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GFTU-5-15.Pdf -HJ:f; f: f: >I' ~''''-''''''''~'-"''--''-.,.."of; *if! i;f;;1i ·-"_.,,~,rv,~,-~ l **t __ .~,~,_ ,+.~. _"'."'_'" ** 1.++++ ..~,.<' .• "'\.'~""~~""" tt '* ,t.,.", t t)~ '''',' *.,,,'t",*****:H- "_"~" ___ "".. ",.,>".,.~ T""WENTY-THIRD MARCH, OFFICE: 168 & 170, Temple Chambers, TEMPLE AVENUE, General federation of Trade Unions, 768-7701 TEMPLE OHAMBERS, TEMPLE AVENUE, E.O. ----------~':---------- OOMMITTEE: MR. PETE CURRAN (Ohairman) , Gasworkers' and General Labourers Union. ALDERMAN ALLEN GEE (Vice-Ohairman) , Yorkshire Textile Workers. MR. J. MADDISON (Treas!trer) , Friendly Society of Ironfounders. ME. ALEXANDER WILKIE (Trustee), Associated Shipwrights. ME. G. N. BARNES (Trttstee), Amalgamated Society of Engineers. MR. J. HOLMES (Trustee), Hosiery Workers' Federation. MR. T. ASHTON, J.P., Cotton Spinners. ME. J. N. BELL, National Amalgamated Union of Labour. MR. J. CRINION, Amalgamated Card and Blowing Room Operatives. ME. W. J. DAVIS, Amalgamated Brassworkers. COUNCILLOR T. MALLALIEU, Felt Hatters' Union. ME. J. O'GRADY, National Amalgamated Furnishing Trades' Association. ME. W. C. STEADMAN, L.C.C., Barge Builders. ME. BEN TILLETT, Dockers' Union. ME. JOHN WARD, Navvies, Builders' Labourers' and General Labourel s' Union. AUDITORS: MR. A. TAYLOR, Amalgamated Society of Engineers. MR. D. ISHERWOOD, Ama1gamated Shuttlemakers. SEORETARY: "\LDERMAN ISAAC H. MITCHELL, L.C.C. REPORT. April 1f/tll, lfI(),j. THE UNITY OP LABOUR AND ITS RESUL'l'S. If the magnificent results which attended the efforts of Mr. ,Tnhn Burns and his colleagues of the Labour Group in the Houfle of COllllllOll S Oil i\fal'ch 10th is an evidence of what consolidatecl labour call do. the l'i'eellt met!ting,.; both in and out of the House of COllllllons which have led to unity of action 011 the part of the Labour forces of this country, will have clollf! mueh to advauec the cause which all Trade U nionistr; and their friend;.; have at heart. The struggle for a proper legal status, which began with the Taff Yalu decision nearly five years ago, hItS now reached a stage which el1lJuot but be gratifying to all who have taken part ill the agitation for just law. It may of course be true, as the Times says, that the diviRion on l\Ir. Whittaker's Bill "certainly suggests that the mercury of the political barometer iH i(dling towards the point at which a dissolution of Parliament is no longer regarded as a remote contingency." The Tillw8 in placing the actiOll of our legislators on this low basis no doubt knows its friends, but for our part we are pl'epltred to accept the vote as indicative of the opinion of those who voted. Those who did not vote, and they were 55 more than last year, 1l1t1Y he luft to the tender mercies of their constituents. The new diplomacy has taken a turn recently which seems to elllplmsise the acceptance on the part of a hU'ge numher of our legislators of the motto that" he who fights and runs away will live to fight another day;" the only difference being that they did not fight, but ran. In any case we uced not ,qul1rrel with their running, but rather assist them towards a relief of duties . which they obviously have little relish to perform. It is interesting to note the voting which has taken place upon the question since Mr. Beaumont moved his resolution in HJ02, which resolution it will be remembered was in the following terms: "That legislation is necessary to prevent workmen being placed by Judge-made law ill tt position inferior to that intended by Parliament in 1875." The three succeeding years have seen the discussion of 11 bill elllboLlying the above principle, and the voting ·on each occasion has been- In Favour. Against. Allsent. Resolution, June, 1902 174 203 2B:3 Bill, May, 1903 ............ 228 258 184 Mr. PETE CURRAN, Bill, April, 1904 ............ 240 201 Chairman of the Federation; Organiser Gasworkers and General Labourers; Bill, March, 1905............ 254 132 281 Labour Candidate, Jarrow, It will be seen that the voting on both the resolution and Bill has beon progressively in favour, while the voting against the Bill has grown Sll1ttller by .degrees and beautifully less. (j 7 Durillg thl) same pet·lOC. 1 a g"owing, number have found it wise to have importallt engagements elsewhere. 3, That in no case do candidates run by either of tlw organisations referred to oppose in any shape or form the candidates run by the other. .'\ furt IJer ana IYfilS· S1 lOW s that whilst we have succeeded'. in detaching [t nUIn JJer 0 f "'1'"l111S ··t el·I·,'ll··,ts ,. ;; from their more reactionary assocIates, no LIberal or 4. In constitueMies where no LrLbour candidates are running, the Irish f\!,.tionalist members has voted against the Bill. policy of abstention is in no SE\nSe recommendecl to the IO~ll.l organisatiOlls. The votes were made up as follows ;- The points enumerated generally deal with matters with whieh we as !1 :Fec1eratiOll have hud little actual connection, nor does OUl' URs()('iation with the 1002. 