Etlael Keller r No.Hie., No-Rura. MarrluM 'l' hollla~ W. Kelleflcll Before V,,",on KenlledJ' Hurl!i Way llJio 600 OueMt.8 at St. MIU')"8 HaU of ..... me b, Rare Pilch.lnc See I'a,e 3 See I'ace 5 . -- I 0 10 a MorRin, N e _ , pap e r :::::======~~~~~~~~~==~====~~======~~~~======~~~~==~-: FIVE CENTS I~'r~t';~!.. /r'.!e:=''''' IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER I, 1935 ...:u,,:::-::.. ~ VOLUME XXXV NUMBER 78

------~------~------~------~~---- . British Government Attempting to Halt Granting Di.scussing the Situation Three Others, Of Concessions in Ethiopia to Private Interests ** ** ** ** Including Well Can the Coml1lUnity of Nations Keep P~ce? Known Writer, • ** ** ** ** Dupute Back to Leogue Badly Injured Assert Deal Solon Breaks Ankle Bold Stroke New Housing Chief R. Thompson F.IUTOIt'S NOTE: FOIIOwlnlt I~ lhe IIUJ I Of rOllr .rflele , dlsctwslllit Un-Negotiable Arrested After certain ."pcc-tfl Of the JlaIo-Ethloplan situation, written h, FranciS Mrs. Genevieve Forbes Of Emperor O. WUrox who ",cenU), retumed to Iowa ()tl, after two ,ear, at the Graduate ~ hool of Inlern.Uon,,1 Stud, and the Unlvel'lllt, of Gelle\'a Herrick, Nolcff A8 Under Treaty Stuns Capital Issuing Checks 111 Swlt.eriand. Mr. Wilcox, whu wa" a-rllduated fro", tbe Unlvenit)' or low.. with .. B.A. degree In 1930, receIved hi" muter of ari. ~ane Author, 'SCrilically here In political !!Cllmee Ihe fOilowlnl' fear. H e ohtained hili I'h.U. Hurt in Collision Tri. Power Agreement Foreign Diplomats Look Expect Charges Will Be decree rrom luwa In 11133. Of 1906 Claimed To At Concessions As Filed Today, Checks II,. ..' Ri\NCI8 O. WU£OX /i,\NTA ,..E, N . M .• ALII{. ~I (AP) A':J the negotiations u signed to bring about " pacifi · ~ot· -~In. Harold L. lck 8. 61. "IC" f Prevent Concession Block to Mussolini Amount to $618.25 t1clOl'nt 01' tile ltalo-Abys.'iinian dif;putc 'nter into their most rclal'y of thl' Illledo .. 111 1,1 crucial phillie, millions of p ople in many lanu arc anxiously ask- politician In h I' own rlG'ht. I\lLI LONDON. Aug. 31 (A~The The Dll,J"s Developments A ma.n givIng the name or R. F. ing: Can the comlllunity of nation!! kcep the peace 1 'un th killed tonight In motor car ('olu­ Brltlsn government moved KwlC,tty to­ London-'rhc British mlnl"tel' Thompson of Okl.ahoma. wall held !tatl'S1l\ II Or Europe today prc\'cllt another world crisis which ilion which slate polke chlU'G'ed to nlr ht to ,halt the granting of con­ ... hlt-and·,·un 11I·lvCI·. to Addis Ababo. was authOr-bed by I>oltce last night tn connection might I)O&Ijlb ly dwarf Into Inijlg-i • • • • • • • • • • • telB lolI8 In Ethlaplo. to American and Three CompRnlon with the PlUll1lnS' of worthless pay_ nlflcallce the ~Ia.ughter \lr 1914-18" Ea&'lItih Interests. to tell Empe"or Jlalle Sell\)!sle With thrlle <,oml)anloIl8 In a taxi. roll c hOC k/! mado out to C. B. A'b- can war 1Je II.vertC1i? ASlJerttng tho deal could ~ h llt Lonclun advl~e8 hlrtl t() cab she WlUi plunged Into I. ditct. bott al throe Iowa Ity etol-ea yes- Such qu ~tlon8 al'o dlrtlcult to oeilltialed without