Area (UDP 6.54) SK522995 30/06/1974 Don Valley 5300 SE5300 -/1977 Kirk Smeaton 5216 SE5216 -/1878 Kirk Smeaton 5216 SE5216 -/1987 Marr Thick SE5005 unknown Misson 6995 SK6995 14/05/1997 Nearcliff Wood and Quarries SK528993 18/02/1998 Nearcliff Wood and Quarries SK528993 -/1899 Nearcliffe Quarry and Woods (UDP 2.69) SE532002 05/06/2005 Stainton Little Wood (UDP 4.14) SK556943 -/1976 Tickhill Castle Moats SK594928 -/1987 Wadworth Shrubbery (UDP 4.10d) SK565974 -/1989 Wadworth Windmill Hill to Wilsic Hall SK5696 24/05/1977 Wadworth Windmill Hill to Wilsic Hall SK5696 -/1977 Warren Wood (North) (UDP 2.47) SK6299 10/05/1995 Wilsic Hall grounds 5696 SK5696 -/1960


Associated Action Plans

Ancient and Species-rich Hedgerows Limestone Woodland


Grid Location Date reference Balby Little Moor C SE565021 -/1987 Balby Little Moor C SE565021 -/1986 Burghwallis (Squirrel) Wood (UDP 7.10) SE542114 -/1980 Hooton Pagnell area 4807 SE4807 -/1864 Levitt Hagg Wood 538013, Sprotbrough SE538013 31/05/1980 North Quarry Plantation, Owston SE543111 31/05/1980 Potteric Carr 5900 SE5900 -/1804 River Don Wood at SE528002 SE528002 16/05/1980

Associated Action Plans

Limestone Grassland


Grid Location Date reference Bilham Park Summerhouse Plantation (UDP 6.26) SE483063 14/07/1999 Cockhill area 5495 SK5495 24/05/1977 Crookhill Golf Course SK5297 -/1977 Crookhill Park and Plantation (UDP 4.2) SK524973 01/08/1996 Crookhill Park and Plantation (UDP 4.2) SK524973 24/05/1977 Don Valley 5300 SE5300 -/1977 Doncaster - very vague site SE50 -/1848 Edlington Wood 5598 SK5598 14/06/1959 Levitt Hagg - vague site 5301 SE5301 -/1947 Levitt Hagg - vague site 5301 SE5301 31/07/1971 Levitt Hagg - vague site 5301 SE5301 07/08/1971 Ling House area 6310 SE6310 -/1981 Ling House area 6310 SE6310 -/1981 Raven Hill (UDP 6.41) SE535040 30/09/1980 Roman Ridge North and South (UDP 3.4a/b) SE5307 24/09/1997 Shaw Wood (UDP 8.23) SE617055 21/06/1978 Sprotbrough 5301 SE5301 -/1978 Stainforth area 6311 SE638117 -/1981 Wilsic area 5595 SK5595 27/06/1936

Associated Action Plans

Ancient and Species-rich Hedgerows Limestone Woodland


Grid Location Date reference Went Valley (Eskholme) (UDP 9.2b) SE639179 17/08/2004

Associated Action Plans

Neutral and Wet Grassland


Grid Location Date reference Doncaster Town Fields SE5803 30/07/1957 Fishlake - grassland 658156 SE658156 23/06/1980 Fishlake area 6513 SE6513 -/1976 Fosterhouses area 6515 SE6515 03/07/1976 Hatfield - Lindholme 7006 SE7006 -/1980 Kirkhouse Green area 6113 SE6113 05/07/1977 Little Fen Fields Hedgerow 3 SE646153 29/07/1998 Pincheon Green 6517 SE6517 28/06/1977 Smallhedge Farm area 6315 SE6315 -/1977 Southfield Meadow 1 SE657186 02/07/2003 Southfield Meadow 2 SE655186 02/07/2003 Southfield Meadow 3 SE654186 02/07/2003 Southfield Meadow 4 SE653186 02/07/2003 Sykehouse area 6316 SE6316 -/1977 Sykehouse Nettle Ing Lane A SE649181 06/06/1980 Sykehouse Old Ings D SE63451795 23/06/1980 Topham area 6217 SE6217 08/07/2006 Went Lows area C - the Park area 6217 SE6217 08/07/2006 Went Valley - grassland 634180 SE634180 30/06/1980 Went Valley - grassland 648180 SE648180 30/06/1980

