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irv.r vrf;-‘j?rTr .-we?-'* *• :v?^ »jag*

f(«*nittiiM< nf of CSiU'fn'ii St \ itl* n ill**'* lfi»\ mm 11 i .\ , WILKES ED6LFIELU Y One of thousand* -Vtl homrlc** by the deadly hurricane th|£ ***«♦,_• Pa yrnm njfo, tin i i n «vi*rr lin «l op mra Of f |lii» « »• l| in ;• till *«%k Jb / i.wipt over Cut«a, thia anftll, frightened boy l> shown amid iH a t llf o M) m N \ . nri'l mownl down with ImllH*. I'nhri all Ml»'it*,*l | > n-ckage of hi* home at Cienfuero*. At least I? persona wrrF 1 arks ill e tbf m«p-n« it- to iivuliy liftw irn i:iiii.,k In tin (on *• i**,i>i*| i « t|^ J H SX .ilird in that town and a thousand building* were destroyed. (Aa- P oriAtii| I'li'Sh I'holit) COLUMBIA •v^ v / •* ^ ______. ..^venwwwwww If 1.1 A ( l l t m ALIAFCRRO K.EM • w ,V'? u : - i : SOCIETY KIDNAP DEFENDANT .WARREN

4 I ' It .litHl a!« \ l- riillM T

r«- i if m HII 1 '•ttnllt • p ,inu i ii •' ii n 1 1*1 pf»v 11 f.i* • t .. i i f * :••• * !' ••. i h *ti* r m Vij* 'It l 11 Im 1 k • ii \ ii ii-i.i .*•» 1 S * ii'1 • ii r * rm l If.* 1 A |i o f ' * y n 1 1 II I f • •» • **l >11 .It I f 1. ft !i • i • »i U ft • •it****• fn . nr.tiiii.il t wiurr* ' Imuii *1. 1 n 1 II. V It t.f If. •• 1 • * I S la t* • \ • in

Cubs and Tigers Square Away For 1935



CKEINICRC Mi \>lln 'I i|»im* Mtirhrli. f*wMin-i St I .a • > i«■ fk tint* ti If lit lift* Hi lit* M ik ltf, XI...... tin it •• . i X^**|iH»n’* in ll*. I * I air l*i 1 I Ci rUinum* bln ftrht • ^• in*t lift? Im|»rj«ir.mcm ‘ lo r PranciBcti’ii Prrpaintlnr** Day in lylG, Tom AIory ilnckitrrt to oppeut Ml u ru*\v h«-oun(( «»nlt*fc l by the <\u||f< him ?up n n r rouit in San Krancmr«». 1 h«* pti’turi* at the tf»p, rc^i-ntly uncirlhnl. iho *5 #him C loft I whrn hr \»mi« liroucht t«, jail noof> .*ftfr thr bnnihinK Hr i* nhuwn at tin* lowei an 1.2 opprori t-flny WAR I'EARS WORRY BRITISH • nu a t the rijrht is A E. Shaw. Mppointid to roniiurt the bf iiir r . t A* 'oriati-il Prria Phiilw*>

C tH IIN C ll THAW A PLAYBOY NO LONG! RJBVfStfaafl 1 1 l . (ALAN \ • 1

f c iW V . I . ,'^h" -


llrri are the lutrolt Ttgir* (Anterlcan Ixaguil and the Chi taao t ub. (National Uagui). playin ur the World Sflla.# which j began W.dnr»day at S a v in field U c n l.r) tn .______&

“Brain Tr ust" Appellation Disliked By Hi* pruttnmii ilortfinc iA n» ‘ nn Mr at >1 M u . Fred 8^•hw•rt4', James M. Landis, Chairman Of SEC •Aid tb« AdnmintrBtion •nd I»uwi- ’|nfc. \;r |i|lcj || )| I’aU i»hill. *-••**■ • . tit•• l*o h wr •• ureamif lh# M«int I i;. Franklin, who h*» ■P^Ol* W AMIIINiSTUN Oct :t —(A*) - Chin* but fducntrd principally to ! ,«- niUih*w nn«»n lhrbi»r llurKra; an.l Mr*, ttonald Whitcomb ; s r e : •• •• w—...... r .. L-.x“;"^sTi:rvr 7 - ^ ^ romml**lon, tucceedlng Joceph 1*. i*»* gra-uaier from the llaivard (n thr imgratt. Thl. mean*1. * ,r*- ' l>c«'ley butt- Kennedy. r law «choa| In 1P24 where he wa* aupteviairm by the public, hut nr»t nfteirHioit. In hi* new p .itl.n, they find s protege gf I'rol. Fall* Krantifur- Intrusion. He regard* econvmic Mint ' I xhI* I’ctcr*. plana In 'him moving qulrtly ,mong the va*t Iter, famod Harvard llbaral who*i cnlhry a* a changing thing which leave thia weak far Daytona intrtcacfc* of tha stock eichanga -bnaht yonug mcnM hava baati mUit b, wo,k.i out In dtUil for Bh. w4r. , Ui. . ii.t______i_.i_r_.i_.ki. 1___... , _i,w ______t__ i_ ...... _ ..... where ana witt *•»»» n»r alldrriteei, indefatigable, liemen- ‘ crrdltrd with a major pait in specific mtuncfi, nni ■■ a acien- ,, • . u, . doualy Interutad, and acvtsly ■ ckarting “Now Deal" legislation, Ilfte ayalam which msy now b, a*. * " ' ho} ” n' aware of tha econamla Implications | Now only S3, Isnvtr, who was ccrardy doacrlbe.l in generalities.! of tha sacuritlaa hueine** from tea. lung at Harvard rams to Waah------A, ; K„ kichIUKNT I'A flSE S | which rma g# the fund* that build ingtun with tha Rooaavalt Admin- Harry K. Thaw, playboy of aaothar generation, I* Their faced revealing tka gravity of thrlr taak Anthony Kien America. j lit atlrn. He wro.b moat of tha 8a- GENEVA OIILANIKJ, Oct. 1 -Y n a a r a l waa wheeled from Oraad Coalral station to aoalualo (left) and Sir Hantual Hoars, Britlah delegate* to the t-eague oil Ha b publklty^hy, no radical I ruiiliea Act af IMS which hla Wall niricu ware to ha eoadaatad town Haw York hotel. Tha cnce dapper Thaw, with Nation*, u a ahawn at Geneva during diactir.luni of the Itala- in N ordinary aeqaa of tba ward. Street enemies concede I to be tba ' Mr. and Mn. II B. Ury has i this afternoon far Mra. Jarnaa U. ahoaa unlaced and a UtT on hi. mere oat, had just I Ethiopian crisis. With hopes for a |Mrairful uutcuma looting!*** ^ -brm "b*»ln traat” 1 raturnad after (pending tha peat N aff. K t. wha pawed away yaa- tytobae where ha had boon aarlously ill from | me urn I It aa bad passed. Although ha helped wrlU throe woath* In tha Naw Kaplan I gloomy, It waa raportsd several delegation, are planning n com- *|*^*dinglyt regarding It aa bad public ay a tor yaara after ha was triad for klUla^.ft tha amend neat* which made tha atale* and Now York. , teniay aflernoaa at her ham# hin^d economic boycott atalnet l.'taly ahould aba launch an unpro-i( J, the son of a Praaby- a ray tha affaatloaa of hi. wife, Evelyn Neabll. Thaw h a Preaby. act laia onrrou* ha kept tha bill'* Mr. and Mra. J m Dana of Mi­ her*. She had beta a re*Ideal waa Born la “to* A " a harp aa lU long jaunty ami are. rutting Mra. Oaaa'a ill- of JackaoavUle far S3 yaara. Itiramanl of lata. (Asacciatsd Praaa Hhoto) Wfcs


I ■_•— x i l •'■

BH?np £*y* •’ r1'* i 1 County Products Sanford I* The Only Central M m t r a it s Ami Veget»bl«i Than. Any Plot bln C'ily Affording Rail. Highway SlatOar Ana In America And Water Transportation


