Wanderings in Psychogeography: Exploring Landscapes of History, Biography, Memory, Culture, Nature, Poetry, Surreality, Fantasy, and Madness (11.S942) Syllabus and Orientation Notes Ezra Haber Glenn, Lecturer Fall 2017 1 Contact Information name email office office hours Ezra Haber Glenn
[email protected] 7-337 Tues. 9{10AM Class website: http://stellar.mit.edu/S/course/11/fa17/11.S942 2 Overview In his seminal article, \Introduction to a Critique of Urban Geography" (1955), Lettrist/Situationist founder Guy Debord called for a new field of inquiry, to be known as \psychogeography," established to study \the precise laws and specific effects of the geographical environment, consciously organized or not, on the emotions and behavior of individuals." Despite this apparent attempt at concrete definition, the field of psychogeog- raphy has eluded the methodological and theoretical formalization common in other disciplines | it is, at heart, an undisciplined discipline | being more frequently associated with what even Debord himself referred to as \a rather pleasing vagueness." (Indeed, one suspects a tongue-in-cheek smirk behind De- bord's insistence on a \precise" and \specific” approach | the gentleman doth protest too much, methinks.) Equally important, although the Situationists may have been the first to recognize and name it, the practice of psychogeographical inquiry can be traced back though centuries of historical precedents and influences found in travel- ogues, real and invented biographies, opium-induced confessions, playful and 1 surreal works of art, and other literary, poetic, and geographical flights of fan- ciful reality (and realistic fantasy). Similarly, the past 60 years have seen further flourishing (albeit perhaps \underground flourishing,” reminiscent of the growth pattern of psychotropic subterranean fungi.