Etlael Keller r No.Hie., No-Rura. MarrluM 'l' hollla~ W. Kelleflcll Before V,,",on KenlledJ' Hurl!i Way llJio 600 OueMt.8 at St. MIU')"8 HaU of ..... me b, Rare Pilch.lnc See I'a,e 3 See I'ace 5 . -- I 0 10 a MorRin, N e _ , pap e r :::::==================~~~~~~~~~==~====~~==========~~~~========~~~~==~-: FIVE CENTS I~'r~t';~!.. /r'.!e:=''''' IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER I, 1935 ...:u,,:::-::.. ~ VOLUME XXXV NUMBER 78 --------~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------~----------------------------------------~~---- . British Government Attempting to Halt Granting Di.scussing the Situation Three Others, Of Concessions in Ethiopia to Private Interests ** ** ** ** Including Well Can the Coml1lUnity of Nations Keep P~ce? Known Writer, • ** ** ** ** Dupute Back to Leogue Badly Injured Assert Deal Solon Breaks Ankle Bold Stroke New Housing Chief R. Thompson F.IUTOIt'S NOTE: FOIIOwlnlt I~ lhe IIUJ I Of rOllr .rflele , dlsctwslllit Un-Negotiable Arrested After certain ."pcc-tfl Of the JlaIo-Ethloplan situation, written h, FranciS Mrs. Genevieve Forbes Of Emperor O. WUrox who ",cenU), retumed to Iowa ()tl, after two ,ear, at the Graduate ~ hool of Inlern.Uon,,1 Stud, and the Unlvel'lllt, of Gelle\'a Herrick, Nolcff A8 Under Treaty Stuns Capital Issuing Checks 111 Swlt.eriand. Mr. Wilcox, whu wa" a-rllduated fro", tbe Unlvenit)' or low.. with .. B.A. degree In 1930, receIved hi" muter of ari. ~ane Author, 'SCrilically here In political !!Cllmee Ihe fOilowlnl' fear. H e ohtained hili I'h.U. Hurt in Collision Tri. Power Agreement Foreign Diplomats Look Expect Charges Will Be decree rrom luwa In 11133. Of 1906 Claimed To At Concessions As Filed Today, Checks II,. ..' Ri\NCI8 O. WU£OX /i,\NTA ,..E, N . M .• ALII{. ~I (AP) A':J the negotiations u signed to bring about " pacifi · ~ot· -~In. Harold L. lck 8. 61. "IC" f Prevent Concession Block to Mussolini Amount to $618.25 t1clOl'nt 01' tile ltalo-Abys.'iinian dif;putc 'nter into their most rclal'y of thl' Illledo .. 111 1,1 crucial phillie, millions of p ople in many lanu arc anxiously ask- politician In h I' own rlG'ht. I\lLI LONDON. Aug. 31 (A~The The Dll,J"s Developments A ma.n givIng the name or R. F. ing: Can the comlllunity of nation!! kcep the peace 1 'un th killed tonight In motor car ('olu­ Brltlsn government moved KwlC,tty to­ London-'rhc British mlnl"tel' Thompson of Okl.ahoma. wall held !tatl'S1l\ II Or Europe today prc\'cllt another world crisis which ilion which slate polke chlU'G'ed to nlr ht to ,halt the granting of con­ ... hlt-and·,·un 11I·lvCI·. to Addis Ababo. was authOr-bed by I>oltce last night tn connection might I)O&Ijlb ly dwarf Into Inijlg-i • • • • • • • • • • • telB lolI8 In Ethlaplo. to American and Three CompRnlon with the PlUll1lnS' of worthless pay_ nlflcallce the ~Ia.ughter \lr 1914-18" Ea&'lItih Interests. to tell Empe"or Jlalle