consulta.tlone wllhhold tho concessions. IlnIlWCf·. largely bl'cau8c 1111 tho 30 mllcs nOl·th of Santa 1"1' whUe pong Italy, F I'ance and Bl'ltaJn ter(lay fliCtcrnoon. lucte of th ClIl1e w'e nQt I1.vallublo !'I, I'oul hero tor 11. fle.ia. !JI}enlng' Alldls Abab An official COTH- Expect Charses WIder the trl-power treaty ot 1906, tom 'TOW. from hel' ~ummCI' hume munlque dl!IClosed detuJlK uf nn Charges of forgery or obtaining to the (\Ycragc readel' In th United !be government announced Its mln­ Statl'oll or In l';urOlJe. UJldoulJledly Itt Coolidge. N, M . oil concession to American 111- money undol' talse pretenses are ex- It... to Aduls Ababa. had ~e n auth­ AfrO!. {lenrvl VI' F'ul'be IIp,rl, k, .riled to advlS(" Emperor HaUo Se­ tercAts IUld on~ Involving the pected \0 be Wed agaIn .. t the man ~~~Cranor s~.t::el:,...,~~1t u~II.Vt~CI~ w('11 knuwn new pa)H C 1'"".pOIl. In Ivhoijc POll6e6slon was (uund 19 iUII. to wIthhold tho eonce88lons. d nt anti a hou~ gUI'.l "f MI' . watrr of Lakc Tana to an Eng­ paYI'uJl eh eks from the Cedar Ral)' III~oves which haye nol yet boOn kk~H. WI\JI Illjllr~d crUlc Il y. The forelgll oWce. In one of Its lish cOilporo.tlon. Ide t.umbCr a.nd Coal company on . IIhown and which »robn.bly wtll not AII40 InJul'f'(t was Ibmhlm' H(>y_ rare oCrtc1al comn1l1nlques, mad the 'I 'ren~PreOilcr M u8llOlIni In tho Merchanl wrIt- a.nd conwa.IlY 8tol'e here. l'hOmpKon 1'1'. but a later check of etfrt'ta dil,. neooS6lU'y to Inform the British mln­ By ,lAMER 1\ . MrLU' sll\Oo MU"lIolinl hall displayed ... very a.ttempted to cash checks at Ewerl! 1)('111'(1 th ('(lOfuslnn Rnd Ilrrr1r-k lIter that ""uch cone sslons would In bed in his Washington (World Cupyrlll' ht, 1935, by lJ,e un 'ornpromlalng attitude durin!!, th I:IhO(' IItore a.nd at the McNama.ra Will! located n WlUIhlngton. undoubtedly be Q. matter fOI' pre­ home after he had slipped and Assoclaled I'ross.) PIUIt [OlY w ckll. lie has bl'ushed Furnltur Cl>Illpa.lly. but Wall reruli' J. 11100"11.11 , aBslstant Rtnie lit. llmhw'y eon8ultalionw by hl8 mlljCK­ 3uffel'cd a broken ankle, tiena­ ADDIS ABABA. Allg. 31-'rhe IUIld 0.11 ProlJOollLls whlch have been n. 00. All oC the chock6 we"o dILled torlley G'cn rul, who rush d to the swift stroke of EmllOrol' Hal10 Sel­ jL()va.nced fl'Om ./l~ronch &lId 1::11&il8h ty', gOvernment. th ~"I neh and tor William H . King of Utah Aug. ao, 1136. aABle In \ urnlng ovel' a1)j)roxlmat Iy H on sal(1 non of Iho dllrylvOI·. \tllian governments under article ol'uered 11 telephone ill~talled at Night Co.ptaln J oe Dolezal Mid quartC1'8. tIts mind 18 made UIJ; the halC hh; emplro 10 English and W1l8 lib Ie to alve .. Ct,11N' lit It' 'ount tW'o of the tl'i-ptl.l·ltle treaty DC 1906." his bed so he could caJ'I'Y out lho.t (:()dar Rapids police ststed that dlo 1ft CWlt. II Insists thM nothIng Amclican Interests fo,' cxploltatlon or til ac<;ldent. Tile wireless st",lIon to Addis his planl) to aid th Dif;tl'ict of no firm known as. the Cedar Ral>lds les" thun military operations In wax gcnorp,lI y l'ogal~ll'd today. as Ethiopia. wltl pacify fascist ambl­ The "-" ,'a,', lw I' p''''lr,I, AbIIb& was cl~.d for tJle night and I. umbel' and MaterIal company IYUs CoLllmbia gOl'(,t,nmcnt in obtain­ blilCklng ltalilm ,'conerol' prepared tot· a feared HlIllan eXiI,t Ilce of war In a strictly legal st 'P. wllel'e It logloaJly 1Jelollgs. beadng Ih~ markll 'Of a. colllshm. lhat since l..ondon 18 the chief hope ,'llccecding .Jam('s A. Moffett 'bought some merchandise and then Invasion. 