Grid Location Date reference Thorne Moor colliery area 7015 SE7015 -/1972 Associated Action Plans Marshes and Swamps, Lakes and Ponds, Ditches and Drains Minor Streams, Springs, Fens, Flushes, Mires and Fenny Fields Neutral and Wet Grassland 112 Grid Location Date reference Thorne Moor - s.l. SE71 11/07/1995 Thorne Moor RC47 -Southern Canals NNR inc New Cross Drain SE7215 -/2000 Associated Action Plans Minor Streams, Springs, Fens, Flushes, Mires and Fenny Fields Neutral and Wet Grassland 113 Grid Location Date reference Adwick-le-Street 5408 SE5408 -/1888 Adwick-le-Street 5408 SE5408 -/1850 Ash Holt Woods (UDP 4.11) SK5595 29/08/1996 Belton Wood 7108 SE7108 -/1947 Brodsworth area 5007 SE5007 -/1849 Brodsworth Hall Site E (Daphne, yew, lime) SE50420707 15/04/1992 Castle Hill Wood (UDP 6.43) SE539034 21/04/2005 Cockhill Plantation/Wet Holt (UDP 2.1a/b) SK551965 21/04/2005 Doncaster - very vague site SE5702 -/1778 Edlington Wood (UDP 2.5a/b) SK547980 -/1971 Edlington Wood 5498 SK5498 18/05/2002 Edlington Wood 5597 SK5597 -/1974 Edlington Wood 5598 SK5598 -/1974 Edlington Wood 5598 SK5598 -/1972 Edlington Wood Area 3a SK5498 11/04/1999 Edlington Wood Woodhouse Garden SK5498 -/1972 Fishlake - very vague site SE6513 -/1989 Fishlake Clay Bridge Farm SE641159 05/05/1992 Haywood area 5711 SE5711 31/03/1991 Haywood area 5812 SE5812 -/1989 Levitt Hagg - vague site 5300 SE5300 -/1873 Melton College and Cadeby Riddings (UDP 6.50a/b) SE510006 09/05/2005 Melton Wood (5103) SE5103 28/04/1979 Nearcliff Wood and Quarries SK528993 18/02/1998 Nearcliffe Quarry and Woods (UDP 2.69) SE532002 05/06/2005 114 Pot Ridings Lower Wood s.l. 5300 SE5300 24/04/2002 Pot Ridings Upper Wood s.l. 5200 SE5200 24/04/2002 Pot Ridings Wood (UDP 6.57) OVERALL SITE SE526002 17/04/1982 Pot Ridings Wood (UDP 6.57) OVERALL SITE SE526002 -/1981 Pot Ridings Wood (UDP 6.57) OVERALL SITE SE526002 -/1977 Pot Ridings Wood (UDP 6.57) OVERALL SITE SE526002 16/04/1983 Rossington - vague site SK6298 -/1880 Skelbrooke Park (UDP 6.17) SE512122 29/08/2001 Sprotbrough 5301 SE5301 22/05/1965 Stainton Woodhouse SK5693 -/1976 Tickhill area - vague site SK5993 -/1880 Tune Wood 6012 SE6012 27/04/2002 Wadworth Wood (N and S) (UDP 4.10) SK5597 27/08/1996 Wadworth Wood (south) (UDP 4.10a) SK558977 09/05/2005 Wadworth Wood 5596 SK5596 31/08/1992 Wadworth Wood 5596 SK5596 16/03/1991 Wadworth Wood 5596 SK5596 -/1978 Wadworth Wood 5596 SK5596 -/1977 Wadworth Wood 5597 SK5597 31/08/1992 Warmsworth - very vague site SE5400 -/1880 West Moor area 6406 SE6406 10/04/1997 Associated Action Plans Ancient and Species-rich Hedgerows Limestone Woodland 115 Grid Location Date reference Edlington Wood (UDP 2.5a/b) SK547980 -/1962 Edlington Wood Woodhouse Garden SK5498 -/1972 Associated Action Plans Ancient and Species-rich Hedgerows Limestone Woodland 116 Grid Location Date reference Barnby Dun Borrow Pits (UDP 8.9b) SE608090 22/07/2004 Associated Action Plans Crags, Caves and Tunnels 117 Grid Location Date reference Thorne Moor 7215 SE7215 -/1920 Thorpe Marsh NR Reedholme SE583096 -/1991 Associated Action Plans Lowland Heathland / Acid Grassland Mosaic Lowland Raised Mire 118 Grid Location Date reference Cantley area 6101 SE6101 -/1846 