Member Amociatcd Prem SANFORD, FLORIDA. FRIDAY. OCTOIIER 4. 1 9 3 5 Ef*tnltllshrd In 190S N n i l l K I I - r Ninth Inning Convention Speaker (Chiropractors ‘Assurance’ 01 T Tie In World Meet In State No Canal Harm Italy Pushes Offensive On - f t Series Today Conclave Here Is Discounted Three Fronts In Ethiopia; ■■ ^ • Third Game O t» Series Two Day Convention Engineers’ Promises Forced Into Extra j Opens In Mayfair Likened By Witmer Innings By Chicagb —M ayor Welcomes To Those Given To Heavy Casualties Reported Rally In 9th Frame' Group To Sanford Veterans On Keys MODERNIZED ETHIOPIAN FORCE TO MEfcT ITALY A\'iir Thundering Over Sanford to fcy It boat to the "A»»urancv»M rvlra»r*i rvctoily Florida Chiropractor* Association, by government engineer* that j ideninjr Area As WR1GLEY HELD. Chi-; meeting in l i l t t convention in the ,there will be no Injury to Fbn- Italy Meats Bark cnjco, Oct. 4 r—Staging a Mayfair l!otel.rSe**lon* will con- Ha’* underground *tieam* hecgu*e l great ninth’ Inning rally at tlnue through tne day and tomor* (of the construction of the erfsa- Selassie's I1' o r e e s ♦ho eaoenae c i Schoolboy row. with the election of officer* ,»UU canal werd lab«k<1 h * r * |hi.» • Roars of Detroit, the ChirAgn scheduled for the last »ea*ion Sat* nioming by (»eorge 8 . W B iter, Mm Cuba " forced the third game Fall ()f Adiivva ( J j urday aflrrtioon. j local grower, former engineer, and of tha 1936 World Sericft into i member of the Central and South Thr convention got away lt> a j Believed Sure extra Inning* . with ^ . two Dr. Strven J. Rutich of tin- Florida Water Conaervation Cam latr >tart thu morning, Dr. C. II j rally which t‘tied ’ J^e ~ Wore st diagpoli,. orr of America’, out- mittee, ad reaembltng thoae *aa- Verdun Of t t' iopia’ f l y * ■All ,♦ W ' .t.nd.ng doetnr. “ of ‘ rhlmprae!.--. ‘ '• ‘fhrl1 °f 1° rU"do; '’" ’L'1/"' ,°f auranera” whlrh failed completely M Aoker. Won H ogdt and prinrip„| >p, , k, r u-forr t|,, Zl«t- ,hr -‘.oriation. havin* .Wfirulty unil led to horrible death fm Seene Of Fiirhluvj: U i faced the Cuha through . nnu. , of thr n „ r.d a in b -a k in * up ...... inn. many rraidenla ami vrteiana on dPnlath whlfa the Tlgar, had chlroprmrtnr. ______Association.______Inc., of the practitioner, amt aaaem First l)av Of War the Florida keya during the La­ _ . fcillad J aplntt Bill I-ee and lain convening tmlajr and tomorrow at Ming the delegate? in the conven­ bor Day atnrm U \MI|\«a ION Oct. I — Wartwka. U n> Frrnth went to u,r M»yi«,r fTotel. tion hall for the opening cere- | ( lie waa commenting upon a 1 ( \ P i « orII \ an Kn- I ha mqund for tha Cuba aa the ______mnniea. The Rev. Martin Hiani nooning new. elnry crediting Sid I g rit \iRfMt hi ibnrge d'af­ JO th’------* rector of the Eplaeopal ( hutch. ;n,y s nnw offered the invocation, and then I ploy,d by lb, government on the faires el \ddi-* \h h.i, noli- Mayer T. L Duma, delivered thr pIojwl< w^h „ y(ng thui fie4l the state d |ia*ln«ent <•»- a lT X 'V r'S SJS Hopkins Vacates | dav hr had m-i^ted H» .» tim e fWriaa. played In ^ thia addrr.a of welcome. '"the water aupply problem at \m rrican women an.I -iv . afternoon: The mayor told the chiroprac- j Sanford ariaea out of the city'. dren attached • •* th« *«• truth First Inalni Order Of 90 Pet. tora he waa "happy to welcome failure to conserve it. preaeiit Hnt \dvrnii't mi-wii.n M. • Detroit: White atrurk nut. thl. group to Sanfor't" which, he supplies.*' hake the capital hs lh« o »l Coekrarve waa aafe on. Ilermann'a Relief Roll Work aaid, "haa been preparing for a However, while Mr Witmer is­ ♦ rr*r but Oehrtnger arent nut in long time for convention, of thi- sued a statement which had the tram. tha Infield CJoalln popped out. aort." fleoau.e of the latene.. of rndor.ement of leader* of th»- No nma, no hlta, one % wwtae ••e*rel I ' ” *• 1.126,23-1 Men Given the hour Mr Duma, .aid he would Committee, another group of >• . I 11: ■ nil would want to coma again. Thr H'rald. If wr will quit waal- The \ M* ' .1 I.. I .1 »*f gataai laalng L. Hopkins had exempted it* t't.Ui Various committee report, read n,lr V ,r V ,,ur A«l»io i ' \ I »§!•- Detroit: Fog fouled out *° 000,000 non federal program »r ..n at the morning se.slon. nominal- for * u*‘r» *"* l*|*l.I." • .lla g tlj reached aecoii 1 the retjuiremcmr that IN) perr*na of ing and resolutions committees C4,unt>• w r w" n l i»s'e to worr> II . . •I I IHI . . . . about salt ws ei cnntaminat l<.ti ♦** bit an$ an error l.v ,u J.bor mu„ ukrll (r„.u „ were named, and a memorial serv . ' eat I . I .Hi toIhi l * ...... •<» much CararCtta. Owen went out. ehori )if,f ro(lt Th, orrf(,r f„||„w„| |t.,p ice for three members of thr ns • l. .. In. I . . n* .• y “ “ “ * ‘ released rhrougb *° ,h'r'1 blna earlier denaion that e,u .oclation who died during the vear VT.'" T t. I * a'\ i . v** I" Press this morn- , P'm,r hJ* • tU,mr "" O00.00tf.00it I’WA ww. held. The mm ...... erv.ee Thr A «T“ axt »• •». nod • It - f Paigo said that nin into tha right field atand. „,um r| „ r, nr, m rrd .i was_ . . for------the-- late.... r,. Dr hrsncls...... Mayo In«- •■"■In,..! II hI ia11w at \d.*% K M. » | • hla aecond homer In thAe gam - not r<>m, flolI1 ,hr rr,„f ,„u - — ,x „ .. , "The prohlrni at Sanford Is not of Tampa, Dr. WallerV Bethea of - i • m I \ w • • ec ' i ih’ad Hack tingled ovar third. Ha at«le ...... J _A__ 1 l _ j u . . ____ w peculiar to that region. In many All f Malle hkia-s i ■ li.*..pw n Rartow. and Mra tiaorg. W I 41 at ", to 1 ape 4 ' . m p r .* Cavarvtla lined out to Whit- ♦•>' ''"A ...... places salt water appears when r'»t pirtui i»v | h.-|.»v* I n t«i.•• I• i oi/t .| M o*!* m |h Io , . 7 " , public an ordar by SccraUry lekoa !»aHaaN -•« r .m - r . . r i I llllDNIltll I aa on Jurg.. raached l.r-t >„ UodlI1, loM, ^ „„ PWA . Ith# supply of fresh water !■ drawn upper pictun ••ho»ks Italian r *.... j. - •l t In hi Rom- i «»ft* I l|i• l • • i ** • II 1 'llopiMlI \\< • Ml I : c,ear Serv,ce Award ...... Irwa tH. « a T C l »••• It ||i it\ X I * a htold*' f "II I • il • • inly ia In tountyJ lax oale Labor Would Join * ■ ■ ■ ------•" '! I be land 11 • a x \ l . 1 F W Stanley of this city is th» the middle nf a ring of .alt wall, f C L j ] ' Officials said contractor r* th* •• Federal Men Arrest latest Atlantic Toast | Ine Ra.l Hr mid nf .all wrlla ntar Oatrrn. R u C llC (llll0 (l l" O f - Iititnii • ••• if 1 ii ...... quested a modification of the '.*0 Legion Group In • itad employee to he presented f'hulunla. (irnr.a. OvIrdn.fAlla 1 X*hixx it . r« l II 4 !• - • percent relief Itile liecausr. lie) Five Chuluotn Men ith the cove ed 25>-yrar service i 1 4 ’ • • n I* ltd X! *4 104*1 4 • • f r — - con Tended, {here is not n miffs « mhlem tshich goes to all workers :."r,,,s:.’T;./«™',£”r; lMonday,0 ctober7 ern Him.is Communism Fight ...... 1 •• f Mfi "1 near Henson Spring* Daniel Gcrt, Jim l?ong. !!••»» runt supply of skillr»nuel .if f*ur .landing Mr and J* ith Ti,. land . 1 | S., • a • a . an oparmtor in the ••rplane trip hy • »’ g**ati a| liaRtk ... der treatment. It waa atated Srtrtinnlr fnunty i'harnl*er nf at ft* 11n«|•«**i«V 1 i< 11 aa aa r a* lie. Tharlaston district on 8 ept 10. * Kafttorlne Toltman frorq Mild l» v t •• pi • tha G tgrt Houac today that kc up ('«>mmerce committees f* r 193 4. and » f. '» • 1910 Mr Dumas was in the d is­ ri'hevllle. N. C. to provide Mood ♦ .» Ill I, 11.1 I a .1 "Hull. parrntly k i d n o t reapond —I waa made krrnwn thia prnrning hy • ICcpl siK'l> a • lx i I. trict at the time, and the tw„ men for a tranafuelnn oater died of a « 1 * • .1 MU ' < liTff.v To < 'onsiflor quickly ,DOUgb to a command In Harry M I'apwnrth. head nf Ihi will h. . f f. . . I f. •\ »• p friendship which still throat Infection Mlaa Coleman • t -i f ip hi Mir drey kla gun. Cora admitted th.t urganitatmn 'a i • ••llrcim I - • i • nl N il waa rhe r l * r a t donor who ha . the ...... W ..II >.| *( riisadc for I\ ((■<• taii'h ami !••*!• •• Ml he waa■aaia a waUhmanVlUhltaB who had been Aviation t'ommlttee \ \ required type blood. ai » • a| I a• | I tie | fill I III . inatruqed to fire hla gun with Slwrr rharrman. V A W|, Nn Nov 10. 1BU*. Mr. Stanley In tilling toll* * • X II M* III' # I ..| I I.. a • • I I ' to fid j till • l l the approach of authorltiea. Iiarn, aa vn-e rhalritian. ( llaliett. arrlvfd in Sanford aa a tranafrr Count k 1 Ml I telle « l» Jin h' .O 0 1 1... 1. t it ,-M M N X I * • * is I \ I" tut oaf, . ,|| j ,( .... to the JarkaonvllleJarkaonvtlle dlatrict then New Orleans Strike 1 l<• nma- |iit 1 nlntg 1 > 1 >« k i’ll * langt FUnaha, and the Ja ^Jeorg, W. MrHnry.r. ..It . - ■•«. kins rsplamt'd 11! • u I'rtotmn mud. hx \\ oil pi i dli'l i* I I hr I k*»a« »•• rob*, f t her and aoa, -were nk m and R R. Wight. aupeSSeed by Mr Dumaa. After Casualty Reported amount of ia**— 1*. H ' ai'r Hull y rP i i i , wnrklag a few daya aa an opera advi rtiseil. w f i l e , xx . a 1 ! 1 1 l/e J < , .N i n t • 11 1 III1 ax mild luki* "aifoiiK aili"M M If to I ll Orlgnda and la Ur to Tttu:.- Convention, f’onimttlee: W I I* III lltoh 11 f 111 a - in 11 Stanley waa promoted to^ NKW ORLEANS, Oct. 4 — (A] ihs ta t c.II i-.imi accept Hit- It'll to• t, f. . P« » •11 • •tiiiniini-l s in this • "m ill y, a» * a h taring before the Haynra aa rhairman, H. J llidlv. linu r," fhr I'* x | C the’poat of rvgvikr diipaUhar, an'— man waa shot in the Irg iith n m«.n- a.i at ; 'in o’. I«..I |n||ll.l«' »o x. «la| i|*i r a diphim .iln lu nik C-omm It. loner. The da- 8r„ aa vice-chairman; C >...... • ll 'I pll*«ll|**nl f I he _ and alightly wnundad bar# today antount •htiwn d * •' s • ...... « t * A III X . I It « X)h are out on bo ad. Adama, Mra I’rarl II. Ilanaell, ,. , _____ , In II tiiilav Mi ID v • Hr was termed yes tar day by • In a clash b«twe«n w orkhif I rng> Thr ».n|\ , 1 h I f . teal* • Deputy Sheriff 0. It. Jno. D. IJnkina. W. E. Klrehhuri. 11 Mi ».title 1 , i M'lld r c I a i y H i ll- i a C Mr Dumas as an abls amt conaci- ahoranven and sym ikalhiiers in fw ,-omer m it,, to • 41. 1 1 |t. 1-0 I alai* A R ain d I ominiinun* elated that while he dll Jr-. F . 8. Ijinam, R. A. Smith, m* 1 t. ♦. * ion rn up f-.i .1 -a I a.i hat chargee are rntlous employee whose record dock strike called |n New Orlra*n a*,. ,«|, M . from1 Ilf 1 • h 1 i.ngre-' • oal I is When hi- • « I thr Atlantn .*• M It .4 t 1 n pi .it a I -paP h ipiotma t hr vii ** |»iraldrll* Educational Cnmmlttee: II. JlnktM* r ’ ...... fiiNi .«ppi t alflil x p that they would tarolvo Mr. Stanley U one of fieo regu-1 International longshore men’s Aa- of ’hr A 1' of |. aa faviirilig an aald This am ouni. inth . 4.Hi. • la* f •• , h Lahman aa chairman, T W. I^w- < < aaaa* I M aar a <>■ I ' S f f T f» g | i .ll ' lit*X• ol-r of a charge of lar dispatchers on duty ai th* da- sociatlon A negro waa shi»; in the wiim ipei iflr I, i* I*' p. 1 nl e. ' ' '1 ton aa vlce-cnairmn. Martin I C" • hi m at' liiMl*'1 fcAiring liquor without pay- pot here, the others h*lnff R. L leT wh**n a erntip of nerrnaa tried id » « « Brain. Holland Dean. Frank annum for th*- f" i v Ul , to 4 * \ u- eral tax noiianu i»r.n, rr.u. Pw-k, -hl.f dlapatchar. E. M. Oal- to halt a truck carrying a v •«a I hiddris may hid •(••x*n to 1 ' • r A 1 • 1 a »• Bvana, ••n II • Not Guilty Verdicts E. T. Hainaa i.f Altarnonl. )ow. yr w A z.ehry. and J, B grogroup. t C gsllg ird (lea I * a* a * Sp rin ga. . VX. M llaynaa, M-». Rj|y 0n|y Mf PM.k # tfi , irm v » voadtntf and unloaiting of \uainst Two Negroes Jamea Moughton, S. O Shinhul 11.4 II. LOCAL \v !•: X I HER year rmblem sets torn! foiward as usual. I i I,. Mra. A. C, Wagner uf < hu Marketing Pact I . itohiT Irt* »,f (hr ( nil 1 IT1ME NEWS »ml M«tol a luota. and Fred T XfLIiama I »i s c u h .s c (I a»f i .nini x r nur' w lm It A vi f*»r f • • * Port of Central Mori On Celery Aaa> t t X* . • • r Cunimvrcial CommttUa: K • t| lit*fnia I. li J la Mia.nn A X aa f , ( AI * H . 1 Bludworth aa rhxlrroaM. Korru Papworth Says Chamber Of Commerce I uead* X ti»• • • i -11111 * 11 lal«* AX* fair Mi W the JInolIo , GaUlM| Mritilao-is iif f*. 1 ida t as vice-chairm an; (*. h i • ♦ dax x% to n m i * * .•Iiuii, ,1 A - * 1 trial ( ntnmil 1 • • • in I A v. f..r »..♦. 9$ U m m erc* ( Adm«a, J. O. Adama, D av, U*>-, Not Neutral On Canal ( onstruction fi’ *t x .-mI.i’I ul * m»t xiiii’a in •• land >«strrda\ a* *n |.*i * V I • .•»r* a* »S| %4» .•» i*f l'tup 1 sircl' it li, i*i*a% r si to no Be** trr of (krt I at. to th . t m tr a l an.) ^ * ° ul f l,' “ ,rn ' ' t ft. I ( I . I aa . a ... . . dWTUBo the RfS " '• X IHAlk* ' to a* >n i »*urt on iin a-xjiull ari | y It ...... f*M l». I - South Florida Water Conservation agrremi*nt tt# xtlm ha- .ln-en pi • it! Irr i i • • ax♦ gr I 1 X t M '•toll aa mo 4 «»aa I'a g 4 ?! *.L • iJSSi^n. SSk, w Commiltrr nwding aa followa ,Ar.,| (>) ,«r „ ,,. I'tiling Hia- pm, ’IMA of till* I 7 » 'MXTO**. gr>*, Gray, J. U Inglcy. E. C. H.rp*r. ,h* "» *-“ *‘* *•«•' •"-» - *lf thr |>*<>pla of Svminal* , ut Agnrulturr t • imI a not hr * jui x li-libi ratril i h • t • W. M. llaynaa. t I. Hoy, Ha, “ t'*,unt> frit that their w arn Stilt ation Armx Asks 7 J | Kepi ••••ntlfitf yanfutd at I h targr of pill* . a**ny, lodga"! f»» MTXi lung, J. U Marenutto. Karl " n‘ 11 supply was endanger**!, it Is f fia’g r o to lio 7 t *• «■ »«“•• i «v, H- Z.’Tl-XSa.'S’iSS: i neetlnir srrr P \ WhiUhui • l imds For Building Hk'sinxi *| ufii Pa lm as Tlardgrvn.W p » R.». A. Ntwmaa.Nr.m... Et. AA. 7*r*" ... *,kUW , .. H »U1 . t.1 * I niy belief iliat the Kemlnelt .’•hn Mrisvh. v and J *• I s*«*r wa* fa.-rn.t » • <» llt) " Monfortoa, -H. B l*o,w. if L.' 'vcr.aw.tottT* W th. .14 Count) Chamber of Commegre I IVlthrh while- uPon' 7 1 ti would Join your group In op lion tn« IuiIimI « > le e , It r Wit la toii t. k 11 *t xloth trial- got umli t xs^ » ju > Aaiari- Shlnholaar, ^ 7 Smith. V. A.. Declaring 'hai any |>«ra«n rap- Iflg* » posing the Canal. You knsw Wheeler. (#r rge ^ Morgan. * S ’ lrCt »»• .i«x. lomm ■ op al- which ha*t -pin'' ynatrrda) mot t l Florida TW tag Corf. 8pear, O. U. Stuart, A. B. Slav- raaenting that thr chamber wax l« .14 that the Seminole Coualy |T. Niblack, A Duda. Jr., an I mg 1 1 f d • XX |l h *X h-e |, . 11 ix kr ing h-t.Mi'nr ’•• i*x iitrnce in It*.- 7 IE S : ^ anx, V. A. W illiam s, and A. H. either favotabl* to tha a Chaml>er of Commerce has not jja m es Wilson nrr«lri| « O f* Oil n at ton. aaaMiilt it >1 i .i* x 1 a *!• ugalli-’t 1 * o r SANFORD, gan- Yotvall. neutral in ita attitude aa taken any position againat the ' The nrs agreemrnt will In- \ 11*1 > hr.f|| 1 tai trl ♦ • X Olid V A '•pall « o <1 Jtid gr SN4 y,, I St John* Stoat Lina ------| "groaaly misinformed" O f f Canal, a fact not generally aired a: s public Hireling, p. u » Mr* r| run iliMt *t xaH* 4nahlt- to eg 1 *>r ' 1 KOatBFSLLEH COMING SOI TU lag A "delil>«rate mlsetststBgBf if | a»y known through out the elate ' ably in lakeland. xsithln tin •* a to tie- 1 UlHIlt M XI I 'll" l Judge Shaii"i! 10 . gaaaral aargo. . , _____• ------Ifhct," Ur. Pape or th -Trltaaj a Thr tag • la v camp** »•» “Four yrxra ago at Palxtka. th» lhr„ » „ k, |( the d r y method ,1 ti LAKEWOOD, N. J.. Oct 4 — «*py of th* chambvria raaalatloex ridr*l upon a* tht le*l writer, a, Praaidrnr of thr S»mi |'nJu»lr) irptrarntr*! by akippvi* • »f iai*in^ funds W if, hi wt;». j Tiim an l *ai x n m-gro xharg«>d 2; 7a (AP) —kfambari of tha household ^ .W F_ la hia latt.r to Mr, Salt ‘7 ; s note County Chamber of Com- •"* «r..-rr. alike. Irnd approval, trf season appn.a b»i.s *nd d-- vxit^ prill laurny went on trial.J* • T 7 A • .» of Jaka D. Rockafallar, Hr., aaul today. Tha latur 1‘rvaHmt h y - 71 marc*, want on rocord againat tba “ » '11 •- ai"P'"*vd by Baerata y mends increasing G.r Ih.i Ii boat'l this moining It xxas indtcatA'd | •, ♦bo *♦ -year-old phllanthropiai will worth oddrcaaad tb Mr. Ball anent thr rlitli* .lay on our him 1 a • ? »! & •. • t-venr

