BENEATH HAWAIIAN PALMS and STARS Lieve, Permitted Themselves to Fall Into Transports Not Becoming to Men of Balance

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BENEATH HAWAIIAN PALMS and STARS Lieve, Permitted Themselves to Fall Into Transports Not Becoming to Men of Balance Beneath ^. AN mLMS2.JIV ' - rk AN D >^- i-*i >' '.r-'\ .'^*A B.S.Goodhue. THE GIFT OF MAY TREAT MORRISON IN MEMORY OF ALEXANDER F MORRISON Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation BeQeath) h|awaiiar) Paints .c:^^flnd Stars BY E. S. GOODHUE, Government Physician: Medical Superintendent Malalani Government HoHpited, Wailuku, Maui, Hawaiian Islands. Illustrated from Photographs, and Pex Sketches hy Robert J. Burdette, Jr., AND C. B. Andrews. THE editor publishing CO. CINCINSATI 1900 COPYRIGHTED 1900. THE EDITOR PUBLISHING CO. 9 TO THE PRESIDENT OF OUR DEAR COUNTRY ACROSS THE SEA, THIS VOLUME, WITH PERMISSION, IS LOVINGLY DEDICATED. % CO tc Ou. t 3 4:34573 — CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. THE UPBUILDING. Not a History of Hawaii—Problems Avoided—The Au- thor Responsible for his Own Opinions—Political Hysteria—Partisan Press—Adjustment—The Coun- try Cannot go Backward—Manifest Destiny—Causes of the Fall—Attitude of the Upbuilders—Faith Functioning—What Difficulty Suggested— If Fail- ure—then What?—A Lesson in Ethics—Annexation Considered—A Platonic Arrangement—Annexation a Fact—The Newlands Resolution—Hawaiian Com- mission—Not There to See—Return—Same Old Hawaii—The Raising—Business Better—Stranded Americans—Will Support a Large Population—The Country his Pride and Boast. CHAPTER IL LOCUS INSUL^K SACRvE. Where Hawaii is at—Trans-Pacific Ignorance—Nick- named Sandwich — Books on Hawaii—Tourist Guides—California Boom Writers—Lakeside—Dea- con Toland—And The Investor—Mr. Giles—Get- ting at Facts, — — — >:! CONTEXTS CHAPTER III. IN THE PLACE OF B.EDEKER. Latitude—Formation—Names Penchant for America Distances from Anywhere—Disco\ery—Prrouse Area—Topography—Metals — Limestone—Lakes Moisture—Flora—Climate—The Man in Hilo— Ura Lj're — Population —Cities — Steamships—Fares Inter-island Distances— Boats—Boat Kiding Be- tween the Islands—Cost—Hotels—An Ideal Jour- ney—Public Opinion—Police Records—Chinese Japanese— Half-whites — " Puritan Restriction" — Schools. CHAPTER IV. THE lUIYSICIAN IN HAWAII, A Necessaiy Evil— "^Medicine Man"'— "Biggest Duck in the Pond" —A Wise and Masterful Look—The Modern Patient Kahunas—Good at Prognosis Varieties—Practised to Day—Testimonials—Chris- tian Science—Epidemic of 1805 —La Grippe—Then Measles — Small Pox Arrived — The Cholera — Stamped out by the Board of H>k 1th —Religion and Sickness—The Board Organized—Physicians Em- ployed — Duties — Lorn nami — Incidents — Private Work—Plantation Work—Japanese Doctors—Op- ium—Is Free Service Best for the Native? CHAPTER V. THE NATIVE HAWAIIAN. His Whence—As far Back as 500 A. D. —Aryan Stock —Or to Celebes—Language the Only Tracer Houses of Refuge—Traditions—Population When Cook Came—Decrease— Causes ^'arious—Neither Religion nor Disease—A Vital Lack— "Our Dear and Admirable Huxlev." —— C0NTEN1\S rii CHAPTER VI. LEPROSY. A Dreid Disease—Prevalent in Hawaii— Forced to Seg- regate —Used as a Political Scarecrow—Incurable Unknown Things are always Dreadful—How Does it Come?—Existed in Earliest Times—Lazarettos in Great Britain —All over Europe— Staid in Norway —Disappeared Elsewhere— Yet to be Found in Some Countries—In California—Louisiana, Minne- sota and other States— Course and Termination Contact—More Danger from Leprosy on the Main- land than in Hawaii—Reasons—In the Gibsoneozoie Age—First Lepers in Hawaii—Action of the Au- thorities—Establishment of the Settlement— "Call this Fact to the Attention of our Legislators.'" CHAPTER VII. MOLOKAI, LAXAI AKD OTHER SMALL FRY. As God Made Them—Children of the Group—Molokai Description—Leper Settlement— Father Damien Lanai —Gibson— Horace Mann—Kuhoolawe—Molo- kini —Cocoanut Island—Bird Island. CHAPTER VIII. RAISING CAXE. An Agreement—Which Witnesseth—]My Quarters—Our Boss—History of a Company—Interviewed the Lunas— Inception or the Industry—Spreckelsville