--------- r - •* * THREE MASSACRED IN GANG WAR PROPOSED SITE OF ‘LITTLE TV A’ IN SAVANNAH RIVER VALLEY LEFT h o m e l e s s b y h u r r ic a n e AM0IR9OI AURENS ANDE HART ^ • KAUTVTI ‘ABBE\flLLE t AnN ent/ NWOOD ELBERT SALUD |lCO*MlC* irv.r vrf;-‘j?rTr .-we?-'* *• :v?^ »jag* f(«*nittiiM< nf of CSiU'fn'ii St \ itl* n ill**'* lfi»\ mm 11 i .\ , WILKES ED6LFIELU Y One of thousand* -Vtl homrlc** by the deadly hurricane th|£ ***«♦,_• Pa yrnm njfo, tin i i n «vi*rr lin «l op mra Of f |lii» « »• l| in ;• till *«%k Jb / i.wipt over Cut«a, thia anftll, frightened boy l> shown amid iH a t llf o M) m N \ . nri'l mownl down with ImllH*. I'nhri all Ml»'it*,*l | > n-ckage of hi* home at Cienfuero*. At least I? persona wrrF 1 arks ill e tbf m«p-n« it- to iivuliy liftw irn i:iiii.,k In tin (on *• i**,i>i*| i « t|^ J H SX .ilird in that town and a thousand building* were destroyed. (Aa- P o<iy »»f m ii#» nf ill*** in ti n*, Mm Ki • I . n . I.iti.ff in. uii'l jt»-• IVANS I niciatnl Prr*R Photo) hrhim l it I *•••• tin- i •until # i*f In. • iiiploym , .In a |»l» \m l. 11» i \-* »»'>riAtii| I'li'Sh I'holit) COLUMBIA •v^ v / •* ^ ______________________ ______________ _ . ..^venwwwwww If 1.1 A ( l l t m ALIAFCRRO K .E M • w ,V'? u : - i : SOCIETY KIDNAP DEFENDANT .WARREN 4 I ' It .litHl a!« \ l- riillM T r«- i if m HII 1 '•ttnllt • p ,inu i ii •' ii n 1 1*1 pf»v 11 f.i* • t .. i i f * :••• * !' ••. i h *ti* r m Vij* 'It l 11 Im 1 k • ii \ ii ii-i.i .*•» 1 S * ii'1 • ii r * rm l If.* 1 A |i o f ' * y n 1 1 II I f • •» • **l >11 .It I f 1. ft !i • i • »i U ft • •it****• fn . nr.tiiii.il t wiurr* ' Imuii *1. 1 n 1 II. V It t.f If. •• 1 • * I S la t* • \ • in Cubs and Tigers Square Away For 1935 World Series IUICM MACK COSIIN WALKER IINDSUOM CKEINICRC Mi \>lln 'I i|»im* Mtirhrli. f*wMin-i St I .a • > i«■ fk tint* ti If lit lift* Hi lit* M ik ltf, XI.................... tin it •• . i X^**|iH»n’* in ll*. I * I air l*i 1 I Ci rUinum* bln ftrht • ^• in*t lift? Im|»rj«ir.mcm ‘ lo r PranciBcti’ii Prrpaintlnr** Day in lylG, Tom AIo<if>ry ilnckitrrt to oppeut Ml u ru*\v h«-oun(( «»nlt*fc l by the <\u||f< him ?up n n r rouit in San Krancmr«». 1 h«* pti’turi* at the tf»p, rc^i-ntly uncirlhnl. iho *5 #him C loft I whrn hr \»mi« liroucht t«, jail noof> .*ftfr thr bnnihinK Hr i* nhuwn at tin* lowei an 1.2 opprori t-flny WAR I'EARS WORRY BRITISH • nu a t the rijrht is A E. Shaw. Mppointid to roniiurt the bf iiir r . t A* 'oriati-il Prria Phiilw*> C tH IIN C ll THAW A PLAYBOY NO LONG! RJBVfStfaafl 1 1 l . (ALAN \ • 1 f c iW V . I . ,'^h" - CAVAIIfTTA llrri are the lutrolt Ttgir* (Anterlcan Ixaguil and the Chi taao t ub. (National Uagui). playin ur the World Sflla.# which j began W.dnr»day at S a v in field U c n l.r) tn Detroit.______________________________________ __________________________________ _ ______ & “Brain Tr ust" Appellation Disliked By Hi* pruttnmii ilortfinc iA n» ‘ nn Mr at >1 M u . Fred 8^•hw•rt4', James M. Landis, Chairman Of SEC •Aid tb« AdnmintrBtion •nd I»uwi- ’|nfc. \;r |i|lcj || )| I’aU i»hill. *-••**■ • . tit•• l*o h wr •• ureamif lh# M«int I i;. Franklin, who h*» ■P^Ol* W AMIIINiSTUN Oct :t —(A*) - Chin* but fducntrd principally to ! ,«- ihniU*w «»nnn bi»rlhr m*»»llurKra;< nru( pi^n4|*w «*•«»that thr»»•* A I «aln i1;«t fuiutipn* with tin* Anuitc*. II* w*» gr«du*t*tl from r|ljy' ni| mintcrfrnncp i t i i ' •• m i wio» tha *»govern* ■»•■• »0n m *r In !aOuUi*ns( \% ' amoolhne.*, *p*.-d and turtn*** pHncrtnn and lUrvar. l with hon- ! rnrnt wrav that which woul I rnakt *|"tvl ng a few day* In Geneva/ oi an fleetrlc motor l. the major ___ nequalled »ince the day. of the market, f.lrar. rinooia l.i hi" wor-k at Mima .,u*l|ly which a»"w-iatr. giv, J am. Ju<al^'.