. JU&. V iiJl ltL‘ . — ------— — ------L-...... —uLt 1 1 . ------1 . M FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4. 1M The Sanford, Herald American Neutrality coirtciioa be mads in rood map*, ths ether company being Ur Standard Oil Co. Speaking in San Diego cnly a few bourn after Prc-j mier Muaeohni had explained his African intentions to the Y* • «-*v | • pmnrn in aeuui ana me puDiic is United Lumber Co. Com m unism F ig h t in*n*d to .tuna. Lumber, Building Material—Roofing . . world, President Roosevelt proclaimed for the United Stated, Lumber Aad a policy of neutrality toward whatever foreign conflict irm ilnnl rime Pin «•*» Willi* Green, negro dnnersdo Roofing Seasoned and Unfinished Lumber f may break out. Americans generally will applaud his frank ' alliance between labor Snd tbs who was raptured in Goldstar* assertion that "the people of America and the government American la-gion to combat the |at« Turi'hy after Chief of Poll.** Security 8th and French Phaaa 71S of those people Intend to remain at peace With* all the spread of communism and to urg* Roy (5. Williams shot him In the world.” the'rerniinn of American re.’og- \rg five times aa the negro resht- Thero is, howxsver, something ulwut the President's * nition of Soviet Russia, Command- arrest, waa taken to Ralfnrd Lumber speech which reminds us strangely of a similar speech , er L. 1*1 Hoyle of the Sanford post penitentiary late yesterday. Depu- made by a former president in the summer of 1914. There waa no question about the sincerity of Wuxirow Wilson’s j intentfons of preserving American neutrality in the World! Dozier & Gay’s Quality PaiQts War which was Just then‘beginning, lie simply found it j “Are Best for tb« South" Order Your Personal And. we beg to adrlae oar many friends and customers that Chriatmis Cards aflrr this date they will rind us at oar saw location, 214 Hanford Avenue. (Nest building South) * ord In four different • resolutions j Notices went out to all members watch if they arc to avoid foreign conflicts; it ia t tog peo­ as opposing communism, and in 0f thc Advisory and Supervl**ry STANLEY-ROGERS HARDWARE CO. ple thcmaelvea. Yhe government will keep us out of this nhe for "immediate reers.lcm of (Vooraltfee of the Sanford State 214 Sanford 'Avenue wur if it is in any way |x>H*iblp to do ho. Hut the gov­ recognition of Soviet Russia by the ' Karroert* Wholesale Market' re­ ernment cannot keep I s out if the pimple demand that we united S ta tes." . ! mln-lifrg them that an im pirtant go to war. Any president and any congress would do The other four resolutions op- | meetlsg of this committee will lie S a w ratltl** la IU h i tmr II- just what Mhu govcrmenl did in 1917 if there should de­ posed the rommunlatlir youth held It the m arket office nest WatllwUia •» all ■***• aiepaitk** movement*, pledged the l.egion to i Mondly night a f ft:00 o'clock, mSIM I* II ar a *4 •Ikerwle* velop u sufficient demand for it. SPIVEY A DURRANCB IM HO la ikla *•*•' aa* al*a Ikt combat communism in all other | |>|Rpm,rth requests | full attend- saiiln >*r*tk aea al— m iiiH . Itiiim ymj'rr •rmllng »oni*thltiK Ribbons and Csrboa Paper most ridiculous to suy Unit the American people would communism, hnd declared against ancp ,f the Committees. llffrrrnt illtit t»*ttgr. >V'e Wire Factory 'Trained FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4.- 1*35 ever consider sending our young men to Africa or to Eu­ Naxi-ism. Fascism, communism or ______rope to fight stmo strange |teople that most of us never any other "isms" military to fun yy o. Helton, conservation COLEMAN’S c ® fly Underwood Typewriter Company Bible Ven n For Today hiurd of before. Hut in 1914 il was just aa incredible to damenlal principles of Democracy agent for the Stale Conservation Office Equipment Co. K. L S p in ; 15 Y ea r. J . T . D a m a n I I rk*ai iwtt • A r -_ *V *! .AN UNLIMITED HUPI’LY:— say thut wuS would anon he going over there to fight the i 111 Magnolia Ave. IS f>.>lk W .l. Sir*el (71 0 * w e F tiM ila IVm — TfPfMrllere it ye stbiiVe in me, and my Word* GernuuiH. abide in you, y* shall'ask what ye I f America is to remain neutral in any war which will, ,n d it shall b« don* unto you. may occur abroad, il is neeeasary that the people them­ — John T 6: 7. selves remain neutral. Already there is apparent a feeling iraallaa** P m r*a* Oa*l f sympathy among us for the Ethiopians because they one-half, liav hem promoted to th* Your Specification. Before he grta through will! are the underdog. This attitude is Ixjuml sooner or Inter roni|iaiiy'« «lnr* #i High Point, V r, l|* will l*nve tomorrow. ffli tike* F4»n b«f* this new potato ‘contract act Wal­ •o iiirur the hostility of the Italians. Thero is ul^r evi­ I t I plmr will In- In tro by It. 51. Black- lace W ill probably s d f r ilt h* lia s dent among large groups iff our people a more pie furnishing 'Wtiicli no numy womeh ra* talM Ix U t ki»» »Hllr»lr rttinralcl must concede to the Italians Ihe same right to conduct • Ml M l,air fcMtlk* h a ve keen InatalleU. All have. ' Chartitwr of rom rntrre officials llila m •»* m a. (lar kllekea la **mel*1*lr their lives and I heir government in whatever manner they h»v# b**n milviftrtl by the Amrri* ilm rlral Iknaikial. »• IktlSk J la la vUII please just as they concede that right to flit Ethiopians •ar new pier#. If the .recently Iimcled *lnt ran Oil Company (hat futurr road HILL machine law do*« nut rnh>e auffi or demund it for themselves. It must lie no business id map* of Florida will show th# St. cient rrvenue, peihtpa l1t» nest ours how much Mussolini rattles ids sabre, bow many John* Hivrr a* a navigable Sandwiches! Chicken! Steaks! I egUUtura should legalize high­ little Isiys are drafted into the service, and liyw much *lnam to Sanforil inMtad of only to I'alatka a* prmrnt map* indi­ way robbery and levy aUiut a cate. Thin in the necond oil com­ Liquors! Wines! Beer! three percent tax on il. '///////A >n pany which haa replied to the ref|ue»l of the trade Inxly that a Tan yeara k^o FJornU wai »n Joying the peak *f the boom. But wh) dlscuia thulf —Titusville S tar Advocate. And we'va h»»n paring for il ever »irie«.

"Yi'e uncd lo call it patronage," said Senator Pal Harrison "Now w» call It p iojects."- I urt Meyers Naws-Preia. Is that • t1ir I'iimc thlnK a« |>orl ?

The St. ret**i>tnirg Indopcn h lit Btiggral* that thr nuliot.ul anthcoi fer Jarnaicn, follow ng Hint hur ricant’ the it hi* i day, ahouW hr, **Yi*», Vir havi ..«• hanaima." The I lest Meats In Town! , - a t prices you want to pa>. Unci* m o try our m oil )ou wll l*n iw thitt it p i) * t l bu) only So often poor grades are not I lit* Im *.| While emUarguIn* munitions of the fault of the child. Before MEATS war lo Italy it might lx- *%*ll you are harsh with your child einhmgo army imilea well. GROCERIES . Mine* la *t Itcicinhvr no !«•"■ than over a bad report, bo sure the PRODUCE ll

III spit* *«f t)i* iueee-s td Ihr now famnus " (, 111111" ill rliinm sl. Ing gsnglan-l , leader■. |>iwale ex*euUrting fraud ami The tiourmand canal Jobs, nuw Dial they have unfair inactices to tin- |iroper until,ritica. M ilk m ktogr iM ^llltf I h w Try b — n |irovid*d. Pitibahly some of "I shall |iutrouue re|nitalde and legitimate them havs rrachrd the conclu­ business, demand fuir Inutnieut, but sliall not Angel's Kal Shack sion that Uncls Ham will minii ttlruse -the privilege. t a n fa r d Jk tain thorn in idlr*n»»*. Palstks "I sliall prevent the return of the xiveatxlinp ^ Vkmmw I I I * Ntws. Maybe Ihry'r* afraid *1 by refusing to buy its products ■•tttng salt water on thr brain “I shall select purchases carefully fir my oivn protection and thus cut down the ec nonne Wall Bifost stocks hit th* to­ boggan as war ntws comra from waste caused by returned go ds. EarOps. It wIM ho recalled tlial ”1 sliall plan u safe and sound |rvrsuna| mon­ Studying under poor light ofton ciu— ths same thing happened for ey mnnugemeiil prttgram. thro* days at ths first of thr "I sliall co-opcrutv witii agencies working in he»dtch*», norvoupnow Arid eyoitrain. hostilities in 1014 and then ths the consumer intercut, so tlial my own |Hiwer may The«e naturally affact a child’s grades. Block Exchange was clotsd for be effective." four months. Why stocks should Don't gfunhle with your child's future. hava g oat down when ths war was to mtan to much to bo)h ag­ Kaye the lighting in ypux home tested riculture and industry and was to bring about ilv groatssl period For Tax Collector (For Umitid Tlntt^Only) with the Sight Meter that teUs the amount of profltetring In ths history af this country Is hard to undsr* In Duval County - ALL OVER of^ight just aa a thermometer tella.tem* aland.' Hut It goyo to show huw badly w rong' l>eopls can guess. J acksonville, o«t. 4. — Nin* Croquignole, pyrature. Call our nearest office for this ------• ------opplioatlon* for tha post uf Duval Ths asto for ths cross-slats county tat collsctor were filed canal wtU h a r t to bo uppod froia w lthth* Duval County Democratic WAVES flea niUtoa to twsnty-dlvs mil* Bttcutlvs Core mitts* yatltrday, it li«a. tf th* prraoat tempo Is t* Was announced last night by J. W. orMtinuo, angincsr* on ths Job Pettyjohn, secretary uf ths com­ biro srarnod Wt.hington PWA m ute* offirlsla* Aa th* main purpose of Cfliastruoting tj>* oinal U to put Including^ Mopis to work, ths additional Shampoo, g ran t wUI 'probably bo mads w»S ** gM fhl* la very short- order. A p t congressional aathoriaatloa OT th * prgjeut Waa to bo' required /

