Origins and Basic Assumptions Annotated Bibliography© by Major G. Coleman

This is a selected list of books from my personal library on the topic of origins. It represents about half of the books I own on this topic. This should give readers and view of what is out there. Every month new books come out.

A. Organizations B. Books C. Books D. Theistic Evolution Books E. General F. Alphabetical listing

A. Organizations

As far as I know, there are no creation science organization headed or run by Black Americans or by a Black church. This is a big gap in the field which Powerstation.org intends to remedy. Nevertheless, there are many good creation science organization around. These are the ones I know and use the most, but there are many others.

1. Geoscience Research Institute is a creation organization with the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Check out their website. They have many useful books. Two that I use are listed below. The SDA church is committed to young Earth creation science.

Roth, Ariel A. (1998). Origins: Linking Science and Scripture. Hagerstown, Md., Review and Herald. Baldwin, John Templeton, Ed. (2000). Creation Catastrophe and Calvary: Why a Global Flood is Vital to the Doctrine of Atonement. Hagerstown, Md., Review and Herald.

2. Center for Scientific Creation (CSC) is Walt Brown's organization. It is run by Walt and his wife. You get real personal attention. Walt's book is available for free on-line and the on- line version is always being updated too. Walt Brown is a good friend and mentor who trained me in creation science. This is young Earth creation science at its best.

Brown, Walt (2008). In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood. Phoenix, Center for Scientific Creation.

3. Institute for Creation Research (ICR) is the biggest creation science organization. They have the "Acts and Facts" magazine which every creationist should have. Young Earth creation Science. 2

Morris, John (2012). The Global Flood: Unlocking Earth's Geologic History. Dallas, Tex., Institute for Creation Research. Morris, John D. and Frank J. Sherwin (2010). The Fossil Record: Unearthing Nature's History of Life, Institute for Creation Research. Tomkins, Jeffrey P. (2012). The Design and Complexity of the Cell. Dallas, Tx., Institute for Creation Research. Whitcomb, John C. and Henry M. Morris (1961). The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and its Scientific Implications. Phillipsburg, N.J., Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Lisle, Jason (2011). Created Cosmos: A Planetarium Show, : 23 minutes. Lisle, Jason (2006). Taking Back Astronomy. Green Forest, Ark., Master Books.

4. Answers in Genesis is headed by , formerly with ICR. Young Earth Creation Science. Ham, Ken and A. Charles Ware (2007). One Race One Blood: A Biblical Answer to Racism. Green Forest, Ark., Master Books. Ham, Ken, Ed. (2010). Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions, Volume 1. Green Forest, Ark., Master Books. Ham, Ken, Ed. (2011). Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions, Volume 2. Green Forest, Ark., Master Books. Ham, Ken and Bodie Hodge, Eds. (2011). How Do we Know the Bible is True? Volume 1. Green Forest, Ark., Master Books. Ham, Ken and Bodie Hodge, Eds. (2012). How Do We Know the Bible is True? Volume 2. Green Forest, Ark., Master Books.

5. One Mustard Seed by Richard Angular. I have seen his seminar and he is very good. He specializes in creation ministry for Children. Young Earth creation science

B. Creation Books—

Tops Picks— If you can only have one book, that book must be Walt Brown. I was trained in the 1980s by Walt. He is the best creation scientist in the world.

Brown, Walt (2008). In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood. Phoenix, Center for Scientific Creation. This is the best young Earth Creation Science in the world, period.

General Science— Ashton, John F., ed. Green Forest, Ark.: Master Books, 2001. Great book which opposes those who say there are no scientists who accept Creation. Brown, Walt (2008). In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood. 3

Phoenix, Center for Scientific Creation. Kofahl, Robert E. Handy Dandy Evolution Refuter. San Diego, Calif.: Creation-Science Research Center, 1988. A good guide, available on-line too, to those who feel mesmerized by the onslaught of evolutionary science. Shows plainly and clearly why many of the concepts of evolution are false and nonscientific. Particularly good for Radiometric and Radiocarbon dating, but not as good a Walt Brown. Verschuur, Gerrit L. Impact: The Threat of Comets and Asteroids. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. This book actually says that the Seven Trumpets of Revelation are "historical," not prophetic, asteroid impacts. Amazing. The information on the high rate of large asteroid and comet impacts says to me that if you get the timing wrong, you would think that the impacts on the terrestrial planets took place over millions of years. If these impacts took place over only a few thousand years, you should be literally terrified. The age of the Earth is a life threatening issue. Has no information on origins specifically. Whitcomb, John C., and Henry M. Morris. The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and Its Scientific Implications. Phillipsburg, N.J.: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing 1961. Some people say this is the granddaddy of them all in creation science. Started the canopy theory. A bit outdated now but still has useful information which I use such a tree ages history of writing.

