THE TEESDALE MERCURY. 011V , liar 1 eib May 10th, 1933.

Is as short Stories. spite of everything. Playing with malig- They set off that evening with still another !love nant cleverness on the feelings of her chief addition to their party—a mysterious, RADIO. gaoler, a y5ung officer named John Fenton, masked and cloaked man about whom no- laREE MUSKETEERS. awakening the religious fanaticism that body knew anything but and he BY " EXPERT." flowed' concealed in his veins—tor the Eng- declined to vouchsafe any enlightenment sto of Great Adventure. lish Puritans were furious against Bucking- just then. The stranger uttered not a word. INTERNATIONAL RELAY CONCERTS. ham—and firing his passion with an They found her along the road towards A notable development in international Jae. DUMAS (Pere). invented story of how she was robbed of Armentieres in a little isolated house on broadcasts was .made this week, when Fin- Br her honour by the Duke, Milady not only the banks of the river within a hundred land's contribution to the present series of ed bs Robert Buchanan.) achieved her own escape from prison, but paces of a ferry. They all entered the house. European relay concerts was made from itte101' sent Fenton to accomplish the Cardinal's " What do you want?" screamed Milady, Lahti. In arranging programmes for relay onnaued from last week.) purpose. her face displaying surprise and fright as to Europe as a whole, each country so far CHAPTER III. Fenton's deed is a matter of history. she recognised Athos, D'Artagnan and her has tried to present a complete picture of tins affair of the diamond studs, Forcing his way into the presence of the brother-in-law, Lord Winter. itself, relying on a number of its own vas by no means hopeless of Duke of Buckingham on the pretext that he "We want to judge you according to your artists and its own music, but this was the Ataal %oe over Ms• • enemy, the Duke w came with a message from Lord Winter, crime," said Athos. "You shall be free to first time that such a programme had been 31. ti-,,pat a, The siege of La Rochelle the poor misguided fanatic plunged his. defend yourself. Justify yourself if you devoted to one composer. The reason is • • • • the great military . enterprises knife into the Duke's side. oiOof can. Monsieur D'Artagnan, it is for you riot far to seek ; if we had to choose one One consolation at any rate was reserved • 0,..„;\ °ItOittal, who discovered that the to accuse her first." man by the votes of the whole population • ....ors about to send a succouring for the dying Duke. He collapsed into the D'Artagnan advanced. as the representative English composer of under the Duke's command. very arms of Laporte, the trusted servant " Before God and before men," said he, our time, Sir Edward Eiger would ,1 to thwart this at any cost, how- of , who had that moment " I accuse this woman of having poisoned 'is't.e undoubtedly be the choice. Finland faced he called to his aid the arrived on the special mission of bringing Constance Bonacieux, of having attempted with the task elected Sibelius, without even ipfallIOUS. milady we have mentioned Her Majesty's warning of the menace to to murder me, of having urged me to having to stop and think. He is the national his life which she, too, had discovered—too murder Baron de Wardes, and of having laureate and most fitly represents the very at go to Buckingham," he late. employed assassins to shoot at me." spirit of Finland. It was unfortunate that her, " and tell him I am " Her Majesty charged, me, too, to tell And M. D'Artagnan passed to' the other this broadcast coincided with the B.B.C.'s with all the preparations he you that she still loves you," said Laporte. side of the room to and . own programme of " No " plays of Japan, will save time and but that they give me no un- " Alt," said Buckingham. " God be " It is your turn, milord," said Athos and and so prevented its relay in this country, remove the grease ee, at the first step he takes, I My death, then, will not be to her as the Lord Winter came forward. It will also remove .. ;th but the Continental stations which took the ed by its aid from t he Queen. I have several proofs death of a stranger ! " " Before God and before men," said he, programme included Brussels No. 2, Heils- or bright surface ler hands that would irretrievably Realising the importance of concealing as " I accuse this woman of having been the berg, Langenberg, Oslo, Prague, Schweize- ust be washed and ;se her." long