Washington, Friday, December 27, 1946

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Washington, Friday, December 27, 1946 f 9 REGISTE VOLUME 11 '9 3 4 ^ NUMBER 251 * Í/A/ITEO % Washington, Friday, December 27, 1946 i The President ations under the Civil Service Rules and CONTENTS authorized the adoption of special regu­ THE PRESIDENT lations during the transitional period, see EXECUTIVE ORDER 9815 Executive Order 9815, supra. Executive Order: Pa8e Civil Service Commission, direc­ Amending Section 7 of Executive Order tion to resume operations No. 9691 of February 4,1946, Entitled under Civil Service rules “Directing the Civil Service Com­ TITLE 6—AGRICULTURAL CREDIT and authorizing adoption of mission To R esume Operations U nder Chapter II—Production and Marketing special regulations during the Civil Service Rules, and Au ­ transitional period; amend­ Administration (Commodity Credit) thorizing the Adoption of Special ment_______________________ 14661 Regulations D uring the T ransitional P art 245—I r ish P otatoes Period” - . * REGULATIONS AND NOTICES SUBPART— 1947 ACREAGE GOALS By virtue of the authority vested in A griculture D epartment. See also me by the Civil Service Act of January GENERAL Sec. Commodity Credit Corpora­ 16, 1883 (22 Stat. 403), and section 1753 245.68 Applicability of §§ 245.68 to 245.85, tion; Dairy Industry Bureau. of the Revised Statutes, and in the in­ inclusive. Fruits and vegetables, fresh, and terest of the internal management of 245.69 Definitions. other products; U. S. stand­ the Government, the proviso of section 7 245.70 Extent of calculations and rule of ards ________________________ 14665 fractions. of Executive Order No. 9691 of February Import authorizations for sugar 2^5.71 Instructions and forms. 4, 1946, is hereby amended to read as syrups and related items, is­ follows: NATIONAL AND STATE ACREAGE GOALS AND COUNTY suance; statement of policy. 14673 “Provided, That no person shall con­ LIM ITS Naval Stores Act, enforcement; tinue in employment under the authority 245.72 Establishment of the national acre­ revision of regulations_____ 14665 of this section after the general revision age goal and apportionment C ivil Service Co m m is s io n : among the States. of Schedule A is promulgated, unless the Executive orders affecting Civil 245.73 Apportionment of State acreage position occupied by such person shall Service; resumption of op­ goals between large and small have been included under Schedule A. farms. erations under Civil Service This section shall not apply to positions 245.74 Apportionment of the State acreage rules and adoption of special filled by persons having a classified for large farm goals among the regulations during transi­ (competitive) civil service status.” counties as county limits. tional period ____________ 14661 Civilian P roduction Administra­ H arry S. T ruman ACREAGE GOALS FOR LARGE FARMS tio n: The W hite H ouse, 245.75 Determination of preliminary acre­ Applications, place of filing December 23, 1946. age goals of three or more acres for old farms. (VHP-1, Supp. 5 )__________ 14690 [F. R. Doc. 46-21962; Filed, Dec. 24, 1946; 245.76 Old farm acreage goals of three or Suspension orders, etc.: 10:39 a. m.] more acres. Apex Battery Mfg. Co_______ 14689 245.77 Determination of acreage goals of Farnesi, Pete_________________ 14691 three acres or more for new farms. Kwasny, Nick F ______________ _ 14691 Regulations ACREAGE'GOALS FOR SMALL FARMS Linberger, Leo J______________ 14691 245.78 Goal for small farm. Spitz, Samuel L ______________ 14698 Still, Tom, Transfer Co., Inc. TITLE 5—ADMINISTRATIVE ESTABLISHMENT OF SEPARATE ACREAGE GOALS FOR et al_____________________ 14690 EARLY COMMERCIAL AND LATE AND OTHER Volta Battery Co_____________ 14689 PERSONNEL POTATOES IN EARLY COMMERCIAL AREAS Telephone service (U-2, Revo­ Chapter I—Civil Service Commission 245.79 Separate goals. cation) __________________ 14691 245.80 Single goals. Part 91—Executive Orders Affecting Tin mill products, effect of cer­ the Civil Service N ot Otherwise Cov­ APPROVAL AND CORRECTION OF GOALS tain certified orders (M-21, ered in T his Chapter 245.81 Approval. Revocation of Dir. 9 )______ 14689 Commodity Credit Corporation: r esum ptio n o f o peratio ns u n d e r c iv il 245.82 Correction. Potatoes, Irish; 1947 acreage service r u l e s ; a d o pt io n o f spe c ia l reg­ NOTICE AND APPEALS goals--------------------------------- 14661 u l a t io n s DURING TRANSITIONAL PERIOD 245.83 Notice. Customs Bureau: Cross Reference: For amendment of 245.84 Appeals. Vessels in foreign and domes­ Executive Order 9691, which directed the 245.85 Bequest for consideration. tic trade; waiver of coast­ Civil Service Commission to resume oper- (Continued on p. 14663) wise laws___________________ 14681 14661 14662 FEDERAL REGISTER, F r id a y , D e c e m b e r 27, 1946 Y CONTENTS—Continued * CODIFICATION GUIDE—Continued I nternal R evenue B ureau— Con. Page T it l e 6— A gricultural C r e d it : Page FEDERAäfeREGISTER Labeling and advertising: Chapter n — Production and Distilled spirits; proposed Marketing Administration ^ » » «¡<F rules______________ 14686,14696 j (Commodity Credit) : Wine; proposed rules__ 14686,14694 'JPart 245— Irish potatoes_____ 14661 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, I