— p ------M w m ' W?! — ' ■ “ TOUT-MW+*'jW *. • *a ’ t— j 5 *C K . • , » l \ s — U t i S i —— ; ____ :____ — "v", f.y ------WH? 5; i f * ^ w v* ' * l v y r • j j p ; ' V * y « IT, OCTOBER 4. 1935 THE SANFORD HERALD, SANFORD, FLORIDA PAtJE TTIREL ■ w non* D rag*. Mrs two V. B u r­ Mrs. Caswell Hostess,'1" K K iioo.hoider, Mr.. AT MIL VNE TONIGHT d e t t e , Mra. t;u« bovejoy, m B1 n . . - I George A. De< ottr*. Mra. II. M. Mra. Carrie G Hawke, Mre. C. A. T o H e r Bridge ( IllO j Pnpwnrth. Mr*, n. L. Thrasher, \cial AndPersonal Activities Yancey, Mrs. Cherle. F Marshall. i Mr*. It A. Newrmsn, and Mr». G. 2 ABET PETERS, Society Editor PHONE 148 Mr*. O. II. Stenstrom, Mr*. I. E. Airs. 11 It. t asnell . liteituin. l ! P Bishop. Eetrtdge, Mr*. G S Selman, Mr* w ith ■ hriilg- |uirl^ riuit- :»\ n l: J. E. Pagr, Mrs \\ )|. Hand. rrtioon nf hei honn ' • o i l .M i u : i m !:|1 Seminole High P-T A Mr*. L. A. I’alnin. Mr*. J. B. Fields, Mra. It. G M.thvin, Mra A vrnur in hon-*i .• f t h . * < t i -I m t - ial Calendar H e a r s Talk By McKay erson a l M. R. Nelson. Mr- It F. Mc­ of thr M erry (#•» R ' «■'.'* dll.I Committees for the year were Jack Aycock ha« gonr to Tails- W horter. Mra. W II Harkey, j i fru oHir g i- •( ^ • *•'* a n -1 Mra R. O. Hawkins. Mr*. O. E. appointed ar the fir»t merlin* of hassrr where he has accepted a h tm N i»f ui.lt lgt>hi I I i -on', u m l To-Night MONDAY Rollins, Mr*. H N N i>p*r, Mrs tU Nam bar One' of the First the season of Seminole lli*h position plumh*utt mint in J . B. O vialt, Mr« i < Cox, Mrs 1 t'.. pasty lodlaC Church will meet at School P.-T. A. held Tuesday in r o o m * . Mr* I M. Galloway is plan- | H. B. Odham, Mra n c Gibbs. P. M. with Mra. C. A. I’onJar, the study hall at the school. A fra- Mrs. R. T. Warren, Mrs. George H ig h !teoir |»ri*- •n hath mat. tuts of the meeting «a, the ad­ fling to lesv,. tomorrow for New Street W. Huff, Alls. Porothv Mamha'I, dress, "School Education." by Pro­ York it Ty to aprn-l h short time. went !»» >lia Ro\ M • • r m nl eut rclt Number One of the Flrit and Kent Rossettrr. Jr prize, a re.I ht»nh* i i i Ii, u a - pif- hodlst Church will meet at fessor G. E. McKay. Mm r-r- I redn*d Z«*rr*»niirr /r rronnel l«*ft to- SCREENO Mr. McKay brought out the fact «ti««, a-- Methodiit Church will meet high school while in 1935 over f>0 i per of the Ket»ekah l.orige aak slated by Jilt- .lo-eph \ Mriaih, :30 P. M. with Mr*. 1*1* L** percent are in school and that in Miss St* phani* Ambrose of »f^TX'BICTURE R(------THAT Will postponed because of the illne-« j M r s . U r II II. M l- Wallace \\ le, 1900 Magnolia Av*nu*. the ' same —* early------period'* ‘ **■ there------was Jacksonville is the- guest of her ROCK THE FOUNDATION _ of Mra. Victor Green. Mrs. Green MYrigh.. and Mi- I t linyh*. % . 4 ire|e Number Four of the First a choice of only nine subjects as grandmother. Mis. II. I.. Griffin, •tated this morning that the EVERY AMERICAN HOME i Others pti-cnl h p m ’ M i *. R o y thodiet Church will meet 3:30 contrasted with 48 subjects at the 400 Myrtle Avenue, meeting was railed off because of Holler. 'I?- John I (iallowav, M. at th# church annex. present time. the illnraa of other m cm hcia not Mr. and M i* K. F. W aterman i Mr* R I I'ffndi and M i a I t F . TOGETHER. Ird* Number 8lx of the Firat Mr*. F . E. ttoumillat preside'1 because she was sick. j ■ nil tUiiirhlrni hive moved to Tu*- , W hitner. . 11 Lhodlst Church srB - meet at over the meeting which was the WE UVE lahaa-ee where thd> will make [) P. M. with Mise Alice McKlm, largest erer held at the school w ith their future home. | William Itakewell ami Jthell* l.ive" .NRGNO DNI\KH IIKI.O West Eigbtaenth Street. the eiception of the Foumk-r'a Pay I ' ® ?lrcl* Number Five of th* Firet the Milane tonight M IAM I. Oct 4 — (AP)— A cor­ Mrs. A. P. Connelly meeting last year. It was decided Mrs. Norma S PeFurest h a d ______Itrturn Kngngrment thodiet Church will meet at oner's Jury found the negligence of thaf the nest meeting be held on as her gurs'.s for luncheon today Knlprtains At Bridge H e m .Stafford. k» 4. West Palm O P. M. at the home of Mr*, the first Thursday in November at The M ayfair, Mrs It. A. New- tian Endeavor of the Pongreg*. rle Jeter, 119 West Sixteenth at 8:30 o’clock in the morning. Baptist Alathcans Beach negro, contributed t»» the • . ... €ln m*n- Mrs E M Galloway, and tmnal Church were hostesses at a no inl’t r i l . . IhipRcale i ia m w n w i MMianaM -ret, wlh Mra. Jeter and Mr* , It was announced that a at- Mrs w r Hutchison. automobile collision here la-t •Mi i tilt w itlv a ' It. Daggett a* hoteasee parly given Tfftir-day iftiTHOiin Hold Regular Meet Tuesday in which Julia Robert, -it. I tendance prixe will be awarded to I»h11' »’ • t hui -.lay aft ? w a a fatally inju red. fTliw Paugww™ « " * “**r |the clasa having Ute largest nunt : Mr Mr„ J F Italian) M i l l In P *r,*h bm»*r in tumor of W i t h M r a . 1*. r .lar-hall. M r-, M' V •' » flint lly at th* jH xt Method 1st 1 hurcM ber of mothers present at this h,Vr „ g u fu l, for *|u. of Mrx. Vernsrtl Sh eafri who wa- •»• «n i hi M , .•!•« \ A par t- ill |l thiham. M i• O C. Gibba. I hatW i reguUr bu|Ine.a and Letter* of appro- week end. Mr. Vera llan-ell of Mi** Melba Lutulqui-’. beforr her • | * • » Wt'l r ktfL> and M i- f t*. I in a» hoateaaaa, Ial meeting *t B:00 I . • • f cj*tion were real from the Srn- ()rUn, «liHirinan. .Mra >t o d ul cr»nteala I'layt tl W. B Zachry, vice-president: Atr* was follow••il h> w nodal hour his word not to forsake thr as ii hei #• 1 f*nr+ la U I'M* * ’TAcMIIAME ftirrle Number One of the J R Adams, secretary; M-s I •I i Hill—. Mi M h Oiihatn, .Mia Mill! a pi tit* u an gum to Mia trmbling of ourselves togr her to b y terien Auxiliary, Mrs. S- when Mias Dorothy Mar-hall ren­ M. l^-inhart. treasjirer; and Mrs R N North. Mia J Wait a, II. Ill \ W Hlr. J l At a late houi H At GOODWIN. ■ Andrews, chairman, will meet l • -i nf \\ • t M i. i y R. L Cornell, historian. Coa«-i g , mm Roasettei, Ji gave -evetal toad- C. F Craw ey, 1010 Sanford . , * M. K«'n "mamimy" l*r■ f t • whnirlil .byterUn Auxiliary. Mrs. » M M r' " " (go«lseh. i ,,r ...... m o th e r*, titira of nntna- ami ntangolda.i liwtn, chairman, will mre, at W'wMwy. M'* R. E. Hernd- n. lilt* lollt'Vt ]||i d M i- \ . rUNI •( w I H Ml I Mrs Fieri R Wil W«*re U •I in dti'iuate thr annex Shea fri. holtiti gu* ^1 Mi • (I I P. Jd. at th. home of Mr. » " " T. -on. .1 set Ml..til, rw Mr- \\ J t . r t h e «< a-ton Ilarrold, 214 Park Avenue. J^kson. Mr. N II Garner and Mi * •*h i up# mi af.J Mr- J L Ingle) . /sill ttwer. Mi - J H Ro T h o a i pieaept weie Mra R O ’1 , Mra. Ilarrold and Alts ' ,r * 1 E " ■ ‘ •on; hospitality, M el iw elhe t. C. Bennett', chairman. All- S .ph.ono , . niothi r-. Mis \ ^ Ihilly Mra 1 ,l..lIII! M i- M i- R f P ru rifo y , tig as hostesses. i Air* J M r a I I I I I,. A Palmer, At is George \V Ko--et*« i mnt Mr- J II I * >ilia«-k; J R .l«»nr-. M i- I. i 1 ii-mi. Slaughter, Mr- irclv Number Three ot, the i harlea It ('ole am i (laughter. Dot Huff. Mrs Frank Adams Mr* II h re*iiman mother-. Mi- |* \ N »4'k**l M. - i1*. *-t sbyTcrian Auxiliary, Mrs. Mr- llrnrx • t h y . M » - If. Slaughter, Airs I) I. MrWhoi U lul« hur»t and Mr- J p | lMir J W hay Mrs Wl- rge Knight, chairman. »tll Mini *»t 4IM, M i­» Henry \Nlife,. J« . III ‘ ter, Air. St Clair White. Mis C mi rnl. publicity Mi- M M ' tii tk fs deslqned for the.THRIFTY/ rt at 3:30 P. At. with Mr* E. M.- ll I'owt•t- , M i­ i R Mn O. Adams, Mt*. Pearl llansrll, . hai man M i - .1 « M it, h. Brownlee, 000 Palm etto Avp- —iiii. Mm A ll Lull'11 * 1ti i•*. M. I Air* Have Bnniske, Mr* Floyd A Mia.- Ruth llan.I Mu. S h r« frr, M i- ( y III! 11(41 , thf Palm er. Airs W II Itrilr. ami Newest Fabrics In Hcautiful Fall Colors! ircle Number Four of Mt- J F Ma Haiti Mia Gl*411 gl- Phildrens Colds sbyterlan Auxiliary, Mr*. Mr’ M s Wlggln*. llahe . M i- \N J Me Mill!• II, Mra Yield quicker to try Purdaw. chairman Program. Mr* George W Hr- y i alt k Hauer , siul till* it U4t'1 doubla action of Helen Wittr. N'irginut I umlt|ui * a Stunning Novell* A it mUt Mr*- Harry iivorvn, Dory, chairman. At'*’ G C r.^h Is (iuest Ol Honor 4 h l - p a u n Atranue ran. Air*. J . B. Cnghurn, Mi«s Cltf ^1«t 1 an I umh|ulat, Iva Nei--e, v>; 'ford Shinhnlser, and Alls. Jane h mm V IS IS ft llrcl# Number Five of the Tin Indie-' hi «ri|l-)up ( lele, Maijoiie H II I. Thi re-a ( Iminp- louder*; finance. Mrs A M Phil the I' f'L'Ij, (dull. Mill the < hill Itn. Mini A Robin-.Ill S tA lN IIS S now il >ou prrli Cottons ibytertan AuxUiary. Mis ip*, chairman. Air* Geo-ye llahe. id T. Williams, CMlrman, will DranJ Net* for Autumn) Mr* Henry Richter. At rt Jno rt at 10:00 A. M. at th. Ig-** Airs. A. D. Sm ith to make M rl.ch. Mra R A C'amrrim. Mra ON DISPLAY pilal bandages. Luncheon — J M Mayra. Mra \V A f.rfflrr, served at noon. Mr* R F. Monaalvatgr. Mra F AT A11 BUICK SHOWROOMS y a rd tircle Number^tx of the Pres S I.amaon, anil'Mra \V I. ('ublir*tiona. Mra. W R fiyaon, 1 rill meet at * f bairman, Mra. J O AV\ama. Mra Mrdruff. chairman, Ready with ynur new'Kali 10 P. M. with Sri. C. E. Kaw- | W IV Chapman. Mra C* K lln u k r. i. 24M) Altllonvllle Avenue. I Mr« W. R I'amplH’ll, Mra J |. clulhf.tT You'll he I'tiyrr to ’he Womau's Missionary Ro­ I Chapman, Mra C F Kranan. M m plttn them oiuf \ ou luv those ly of the Firet Chrieltan Church Harry W att. Mia S J Nix. an.I « 'Killy (Ini.slml p r i n t s . meet at 3:00 P. M at thr Mra lltn ry Thuratnn rch. i* W»*lfarr. I'rnfraanr (J F M« 1 >t tnt<-z«na of 7:30 P. At with Mr*. Stella Ar- J. A Iakach, chairman. Mr* R smart paUi'rn* ' They're all ton, 801 Magnail* Avenue. | I ighi. Medium, Dark fant-to-w hkIiiiik — they're be Woman's Miaaionary Socle- •4 INCH ALL WOOL of the hlrlt Baptist Church , • « . all 36 tin In.* wide. obeerte a Weak « f prayer for ! e mission*, with an all-da/ ' ONE LOOK AT THESE PHEN0MENAL FOURi.sYOULL SAY Nut i-ll \ I nil'll Silk F la n n e l itlng • at Die church. Mrs. t ght and Mt>. Pee I mas will be ___as Flat CREPES Yd. SPAT OmmIi/i)//) UytJI )9 InJ plaa* of tha First will have Us Ktrr tto popular for atraet and (octal meet- yard at th* home of 1 6 9 c frockit — sjKtrl skirts I la. West Firat Our Wav es Smart Autum shades that'll | pippin and Mra. j flmart for I>Ioum -« Jft M t t a —ah a dull, sod shoos ir r n * . W id. — 1 / 1 up power of iu big thrifty valve-in- F»g| relar. Ilwas ( 1 r d l I m il M l-lfifl Y f f i • % /» laahaa. -W ».#»lrd m Im these arH A J v U# la m a . W ill 1 U a head eidht-cylindcr endian each safe, FI«f T Of TNI V 1 1 IMgKIrriwa. Ideal ^ ■ Iralg, and S ltlls . UOSOllr SOI- w a ll. eiNSSA!/Ms MOTOSI c Ml f o r F a ll f rsae-k a. . SANFORD BUICK CO. 205 Magnolia ie 367 - a r W