Doncaster Town Fields SE5803 26/07/1957 Owston Crossroads to Vicarage SE553113 -/1980 Sprotbrough 5301 SE5301 -/1871 Associated Action Plans Lowland Heathland / Acid Grassland Mosaic 119 Grid Location Date reference Ash Hill Farm Tune Meadow Hedge 608129 SE608129 30/06/2004 Campsall area 5413 SE5413 -/1840 Campsall Country Park (UDP 7.8) SE5413 -/1977 Conisbrough - vague site SK5098 -/1860 Conisbrough area 5299 SK5299 31/07/1800 Denaby Ings (part) (UDP 6.53) SE500009 -/1977 Don Valley 5200 SE5200 31/07/1800 Engine Wood (UDP 6.64) SE540017 -/2001 Engine Wood (UDP 6.64) SE540017 05/05/1997 Gipsy Plantation Rossington SK636983 30/06/1980 Highfields 5307 SE5307 01/08/2005 Kirk Smeaton 5216 SE5216 31/08/1880 Kirk Smeaton 5216 SE5216 -/2000 Sprotbrough - Don Bridge flood plain SE546017 -/1980 Sprotbrough 5301 SE5301 22/08/1981 Warmsworth Ings 5401 SE5401 17/08/1982 Warmsworth Ings 5401 SE5401 21/08/1982 Warmsworth Ings 5401 SE5401 -/1976 Wentbridge 4917 SE4917 -/1960 Wentbridge 4917 SE4917 -/2000 120 Associated Action Plans Ancient and Species-rich Hedgerows Minor Streams, Springs, Fens, Flushes, Mires and Fenny Fields Wet Woodland 121 Grid Location Date reference Thorne Moor - s.l. SE71 -/1856 Thorne Moor 7114 SE7114 -/1975 Associated Action Plans Lowland Raised Mire Minor Streams, Springs, Fens, Flushes, Mires and Fenny Fields Reedbeds 122 Grid Location Date reference Sprotbrough area 5204 SE5204 14/09/1981 Associated Action Plans Crags, Caves and Tunnels 123 Grid Location Date reference Balby Little Moor (UDP 2.19) SE565021 -/1997 Associated Action Plans Lowland Heathland / Acid Grassland Mosaic Post-industrial and Brownfield Land 124 Grid Location Date reference Bentley Ings (UDP 3.30) SE585057 22/07/1997 Blaxton area 6901 SE6901 23/06/1968 Blaxton area 6901 SE6901 11/09/1968 Blaxton area 6901 SE6901 -/1975 Blaxton Common (UDP 4.47a) SE6801 -/1978 Blaxton Common 6801 SE6801 14/08/2005 Blaxton Common 6901 SE6901 -/1962 Bletchers Drain (UDP 9.27) SE732107 28/08/1997 Crow Trees Moor Drain West (UDP 9.31a) SE706088 01/10/1996 Hatfield - Lindholme 7006 SE7006 -/1980 Hatfield Moor 7008 SE7008 -/2004 Hatfield Moor 7108 SE7108 -/2004 Hatfield Moor C28 SE685039 -/1981 Medge Hall area 7412 SE7412 -/1947 Redhouse Farm Drain Boating Dike (UDP 9.26) SE728108 04/09/1997 Sandhill farm area 7211 SE7211 -/2004 Sandhill Farm area 7311 SE7311 -/2004 Sandhill Farm Drain (UDP 9.25) SE725114 04/09/1997 Tunnel Pits 7304 SE7304 -/1947 Associated Action Plans Lowland Raised Mire Marshes and Swamps, Lakes and Ponds, Ditches and Drains 125 Grid Location Date reference Auckley area 6401 SE6401 -/1880 Bletchers Drain (UDP 9.27) SE732107 28/08/1997 Crow Trees (UDP 9.31a and b) SE706088 03/08/2004 Doncaster Carr 5801 SE5801 -/1976 Doncaster Carr 5801 SE5801 30/06/1798 Doncaster Common - vague site SE6013 23/07/1899 Doncaster Racecourse (inc. golf course) SE600029 07/05/1900 Finningley area 6799 SK6799 -/1850 Hatfield Moor - Low Levels 7208 SE7208 -/2004 Hatfield Moor - Low Levels 7208 SE7208 31/05/1998 Hatfield Moor 7108 SE7108 31/08/1998 Hatfield Moor 7108 SE7108 -/2004 Hatfield Moor 7108 SE7108 30/07/2004 Hesley Hall 6195 SK6195 -/1976 Medge Hall area 7412 SE7412 -/1947 Moor Lane Drain (UDP 