Fields—Planter's Monthly—Cane Cutting—White Labor—Plantation Laborers—End of First Day Japanese Baths— Chinese, Japanese and Portuguese Quarters—Plaating Cane—Fertilizing—Trashing Stripping—A Luna Gets Angry—And Swears Playing QlT—The Plantation Doctor—Fines—Con- ——A vHi CONTENTS tract Labor—Japanese Riots—I Become a LiDia — Mr. McGinn—Head Overseer — Manager—What Pays Goes. CHAPTER IX. COFFEE. On the Lanai—Bv'mking Coffee— "A Nice Trick"—The Glossy Leaved Trees—Varieties—Olaa District Where Coffee is Grown—How Planted—Pruning Yield—Picking—Curing—Kona Coffee—Production and Demand—Industry Well Begun—Labor Prob- lem—Blights—Twenty Miles of Coffee — Scatters Along the Road—In Puna—Maui and Molokai Oahu—Two Tons to the Acre—$5,000 for Ten Acreo —Happy Homesteaders—Mr. Mackay's Estimate —One Drawback—A Possible Bonanza. CHAPTER X. "what inducements to a man of small means?" Depends on the Man—Those Who Should Come—Leased Land—Available Tracts—The Smallest on Kauai Government Lands Opened Up—Desirable opots Many Interested—Upon Small Farmers the State Depends—Land Act—Plantation Work not Fit for White Men—A Good Place for the Right Man— Dozen Ways of Making a Little Money —Yankee En- terprise— "Sweat of the Brow"—Citrus Fruits Pine-apples—Peanuts—Cocoanuts—Rice—Cotton Tobacco—Cinchona—Rubber—Some Extracts from Local Reports. CHAPTER XI. THE MISSIONARIES. Interest in Hawaii—Obookiah—Mission School—Early in 1820—Work in Tahiti—Native Character—Influ- ence of Lawless Foreigners—The Damned Mission- — CONTENTS ix ary—The First Party—An Imported House—Death of Queen's Mother—Eagerness of the People—Bethel Chapel—Translation of Bible—Landing of Priests — "Catholic Religion" Rejected—Not Needed Edict of Toleration— School Matters—Results of our Theology—And the History of Roman Catholicism India, Africa, and the Islands of the Pacific—Kailua —Titus Coan—Hardships—Capable Men—Sons of Missionaries—Missionary Spirit to Day—Evidences —The Opponents of Missionaries—How they "Spot" Man—Magnificent Results—But still a Sacrifice. CHAPTER XII. ' PRESIDENT DOLE." Death of Mother—Daniel Dole—Why he Became a Miss- ionary—Wigglesworth Dole—Other New England- ers—Training the Boy—Death of Daniel Dole Koioa Home—Study of Nature—Doles and Smiths —The President's Personality— An Emersonian Quality—Was a Cooper and a Luna—In Order to Make a penny—Visits His Yankee Cousins—Lessons —Home Again—Work—Marriage—Position—As a Speaker—A Good Writer—The INIan's Humor—Re- ligion—Estimates of the President—Political Rec- ord—Why He Was Chosen—Private Life an Open Book—Sir Sanford Dole—Judiciary Record. CHAPTER XIII. SOMEWHAT HISTORICAL. Historical not Legendary—Must not go too Far Back The Conquest of 1296—Umi—Acknowledged the Corn—A Worthy Prince—Hana Taken—Kameha- meha is Born—Alapainui Goes Forth—Battles and Battles—Cook Arrives—Comes the Second Time, and Dies—Kamehameha's Character—A Division of —— « C'O^' TENTS Property—The K's quarrel—Ricliard Gets Very- Angry—And Chops Down Cocoanut Tree^—Kame- hameha is Beaten—And Marries—Captains GJaloro. CHAPTER XIV. THE KIX<i's OWN. White Prisoners —Young is IMade Generalissimo—First Hawaiian Regulars—Kamehameha Has Ambitions And Unbottles Them— He Takes Maui—Vancouver's Pleasant Relations—Kamehameha Becomes Ruler of all the Islands Except Kauai —Sandal-Wood — A United Empire—Liholiho—A Celebration —The King Visits England — Outcome—Lord Byron's Vis- it —Kamehameha III —Boki —A Good Navy— ''Dec- laration of Rights" —French and English Compli- cations—A New King in 1855—Prince Lot Next — Lunalilo Elected King— Kalakaua Now King of the Cannibal Isles— Some Trips the King Made— '"Ex- cellencies" —Who "Went With Him—Death of the King—Lilioukalani —The Republic— "All's Well That Ends Well.'" CHAPTER XV. THE COURSE OF EVENTS. The Reason Why— ^Interial Compensation—The Hawai- ians Were Here—Hardy But Not Energetic—Land System—Chiefs—No Home Life—Polygamy—Tabu System—In Some Respects Protective—Degenera- tion —Evil Communications—Lt. Puget—Baranoif Choose Ye—English and American Insults—Claims —Sailors Attack Mr. Richard's Home—Political Instruction—A Supreme