Associated Action Plans

Neutral and Wet Grassland


Grid Location Date reference Adwick-le-Street 5408 SE5408 -/1850 Almholme Grange SE591081 -/1978 Arksey Ings (UDP 3.29) SE590061 14/08/1997 Arksey Ings (UDP 3.29) SE590061 19/08/2004 Arksey Ings Lane area 5906 SE5906 30/07/1983 Askern - vague site SE5613 -/1860 Askern - vague site SE5613 01/06/1846 Auckley area 6401 SE6401 -/1977 Balby Carr area 5800 SE5800 -/1845 Bawtry Forest (UDP 4.54) SK635950 04/05/2005 Blaxton area 6901 SE6901 -/1975 Brick Kiln Plantation (UDP 7.13) SE557108 -/1976 Campsall Country Park (UDP 7.8) SE5413 -/1977 Campsall Country Park (UDP 7.8) SE5413 -/1977 Campsmount Park (UDP 7.7) SE537140 13/07/1976 Don Valley 5501 (Balby) SE5501 -/1976 Doncaster Carr 5801 SE5801 30/06/1796 Fishlake area 6513 SE6513 -/1976 Harlington area 4802 SE4802 31/05/1831 Hatfield - Lindholme 7006 SE7006 -/1980 Hatfield Moor 7003 SE7003 -/1975 Hatfield Moor 7108 SE7108 30/07/2004 Hatfield Moor C28 SE685039 -/1981 Hexthorpe Flatts/Church Rein (UDP 2.15c) SE558018 -/1980 Hexthorpe Ings (UDP 2.16) SE558026 -/1974

164 Hexthorpe Ings (UDP 2.16) SE558026 -/1974 Plaice Hills area 6418 SE6418 18/06/1970 Plaice Hills area 6518 SE6518 18/06/1970 Potteric Carr 6000 SE6000 29/05/1982 Rossington - vague site SK6298 -/1860 Sourpiece Wood, Owston SE561113 -/1976 Southfield Reservoir area 6518 SE6518 09/07/1978 Sprotbrough Newton Farm area SE556027 -/1990 Sykehouse - Barrier Bank borrow pit SE615156 -/1980 Sykehouse - West End SE6115 -/1976 Sykehouse - wetland at 615155 SE615155 -/1980 Thorne Ashfields (UDP 9.13) SE665130 -/1975 Thorne Moor - s.l. SE71 21/06/1970 Thorne Moor - s.l. SE71 11/07/1907 Thorne Moor - s.l. SE71 28/09/1929 Thorne Moor - Swinefleet WD s.l. SE7516 -/1970 Thorne Moor - Swinefleet WD s.l. SE7516 -/1981 Thorne Moor - Swinefleet WD s.l. SE7516 -/1995 Thorne Moor RC47 -Southern Canals NNR inc New Cross Drain SE7215 18/05/1970 Thorne Moor RC47 -Southern Canals NNR inc New Cross Drain SE7215 21/05/1970 Thorpe Marsh Royalty Lane SE599091 -/1986 Torne Bridge 6703 SE677034 11/06/1968 Torne Bridge 6703 SE677034 -/1977 Torne Valley 6803 SE6803 unknown West Moor area 6506 SE6506 22/06/1980 West Moor area 6506 SE6506 -/1980 West Moor area 6506 SE6506 30/05/1898 West Moor area 6506 SE6506 -/1816 West Moor area 6506 SE6506 -/1976

Associated Action Plans

Marshes and Swamps, Lakes and Ponds, Ditches and Drains


Grid Location Date reference Boating Dike Small Drain (UDP 9.28b) SE712116 03/08/2004 Clay Bank Drain (UDP 9.28a) SE705118 03/08/2004