8ense may 1Je avoided. 'fhooretlcally. undt'!· Arll I 11 vI Tho leke" ()lI1"ly Wl.ll Just m("'g­ 01 the "conquering lion Of Judah" to who retircd, ~t('waJ't MacDon­ offered a. check In pa.yment. While Hog Farmers Ulo\V to Itulians At the pl'eHont writing-tit three ( e No. ONE, Ing- from the ate p-walled Hlo In the Ewers Shoe store, R oy Ewers 2, prevent an el1lecto(L Hallan Inva­ Uiplorna.lic IInarterll here appuar· ald, new f~del'al housing admin­ Orand canyon, through which lho i.>ccrune ~us plclous and followed tho lion. he Is !lenaln to listen closely cd stunncd. istrator, il) pictured leaving the Taos·Santa. /i'o highway wind. \I hen to any 8ur/!C3tlons from here. Challenge MA man to his car. obtalncd the num­ the cl'8Jfh occurl·e,1. The agrt.!em ~nt Wa.H Mecn In tiQmc White HOllse after conferring bol' Ilnd repol"1cd It to pollee. BrItish IIlrcratt factorlee wen t on q uartel'" aM a blow to Italian eCo· \Vith Pt'eHidt:nt L{oos 'ycLt. Mechanical Secrets of "Glass The Injured wei'll rUMhed to ~s­ Make Arrest .. 14·bour schedule tOday. nomic aim" In the 'hlnterla.nU of Ilanola. a llny adolJO IfOW ment III Hit Constitutionality Of La...t night, 0 f f Ice l' AI·th Ul' '!1he bOnlb/Ihell of the concessions Italian Soma.llland o.nd the only 011- the canyvn. tOt· tll... t aid t"euhn Ilt. Schnoebelen, Deputy Shl!rltC Pre8- ~eart" Revealed Lindbergh "&II dl'OPped just when tbe govern­ Processing Tax, Ask boarlng po,·tlon of lntet'lor Edtre". by Mrs. 1ck s' body waa Ulkrn tu Es­ ton Koser, and "~red Ra.clno spot ­ ment 11'&8 dOing evel'ytblng to avoid also an Italian colonial J)Ol!ute rican L>evelopment Exploration coM­ As Great Achieve­ mlc1wClltel'n hog Carmers In a suit In addtllon to the 19 purportod ATTENTION fl'('(IUently

Interviewed' on: "UniverSity Homll Lite 101' Women Students·"l LeeI County Supervisors Seek Grant Final Program for Freshman .1,_=C=O=L.=T=lM=McC=O=Y-=BO=Y=D=O=M='S=l=DO=L=:!J11 WSUI Series H. Kann, dlrectol' or the pel'sonnel .Week, SepL 16-23, Announced·- . About College depa.rt.ment, wlU present tho next And Loan for Surfacing Work serlcs, "ED.rnlng Your Way at the .. _--:------University." I Schedule This Year Is·------~ Starts Tuesday MI:. Miller will Interview Robert Apl)lication for $90,000 bond IS8uo tOI' 1\ new $636.000 hlgil Enlarged, to Begin E. Rlenow. dean of men. E'rlday on Is Filed With PWA, schoul. members of the sohool bOard Faculty, Administrative "Unlveraity Home LIfe for Men stu. OJ'e going ..hellA with pll\lls to lIOOure Tbree Days EarUer AROUND dentIJ." Continue Campaign ... 