Sell\)!sle With thrlle <,oml)anloIl8 In a taxi. roll c hOC k/! mado out to C. B. A'b- can war 1Je II.vertC1i? ASlJerttng tho deal could ~ h llt Lonclun advl~e8 hlrtl t() cab she WlUi plunged Into I. ditct. bott al throe Iowa Ity etol-ea yes- Such qu ~tlon8 al'o dlrtlcult to oeilltialed without consulta.tlone wllhhold tho concessions. IlnIlWCf·. largely bl'cau8c 1111 tho 30 mllcs nOl·th of Santa 1"1' whUe pong Italy, F I'ance and Bl'ltaJn ter(lay fliCtcrnoon. lucte of th ClIl1e w'e nQt I1.vallublo !'I, I'oul hero tor 11. fle.ia. !JI}enlng' Alldls Abab An official COTH- Expect Charses WIder the trl-power treaty ot 1906, tom 'TOW. from hel' ~ummCI' hume munlque dl!IClosed detuJlK uf nn Charges of forgery or obtaining to the (\Ycragc readel' In th United !be government announced Its mln­ Statl'oll or In l';urOlJe. UJldoulJledly Itt Coolidge. N, M . oil concession to American 111- money undol' talse pretenses are ex- It... to Aduls Ababa. had ~e n auth­ AfrO!. {lenrvl VI' F'ul'be IIp,rl, k, .riled to advlS(" Emperor HaUo Se­ tercAts IUld on~ Involving the pected \0 be Wed agaIn .. t the man ~~~Cranor s~.t::el:,...,~~1t u~II.Vt~CI~ w('11 knuwn new pa)H C 1'"".pOIl. In Ivhoijc POll6e6slon was (uund 19 iUII. to wIthhold tho eonce88lons. d nt anti a hou~ gUI'.l "f MI' . watrr of Lakc Tana to an Eng­ paYI'uJl eh eks from the Cedar Ral)' III~oves which haye nol yet boOn kk~H. WI\JI Illjllr~d crUlc Il y. The forelgll oWce. In one of Its lish cOilporo.tlon. Ide t.umbCr a.nd Coal company on . IIhown and which »robn.bly wtll not AII40 InJul'f'(t was Ibmhlm' H(>y_ rare oCrtc1al comn1l1nlques, mad the 'I 'ren~PreOilcr M u8llOlIni In tho Merchanl<t National bank or I be plI<Ycd. until th .. g-oI.Ille oC n gO- 811rtllng an nouncemen t disclosing a SI)ccch altar tho conclusion or rlLllah, ntulrhe of IhA 'rul'kIHh 1.""' Cedar Rapids totalling- $6l8.26. /tillting III 11 l'ly ovel·. Howev~r, It bW!~y In WlUlhlngLUn , and Jo· ...l.I'k the government was tumlng thumbe wa.l" maneUVCI"1J. H8Jd 'lthoBe who CHllhe& Checks lIlay be WO"lll Wllilo to examine tho Allen. Oallup. N. M ., tusl b down on 0. dea.l concluded by one of do not kll()w how to gro.sp the nu l'lng YCHterc1ay art 0 I' n 0 0 n, vadou!! 1)()l!ldblo KQlutions to tllo It. own citizens, ll~ranclH M. Rlc­ wheel or de..1.lny 1n historic mo­ 'J'h(Jm 30n cashed a $26.7ij check at dl.8j)uto and haza.rd a gU(,1I8 u~ to kell. ments perhaps will nevel' grasil p . , tho logical outcome. ~U~t" l (e 8. '" $3S.7G check at Scars. me 18 (Jast The government saId It had no It." lie ulaclosod plans to call ~woll Htltt" poill" under C I)t. ~. J_ 200,000 moro men to ser-vlce. Roebuck and company, and a. $34.71i At the outllCt the situation wuult! 