Associated Action Plans

Marshes and Swamps, Lakes and Ponds, Ditches and Drains


Grid Location Date reference Arksey Ings Lane area 5906 SE5906 -/1873 Arksey Ings Lane area 5906 SE5906 21/05/1977 Barnby Dun area 6109 SE6109 -/1978 Bentley Common (UDP 3.31) SE573055 -/1976 Bentley Ings (UDP 3.30) SE585057 05/07/1982 Bentley Ings 5805 SE5805 13/08/1983 Bessacarr area 6000 SE6000 -/1976 Black Pond (UDP 3.33a) SE563035 -/1981 Blaxton - drain at 698032 SE698032 30/06/1980 Cadeby Common (UDP 6.51) SE512001 31/07/1798 Cadeby Common (UDP 6.51) SE512001 -/1977 Crimpsall Ings SE5603 -/1976 Doncaster Carr 5801 SE5801 -/1976 Doncaster Carr 5801 SE5801 31/08/1797 Doncaster Ings Road area 5704 SE5704 -/1976 Doncaster Ings Road area 5704 SE5704 -/1976 Fishlake SE6513 03/08/1946 Hatfield - Lindholme 7006 SE7006 -/1980 Hatfield Moor C28 SE685039 -/1981 Hatfield Moor SE70 - s.l. SE70 -/1887 Medge Hall area 7412 SE7412 -/1976 Mexborough area 4799 SK4799 -/1975 Potteric Carr 5900 SE5900 31/08/1937 Potteric Carr 5900 SE5900 -/1976 Potteric Carr PMA - Piper Marsh SE602002 -/1989

167 Potteric Carr RDR - Railway Drain SE6000 -/1971 Potteric Carr SQP - Square Pond SE5800 -/1989 Rossington area 6298 SK6298 -/1779 Rossington area 6298 SK6298 -/1977 Rossington Carr 6099 SK6099 -/1976 Thorne Gyme 6714 SE6714 -/1943 Thorpe Marsh NR Sicklecroft SE591097 -/1985 West Moor area 6406 SE6406 -/1978 West Moor area 6506 SE6506 30/05/1898 West Moor area 6506 SE6506 31/07/1898

Associated Action Plans

Post-industrial and Brownfield Land


Grid Location Date reference Adwick-le-Street 5408 SE5408 -/1850 Doncaster 5901 SE5901 -/1975 Doncaster Carr area 5802 SE5802 -/1976 Hooton Pagnell area 4807 SE4807 -/1864 Rossington area 6397 SK6397 06/06/1997 Thorne (s.l.) 6813 SE6813 -/1947 Thorne Gyme 6714 SE6714 -/1976 Thorne Jubilee Bridge area 6714 SE6714 -/1947

Associated Action Plans

Arable Field Margins


Grid Location Date reference Bentley Tilts to Burnt Ings 5709 SE5709 16/07/1959 Brodsworth Hall (vague site) SE5007 -/1850 Cadeby - vague site 5199 SK5199 -/1800 Cadeby Common (UDP 6.51) SE512001 31/07/1801 Cadeby Common (UDP 6.51) SE512001 -/1977 Cadeby Rattles (UDP 5.7) 5199 SK5199 04/08/2001 Conisbrough Viaduct Area (UDP 6.54) SK522995 30/06/2001 Doncaster - very vague site SE50 -/1804 Fowlsyke Flash - grassland/tip SK5298 30/09/1983 Kirk Smeaton 5216 SE5216 -/1937 Kirk Smeaton 5216 SE5216 07/09/1976 Levitt Hagg - vague site 5300 SE5300 30/06/1959 Marr Thick SE4904 unknown

Associated Action Plans

Ancient and Species-rich Hedgerows Limestone Grassland Limestone Woodland


Grid Location Date reference Burghwallis (Squirrel) Wood (UDP 7.10) SE542114 22/10/1981 Howell Wood (UDP 6.1) SE437095 07/05/1997 Torne Banks 5997 SK5997 -/1976

Associated Action Plans

Arable Field Margins Lowland Heathland / Acid Grassland Mosaic Post-industrial and Brownfield Land


Grid Location Date reference Brodsworth Colliery old rail sidings SE528075 -/1988 Brodsworth Colliery old rail sidings SE528075 31/07/1987 Brodsworth Colliery old rail sidings SE5307 15/06/1990

Associated Action Plans

Lowland Heathland / Acid Grassland Mosaic Post-industrial and Brownfield Land


Grid Location Date reference Bankside 6716 SE6716 unknown Bentley Ings (UDP 3.30) SE585057 22/07/1997 Black Drain, Selby Rd Moorends SE6917 -/1947 Castle Hills DNS 1990 Study area A SE552068 -/1990 Castle Hills, Scawthorpe (UDP 3.17) SE552068 18/07/1984 Hampole area 5010 SE5010 13/09/1978 Hickleton 4805 SE4805 27/05/1975 Sandhill Farm area 7311 SE7311 -/2004

Associated Action Plans

Marshes and Swamps, Lakes and Ponds, Ditches and Drains Minor Streams, Springs, Fens, Flushes, Mires and Fenny Fields Neutral and Wet Grassland