1941 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE · 3435 By Mr. JENSEN: with reference to the Vinson bill (H. R. 4139); s. Con. Res. 9. Concurrent resolution ac­ H. R.4587. A bill for the relief of Ray C. to the Committee on Naval Affairs. cepting the statue of Huey P. Long placed in MacMillen; to the Committee on Claims. 915. Also, petition of . the. International Statuary Hall by the State of Louisiana. H. R. 4588. A bill to appoint Emmett S. Union United Automobile Workers of Amer­ Harden a captain and retire him at that ica, Local 198, Cleveland, Ohio, petitioning The message also announced that the grade; to the Committee on Military Affairs. consideration of their resolution with refer­ Senate had passed, with amendments in By Mr. JONES: ence to the Vinson b111. (H. R. 4139); to the which the concurrence of the House is re­ H. R. 4589. A bill for the relief of Clara Committee on Naval Mairs. quested, a bill of the House of the follow­ Louise Dickey; to the Committee on Pensions. 916. Also, petition of the Alton Building and Construction Trades Council, American ing title: Federation of Labor, Alton, Dl., petitioning H. R. 4183. An act making appropriations PETITIONS, ETC. consideration of their resolution with refer­ for the fiscal year. ending June 30, 1942, for ence to labor and the national-defense pro­ civil functions administered by the War De­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions gram; to the Committee on the Judiciary. partment, and for other purposes. and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk 917. Also, petition of the Daughters of the and referred as follows: American Revolution, Washington, D. C., The message also announced that the petitioning consideration of their resolution Senate insists upon its amendments to 904. By Mr. FOGARTY: Memorial of the with reference to the American way of life; the foregoing bill, requests a conference General Assembly of the State of Rhode to the Committee on the Judiciary. Island and Providence Plantations, urging the with the House on the disagreeing votes 918. Also, petition of the United Federal of the two Houses thereon, and appoints enactment of suitable legislation to extend Workers of America, Local 13, Washington, in a reasonable manner to the boys in the D. C., petitioning consideration of their reso­ Mr. THOMAS of Oklahoma, Mr. HAYDEN, military and naval camps throughout the lution with reference to House bill 4139, the Mr. OVERTON, Mr. RUSSELL, Mr. BAILEY, country the postage franking privilege; to Vinson bill; to the Committee on Navar Mairs. Mr. REYNOLDS, Mr. BRIDGES, and Mr. the Committee on the Post Office and Post LODGE to be the conferees on the part of Roads. the Senate. 905; By Mr. Gn...LIE: Petition of the Fort Wayne (Ind.) Chapter of the America First A LOST ·ciVILIZATION IN ARIZONA Committee, signed by 1,000 persons, urging HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Congress to oppose any further move to in­ Mr. MURoobK. Mr. Speaker, I ask volve the United States in a foreign war, and WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1941 unanimous consent to proceed for 1 min­ parti.~ularly oppose further transfers of ute and to revise and extend my own American naval craft to foreign powers or The House met at 12 o'clock noon and remarks in the RECORD. any system whatsoever of naval convoys for was called to order by the Speaker. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to shipments of American goods to any belliger­ Rev. Paul Moeller, pastor . of the St. ent nation; to the Committee on Foreign the request of the ·gentleman from Ari­ Paul Lutheran Church, of Alpena, Mich., .zona [Mr. MURDOCK]? Mairs. offered the following prayer: 906. By Mr. LUTHER A. JOHNSON: Peti­ There was -no objection. tion of w. M. Jones, post commander, and Eternal and gracious God, we come be­ Mr. MURDOCK. Mr. Speaker, .it is a 0. W. Inman, post adjutant, Veterans of For­ fore Thee humbly asking Thy gracious truism that life on this planet is one eign Wars, Navarro Post, No. 8366, Corsicana, benediction for the tasks of this day. continual struggle and that the major Tex., favoring House bills 2290 and 2299; to 'lilrn us to Thee whenever we are the Committee on World War Veterans' Legis­ part of all efforts are directed toward lation. tempted to forget and wander off in ways defense. Defense is a word on all lips 907. By Mrs. NORTON: Petitlon of the New of our own choosing. today, and it is a thought in all minds Jersey Library Association, urging enactment In these days of ·staggering events en­ and hearts, but the defense usually of Senate bill 337 and House b1ll 4103, pro­ dow the leaders of America with calmness thought of now · is military defense Viding that the postage rate on books shall amidst the turmoil of a crumbling world, against a possible ruthless foe. I