115 Feb 1984

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115 Feb 1984 T' NUMBER 115 25 CENTS .:~~~ X.·523 FEBRUARY 1984 u.s. Get Your Bloody Hands Off the World! \1 - " alvaaoran eDelS , -'"! - r .i j > ,~ I - J;i:~':'-- .. '~ ~ Young women insurgents in Usulu­ 'f tan, EI Salvador; U.S. troops in Hon­ -. Smash Reagan's duras for "Big Pine II" maneuvers. nationally. We hail the heroic Salvador­ Death Squad Terror! an guerrilla fighters, and as communists in the belly of the imperialist beast we also hail the internationalist example of Today in El Salvador, a military David Anderson and Carroll Ishee, two victory of the leftist insurgents fighting Americans who gave their lives fighting the U.S.-backed butcher regime is alongside ·the rebels and against the possible-but it is not certain. As a U.S.-backed butchers. The New York result of the guerrilla offensive which Times (26 January) reports that Ander­ began in September, the eastern third of son was killed in combat in May 1982, the country is now dominated by the desperation, the government is conduct­ that half the weapons will fall into the while last August the 29-year-old rebel forces. Early last month, the last ing mass roundups of youths-on the hands of the guerrillas! The Spartacus Ishee-who "had been active in the remaining suspension bridge to the East streets and in the schools-and drafting Youth League says: Now is the time to movements opposing United States was blown up as government soldiers them into the military. The New York strike! Military victory to the leftist participation in the Vietnam War and in fled; "reinforcements" failed to arrive Times (13 January) reports that a' insurgents! civil rightsorganizations"-died in a although they had plenty of time to do Salvadoran clergyman has warned A defeat of U.S. imperialism and its strafing attack in Morazan province. so. The morale of the government army, against the Reagan administration's local agents in Central America would His final words, according to the rebel including the "elite" units trained by drive to triple military aid to the punch a big hole in Washington'sdeadly Radio Venceremos: "Tell my wife, my U.S. advisers, is at an all-time low. In government, on the unusual grounds drive to "roll back Communism" inter- continued on page 10 MALCOLM X: Courageous Fighter for Black Liberation ... 6 ~. '.~ k- I 2 YOUNG SPARTACUS -----SyL Black History Month Events----- AP Blacks, Labor Need a Workers Party ~ .,· "Finally Got the News" •. ·nl Jesse Jackson: Documentary on the League of Revolution­ ary Black Workers and the struggle of black Front Man for the auto workers in Detroit during the late '605. I~WM~I Racist Democrats Wednesday, February 22, 7:00 p.m. Speaker: Bernard Vance Wayne State University SCB, Room 583 November 27, 1982 Labor / Black SL/SYL contingent in pro-busing SL Central Committee Mobilization to Stop the KKK in march, Boston, 1974. Saturday, February 25, 7:30 p.m. DETROIT Washington, D.C. We stopped the For more information: (313) 961-1680 Memorial Union Klan! (see'Today in the Union"for location) November 27,1982: MADISON "We Stopped the Klan!" For more information: (312) 427-0003 Black History Black History and the Class Struggle and the Speaker: Michael Haines, Spartacist League Class Struggle November 27, 1982: Labor/Black Friday, February 10, 7:00 p.m. Thursday, February 16, 7:00 p.m. Thursday, February 23, 7:30 p.m. Mobilization Stops the KKK I. A. Room. Marie Reed Learning Center Harris Hall Auditorium Malcolm X Lounge, Hartley Hall 2200 Champlain Street. N.w. Virginia State University Columbia University Blacks, Labor Need a WASHINGTON, Q.C. PETERSBURG, VA Sponsored by the Spartacus Youth League Workers Party- and the Black Students Organization Tuesday, February 14, 12:30 p.m. Friday, February 17, 12:00 noon Not Front Men for the Godwin University Center Ballroom McKeldin Student Center Ballroom NEW YORK Norfolk State University Morgan State University For more information: (212) 267-1025 Racist Democrats Co-sponsored by Norfolk State Co-sponsored by the Morgan State Student Government Association Student Government Association Wednesday, February 15 and Spartacus Youth League and Spartacus Youth League Noon-3:00 p.m. NORFOLK BALTIMORE (continuous showings) University of Illinois, Chicago For more information: (202) 636-3537 CCC Room 506 Thursday, February 23,1:40 p.m. Truman College, Room 1516 Speaker: Tweet Carter SL Central Committee Thursday, March 1, 1:40 p.m. Truman ~ollege, Room 1516 Speaker: Bernard Vance SL Central Committee October 29, 1983 rally to defend CHICAGO victimized phone workers Lauren For more information: (312) 427-0003 Mozee and Ray Palmiero, Oakland. Sojourner Truth John Brown Frederick Douglass ...;.". public education in the South was founded by the Freedmen's Bureau. Black Education and the Civil War Black colleges were founded to train black teachers for the Southern schools. true for Howard and the black colleges. segregation and inferiority, and that's To the Editor: Du Bois notes in Black Reconstruction Today the ruling class is