as possible the news of the assassina- means of the assassination of the Duke of rischer Landessender, Strasbourg and War- which a disinfectant objected the lady, " if in spite of tion for fear of discouraging the Rochellais, Buckingham and of the death of my brother, which with their wide range of wave- n house-fly lays its saw, therefore be clean reasons the Duke does not give the King of England, Charles I., closed all her husband, who died, three hours after lengths were quite sufficient to give the ed English ports and gave orders that no vessel warm soapy e ate,. ad continues to menace France ?" making her his heir, of a strange disorder average English listener an opportunity of ■ • ■•••••■ •■••■ persists--" His Eminence made should go out until the army which which left vivid traces behind it all over receiving this programme without much ae .....n and resumed, " if he persists— Buckingham was getting together, had set trouble. the body." I shall hope for some one of sail, taking it upon himself, in default of And Lord Winter ranged himself by the Stepping-up the Voltage. ,,Ctrs which change the destinies of Buckingham, to superintend its departure. side of D'Artagnan, leaving the space free I have mentioned on several occasions the the accessories that But as he did not think of giving this order for another accuser. importance of the audio-frequency trans- until five hours after the event, two vessels fashion experts have jtas---? " It is my turn," said Athos, trembling. former, which steps-up the voltages it can express our own IL then. for example, in 1610 for a had already left Portsmouth. One carried " I married that woman when she was a receives at a radio which depends on the le additions and gay similar to that which moves- Milady ; the other bore Lord Winter, now planning of our new shoat young girl ; I gave her my wealth, I gave number of turns on the second coil com- before. The first • the King Henry IV. of glorious sworn to exact vengeance on the woman her my name ; and one day I discovered pared with the similar number on the first our choice shall lie tv was about to invade Flanders and who had caused first his brother's death that this woman was branded ; this woman coil. Technically, these coils are termed t with a swing line, e attack Austria on both sides—well, and then the Duke of Buckingham's. was marked with a fleur-de-lis on her left the secondary and the primary coil skirt, two- or three- :rt not happen an event which saved About this time, D'Artagnan, having dis- oth are in the vogue. shoulder." respectively ; the word " coil " being under- is ideal. For more covered that Madame Bonacieux, who had " Oh !" said Milady. " I defy you to find stood, it is usual to speak of them as the the longer coat and a Eminence means, I presume, the been missing for some time, was hidden at any tribunal which pronounced such an secondary and the primary. This stepping- r this choose a plain a1) of the Rue de la Feronnerie ? . the Carmelite Convent in Bethune under infamous sentence against me. I defy you up of voltage is accompanied by a corre- right colours, plaids, I will find someone to carry out this the power of the Cardinal, obtained leave to find him who executed it." sponding reduction in the amperage of the ve important sleeves, of absence to go there and rescue her. He eeve line this season. :. But in teturn I ask your assist- " Silence !" cried a hollow voice. " It is current—everything has its price in radio 'sts, important tucks, it dealing with two enemies whom I proposed doing this alone but met with for me to answer that." And the mysterious as well as in other activities. The increased rist, these are some in serving your Eminence." determined opposition from Athos. man in the red cloak tame forward in his strength in volts is at the expense of the left without cuffs or si are they ? " "This is a task for us all," declared Athos, turn. strength in amperes. It is from this fact match the neckline quietly but firmly. " The Cardinal has novel idea. Gloves, is a little intriguing woman " The executioner of Lille ! the execu- that the transformer obtains its name. It ie frills or are made d to the Queen—Madame Bonacieux; arranged to meet at Bethune his woman, tioner of Lille ! cried Milady, a prey to transforms a current which has a certain e worn to match the Le is ner lover, a man your Emin- Milady, who wherever she goes brings wild terror, and clinging with her hands voltage and amperage into