_____J d j t L s i Be * . . i:f,. ~ r ~ r ,v. • u * .i 'J - , ■

THE SANFORD HEnAT.n, SANFORD. FLORIDA PAGE FTVR SING BBS TO MEET ' >mt)Ay. OCTOBER 4, IMS Ia i sacrificed Jurgn to second, ('lift. it* OivciC No i«tn*. ro* the gAiyrfanHgmtP, wawfoto, florid* n tnann went out, Clifton to Oaen, Dlx'c of the Morgan Mnc w m PALATKA. *OrtT 4.—Th* St. I IN T H INNING pitcher to fim|. Hsian aiifflr-t t« hll*# itu t ion*. Two run*, three hlta, no error* «upi«apyv for iimpar are Johns Hirer Singing Contention U ctipplet) by the water she had and protection to th# under/round no hidden. thon lb* tax sale cer­ snd tksrsnftsr purchase or re­ • iirhi. m *" mu Jurors, wish (inlnn I It'hlh Ifining of Commerce tacitly or otherwise lit, units In th* sUts, for to moot Sunday at the Pomona | shipped and the steering gear waa demption of tax certificate* *r* irom^ it* « on talnty aa to the extent of ca> ca- private rmbl to help fltiance il« iiinp. ft*ui |p:«, no errota. of the conetructlon of the cjpst- ed States snd i copy sent to each ICwatfaae* gras Pag* Owl Diamond MennUaf And f a g w f t Center Cuts #m«naC ernors on July Oth last, committed i,te net-level canal hat all outstanding H U l* .and County Coates of Lake Wale*. ualties that were c when threatenr.l conquest of Ethiopia i l.ii iuo I md- rum w m the become of our Senators and mtmbsrv of In le-eir, HAM lb...... CO Utalian bombers, hea ha, met with complete failure. first halt v to fare Sehnolltoy a state-wide uritter of th# National House of Representa­ tana*. Dr. Htephrn J. Ilurlch of In- rillsbury’a XXXX ewAC son-in-law rf II Di Is who came in t«» replace l|og* , and tives, to Gen. E. M. Markha.it, Tax sale cartlficaU s draw i* (k|napolis was on the program for Repreren’.atives of a New \«..k Truck Ai»ti n o D t w i n n n w death from the iky on Aduwa rett I (vti!>tiont flic i out to («»»• t Chief of Engineers, anil to the two addresses during the after­ All of thoae **ra bar, Flour 6 ibs,.... banking hnus.- have notified tin- W H ER EA S, There exlat* In th# trrest at the rgU of IK pcrcelt yesterday. Th# report that 17oo Im Ilaitm-tt fIifd out to center, f Federal Emergency Administra­ noon, these to be followed by a thoroughly r»condltlon»t SNOW’S P r oils, c LARD 2 lbs... dren and Red Crpaa nurses, had tut*, no errota. nor Shells. gates will be banquetted in th* ho­ PROCTOR CO on the possibility of oh wining sev­ lly of a salt contamination of trjr thrrrafter until purchased or n- PRODUCTS No. 2 tel at 7:30 o'clock this evening, PITTSBURGH eral millions of il.llsr,* wo-th of Ninth Innlnc underground water rreervolra l> deeptad. Glass— Picture Frmmlnr CHEVROLET C< Medium Green ^ g" C private credit In this country. Metroit I'lifton •tiiirk out. 'the construction hf a sc*-liv'd and convention Misiona are to be County Tax Sale After the taa s a l, la held the iT#»umed at 0:00 o'clock tomorrow- Ml Mag. Ara PI**** Aspragus can I 9 The bankers notified the Italian {• \\> went out, Ihirtl tt* first. Insure Future jd-rss-state canal, and I\ hits* sttusk out No i'j i o , n»* hn>. Tax Collector closes - his ro*s. mornlag- • Salad (fit 15c) A f * C government thry were not inter I WHEREAS. The agricultural In­ Is Scheduled For esteci, in grnntmg credit to Italy. Satisfaction! J “ ■ .N’atinnll> we . nit give you lower prices if you terests of Seminole Countv at# Dressing qts. CO Italy is barred by the Johnson fell' l our feed an I pay cash ! —order equipment from depeniWnt upon then great natural Monday, October 7 Act from floating any go.rrnntrn the mnn.who Uv'cs resource which is used principal­ SPECIAL SALE OF FAMOUS b W n l b . .. 1 9 C tal bond issu e, in thi-- country U III II Full" til || \|i IN MONDAY'S IIlilt \I II ly In' Irrigation of ou- farm and (r«BtlMf4 Vrum I'm i Orb) ■ mount of intrrent thry n ir will That art close! American money jfruit produota, and end will continue to Ing to Accept. If thrrr in Solicit* Your m utkrU to the g >ver»inirnts o f, Rad Hens lb. C l debt-defaulting nations. Italy is Live i WHEREAS, The farmers cittui HEINZ VARIETIES .Fiat tender ^ A i C GoMoline, Oil, Tuxedo Feed & Supply Co In Sunfonl lend vegetable grower#, Ilf our 5 7 iFryers lb. c 4 And Greasing, Arcade 11 big 'county are gravely concerned ov- I)R. HENJI& IluHineaa ELKITHOI.I X rr the possible eontaminsti-in of Maxwell liu s c r t f f C CLEAN I'JI i ll Is fresh water supply with I' n- McLAULIN Coffee lb...... A* I’rnmpt Service |s*)ftlng In devastation. AM Air l-srtf/rr g S a tu lid a u f P I t I M I Eelb~k meal and gril* fresh NOW, THEREFORE, UK IT Op'omatrlnt BEANS 2 large cans 25c at all time*, 10c, I he and "Jo ROY BRITT’S RESOLVED THAT The Seminole Ryea Examined l.nnd O' Hunahlne pkga. F resh vegetaldes and 8. O.-Shlnholser, Jr. fruit all time at lowest prifr*. Gulf Station I'tnnr IM I County Chamber of Commerce In Clausen Correctly Fitted f t r ■ F rtf llnmr llraeaw ra«4 m IU ■ 'meeting, duly assembled, reaped- HOME OWNED AND OP­ Sanford und 15th j 112 Park Ave. ERATED. SchooL taxes paid fully request that every safeguard Tomato Juice 2 cans FLOUR to d at*. GEORGIA YAMS S Lbs. Fancy Florida Beef FILLSBURY & GOIJ) MEDAL 6 Po unda CA^IF. LElTl’CE 2 For m :i:r i *i »t Mr tin tarsi f»r |anr table— Llhhr A thnsIM 17c WOODBURY’S 3 Cake* 25c MII.K 3 tall can* GRANDMOTHER'S Iona—With Tomato Same SOUPS 2 cans VK1.VO COFFEE lb. Kivy a ad C)r*«| '**•1 llrllrlwm* I.M'> Sl-O^ l«>*l Xlllf ROAST lb. 1 0 c STRINGLExSaS BEANS 2 Lbs. • Ml > Mil «'|.| || Quality F oods Hit AN FLAKES pkg UOic PICKLES Jar ...... 15c BEANS 3 Iba...... And So Reasonable! ! k r n r I hrm f*»r arbawl !■« - %m. 1 UrntfCi ei.il llw War. Grnpe-Nut l-'lftkeH I2lic EXTRACTS 3 for ...... 25c P A G SOAP 3 for Snow White LAI'Ll FLOWER Lb : "You know, dear. II pays slwty, to buy uimkI CATSUP large bottle 21c I k \n I .IrK# t foods. At (Michel's I can fowl anything I »ant Green Stripe Ginger Be BottJ# STEAK lb. 12Jc and the prlf* Is always jusl as low or b-wi-r Mi l l — |«l Ml* Mil 29 or. (OBBLER POTATOES 111 Lbs. than anywhere else." Pullman Bottles RICE FLAKES 2 pkgs. 23c A LE or CLUB SODA 3 Loaf PARROTS 2 largo bundles for Shoulder Roast lb. 1 2 k AGAIN! THAT AMAZING SUPER - SPECIAL Phillips* 16 N. Y. STATE ( KLERY Stalk Freshly Hoarded (ioldon Ripo BANANAS o Lbs. Rich A Full Hodied GREEN (\\BBALK 2 Lbs.