Court—Better Laws Troubles With Consuls—French then English Under the British Flag—Disavowal—Rejoicing Dr. Judd's Suggestion—New Laws—Organization — CONTENTS xi of the Governnient—Annexation in 1853—Judge Lee—Kalakaua—Reform Party—Going to Destruc- tion—Wilcox—The New Constitution—What Fol- lowed. CHAPTER XVI. THE COMMITTEE OF SAFETY. Coup D'etat—All About It—Partisanship—Mr. Dole's Appeal—Paramount Blount—Hauling Down the Flag—On All Fool's Day—Strange Demands—Dole's Reply—Recognition of the Republic—A Rebellion How it Ended—The Rebels Arrested, Punished and Pardoned—Executive Clemencj". CHAPTER XVII. POLITICAL ODDS AND ENDS. A Good C )nstitution—Economists Consulted—Provi- sion Against Instabilitj^—Suffrage—England's Col- onies—American Senators—Burning Appeals—Agi- tators—The Native Happy— Economy—The Treaty —Sugar Trust—Annexation—Treaty of 1893—Gov- ernment Lenient—Oath of Allegiance—The Chinese The Queen—Mr. Peixoto—Toru Hoshi— His Inter- ference—Ratification—Waning Patriotisn —In Fa vor of Annexation—Cannot Remain Independent A Mercenary Spirit—Sentimental—The Same Old Cry—Assimilation—tA Strategical Point—Dog-in- the-Manger Policy. A YOUNG annp:xationist. PREFACE. It is not my intention to save any one tbe trouble of reading this book by turning the preface into a Review. The contents of the work so far as such things can be gathered from outside sources, were collected during a residence of several years in the islands, where, acciden- tally and otherwise,! rubbed up against nearly everybody of any consequence,from the hut-dweller to the President. If the purpose of my stay became known at all, it was to a few of my personal friends only, who pitied me, but kept their own counsel. Besides, none would have cared whether I wrote up- on politics or polypi ; for, to tell the truth, the people of Hawaii are tired of writers. I am glad to be able to say this after all the reports about the government officials, and the missionary families, which are accused of enter- taining authors of intended books, in order to state one side of the question to them.
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    University of Denver Digital Commons @ DU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Graduate Studies 1-1-2015 Curating Ali`i Collections: Responsibility, Sensibility, and Contextualization in Hawai'i-Based Museums Halenakekanakalawai`aoMiloli`i Ka`ili`ehu Kapuni-Reynolds University of Denver Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Social and Cultural Anthropology Commons Recommended Citation Kapuni-Reynolds, Halenakekanakalawai`aoMiloli`i Ka`ili`ehu, "Curating Ali`i Collections: Responsibility, Sensibility, and Contextualization in Hawai'i-Based Museums" (2015). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 1062. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate Studies at Digital Commons @ DU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Electronic Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ DU. For more information, please contact [email protected],[email protected]. Curating Aliʻi Collections: Responsibility, Sensibility, and Contextualization in Hawaiʻi-based Museums __________ A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of Social Sciences University of Denver __________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts __________ by Halenakekanakalawai`aoMiloli`i K. Kapuni-Reynolds November 2015 Advisor: Christina Kreps, Ph.D. ©Copyright by HalenakekanakalawaiʻaoMiloliʻi K. Kapuni-Reynolds 2015 All Rights Reserved Author: HalenakekanakalawaiʻaoMiloliʻi K. Kapuni-Reynolds Title: Curating Aliʻi Collections: Responsibility, Sensibility, and Contextualization in Hawaiʻi-based Museums Advisor: Dr. Christina Kreps Degree Date: November 2015 Abstract This thesis explores the curation of aliʻi collections in the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum and the Lyman House Memorial Museum. The aliʻi were once the ruling class of Hawaiʻi, whose chiefly ranks and statuses reflected their prestigious and complicated moʻokūʻauhau (genealogies).
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