Development Of Microsatellite Markers For , Alderflies, and : Paving The Way For Fine-Scale Population Genetics Jeffrey S. Heilveil, Christine L. Picucci, and Rachel M. Stevenson Biology Department, SUNY College at Oneonta, Oneonta, NY

© Amy Hornburg Heilveil

ABSTRACT SIGNIFICANCE OF RESEARCH Modern studies of life history and Fig. 1: Species used in this study. From left to right: serricornis, Nigronia With the identification of at least one ecology are now commonly performed fasciata, Chauliodes sp., cornutus, and Sialis infumata. polymorphic microsatellite marker that can be using population genetics; however, this used in , new avenues of requires the development of molecular METHODS research have been opened. Projects tools, such as microsatellites (highly examining life history aspects from whether variable DNA markers). This study Extracted DNA from a previously collected individual was sent to the Cornell Center for Comparative and Population Genomics, where the DNA was females mate with multiple males, or whether presents the development and taxonomic dispersal is sex-biased, can now be performed. utility of the first set of microsatellite enriched for microsatellite markers and sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq. Aligned contig sequences were returned. Contigs were then sorted to find In addition, this marker, and others that will markers for the order . likely follow as development continues, will Out of over 8,000 DNA sequences amplifiable microsatellite markers and appropriate PCR primers were designed using Primer3 ( and Amplify 3.0 increase the resolution at which we can view containing microsatellite motifs, gene flow: the movement of alleles between approximately 30 were appropriate for PCR ( Forward primers were modified to accommodate the fluorescent labeling scheme of Real et al. (2009). populations. This will allow us to better primer design. Of the first seven loci understand the impacts of human population tested, four were easily scorable in Manufactured primers were ordered and tested on eight Nigronia serricornis, four Nigronia fasciata, two Chauliodes sp., two , and four growth and natural events, like flooding, on the Nigronia, but only one exhibited variability. ecology of this species. As an indicator The markers all amplify from both species Sialis infumata (Fig. 1) using the thermal cycler protocol and PCR recipe of Real et al. (2009). Primers that were successful were then amplified with fluorescent species, N. serricornis may be one of the first of Nigronia, but not for any other member stream species to show signs of genetic of the order tested. labeling and subjected to automated fragment analysis to test for polymorphisms. distress, increasing our ability to put in place INTRODUCTION timely conservation measures to avoid ecological disaster. Many questions of ecological concern, from anthropogenic impacts on natural populations to biogeographic questions of how organisms responded to glacial LITERATURE CITED retreat, are now being answered through Fig. 2: Genotyping of NSGAT6, showing a heterozygous Real KM, Schmidt DJ, Hughes JM (2009). studies of genetic population structure. individual (upper) and a homozygote (lower). Mogurnda adspersa microsatellite markers: Recent advances in DNA sequencing multiplexing and multi-tailed primer tagging. technology (i.e. “next-generation RESULTS Conservation Genetics Resources, 1, 411- sequencing”) have greatly streamlined the Cornell recovered 8,629 DNA sequences (contigs) containing 414. process of developing genetic markers for microsatellite motifs from Nigronia serricornis. Initial surveys of the contigs non-model species. The cost, however, is found approximately 30 to be appropriate for PCR primer design. Of the high, necessitating the outsourcing of first seven loci tested, all amplified in both species of Nigronia; however, development. none amplified from other members of the order at a 55 oC annealing ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS in the order Megaloptera are temperature (Table 1). Four loci were easily scorable in Nigronia, the important indicator species of high water The authors wish to thank Steven quality and are found throughout NYS and remaining had additional PCR products from secondary binding sites. Only Bogdanowicz and the Cornell Center for one locus thus far, NSGAT6, was found to be polymorphic, with two alleles the US in general. A lack of genetic Comparative and Population Genomics for markers has hampered the rate at which recovered from Nigronia serricornis (Fig. 2). The less common allele genomic library enrichment, next-generation ecological research can be performed. Here occurred in 25% of the population; however, only one allele was present in sequencing, and contig alignment, as well as the we present the first set of microsatellite the N. fasciata sampled. students of BIOL269: Methods in Population Genetics for aiding in contig sorting and primer markers ever developed for megalopterans Species NSGAT6 NSCAA7 NSATAG15 NSATAG5 NSAGAT6 and show their taxonomic utility within the design. This research was funded in part by the Nigronia serricornis      order. SUNY Oneonta Faculty Research Grant program. Nigronia fasciata     

Chauliodes sp. X X X X X Corydalus cornutus X X X X X Sialis infumata X X X X X

Table 1: Amplification success at 55 oC annealing temp for microsatellite markers designed for N. serricornis, when applied to other members of the order Megaloptera. “X” indicates that the locus did not amplify for the species tested, at this temperature.