1903. 1D04,. 1D05. For, AgnsL. For. Agnst. For. Agnst. For. Agnst. other two committees in this matter mean any 1110re active participation in Labour ............... 8 12 12 14 dealing ,,;ith the financing, selecting, or en<1ors(:ment of canc1idatt.!~, or even the Liberals ............ 107 141 146 152 discussion of a political programme, than Ims charaeterised our work since the N!ttionalists ......... 48 [;8 51 59 formation; but as we have nlways held that trade politics canrwt be dissociated. l\IinisteriaIists 11 203 17 258 31 201 29 132 from other Trade Union work, and as there are (lll£'stiolls having political sig­ nificance which come well within the sphere of our activities it has been thought 174 203 228 well to co·operate and help the other committees in arriving at a comltlon 258 240 201 254 132 understanding. ---,--' --.,.----.' '--,---- -----.----- Majority l\fajority Majority l\Iajority Against. Against. For. For. STILL FURTHER UNITY. 29 30 39 122 \VEEKLY. \VAGES o!; 'I'HE CLYDE, - A further evidence of the spirit which: now animates lahour work has '\ glance at these fiaureR shows that the scuttle was considerable, 69 shown itself in the co· operation between your Committee al:d the Committee of N fewe~' votin aNainst us ~han was the case last year. The fight is now the Shipbuilding and Engineering l'rades Federation for the purpo;;e of securing transferred ~o ~e Committee on Law, where, notwithstanding the fact that that most desirable of reforms-the payment of wages weekly in all parts of the 254 who voted for the Bill are only represented by 39 me~bers, this country. The outstanding sinners in this respect are)he Clyde employors. while the 132 who voted against the Bill have 44 members on the CommIttee, Why they should insist upon paying wages fortnightly instead of accepting IIlr. Burns and his associates are doing excellent service in combating the what is the universal custom in all other districts; is rather diflicult to under­ shrewdest Tory b71yers and capitalists in the House, anc1 have suc~eec1ec1 so stand. It may be, of course, because there has been no~ullited demand made fu.r in preventing !LIly alteration. by the workers of the district for this boon. If this' has he en the reason, and we admit its strength, then there can be:little:~obiection to the employers FURTHER UNITY. reconsidering their position, 0.8, on the invitation of the ,Joint Committee, a Your Committee, in pursuance of a policy which aims at unity of action meeting was held on March 8th at Glasgow, at which every Tl'I1de Union (20) on the part of Lahour organisations, have had conferences with the Parlia­ affected was represented both by its local and executive authorities, the 70 mentary Committee of the Trades Union Congress anc1 the Labour delegates being absolutely unanimous as to action being taken to secure the Representation Committee. The negotiations are still in progress, but alteration from fortnightly to weekly payment of wages. sufficient he!Ldw!1Y has been mac1e to 6lltLble us to jointly iesue a statement As a means of demonstrating the unanimity that exist,.; on the question embodying the following agreements ;_ before approaching the employers, it was c1ecided:to take a vote of the members 1. That all candidates running under the auspices of the Labour of the affiliated societies in the district, arrangements for which are being made. Representation Committee receive the loyal and hearty S~lPpOrt of all It only rests with the v11rious executives to give every facility to their members section!'; of the Labour movement. affected to state their desire, when, if, as we expect, the result of the vote is large enough to be decisive the Clyde employers will no doubt recognise they 2. That Labour and Trade Unionist candidates approved of by the Parliamentary Committee of the Trades Union Congress receive the have no claim to be placed in a position of ac1vantage!as tLgainst other districts. support of the Labour Representation Committee, so far as its constitution FINANCE AND l'.IE1IBERSHIP. will permit, on the lines followed during the election for West l\fonmouth­ shire, when Mr. Richards was returned. This quarter showil the first effects of the reduction in contributions, the total income for the quarter being £6,102 7s. lId.. The expenditure L 8 £3 GH His. 7<1., t }lOUg h 1llg· her, . than usual on account of the Smiths' disputef in 'the ' north, stIl. I SlOWSI th,' a t we have a good balance, the amount 0 our Reserve Fund now standing at £119,656 13s. lId. Crad~ Unjonists and Wom~n's £abour.
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