Geology— Brown, Walt (2008). In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood. Phoenix, Center for Scientific Creation. Gentry, Robert V. Creation's Tiny Mystery, 3rd Edition. Knoxville: Earth Science Associates, 1992. I was a college student and in attendance at Columbia Union College, now Washington Adventist University, when Gentry was given an honorary doctorate. I did not understand the significance of his work then, but I sure do now. Gentry has shown not only that the Earth's crust was never molten, but that it was created instantly. Wow!! Kofahl, Robert E. Handy Dandy Evolution Refuter. San Diego, Calif.: Creation-Science Research Center, 1988. A good guide, available on-line too, to those who feel mesmerized by the onslaught of evolutionary science. Shows plainly and clearly why many of the concepts of evolution are false and nonscientific. Particularly good for Radiometric and Radiocarbon dating, but not as good a Walt Brown. Whitcomb, John C., and Henry M. Morris. The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and Its Scientific Implications. Phillipsburg, N.J.: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing 1961. Some people say this is the granddaddy of them all in creation science. Started the canopy theory. A bit outdated now but still has useful information which I use such a tree ages history of writing. Smoot, N. Christian. Tectonic Globaloney: Closing Arguments. Bloomington, Ind.: AuthorHouse, 2012. Walt Brown turned me on to this book. Smoot worked on much of the early sea floor mapping expeditions. He shows that plate tectonics is garbage as a theory. This should be a lesson to those who believe in creation. Much of science is controlled by powerful moneyed interests who push ideas 4

regardless of the evidence.

Astronomy— Brown, Walt (2008). In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood. Phoenix, Center for Scientific Creation. DeYoung, Donald B. Astronomy and the Bible: Questions and Answers. Grand Rapids Michigan: Baker Book House, 1989. Good book for beginners and experts alike on the evidence for why God created the heavens. I use it. Lisle, Jason. Taking Back Astronomy. Green Forest, Ark.: Master Books, 2006. This book and the companion video are great for adults or kids who what to understand the Universe from a creationist perspective. However, if you want to get heavy with the Astrophysics, read Brown, "In the Beginning," or one of the creation astronomy books. Martin, Roy C., Jr. Astronomy on Trial: A Devastating and Complete Repudiation of the Big Bang Fiasco. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1999. This is a really funny book but it makes clear some of the crazy thing evolutionary scientists try to get us to believe and shows why many theories are either wrong or impossible. I recommend this book.

Fossil Record— Brown, Walt (2008). In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood. Phoenix, Center for Scientific Creation. Gish, Duane T. Evolution: The Fossils Say No. San Diego: Creation-Life Publishers, 1978. Superseded by Gish's later book, but path breaking in its day. Gish, Duane T. Evolution: The Fossils Still Say No! El Cajon, Calif.: Institute for Creation Research, 1995. I feel that I was very privileged to take my young son to hear debate at a SUNY school near Rochester NY. Gish was debating a team of evolutionists from the school science departments. I was shocked at how smooth and composed Gish was and how flustered the entire team of science professors were. This book is a bit old and does not cover some of the latest fossils, but it covers most of the claimed "missing links," is a valuable addition to any creationist library. Duane Gish worked with ICR. Institute for Creation Research. Guide to Dinosaurs. Eugene, Oreg.: Harvest House Publishers, 2015. Great color book on dinosaurs from a creationist perspective. Much needed. Lubenow, Marvin L. Bones of Contention: A Creationist Assessment of Human Fossils. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2004. This is currently the most up to date book on the fossil record for Creationists. I thought it was a tough read at first, but when you need real support, this is the book to use. I would say this is the standard reference for creationists in the fossil area. Morris, John D., and Frank J. Sherwin. The Fossil Record: Unearthing Nature's History of Life. Institute for Creation Research, 2010. Great creationist addition to the books which cover fossils. Lots of color photos. Fully referenced. Meyer, Stephen C. Darwin's Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case 5

for Intelligent Design. New York: HarperCollins, 2013. Good coverage of the fossil record and why Neo-Darwinism stumbles on cellular Biology. Whitcomb, John C., and Henry M. Morris. The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and Its Scientific Implications. Phillipsburg, N.J.: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing 1961. Some people say this is the granddaddy of them all in creation science. Started the canopy theory. A bit outdated now but still has useful information which I use such a tree ages, history of writing, etc.

Anthropology and History— Anderson, Clive, and Brian Edwards. Evidence for the Bible. Leominster, England: Day One 2015. Book has nice color pictures but I was very disappointed in the lack of references. Still, it can be useful. Bible, The table of nations in Genesis 10 will give anyone a good sense of how short the Bible timeline is and that keep records of time was very important. Chittick, Donald E. The Puzzle of Ancient Man. Newberg, Oreg.: Creation Compass, 1997. This is a must have because it covers many of the ancient structures and how advanced many of the so called "ancients" really were. There is no evidence that ancient man was backward or "stone age." The evidence in the records are that ancient man was highly skilled and that we have devolved, not evolved. Landis, Don, ed. The Genius of Ancient Man: Evolution's Nightmare. Green Forest, Ark.: Master Books, 2015. Nice color photos showing that ancient man was not backward. Repeat material from the authors similar book "The Secrets of Ancient Man." Landis, Don, ed. The Secrets of Ancient Man: Revelations from the Ruins. Green Forest, Ark.: Master Books, 2015. Great book for college or adults to debunk the myth that ancient people were backward. However, both Chittwick and Cooper are better.