411 per cent grant for the IIroJ!l:t Prot. Rufus H. ~... tzgel'ald, direc· Members of Staff i ft'om PWA. The Iinal program for the annual Itor or the school at fine arts. will Celltilluing Its campaign to 'brIng Wil1 be Questioned lIt Des Molncs. (klvernor Clyde 1. freshman week Sept. 16 to 23 WU talk ' Bept. 9. on "Extra Curricular better scoolldary and !arm-to·mal· ~ ket roads to Johnson county, thO Herl'lng ha.a a.pproved varioU6 un'l. announced yesterday. Activities for the Students." "The 'I'lle first broadcast of 0. new pro- Students' Post Office," by C. A. board of ~u pel ' vlsor8 riled o.llIplica­ vcrsity requeste tor PW A tund, FrcoIIhman week activities never -, gl'8.m. "On the "'lay to an EducatiollJ Bowman, ' cit' postma.eter, wLU be tloll with PlY A :vestel'day (01' a TOWN ~oto.llIllg ,2J8,182. before havo started pliOI' to Wed· , l'lrs." designed lo acquaint fresh- the wxth Interview of tile earles. g"ront (I n ,] loa n of $OO.UOIO rOI' & Ul'­ DraWne AppilcatlOll1l nesday. but an enlarged program men and other new students at the The next dlsoussion will be given raclnlf and l·e·surfllcln,S' ]l1·0~Ct8. 'I'he chamber of comrnerce and will make It necessary for new stu· with Bob Griffith University ot Iowa with the hlgh- by''''. H. Selttert, manager of the The r"Ostofflce, courthoUIIC, city the golf courae, swimming pool. and hall, public llbrary and several Iowa. other athletic facUlties of the unl· City stores will be closed tomorrow verslty will obe available to new stu· ill observance of lAIbor day. dents desiring to participate. Various details will be explained to tJ'8l!hmen or tile collen ot liberal Mayor Asks 114'tS, college or pbarmacy, and the college of engineering at 2 p.m. on Wednesday. Applications lilah, FreslulIUI l\lIeetlng campbell, Me~Ung of freshmen In the col· City Afternoon thundered lege of IJberal arte, Including th080 For Matron Iowa Tbe World's Greatest and & Night mll es \.ho Will take work In prc·law, pre· 100 Ilueblrd 'on medical, pre·dental, and pre,colD' Mayor Thomas E. Martin said last TUESDAY loday, an merce eOUfSCS Is scheduled In Mac· night that he would accept appllca~ • • • • ...... , . . . • • • • • • • • Largest CIR~US is Coming bride hall auditorium. b!ouncernent tlonB (or the position of matron In In one or Pharmacy freshmen w\U conveno the e1ty resl room Wedneeday at 11 Huge Circus Due to Arrive rerll"ls In In I'oom 308 ot the phal'macy·hotany a.m. Sept. building and engineering treehmen Tho selection of a new matron fOI' To Iowa City Tuesday .." ._ ...... In room lOa, electrical cnglneerln/!, the rest room, which Is supported bY Here Early Tuesday 'Morning ....- building. funds from the community chest. Is ~ The next event. sooial activities baU!ed by the resignation or tM .------'n Iowa !Union at ~ :30 p.m., will be present matron, Mrs. Edwin Ander. Ringling. Bros., Barnum Petition Asking $108 a voluntary affair. son. Quallf)olq ExamalnatlOll8 City oNlclale urge applicants to ·And I Bailey Troupe Judgment is Filed University qualltylng examina.