READ THE ONLY WHILE IT IS NEWS Report On Eve Of FIRST 6 Cents IN YOUR MEMPHIS WORLD PER COPY CLEVELAND — Passage of the Civil Rights Act by Congress Is rated the foremost, achlevment In VOLUME 28, NUMBER 5 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1958 PRICE SIX CENTS the field of human rights In. 1957 by the National Asociation for the Advancement of Colored People In its report for the year released here and simultaneously in NeW York Concerning Rebellion To Supreme Court City, on the eve of the Association's 49th annual convention which opens in Cleveland on 'Tuesday (July 8) I and continues through July 13. "Other events of the year of I, historic significance in thé strug- ■ gle for equal rights." the 109-page report. continues, "include- the use of federal troops to sustain a fed­ eral court order requiring the aS- m'sslon of Negro students to « previously all-white high school In Little Rock. Ark„ the enact­ ment of a New York City ordinance banning racial and religious dis­ crimination in the rental, of of private housing, the first- silch ordinance to be enacted in any ■ Butler Wants Rogers To American city; and the continuing desegregation of public schools in compliance with the U. S. Supreme Court, ruling of Mnv 17, 1954’C Enter Little Rock Case NEGETIVE DEVELOPMENTS NORMAL, III. - (ÑNPA) - Chairman Paul These positive achievements, the ■ M. Butler^ of report asserts, were-counterrbalaui- Democratic National Committee offered sage advice here ed by certain "negative develop­ week to President Eisenhower for solving racial problems ments feeding the flames of .facia, had no strategy for getting in line the Democratic states which strife, mocking the democratic are in rebellion against the Supreme Court decision against ra­ professions of our .country.” .’ cially segregated public schools. Among tjiese latter, the NAACP survey includes “the ■ challenge He urged Mr. Eisenhower to ROBERT EARL which Gov. prval ;E. Faubus -of direct Attorney General William P. Arkansas laid down to federal au­ Rogers to intervene in the Little FASTING AND READING—Robert Earl's attention is turned to the thority when he ordered out’ the Rock school integration case in the Bible more and more as his interest in food is decreasing. National Guard- to - keep Negro Eighth United States Circuit Court (Staff Photo) children, out of Little Rock's UèiW THE of Appeals, but he had no word of tral High School; thé continuing advice to Gov. Qrval Faubus of effort of some of the . sputhern Arkansas who used the Arkansas states to destroy' the NAiACPfrttie WORLD •National Guard last September to Relurn To Central absorption of southern legislatures keep nine colored children' from with measures to curb the NAACP 11 days more before entering Central High School in and circumvent dcsegregatiobi-JCto Deadlines to Register Little Rock. FASTING HERE the neglect of other legislâtloïK The Democratic chairman had an High Seen For Little and the disfranchisement of”Ne- To Vote In Aug. ideal subject on which to address gro citizens of Tuskegee, Alabama, Primary some words of advice to the Dixie- by‘gerrymander.” ’ -.¿S'.. crats within his own. party. He Rock, Ark. Students Nevertheless, the report main-1 Spoke at the Summer Conference Why fast—why abstain from eat­ tains, the overall advances madFpjn on Public issues conducted bv the ing food? There arc many reasons By LOUIS LAUTI ER ,im7 were “encouraging.”. The AQtyll . Illinois State Normal University at . . . perhaps as niy reasons as WASHINGTON. — (NNPA) Rights Act, the “first, such mèa? Rodgers Announces Normal. His subject was party re­ persons who fast. The seven colored students who at- sure enacted by Congress ln^^82 tended Central High School ln Date Of Youth sponsibility. The late Majint-nia Gandhi fas- years, provides federal proteçtlOh cd in protest against, British do­ Little Rock, Ark., last school year "The President , should instruct will be back in chat school at the of the Negro’s right to voterJ.Alr NAACP Meeting the Attorney General to the mination. Jesus Christ fast three- though the measure as passed;. ’ days while meditating in prayer'. beginning of the next school year, court that the solution to the en­ informed sources here believe.' not the bill originally introduced William Rodgers Jr. prestdnei of forcement of integration at Little The big question here is why with. .Administration support, "As? Robert Earl . . . (last name omitted) These sources, who asked . that the local Youth Council of t he Rock is not to be found in capltu< their names be withheld from pub­ soci.ation leaders agreed that the National Association^ for,..tlijf A.d- dating to the threats uf lawlcssnc-ita.; 1 fastinp? .. t law.was effective and would facilit-., vancement of Colored“People,': s'ilO Robert, a 40-year-c:d actor from lication, predicted that, the Eighth Saturday that the youth . gr<»UP TI)e real solution is in clear and New York City, is