st Published by: Hamura City July 1 , 2016 Edited by: Kouhou Kouchou-ka (Public Information & Public Opinion Section) 5-2-1 Midorigaoka, Hamura City, Tokyo 〒205-8601 042-555-1111 Hamura City Official Website = E-mail:
[email protected] Hamura News Back Numbers = 平成28年度 子ども体験塾 真夏の北極・南極展 ✼Children’s Workshop – Kodomo Taiken Jyuku ~ The Arctic and Antarctica✼ th st * Date: August 16 (Tue) ~ 21 (Sun) * Take a trip to the cold of the Arctic and Antarctica in Hamura City! Exhibitions, Workshops, and the Night Sky View by planetarium projector offers a bundle of experiences for the summer. Sponsored By: Ōme City, Fussa City, and Hamura City Kodomo Taikenjyuku Jikkou Iinkai (Committee for Providing Knowledge Through Various Experiences for Children) (If capacity is exceeded, there will be a lottery to determine participating members.) Inquiry: Yutorogi 570-0707 < Lecture ~ “LISA VOGT’s White Gift” > Lisa Vogt, a renowned professor, intercultural communications specialist, and photographer who traveled around the world, will present her lecture about the nature of the Arctic and Antarctica. She will talk of polar bears of the north pole and penguins of the south pole, and her love for nature. You can cuddle with the polar bear “Big Hug”, and also get an autograph of the guest. Date & Time: August 21st (Sun) 2PM~ Place: Yutorogi Main Hall Capacity: 600 people Reservation: no later than Aug. 2nd (Tue) < Workshop ~ Let’s Become a Penguin Expert ~ > Penguins which inhabit the continent of Antarctica have a unique lifestyle.