Theology— Bible, Yes, I know it seems strange to recommend that someone actually read the Bible, since so few do. But just reading the first book of the Bible, Genesis, will give you a good basic understanding of what the Bible paradigm of creation actually is. Reading the Bible itself is important since so many simply lie about its contents. Bascio, Patrick. The Failure of White Theology: A Black Theological Perspective. New York: Peter Lang, 1994. Written by a white Catholic priest. One of the best books in the field of theology and racism. Second only to "God of the Oppressed." Brown, Walt (2008). In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood. Phoenix, Center for Scientific Creation. Dr. Brown does cover many interesting theological subjects in his book, even though he is not a theologian. Such topics include "who created God," "When was Adam Created." 6

Callahan, Tim. "Did Jesus Exist." Skeptic, no. vol 19, number 1 (2014): 10-16. Even Skeptic magazine, normally thought to be rather agnostic, admits Jesus was a historical figure. Cone, James H. God of the Oppressed. new revised 1997 ed. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis, 1975. 1975. Required reading for anyone who wants to understand Christianity and racism. Cone is considered the father of Black theology. Ham, Ken, ed. Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions, Volume 1. Green Forest, Ark.: Master Books, 2010. Great title, not a strong as it could be. Does deal with the supposed "two creation accounts." The chapter headings need to address the issue involved and not use catchy titles. Christian students on college campuses are literally fighting for their spiritual lives and need real weapons in this warfare. I like that the table of contents lists the contradictions by books of the Bible The books by the Geoscience Research Institute are a better choice. Ham, Ken, Ed. (2011). Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions, Volume 2. Green Forest, Ark., Master Books. I think this book can be useful to college students who are being confronted by secular-humanist professors. We still need more work in this field and there is simply no substitute for knowing the Bible for yourself. Unfortunately, little real Bible knowledge is taught in the churches. Ham, Ken and Bodie Hodge, Eds. (2011). How Do we Know the Bible is True? Volume 1. Green Forest, Ark., Master Books. Deals with many of the popular myths about the Bible. Every college student should have this book. Churches do are very poor job of equipping their youth to engage in the real intellectual warfare that takes place on college campuses. There is no substitute for studying the Bible itself. If you do not, you will be deceived. Ham, Ken and Bodie Hodge, Eds. (2012). How Do We Know the Bible is True? Volume 2. Green Forest, Ark., Master Books. Deals with many of the popular myths about the Bible. Every college student should have this book. Churches do are very poor job of equipping their youth to engage in the real intellectual warfare that takes place on college campuses. There is no substitute for studying the Bible itself. If you do not, you will be deceived. Hodge, Charles. What Is Darwinism. Middletown, Del.: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 1874. 2015. Good small book, only 47 pages, for seeing what the great 19th century theologian thought of Darwinism. He called Darwin's ideas "atheism." Huntley, Dana, ed. Jesus of History Vol. Winter 2014. Leesburg, Virginia: Weider History Group, 2013. Nice magazine on the historicity of Jesus. Too many Eurocentric photos and paintings. Nelson, Dwight K. Creation and Evolution: A Thoughtful Look at the Evidence That a Master Designer Created Our Planet. Nampa, Idaho: Pacific Press, 2009. Nelson is a well know Seventh-day Adventist pastor at the Pioneer Memorial church at Andrews University in Berrien Springs Michigan. I met Nelson at an Urban ministry conference in 2017. He is very warm and personable. His book is really written for pew sitters who are confused about evolution. There are no 7

references or citations in this small book (127 pages), neither is there an index. Nevertheless, if you are a Christian and just getting started in origins, this book will certainly get you started from a theological perspective. Nelson affirms that the creation story is biblical and Christian. Romey, Kristin. "The Search for the Real Jesus." National Geographic December, no. 232, no. 6 (2017): 30-69. Great article substantiating the historicity of the Christ. Too many Eurocentric photos and paintings.

Biochemistry— Brown, Walt (2008). In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood. Phoenix, Center for Scientific Creation.

Microbiology— Behe, Michael J. Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996. An intelligent design classic. Behe is not a young Earth creationist, but he strongly attacks evolution showing that a living cell is far too complex to have evolved. While Behe tries to be funny, I would not call his book easy to read. With Behe, Philip Johnson and Denton together, I began to understand how a cell works. Brown, Walt (2008). In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood. Phoenix, Center for Scientific Creation. Denton, Michael. Evolution: A Theory in Crisis. Bethesda, Md.: Adler and Adler, 1986. When I was a first year grad student and the University of Chicago, this book set the entire world on fire. Denton is not a young Earth creationist, but he is an ardent anti-evolutionist. This is a book for serious readers but it is accessible to anyone who wants to understand why evolution is impossible. Denton, Michael. Evolution: Still a Theory in Crisis. Seattle: Discovery Press, 2016. Thirty years after his first challenge to evolution, Denton points out that evolutionists have come no further is solving their problems. Denton, Michael. Nature's Destiny: How the Laws of Biology Reveal Purpose in the Universe. New York: Free Press, 1998. Denton just keeps pouring in on and show the hand of the master designer everywhere. Meyer, Stephen C. Darwin's Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design. New York: HarperCollins, 2013. Good coverage of the fossil record and why Neo-Darwinism stumbles on cellular Biology. Tomkins, Jeffrey P. The Design and Complexity of the Cell. Dallas, Tx.: Institute for Creation Research, 2012. Must have book for the wonders of how God created the cell. Full color. ICR books are small but get right to the point for what must adults and college students need.