­ make a special effort to attend lhe Will Use 4 Trains By Burns Executors tions will be given for all students Wednesday meeting instead or re­ THE DAILY IOWAN HAS A entering the college ot englneelinll'. questing Interviews at other times. J Tn lhe smfLll . houl's' .0C Tuesday Judgment of $108 i~ 'asked in a college of pharmacy or the 8chool morning the fll'St oC four long ijolld- petition . field In district court IJ:iy of nursing on thursday. This af· fair will take place In chemistry Local Church oSteel railroad (r"ln~; ",\I 100000 cd with James C. Burns and !larry Stock­ a.udltorium beginning at 8 :80 a.l'/1. excitement and luughtor, bobbing toy' man, execulurs of t~o eslate of Jo­ and be resumed at 1:30 p.m. balloons, double-Jointod. hump· back" J6cph Burns, and WIlliam H. Jones The Quadrangle·Currler hall mix' ed pca.nuls, pink lomonde and other ngajost the L. J. Peters Construc- To Celebrate , lion company. er Ie scheduled Thursday at ~ p.m. ha.P~y Ingredlenls of the nation s . "1'h e petition CUed by Attorney E . FREE In the fino arts building. ollly self-made holiday, Is due to A B ld i hi! th t i k Re,18tratlon Anniversary steam ' into Iowa City. .,. awn c rges H. II- ruc • " Oefure lla 'li lit oWlled by the .defendant stl'uck llOTOO Registration tor freshmen will be· ) g catt)e OU a . hIghway near here July gin Friday at 8 a.m. Tho presl· In preparation tor the celebration Yes, the first secllon of the Orcllt- 2. IIl1l1ng one cow and Injuring sev­ dent's reception will occur in the ot the soventy-fifth anniversary of test Show on Earth- the I;tlngllng ernl others. exhIbition lounge of tt!e fine art. the Zion Lutheran church here Brothers Qnd Barnum & Balley com- _____. ______bulldlng Friday a.t 8 p.m. ~ept. 16, thero will 'be no reg'Ular blned circus-will be due before day" OPen house wll be Saturday at 8 services today or next Sunday, thEi light. and, a.a the other three tl'alM Pilll. In Iowa Union. Dancing, bl·ldge. Rev. A. C. Proehl announced laet follow. circus day will da.wn tor Geologic Trip TICKET 11/1<1 sImilar social ' activIties ..,.. night. young and old. The jingle of .plated pl!Ulned. Tho church building is being com· harness, a.nd rhythmic clatler of To End Todav . C~urcb Welcome. 'Pletcly remodeled, Including tho reo horses' shocs and the low pitched w Sunday Iowa. City cllurcbes will jocatlon of tho pipe organ, redecor. \rumble of red wagon wheels will be welcome new st~dent8. A special atlng or the church auditorium and heard most of tire forenoon on the Duluth Marks Journey's uniVersity vesper service wJ\\ be Ibaeement, new flooring, new lighting "t;'eets leading from the Rock Island Waiting For Every Boy conducted Sunday at 8 p.l7l. In low'! fixtures. a new heating system, and raltl'cad sidings to the cIrcus grounds End of Ninth Annual Union tor all students, faculty memo p ajr conditioner. Itt Lucas grounds on S. 01lbe1·t 6·State Conference bet's and the adminlstratlvo staff. The celebration Sept. 15 will mal'k street, whore performances, starting an~ Girl In Iowa City I~reshman week will close on the construction ot the tlrst church with the big show's 1035 edition of Monday at 7:(;0 a.m. with tho tra· In 1860. This original ·buildlng now The ninth annual field