one which has a ve are more popular lees well, for he is the evil genius misery with her. If you had only to deal to the wall to avoid falling. higher voltage but a, correspondingly lower are still being worn of us and was chief of those who with four men, D'Artagnan, I would allow however, yet another Athos stretched out his hand towards her. amperage. The pressure, or the head, of your neck, 'and then tis affair of the diamond studs to you to go alone. But you have to do with " Charlotte Backson, Countess de la fere, the electric current is increased while its st chic. Dark brown that woman—we will all go, and I hope to ," said he, " your crimes flow is decreased. As all attempts made in materials. One little •:1•.." said the Cardinal, " I know God that with our four lackeys, we may have wearied men on earth and God in the set are to increase voltages, this does re satin. The costume we mean." be in sufficient number." It and buttons were heaven. If you know any prayer, say it, not 'matter. There is an exception in the IiiK1 that wretched D'Artagnan." " You terrify me, Athos," cried D'Artag- for you are condemned and you shall die." case of the final valve in the output stage, Idit have a proof of his association nen, " My God, who do you fear ? " And they handed her into the hands of but with this exception, we are concerned Bisiiingham." " Everything ! " replied Athos. the executioner with voltage amplification. Grow F: of !" cried Milady. " I will find And indeed he was sadly right. Although * ♦ • they spared neither themselves nor their Our four friends returned to La Rochelle Transformer Markings. ::lien, get me that proof and I will horses on the journey, they arrived too travelling side by side with spiritless eyes The L.F. transformer has four terminals, ss, there are certain one to each end of each coil ; these are now ar in mind, especially Lit to the Bastille." late. and heads depressed. Athos from time to rage growth in height far good, monseigneur, but after- Milady, whip had reached the convent time raised his expansive brow ; a flash lettered with the initials or signs of the t inches. During the before them, had decided to get Madame kindled in his eyes and a bitter smile portions of the circuit to which they are inches . Two to four a once in the Bastille there is no passed over his lips ; then, like his com- connected. In the earlier days of radio, and es during the fourth. Bonacieux away from the convent to a place i ;!" said the Cardinal in a low where she could be more securely used as rades he sank again into his reveries. there axe still some survivors, it was d should increase in customary to mark the terminals " I.P.," eight should increase hostage against D'Artagnan, and was just on By the Cardinal's orders, D'Artagnan, on se by as much as one igneur," replied Milady, " a fair the point of smuggling her out of the arrival, was immediately brought before " 0.P.," " I.S.," and " 0.S.". The I.P. child's weight remains xistence for existence, man for building when ' horses him. And when his Eminence showed denoted that the terminal was connected to called in to discover the inside end of the primary coil where e nie one. I will give you the clattered into the yard. anger at what had been done to Milady, produces firm flesh, the winding began ; and O.P. denoted that rickets• Foiled, Milady used her last desperate D'Artagnan produced his counterstroke—a onstipation or the terminal was connected to the outside and is contented and tely for the conspirators, their weapon. Running to the table while paper signed by the Cardinal which he had if baby is taken to a • dialogue was overheard by Madame Bonacieux's back was turned she given to Milady when he had ordered her end of the primary where the winding ended. The same method was followed to her to be upset should very men threatened therein— poured a grain of reddish colour into the to go to England to get rid of Buckingham. 