here in Memphis United States Circuit Court of Ap­ ate expanded registration and vot­ IT CAME TO Rfjr.AfBUS STOP The 1957 operated by’James Wood of 1380 Celia St., Unequivocal executive and Judicial peals at St. Louis will grant a stay ing of Negroes in the South,” the’ Ford stopped for a rest after it was engaged in skidded down the sidewalk about 120 feet would hold its next meeting on visiting an uncle, I. C. Norman, Wednesday. Aug. 6. restraints on lawlessness.” and other relatives at 33 Fields St. of the order, of Federal .District renort nointe out.” - from the impact. (Staff Photo). Judge Harry J. Lemley postponing a collision with another automobile at Beale Rodgers would not reveal details The actor’s fasting coincides with PRESIDENT “SERVED NOTICE” WHITHER THE REAL CALL a pattern of living he is adopting integration at Central' High for President Eisenhower’s • interven- . and Lauderdale last week. The auto, being of the July 2 Council meeting, but But Mr. Butler, failed to call up­ two and a half years. U------:------he did say that the group plans . , . that is nbt to eat food when­ tion in Little Rock "served notice, on such top figures in the Demo­ ever he is "mentally or physically If and when .the order is stayed that the Executive Branch of the "something big after we get chapter­ cratic party as Senators James O. ed." upset.” permitting the seven colored child­ government. was prepared to sus­ Clennon King Large Crowd Expected At Rogers, who is also the president Eastland-of Mississippi, Harry Byrd Robert started to fast Jjlne 15 ren to continue their schooling at tain the federal judiciary in its de­ of the Douglass High School stud­ of Virginia, Strom Thurmond and after he "became all shook-up” dur­ Central High, these sources believe, segregation orders.” the NAIACP re-- Olin D. Johnson of South Carolina, ing his first air-plane ride. He rode it will make no difference ho,w long ent council, said that the ¿Youth it takes the Court or Appeals to port, declares. "Tills was the Ad-, Council plans to work slde-bj'-slde" Sam Ervin of North Carolina, Rich­ a plane from New York City to ministrat’on’s reply to the soutlf- Returns To Voter-O-Rama Wednesday with the LeMoyne College chapter. ard B Russell, and Herman E. St. Louis, Mo., where he attended hold a hearing on the NAACP ap­ a Hygienics Convention June 16-21. peal from the ruling of Judge Lem­ ern doctrine of Interposition which? Talmadge of Georgia, and John L. if acceded to, would have meant A capacity crowd' is expected to Folks." . McClellan of Arkansas to carry out Oh leaving the convention he ley. attend Vote-O-Rama when it is Estes said "we will discuss who Mrs. E. K. Romby New came to Memphis “where it would anarchy. While the need for such Mississippi their oaths of office to support and action was widely regretted, there held at Clayborn Temple A. M. E and what to vote for. One camp­ defend the Constitution and laws be easier to fast.” GULFPORT, Miss. _ (UPI) - church, 294 Hernando, at 8 p. m aign "issue we are pushing is the Girl Scouts Director So Robert hasn't, eaten food since Gov. Faubus Hits was general recognition that.jihe. Clennon King, Negro minister who Wednesday. Tennessee Constitution amendment (Continued on Back Page) .(Continued On Page Three) President had been goaded Inta; tried vainly to enter the all-white One of the main items on the which would permit 18-year-old Mrs. Elizabeth K. Roiziby has taking the only stand he could by; University of -Mississippi, has re- been selected field director of the Mrs. Daisy Bates program will be the first political person to vote. We will also urge a PARAGAULD. Ark. — Gov. Orval the belligerent intransigence •.of- 'M turned to his -home here after a speach of Atty. S. A. Wilburn since more liberal old-age ^assistance law. Negro Girl Scout leaders in North­ Gov. FaUbus.” -two-weefc.stay*:in his native Geor­ ern Mississippi and south and estet Fabus, now in the thick of his he became a candidate for state campaign for a rare third Arkansas The report consists of an in­ gia despite the threat of charges legislature last week. Among, community leaaers who Memphis. The announcement was Louisiana Finds Many Teachers against him, it was learned today. are expected to participate in the made last week by the Tenn.