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317.3M31 M41 fcHlV&* Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from University of Massachusetts, Boston A .N ; ; (i\ i h (fT^n- SJi^rrtHi I^Vttn^r-^-Vr*! j^c.-^\^n^ym <CVnr«CVnTf?iWjnCWnriCVT a^? THE MASSACHUSETTS i 3&egtfter AND United States Calendar For the Year of our LORD 18 12 he Thirty-fixth of American Independence, CONTAINING 1 Civil, Judicial, Ecc'i '(lien , and Military Lifts in MASSACHUSETTS ; Associations, and Coxpofait, Institutions, for horary, agricultural, and charitavle Purpofes. i Lijl of Post-Towns in Majfachvfd's, with th Names of ike Post-Masters. ALSO, Catalogues of the Officers of the GENERAL GOVERNMENT, Wi h its fever?' Departments and Eftablilamcnts ; Times of the Sittings of tha feveial Courts ; Governors in each Stare ; Public Duties, &c. USEFUL TABLES And a Variety cf other intereiling Articles. f BOSTON : Published by JOHN WE&T&Co. and MANNING & LOWING So!d, whclcfale and retail, at their Book Stores, Cornhill. \yi^^j^^?^^- ^i3Vjw ^-: : &>*B^S* ^& *»*f| ECLIPSES for 1819. r ? *l'* HERE wil! be fix Kciipfcr, this year ; four of the Sun, X and two of the Mpdnj as follows : I. The firO will be of the Sun, February ictb, 3b. i6rn. in the evenihe; but iavifibk- to the inhabitants of the Unit- ed States. j) *$ latitude i° 22' N. II. The lecond will be a targe and vifiblc eclipfe of the ^/Toon, beginning the 26th and ending the 27th of February, as follows : 11. m. Beginning - - - 1110 Appar. time eve. Beginning of total darknefs o 15} Middle 1 8r Apparent time End of total darknefs - 2 oC morning.
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