CRISP SODA or GRAHAM .. MAlU*BCUTlttn-» ugaeiffl air* Applu Hajuh Sanford’s Garden Spot # SAUCE3 No. 2 cans Salad Dressintf l:n a Yellow Cling fasri*-**•*■! br-rnh *«llbM l Peaches No. 2Va can Grapcfruil Juh?c The New Pack 2 Car RED SALMON can . I rrllflrtl Tmllrl M ' ^ G r e e n St W h ite Sultana Hi-okt-ii Sliced PAPER 5 rrlla OYSTERS 5 Or...... 'Independent - Home Oumcd and O perated Itlrk'a llnrdmatrr >•>*•• r*i»w Lima Beans No. 2 can Pineapple No. 2*/2 ean SOAP 3 cakea PEAS 2 can* ...... - Kafir J.S* ilsaSar* Le-Ko Arniuur a SNOW Pkg...... PEA S 3 No. 2 can* . Blackberries No. 2 can I him 11 alM Jetetla 4iw »a-eunll" ('orned Beef can \ ini t Jw n Mai liiii«s I/arge Juicy California Igirge Juicy California r a n HKLOX .1 pkKH. JB I.L 8 pkga. ------Cold Stream Pink Kiln'd liacoii lb. .Ik !<>*«• Tomalo dirt* hoi** JUICE 2 can* MATCHES 3 for — Salmon tail t an Ul*d O' iNRlURf tlM V h s IM S CRACKERS 2-lb. pkff. 40fi Sanford Ave LEMONS-1 5 c MAYONNAISE pint U 4 I H «»# ToKay Grapes lb. 10c VACUUM PACKED COFFEE T o m a to e s 2 fo r H e Cocktail _ 2 f o r FIRM YELLOW ; - n. s. No. 1 4 MEAT DEPT MEALS 4 lbs. 9 c Potatoes 10 Ibn. 1IS* 21SI Sanford ,\v«. “ ,-,,"imi —— RICE 4 lb. pkg. BUTTER lb.29c ONIONS GltAPES 3 lbs. 20C Va. Green Trimmed 4 I.,, 13° No. 2 Cans Ga.’s Finest 1 Lb. Ovgl .Cana KoUnd Steak Uj, M E A L 4 lb. pkg. 9 c C O R N cans 2 for Blackberries 3 for . Sardines 3 for Cabbage lb. 2 CABBAGE lb. 2 ^ | ..... * *- Pot Roast lb, ; Lirge a COFFEE lb. I S No. 2 Cans Musaeln»n’» S u g a r 5 l b . pkg. Pan Cake F l o u r 2 pkgs. YEAST lb, Apple Butter 2 for \ Lettuce - 2 for 15 2 6 c Georgia Tomatoes 2 lbs Apple Sauce 3 for . rr*»| IlniH Avalon lYt-pnrwl Flakes 2 pkgs. 15 c YAMS Apricota No. 2Va oa Grapes 3 lbs. I Funcy Wi-sit-rii COFFEE lb. 2 5 Mustard Q t Jar m Chuck Roust Ui. 1 la It br t l.lrl Itt Oa. llaklRg G^den Age Noodle*, u?S. No. 1 York A Marlboro Fresh Ground Powder 2 for \ *PLES 5 lbs, * 1 9 7c Potted Meat 3 cans HaiqbiUtfcr lb. 1 . My-Lady HelMtlsInif Tomatoes 2 cam IJc Macaroni 3 pkgs. 1 A - - * • # — - Aw. 2S II11 ra 1 1*aslil r. YORK i MPEIUAI. taclan '« lh. package# Peaches for c DIGESTIBLE SHORTENING BfabagiiH lb. t 2 25 1 R Dried Ree^ 2 for

Smipttivu 2u 02. p » Sauer Kraut Kisi PEAS can | Oc Pqpyakp Flour • Mian Mara r**al. Kpagkrlll a M elf* V Apple 8«ucc Rajah Maple Flavored m Noodles 3 pkgs. ] l i S.U 4 LARGE LETTUCE 2for 15c t Drawing qt*... Beat Native Check 'ft Club 8YWBP qt. !5L T.fcl.t I’m m ilk « aia.llr* J I'J i-\t ko. J • a i Tail r u k MEAT A & Plfey SifieJ a S n ow d rift <> lo. can Marshmallows f j c Salmon 2 for CALIF, CARROTS 2tori5c Peas No, 2 can 1 l.k. Fkg ^ *M,> *f V ,a 4 rr Department I 19 Itenl F immIb K n T a w l L .... lie (No. 1. < #u 15c) Water (.round Sllr^ BrM Uul N l ICO A timd JUICY LEMONS doz. 15c White Houae Eva|>oratcd tM Peanut Butter Dog Food lb. e*n....„... 6e RINA FLAKES 2 for 17c Tail Cm MILK 5 small cans • |S t MacKerel 3 . can*...... 25c HARD CABBAGE lb. 3c I l « ^ s i 4 PORK & BEANS 2 for Um»#d Poef 2 q*n*. 37c K nesiro T E A ^ lk M c lb. 4S « Me. II read % t*«l CRACKERS ib YlSLLOW f r e w f e jd , Bread & Butter Pickles TtmU 8 roll*— — Western' BACK tyONES Lb. Spaghetti Rump or Shoulder BEEF ROAST Lb. fleets 2 No.^cans 155. *>z* ^ 15 CUT BEETS can Soul lila ml CRACKERS 8oz. 1 4 c Cans C 1‘icifk Hand * td NOODLES Soap 16 oz. can 1 PILLSBURY 12 lb. sack h oa. Can Ac t He 4 mm I phvll Wolku ’a Austex Hot A gC TOMATO SAUCE r DEL MONTE Tamales 10 oz. can 1 0 TOMATO JUICE BLACKBERRIES Pari. BlueVoz.'pky. r . * (|t. Jar hun.hlnr Coffee lb. 25 w r Pa'ad Dresalng A 4 P ElXMbSXQiiES PAGE SIX THE SANFORD HERALD, SANFORD, FLORIDA w ro A T ,

Florid* AHlroiKVick* School and trustee »«•*. personally appeared It L ORAM, who, havlnc N ti duly the Miami Military Academy, on ' ■IMI ewers acrwrdlng to Isw. #i»o>M th« ground that the property’ is Mill. |M M U that he la tha editor of .«_ _ Tha Hanford llarald, ant that tha owned for profit. Indirectly con­ ■US, B f 0||OW|e * la. to the beat e f his cerned in the rase ara about 300 chair- knowledge and belief. a true state. . went of tha ownership, • fnahage* other private schools, with prop* ,on- ment tanc If a dalle paper, the elr- erty estimated to be worth $1B,- mlatlonI. ate., of the aforeaald ir**«l*awt era-* P»te «a«) ------publication for the date ahown in 000,000. the shore raptlon. required hr tha water out of the middle of this Art of Auiciiat ll. 1»|2. embodied •circle of -alt water wells.** LEGAL NOTICE ____ In -action 111. Toetal l a v a and COCOA, Or*.. 1 - < orr.a ram', in- .h o ■ %M» llrpulatlona. printed on the rararaa Ilr stated *hat it is entirely Missing Court Clerk I to th* ninth inn n, hrr* )r*tcrriajr rt.oit- ,,f f°rm- to.wit: reasonable that ,*nre?ty soon we’ll 1 That the nimei and aCdfeasaa trailing thr IK-I.irvl located In San Diego . . . iiV»’ . . . . ia . . n ... u. I tri:« L',.11 t I Iff. «e«n, Baa ford. • dry and in it* flare well have b o : they w»in tt*# ean. Hanford, Fla. the fViPist Hti *•) la f-ndant* Mu*tf*e»* W*n-«rer: W. tJordon croufa out there. I^itx taking -rr He appeared more concern? I It rtiN ri HMCATIO* l»ean. Hanford. Fla. ssnt seiH-». 2 I. in a ond on the ptay la*itl went o1 with «hi- possibility than the on- ITK O FFI/lRIhA TO; ? That ihr owner la i|f owned wh’nd „f M~-khnl4»r, own- armlk* and twrt hit-. Baker struck nut Sloan but I'or- That here i* a tremsndoua ** ' * • llr.I»FOIlP,. 'de• |n(r nr holiMnK one percent Of mole ter. who hatted for Fisher, hit o wgat* of artesian water In th* Lefty Jake |taker, f«»r Coet»a. r . "* ^ o f to tal am ount of atock. If t*M (•Ira-on at »h«rt who let th* Sanford district alone is generally od AVnRKtk u-Vi'D.y^' owned In a corporation, the aatn*« a rv l CJmc F» I 1 ^ ""/ • !£•*!* and addreeeea of the Individual • r t lefthander. rrt,.,nt|rr through hla legs an I acknowledger) by rno«| growers. JOSE. I 11 I! n i* ow n er* m u -t be given I f owned hy p i l r V t l t*eau ♦•an , but k i-he- i^tti -cored. Culp struck out t* T)ir volume of water pump-d hu*hand. klAI. H(»Altl»- m fjrm# company, or oilier unlncor- "* l*o rated ronrern. It* name and ad. Wan w»th«l»aw«i n favo r o f I*o» leave kfoselev a:ran i««l on seen mi. w m the earth «tjring three “S, ,t. rl..M" — M. i , ^ Ihr ,.lur,n„,. offrrill 1 nd . K. W A l.h l.l t . n — w ell aa thoae o f each a* in the ffrh'h Th* Indians pecke*I af Fish*r MAlt«IAFtKT 'VAI.KKR. Individual member, must be given.) ter n • »rb » month* of thr yrar at 10 celery • f « * r * ...... ,r*' " tint in .ny w.y 'm-li, J K W Al.kMl. Jll.. aa ii |. |»*an. Hanford. Pla and iVttrf * re* o pitch the Throughout the game getting hi** wash hourea on the Fast and Weal month fnllnwinc . !«•"« hut, m.n.d arc .imply 'rt.uur. ator of the Fatale of J \V «: liean. Hanford PI*. righ'.h at* I tt" I "" ng* for !><■ in the fir*?, second, fourth, KKH. dxieased. HOllCItT N i» |t*.nn. Hanford. Fla. Side ia far in esreas of the aver­ m.nt in Tiitkrv. i« l.,«:n-ir; to m rc' •* ‘wortl. of a rnmfnrtlni; tTK *1F Fl^llllDA Tt» it |i Vl-rs, Melbourne, Fla. L a n d and -evrnth inning*, hut age of 20.000.000 gallon* con- irra.p Ihr fun'lamnntal. 11! mir naturr.' H. Jll. a minor. nnmar. h.|» Hiller Iteally lo . kllaml. Baker »a n* I * l-*»t and al rnri»F.itirK i i a w k r ia p.'nch necessary to -corr wa« lac!. •*ume«l in the city each month. aituatlon. , "A* • matter of fart, rol I 4n . nlnnr. unmarried; JAMKH » IL.i... tVan. Miami. Fla. lowed t*nl> aati*- ' • »r/l*, a S-H.piu in r ll wa« learned today that a aur* ( “Hi, .tat.m'tit iriet. f -tartrd p'.lrhtr.g for the v+y rrvfde Iasi year revealed that . Confirmation .u »he rreat al nti am ..' air ,Uongly ramini.cent nf fikf>fi tn »b.- tI i •• n • **t* nn; I tl*« Re*l« in the eighth and *rt lh»- the flow o|if sr‘r«il*i water pumped now frit here, t Ovieilfi. I'aii'rt- h. 'aviranre.' reported recently elgh’h. -h*- *•*. Ilr |« »ctnr< Ind an* down in order llowerr-, froil, |Sr r pr*. to. Bradenton. Sara**»ta. *Vin e* to havr letn ftiven In government the jr l»*nr i *in II || ||..urMn-. Mstbwurae., ria- in th. ninth, hn |n«t mntrnl ,rl lla c k n e ., «va* nl***u 2H.f»yKN) iy+r on the Fast C»»a-t * here the ;n o about 10:00 o'clock in the mom- Convention In Ocala „,o,„.«e,.. and olh.r a-urttl lb-da* second •he first two men to face h.m hour. duction of wint *r crops .'-f1**ti * inir ..f the diy when nil hour* I*. ,,„Mer. owning n> h-Mlag I # • • iffir.g -in m il or mote »f «”t»l amnant » Ta’er Sndth sinubd i«* -cor/ Op.*ra*ing oxer a period of ap-ienf upon arte«ian w.ll* **.pi ) ter the de.tnirtive hinrran. |,~ OCAf.A. Oct. 4 (AF) -K i- to.iota. i w i n a . M or o th .r w o r t K»n to wreak ita havoc there." lie. are tit there ara non^ t> ^•lab) from M'-oml. HacVnev tak provimately th re n.or.ths, and ra­ hy underground *t r»m» wsnian* from every stc.’ion nf the Mi Witmer. long actively en Stale) ng second on the hit Bed N'o> Itimating an avrrag- day's opera- | "T h eae i l m r • uir« ea a l-o « •*». • ta te w ill g a th e r here O ct 13, fo r Jean It At liter. Miami. Kla. gaged in relery produc ion. i* on-- *"•'1. whw ha- a great rrrnn! f *- | *m« at 10 h.»*ir*. It is entire'y ply #on»ethlne mop than oil cr • « the rh ee-'kiv *e**iona of their an­ <• I' l^vlnlre ll,.,ion. Mo m of *ev.tal iiirmber* of the water 1 Thai the I wo raja;right I ng ng -n run*, wa* nest up an I |M>--t)»lr that this one wa*h house and town* in rentrsl and ■••iiim nual convention. nImh * glvins the ®in»a af th' ron.ervatioii roniniittee who i' -I.oekhnlder*. and awenrltj • ingle»l o i••literfield, Hack|v;.* migh use nearly .1,000,000 H onda with the water tip ».» wV'-*i Harper (iatton of Madiannville, held at po*,e*«ng uni «ual i|ualifi holder- If an). contain not *»a»l fining »cr«*s- for thr winning gallon- of underground wa'er Ky., international president of the their population* depend ra tio n . thr it• t ..f -lockholdera anrf sfcurl tun 7 hrtr were nr» utile hen th* ,* • tl v or aa much in one week as. t> hoMrr* -• they appear •|uii th< -When w.-nrlu*, «hr lh..„,n . . . CI.(tu.t. o1 organization, will hr «*ne nf th- ...... • th* rtunpanv hot atao. u •cored of firm »rll. .nut.) of «1> • ■ ihu-rf. In.ttltit. of T.rhnolo,, Mponkem. A b o included w ill la- K a ­ ,-i.ro - iihfr tli* * lock holder or a# im f aga n Sun • w rit* f.nldet appeara upt*l» tbi • h» drawing W»lr fioni Ihr n ,.,' n a. an rnifinr.r. ami in ...... I...... f th* company aa Irustfi lb« third rani** 11mo,ton. formation. t • a|,|ii»iimalrly wvrn yrar« of ..rv ..r In any ..th*r fidurlsiT ralstln«i When SluKKiMhngHM (■U.Hfrt Ihp rtMTi' •»( tii* pAFaon or cor|H iH that thi. pro|».o whirh ha. ari.rn th * f.t in ha. h.rn rny iKril in iniportan • mhrai-lnic affiant*- full kaowlu «' The g™wt that lll*rk-l»r»ught • •...h i , n « r W « . '• 'it. hi.lory. for »ith...n >.ai>r «r '"»irOTIin, projrrt. in Crntr. ntid l..l»rf *- to the rlrrwtnslan*** ih *■. in Ihr rehef i*f cnn.Upgtlon J'nI i.. mml i ondlt ion- under which Stock ..I, .Irvrtni, f ll r. AmWIr. r.nkr- |t tine tif the moat p* pullf ,.t..tt .trbMUti'" l.r.M fiw n rot -reurlty hnldara w »•- Hh not -pi***? upon th* hook* •• laxative* of it- kind Thousands . ... «ti* p ! n I It 11 f f 1*1.1. • hr inipiwni - • |ru»tee». h«*l< .f turn and women keep it in t # #f|r -l,„%r •hilt home* fnt prompt use nt |.,nd • ir fit-t -ign of intestinal slut- i-.vt avi* «ilti No ♦ -• T o f wt*h It's k !>raugh: and I d not TW io a routa* av i» tiouldr | find lilack • t i i ». \ « -t o f fed»*M I 11 wight wi.lendid f rrrommrnil 21. ib is ...... My h«..b.nd t.k-> Fla. k li'aught and it hrlpa hltn • •• t o U i i i* HU k lltaug it I- purely veg- Ntat* ••( Florida o r ale • t*lne > >ld tn 25-ccnt packages.* „ f • S Adv. and for the Htate m FOR RI.VT HfLP WANT! 11 — M lw i I'.illrm i, Shivering with Chills Burning with Fever |l>r hr.c t lime, S o r t Rtliaf for Malarial he* line - limew. ir luir l, lime.. ■*,. hui | nmnlh. M i h i i i i i i i m c!iiri;r .Tile