9.31b) SE713086 01/10/1996 North Idle Drain SE7304 -/1947 Potteric Carr 5900 SE5900 31/07/1800 Potteric Carr 5900 SE5900 -/1840 Rossington area 6298 SK6298 -/1779 Rossington area 6298 SK6298 -/1977 Sandhill Farm area 7311 SE7311 -/2004 Torne Bridge 6703 SE677034 -/1977 Torne Bridge 6703 SE677034 19/08/1969 Tunnel Pits 7304 SE7304 -/1947 126 Tunnel Pits 7304 SE7304 -/1970 Tunnel Pits 7305 SE7305 30/07/2004 Associated Action Plans Lowland Heathland / Acid Grassland Mosaic Lowland Raised Mire Marshes and Swamps, Lakes and Ponds, Ditches and Drains 127 Grid Location Date reference Clayton area 4507 SE4507 -/1832 Denaby Ings (part) (UDP 6.53) SE500009 19/07/1969 Thorne Moor 7215 SE7215 -/1970 Thorne Moor RC47 -Southern Canals NNR inc New Cross Drain SE7215 -/1981 Associated Action Plans Minor Streams, Springs, Fens, Flushes, Mires and Fenny Fields 128 Grid Location Date reference Cusworth Hall (UDP 3.10) SE548038 17/08/2004 Cusworth Hall lower lake SE552038 -/1974 Cusworth Hall lower lake SE552038 -/2000 Cusworth Hall lower lake SE552038 -/1997 Cusworth Hall middle lake. SE550038 -/1998 Cusworth Hall middle lake. SE550038 -/1975 Cusworth Hall middle lake. SE5503 31/07/1975 Associated Action Plans Limestone Woodland Lowland Heathy Oak Woodland 129 Grid Location Date reference Adwick-le-Street 5408 SE5408 -/1884 Associated Action Plans Minor Streams, Springs, Fens, Flushes, Mires and Fenny Fields Rivers, Canals, Oxbows, Major Streams and Subsidence Flashes Wet Woodland 130 Grid Location Date reference Adwick-le-Street Sewage Works (UDP 3.16) SE544088 23/09/1997 Barnburgh area 4903 SE4903 27/05/2005 Calf Croft (UDP 6.31) SE475056 21/05/1997 Calf Croft (UDP 6.31) SE475056 26/04/2005 Hickleton area 4705 SE4705 16/06/1982 Hickleton area 4705 SE4705 22/06/1977 Hickleton Golf Course (UDP 6.66) SE476058 24/05/2005 Hooton Pagnell North Field (UDP 6.7) SE484082 20/05/1997 Hooton Pagnell North Field (UDP 6.7) SE484082 19/05/2005 Thunderhole (UDP 6.67) SE491035 27/05/2005 Wadworth Wood (N and S) (UDP 4.10) SK5597 27/08/1996 Associated Action Plans Limestone Grassland Minor Streams, Springs, Fens, Flushes, Mires and Fenny Fields Wet Woodland 131 Grid Location Date reference Sykehouse Nettle Ing Lane A SE649181 06/06/1980 Sykehouse Nettle Ing Lane C SE64911818 19/06/1980 Went Valley - grassland 648180 SE648180 30/06/1980 Went Valley - grassland 649181 SE649181 30/06/1980 Went Valley - grassland 649182 SE649182 30/06/1980 Associated Action Plans Minor Streams, Springs, Fens, Flushes, Mires and Fenny Fields Rivers, Canals, Oxbows, Major Streams and Subsidence Flashes 132 Grid Location Date reference Adwick Cemetery, Red House Lane SE5309 17/05/2003 Alverley Spring Wood (UDP 4.8) SK555989 08/08/1996 Ant Wood (UDP 4.13) SK562952 02/09/1996 Apy Hill Hindley Stoney Lane Hedgerows (UDP 4.17a) SK584930 04/09/1996 Armthorpe area 6305 SE6305 -/1989 Armthorpe area 6305 SE6305 31/05/1983 Ash Holt Woods (UDP 4.11) SK5595 29/08/1996 Barnburgh area 4903 SE4903 16/04/1990 Barnburgh Cliff (UDP 6.37) SE499036 19/05/1997 Barnburgh Cliff (UDP 6.37) SE499036 07/08/2004 Barnburgh Cliff (UDP 6.37) SE499036 05/06/2005 Barnburgh Cliff (UDP 6.37) SE499036
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