DOI 10.1515/znth-2014-0001 — znth 2014; 21(1): 192-225 GRUYTER Andrew Meszaros The Influence of Aristotelian Rhetoric on J.H. Newman’s Epistemology Abstract: The article examines the influence of Aristotelian rhetorical theory on the epistemology of Newman. This influence is established on historical grounds and by similarity of content. Specifically, the article sheds light on how the rhetorical notions of ethos, logos, and pathos are all implicitly incorporated into Newman’s theory of knowledge concerning the concrete. The section on rhetori- cal ethos focuses on Newman’s appeal to the “prudent man.” Concerning logos, particular attention is paid to the rhetorical enthymeme and in what sense Newman’s method of argument (Informal and Natural Inference) can justiflably be described as enthymematic. Pathos, in turn, is shown to be significant for the way in which N e ^ a n views foe subjective dimension of foe individual’s coming to knowledge. The rhetorical rationality that emerges sets the stage for claritying, in another context, other more theological themes in Newman’s writings, such as his religious apologetic, his understanding of tradition, and even his Christolo^f. ,Leuven (ﻻ)<ا Andrew Meszaros: Systematische Theeiegie, Katoolleke Universiteit Leuven, E-Mail:
[email protected] ﻣﻬﻪ 3م1 ه1 وSt-Michielsstraat 4 bus 1 Introducían In hisAn Essay in theAid ofa Grammar ofAssent (1870), Newman tried to justity foe claim that believers without knowledge of arguments for their faith are never- tireless reasonable in assenting to that faith. Engaging foe rationalists and foe agnostics, Newman attempted to illustrate that even foe educated person’s faith does not ultimately rely on textbook syllogisms, but rather “on personal reasonings and implicit workings of the mind, which cannot be adequately put into words.”* Newman’s Cratorian confrère in Birmingham, Edward Caswall (1814-1878), sums up Newman’s intentions with his notes scribbled in his copy of the Grammar after a conversation with Newman: ‘Object of foe book twofold.