> ,'MSl ! •• -ofdw I m lia r IN* • t, 4o» c a p ila l


l.atu fertlllier Ha nil. Fbmp

M A M . > I rrp a ire -i F O R S A I ► F irm t o f «ec.)nd r.* w * bow band 111itd*cf of all kind* |)u 11 art K '.*th and C y p re *- Fh«»ne W • ...... v t p u rh —I • haptoau l*oual l»Ah(iAlNS in I**cd Radios T u Ih-- Tim e ••( mmnta I trslrd free Randall F.lectnc Co

AFTKIt TIPS .Ute •*ur many fnend* and ryatumer* will find Ih.tier A liar's quality Faint* at • it new location, 211 Sanford At**mie (next b. tiding aouthl. ROBERT’S 10— f'luv. ,-T. jin<1 I'lnuf Stanley Rogcia Hardware Co. /

C A H 1 I A t ib F I I M s l.e-a Im ; n FO R S A IT*. Grocery and Meat M kt riftic* |M j w Durban long celet) I*hone 39 *23 K**t FlrM Si, » n I h -.n r «:•'» \ \ ut* F a tk A i r K t*orp»njr. I Specie la Through Thun*.. Oct. I Oth ^ all A ve W m J I M M M M

BEEF ROAST l.b. 25c • ^ j matter of Inches. Uerva INVITATION SLICED HAM «a»sli>re«L PORK HAMS d a IIT y ^ ^ ^ LEG-0-LAMB PLANT “'SSaJtJ. .55 BACON (Rind On) Lb. 35c “Dainty*1"FLOUR 10 Lb. Bag 6 9 € —S«-e Our Modem Kquipmenl. 1 — Hcrumc Acquainted With i)ur Kx|>ertenced • e»«4«o— —«»••**»—«. » n - m « And ('um|irl(ot Employco. CHOCOLATE PUDDING All 21c NEVER We Will Appreciate Your CLOSE Firestone Tires Are The Inspection At Any Time! COCOA Most Popular In Sanford! WE SELL PASTEURIZED AND RAW MILK “French Market” Coffee Lb, 30c


1 w : ~:i t . rrnzry . ,.>? ' ’,. \ f* -*rj: AsSijiy^v' k > . » ' *»•'* •

County Produce* Sanford Ih The Only Centrnl M an PrsHs'Aa* V«y»Ut>lai Than Any Florida City Affording Rail. HlRhsay A i m In America And Water 1 rnnuportatlon • •:* i " = .V I •' u

y ^ M ifx x iv Member Associated Prewt SANFORD. FLORIDA, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 5, 1935 Entnbllithed In 1908 NUMBER 21*3

(Commissionl: Levies Detroit Selassie Demands A rmed A uthority 30-Mill T a x Rate ^ Sn,s|e R“". For 1935-36 Yea> & ■League To Halt War With Italy Hem«t^ r«*n .r 8 ~ N*.i-rosidtni ' t T- m , ty uin« ^ s Must Pay 15 MillsM ills ------Cubs W h o M ade------4 ------City' -O r.------Of Aidutva ------Falls ------To^ —.— Invader . For Debt Service; Hut 3 Hits To 7th t h e BATTLEGROUND IN ITALY’S UUNDECLARED N n m a k p ii w WAR a x on ON EETHIOPIAt h io p ia I Economic SanctionsSnnct i o n h