conference Its brllllanl spectacle, The Durb&l', or the Kansru:r ueologlcal society, dltlonal Induction Cerelllony a.t the iorms the auditorium of the present will begin al 2 and 8 p.m., Tuesday. west approacb ot Old CapIto\. ostructure. which began at Iowa City last Sun· 3t Tents day. will end t01' about 150 sclen·- Long bcfol'e matinee time. how- lisls at Duluth, Minn., tOO&}. ever. the 31 huge tents: Including Under lh& direction of Dcan Job Lists Are WSUIPROGRAM the world's largest big top, sealing George F. Kay of the ooll!ige of 1Ib- 16,000 persons, tha.L house tlfe I,60il eral a rts, the fi eld confel'once was * * * * All you need Lo do is secure ONE new reader for The For Toda, people, seven herds of elelJhants, the coruluctoo through Iawa, , Requested For 9:15 IP.m.-Famlliar hymns pro- 1,009 menagel'lc animals and 700 WiS(.'Onsln ond Minnesota. Gcologl. Dally Iowan \f you are 12 years or younger and twu gram. horses with the show, wlll be ilt cal formations of the lIPpill' 'MiSSis­ 1 Fur Tomorrow piaoo, despite the fact that the host slPlll va.ney werO studied. new readers if you are more than 12 years of uge. S.U.I. Students 10:30 o..m.-YesterdaY's musical of newly Imported ~<~Ial b~UJP6l11 Prot. Allen C. 'rester of the geo· favorltee. this season, with lons ot' extra mltl- logy' depal·tmenl was associate dl. THE The university per8C)nnel depu·t· 10:46 a.m.-The rw:llo kItchen. olr riggings and pedestals, have add- I'ector and Prof. Arthul' C. 1'l'ow· Any oC your friends und relatives wiD be glad to help 11 a.m.-Ulus.trated muBlcal chats, cd to the lwbol' of the big top forces. bridge, head of tho geology depart- GRfATlST ment is now prepared to accept IIste you. See them today 80 that you may be sure to see of available board and room Jobs at Thomils C. Collins. An added feature for the crowd" ment. leader. SHOW pl'lvate homes and bUsiness places 11 :&0 a.m.-Program calendar and Inspecting the vast menagerie dur- A new motol'cycle police CoIICOl't the Big Seven Ring Circus Tuesday. for both men and women students, weather repOrt. ing the hour befol'e the majn pilr- I met t'he I)arty at the berder of ON EARTH It was announced yester~. 12 noon-Rhythm r~les. formances start Is Col. Tim Mc(:Oy.'9 each state. 'I'hls week's trIp cli­ Lee H. Kann, personnel dIrector. 6 p.m.-Dinner hour program. Indian Tepee Village. with 810ux, maxed three yeal's of pl'eparation NOW The tickets are absolutely "'REIE, you pay us nothing. said a very large number ot appll· 7 p.m.-Chlldren·s hour, 'the land Crow, .Sbawnee and Aral)ahoo war- by a. committee of 35 scienhsfs of cations have been flied alld u many of the BtOry book. rlm'S encamped In the center of the the foul' states through which the I OR Be among the first in your neighborhood. Get busy pOsltiens as arc available will be 7:15 p.m.-WIth the authors. ,zoo oval. party traveled and Massa.chusetts needed to place all appllcantB. The 7:30 p.m.-E von I n g musicale, • Col. 'l'im Mc(Jo)' a Feature and New York. EVER now without delay. personnel department wtll cooperate Ralph Dea,l. Col. Tim MC90y himself, Plain"", 'rwo trips may be made ' In every way pol!8lble. 7:46 p.m.