Biology, Wild Life—


Philosophy of Science— Ashton, John F., ed. On the Seventh Day: Forty Scientists and Academics Explain Why They Believe in God. Green Forest, Ark.: Master Books, 2004. Debunks secular scientists who claim there are not scientists who believe in Creation or who believe God exists. Ashton, John F., ed. Green Forest, Ark.: Master Books, 2001. Great book which opposes those who say there are no scientists who accept Creation. Johnson, Phillip E. Darwin on Trial. 2nd ed. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1993. Phillip Johnson is a law professor at UC Berkeley. That this book was published by InterVarsity Press, a Christian publisher, says something about how hard it is for intelligent design people to get their work published. Johnson attack evolution from the standpoint of logic and show that Darwin's theory fails the test of what real science is defined to be. Darwin's theory is based on circular reasoning. Johnson discusses the difference between science and naturalism. Lennox, John C. God's Undertaker: Has Science Buried God? Oxford: Lion Hudson, 2009. Fabulous attack on the intolerance of Darwinism

C. Evolution Books Tops Picks Darwin, Charles. The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. New York: Barnes and Noble Classics, 2004, 1859. 1859. Darwin's original classic is still, in my mind, the very best book on evolution you can own. Darwin is the most reserved, most balance and careful naturalist that you will ever find in the evolutionary field. Today, Neo-Darwinism in ruled by intolerant religious fanatics. Darwin was not fanatical about his theory. Darwin was a racist and he was wrong, absolutely, but he left room for the possibility or error. Today, there is no such space. Darwin, Charles. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. London: Penguin, 1879. Indispensable for a creationist looking to show the foundations of racism in evolutionary theory. Scott, Eugenie C. Evolution Vs. : An Introduction. second ed. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009. This is no match for Darwin's Origin of the Species, but it is one of my favorite evolution books because Scott was the executive director of the National Center for Science Education, an anti- creationist organization. The books shows clearly that in the U.S. evolutionists are losing the war for the hearts and minds of the American public. This book is more a book about the politics of the origins controversy.

General Science—

Geology Astronomy Fossil Record— Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd. Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life. Essex, 9

United Kingdom: Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd, 2016. I purchased this book because it was cheap and had artists conceptions of early man. The artist's conceptions of ape man are pure fantasy. But if you tell a lie long enough, people start to believe it. Norman, David. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs: An Original and Compelling Insight in Life in the Dinosaur Kingdom. New York: Crescent Books, 1985. This book is over 30 years old and not much new has happened in terms of dinosaur findings. This is an evolution based book but it is the first one I pick up when I want an artist's conception of what a dinosaurs looked like. Good for classification, but again, totally evolution based. Prothero, Donald R. The Princeton Field Guide to Prehistoric Mammals. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University, 2017. Nice book with color drawing of many pre-flood fossils. At $35, you have to be into it. And I am. Too bad Prothero is such an ardent anti-creationist. But he will not debate Walt Brown. He is not that ardent. Prothero, Donald R. Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters. New York: Columbia University, 2007. Written as an evolutionary refutation of Duane Gish's classics. Prothero is an avid anti-Creationist. His books is filled with cartoons mocking creation science and religion. He gives a good account of what evolutionists believe supports evolution in the fossil record. I use the book to build the supposed human tree in support of evolution.

Anthropology— Darwin, Charles. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. London: Penguin, 1879. Indispensable for a creationist looking to show the foundations of racism in evolutionary theory. History— Scott, Eugenie C. Evolution Vs. Creationism: An Introduction. second ed. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009. This is no match for Darwin's Origin of the Species, but it is one of my favorite evolution books because Scott was the executive director of the National Center for Science Education, an anti- creationist organization. The books shows clearly that in the U.S. evolutionists are losing the war for the hearts and minds of the American public. This book is more a book about the politics of the origins controversy.

Theology Biology, Wild Life— AvRutick, Sharon, ed. Evolution: A Visual Record. London, England: Phaidon Press Limited, 2016. Beautiful photos of minor genetic variation within species. While the book is titled "evolution," there is not a single photo of what evolution claims, that one species or kind changes into another species or kind. This is an excellent book for creationists to use to show that evolution is false. Darwin, Charles. The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. New York: Barnes and Noble Classics, 2004, 1859. 1859. Darwin's original classic is still, in my mind, the very best book on evolution you can own. Darwin is the most 10

reserved, most balance and careful naturalist that you will ever find in the evolutionary field. Today, Neo-Darwinism in ruled by intolerant religious fanatics. Darwin was not fanatical about his theory. Darwin was a racist and he was wrong, absolutely, but he left room for the possibility or error. Today, there is no such space.

Philosophy of Science— Coyne, Jerry A. Faith Vs. Fact: Why Science and Religion Are Incompatible. New York: Penguin Books, 2015. Whenever I get discouraged about the quality of my work, I pick of this book. When I see that stuff like this can actually get published, I am always encouraged and I push on. Anyone at all can make more significant contributions than this. See page 120 as this author struggles to understand how miracles are demonstrated. Than read Daniel and see a miracle right before your own eyes. The real problem with understanding miracles is that when you see one with your senses, it is difficult to comprehend that what you are seeing is beyond human ability, like a living cell. Materialist scientists actively attack religion. Creation scientists should not shrink from attacking materialism, naturalism and evolution. Davies, Merryl Wyn. Darwin and Fundamentalism. Cambridge, England: Icon Books, 2001. An interesting book in that the author, an evolutionist, opposes the religious fundamentalism of evolution and the intolerance of many scientists. She says, not even Darwin should be allowed to cut off debate. Dawkins, Richard. The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe without Design. Norton, [1996. Dawkins has to be considered the most famous evolutionist alive today since Stephen J. Gould and Carl Sagan have passed. Still, I am not sure why Dawkins is so famous. Dawkins is nowhere near as good a Darwin. In this book you must read pages 197-201 where Dawkins says that given enough time, anything is possible. I have never read such scientific foolishness in my life. Dawkins, Richard. The God Delusion. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2006. This book is a most read for all Christians. It shows who weak the evolutionist argument is as their top guy stumbles about with non-science. What I like about it is that Dawkins completely rejects theistic evolution as nonsensical. At Dawkins and I agree on something. Dawkins, Richard. The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution. Free Press, 2009. On pages 416 and 418, Dawkins confesses he believes in spontaneous generation. Something Louis Pasteur disproved in the 19th century. Unbelievable really. Spencer, Herbert. Social Statics: The Conditions Essential to Human Happiness Specified, and the First of Them Developed. New York: Robert Schalkenbach Foundation, 1854/1954. 1854. Spencer proposed evolution before Darwin. Spencer was a philosopher, not a natural scientist. He was an Englishman living during the Atlantic slave trade and he and his nation profited from Black genocide. Naturally, he had negative views of Blacks which are included in this 11


D. Theistic Evolution Books Tops Picks General Science Geology Astronomy Fossil Record Anthropology Theology— Haught, John F. Deeper Than Darwin. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 2003. A good book to have to show who attempts to combine evolution and the Biblical narrative must throw the Biblical narrative, which of course is not a combination of the two.