$10,000 In Treasury WRIGLKY FIELD.' Chicago. Brushed Aside By Oct. f» The lstroll Tigen* were ------v— — T h e . Ethiopia's Ruler • Sanford City Com- ! leading the Chicago Tub* by 2 mlasion laat night adopted a 'to 1 at the end of the ailth In Latest Appeal 1935-36 budget which an- inmnK of fourth meeting Hi tietpataa total expenMturea I the 1035 World Sriiea this aftrr- Italy Objects To of I1S9.81S.90 for general oj>- • noon. . General Alvid Crowder ap,*eared e x - e rati on and debt service ; ] at that time to have thr t ubs coin League’s Report penses during the year which I , pletrly al hl» mercy, having given opened on last Tuesday. ; up but thiee hita, one «f them Exceptions Taken To T h e , oommUalonera a ls o ' a hoim tun by llaitnrtt fot t?ie Statement I’ r o in fixed »t 80 mllla tho levy for j ! Tub*’ omy run in the second » M « year, th# »am» •• that fram e Committee Of 13 affert laat yaar. Trx Car It* ton, opposing Crow urr. TV# 80 mill hvy will aj'Ply »•»' h i * wild, having walked six nun •«« Ik r * •««*rln*r*t Pres* all owners of proparty which >■*. la-.ii^tii- **f Nat imis fur im - on thalr aaaoaamanf, tha rntirr players and made (hr game i he mi'diati- fufori't-m m l of m il- levy to 1>F u»ad fo r dabt a rrv irr ltd d in «hit?i oveiroats, blanket». itarv. naval ami avia'ion By raaolotion, tha Commlaaion- ami niuiTu*rs were worn !•> an lanrtinm t iiRainat Italy ara alao appro rad tha paymml Dr. Doss Elected o\«r! I*»\h tTtm u. Il *n- -lalul unaflii'ially at to Da Cottas and Boar*, atlurn.v First Inning Vl.li. Ababa Ibal llnlian f>'i>*•- Who handled tha Chaaa National Helnot: White struck out. (‘ot.i State President iiii.v n l m in A llo w s w il limit Bank llU c a tlo n , o f »S.(KK) in i u m . »nne » h* out Hvriuaiin to • aval pit* It inn i" fiittl the city iftllnfiant of a batanrr of atoiut ttfl and (iehtlngrt -1 tuck tut u lated **nlv bv w* tu rn . «lu'oircn In200 dot tham on a 1.1,'MX) o him*. n° hits, no error* Of Chiropractors vo mil *Hch infitni men hail l»**en contract ftr aonrtcai bryun nhnrt I hn ago. (ial in grounded out to nioiblt to •on m p *rot I l . i »le Se* ly aftor tho clqflng of thr 8rm ' , ,, ,, f i r ' Hermann went out. t*a\ai la**)*-’* armie* It was indicated tna)« Cooaty Bank. |Slint«rd M illl ( hoSCIl • ■ •• mto t itiS iU r, h ho cover** 1 inlord Man Uhosen tloi t Ihiopia'i foic»*s had fallen • TVis raaolotion also providrd lor | I * I indstroin fouled out to b a il l**'b»iitl Adiiw a in to the htlla tha paymant from fun.li collect . At Last Session • »u* n No unis, no hits, no errors win it th* * In.*tIn i * in anna -d aa dallnqurnt taiei of ap I O f StlllO i\lC C lilllf Second Inning fought de-pel n?el) to h!«»« k Ih* prollmataly glgOO to tho B<>»! hetroit tiosltn got a scratch n o ! t.»w ill I t it • * M It |M»tt CIS w h d l* holdtra' Protacllvr Committee I)r I. T Ifuna of Sa* *••*., i*« h I at second, and Kill singled to | / Uc AT OM n r * ! tit \\ w h - at \dUAtt. . 'This paymant will hrln, to Itttlay rlivtnl pi a -.alctU »l ’'•• lof t*a*f**»«* Kogrll Malked. («> fill N t i i '. i - fig h tin g i»- re po rt rd *n lUHOO, th a i a m prom, F lo tld a *hlM'|U Si to il \- • K»! "M the base* Owen popped out t* i tin' th'e« tt.'n of Aillgral An iaad tha Commltlaa for (M t-W st th r closing ■f*h»uin *il Hi 21m n s«O ft«*H «»rn . *.«v F l i t f fnial LHimpian gitve^nment rnm- Orly a little more than |6'l.lH)l Railway Employes pian foic*-s which baa bean appropriated f«» • ■ vice president of thr aaan U. S. Courts Will Performance Of Duty Is Baruch Says That ' At lendoti, auHior i\al ivr soiircea for tha ne» cm tW ru | V. I*. Crosby, t«uiss Adssik , l.i I't eliiler Mussolini has bn Convent um se«*ion* wne h* Id * •a>l Line railroad employee, was f«»r simultaneous camellat ion tn J f f h a Comm Com tee lone ra anticipate Declared Most Important both morning ami afternoon to electe.l president of tile Nanfo'd Handle Cases Of Hitler Is World's Angli .Italian pr nan t Iona i y mill- follows: day Iregislative irports wen* *• 1 liapter. Railway K in p loyes tary measures m Hu- M«'«|itcria Deflmjuent U i m for prior year*. siderrd duiiug the 1110111111^ L-jigne of Florida, at a special Celebrated Member Of Profession Sounds in nn, luit th< pro|K»al «a> greetwd fCwii««»d Om r%m* ritei Defaulted Bonds Celebrated Member Of Profession Sounds Greatest Menace the delegates listened It* an tin * n»H held at the City ITsll Iasi v%it|, silence b> th r It'itfw fi gov • , • • |V* *urceeds J C Men*-*n SerioiiH Note At Enjoyable Itaiuiuet Of instructive adtlress h> Ih m p riliinent hill'her Ita’ mu approach Woodmen Of District J Hunch nf ndianap It* *m i • •Hi*** « l«*cte«| were J N till- Municipalities Shown Florida Chirorpraetie vssmiation Begs Nation To Avoid fo ra i *• *ui)i pi ion of lit power ill* illsrussion b> I )f I'uddn itniii. • r ' 11 In- \ ice presidtnt, .1 M (Missions to < I. mi op Hie Italo- In Pig Meeting Here "Chiropiactu Piog*« ** m th. I ' Proper P r o 0 e dure Mar But Prepare H.t\t*. 'i-ron.f v ire president. J L Ih’ iut* the Hit* ruled setting m le - \ tut car * \ F.thiopiar . onf In f w I* mad** nri 25 Years *' Wilkinson, third vice-president; By State Tribunal apart of thr eVemii* a* one of « n F o r Eventualities b* fia lf «• f ' I is t .dim l ot likewise Upward* of 1M member- of Several irp o r's were r»T*'V* I >* K.. MM.I Hf \ II It lewis, fourth vice-pres* P • c* led in i n I o Ii Woodman Camp* Ip vartou. p ari, at the afternoon session lei tamnit ii. when v Mini i h o < p at am o unt h iii - the tint) nl» r»t. J \ Turner, fifth vice- TALLAHASSEE, tlcl 5 •<»■> NN \ s || | \ «; |*| IN 11, | ,N* la-ftie ' "P I" mI f*« th* l.cMgoe of central Florida attended lb- "f tl * ir profewsn.it m o to !•« lie lim n • V**'*1 1 •nt, .1 Srhirard. *ivth vice, Llothla municipalities wrre !• Id W flit'll | III It a* him !• until i I'm Mgiaph Two dietrlct meeting at tha the WimhI N Idiiwwtng i be Aitu\ Ihduarite ./>• pfe-iilent. and O S T«»ler. seer** f»»rgotten. (Iniopra* l>*i • a tten d in g I coil -• mul IE m all v* II le* ll tile I eag in* men Hall Thursday night whe-r I inlay by the Supreme • • • • t \ ♦••* i n I it *r t lit m a r.| M M a -m li ' \ f| tary t^easmer foim Hint #1 • a ell a | Ill f I * I *•* i 'IMIII * hi |, pi r \ lilt s that It Sts', Manager V. P. Miller n* that if they * annul pa> then l ud th e n 1st annual *la t* n veu ti ti • filii a it. i Xd.tff Hitler h * “ th. It I <#|«nn and J F l,i***t*»n j v» at d> -I t m 1 t»u In* v • a tlo ’ i ,* H i J *t b of Hu i m ini 11 i ii Ijikeland was tha principal .peat obligation* tb *) must go in to f<>i- s uulil no. ke *p f r uni i * t mix i mg 4 H a '* ' oil* « III t fit* l • rid were elect r«l ft* the Lietutive J II* *o f f el Iim 1 onm | > . pin. I • ague nu mber ie»or\a •r, and II man war* Introduce I rial nut slate courts to \- .e Hie *• > imiBlics * of lb* callin g Mild t u llr p u A met it a . M fill*- ( *<*llllll|t tee which 11 dude* Hie of lin g of i it i ■ »• > .*- In i • r»| ■ t • oked war, i#* a*k other • and rtean tha Protaatlon Deyr-* baukiuptcy and obtain pet mi* *H .fen when they *al d- ** t. to i lie i funk iug king a n t a. mg fieri** and the two members light It. all h. M og *t i* • Ml* »o|t. i for Conti i hut ion* *»f mil Mr Millar ouUlnad tha Ortnl. fot pai tsl pa)inetila •umptwrus lisio|u«'t *eii,. Hieni in p«Mt. I prepan •( f * nt named I he i’ v t * peakei I'r Il I* » u tiubitl i*ml nn fotce* ’ to mambarahlp campaign honnrlrur CITY BRIEFS I lie * our t re af f 11 met I It • f ir »t- 'he Mayfaii Hotel la*t • i ••ling. gbl it to M III i It S|| A full leport was matte bv the rlicoinb* t»f I itiii p.i 111 . • I MI • • • • g | i "f • • I tiie iobenuilt* of the National Secretary John T. Vat.-- c*»ine firs t served” ilu c triiie *»f Ms- I hen duty to mankind • 'lit i to tlelegal** who attend* t the Statue tlie *ain e line, .o • . .og th.ll I • Mg III Dr her (peakara Included J C Local weather yesterday High It uallaar4 ll« I'sa* Kl«*l • *e uppernto-t h i t b* it nils, as I In twenty-one liar* aft* • • * invention nf the league in “there i* iiottiiug t • i III t II** !<\ the appeal N « a -s i* was *e Sharon, George WV ScoDfld. NN. low ttr. • «pn s*e«| b> I>i .st* |• I»• Hi* • H. ii *| ,.f (be t.di Mil" >• Jacksonville la*t month, anil what I liui ik m Id I hau t Ini opi .i • * Mlid ad gut ded as having lnii*hiti aside Jn rr ro a n , T. D. U ncaatar ..f IMth. Nellie Muencb oil, tidebratrd eipomo f th en h - i Hu i* • • I Id, Wf *e« fmiiisiu'l Tides at Hu- beaches S u iitU y was termed as • “gratifying” re •»-m g hi* (• How |.» i« Id loners to ta lk o f (•< llllUIIIM Mil l fillM lli lUl Ocala and II. U. McCutly of Jack prof* salon from Imliauai ha. "i arm and embattl.d," - h i.I |l*< IJ Igh at M M A M and I Ilf I* poit on u memlwifthlp campaign Ih Found Not Guilty l« at it I iieii pal it nt < that Ho y sanctums against ttal> w * * |t Hie aonrllla. ” 8* a nee is «|uing into • to all*' I* 1 H , oil all *ld**ft, toe In al d» iiiand th a t l»ltii»«lsli**1 in In** Stat, officer* attending were M ; low at 7 24 A M lmt h 26 •!»" was made liiil-t font tfie) a little ill ol'lrf MFXICO. Missouri. Oct 5 viatr the suffering «.f hum an p;*»testat|«*iis of good will f n.li nuiuntaiiuma realm be I i i l I h I by C. K Sage nf Ocala, Iflks Kain P M The neat^ river lin g o f 'he ('h a p gel w ell " An Audrain county jury «f kind, anil is «!«• * tin* «fl t In m uch nutnni w a n t* pi ace. I**ii H an ts it inruibei of the Teagm ’ t outii'll and K. D. olion of /gchaonville, ter wilj l»e «in Nov lrf. President I-Very speaker prni*r*il < The weather •ut Ii h I. i .til* 1 a lly farmers ac«|uilte«l Mrs Nellie Tip- more as the tU>* go i \ but it (I •ftllaa*4 Oa Paa* T»»«I made in its own linage armnl authority of th. I •ago* A and C G Dana of Orilndo. ('rushy snnyurnetl fair but cloudy Lmi.glu mill Sun * t«*n Muench, former St Louis s«»- "I'lie Kus-ian*. w fio pleach a nu mbers of the l^-agu* «'»u iii» o Intrvdnccd to ho gtvan tha Pm, day. cirty matron, on a charge of con dm 'trin e t lie* v eiy e***.''lii,e of tolm ii (ominittee *f tint t* • ii told the taction Degree ware: 0. P. Ilarn 1*1, IN MEMORIAL FOR WII-K splracy in IP tl in the kninaping i* ahtmi r etu r • f w«i, i|tialif) that Asaorjated l'rra* the . oinniittee s don. L. F. Boyle. J. C. Barrlt, J The f'lty III icier utte • p(* I Woman Killed Ah Celery Growers of Hr Isaac H Kelley, weal hv ( I. t f. by waving Hi* > aldmi t*nl) tapital report on tile lab* I tlnopiuu via' E. Daao, J. L Jungar, J r „ 8 A. without autrihb Hn* iiioiinng j«> gCANAII. Tet 4 /l'i Shoppers I»ok On S laouiatan. tinlav t i\ ii lea>l» * - h n to nil hi like l*tn Mar* In (irrniaDy. Hitler Infers Hiat |tal\ “cleail) Is in j^W lIklnion. J. M. Bhtrea. Rober c o n firm a .u n i t told a» a 1 .ty Are To Nominate I Aruuittal of Mr* Muench was th*- A i oiig w ^ a r r . 0 . Roger* and a Mr. eiiH'i s monument tn Cynthia Ann •*)* in In* speech last May 21 C. jCommiision me* tiny last nigi-i FLINT. , Oct & (41 the first lehuff received by th.* I’ai k • ' tohit* w ife nf |'e le %•• H im' ii"wh»l«' III Hie wnild had A squadron of Italian p lan et La# af Wildwood that unknown) pei*on> wht ic*.l Huitified stopper* saw Mrs J. Delegates Soon state in prosecuting those charged * ttiia 1 •• • ( uf Hie gient (ttu 'prat* and pacifism found so nu'r v* as reported officially at Adis Camps tepraeantad at tha barn prowling around the old IN il (hiran. 6H. I»eaten to ilfwth on 4 with the aMortion of Kellr> An Abal'ii to have s h o t down women maetlng Included Orlando. Nomination of delegate* and al loan* !>• chiefs, iiid to liini son, n home a* in Nun Germany Wild------Ham Tuggle - — S, ■* * - propeity, ■ ■ - ' • / on !#a M ih• ’ *I • street here tmlay. ami •« tied Ar gelo Ro-egtan: and Fell* Me- i l *a m (I a uf tl Mm l'a|* 4 •»*! wood, telltale* i«n (lie I luiitfa O lt i y 'V """-1' f<" »•'••"• »!••' • 'V "If,*la*r an I Tha '* n y Laeaburg, Jtrksoi,- Avenue at 3rd Street hail lor ited drew Goodrich, 4^ wh • police Dotuld two of an alleged gs-tg Contiol ( oiuinitt* •• • epieserrmg » » ...... 11 k a rt' ...... «• - t,,„„ ,,, aniiitiriiral Hr i- in- vUR ill, lakeland, Inver- J a strung Ik »i which w a* lieL *v*»d show **d 'thr uird commanded me have he* n i**iivicte*l am i g iv -n li ir S a n fo 'd lib it'd** «li*tsic| w ill U I* \ (•l,|jr«,l “ — i i . „ , i i . r,a, yi,,i Ga., and Vtnien,I to have con.'ainr 1 the life’s ■tdV t o l i l l . a* he was taken to head sanien* e* **f 20 to 60 years, re - r*'* »"n»e n« »t in • k. it Ud aurioum -.1 LOC AL WEATHER • Inga of M» T u g g lr. eccentric Fu g • tp ia rtrrs spec tivel) , ln*ra today ty ( II l' i kett, s*c- c- r - r ®llln* rra- Ifahman who du-,1 hn.- nu* .01* » M l«k t.««* Male ••w a ssdO. C. Ktnrhyllff. . . . |n , ro '♦'tary nf the I niiiniil •• M a s lk According to th* h j i** u , Glenn Fleeted Chairman Brotherhood A * • for f •tiru srv »• «• 1 ei r b a rg * M tha taltlatoftal work GtuWeis uf Hi* M\i b area .*•« A v* f. f Ms * «'h II •1 i l •o m to n r use J a fo rm «if **di ii'ir g 17 II « «» R*fr** V y U vara aarvad ai tha A v« for A pril rod" In locating the l»*• a witch was Townsend Club Members Heartened ••R pec le. I to gatin' at tl»e »«!••• *1 Of Locomotive Firemen And Knginemen A b • for M .r to 10 « V? and s< Stg aatlag. Junt II • V 1 i i j dug from the earth, broken »n-n, house at 7..’(0 o i I"'k •■•'It Thu'S 1 A v • for Aba* f..r Jui* M 71 1 si By Newspaper’s Poll On Pension Plan i- y rug fit to selet t g wer incut , and left nrar the hole The Tuggle \* Hi«*r local resident w bo La* *o n. am i looking also af> i lie in A i* for A ••* 0*1 •! 7 1 !n*r» am i a lte rn a t C lip p e r* *.f >»»( II Around th a t i i uS7 to ba calahraiatl Sunday an i to House t * pick H ie11 ••'presents 71 ft! Gospel they know ao w ill and Mr Glerirt was electe.l IE rp^rt#4 th# t'aveling into every s..t "U of 'he noticed them during th# past few t! building and was largely attended from Se«rriaiy Wallace at Waab- southeast during the .•••nm; year. ?( MONROE, „ “ „ H>ll a* foil#*, m onths "So much so th v . I pre H Rlrar Uaa Oa. Th# City llr*.-jr offrr- n> anv P A BowsH **•*• nreaident I ingTun to a public inerting In Lftka- IH* duties will indii.l personal diet a very ma'Lrd iin'onveinrnt f t happy ralurn. of tha da t.. Mr. ,w,fr n°"w wUh **Ua, lha Club, president in tha ab- land iatr this month >* Kars tha t : E, gancral cargo*. contact with nearly 400 I* dgt* even by Jan I over presriil .lay s* B. S Pries «ho ralabrslr.1 a T.i.t, “ •‘J* h*’,ln« Urn Tha iknea of president C. II. Uakrr new celery marketing agree­ ra«t of the Misvissippi i. id s«.i|fh conditions " j D birthday annivrr.ary to.lat. to ®“ •*“ «*•« q«»*tlo« •««— A abort musical program «»' ment win be given a full dUctlt- of the Potomac River, including a lie accredited this citing! to an Chart** WbiUcn, Julia II ar.n. ‘ T*/| given. Mrs. Julhu Taknch aang • Ion. If it Is approved by n mg. Caatral Florida *7 membership of 'iO.OCH) fir»Mini. increase in thr volume of liutinevs •ad othdra tal.hr.t.n, binl.lar 11 4 P ^ r t n t 'N o ' On lha adaoad **Tha B u ild e r" and **l Ixive •ority of th# shippers and growara Mr. Glenn has been out of tbe V * * for im *iiih and orders of the "heav/” inuua- B a ln fa ll |»M*l*amrUa Sunday, ami lu K..b- “Du * ou U ',u r W* T*wa-, Ufa" and Mias Daphna Takari il U slated to be approved and city for the last three weeks, at­ tries. Railroads are olanninj d I i • T •ft C. Woohburn, Thelma Jack-' 66/»66 vote* wort M il. played •'BerceuM" and "Perpetual made official by Secretary Hnl- tending to his duties general jf| middle of improvement IT 1 iOrnmmrn* Om r*«v rteel 66.6 percent war# #Motion” un (be violin. • T • chairman of the Coast Ltue div| ttosttsMi aa raae tliw j tl

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