1I0u!l& n .... t Id~ntiflpd " yrUl1 h I confirmation of the concessions of check M the Montgomery. Ward 011 and waleI' right", but felt It ecm to be somewhat dlscourw;lng John Jlprrlck, husbantl of tht> wrIt- a.nd conwa.IlY 8tol'e here. l'hOmpKon 1'1'. but a later check of etfrt'ta dil,. neooS6lU'y to Inform the British mln­ By ,lAMER 1\ . MrLU' sll\Oo MU"lIolinl hall displayed ... very a.ttempted to cash checks at Ewerl! 1)('111'(1 th ('(lOfuslnn Rnd Ilrrr1r-k lIter that ""uch cone sslons would In bed in his Washington (World Cupyrlll' ht, 1935, by lJ,e un 'ornpromlalng attitude durin!!, th I:IhO(' IItore a.nd at the McNama.ra Will! located n WlUIhlngton. undoubtedly be Q. matter fOI' pre­ home after he had slipped and Assoclaled I'ross.) PIUIt [OlY w ckll. lie has bl'ushed Furnltur Cl>Illpa.lly. but Wall reruli' J. 11100"11.11 , aBslstant Rtnie lit. llmhw'y eon8ultalionw by hl8 mlljCK­ 3uffel'cd a broken ankle, tiena­ ADDIS ABABA. Allg. 31-'rhe IUIld 0.11 ProlJOollLls whlch have been n. 00. All oC the chock6 we"o dILled torlley G'cn rul, who rush d to the swift stroke of EmllOrol' Hal10 Sel­ jL()va.nced fl'Om ./l~ronch &lId 1::11&il8h ty', gOvernment. th ~"I neh and tor William H . King of Utah Aug. ao, 1136. aABle In \ urnlng ovel' a1)j)roxlmat Iy H on sal(1 non of Iho dllrylvOI·. \tllian governments under article ol'uered 11 telephone ill~talled at Night Co.ptaln J oe Dolezal Mid quartC1'8. tIts mind 18 made UIJ; the halC hh; emplro 10 English and W1l8 lib Ie to alve .. Ct,11N' lit It' 'ount tW'o of the tl'i-ptl.l·ltle treaty DC 1906." his bed so he could caJ'I'Y out lho.t (:()dar Rapids police ststed that dlo 1ft CWlt. II Insists thM nothIng Amclican Interests fo,' cxploltatlon or til ac<;ldent. Tile wireless st",lIon to Addis his planl) to aid th Dif;tl'ict of no firm known as. the Cedar Ral>lds les" thun military operations In wax gcnorp,lI y l'ogal~ll'd today. as Ethiopia. wltl pacify fascist ambl­ The "hit-run" ,'a,', lw I' p''''lr,I, AbIIb& was cl~.d for tJle night and I. umbel' and MaterIal company IYUs CoLllmbia gOl'(,t,nmcnt in obtain­ blilCklng ltalilm ,'con<m1lc penet)'!\.· powel' conrerenee at .Parl" having WILlI de8crlbed only lUI u "!lII "k 1'­ It wu IrDJ)OSI!Lbl a to leal'o what cC­ III cx/lltence. tlOIl~ Ilnd bllns "courlty to ltaliwi ing II tonn £I'om PW A to build tlon of Ethiopia. (:olonlo& 111 Africa. But whilo mill· ralled to n;p1)~O MUIIHullnl·. apVC­ d .. n." The vlctlmll sald they .1 Itt [ett Britaln'lt acllon would havo lIo...... t 1\IerclllUldise tho license plate. Sta.tl' po­ a new courthouse. An official communique confh1ll­ Ul.I·Y II. tlv(ty In AbY8slnkl. would tit the dispute 18 back once more not see upOn Haile Sela88le. .According to the managers of the lie launched a. hunt fOI a III cd the concession, madc IU! the cm· 8 to be alt~t lnevltabl the ()baervcrs, however, pointed out Htores vlslted by Thomp on. he em On th Leagu of Nations door­ I>erol' prepared tot· a feared HlIllan eXiI,t Ilce of war In a strictly legal st 'P.
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