E. General Alden, Peter. Peterson First Guide to Mammals of North America. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1987. Great color drawings of Mammals in North America. I bought it because it only costs $8. Only gives animal lengths, not weights. Alden, Peter C., Richard D. Estes, Duane Schlitter, and Bunny McBride. National Audubon Society Field Guide to African Wildlife. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995. Indispensable for sizes and weights of African animals. Contains no evolutionary dogma. Mostly black and white drawings and only a few color photos. Arnold, Dorothea. When the Pyramids Were Built: Egyptian Art of the Old Kingdom. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999. I use this book to show that the Ancient Egyptians were African and not European. Ancient man was not at all backward. The Pyramids must have been copies of what existed before the flood since there were not pre-Pyramids showing the builders learned. Chartwell Books. How Things Work: The Mechanics Behind the World around Us. New York: Chartwell Books, 2015. Covers DNA testing, Carbon 14 and Radiometric dating dating and how a super collider works. I was surprised to find the book honestly stated that "One drawback of this dating system is that is assumes that the production of carbon-14 in the atmosphere was constant over the last 60,000 years. It is known that this number has fluctuated over different times and in different places, something that must be taken into account." p 167 Also mentions the Potassium-Argon and Uranium 238-Lead 206 method of dating. Jackson, Tom. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Animals, Birds and Fish of North America. Leicestershire, England: Lorenz Books, 2011. Great book for North American Animals, in full color. Gives sizes and weights. 12

Steel, Duncan. Target Earth. Pleasantville, New York: Reader's Digest, 2000. Good discussion on asteroid strikes on Earth and other planets and that it could happen at any time, soon. University of California Press. The Encyclopedia of Animals: A Complete Visual Guide. Oakland, Calif.: University of California Press, 2008. The best animal book. Covers the entire world. Very expensive but worth every penny. Sometimes it is frustrating because it will write about an animal, but give you no size and weight data, so you need other books to back it up. In full color. Uses evolutionary dogma to begin. Verschuur, Gerrit L. Impact: The Threat of Comets and Asteroids. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. This book actually says that the Seven Trumpets of Revelation are "historical," not prophetic, asteroid impacts. Amazing. The information on the high rate of large asteroid and comet impacts says to me that if you get the timing wrong, you would think that the impacts on the terrestrial planets took place over millions of years. If these impacts took place over only a few thousand years, you should be literally terrified. The age of the Earth is a life threatening issue. Has no information on origins specifically. Whitaker, John O, Jr. National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mammals. New York: Alfred A. Knoph, 1996. Important resource for getting the size and weights of many animals on the Ark. Only good for the U.S., not Africa, Asia or South America. Contains no evolutionary dogma. Mostly black and white and only a few photos.

F. Alphabetical listing Alden, Peter. Peterson First Guide to Mammals of North America. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1987. Great color drawings of Mammals in North America. I bought it because it only costs $8. Only gives animal lengths, not weights. Alden, Peter C., Richard D. Estes, Duane Schlitter, and Bunny McBride. National Audubon Society Field Guide to African Wildlife. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995. Indispensable for sizes and weights of African animals. Contains no evolutionary dogma. Mostly black and white and only a few photos. Anderson, Clive, and Brian Edwards. Evidence for the Bible. Leominster, England: Day One 2015. Book has nice color pictures but I was very disappointed in the lack of references. Still, it can be useful. Arnold, Dorothea. When the Pyramids Were Built: Egyptian Art of the Old Kingdom. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999. I use this book to show that the Ancient Egyptians were African and not European. Ancient man was not at all backward. The Pyramids must have been copies of what existed before the flood since there were not pre-Pyramids showing the builders learned. Ashton, John F., ed. On the Seventh Day: Forty Scientists and Academics Explain Why They Believe in God. Green Forest, Ark.: Master Books, 2004. Debunks secular scientists who claim there are not scientists who believe in Creation or who 13

believe God exists. Ashton, John F., ed. Green Forest, Ark.: Master Books, 2001. Great book which opposes those who say there are no scientists who accept Creation.

