Resolves 1809, C. 1-60
MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) Resolves, Of the General Court of Massachusetts, PASSED AT THE SESSION BEGAN AND HOLDEN AT BOSTON, ON THE THIRTY-FIRST DAY OF MAY, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NINE. [No title page; caption title provided by Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library] CIVIL FOR THE YEAR 1809-10. , '. HIS EXCELLENCY CElRlS[OPH~~R GORE, GOVERNOUR .. ~+- HIS HONOUR DAVID COBB, LIEUTENANT .. GOVERNoltR~ , COUNCIL~ Hoil. 'EDWARD H. ROBB1Nq,. AltTEMAS WARD, THOMAS DWIGHT, EP,HRAIM SPOON,ER, Pt{ENTISS l\1ELLEN, QL1VER FISKE, NA THAN1EL DUMMER, .WILLIAM PR,ESCOTT, DANIEL DEWEY.- Wa.L1AM TUDOR, Secretary of the State. JOSIAH DWIGHT', 'IreaJurer and Receiver General. SENATE. Hon. HARRISON G. OTIS, Efq. Prejident. County oj Suffolk, Hon. Harrifon G. Otis, Willianl Spooner, lohn Phillips, ' Peter C. Brooks, John Welles. County of EJ!ex, Hon. Enodl Titcomb, , John Heard, John Phillips, Nathaniel Thurnon, Ifrael Thorndike, Saluuel Putnam. County of Middleje.-<, I-1on. Samuel Dana, Amos Bond, J. L. Tuttle, Matthew Bridge. Courtty of Hamp.fhire, Hon. Ezra Starkweather, H ugh Me Clallen, Eli P. Afhmun, S. Lathrop. County of Brifiol; Hon. Edward Pope, Samuel Fales. County of Plymouth, Hon. Nathan Willis, Seth Sprague. County of Barnflable, Hon. Jofeph Dimmick. Dukes County and Nantucket, Hon. Walter Folger, jun. County of Worcqfier, Hon. Salem Town, Elijah Brigham, Thomas; Hale, Jon~s Kendall" , SENATE.
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