062) Na'aran, Khirbet (Naaran, Neara, Doq)
062) Na‘aran, Khirbet (Naaran, Neara, Doq) [PADIS code 0008] دﻴوﻚ) ﻧﻌراﻦ ﺧرﺒﺔ) :Arabic Site ancient name: Naarah, Naaran, Neara, Doq. Site location: Lat. +31° 53' 42.70" N; Long. +35° 25' 25.62" E. Site extension: 5 dunams. State of preservation: partly preserved, partly under modern cultivations. Occupational periods: Byzantine , Early Islamic . Plates: I, III, LXX-LXXII. Byzantine Period Site typology: village. Public architecture: synagogue. 1 / 3 062) Na‘aran, Khirbet (Naaran, Neara, Doq) Domestic architecture: houses. Funerary architecture: loculi. Material culture: sarcophagi, mosaics with inscriptions, glass vessels, coins, bronze pins and tools, ivory tool, basalt vessels, pottery. Bibliography: Clermont-Ganneau 1896, 21-23; Vincent 1919; 1921a; 1921b; 1961; Sukenik 1930, 28-31; Augustinović 1951, 142-143; Magen 1983; Netzer 1983, 72-73; Avi-Yonah 1993; Ariotti 2004; Yahya 2007, 19-20; Greenberg - Keinan 2009, 62-63, site n. 273. Early Islamic Period Site typology: architectural remains. Public architecture: synagogue. Material culture: coins, pottery. Bibliography: Netzer 1983, 72-73; Greenberg - Keinan 2009, 62-63, site n. 273. Bibliography Ariotti, A. 2004 "A Missing Piece Found:Bulletin Tracing of the the History Anglo-Israel of a22 Mosaic Archaeological(2004), Fragment pp. 9-22. Society at the Church of St. James From Jericho to Sidney and Back Again", in 2 / 3 062) Na‘aran, Khirbet (Naaran, Neara, Doq) Augustinović, A. 1951 Gerico e dintorni , Jerusalem 1951 (in particular pp. 142-143). Avi-Yonah, M. 1993 "Na‘aran", in E. Stern (ed.), New Encyclopedia of Archaeological, Vol. 3, Jerusalem Excavations 1993, pp.in the 1075-1076. Holy Land Clermont-Ganneau, C. 1896 Archaeological Research, Vol.in Palestine II, London During 1896 the (in Yearsparticular 1873-1874 pp.
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