want be 1Y2 cents per pound; to the Committee on with clear vision to see the essential to remind you that Nature herself can the Post Office and Post Roads. tasks ·confronting a committed nation, 908. By Mr. JOSEPH L. PFEIFER: Petition be as ruthless as any of her creatures, of the Junior National Chiropractic Associa­ with strength to do and courage to stand including man. Great nations and hu­ tion, Indianapolis, Ind., urging support of for the right, with unswerving int~gritY man societies have been unable to defend House bill 1052; to the Committee on the and faithfulness in days of treachery and themselves against the ruthlessness of Judiciary. broken promises, with a real sense of re­ Nature. The valley in which I live sus­ 909. By Mr. ROLPH: Memorial of the State sponsibility to the people back home, with tained a vast population 3,000 years ago. · of California, relating to conversion of fruit loyalty to the traditions of a free people Those prehistoric men dug 150 miles of surpluses into alcohol; to the Committee on and with an appreciation of the surpass­ canals in the valley around about Phoenix Agriculture. Jng value of human life. 910. Also, memorial of the State of Cali­ and built up a remarkable civilization fornia, favoring consideration of resolution We ask these gifts that the present and society, but they perished from the relative to memorializing the President and peace and future freedom of America be earth in that valley and in the adjoining Congress to provide for the dredging of Bo­ our portion and that of our children. In valleys because, as the archeologists tell dega Bay and to reestablish harbor facilities Jesus' name. Amen. us, the river beds scoured out and sank thereat; to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. The Journal of the proceedings of and these prehistoric farmers were un­ 911. Also, memorial of the State of Cali­ yesterday was read and approved. able to get water into the intakes of their fornia, favoring consideration of resolution MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE intricate system of canals; therefore they relative to the improvement of the harbor at perished. Crescent City, Calif.; to t:Qe Committee on A message from the Senate, by Mr. Engineers tell me that the Colorado Rivers and Harbors. Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced River at Parker, Ariz., is scouring out 912. By Mr. ·sWEENEY: Resolution of the that the Senate had agreed without Cleveland Industrial Union Council, oppos­ its bed below Headgate Rock Dam and amendment to concurrent resolutions of that the river is sinking so that the ing the Vinson blll; to the Committee on the House of the following titles: Labor; and resolution adopted by the Ninety­ earlier canals and irrigation works at fourth General Assembly of Ohio, relative to H. Con. Res. 24. Concurrent resolution au­ Parker will soon be unable to take water supplying food to the small democracies of thorizing the Committee on Appropriations of onto the thousands of acres which have Europe; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. the House of Representatives to have printed for years been watered for Indians and 913. By Mr. THOMAS of New Jersey: Peti­ for its use additional copies of the hearings tion bearing the names of approximately 100 held before said committee on the bill H. R. white men. In the consideration of the citizens of . Newton, Sussex County, N. J., 2788, independent offices appropriation bill Interior appropriation bill I earnestly re­ petitioning the Congress to enact a law mak­ for 1942; and quest Members to note carefully the ing it illegal to sell or give to our soldiers ·H. Con. Res. 28. Concurrent resolution au­ statements of engineers and act accord­ any beverages containing 'alcohol, this ~aw thorizing the printing of additional copies of ingly, so that our present-day population to apply within m1l1tary areas and within a the report of the select committee appointed may have adequate defense against that zone extending several miles in all direc­ to investigate interstate migration. tions from our military areas; to the Com­ action. of the river such as formerly de­ mittee on Milltary Mairs. The message also announced that the stroyed the ancient civilization in the 914. By the SPEAKER: .Petition of the Senate had passed a concurrent resolu­ Southwest. I may wish to elaborate this Park City Ladies Auxiliary, Park City, Utah, tion of the following title, in which the matter at the session tomorrow. [Ap­ petitioning consideration of their resolution concurrence of the House is requested.: plause.] LXXXVII--217 . 3436 · CONGRES~IONAL . RECORD-HOUSE APRIL 30 EXTENSION OF REMARKS what-may . happen are horrible to .con­ stated: "Convoys mean shooting, and . ·Mr. · MICHAEL J. KENNEDY-; Mr.
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