-NaUonlU park talk, man. soldier and friend of the Ind- tomorl'Ow. after the confel'en~'" of· , The service Is a unit ut the unl· Ice Age and Modern Claclers. Ian. who Is the sOI'een's outstanding flclally closes. 10,000 MARVELS -1600 Pl!OPLJ! ,. 800 USE THE COUPON OR COUPONS BELOW verslty business offlco and ae8umes ARENIC CHAMPIONS-BO CLOWNS 8 ,p.m.-Album of Artists. western Idol and lhe hero of millions .-__-======__ _ - HO HORSES-I009 MENAGEIlII one if you get in on a child's ticket, (age limit 12 responsIbility tor all •. student Jobs. 8:16 p.m.-Public health talk, Iowa. or AmerIcan boys and girls. will head • • ANIMALS · 7 HI!RDS OIl ELEPl:lANT8- WORLD'S LARGEST 11!NT-7 RINGS both cash &lid board and room. It ~tate Mldlca.1 society. his congress or rough rlders of.the I Westlawn News I AND STAGES HUGE HIPPODROMJI years); two If you need an adult ticket. Bring the Is Ilxpected 'more than 2,000 atu· 8:10 ,p.m.-Mualcal program. H&r­ worlci~owboy's, oowglr·ls. COBll8.eks, ••~-::::-~----=---:-"---- COURSE-WILDERNESS O. ADlAL •• RIGOINOS-COUNTLlISI NEW dents wilt be placed In jobs for par' old Nelson. McxJcan vaqueros, Australian bu8h.- HOllored "t Breakrllst MECHANICAL INNOVA1'IONS­ signed orders to the circulation office of The Dally tlal I For '1'U1!t1da)' rangers altd Indians-In the wild 'l'hl'ee nurscs of Westlawn. who .. ':I'RAI NS OIl DOUBLI' Ll!NGTH STEEL RAILRoA'D CAR LOADED 10:a. a.m.-yesterday's musical west entry of the main performances have accepted new posltlons, were WITH WONDERS FROM l!V1IIlY LAND Iowan during the foUowlng hours: Cavorltes. and hi the hurricane action of lhe h?nured at a breakfast last Sunday wild west show. at ned Ball Inn. Twice Daily· 2 II P.M. =~~'::. Monday-tO a.m. to 12 Noon. 10:46 a.m.-Better vlalon prOllTaID. DOOIII .'IN 1 a 7 , ... Refund Checks 1l a.m.-llIuetratcd muelcal Cha.t8, Never before hM ·the Iblg show per- TIl08e feted were LUCille Yos· n 1'uesday-8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Thomas C. Collins. !ormance offered so much that Is gera , who will become an i09truc· tOI' at tile Montan" Deaconess hog· On Taxes Will 11:50 a.m.-Program calendar and hew In Its .even.rlngs.and-stS¥6s W Q wea.ther report. program. From Europo come hosts pltal, Oreat Iralls, Mont.: Bernice 12 noon-Rhythm rambles. of new aerial and novelty acrobatic Hotchkiss. who has accepted a. po· A./lpr 6 p.m.-Dinner p.rogrILm. troupes. anionll' them the Romeos, sltlon as logtructol' a.t the Broa.d· }forking 1\)1 Be Distributed lawn general hospital, Des Moines; Date ...... Date...... 7 p.m .-<::hUdren's hour, the land tho Buemrangs, the AntalekB, the Ilond Marjorie McDowell. who has The Dall)' Iowan i ' I ~ TlMI Dally lowII .. their dUlillfl. Of the 8tory book. Dernenatls. the Wa.lkmlra, the Mas­ Circulation Mar. During ·th, RefUnda of ,.8,810.18, Includln~ recolved a position at Denver. Colo. Circulation M.ltf. 7:16 p.m.-W'ayne PUtnam and hls chinos. the Walter Ouloo trouocs, Yes, 1.'11 help this bo), Ot' elrl NI'II II ~ to the CIJ'IlUI. Ye8, I'll help thl8 boT III' «Irt IlU'II .. ticket to the CI1'1lUB. tem!