Diastereoisomers As Probes for Solvent Reorganizational Effects On
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Chemical Physics 324 (2006) 8–25 www.elsevier.com/locate/chemphys Diastereoisomers as probes for solvent reorganizational effects on IVCT in dinuclear ruthenium complexes Deanna M. DÕAlessandro, F. Richard Keene * Department of Chemistry, School of Pharmacy and Molecular Sciences, James Cook University, Townsville, Qld. 4811, Australia Received 19 June 2005; accepted 1 September 2005 Available online 3 October 2005 Abstract 5+ 0 0 IVCT solvatochromism studies on the meso and rac diastereoisomers of [{Ru(bpy)2}2(l-bpm)] (bpy = 2,2 -bipyridine; bpm = 2,2 - bipyrimidine) in a homologous series of nitrile solvents revealed that stereochemically directed specific solvent effects in the first solvation shell dominated the outer sphere contribution to the reorganizational energy for intramolecular electron transfer. Further, solvent pro- portion experiments in acetonitrile/propionitrile mixtures indicated that the magnitude and direction of the specific effect was dependent on the relative abilities of discrete solvent molecules to penetrate the clefts between the planes of the terminal polypyridyl ligands. In particular, the specific effects were dependent on the dimensionality of the clefts, and the number, size, orientation and location of the solvent dipoles within the interior and exterior clefts. 5+ 5+ IVCT solvatochromism studies on the diastereoisomeric forms of [{Ru(bpy)2}2(l-dbneil)] and [{Ru(pp)2}2(l-bpm)] {dbneil = dibenzoeilatin; pp = substituted derivatives of 2,20-bipyridine and 1,10-phenanthroline} revealed that the subtle and systematic changes in the nature of the clefts by the variation of the bridging ligand, and the judicious positioning of substituents on the terminal ligands, profoundly influenced the magnitude of the reorganizational energy contribution to the electron transfer barrier. Ó 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Solvatochromism; Intervalence charge transfer; Dinuclear; Stereochemistry; Ruthenium; Solvent reorganization 1. Introduction The particular appeal of mixed-valence complexes of the II III 5+ form [{LnM }(l-BL){M Ln}] (M = metal centers, Dinuclear ligand-bridged mixed-valence complexes have L = terminal ligands and BL = bridging ligand) is the played a pivotal role in the assessment of activation barri- observation of an absorption band in the near-infrared ers to intramolecular electron transfer since the disclosure (NIR) region of the electronic spectrum which is identified of the Creutz–Taube ion, [{Ru(NH3)5}(l-pyz){Ru- as the optically induced intervalence charge transfer 5+ (NH3)5}] (pyz = pyrazine), in 1973 [1]. Systems of this (IVCT) transition. IVCT measurements provide a sensitive genre have provided important experimental insights into and powerful probe to elucidate aspects of intramolecular the roles of solvent dynamics [2–15], ion-pairing [16–21], electron transfer processes as the energy (mmax), intensity encapsulation [22,23], temperature [24–28], and redox (e) and bandwidth (Dm1/2) of these transitions can be quan- asymmetry [29,30], and they have been used as model sys- titatively related to the factors which influence the activa- tems to verify the salient predictions of several important tion barrier to electron transfer [31,32]. theoretical models that describe the activation barrier to For symmetrical, valence-localized mixed-valence sys- electron transfer [31–35]. tems, Hush [31,32] proposed the relationship 0 mmax ¼ ki þ ko þ DE ; ð1Þ 0 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 0 7 47814433; fax: +61 0 7 47816078. where DE represents the energy contributions due to E-mail address: [email protected] (F.R. Keene). spin–orbit coupling and/or ligand field asymmetry, and 0301-0104/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.chemphys.2005.09.016 D.M. DÕAlessandro, F.R. Keene / Chemical Physics 324 (2006) 8–25 9 ki and ko are the inner- and outer-sphere reorganizational The elucidation of the relative contributions of contin- (Franck–Condon) parameters, respectively: ki corresponds uum and non-continuum effects is the subject of consider- to the energy required for reorganization of the metal–li- able experimental interest in the attempt to develop more gand and intra-ligand bond lengths and angles, and ko is sophisticated theoretical models for solvent reorganiza- the energy required for reorganization of the surrounding tional contributions to the electron transfer barrier [2,40]. solvent medium. The solvent contribution is generally Dielectric continuum theory obscures the ‘‘molecularity’’ modelled as a one-dimensional classical mode due to the of the solvent by neglecting the properties of individual sol- low frequencies of the coupled vibrations [31–34]. The vent molecules, and this underpins the recent theoretical spherical cavity dielectric continuum model given by Eq. interest directed towards understanding the molecular basis (2) provides a framework for the calculation of the sol- of reorganizational effects [2,40]. vent reorganizational contribution in which the electron