AvRutick, Sharon, ed. Evolution: A Visual Record. London, England: Phaidon Press Limited, 2016. Beautiful photos of minor genetic variation within species. While the book is titled "evolution," there is not a single photo of what evolution claims, that one species or kind changes into another species or kind. This is an excellent book for creationists to use to show that evolution is false. Bascio, Patrick. The Failure of White Theology: A Black Theological Perspective. New York: Peter Lang, 1994. Written by a white Catholic priest. One of the best books in the field of theology and racism. Second only to "God of the Oppressed." Behe, Michael J. Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996. An intelligent design classic. Behe is not a young Earth creationist, but he strongly attacks evolution showing that a living cell is far too complex to have evolved. While Behe tries to be funny, I would not call his book easy to read. With Behe, Philip Johnson and Denton together, I began to understand how a cell works. Bible, The table of nations in Genesis 10 will give anyone a good sense of how short the Bible timeline is and that keep records of time was very important. Brown, Walter T., Jr. In the Beginning, Fifth Edition. 5th Edition, ed. Phoenix, Ariz: Center for Scientific Creation, 1989. I know what you are saying, if there is a 2008 edition, in full color, why list that old edition with simple drawings? Because this old edition has stuff the new edition does not, like how how the fountain of water went up. I find the 1989 edition, which is about a quarter the size of the 2008 edition, a bit easier and quicker to use. Sorry Walt. Brown, Walt (2008). In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood. Phoenix, Center for Scientific Creation. This is the best young Earth Creation Science in the world, period. Callahan, Tim. "Did Jesus Exist." Skeptic, no. vol 19, number 1 (2014): 10-16. Even Skeptic magazine, normally thought to be rather agnostic, admits Jesus was a historical figure. Chartwell Books. How Things Work: The Mechanics Behind the World around Us. New York: Chartwell Books, 2015. Covers DNA testing, Carbon 14 and Radiometric dating dating and how a super collider works. I was surprised to find the book honestly stated that "One drawback of this dating system is that is assumes that the production of carbon-14 in the atmosphere was constant over the last 60,000 years. It is known that this number has fluctuated over different times and in different places, something that must be taken into account." p 167 Also mentions the Potassium-Argon and Uranium 238-Lead 206 method of dating. Chittick, Donald E. The Puzzle of Ancient Man. Newberg, Oreg.: Creation Compass, 1997. This is a must have because it covers many of the ancient structures and how advanced many of the so called "ancients" really were. There is no 14

evidence that ancient man was backward or "stone age." The evidence in the records are that ancient man was highly skilled and that we have devolved, not evolved. Clarey, Tim. Dinosaurs, Marvels of God's Design: The Science of the Biblical Account. Green Forest, Ark.: Master Books, 2015. An great addition in a much needed area, creation accounts of the dinosaurs. Every year evolutionists publish new books on dinosaurs for Children. This volume is good for high school through college. Cone, James H. God of the Oppressed. new revised 1997 ed. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis, 1975. 1975. Required reading for anyone who wants to understand Christianity and racism. Cone is considered the father of Black theology. Coyne, Jerry A. Faith Vs. Fact: Why Science and Religion Are Incompatible. New York: Penguin Books, 2015. When I see that stuff like this can actually get published, I am always encouraged and I push on. Anyone at all can make more significant contributions than this. See page 120 as this author struggles to understand how miracles are demonstrated. Than read Daniel and see a miracle right before your own eyes. The real problem with understanding miracles is that when you see one with your senses, it is difficult to comprehend that what you are seeing is beyond human ability, like a living cell. Materialist scientists actively attack religion. Creation scientists should not shrink from attacking materialism, naturalism and evolution. Darwin, Charles. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. London: Penguin, 1879. Indispensable for a creationist looking to show the foundations of racism in evolutionary theory. Darwin, Charles. The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. New York: Barnes and Noble Classics, 2004, 1859. 1859. Darwin's original classic is still, in my mind, the very best book on evolution you can own. Darwin is the most reserved, most balance and careful naturalist that you will ever find in the evolutionary field. Today, Neo-Darwinism in ruled by intolerant religious fanatics. Darwin was not fanatical about his theory. Darwin was a racist and he was wrong, absolutely, but he left room for the possibility or error. Today, there is no such space. Davies, Merryl Wyn. Darwin and Fundamentalism. Cambridge, England: Icon Books, 2001. An interesting book in that the author, an evolutionist, opposes the religious fundamentalism of evolution and the intolerance of many scientists. She says, not even Darwin should be allowed to cut off debate. Dawkins, Richard. The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe without Design. Norton, [1996. Dawkins has to be considered the most famous evolutionist alive today since Stephen J. Gould and Carl Sagan have passed. Still, I am not sure why Dawkins is so famous. Dawkins is nowhere near as good a Darwin. In this book you must read pages 197-201 where Dawkins says that given enough time, anything is possible. I have never read such scientific foolishness in my life. Dawkins, Richard. The God Delusion. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2006. This book is a 15