>er and J '5,870.04 by check ~d ''',261.87 by H08tesse~ at the breakfast were orchestra. the WlIlos, the YacOPIIl, DanwlllB. You may hl"ie the rtlIUIar canler deliver TIM! ' Dalb' , __ fOt' You rnllY hn" the recular clll'11er dellv~r Th~ OIlU, lOW8n fOt' lOt to 400 atl credit, wlll be made tht. "'''ek at tile Mary Shugart. Ann Overland, Mrs. .. period thirteen weeki eIIMlIl !!ounty treasurer's orna. on the ,en- 7:46 p.m.-cttlllen'B forum, educa- Yom Karns, Uyenos, the Kolau. and .. ptIrIod or thirteen week" IIIId tberdlter arI&U I caaeel It. I of and thetealter UAW I It. I \IoI'ary Pa.rt. Sheldon Ohubb, .I!lllzabeth Pierson, wUl pay the boy the reeular price, 110 "III pa, tbe bo)' the I'IIlullU' prke, 111e _kl),. eral property tu. tton by radio aeries. the Clarkes. and Mwble Fouche. _kir. kl" Kanr For those perlOns wllo paid their 8 p.m.-Album of artl8ta. In the air, the famou8 Otarls, on Name of Subscriber ...... _...... Name of Subscriber ...... there are II I /lnUre property t~ lut .prlnl', 8:15 p.m.~n tbe way to an edu- their maIteae-cros8 rilJtrlngll, fill the Mr. and MI',. P. S. Nelson are Address ...... Phone...... Address ...... Phone...... "'"'It female I check. are ready 10 be ~ven out. cation, Becoming a Student of the air with maes flights, While Made­ visiting their daughter, PhylliS. Secured By ...... :...... Secured By ...... at~'nta of tt PerlOns ..,ho pajd oni)' their flnf Unlvenlty of Iowa, Chvlee H. Ma­ moleelle Gtllette lelIi)le from the dome thle week end. 10 each .rema Qf the big top to n Incredible finale( Signature of Boy Signature of Boy halt tUM at tbat tI~a will r_lve IhIth. Ma.rpret Sallus has been a truest or Girl's Parents ...... or Girl's Parents ...... _ refund. u credit on the lut halt 8:10 p.m.-Mualcal Pl'OIr&IO, Don. Amerlka, Lydia Romeo and Jennie of Marvel Albert during the laet tue.. 1.14 Helm. Rooney head other aerial dlaplay., week. The refund. ..., on tile !but. of Including the larJeat lirl.' mld·alr Rozella 8chlotfeldt ha.e her moth· tUO tor ,1,000 tauble , value, 8J[. FIlch...... vorlte Color ballet ever produced. The flylnl' er as bel' guest thIs week end. capt whe... the ret~nd Itt Ie.. tb&D: PARIS (API - Fucb81a. Is one ot [:onOllIl08 with Antoinette only c1rl 'two-and· half .ome..... utter, and the great Oon Colleano, ~l'8aultlng AlLY IOWAN &0 cent•. Amount. 1... tllal! 10 oentll, M&I'o,1 Rochu' favorite colors tor THB tolaUlnl' "'UB, wUl !:It paid to thl rimming accents In winter tub. Comets are t_tur" u are madcap toreador of the tlarht wire: Hugo Iond ·'IOUJa City', Mornin, New,paper" county poor fand. '1'9 ...tun41 &1'6 Ion.. He use. the vivid color Id Dorothy Herbert, reckl.... reinle.. Marlo the human OILnnon proJec. ~ade poIelble ." tbe ... t&1l II&letI taz IC&rf. or braidlnl" on frockl ot " ihurdllntr hone rldlntr etu. the fam. Jl.lte!!, a. new liberty camel novelty collection", It 'W~ pol "tell 91lh dorl' b\ock,lh ,roelll ou.r. hlJrh wh'e W&lI'III1Jll It ·O Ull~. the IInll 80 horse llbertr Senllll.\loll,