The experimental strategy for extracting information at donor and acceptor are modelled as two non-interpene- the molecular level using IVCT solvatochromism studies trating spheres, embedded in the dielectric continuum involves probing the first solvation shell separately from [31,32]. the bulk solution. Dinuclear ruthenium complexes incorpo- 1 1 1 1 rating ammine and cyano ligands have been extensively k ¼ e2 À À . ð2Þ o a d D D investigated in this regard because of the existence of op s strong directional H-bonding and donor–acceptor interac- The parameters a and d define the molecular radii and dis- tions between the chromophore ligands and individual sol- tance between the donor and acceptor, e is the unit elec- vent molecules [6,11–15,41]. These specific solvent tronic charge, and Ds and Dop are the macroscopic static interactions coexist with, and often dominate dielectric and optical dielectric constants of the solvent, respectively. continuum effects [2]. Correlations have been found be- In accordance with Eqs. (1) and (2), mmax should vary line- tween the IVCT solvent shifts and empirical solvent param- arly with the solvent dielectric function (1/Dop À 1/Ds), eters such as the Gutmann donor and acceptor numbers 2 0 with slope e (1/a À 1/d) and intercept ki + DE at (1/ [42]. In studies of dinuclear ruthenium mixed-valence com- Dop À 1/Ds) = 0, and when the length of the bridging li- plexes based on –Ru(NH3)5,–trans-Ru(NH3)4(py) and 0 gand is varied (at fixed a) mmax should vary linearly with –Ru(bpy)(NH3)3 with pyz, 4-cyanopyridine and 4,4 -bpy 2 1/d, with slope e (1/Dop À 1/Ds) in a given solvent. bridging ligands [19,43,44], the IVCT energies correlate lin- While the predictions of the dielectric continuum model early with the Gutmann solvent donor number (DN) due have been consistent with the results from a number of to specific H-bonding interactions between the ammine li- IVCT solvatochromism studies of mixed-valence dinuclear gands and the solvent molecules. In each case, the magni- ruthenium complexes [2,36,37], the model breaks down tude of the specific interaction increased with the donor when the underlying assumptions of the classical model number of the solvent, and the number of NH3 ligands in are invalidated, or in the presence of specific solvent–solute the chromophore. interactions or dielectric saturation effects [2]. Theoreti- IVCT solvatochromism studies in solvent mixtures have cally, the dielectric continuum model is formulated in terms demonstrated that the solvent reorganizational process oc- of a one-dimensional classical mode for the solvent, but it curs predominantly within the first solvation layer, and is inadequate for systems which exhibit coupled high-fre- may be profoundly influenced by the systematic replace- quency quantum modes which must be explicitly treated ment of individual solvent molecules in the immediate through a quantum mechanical approach [15]. Eq. (2) also vicinity of the mixed-valence chromophore neglects the volume occupied by the donor and acceptor [2,5,7,13,14,19,45]. (the ‘‘excluded volume’’) and is valid only when the dis- There is clearly a need for experimental studies of IVCT tance between the redox centers exceeds the sum of their ra- solvatochromism which provide insights into the micro- dii (d 2a). The corrections due to non-spherical fields scopic solvent reorganizational contributions to the intra- around the metal centers become increasingly important molecular electron transfer barrier. as the distance between the metal centers is decreased. Experimentally, the analysis of IVCT solvatochromism 1.1. Scope and objectives of the present study data according to the spherical (and ellipsoidal [13,15,38,39]) dielectric continuum models has often been The majority of experimental IVCT studies have been severely confounded by non-continuum effects. These is- conducted by varying global features of the complexes, sues have been addressed in an extensive review of medium such as the identities of the bridging and terminal ligands, effects on the IVCT properties of mixed-valence complexes and the constituent metal centers. In addition, the theoret- by Chen and Meyer [2], and include specific solvent–solute ical implications of the results have often been complicated interactions and dielectric saturation effects, in addition to by ion-pairing, and ambiguities in the geometries of the ion-pairing contributions from the counter and electrolyte complexes due to a lack of structural rigidity and/or stereo- ions, the concentration of the chromophore and the chem- isomeric purity [46,47]. ical oxidant used for the generation of the mixed-valence In the present study, the investigation of the IVCT sol- complex. vatochromism in the mixed-valence diastereoisomeric 10 D.M. DÕAlessandro, F.R. Keene / Chemical Physics 324 (2006) 8–25 5+ 0 forms of [{Ru(pp)2}2(l-bpm)] (pp = 2,2 -bipyridine and uents on the terminal polypyridyl ligands – while maintain- its derivatives; bpm = 2,20-bipyrimidine) provides a new ing the identity and coordination environments of the experimental approach to probe the microscopic origins component metal centers.