Sweeping Upgrades Proposed for LISD
Think Twice Water just TWO DESIGNATED DAYS per week, before 10 a.m. and after 7 p.m. Odd Addresses Even Addresses waterthriftycedarpark.org on Wednesday and Saturday on Thursday and Sunday (Commercial addresses on Tuesday and Friday) HIILLLL COOUNTUNTRY NEEWSWS Volume 49, Issue 31 • 14 pages Serving Cedar Park, Leander and Northwest Austin since 1968 • HillCountryNews.com Thursday, August 3, 2017 • 50 cents Council LISD BOND RECOMMENDATIONS HCN considers Sweeping upgrades launches banning new drones website proposed for LISD By NICK BROTHERS Drones flying over Managing Editor special events come under fire in Cedar AATT A GGLANCE:LANCE: There’s a whole Park Council meeting new look to hillcoun- trynews.com. By RICHARD LEGGITT LLISDISD bbondond pproposalroposal rrecommendationsecommendations Hill Country News Hill Country News $$29,548,592:29,548,592: VVandegriftandegrift HHighigh SSchoolchool aadditionsdditions launched its sleek, new aandnd rrenovationsenovations ttoo iincreasencrease sstudenttudent ccapacityapacity website in late July. The Cedar Park City $$11,717,919:11,717,919: RRenovationsenovations fforor ccareerareer aandnd ttechnicalechnical The website, designed Council is considering an cclassroomslassrooms aatt CCPHS,PHS, LLHS,HS, VVRHSRHS aandnd VVHSHS in partnership with ordinance prohibiting the $$6,215,000:6,215,000: A ppermanentermanent bbuildinguilding ssolutionolution fforor Creative Circle, brings flying of unmanned air- pportablesortables aatt LLeandereander MMiddleiddle SSchoolchool a modern design with craft, frequently called $$1,222,424:1,222,424: AAdditionddition aandnd rrenovationenovation ooff a ttheaterheater several new features drones, over special events aartsrts bblacklack bboxox cclassroomlassroom fforor LLeandereander HHighigh SSchoolchool for displaying newspa- in the city. A first public per content on the web. $$1,100,000:1,100,000: EExpansionxpansion ooff ggrandstandsrandstands aatt MMon-on- hearing on the ordinance After a long process rroeoe SStadiumtadium was held Thursday.
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