-Ark- gubernatorial seat, last week fired troduction and 12 chapters devoted A request for 500 volunteer away here at Sherman Adams, aide King said he returned to Missis­ workers to work in a "get-out-the Vote-O-Rama are Rev. Henry C. Miss. Girl Scout Council. to an account of the Association’s, sippi Monday to resume his work Bunton, pastor of Mt. Olive CME Miss Romby, who lives at 330 to the President Eisenhower, and various activities during 1957 in­ vote" is various areas of the com­ Openly Advocating Integration Mrs. Daisy Bates, Ark. state presi­ as pastor of a church here because munity, will be made by Atty. James Cathedral; Rev. Samuel Herring, Glencoe Road was formerly an cluding legal actions, membership “I don't have a job anywhere else.” pastor of St. Paul Baptist Church; instructor in the Roanoke, Va., dent ot the National Association cambaigns, housing, labor, church; | Estes, instrumental in. the Vote-O- RATON TOUGE, La. — (UPI) — The join! Legislative commit- for the Advancement of He said he had been told he • Rama. "These 500 workers are ask- Liege Wall, a local business man, educational system. She had taught Colored work, youth activities, legislation; Nathaniel Hendrix, a civic worker, Commercial subjects and was once .ing tor anti-segregation activities at Louisiana State Peaplc. would be arrested for disturbing I ed be present at the meeting ‘Tin not going to let Sherman and public relations. - the .peacencann and rocictiticrresisting arrestnrratif. atat. Wednesday' _____ ,___<«4 , .said Est-es, ....."We must. . Rev. Alexander Gladney, president a music supervisor. University reported Wednesday night it hod found five faculty the university in Oxford if he re­ of the Bluff City and Shelby Council (Mil’s, Romby is the wife ol Edams make a colonial state1 out help to obtain the 60.000 voters members openly advocating integration and at least 48 others •of Arkansas and make Daisy Bates turned to Mississippi, "I arm hoping* needed to teach the goal of the i of Civic Clubs. Michael S. Romby wso is an in- Wren Beqins Campaign that is not true," King said, surance executive. who believe in race integration. the colonial government, and that’s Registration Campaign". Music will be present b.v several one of the issues of this campaign, Against N. A. A. C. P. king tried to break through Theme of the meeting .will be gospel singing groups. Chairman of ------. The committee made the report! He declined further comment, Mississippi’s segregation barriers "Faubus said. "A Turn-Out Vole for the Right ! the meeting will be Atty. Estes. after a closed door ''executive sess- I The 10-m.an10-mnn committee, headed ■Mrs. Bates said in Memphis last A B.. Wren, pro-segregatlonlst June 5. Highway patrolmen car­ Non-Partisan ion" with George Bailllo of Lake | by Sen. W. M. Rainach—who also candidate for the state- senate from' . ried him bodily away and he was week ‘ that if Arkansas is to be Charles, chajrman of the DSU 1 heads the joint legislative commit. _^ved5-FtrubuS'-myst be ousted”. Shelby County, began the first in - 'placed in the state mental hospital League In Board of Supervisors. ' I'tee on segregation—mhke public 1F nis announced^ series of attacks at Whitfield for observation. He The 53 faculty members "bared" nine-page report on the" orgin and on the National Assoclatidh for the was pronounced sane. AFL-CIO Cope Indorses SPECIAL ASSISTANT Meeting Tonite were the major portion of the 66 ¡.status of the LCLU and its parent ; WAFIHTNGTON'^—-+NNPA) -— Advancement of Colored People last King said he drove here by him­ university employes who signed a -organization, the American Civil week. ' ■ self. He. said he wanted' his wife James G. Gaskins, 42. has been ap­ Wren, speaking, to his supporters: ■ The Citizens Non-Partisan League petition circulated by the Louisiana Liberties ”Union ACLU. pointed special assistant to the and children to remain with his Civil Liberties Union in opposition Thè report said the ACLU suc­ at his realty offices, 1711 Cooper-Stz;. parents ’ in Albany, Ga., until Senator Clifford Allen which seeks to get a total of 60,000 .manager of the Veterans. Adminisr Negroes registered before the July to proposed segregation legislation. ceeded’ the Civil Liberties Bureau, said he proposed ending NA'AGF "things are clearer on this end.” Senator Clifford Allen’s candid­ Nashville and Middle Tennessee, it an organization to "encourage draft­ tration Hospital as Philadelphia by activities in Memphis and Tenne&\ .18 deadline, will hold its regular "PROCEDURE” DISCUSSED Rep. Hugh Scott. At one time he acy for governor of Tennessee was was state: report meeting tonight (Tuesday) at After a two-hour session with dodging and to assist radical .move­ see "with a law requiring aniTor* COMPLETE MEMBERSHIP formally endorsed this week by the "After several weeks of prolong­ ments to obstructing thp_ war ef­ was assigned to the Veterans Hos­ ganization- creating unsolicited. BALTIMORE — (NNPA) — The the Universal Life Insurance Co. the committee, Baillio said he dis­ (Continued on Back Pagi).?