nternational T rade, Office of: T it l e 7—A g r ic u lt u r e : and days following legal holidays, by the Prohibited exportations (2 docu­ Chapter I — Production and Division of the Federal Register, the National ments) ________ _____ 14688,14689 Marketing Administration Archives, pursuant to the authority contained I nterstate Commerce Commission: I (Stantìa rds, Inspection, in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Car service; priority for grain l Marketing Practices) : 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., in Pacific Northwest____ ____ 14693 ' Part 51—Fruits, vegetables, ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the and other products grad­ Administrative Committee, approved by the Commercial zones and terminal President. Distribution is made only by the areas________________ 14693 ing, certification, and Superintendent of Documents, Government N ational H ousing A gency: / standards)______________ 14665 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. O. Organization description; dele­ «Part 160—Enforcement of The regulatory material appearing herein is gation of authority to Act­ Naval Stores Act_________ 14665 keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, ing National Housing Ad- Chapter X I— Production and which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant ministrator_______________ - 14685 Marketing Administration to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Price Administration, Office of: amended June 19, 1937. (W ar Food Distribution The Federal Register will be furnished by Food rationing for institutional j Orders) : mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 users (Rev. Gen. RO 5, Am. * Part 1596—Food imports____ 14673 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ 1 6 )________________________ 14691 T it l e 9— A n im a l and A n im a l P rod­ vance. The charge for individual copies Puerto Rico; rice (Restriction u c t s : (minimum 154) varies in proportion to the Order 17)__________________ 14692 size of the issue. vRemit check or money Chapter III—Bureau of Dairy R ailroad R etirement Board: order, made payable to the Superintendent j Industry: of Documents, directly to the Government Organization and procedures; miscellaneous am end­ 4 Part 301—Sanitary inspection Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. of process or renovated There are no restrictions on the republica­ ments______________________ 14681 tion of material appearing in the F ederal Securities and Exchange Commis­ ♦ butter____________________ 14674 Register. sio n: T it l e 10— A r m y : W ar D e p a r t m e n t : Forms for applications and Chapter V II— Personnel: ; declarations---------------------- 14681 «P art 701—Recruiting and in­ NOW AVAILABLE Hearings, etc.: duction for Army of U. S - 14678 General Electric Co. et al— — 14698 Part 707—Medical and dental Code of Federal Regulations Guttag Bros---------- — ----------- 14699 attendance______________ 14678 1945 Supplement Indiana Gas & Water Co., Inc_ 14699 Chapter VIH — Supplies and Middle West Corp. et al------- 14699 equipment: Book 1: Titles 1 through 9, in­ North American Co-------------- 14700 Part 824—Disposition of non- cluding, in Title 3, Presidential doc­ Republic of Panama-------------- 14698 repairable property_____ 14678 uments in full text with appropriate T reasury D epartment: T it l e 16— C o m m e r c ia l P r ac tic es: Foreign currencies and credits. reference tables. Chapter I—Federal Trade Com­ Book 2: Titles 10 through 14. under dispositions of sur­ plus property abroad and mission : Book 3: Titles 15 through 32. lend-lease settlements; ad­ J Part 88— Saw and blade serv­ Book 4: Titles 33 through 50. ministration---------------------- 14687 ice industry______________ 14678 These books may. be obtained from the Licenses, general; foreign funds T it l e 17— C o m m o d it y and S e c u r i­ Superintendent of Docùments, Government control (2 documents)_____ 14687 t ie s E x c h a n g e s : Printing Office, at $3 each. Veterans’ Administration: Chapter II— Securities and Ex- A limited sales stock of the 1944 Supple­ Insurance; total permanent dis­ 1 change Commission: ment (3 books) is still available at $3 a ability benefits------------------ 14692 Yart 259—Forms, Public Util­ book. W ar D epartment: ity Holding Company Act Army of U. S., recruiting and of 1935___________________ 14681 induction ; miscellaneous T itle 19— Customs D uties: CONTENTS—Continued amendments------------------- 14678 hapter I—Bureau of Customs: Medical and dental attendance- 14678 f Part 4—Vessels in foreign and D airy Industry Bureau: Page Non-repairable property, dispo­ domestic trade___________ 14681 Process or renovated butter, sition; salvage*.----------------- 14678 T itle 20— Employees’ B enefits : sanitary inspection; re­ Chapter II—Railroad Retire- vision of regulations----------- 14674 CODIFICATION GUIDE \ ment Board: F ederal P ower Commission: A numerical list of the parts of the Code 4 Part 200— Organization and Idaho Power Co., hearing_____ 4 14697 of Federal Regulations affected by documents procedure________________ 14681 F ederal T rade Commission: published in this issue.
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