~Brglu:vu . ((• Ud hi* claaa- U aeeenre, hi. wsaociate* » r ., 1<> an.l Mr*, ttonald Whitcomb ; s r e : •• •• w—......... r .. L-.x“;"^sTi:rvr 7 -^ ^ romml**lon, tucceedlng Joceph 1*. i*»* gra-uaier from the llaivard (n thr imgratt. Thl. mean*1. * ,r*- ' l>c«'ley butt- Kennedy. r law «choa| In 1P24 where he wa* aupteviairm by the public, hut nr»t nfteirHioit. In hi* new p .itl.n, they find s protege gf I'rol. Fall* Krantifur- Intrusion. He regard* econvmic Mint ' I xhI* I’ctcr*. plana In 'him moving qulrtly ,mong the va*t Iter, famod Harvard llbaral who*i cnlhry a* a changing thing which leave thia weak far Daytona intrtcacfc* of tha stock eichanga -bnaht yonug mcnM hava baati mUit b, wo,k.i out In dtUil for Bh. w4r. , Ui. ii.t______ i_.i_r_.i_.ki. 1___... , _i,w ______ t__ i_ ... .. _ ..... where ana witt *•»»» n»r alldrriteei, indefatigable, liemen- ‘ crrdltrd with a major pait in specific mtuncfi, nni ■■ a acien- ,, • . u, . doualy Interutad, and acvtsly ■ ckarting “Now Deal" legislation, Ilfte ayalam which msy now b, a*. * " ' ho} ” n' aware of tha econamla Implications | Now only S3, Isnvtr, who was ccrardy doacrlbe.l in generalities.! of tha sacuritlaa hueine** from tea. lung at Harvard rams to Waah- ------------ -------------- ----------- A, ; K„ kichIUKNT I'A flSE S | which rma g# the fund* that build ingtun with tha Rooaavalt Admin- Harry K. Thaw, playboy of aaothar generation, I* Their faced revealing tka gravity of thrlr taak Anthony Kien America. j lit atlrn. He wro.b moat of tha 8a- GENEVA OIILANIKJ, Oct. 1 -Y n a a r a l waa wheeled from Oraad Coalral station to aoalualo (left) and Sir Hantual Hoars, Britlah delegate* to the t-eague oil Ha b publklty^hy, no radical I ruiiliea Act af IMS which hla Wall niricu ware to ha eoadaatad town Haw York hotel. Tha cnce dapper Thaw, with Nation*, u a ahawn at Geneva during diactir.luni of the Itala- in N ordinary aeqaa of tba ward. Street enemies concede I to be tba ' Mr. and Mn. II B. Ury has i this afternoon far Mra. Jarnaa U. ahoaa unlaced and a UtT on hi. mere oat, had just I Ethiopian crisis. With hopes for a |Mrairful uutcuma looting!*** ^ -brm "b*»ln traat” 1 raturnad after (pending tha peat N aff. K t. wha pawed away yaa- tytobae where ha had boon aarlously ill from | me urn I It aa bad passed. Although ha helped wrlU throe woath* In tha Naw Kaplan I gloomy, It waa raportsd several delegation, are planning n com- *|*^*dinglyt regarding It aa bad public ay a tor yaara after ha was triad for klUla^.ft tha amend neat* which made tha atale* and Now York. , teniay aflernoaa at her ham# hin^d economic boycott atalnet l.'taly ahould aba launch an unpro-i( J, the son of a Praaby- a ray tha affaatloaa of hi. wife, Evelyn Neabll. Thaw h a Preaby. act laia onrrou* ha kept tha bill'* Mr. and Mra. J m Dana of Mi­ her*. She had beta a re*Ideal waa Born la “to* A " a harp aa lU long jaunty ami are. rutting Mra. Oaaa'a ill- of JackaoavUle far S3 yaara. Itiramanl of lata. (Asacciatsd Praaa Hhoto) Wfcs ,t'vl I ■_•— x i l •'■ BH?np £*y* •’ r1'*i 1 County Products Sanford I* The Only Central M m t r a it s Ami Veget»bl«i Than. Any Plot bln C'ily Affording Rail. Highway SlatOar Ana In America And Water Transportation AN INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER Member Amociatcd Prem SANFORD, FLORIDA. FRIDAY. OCTOIIER 4. 1 9 3 5 Ef*tnltllshrd In 190S N n i l l K I I - r Ninth Inning Convention Speaker (Chiropractors ‘Assurance’ 01 T Tie In World Meet In State No Canal Harm Italy Pushes Offensive On Series Today Conclave Here Is Discounted - f t Three Fronts In Ethiopia; ■■ ^ • Third Game O t» Series Two Day Convention Engineers’ Promises Forced Into Extra j Opens In Mayfair Likened By Witmer Innings By Chicagb —M ayor Welcomes To Those Given To Heavy Casualties Reported Rally In 9th Frame' Group To Sanford Veterans On Keys MODERNIZED ETHIOPIAN FORCE TO MEfcT ITALY A\'iir Thundering Over Sanford to fcy It boat to the "A»»urancv»M rvlra»r*i rvctoily Florida Chiropractor* Association, by government engineer* that j ideninjr Area As WR1GLEY HELD. Chi-; meeting in l i l t t convention in the ,there will be no Injury to Fbn- Italy Meats Bark cnjco, Oct. 4 r—Staging a Mayfair l!otel.rSe**lon* will con- Ha’* underground *tieam* hecgu*e l great ninth’ Inning rally at tlnue through tne day and tomor* (of the construction of the erfsa- Selassie's I1' o r e e s ♦ho eaoenae c i Schoolboy row.
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