most read for all Christians. It shows who weak the evolutionist argument is as their top guy stumbles about with non-science. What I like about it is that Dawkins completely rejects theistic evolution as nonsensical. At least Dawkins and I agree on something. Dawkins, Richard. The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution. Free Press, 2009. On pages 416 and 418, Dawkins confesses he believes in spontaneous generation. Something Louis Pasteur disproved in the 19th century. Unbelievable really. Denton, Michael. Evolution: A Theory in Crisis. Bethesda, Md.: Adler and Adler, 1986. When I was a first year grad student and the University of Chicago, this book set the entire world on fire. Denton is not a young Earth creationist, but he is an ardent anti-evolutionist. This is a book for serious readers but it is accessible to anyone who wants to understand why evolution is impossible. Denton, Michael. Evolution: Still a Theory in Crisis. Seattle: Discovery Press, 2016. Thirty years after his first challenge to evolution, Denton points out that evolutionists have come no further is solving their problems. Denton, Michael. Nature's Destiny: How the Laws of Biology Reveal Purpose in the Universe. New York: Free Press, 1998. Denton just keeps pouring in on and show the hand of the master designer everywhere. DeYoung, Donald B. Astronomy and the Bible: Questions and Answers. Grand Rapids Michigan: Baker Book House, 1989. Good book for beginners and experts alike on the evidence for why God created the heavens. I use it. Gentry, Robert V. Creation's Tiny Mystery, 3rd Edition. Knoxville: Earth Science Associates, 1992. I was a college student and in attendance at Columbia Union College, now Washington Adventist University, when Gentry was given an honorary doctorate. I did not understand the significance of his work then, but I sure do now. Gentry has shown not only that the Earth's crust was never molten, but that it was created instantly. Wow!! Gish, Duane T. Evolution: The Fossils Say No. San Diego: Creation-Life Publishers, 1978. Superseded by Gish's later book, but path breaking in its day. Gish, Duane T. Evolution: The Fossils Still Say No! El Cajon, Calif.: Institute for Creation Research, 1995. I feel that I was very privileged to take my young son to hear Duane Gish debate at a SUNY school near Rochester NY. Gish was debating a team of evolutionists from the school science departments. I was shocked at how smooth and composed Gish was and how flustered the entire team of science professors were. This book is a bit old and does not cover some of the latest fossils, but it covers most of the claimed "missing links," is a valuable addition to any creationist library. Duane Gish worked with ICR. Haught, John F. Deeper Than Darwin. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 2003. A good book to have to show who attempts to combine evolution and the Biblical narrative must throw the Biblical narrative, which of course is not a combination of the two. Ham, Ken, ed. Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions, Volume 1. Green Forest, Ark.: Master Books, 2010. Great title, not a strong as it could be. Does deal with 16

the supposed "two creation accounts." The chapter headings need to address the issue involved and not use catchy titles. Christian students on college campuses are literally fighting for their spiritual lives and need real weapons in this warfare. I like that the table of contents lists the contradictions by books of the Bible The books by the Geoscience Research Institute are a better choice. Ham, Ken, Ed. (2011). Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions, Volume 2. Green Forest, Ark., Master Books. I think this book can be useful to college students who are being confronted by secular-humanist professors. We still need more work in this field and there is simply no substitute for knowing the Bible for yourself. Unfortunately, little real Bible knowledge is taught in the churches. Ham, Ken and A. Charles Ware (2007). One Race One Blood: A Biblical Answer to Racism. Green Forest, Ark., Master Books. As far as I know, this is the only Creationist book on racism. I am not saying this is the only Christion book on racism, there are many. My favorite is by a white Catholic priest Patrick Bascio. Also God of the Oppressed by the renowned James Cone, whom I have met. Walt Brown has a chapter on race and racism. Ham, Ken and Bodie Hodge, Eds. (2011). How Do we Know the Bible is True? Volume 1. Green Forest, Ark., Master Books. Deals with many of the popular myths about the Bible. Every college student should have this book. Churches do are very poor job of equipping their youth to engage in the real intellectual warfare that takes place on college campuses. There is no substitute for studying the Bible itself. If you do not, you will be deceived. Ham, Ken and Bodie Hodge, Eds. (2012). How Do We Know the Bible is True? Volume 2. Green Forest, Ark., Master Books. Deals with many of the popular myths about the Bible. Every college student should have this book. Churches do are very poor job of equipping their youth to engage in the real intellectual warfare that takes place on college campuses. There is no substitute for studying the Bible itself. If you do not, you will be deceived. Hodge, Charles. What Is Darwinism. Middletown, Del.: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 1874. 2015. Good small book, only 47 pages, for seeing what the great 19th century theologian thought of Darwinism. He called Darwin's ideas "atheism." Huntley, Dana, ed. Jesus of History Vol. Winter 2014. Leesburg, Virginia: Weider History Group, 2013. Nice magazine on the historicity of Jesus. Too many Eurocentric photos and paintings. Institute for Creation Research. Guide to Dinosaurs. Eugene, Oreg.: Harvest House Publishers, 2015. Great color book on dinosaurs from a creationist perspective. Much needed. Jackson, Tom. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Animals, Birds and Fish of North America. Leicestershire, England: Lorenz Books, 2011. Great book for North American Animals, in full color. Gives sizes and weights. Johnson, Phillip E. Darwin on Trial. 2nd ed. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1993. Phillip Johnson is a law professor at UC Berkeley. That this book was 17

published by InterVarsity Press, a Christian publisher, says something about how hard it is for intelligent design people to get their work published. Johnson attack evolution from the standpoint of logic and show that Darwin's theory fails the test of what real science is defined to be. Darwin's theory is based on circular reasoning. Johnson discusses the difference between science and naturalism. Kofahl, Robert E. Handy Dandy Evolution Refuter. San Diego, Calif.: Creation-Science Research Center, 1988. A good guide, available on-line too, to those who feel mesmerized by the onslaught of evolutionary science. Shows plainly and clearly why many of the concepts of evolution are false and nonscientific. Particularly good for Radiometric and Radiocarbon dating, but not as good a Walt Brown. Lisle, Jason. Taking Back Astronomy. Green Forest, Ark.: Master Books, 2006. This book and the companion video are great for adults or kids who what to understand the Universe from a creationist perspective. However, if you want to get heavy with the Astrophysics, read Brown, "In the Beginning," or one of the creation astronomy books. Landis, Don, ed. The Genius of Ancient Man: Evolution's Nightmare. Green Forest, Ark.: Master Books, 2015. Nice color photos showing that ancient man was not backward. Repeat material from the authors similar book "The Secrets of Ancient Man." Landis, Don, ed. The Secrets of Ancient Man: Revelations from the Ruins. Green Forest, Ark.: Master Books, 2015. Great book for college or adults to debunk the myth that ancient people were backward. However, both Chittwick and Cooper are better. Lubenow, Marvin L. Bones of Contention: A Creationist Assessment of Human Fossils. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2004. This is currently the most up to date book on the fossil record for Creationists. I thought it was a tough read at first, but when you need real support, this is the book to use. I would say this is the standard reference for creationists in the fossil area. Martin, Roy C., Jr. Astronomy on Trial: A Devastating and Complete Repudiation of the Big Bang Fiasco. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1999. This is a really funny book but it makes clear some of the crazy thing evolutionary scientists try to get us to believe and shows why many theories are either wrong or impossible. I recommend this book. Meyer, Stephen C. Darwin's Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design. New York: HarperCollins, 2013. Good coverage of the fossil record and why Neo-Darwinism stumbles on cellular Biology. Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd. Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life. Essex, United Kingdom: Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd, 2016. I purchased this book because it was cheap and had artists conceptions of early man. The artist's conceptions of ape man are pure fantasy. But if you tell a lie long enough, people start to believe it. Morris, John D., and Frank J. Sherwin. The Fossil Record: Unearthing Nature's History of Life. Institute for Creation Research, 2010. Great creationist addition to the books which cover fossils. Lots of color photos. Fully referenced. 18