^ Nashville. Area AFL-CIO Commit­ ed study and discussions of the building. cussed “procedure” with the group fort" in the World War I. pital at Tuskegee. Baltimore chapter of Jack and Jill tee cf Political Education (Cope). statements, records, and political last week completed payment on W. C. Patton Is" director of the and answered questions. He said he In a written news release signed backgrounds of the . candidates for civil organization. The meeting is did not discuss the 66 faculty mem­ its $500 life membership in N. A. by Allen D. Willis, JrL president the office of Governor of the state, scheduled to begin at 8 p. m. bers who signed the SCLU petition. A. C. P. of the Central Labor Council of the delegates of the Nashville Area Cope representing approximately 15.000 Union’ members endorsed Clifford Allen For governor and pledged their whole hearted sup­ port to his campaign." • r. •The endorsement . explained ¡that Allen, is being judged from his "record built over a 10-year period while serving as state sena­ tor is proof that he is a friend of Measure To Bar Bias i Union members, farmers, teachers land other working people.” ______GENEVA, Switzerland—The.. In- presentative Joseph Johnson voiced | The vote of Cope delegates • on^temationaf labor Conference ^has the view that they deserve and will I the endorsement was 80 to one. The overwhelmingly approved a code of attain respect among people of the name of thé descending voters .was standards to bar discrimination in whole world. They are, he said, “a not revealed. employment. -< big step forward and the United The new release pointed to the With the support of- the vast ma- States welcomes the inspiration and fact that Senator Allen -introduced ternational Labor Organization, a guidance which this instrument a bill in 1919 to increase unemploy­ priority of the members of the In­ provides for further progress to­ ment benefits to $30 per week, and general code setting forth the prin­ ward our common goal of the peo­ currently he is favoring an increase cipal of fair play for all was ap­ ple indivisible sharing equally the in the maximum benefit periods; proved In a convention. And with social, economic and political Jus­ The endorsement on delving into an even stronger majority the con­ tice of a tree and dynamic demo­ the candidates political record ex­ ference then approved a recom­ cracy." plained Senator Allen "introduced mendation outlining a broader code and secured passage of the Free Text for the implementation of these The Communist nations joined in Book bill; singlehanded won a principles. the approving votes but criticized battle , to. keep out-of-state insur­ - .The vote on the convention was the two instruments for not gonlg ance companies from increasing 145 for, 22 against and five absten­ far enough. Several singled out the automobile insurance premuims tions. The vote on the recommenda­ United States for particular con­ which save the automobile owners tion was 179 for, none against, and ' demnation. These attacks brought about $12 million annually. nine abstentions. particularly sharp answers from a DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD - Mrs. Pauline F Weeden, He also proposed a state minimum delegates from both Mexico and of Dimes law, which would insure a mini­ BIG STEP FORWARD Cuba. president, The Links, receives 20th Anniversary March mum wage to all workers in plants, Approval came with the full sup­ Under the ILO Constitution con­ GARCIA AT THE UK. — Philippine President Carlos Garcia visited United Nations in Ne*: Award from Charles H. Bynum, director of interracial activities factories, shops, stores and offices port of the United States, whlbh tions are not binding on member York recently. In photo above (left to right) are: UK. undersecretary Dr. Ralph Bunrihiii' of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis at 10th An- not already covered by. the Feder­ endorsed both the convention and Nations unless they choose to ratify Garcia, and Carlos Romulo, Philippine delegate to the U.N. Standing behind President Gardau , niversary Convention Banquet of .The Links. al law.” , • . the recommendation. American re- and accept them. is a member ot his delegation, Octavio Maini ss. (Newspress Photo), J------a ;•» ■MEMPHIS WORLD • Wednesday,


/ C«maticn Home 'fl/. Servie« Director Those pretty girls you ve seen 7%e strolling up and down the streets with ’ portable radios tuned good RVssli» and loud aren't. hard of hearing— Sc, ott they’re the Misses Portable Radio, hired all over the country by the “Eveready” battery people .to re­ Pennsylvania Dutch Apple Cake—a wonderful combina­ mind . music-and-news lovers that tion of apples, nuts, spices and Carnation Evaporated June is Portable Radio Month, time to.dust off’’the old portable or buy. Milk. It’s perfect for a late evening snack whep friends V a new one. ; come to visit. This large cake makes twelve generous A facade like Kim Novak’s, strong servings.’ ears and an epsom salts foot bath, ! WA'SHINCHW. D c’lj^xpA) qualified the girls for their portable RenrcscnLatjvc Wilifairi -U Daw- crowns. If •■Eveready” does it again | son. Democrat. of hfinois, Friday next year, the ’58 beauties urge Icra lea is a' favorite . • of chill overnight in refrigerator. 