Queering Aging: Dialectical Analysis of Mediated Representations of Sexuality Ryan Lescure San Francisco State University, Rlescure@Mail.Sfsu.Edu
Teaching Media Quarterly Volume 3 | Issue 2 Article 4 2015 Queering Aging: Dialectical Analysis of Mediated Representations of Sexuality Ryan Lescure San Francisco State University, rlescure@mail.sfsu.edu Gust A. Yep San Francisco State University, gyep@sfsu.edu Follow this and additional works at: http://pubs.lib.umn.edu/tmq Recommended Citation Lescure, Ryan, and Gust A. Yep. "Queering Aging: Dialectical Analysis of Mediated Representations of Sexuality." Teaching Media Quarterly 3, no. 2 (2015). http://pubs.lib.umn.edu/tmq/vol3/iss2/4 Teaching Media Quarterly is published by the University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. Lescure and Yep: Queering Aging: Dialectical Analysis of Mediated Representations Teaching Media Quarterly Volume 3, Edition 2 (Spring 2015): Queer Media Queering Aging: Dialectical Analysis of Mediated Representations of Sexuality Overview and Rationale With a focus on aging sexual minorities, a population often overlooked by both queer theory and mediated representations, this classroom activity invites students to critically examine the intersection of queerness and television. First, students will get a brief introduction to queer theory and dialectical thinking. Second, students will view the made-for-television HBO film Behind the Candelabra. Third, students will engage in a queer dialectical analysis of the intersection of queerness and aging in the TV program. Influenced by poststructuralism, critical theory, feminism, and cultural studies, queer theory provides an open theoretical system to view, understand, and analyze social relations (Berlant & Warner, 1995; Jagose, 1996; Yep, 2003). More specifically, queer theory is both a conceptual model and a set of analytical tools to deconstruct power relations (i.e., the ways power functions and operates in our relationships) and the violence of normativity (i.e., the potentially harmful effects of social norms on bodies, identities, and communities) (Yep & Schönfeldt-Aultman, 2012).
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