quite'content to what they do today." that Howard University was chartered I n the article on the witchhunt against have the few black students who can This "telescoped" view of the the SYL by the Howard University afford to go to college kept behind the founding of black colleges misses the continued on page 11 administration and the struggle against barriers of segregation. However, one political thrust of a revolutionary period it, "Cheek Tries the Iron Fist at sentence in the article wrongly' asserts of American history. "What they [the Howard" (YSp No. 114, December that in the U.S. this has always been the black colleges] do today" was not the 1983-January 1984), you state the fact purpose of black colleges: "Most black purpose of black colleges founded Young Spartacu5 that in this racist society "separate" can colleges were founded immediately during Reconstruction. After the Civil Young Spar/acus (ISSN 0162-2692) is the never be "equal"; this certainly holds following the Civil· War to perpetuate War smashed the army of the slavocra­ newspaper of the Spartacus Youth League. The cy, one of the main tasks of Reconstruc­ Spartacus Youlh League. youth section of the Spartacist League, is a socialist youth tion was the education of the newly organization which intervenes in social struggles armed with a working·class program. based on A spartaClSt pa.mphlet freed slave. The freedmen hungered for the education they had been denied by the politics of Marx. Lenin and Trotsky. EdItorial Board: Bonnie Brodie (editor), Steve law and lash. The ex-slave studied far Mitchell. Emily Tanner into the night; by day held plow in one Production manager: Dorie Reed hand, primer in the other. The battle Circulatibn manager: Irene Gardner against illiteracy was confronted first by Nine issues yearly; published monthly except the Union Army and religious abolition­ December/January and June/July/August, by the Spartacus Youth Publishing Co., 41 Warren ist groups. Then the government's Street. New York, NY 10007, Telephone: 732- Bureau For Freedmen took on the task 7867 (Editorial, Business). Address all corre­ spondence to: Box 3118. Church Street Station, of mass education 01', the ex-slaves New York. NY 10008. Domestic subscriptions: against the sharp. violent opposition of $2.00 per year. Second·class postage pqid at New the white supremacists. According to E. York. NY. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Young Spar/acus, Box 3118, Church Street Franklin Frazier. "the Bureau suc­ Stahon, New York, NY 10008. ceeded in the five years of its operation Opmions expressed m signed articles or leiters in establishing more than 4.000 schools. do not necessarily express the editorial viewpoint. $1.00 Make checks payable/mail to: $2.50 in which more than 9,000 teachers gave Spartacist Publishing Co., Box 1377 GPO, New York, NY 10116 instruction to nearly 250.000 Negro No. 115 February 1984 pupils" (Black Bourgeoisie, p. 62). Mass -1- FEBRUARY 1984 3 No Re~risals Against Anti-Weinberger Protesters! 1984: Harvard ·Braintrusts World. War political protesters "terrorists" who vem ber 1981. Then Harvard tried to set roommate about the strange things that violate the "academic freedom" of mass up an SYL supporter on phony assault have crawled out from under Harvard's Hands Off­ murderers like Jeane Kirkpatrick and charges. But we beat them back and in rocks. Your roommate has been "dis­ Caspar Weinberger. The enraged and ir­ the process exposed some of the truly appeared." On his empty bunk isa note: rational Dean of Students-one Archie strange things under Harvard's rocks. "Expelled! ... for protesting War Secre­ the SYL! Epps III-has threatened to expel Now, following the anti-Weinberger tary Weinberger!" You don't believe it from school two SYL members for their protest and the initiation by the SYL of until senior tutor Eliot Cohen, who has participation in the Weinberger protest. a campaign to shut down the K-School dropped his civilian pants and donned a Harvard's "owq" War Secretary Should they continue to exercise their think tank for World War III, Harvard uniform and a badge reading ."Military Caspar Weinberger returned to his alma right to engage in political protest, Epps is at it again. Intelligence Expert," hands you a form mater last November and received a wants them tossed out. The administra­ homecoming he'll never forget. Hun­ tion's attempted crackdown against the dreds of students, faculty and leftists . .. .. - two has been met with vigorous denun­ .. .. - heckled Weinberger with shouts of . ". .. .. ciations from fellow students, faculty, . -......... ... "War Criminal!", "South Africa!", "EI . the Crimson and other campus political Salvador!" and "50,000 Dead!" We groups who see this as a clear-cut case of warned that Weinberger and his under­ McCarthyite persecution by an admin­ lings in the Haryard administration It's 1984 istration which seeks to regiment every would no doubt like to treat their aspect of student life, from demonstra­ and Big Brother opposition in the U.
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