81 .re j caljed “clio'-kahfl stckC-V-ing;* tire. them to make a tie-up with a heavy Americans. With'it we need some 1-3 inch thic-k, -place • on-a great ed ! report, of terror and death-direct-.' duty shoe manufacturer. snack to accompany. this refresh­ cookie .sheet and bake 400 dcgn.tes I cd against' colored people in Daw- ing’’drink - so keep a supply on for 12 minutes. ! son. Gai . ■ hand. PEANUT BITTER ’ Testifying before the House Judi- Here’s a new version of Strawberry Shortcake that is both de­ J- DROP COOKIES I ciary subcommittee holding hearings lectable and different! It’s a fine way to use left-over cake, too. , ' on civil rights bills, Mr Dawson Sliced berries are folded into, whipped strawberry chiffon mix, BATHROOM CAN BE 1- 2 cup peaiiut butter ¡ said such police ■ “tyranny is re- 1 cup brown sugar. and molded in.a tube pan with pieces of sponge cake until the pan DANGEROUS \ miniscent of the police brutality id filled. When chilled, turn out and decorate. The family bathroom can be one 2- eggs, beaten i fostered by the Hitler and.. Stalin’ Chiffon Strawberry Shortcake, is a real, party dessert—^-an easy of the most dangerous spots in the .2 tablespoons, milk | regimes, arid the current Russian and inexpensive way to please those who love strawberries. home. One of the best ways to pre­ 2 -1-2 cups cake flour J terror behind..the T’-on Curtain. It vent accidents Is to remove their 1 teaspoon baking powder : ! DURHAM, N. c: 4 teaspoon salt i leges; M.A.,____ . Columbia. Teachers 1A. your cleaning' chores is to in­ i cups rolled oats, finely ground ij College;. and the Ph.D., University 1 cup granulated sugar .1 teaspoon salt , , t sist on materials that are easy to 1 '. 1; cup grated cocoanut | of Chicago. Before. joining the clean, such as real ceramic tile on ’/a cup soft shortening 1 cup undiluted CARNATION ■I 13-2 cup shortening N. C. C. faculty, Dr. Bowie taught Fleeing Youth countertops, floors and walls.. Only 2 eggs EVAPORATED MILK #r f cap sugar at Bennett, Knoxville and Barber- Try I cleaning equipment needed to keep 2 teaspoons grated orange rind 2 tups finely chopped, peeled * ¿eg# Scotia colleges. . LOUISVILLE, Ky. (NNPA)— ceramic tile, sparkling is warm f-4~ cup evaporated milk. In addition, she has served as Charles William Bond. 17. of .521 S. water, any household detergent and 2 cups sifted flour apples i teaspoon vanilla clinical psychologist at the VA- hos­ 13th St-., was’ fatally shot in the a soft cloth; Ceramic tile needs no i’/i teaspoons baking powder % cup chopped pecans . Biit’:dry ingredients together, pital. Tuskegee. Ala.. Diagnostic back of the head by a white Louis­ L special maintenance, such as wax­ 2 tablespoons sugar grfo&^.oats and add' with cocoa- court clinic, Chicago.: and Child ville policeman about 11:45 p. m.. ing. since its durable surface needs i nut. "’Cream shortening and sugar, Guidance clinic. Normal. Ill. Ghe Monday in Esquire Alley between By MME. QVl VIVEVi VS | seif on. your toes at least 50 times ho protective coating. 12th and ,13th Sts. Mix sugars, shortening, eggs ingredients. Stir in apples. Pour add egg and beat well; has contributed several articles, to Welk- gals, you’ve seen it for The exercises won't work miracles end orange rind until smooth into buttered 8 x 12-inch pan. Mix' milk and vanilla. Add dry the International Journal of Sex­ z According to Patrolman Ronald Ives. Playsuits ■ are briefer overnight but. done, faithfully, it L. Priddy, 24, of 168 Gillette Ave, will develop the calf muscles and and creamy. Sift flour, baking Sprinkle pecans and 2 table­ ingredients to creamed mixture, ology. Journal of Psychology, Psy­ than .ever, swimsuits leave prac­ WEATHERPROOF TERRACE .. powder, soda, cinnamon and spoons.sugar over top of cake alternately with rriilk Mix thorough- chology Bulletin and Clinical Psy­ the officer who did ■ the shotting, tican? nothing to the imagination make legs more shapely. FURNITURE the youth was attempting to flee Here’s another exercise — this salt together. Add to sugar mix­ bat ter. Bake in a moderate oven info rolls, wrap in waxed paper and; chopathology. • and Fven daytime frocks are going, When choosing furniture for ter­ ture alternately with Carnation, after being caught in -the act of up. up. up. They haven't been so’ one for heavy ankles: Stand bare­ race or patio, be sure that it's (35O’’F.) until done, about 45 stealing an automobile. high tn 15 years. So maybe it's foot, feet six inches apart, so that weatherproof. Frames s h oil 1 d be beginning and ending with dry minutes. Patrolman Priddy was arrested time to take stock. weight is evenly supported by the rustproof and upholstery should al­ CS» Printed In VS A. Your Home on on charge: of manslaughter. How do your legs shape up9 Are oqter edee of each foot, then roll so" be - weather resistant aiid cap­ Appearing on Police Court Tuesday, you oiip of the lucky ones who back. Done 30 to 40 times, morn­ able of withstanding rough treat­ his case was continued until after can giv*3 Betty Grable a run for ing and evening/ this exercise will ment. Terraces and patios them­ By FRANCES DELL that is partly decayed, or which, the coroner’s inquest on July 10 or strengthen ankles and slenderize Something new in the gardening starts to decay as. .