Morris, John. The Young Earth. Green Forest, Ark.: Master Books, 2014. This is a fine ICR book targeted for adults and High School. Deals with Earth Sciences and Geology. Full color. Norman, David. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs: An Original and Compelling Insight in Life in the Dinosaur Kingdom. New York: Crescent Books, 1985. This book is over 30 years old and not much new has happened in terms of dinosaur findings. This is an evolution based book but it is the first one I pick up when I want an artist's conception of what a dinosaurs looked like. Good for classification, but again, totally evolution based. Prothero, Donald R. The Princeton Field Guide to Prehistoric Mammals. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University, 2017. Nice book with color drawing of many pre-flood fossils. At $35, you have to be into it. And I am. Too bad Prothero is such an ardent anti-creationist. But he will not debate Walt Brown. He is not that ardent. Prothero, Donald R. Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters. New York: Columbia University, 2007. Written as an evolutionary refutation of Duane Gish's classics. Prothero is an avid anti-Creationist. His books is filled with cartoons mocking creation science and religion. He gives a good account of what evolutionists believe supports evolution in the fossil record. I use the book to build the supposed human tree in support of evolution. Romey, Kristin. "The Search for the Real Jesus." National Geographic December, no. 232, no. 6 (2017): 30-69. Great article substantiating the historicity of the Christ. Too many Eurocentric photos and paintings. University of California Press. The Encyclopedia of Animals: A Complete Visual Guide. Oakland, Calif.: University of California Press, 2008. The best animal book. Covers the entire world. Very expensive but worth every penny. Sometimes it is frustrating because it will write about an animal, but give you no size and weight data, so you need other books to back it up. In full color. Uses evolutionary dogma to begin. Scott, Eugenie C. Evolution Vs. Creationism: An Introduction. second ed. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009. This is no match for Darwin's Origin of the Species, but it is one of my favorite evolution books because Scott was the executive director of the National Center for Science Education, an anti- creationist organization. The books shows clearly that in the U.S. evolutionists are losing the war for the hearts and minds of the American public. Smoot, N. Christian. Tectonic Globaloney: Closing Arguments. Bloomington, Ind.: AuthorHouse, 2012. Walt Brown turned me on to this book. Smoot worked on much of the early sea floor mapping expeditions. He shows that plate tectonics is garbage as a theory. This should be a lesson to those who believe in creation. Much of science is controlled by powerful moneyed interests who push ideas regardless of the evidence. Spencer, Herbert. Social Statics: The Conditions Essential to Human Happiness Specified, and the First of Them Developed. New York: Robert Schalkenbach Foundation, 1854/1954. 1854. Spencer proposed evolution before Darwin. Spencer was a philosopher, not a natural scientist. He was an Englishman living 19

during the Atlantic slave trade and he and his nation profited from Black genocide. Naturally, he had negative views of Blacks which are included in this volume. Steel, Duncan. Target Earth. Pleasantville, New York: Reader's Digest, 2000. Good discussion on asteroid strikes on Earth and other planets and that it could happen at any time, soon. Tomkins, Jeffrey P. The Design and Complexity of the Cell. Dallas, Tx.: Institute for Creation Research, 2012. Must have book for the wonders of how God created the cell. Full color. ICR books are small but get right to the point for what must adults and college students need. Verschuur, Gerrit L. Impact: The Threat of Comets and Asteroids. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. This book actually says that the Seven Trumpets of Revelation are "historical," not prophetic, asteroid impacts. Amazing. The information on the high rate of large asteroid and comet impacts says to me that if you get the timing wrong, you would think that the impacts on the terrestrial planets took place over millions of years. If these impacts took place over only a few thousand years, you should be literally terrified. The age of the Earth is a life threatening issue. Has no information on origins specifically. Whitaker, John O, Jr. National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mammals. New York: Alfred A. Knoph, 1996. Important resource for getting the size and weights of many animals on the Ark. Only good for the U.S., not Africa, Asia or South America. Contains no evolutionary dogma. Mostly black and white and only a few photos. Whitcomb, John C., and Henry M. Morris. The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and Its Scientific Implications. Phillipsburg, N.J.: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing 1961. Some people say this is the granddaddy of them all in creation science. Started the canopy theory. A bit outdated now but still has useful information which I use such a tree ages history of writing.