'onary when compared n, Who immediately took counsel younger woman's wine glass, where it This ran :- denote the respective ends of the secondary ny clothes at all. G `lase musketeer friends as to the melted immediately. It is by my hands that the hearer of coil. Some makers, in an effort to be e a little, for a Nveek. original, reversed the order of the initials little internal !la of warning the Duke of the " This is not the way I wished to avenge this paper has done what he has done. n, some At the camp of Rochelle, this fifth day failure to put on the :tech threatened him. myself," said Milady, with an infernal to " P.I." and so on. Now, for certain good of August, 1628. reasons, this order is rarely followed, so this occurs, but it is discussed various ways and smile, " but ma foi! We do what we can 1 " Richelieu. doiag this they pieced together •She rushed out of the room. the matter of these initials is merely of 1 Smiling, the Cardinal went to his table historic interest. Nowadays the coils are 1 blew of this infamous woman's And as D'Artagnan darted in, the beloved, and wrote a few lines upon parchment 'IltindY—so called because she had form of Constance Bonacieux collapsed in wound in sections in special ways and the an E which D'Artagnan imagined would be his connections often are varied. The core is REM nglishman, Lord Winter, and his arms. Her beautiful face was distorted condemnation. To his astonishment, it OD'S CHALLENGE ,he his widow and heiress in most with agony, her glassy eyes were fixed, and usually built up of a number of plates or 00 circ proved to be a lieutenant's commission in laminations of a special kind of iron, an sum of umstances. She had also a convulsive shuddering shook her whole the musketeers—D'Artagnan's highest under the nd, tticie air gap being left in each lamination. The fail. Far superior ,l to a Frenchman,e Countla de body. ambition. objects sought are to increase the magnetic S' Continental treatnnell'.obet ',,h44 repudiated her when he dis- D'Artagnan was frantic. " In the name however a;b" Yet the young man thought of his com- regularities me. t upon her shoulder w as of heaven, run, call Aramis ! Porthos I call concentration, to avoid loss of various REMEDY is supre r tic rades even now. The name had been left kinds and to overcome certain forms of dis- pa `-. she sign of the fleur-de-lis—the for help ! " 12/, Stamp for al LA• 11. blank on the commission, and he tortion of signals. While the audio-fre- , e as a convicted thief and " Useless ! " said Athos, biting his lip till endeavoured to get each of them in turn quency transformer is a simple piece of stablished 30 years. Tate character. the blood came, to avoid sighing. "Useless! ,91e, to accept it. But they all refused. apparatus, it has received probably more AND MRS. W. WOOD, ! the husband of this frightful For the poison which she pours out there Lie Athos, the last of the three, went one attention by the best makers than has any MEDICAL SPECIALIST°. t ?" asked Aramis. is no counter-poison." • stage further. Taking a pen he wrote the other piece of apparatus used in radio answered Athos grimly. " A few moments later Madame Bonacieux Street, Leeds. name of D'Artagnan upon the parchment. work. Formerly it was regarded as insigni- Louis sieke was dead ; and D'Artagnan fell senseless. " I shall no longer have friends," said ficant, which had a marked effect in pre- greeted this revelation of The four men sat in an auberge at p the younger man, " alas, nothing but bitter venting fidelity in reproduction of signals. n's i dentity. Then the four Bethune an hour later preparing their plans ),000 coal mine ie to De 'e ;Ic eo fr recollections." To-day it is the result of a vast amount of brains more determinedly for hunting down the murderess. There rm at Capel flendr. And he let his head sink upon his hands research in the attempt to improve repro- firm south see:ee 113iling Milady's latest dread- they were joined by another man seeking ley ttr and tears rolled down his cheeks. duction. vengenace—Lord Winter. " You are young," replied Athos, " and es. two handkei cliiefs. el,IP 114,4 framed a letter to Lord " It appears to me," he said, "that if there your bitter recollections have time to be a film spool, a eoct,1; o nary Our Radio . Correspondent undertakes to c kieee, two collar stoela had eu_ dead husband's brother— be any measures to be taken against the changed into sweet remembrances." answer any queries on radio subjects which a.,13elgian franc vier,' at himin such good time countess, it particularly concerns me ; she readers of this paper may care to ask. aro of a dossostriot i disot,ladY arrested as she was is my sister-in-law." Next Week : All queries should be forwarded c/o The tunu ate ark at Portsmouth. !Tri- "And I " said Athos, grimly, " she is my THE VICAR OF WAKEFIELD. Editor of the Teesdale Mercury at Barnard lli n Castle, and Should be accompanied by a g woman triumphed in wife !" By OLIVER GOLDSMITH. stamped addressed envelope for reply.