«non as it money? ' Or would you like to . dig selves should also be surfaced with department—a new way to plant comes in contact with soil Humus iff- a deep hole and crawl in- till cover­ them as well. weatherproof materials such as ABOUT YOUR HOME Police are holding___ three youths quarry or ceramic tile. Colorful a flower bed. It is called “Flower- is rich in carbondioxide and the up time '.rolls 'round again? Well, Embarrassed by fet knees?, Well, i in connection with the case. These don't’ Jusi think of all the fun try this: Lie down flat; dra,w one ceramic or quarry tile is water­ . Wall pa per is the important dic­ a room. A single roll of wallpaper ama” and comes to .you- in a roll, chemicals that were absorbed by youths were charged with operating tum of decorators tiiis year, and contains about thirty-five square packed in box. All you do is roll you'll* miss And. even if your legs knee up sharply as far back toward proof and completely resistant to the living plants. a motor vehicle without the con­ aren't perfict. there's still a lot your chest as you can raise it; changes in L weather. has many women in a dither. Will­ feel Figure thirty feet of coverage it out, .water it. and see what sent of the'owner and held for the ing to,oblige, the distaff decorator, happens. We have not tried this Home - made compost, animal you can do to make them more then kic< your leg straight up in a roll to allow for less in match­ grand jury. •attractive. So don’t despair.’ Get the air Repeat with the other leg. yardstick in hand, goes out to buy ing patterns. new way of gardening, but next manure, green cover crops, organ­ One of the youths, according to ■Navy to. convert 3 ships for something suitable. busy instead. • Work up to. 25 .kicks per leg. Add up the lengths of the walls year . we plan to, and will report ic by-products, and the various Homicide Lt. Charles Young, is Wan’ to be a bathing beauty? oceanography. ‘Here the troubles begin Many forms of peat, are the chief sources Massage and lubrication will, of of a rouiu. Multiply this figure by the results to our readers. Richard H. Fisher of Akron. Ohio, course, improve the skin' texture Try exercises for leg shapeliness. of humus. The manures of grass­ who was captured running away Air experts split on new U. S. women complain that is 15" hard to the height of the wall. Divide by Humus -is on? of the most im- of your legs Just as it does for ¿Distributed by King Features find -¡Hiything but most ordinary thirty, and you will arrive at-the . portant, if not the most important, cat Ing animals — cows, horses, from the scene. Syndicate.) .agency. sheep, goats, and rabbits, anc fine any other part of the body. But if designs in the thousands of wall number of rolls needed for the en­ elements present in every good shapeliness <ór the lack of ill is paper books. It seems that the garden . soil. Every plant grows additions, to most soils. Manures tire room - . ‘ that have been heat-treated to your big problem: the answer Is decorator wallpapers arc available better in a soil rich in humus. exercise. Here then, a few, for to the consumer through decorators You may deduct two single rolls When humus is mixed with a clay destroy weed seeds are especially some of the most common defects: EXPERT GIVES HINTS good. only. Tiiis need not be the case tor every three. openings in-- ‘'a”" soil, water and air circulate more If your legs have that straight at all. Consult the dbcoratiiig de­ room. If 9is w-ite to purchase one readily, the soil remains softer, Organic by-products are an im-; up-and-down or broomstick look, partments of any large department extra .roll in case of spoilage. and resists caking and cracking. portant source of humus. The try this workout: Stand in bare FOR BETTER CAMPING stoic. Heir you can make your When humus is mixed with sandy greatest limitations to their use feet, slowly raise and lower your- selection without a decorator ill Wallpaper is sold In bolts of soil, the humus acts as sponge to week before starting on a trip. This tow. double .or triple rolls, as well as -are lack - of availability. These The secret of a .successful camp­ •single help hold water and nutrients ano include cocoa-bean hulls, cotton­ are serving full time pastorales will keep his feet in good shape rolls. The bolt form often to aid bacterial action. ing trip lies not. so much in what Once the design is selected the means economy for the purchas- seed hulls, buckwheat hulls, chop­ who are not privileged, to take the happens after you’ "get. into the for a month. He sajys he never suf­ problem Is how to calculate Humus is ' any organic matter ped corn stalks, sugar cane, fish fers from blisters or foot trouble. the er. for it will eliminate some join­ regular year Seminary courses. The woods as in what you do before­ number of rolls needed to paper inp. and meat scraps, sawdust, and pastors will come from South Caro-: hand. He contends you do not have to even garbage and sewage. lina, Florida.. Alabama and Georgia. buy $40 bools, but they should fit Authority for this statement is a properly and be half length to the Fish and meat scraps or garbage Dr. E. W. McMillan, District man who ought to know. Tor more Food And Superintendent of the Atlanta knee’ He’wears two pairs of socks, arid sewage should never be used than 25 years he has spent much cotton next to the skin and wool Ex-Band Leader North District, is the Dean of the of his t.jfric outdoors in sòme of the Joe Lutcher in a vegetable garden. Pastors School. The faculty will br rriost rugged parts of the world socks over them. composed of Rev. M. J; Wynn of 5. General attire. Schneirla wears He is Dr. T. C. Schneirla -of the a stout pair of . trousers made, of drawn to light, and then even the Gammon Theological Seminary. ■American Museum of Natural His­ LIGHT AND INSECTS Rev. S. Marion Week of Birming­ durable material as heavy as the mild light .of a plain 25-watt bulb tory and his job is the study of climate will permit: a comfortable' How to have outdoor lighting will entice them. With the hundreds- ham, Alabajna: Rev. Warren Jen­ animals and insects in their natural HOLLYWOOD. — (ANPi — Cele­ Having been given exclusive rights without attracting insects ias a kins of Florence. South Carolina belt; khaki shirt, shorts and two brating the third year since he sur­ Io the sale of the smallest., hand­ of kinds of insects that might be habitats. handkerchiefs—one for your pocket prised the show world by entering question that comes frequently to attracted to light, it’s difficult to and Rev John Norwood of Tus­ He knows I hat the most important-j somest portable record player ever the U. S. Department of Agriculture be specific. Most of what the ento­ kegee. Alabama. and the other for a head covering thè religious field, Joe Lutcher, for­ offered. Lutcher has combined it in from home owners who want light, part of any trip is preparation and when exposed to the hot son. mer nationally famous jazz band a package deal with his Jordan mologists know about light and in­ Dr. Harry V. Richardson. Presi­ offers some hints on points that leader, has not only kept his vows, without the nuisance of night-flying has been learned from their PEARL JONES dent. of Gammon Seminary, is a latest album. Since It plays all insects, on terraces, patios, swim- WASHINGTON. D. C. — A bril­ are.often overlooked: but has launched a successful relig­ sizes of discs, several of these are experiences in using light to trap member of the Boad of Managers FOOD HINTS ious record business. It is Jordan ntag pools, or outdoor cooking and them for study, It is well to avoid liant and talented pianist, a new­ of the Pastors School. British Airline on LP. picnic areas. The question also bright white lights over ■ doorways comer to the concert field, will for­ ’ 1 Learn as much as possible be­ Religious records at 412 W. 55th y comes from dampers and other vac- of summer cabins or motels. mally open the First. General Con­ forehand about, the area you plan Opens Office For Street, Los Angeles 62. and orders Included arc a number of the__ ■ ’ .ationlste Most urgent queries how- As might be expected, the brighter vocation of the Bible Way Church to visit; study a map and carry have been coming in from all parts most beloved- spirituals, arranged a.ever,.are from,motels and* roadside the light, the larger the number in the Nation's Capital Tuesday, a Compass. of the country. by Lutcher and sung by the church restaurants with brilliantly lighted of insects drawn to it. generally. July 8. at 8 pan. 2. Carry an insect repellent. Tiiis The Atlanta Area HAS SMALLEST choir, with which he and Ills “con­ sfgns'that- may draw heavy swarms Fortunately, most of these don’t Pearl Jones, the rising musical is one of the most valuable items ATLANTA. Gas-»SNSJ— RECORD PLAYER verted sax” are associated. . of insects. bite or sting. But they often collect genuis of the concert stage, is a COOKING in a camping kit because bugs are As the latest move in its pro- I pram of sales expansion through­ A few. including “Jesus is Com­ r. No light- has yet been developed, in »such quantity that they cause graduate of Howard University usually at their worst during camp­ discomfort, require a great, deal of where she • was graduated Magna ing months and they can spoil a out the USA. the British Overseas PRESIDENT IRRITATED \- ing,” are his own compositions. _ that repels all insects,. USDA re- Airways Corporation announced the A “very irritated" President outers arc "The Old Rugged Cross,” ?-search entomologists say. Since cleaning up. ami sometimes make Cum Laude and earned the Master trip .Sqhneirla says he. has^.tried driveways'and entrances slippery. of Music .degree in 1957. many different repellents over,'the appointment of Lester N. Weeks, as Eisenhower has undertaken to finfl­ ‘.‘How I Long to See Jesus,” lights of different colors attract District Sales Manager. Atlanta, out whether the United States' ex­ all with artbUchitig~and' appealing^ different kinds of insects, it. may This phenomenal _pianist has ap- years and has found a new one arrangement. Use of an, aerosol’ bomb -several-« sp'e.cîal^^ï^trTvith the Carnation Home Service Director !.& on the market, .called off, the most with new offices at 626 Fulton .Na­ hibit at the Brussels fair is as bad help to change the color of the times during arirevening to tional Bank Building. -itsjsomcTTtt7cs'säy7 X ----- . eyangelist, is planning^to accepL_an, light yoii arc using. Pure white famous National symphony Orch­ effective. _ . the inserts from the air helps, as estra of Washington, D. C., under arid her staff 3. Carry' a supply1- of— -watei\—You Mr. Weeks, formerly Sales Offi­ He has ordered Geörgo'v. Van Al­ light draws certain kinds of moths does using a residual spray on cer for BOAC in Miami, is a native len, Director of the United Stale In­ and beetles. In general. , blue and the direction of Dr. Howard Mit­ mya be moving into areas where Tito implies Red China having screens and around windows. Peo­ chell. She recently made several water is contaminated. -Bring along of London, England,, and served formation Agency, to make a fly­ blue-white lights attract the most ple who sit outdoors in the even­ economic difficulty. injects; Yellow is less attractive successful solo appearances in pri­ a sufficient amount tó see you with the Royal Air Force in India ing inspection trip to the fair and ing have the benefit of the new vate recital to several of Los Ange­ and Burma during the war. give him- a personal report. than, blue or blue-white light. Red repellents which are effective, have During the through the time you plan to be seems to be least visible to most les’. outstanding citizens. in the woods In his new capacity, Mr. Weeks The President acted at the in­ Canady’s budget to show $33,- no unpleasant odor, and come in “There is none to equal her in busy holiday will supervise sales in the Atlanta stance of Republican Senate lead­ insects. lotion' or pressurized sptay form. season there’s CARE FOR FEET area, which is contributing an ever- 400.000 defict. Los Angeles,”, says Harriet William­ 4. Take care of your feet. 6ch- ers, who? told him at their weekly Mosquitoes apparently aren't par-, These repellents give very good' son. a noted piano critic on the never enough increasing volume of BOAC revenue White House conference of com­ tial to any color but at times are time. That’s nrtrla soaks his feet in epsom salts protection against ' mosquitoes and ■' West Coast. “Her technique is. out­ on both Caribbean and interna­ plaints from constituents who had British urge u. S. to use idle gold gnats. standing. and her interpretations when my for a half hour each night for a tional services. , visited the fair. Rosalie Scott i as spur to trade. unique.” fudge recipe COMMENTS AND INQUIRIES She has studied under such well is a lifesaver! Fudge in five min- utes, with no tiresome beating,. Address al! correspondence on known musicians as. Natalie Hin- no complicated recipes, no fuss­ items appearing in the Food and deras, Madeline Coleman and Hazel WE KNOW WHAT Harrison t. and has at ing with candy thermometers. LITTLE Crt BISARE Home Notes to Helen C. Douglass, — This delicious, creamy-smooth MARE OP... Frèss Service. Office of Informat­ Albany State College. Currently concentrating intensive - candy is made possible with ion. Ü. S Department of Agricul­ beter-blending Carnation Evapo­ BETLHAr ture, Washington 25, D. C. ly on her concert career, the youth­ rated Milk. So easy that even . GUêAR’N'SRCE ful artist has been kept from the children can make it. They’ll H I,C APOLYN V EVERYTHINGNICE public’s eye by study and research love being a part of the holiday —JULIES for her coming-book on “A Defini­ preparations! HOWS THE tive Study of Gospel Music.” JADAAAS More than 3.000 delegates from FIVE-MINUTE FUDGE FAMILY? 20 states are expected to attend the recital and convention. Government (Makes about 2 pounds) ; officials from the Pan American V3 wp (small can) undiluted Union and music critics will be on CARNATION EVAPORATED i ATLANTA. Ga.—(SNS) — hand to appraise the forceful tech­ A runaway car pinned a 38-year- nique and interpretative skill of one MILK old man against a tree in his yard of America's rising new artist. 1 ?/3 cups sugar Monday, causing' injuries to his 1 y2 cups (about 16 medium) diced head and chest, police said. marshrpallows 1 The Injured man. Epp Arnold, of ^ 1 Vj cups semi-sweet chocolate 48 Montgomery St,. NE. was treat­ i pieces Z HA.'TW'5 PRETTY GOOD/ 1 teaspoon vanilla ed at Grady Hospital for injuriea KÌCS// he received when he tried to stop > ’A